Wool felting is a small business, an idea at home. Felted toys: hobbies and side jobs Business plan for the manufacture of felted products

We have opened a new section - interviews with enthusiastic girls and women! Our guest is a passionate girl - Olga Repka. She talks about her favorite hobby - wool felting and gives useful tips for beginners.

A very versatile girl came to visit us - to count all her hobbies, there are not enough fingers even on both hands! Olga Repka lives in Kharkov, she is young, pretty and simply glows with positive! Olga is engaged in felting wool, knits, cooks deliciously and bakes cakes of extraordinary beauty! This extraordinary girl also paints, creates pictures from wool and knows how to draw beautiful animation on a graphics tablet.

She already wrote about for our site, but today we asked Olya to give an interview to our online magazine and she answered questions with pleasure.

Olya, we know that you have many hobbies and interests, but which one do you consider the main and most beloved?

My main hobby is felting their wool. But I also enjoy embroidery, knitting, cooking and oil painting. It is difficult to choose any one hobby, because you want to try everything at once!

Why did I choose felting? Probably for the warmth and suppleness of wool. When you create another work, you feel a special energy and life. Yes, that's life! After all, the material itself seems to be alive. Sometimes I think of one shape, but the strands fit the way they want (especially in wet felting) and a harmonious and beautiful product is obtained.

Olga's work - a branch of Sakura

By the way, wool does not like a bad mood. It definitely doesn't fall off. Therefore, I do all my work only with a positive attitude.

Where do you get new ideas for your masterpieces?

Now the Internet replaces the whole world for us. With just one click, you can admire the beauty of Siberia, admire the transparency of the Mediterranean Sea, contemplate virgin mangrove forests. Nature has created everything for us. That's where I get my inspiration from. For example, I made my house for cats "Red-Striped" in the image and likeness of my pet cat Lemon. I have not seen such templates yet. We can say that this is the work of the author.

I find a lot of interesting ideas from foreign needlewomen in the popular Pinterest social network. And on the site "Fair of Masters" the best works of Russian, Ukrainian, Belarusian craftswomen are presented.

How do family members feel about your hobby? Does it interfere with housekeeping?

My husband helps me a lot as an independent critic. He always gives good advice. Yes, and a male look at needlework is also very necessary. Also, when I work with bulky products, my husband helps to add them.

Fortunately, my hobby does not interfere with anyone. My husband is glad that I am doing my favorite kind of art and the cat is happy because he has a lot of felted toys and his own house.

Who would you advise to do wool felting? Is it possible to learn this needlework from scratch and on your own, and is there an age limit?

Felting from wool is not limited to any age categories. But there are a few guidelines to follow:

  1. If you have planned to create a large product in wet technique, then be sure to take care of the safety of your hands in advance and purchase nitrile or latex gloves.
  2. Dry technique involves the use of special needles, so children under 7 years old are not allowed to use this method of felting, and children from 8 to 10 years old can felt under adult supervision.
  3. Wet felting (especially small paintings) is great for children's creativity and beginners in this needlework. This method develops fine motor skills of the fingers and improves mental activity, and also perfectly calms and allows you to meditate.

It is possible and necessary to learn felting in adulthood. I know several women who only learned how to felt on the Internet and now they have a high level of skill. And all thanks to their perseverance, the desire to create and surprise. Wool also helped them - you can create any product from it: vases, lampshades, planters, carpets, shoes, clothes, animal nests, accessories and much more.

But if you have the opportunity to attend felting master classes, then by all means take advantage of this advantage! I also learned to play at art lessons with Emilia Alexandrovna Grekova and Oksana Igorevna Kosenko. Believe me, not a single site and not a single article will replace live communication for you.
It is best to start with wet felting (beads, brooches, flowers).

What does a woman who wants to try felting for the first time need? What would you recommend to buy for the first lessons?

As I said, it is best to start with wet felting. For a beginner, it is enough to purchase a pimply film, a cut of a mosquito net, laundry soap and a spray bottle. But if you search, then all these accessories can be found at home. The only thing you really need to buy is felting wool.

I recommend for beginners (and for more experienced craftsmen) carded wool. This is wool that has undergone primary and secondary cleaning, washing, dyeing (or bleaching) and combing on the card. Such wool resembles cotton wool. Why it is good: thanks to the “tangled” structure, wool fibers fall off faster, the master spends less effort.

Also, it is not always clear to a beginner how to make a layout. But even here carded wool helps out: no matter in which direction you place a strand of wool, its fibers will always be multidirectional (due to the cotton-like structure). This wool is also suitable for dry felting. The toys also fall off easily, and the process is a lot of fun with a quick result.

For those who want to try their hand at felting finer and finer things, I recommend using combed tape (tops). This wool is obtained from carding by repeated carding on the card. Tops fibers are parallel to each other. This feature must be taken into account when laying out: the strands of wool should be placed perpendicular to each other.
If felting has captivated you as much as I did, I recommend getting these devices and tools:

  • vibration grinder (for large jobs in wet technology);
  • polypropylene laminate underlay (for patterns in wet felting);
  • all kinds of needles for dry felting (all types of sections and numbers);
  • dense foam rubber or a special brush for dry felting;
  • 1-2 l garden sprayer (to speed up the process of wet felting).

There are many more different devices in the form of rollers, massagers, ribbed boards, etc. But they are acquired depending on the needs and requirements of a particular fuller.

For the manufacture of hats and shoes, or rather for their molding, special blanks and molds were invented. For shaping and drying felted clothes, you can buy a regular mannequin of the desired size.
This list can be continued indefinitely. Every year, new types of tools are developed for fullers. For example, you can buy a mini-carder and get carded or combed tape at home, and small spindles will also spin woolen thread from tops for knitting or for decorating felted products.

Almost forgot. In felting, decorative fibers are also used: silk, viscose, linen, hemp, bamboo, banana, sari threads, woolen yarn, metallic threads ... So much beauty can be created!
Each fuller chooses tools and materials individually, according to herself. Choose and you, dear readers of the magazine "Women's Hobbies"!

Do you think this type of needlework is relevant in the 21st century?

Judging by the fact that felted things have conquered the catwalks of the fashion industry, I can say with confidence: this type of creativity is more relevant than ever! Proof of this are the collections of dresses, shoes and accessories from Diana Nagornaya. I dream of attending a master class with this wonderful girl.

Is it possible to earn additional income from this hobby?

I believe that with the right approach, any kind of creativity can generate income. For some, this will be pocket money, for others, a hobby replaces the main income.

It is difficult for a beginner, because you need to spend time and money on honing your skills. But in any case, you should try to place your work on the "Fair of Masters", Etsy or other sites selling hand-made products.

Experienced needlewomen can hold master classes, flash mobs, private meetings.
My advice: no matter how life turns out, never kill the desire to create beauty and give people joy! Hobbies are for the soul.

I really love my kind of needlework. There are no words to describe the sensations when a doll appears from shapeless pieces of wool. Or a flat big cake turns into a house for our pets. Believe in yourself and create!

Dear readers, if you are interested in Olga's work, you can contact her in her VKontakte group (vk.com/hobby.artvanil).

« It happened last fall. It was a rainy cloudy day, I went to visit a friend. She greeted me in high spirits. "Let's make beads!" the hostess said.

The fact that my friend is a noble craftswoman has been known to me for a long time, so the offer to make an ornament did not surprise me at all. But to ... play? I did not associate this word with beads.

Under the guidance of the master, the creative process was in full swing: dense, pleasant to the touch woolen fibers were cut into equal segments, the soapy solution impregnated and glued the threads, and then beads were strewn on a special table for needlework.

The result fascinated me. Fluffy, touching, cozy - I have never seen such beads.

And I, who didn’t really know how to sew or weave macrame, who didn’t distinguish between “iris” and “narcissus” threads, suddenly took it and piled it up ... One after another appeared on the shelves of my closet: an imposing cat - a symbol of the outgoing (then only coming) year , a thrifty rabbit (his understudy) with a large orange carrot at the ready, a plump panda.

New images were invented one after another. The animals did not live with me for long - they appeared and immediately left for other apartments, houses, sometimes they took a fancy to cars.

The skill was acquired quickly, the number of satisfied gifted grew. We talked about the first orders ...»
Nina, 26 years old, Yekaterinburg

Felted toys, bright, small and charming, can replace antidepressants in a gloomy winter. For some, felting has become a permanent hobby, additional income, and even a successful business.

profitable hobby

« I can do a lot. Toys, jewelry, slippers, flowers, hats, even felted vests! I have been doing this craft for three years now. It all started with a puppet gallery. In the basement of an old house I saw an exhibition - about a hundred wonderful exhibits. Some were especially pleasant and cozy. It turned out that these were felted creatures. I fell in love at first sight. I began to look for information on the Web, attended special courses, programs, seminars.

I well remember my first "dumped" earnings. It was necessary to create a cunning Mouse for a rather extensive collection of toy rodents. It took two weeks to make it, and I received an amount equal to one day's income at the office. However, now I get such a creature much faster and costs several times more.

My hobby brings in some good extra money, but for now I'm not thinking about starting my own business - everything has its time.».
Ekaterina, 32 years old, Rostov-on-Don

Favourite buisness

Narrated by Nadezhda Micheeva, 34, St. Petersburg(puppet master, presenter of training programs on dry felting of toys, author of the book “Felt Toys”):

« …. I took up felting about four years ago, when my daughter was born. Life with a small child is quite monotonous, and I wanted to learn some original craft. And by the nature of my activity (I am a dentist) I am very used to small manual work, I really missed it.

I accidentally saw funny toys on the Internet. The method of their manufacture is called "dry felting" - the wool is processed with special needles. I immediately purchased everything I needed and created my first toy, a little teddy bear. The process turned out to be not very fast: at first, out of habit, I pricked my fingers, but there was no limit to the delight! It was next to impossible to stop.

Felting is very similar to plasticine modeling: you can make a toy of any, the most fantastic shape and color.

I gave away the first creations to my friends, and the same teddy bear still lives with his parents. I posted photos of my little animals on the Internet, and buyers slowly appeared. I mainly sold ready-made works, I never liked to work on order and do not like it. I think that it is necessary to create in one breath, when some image comes to mind that you want to bring to life. I want each of my toys to live, touch the soul, evoke positive emotions and, perhaps, return to childhood!

Over time, I began to participate in exhibitions, as well as conduct master classes on creating author's toys from wool, wrote a book for fans of this wonderful art».

To try to dump the toy yourself, you will need:
. merino wool for felting 3-4 colors (the approximate cost of one package is 300 rubles);
. needles for felting (standard set of three different needles 150-350 rubles);
. plastic eyes and spouts (from 3 to 30 rubles apiece).
All this is sold in shops for needlewomen.

How it's done

There are many felting techniques, but the main thing that beginners need to understand is that all instructions and recommendations are conditional and only guide you on the path of creation. Detailed instructions are easy to find on the Web. The basic principle is as follows: the main shape falls off with thick needles, the silhouette is finally built with medium needles, and thin ones are good for creating expressive details - curls of wool, scale pattern. But how to hold the needle, in what mode to make injections, to make the product dense or loose - this and many other decisions are made exclusively by you.

Therefore, felting is great for those who do not like strict rules and restrictions, are inclined to independently determine the course of events, and have a rich imagination.

Today, felting wool has become very popular and has a more modern meaning than a couple of decades ago. If earlier only felt boots were made of felt, today felting (from the English felt - felt) is used to create toys, souvenirs, jewelry, bags and much more. We propose to consider felting as a small business at home and an idea that can be done both in parallel with the main income, and use it as the main source of income.

What is felting?

Felting is based on the principle of tangling and cohesion of hairs.

In this regard, it is advisable to use only natural wool, the villi of which have a scaly surface.

There are two types of felting: dry and wet.

Dry is carried out with the help of needles, which compact the wool and fix it. The essence of wet is the use of soap and water. To do this, the wool is impregnated with this solution, then it is rubbed with hands and new villi are gradually added. As a result, the fibers are also intertwined with each other and felt is obtained.


Merino wool is used for both dry and wet felting.

Coarse sheep's wool is also sometimes used.

Sliver is used as a basis for felting with further imposition of wool of various colors. This is combed sheep's wool, in which there are no guard hairs. As a substrate for making rugs and stuffing toys, it is better to use fine hair from sheep's wool, called tow. Combed, bleached and elongated sheep's wool - bleached - is used as a background for home dyeing. For felting toys without base wool, camel is used - combed camel wool.

In addition to wool, you will need the following materials: synthetic winterizer, cotton wool, sliver, other types of wool. For decoration: organza, silk, fiber, decorative threads. For dry felting in the manufacture of toys, you will need spouts and eyes. You can buy them in specialized stores for needlework.

Learning to felt

Felting is a fairly simple technique. You can master it yourself with the help of master classes on the Internet or books. If self-study is not for you, you can attend special courses.

What is better to roll?

Individual entrepreneurs are interested in what kind of wool products will be most popular? There is no single answer here. A couple of years ago, there was a huge demand for wool beads and various jewelry. However, anyone could make such beads, because. this technique is quite simple. As a result, this direction became unprofitable.

Today, toys are at the peak of popularity. However, it is important to create original images that will be in demand on the market.

In addition to selling finished products, you can give felting master classes, which will also bring additional income.

But for this you need a room that can comfortably accommodate 5-6 people.

If you decide to consider felting as a small business idea at home as the main income, then the initial investment will be about 20 thousand rubles. This amount is needed for the purchase of materials and tools. The payback period is 3 months. The price of one product is 300 rubles, and its cost is 100 rubles.

What do you think of this business? We are waiting for your comments!

A step-by-step and detailed methodology will allow you to learn

Secret Felting Techniques at Home!

Take just 2 minutes to read this page and…

Find out:

How easy is it to learn wet and dry felting?

How to make TOYS, slippers, paintings, animals and much more!..

How to choose the right wool for felting!!!
(how to choose a material that will last for many years! ..)

How to organize the sale of finished products
in the markets of the Russian Federation!!!

Real opportunity to earn
up to 295 430 rubles per month!

And if you don't know what a thimble or felting is
and just want to practice Felting at home?

Or do you just want to learn about a new business and a 100% chance to make money?

Then my 20 years of experience
useful to you!

And now I propose to meet!

Hello, I'm Liza Lavrova and I want to tell you my story of doing business, which I mastered back in 94, and which brings me an excellent annual income!

Today I am engaged in Felting toys, clothes and even slippers made of wool to order. I also consult beginner needleworkers and conduct master classes. I was a consultant for the world's largest manufacturers of products made from natural materials - including setting up industrial equipment for felting - felting. I was even called to work in Europe and the USA - now I am ready to share my knowledge with you.

Of course, not everything worked out right away, in those years there was almost no Internet, there was only a desire to learn needlework. So I studied: internships with masters, learning the basics of craftsmanship, traveling the world in search of interesting "recipes". And the first thing I learned is that not all wool will roll properly. Why? Everything is very simple, its quality depends on the brand of wool, but how to determine the quality of wool in a store? my course has the answer!

I did not immediately realize how exactly it was necessary to choose materials and tools, because no one taught this! Everyone says - we take wool dyed blue, but what kind? How to define quality? In the early 2000s, I developed my own method for choosing the ingredients for felting - the essence is quite simple - visual inspection and tactile sensations. For some reason, the most interesting ways to choose ingredients for Felting are closed to many! Most do not even realize that quality does not depend on price!

The full step-by-step technique is provided in my manual!

You do not need to develop and invent methods, you just take and repeat MY success! Of course, not for nothing, because I don’t want to give away my experience just like that.

And you will learn how to get extra profit from your Felted items in the shortest possible time, how I personally earn on these "Things" and why I am not afraid of competitors!

Time and complexity - many people are afraid that the production of felted products is so difficult and expensive that they do not want to get involved in this business!

This is wrong. You can roll at home too! I will tell you what you need to do to start your profitable business in felting toys or even slippers without leaving your home!

And how to ensure that your product is always on top!

What if you can't afford to rent an Entire Production Base? Or do you have no money to purchase the first 500 wholesale kilograms of goods?

I will help you! There are a couple of "secrets" - which allow you to profitably wallow even in your kitchen!

The story of my friend's family is interesting, in 2007, when I already had a fairly solid business, and I could afford 2 apartments in the city center, my friend, let's call him Georgy, and his wife decided to do this! Since it was a family friend, I could not refuse his request and told him everything I could about this rather profitable business!

His first "production" was in the kitchen - the only difficulty was with paperwork ... But for the first time, for testing, you can do without them! At that moment, to be honest, I didn’t believe in him, many try to start something, but after a day or two they “fade down”, come up with problems for themselves and tie up! And you just have to wait a LITTLE, you don’t even need to do anything. Zhenya did the same and GOT a solid "harvest"! Having received the first profit, according to him, he understood how to make money, because his investments paid off with a vengeance, he was even able to build the first online store, and then it went like clockwork! After all, strange as it may seem, felted items in Russia are one of the most popular souvenirs! And the income far exceeds the cost of obtaining it. Yes, and they buy it all over the country, regardless of the region! Of course, in order to accelerate profitability, all income from the first 2-10 months goes to expansion, BUT!

Now let's count!

In my experience, the average check is 1000-1500 rubles. The most popular goods today are felted toys and clothes (hats, skirts, slippers)! But let's give a calculation for only 610 rubles.

810 rubles is 1 piece of clothing (slippers or even a scarf) or a toy. Production cost Wool - 145 rubles, decorations and additional elements - 30 rubles. Time - 1 hour. Those. 175 rubles and 1 hour of expenses, and the profit is 4> times greater than them!

TOTAL: for one small toy or wardrobe item - 635 rubles of net profit!

selling even 4-6 per day can increase your income well!!

Up to 295,000 rubles per month!

That's wasting 1-2 hours a day!

This we have not yet considered delivery, "semi-finished products" and other related products!! And it’s not worth talking about industry)

Why am I not afraid of competitors, you ask?

Everything is very simple, I won’t give you my market, don’t even ask, but in your area, no one will take your market away from you!

After all, all you need to earn is 15 minutes of free time a day, at the first stage! And a little ingenuity, but if you don't have it, or you don't know where to start - I'll explain it step by step in my DVD course!

I'm not suggesting you get super Wool or super profits - I'm suggesting you do it yourself!

According to my method, you can prepare beautiful Products not only for sale! But also for yourself. I will tell you how to roll all year round regardless of the weather and at the same time save a lot!

Forget about non-pilling wool

Forget the agonizing hours
cooking and boiling

Everything you need
- this is my Disk and about 1 hour
free time
at first!

It is interesting to listen to those who have already tried my method?

Good afternoon. I decided to give you my opinion about your course. My friend and I decided to start this business six months ago, at the moment I am doing felting on an ongoing basis, as it turned out, we have no competitors in this business in our city! Today we earn about 70 thousand rubles each with her) Of course, in the future, in about a year, we plan to reach 100,000 rubles of income, but for this we need to make some improvements. And all this is due to the fact that six months ago I stumbled on your course on the Internet.

Anna Nikolaeva, Naryan-Mar

SW. Elena! We are very grateful to you for this disc, it is good that there are people in our country who are ready to share their experience and knowledge with others for symbolic money, especially since this knowledge helps these others earn. My husband and I, after reading the information on your website, did not doubt for a minute, we immediately decided: we are ordering! Because the need for own business is long overdue, because the pension is not enough for anything. True, there were small savings, so they decided to invest them profitably than to collect for a funeral, it’s too early to die! The conditions were suitable, we live in the countryside. In general, we could hardly wait until we received it. In one day, they studied the disc several times, sat with a notebook and a pen, wrote it down like schoolchildren, so as not to miss or forget anything. The next day, they began to take their first steps. Well, then, like clockwork: after three months they harvested the "first harvest". The local stores took it all apart, and it's been that way with us ever since. We accept orders in advance, we forgot what a need is.
Best regards, Svetlana and Viktor Ponkratov

Hello, Elena! I consider it my duty to thank you for the storehouse of knowledge that you pass on to people through your manual. Personally, it really helped me, my wife has long been fond of various types of needlework: Decoupage, Knitting, but Felting opened for her a truly deep cache of knowledge and opportunities. And the bonuses that come with your disc are a whole storehouse of knowledge! The last chapter on common mistakes was very useful, because at first you tend to make them. In general, we are satisfied with everything, we have been doing business for a year, now we are thinking about expanding. My wife became satisfied with her life and, most importantly, something in her has changed! Thank you very much!
Sergey Kholin, Yekaterinburg

So what will I tell you?

  1. Technology Felting various items and decorations!
  2. Secrets of production and excellent quality of your things!
  3. Techniques for choosing ingredients for felting!
  4. Sales of finished products - A unique chapter, I will tell you what and how to do and what not to do ... How to sell more than you can produce?

and much more!

Now think about how much you can earn?

All because the price increases by more than 6-7 times! Do not doubt whether your product will be in demand in the market - it will definitely be. You will receive one hundred percent of net income all year round. Now imagine how much you will earn if your business is several times larger?!

At first, you will not need anyone's help, you yourself or with the help of your family members will be able to cope quite well. And when your business begins to generate significant income, and you have a desire to earn more, then without much effort you can take shape, hire two or three people - that is, you will become a real employer.

It’s hard to argue, because it’s nice to feel like a boss, not a subordinate, to manage everything yourself, while not being afraid of the need to pay huge taxes and not having the fear of going bankrupt. If you follow the rules described on the disc and only YOUR personal desire and aspiration will depend on how much you Earn!

This is not a simple DVD video for you, but a full-fledged multimedia edition. Therefore, it will not be possible to release it on the same Youtube or Vimeo. Also, this is not a book - just a text - the last century.

Why a multimedia course?

Everything is quite simple. Video - takes up a large enough amount of space to assemble a complete collection - even a 250 gigabyte hard drive is not enough, I'm not talking about a YouTube channel.

In multimedia courses, you can interrupt the lesson at any time, start over or follow the link to other necessary sections, and the format itself allows you to use video inserts, animation, text, graphics, and even third-party programs that make counting easier, speed up work, or simply responsible for automated systems in your business. And what about external Internet resources? You can see for yourself - just a video and just a text - is already in the past!

I guarantee you can!

And if not?

Well, if, suddenly, it doesn’t work out for you, you can GET ALL YOUR MONEY BACK!

This means 100% delivery guarantee and good printing of my course!

Now I would like to make you tempting offer! Especially for you, I will set an unprecedented price for this course!

Today your price will be LOWER!


All this together with my GUARANTEES gives you that you:

  • in this course you will learn only high-quality, proven in practice and in real business, knowledge and skills.
  • By purchasing my course and starting a business, you risk absolutely nothing. Already after the first "arrival" you will recoup not only the cost of the purchased goods, but also the costs of knowledge. Speaking of costs...

How much do you think this course will cost? 10,000 rubles? 20,000 rubles?

You are NOT right, the price of my course is 4200 rubles!

But for YOU there is SPECIAL DISCOUNT!
Given this discounts course price unprecedentedly small
and is only 2690 rubles!

Agree, not such a big price for such a profitable business!

All you have to do is press a button!

And, perhaps, in a couple of years, having lunch in a trendy restaurant or sitting in the courtyard of your luxurious house, to the question "How do you earn so much money?" you will answer with confidence and pride: "I am running my own business!". After all, everything is achievable. Along with my tutorial.

Booking a course is easy.

For residents of Russia, it is possible to place an order by cash on delivery.

Of course, I won't send the disc myself - it's difficult for me, but the professional dispatch service will do it within 2 days from the moment of order! And send it to you by First Class.

I will say one thing - what can you afford to buy for 2690 rubles?

Cheap spinning or radio? A set of razors?

And imagine how many of the listed goods you will soon be able to buy by investing only 2690 rubles (the price of the course)!

Dry felting wool is a great hobby. The materials and tools for it are very cheap, and the scope for creativity is limitless. No special initial skills and knowledge are required, you also do not need to go to any training courses - a couple of videos on YouTube - and you can already create your own masterpieces. Wool is used to make toys, brooches, beads and bracelets, covers for mobile phones and tablets, car pendants and much more. The idea to turn a hobby into a business sooner or later will come to the mind of every craftswoman, whose products are beginning to be a success with friends and acquaintances. This task is real and feasible if you approach its implementation consistently and having a clear plan of action. First of all, you need to think over and calculate the cost of your work.

How to price products?
The price of the product is formed from the cost of materials spent on it and the cost of your labor, which is also the cost of a working hour. To make it more convenient to track and control the payback of materials, it is worth keeping records of their purchases. As for the cost of your labor, it is calculated simply.

Suppose dry felting is your only source of income and main occupation. There are approximately 170 working hours in a month (we count 8 working hours a day, two days off a week). For example, for a comfortable existence, you need 25,000 rubles a month. So, we divide 25,000 rubles by 170 hours and get the cost of your working hour about 150 rubles. Accordingly, if you worked on the creation of a toy for 3 hours, the cost of your work on it will be 450 rubles, we add the cost of materials (as a rule, this is about 100-150 rubles) and we get the final cost of the product 550-600 rubles.

Similarly, we calculate if felting is just a part-time job for you. We estimate how much profit you would like to receive monthly and divide by the number of hours that you are ready to work every month.

Taking on the calculations, it is worth looking at things realistically. No one will pay a lot of money for simple toys made of wool. The exception is if these works are truly magnificent, with a great deal of realism and fantasy, and are not even close to anything else that can be found on the Internet.

How to look for clients?
While you are still a novice master, you have little experience and not a lot of original ideas, it’s not worth it to enter the “big arena” of the Internet - just no one will notice you, the market for handmade crafts is now very saturated. To get started, involve a couple of girlfriends or a mother “in business”. Give them jewelry of your making with instructions to wear it to work and display it to other females. Having touched and examined your products, surely someone will be interested and want a similar thing for themselves, which you will be happy to make. And do it quickly and at an attractive price. At this stage, you should not expect profit, set the price in such a way as to simply pay for the materials, evaluate your own labor at a minimum.

In parallel with this work, post photos of your products on your page, one or more, on social networks. In the comments to the photo, do not forget to write that you are ready to make toys and decorations to order. Let all your friends know about your new hobby! Please note that photos must be of high quality, cute and showcase your crafts from the best side. The scheme is the same - everyone who is interested quickly and cheaply receives a toy or decoration of your manufacture.

This customer search scheme is simple and banal, but it works. Gradually, when you fill your hand, improve your skills, you can slightly increase the price for your own work, then the hobby will begin to bring a small, but profit.

When you form a certain base of regular customers and understand that your products are in demand and the public likes it, you should think about expanding sales.
You should start with your own name group on social networks, or a specially created Instagram account. It's free, but quite effective, the main thing is to keep the group active.
Constantly inviting participants from different cities, supplementing materials with new photos, master classes, just interesting articles on the topic, it will be good to create an album for photos of your satisfied customers. Arrange promotions, contests and the like. Since you may now receive orders from other cities, consider shipping and payment options for your goods. Communicate in similar thematic groups, participate in disputes and discussions, drawing attention to your products to the maximum.
If after working on your own group you feel even more confident in your abilities, you can safely move on to creating your own online store.

Why is it worth creating it only when you are sure that your work is in demand? The fact is that an online store involves some expenses for its maintenance and promotion. Even if you just register on the so-called needlewomen exchange, you will most likely have to pay for the account. Developing and registering your own website involves even more expenses - after all, you will have to resort to the help of professionals.
What income can be received from dry felting.

Getting at least some income is directly proportional to the amount of time that you are willing to spend on this activity, as well as the beauty and quality of your products. For truly beautiful gizmos, people are willing to pay more.

So, if felting is just a hobby for you, which you do in the evenings, selling products among friends and their acquaintances, the approximate level of net income will be 3-4 thousand rubles (money for materials is not taken into account).

If felting is your main occupation, income can be from 15,000 to infinity - it depends on the originality, quality and demand for your products!