Early termination of the flight. Comparison of SAS and SATA Cosmonaut rescue system at launch

The engine block of the emergency rescue system (ESS) of the Soyuz launch vehicle is installed on the pedestal.
The monument is located in the city of Baikonur (Kazakhstan) on the territory of the Lyceum "International Space School named after V.N. Chelomey".
Access is free, you can touch it. There is no security.
The condition of the monument is good.
Date of filming: July 11, 2015.

All photos are clickable up to 3648x2736.

02. SAS installed in 1990
It was brought from the parade ground of site 2 (Gagarin launch) and belongs to a series of propulsion systems for the emergency rescue system of the Soyuz M spacecraft (Soyuz-Apollo program).

03. The emergency rescue system is used in the event of a launch vehicle accident at launch or at the initial stage of flight.
When the SAS is activated, the upper part of the rocket, in which the crew is located, is separated from the rest of the structure and very quickly flies up and to the side.
For sharp acceleration, solid fuel accelerators are used - the TTU unit itself stands here as a monument.
The lower ring of large round nozzles is the main engine of the SAS, which saves astronauts.
The upper ring with small nozzles is used when the rocket gains altitude and speed sufficient to rescue the crew by standard spacecraft means.
Then the SAS boom shoots back and is moved by these small engines away from the rocket rising higher and higher.

The SAS was repeatedly activated in emergency situations during the launches of the Soyuz and Proton launch vehicles.

The system saved me several times payload unmanned rockets and twice - astronauts.

The Soyuz-18-1 spacecraft launched from the Baikonur Cosmodrome on April 5, 1975.
Mission - delivery of the crew to the Salyut-4 station (second visit).
Due to the failure of the third stage, the flight ended in emergency mode.
At the 261st second of flight, according to the program, the second stage of the rocket should have separated, but this did not happen; the rocket began to rock.
The emergency rescue system was activated, shooting the return vehicle.
During descent, the astronauts experienced a peak g-force of about 20.6 g.
The next day, the crew was evacuated from the forced landing point in the Altai Mountains.

The second case when the crew was rescued:
"Soyuz T-10-1" was supposed to deliver the third main expedition to orbital station"Salyut-7", but 48 seconds before the launch, the fuel of the launch vehicle caught fire, after which, on command from the ground control center, the emergency rescue system was activated, shooting off the descent vehicle with the crew, which after 5 minutes 13 seconds of flight along a ballistic trajectory and descent to parachute landed approximately 4 kilometers from launch complex.
In the history of astronautics, this was the only time when the shooting of a rescue capsule with astronauts occurred on the launch pad

During pre-launch procedures, 90 seconds before the planned launch, the VP-5 valve, which was responsible for lubrication in the fuel supply system to the gas generators of the turbopump units of block B of the first stage of the launch vehicle, failed.
This caused the pump to overheat and then ignite, causing a fuel explosion.
The refueling masts had not yet moved away, and the entire launch pad was already on fire.
The explosion destroyed part of the cables transmitting data about the functioning of the rocket, so only 20 seconds after the emergency situation occurred, technical personnel noticed the fire, and 10 seconds before the expected launch, the operators activated the emergency rescue system. The capsule was shot, and the capsule with the astronauts flew away from the rocket, which, two seconds after the shooting, fell apart, falling down into the pit of the launch pad.
Within four seconds of operation of the solid propellant engines of the emergency rescue system, the cosmonauts experienced overloads from 14 to 18 g, rising to a height of 650 meters and then, by inertia, to another 950 meters, where the parachute opened.
After 5 minutes, the capsule with the astronauts landed four kilometers from the accident site.
After another 15 minutes, a helicopter with doctors and rescuers arrived at the landing site.

The scheme of this rescue:

04. The emergency rescue system, in addition to the propulsion system of the emergency rescue system (ESAS), includes:
- SAS automation (automation units, software-time device, power supplies, gyro devices, on-board cable network);
- fairing engines (RDG);
- SAS mechanisms and assemblies placed on the head fairing (cradments, upper supports, emergency joint mechanisms, fire protection system, means for separating the optical sight blister).

Vostok spacecraft landing diagram

Diagram of the operation of the emergency rescue system for the crew of the Soyuz spacecraft

Ship on a test bench

SAS yanks the ship off the stand

At an altitude of 300 m, the SAS fires back from the ship

The descent vehicle throws out a parachute

On September 26, 1983, Vladimir Titov was going to take revenge for the failed first flight, which lasted only two days. Then the antenna of the docking system on the Soyuz T-8 did not open, and the ship had to land ahead of schedule. A few seconds before launch, the SoyuzU rocket began to sway a little more than usual. Titov was not worried: vibration is an indispensable attribute of a rocket launch. He couldn’t look down: spaceship at the start it is tightly closed with a fairing.

But the people below were terrified: the launch vehicle was burning. The Soyuz, filled with almost 300 tons of liquid oxygen and kerosene, was about to explode. And it exploded. But a split second before that, at the very top of the grandiose 50-meter metal body, the torch of the emergency rescue system engine flared up. The ship, breaking away from the dying rocket, soared up one and a half kilometers, shot off the extra compartments from the descent vehicle and released parachutes. Vladimir Titov and Gennady Strekalov landed softly a few kilometers from the launch pad, where a fire was raging. Each of the rescued cosmonauts managed to be in orbit three more times.

Human factor

Titov and Strekalov survived by chance. The automation that controls the emergency rescue system malfunctioned and did not work. An operator on Earth discovered the error in time and manually activated the SAS less than one-tenth of a second before the fire burned through the wires carrying commands to the spacecraft. If the operator had hesitated for a moment, no one would have been able to help the astronauts.

The radio channel duplicating the burnt cable was blocked by the fire - the fire ionizes the air, and it stops transmitting radio waves. The same flame also destroyed the main communication line through which the automation itself started the SAS engines. Now, if the rocket had time to rise above the launch pad, radio communications would have started working again: the torch would not have interfered with the passage of radio waves; but the rocket was still standing on the table, connected to the Earth by a thin umbilical cord of the cable mast. If the cable mast had time to move away from the rocket (this happens just before the launch), then the SAS would not have worked even from the operator’s command.

What is SAS?

Its executive part is a solid propellant engine, weighing about a ton, mounted at the top of the spacecraft's head fairing. Instead of one nozzle, it has twelve small ones, mounted at an angle of 30° to the rocket axis. A small engine is located even higher to move it towards the head fairing after the main one is activated.

The fact is that the Soyuz spacecraft consists of three compartments - the orbital, instrumentation and assembly modules and the descent vehicle. The descent vehicle with the astronauts is located in the middle of the bundle, and the power element (the frame to which forces can be applied) is at the very bottom. Therefore, the entire seven-ton ship, including the fairing, has to be pulled off the rocket. The location of the SAS engine on top of the rod, and not below, under the spacecraft, was dictated by the following: in order to save weight and fuel, immediately after the launch vehicle gained a sufficient altitude, the rod, along with the engines, was fired from the fairing.

When the SAS is activated, the astronauts experience an overload of 6.5 g - more than during a normal landing. Comfort is neglected in order to quickly gain speed and altitude, leaving the danger zone. In just two seconds, the ship flies away from the rocket 125 m, in three - almost three hundred, after which the engine turns off, having used up all the fuel, and the bunch will fly further up and to the side by inertia.

A split second after the engine is turned off, the lattice stabilizer wings on the fairing open, normally folded and pressed against the side walls of the fairing. The wings allow you to fly four to five kilometers away from the scene of the accident. (Interestingly, Yuri Gagarin took part in the design of the lattice wings, choosing them for his graduation project at the Zhukovsky Academy.)

After reaching the required altitude and speed, the pyrobolts are detonated and the ship slips out of the fairing, then the instrumentation, assembly and orbital compartments, which have become unnecessary, are shot off. And a parachute comes out of the descent vehicle, and the soft landing engines fire just before the ground.

The instrument-assembly and orbital (also called “household”) compartments are broken, but the descent module, in which the lion’s share of automation is installed, can be reused. Almost all such devices, after the activation of the SAS, flew into space - on another rocket. But after a real space flight, the descent vehicles are not reused.

In addition to the executive part of the SAS, the engines, its decisive part and sensors that monitor the state of the rocket and ship systems are no less important. These devices are scattered throughout the rocket and connected by cables. At the beginning of the journey of the Soyuz spacecraft, errors by the developers led to false alarms of the system, which killed two rockets and three technicians at the launch site. In the first modifications of the ship, SAS had not two, but three engines - the third was responsible for the lateral maneuver of the ship. The shape of the fairing and lattice wings also changed.

Catapult for Gagarin

Gagarin did not have such an emergency escape system - his ship Vostok was equipped with an ejection seat, which was supposed to be fired through a special hole in the fairing. However, it did not allow the rocket to fly far enough away from the launch site, and therefore the astronaut needed help from ground services in the event of an accident. Moreover, due to the technological dispersion of the power of the solid propellant engine, which ejected the seat, part of the possible landing zone fell on a pit dug under the rocket’s launch pad. A mesh visor had to be pulled over it, and in the event of an accident, rescuers had to quickly jump out of the underground bunker and return there, carrying the astronaut in the spacesuit in their arms.

But the most dangerous for Gagarin was the flight from the 45th to the 90th second. At this time, the altitude and speed were already too high for ejection in a seat, but too low for shooting the descent vehicle: it did not have its own orientation engines and had to be oriented along the flow by shifting the center of gravity. But for this he had to fall for quite a long time and gain speed. But the cosmonauts who later flew on the Voskhod and Voskhod-2 spacecraft were deprived of these ejection seats. Before the nose fairing was jettisoned, they had no chance of survival. Safety was sacrificed for the sake of record flights - it was impossible to place three catapults in the volume of the descent module. It should be noted that there were only two such flights. Only the new Soyuz spacecraft received a system that ensures the safety of astronauts throughout the entire trajectory of insertion into orbit.

Wingless Americans

A similar solution was used by the Americans on the Mercury and Apollo spacecraft. In Apollo, which was created simultaneously with the Soyuz, the descent module was at the very top, and there was no need to save the instrument compartment. There was also no need for wings, since the relative mass of the rescue system engine decreased. However, both in American and in Russian ships the mass of the rescue rocket is quite large, and in a normal flight, when everything is working “normally,” the SAS propulsion system is reset two minutes after launch. After another half a minute, the nose fairing is shot off, and the ship and rocket continue their journey into orbit.


The ideology of the rescue system on the Buran was different, which was dictated by the reusability of the complex. Task number one was to save the ship itself and, thereby, the crew. And if you can’t have a ship, then the crew.

The first rescue circuit was that if at the initial stage of the flight something happened on the Energia launch vehicle, its trajectory smoothly transitioned into a gentle return trajectory, bringing the ship to the runway at Baikonur. If problems occurred at a later stage of the flight and the surviving energy capabilities of the carrier allowed it, the Buran was launched onto a single-orbit trajectory with a further landing. If this scheme did not work, the spacecraft separated and tried to land at an intermediate airfield. And only if such scenarios were impossible, the pilot ejection system was activated. The idea of ​​rescue cabins, fashionable back in the 60s, was rejected due to excessive complexity - in fact, it would have been necessary to build a ship within a ship.

According to the developers, in the coming decades the basic ideology of rescue systems will remain the same: when launching disposable spacecraft, solutions developed on the Soyuz will be used, and winged orbital aircraft will be used on the Burans. There are no alternatives yet.


Using light and sound signals, the internal alarm system notifies crew members about the operating modes of aircraft systems and units.

Central part internal system The alarm system is the SAS-4M emergency warning and notification system.

The aircraft is equipped with light-signal information panels and brushes



The emergency, warning and notification system SAS-4M is a central alarm system and is designed to notify crew members using light and sound signals about failures, malfunctions and operating modes of aircraft systems and components.

The SAS-4M system includes:

– five blocks of emergency warning signals BAP-1M;

– three blocks of notification signals BU-1M;

– two switching units BK-7M;

– two red and two yellow central signal lights (CSL);

– “CONTROL” button.

The blocks are installed on racks between frames No. 7-8 on the left and right sides.

The SAS-4M system receives signals from aircraft systems and components in the form of a voltage level of 18-29.4 V DC and provides:

– signal shapes in accordance with table. 1;

– manual adjustment of the brightness of light signaling devices, signal boards, digital display centers, display buttons, PUI-148 display control panels of the KSEIS-148 integrated electronic indication and alarm system (hereinafter referred to as KSEIS) using the “Brightness” resistor;

– switching on and flashing mode of the red CSO and the appearance of a buzzer in the headset phones when an emergency signal is received from the aircraft system when the KSEIS is not working. When the KSEIS is operating, the buzzer is blocked, the alarm signal is accompanied by a voice message or a tone signal, and the KSEIS is generated;

– turning on the yellow CSO in flashing mode when a warning signal is received from the aircraft system;

– issuing a command to suppress the signal of a strong attracting effect in the KSEIS when pressing the corresponding lamp-button of the CSO and turning off the CSO;

– automatic blocking of the activation of yellow central alarm systems while the red central alarm systems are operating when emergency and warning alarms are triggered simultaneously;

– centralized control of the performance of units, light signaling devices and central control centers using the “Control” button.

Basic data

Supply voltage ………………………….. 27 V

Signal frequency in flashing mode...(2.6±0.5) Hz

Parameters of the buzzer type signal:

– tone frequency ………………..(2000±400) Hz

– interruption frequency ………………………… (2.6±0.5) Hz

The placement of controls for the SAS-4M system is shown in Fig. 1.

The functional purpose of the control and monitoring bodies of the SAS is given in Table. 1

The SAS-4M system receives power supply from the emergency buses AVSh1 and AVSh2 of the left and right 27 V switchgear.



When an alarm signal is received from any system or unit, the BAP-1M unit turns on the corresponding alarm indicator and simultaneously issues a command to the BK-7M unit to turn on the red lamp-button of the CSO in flashing mode and to generate a sound signal for ABCA. When you press the red lamp-button CSO, a command is sent to the BAP-1M unit, which stops issuing a signal to the BK-7M block to turn on the sound signal and CSO.

When a signal from a system or unit is removed, the corresponding hazard warning light goes out.


When a warning signal is received from any system or unit, the BAP-1M unit turns on the corresponding warning light and simultaneously issues a command to the BK-7M unit to turn on the yellow CSO in flashing mode. When you press the yellow lamp-button CSO, a signal is sent to the BAP-1M unit that turns off the CSO, after which the CSO is ready to receive the next signal.

When a signal from a system or unit is removed, the corresponding warning light goes out.

When the emergency light and the red lamp-button of the central warning system are operating in flashing mode, the BAP-1M unit sends a signal to the block BK-7M to block the warning lights and the yellow lamp-button of the central warning system. After pressing (turning off) the red CSO, the warning alarm resumes its operation.



When a notification or warning signal (without output to the central communication center) from any system or unit arrives, the BU-1 unit turns on the corresponding notification or warning light in the constant burning mode.

When the signal from the system or unit is removed, the corresponding indicator goes off.


When you press the “Control” button, a voltage of 27 V is supplied to the control inputs of the SAS system units. In this case, the red CSOs must operate in flashing mode, and the ABCA must receive a sound signal (buzzer).

When the KSEIS is turned on, the SAS buzzer should turn off and a tone signal or voice message generated by the KSEIS should appear.

When the “Control” button is pressed and the red lamp-button CSO is pressed, it should go out.

When the “Control” button is pressed and the red lamp-button CSO is turned off, the yellow lamp-button CSO should operate in flashing mode.

When the “Control” button is pressed and the yellow lamp-button CSO is pressed, it should go out.

When the “Control” button is pressed and the “Brightness” resistor is rotated, the brightness of the CSO, light signaling devices, light signal displays, and display buttons should change.

When “Control” is released, all previously lit indicator lights should go out.

The most reactive, powerful and steadily functioning regulatory systems, responsible for the inclusion of diverse compensatory and adaptive reactions, as well as some pathological reactions of the body in response to any, and especially shockogenic, trauma, include the SAS.

The significance of activation of the SAS, accompanied by an increase in the production and action of catecholamines (CA), comes down primarily to participation in the urgent switching of metabolic processes and the work of vital regulatory (nervous, endocrine, immune, etc.) and executive (cardiovascular, respiratory, hemostasis and etc.) body systems to an “emergency”, energetically wasteful level, as well as to mobilize the mechanisms of adaptation and resistance of the body when exposed to shockogenic factors. However, both excess and deficiency of CA can have a clear pathogenic effect on the body.

In the initial periods of shock, the number of discharges in efferent sympathetic nerve fibers increases; the synthesis and secretion of KA is sharply activated in adrenergic neurons, especially in the terminals of their nerve fibers, as well as adrenaline (A), norepinephrine (NA), DOPA and dopamine in the adrenal medulla and in brain tissue (mainly in the hypothalamus and cerebral cortex ), the level of KA in the blood increases (from 2 to 20 or more times compared to the norm) and their entry into various tissues and organs increases briefly, and then the activity of MAO in the cells of various organs normalizes, alpha and beta adrenergic receptors are excited. The result of this is various physiological changes (increased tone of the central nervous system, including higher autonomic and endocrine centers, increased frequency and strength of heart contractions and the tone of the arterioles of most organs, mobilization of blood from the depot, as well as increased metabolism due to the activation of glycolysis, glycogenolysis, glycnergenesis , lipolysis, etc.). An important place in the activation of the SAS during developing shock belongs to reflexes with noci-, baro- and chemoreceptors of tissues, blood vessels, and the heart, arising in response to their alteration, hypohemoperfusion, hypoxia, and metabolic disorders.

Immediately after a severe mechanical injury and in the first hours after it, the content of A in the blood of victims increases 6 times, and NA - 2 times. Moreover, the increase in the content of KA in the blood directly depends on the severity of hypovolemia, hypoxemia and acidosis (Serfrin R., 1981).

During traumatic and hemorrhagic shock, the content of A and NA in the blood increases by 10-50 times, and the release of A by the adrenal glands by 8-10 times (Vinogradov V. M. et al, 1975). However, in the first 30 s after the injury, there is an increase in the content of A and a decrease in NA in the blood and tissues of the adrenal glands and hypothalamus (Eremina S. A., 1968-1970). The release of A reserves by cells of the medulla on the cheek glands increases significantly and the processes of restoration of these reserves during anaphylactic shock are activated (Rydzynski K. et al., 1986).

In rats, during the first hour of long-term crushing of the soft tissues of the thigh (TCCT), the content of A, NA, DOPA, and dopamine in the adrenal glands and in the blood quickly and significantly increased; the level of A and NA in the brain, lungs, liver and kidneys increased, and in the intestines and damaged muscles decreased (Elsky V.

N., 1977-1982; Nigulyanu V.I. et al., 1984). At the same time, the content of precursors (DOPA, dopamine) decreased significantly in many organs (brain, lungs, liver, kidneys, small intestine, skeletal muscles) and increased in the myocardium. By the end of the 4-hour period of tissue compression in the adrenal glands, the level of A and DOPA decreased, the content of NA and dopamine increased, which is a sign of weakened function of the adrenal medulla. At the same time, the A content in many organs (with the exception of the small intestine and skeletal muscles) continued to remain increased, and the content of NA, DOPA and dopamine in the brain, lungs, liver, kidneys, intestines and muscles decreased. Only in the heart, against the background of a decrease in NA, an increase in the content of both A and DOPA and dopamine was noted.

6-20 hours after the cessation of tissue compression, the content of A, NA, DOPA in the adrenal glands and in the blood progressively decreased, which indicates inhibition of KA synthesis in chromaffin tissue. The amount of A in a number of organs (brain, heart, etc.) remained increased, and in some (kidneys, intestines) decreased, while the content of NA, DOPA and dopamine was reduced in all organs studied (especially in the intestines, liver and damaged muscles). At the same time, a persistent decrease in MAO activity in the cells of various organs was noted.

According to V.V. Davydov, 4 and 8 hours after the cessation of 4-hour tissue compression, the level of A in the adrenal glands decreased by 45 and 74%, respectively, NA - by 38 and 62%, dopamine - by 35 and 50%. At the same time, the content of A in the blood plasma, in comparison with the norm, was respectively increased by 87 and 22%, and NA was decreased by 35 and 60%. Moreover, the severity and outcome of shock directly correlated with the initial hyperactivity of the SAS.

In the torpid phase of traumatic shock in dogs, the content of A and NA in the adrenal glands is reduced in comparison with the erectile phase, but higher than normal (Eremina S. A., 1970). As the torpid phase deepens, against the background of increased A content, the level of NA in the blood drops sharply, and in the tissues of the brain (hypothalamus, cerebral cortex), myocardium and liver, the content of adrenal and extra-adrenal CA also decreases.

1984). During burn shock, the secretion of A by the adrenal glands is increased, NA decreases, as evidenced by an increase in A in the blood and a decrease in NA (Saakov B. A., Bardakhchyan E. A., 1979). As the shock deepens, either a decrease (Shu Chien, 1967) or an increase (Vinogradov V.M. et al., 1975) in impulses along sympathetic fibers can occur.

The high level of KA in the blood of seriously injured patients is increased and reaches a maximum before death (R. Serfrin, 1981). One of the mechanisms of hypercatecholaminemia is inhibition of the activity of enzymes responsible for the metabolism of CA.

During the terminal period of the torpid phase of traumatic shock, the number of CAs (especially NA) in the adrenal glands and other organs: kidneys, liver, spleen, heart, brain is significantly reduced (Gorbov A. A., 1976). In the stage of irreversible shock, the content of catecholamines in the body is depleted, the reaction of adrenergic receptors to exogenous CAs sharply weakens, and the activity of MAO decreases (Laborit N., London A., 1969).

During the period of deep posthemorrhagic hypotension and hypovolemia, both inhibition of the release of KA from the endings of sympathetic nerve fibers and autoinhibition of the adrenergic receptor system are possible (Bond R., Jonson J.,

With endotoxic shock, dystrophic (necrotic) changes in the adrenal adrenoreceptors and their functional insufficiency develop (Bardakhchyan E. A., Kirichenko Yu. T., 1985).

Elucidation of the functional activity of SAS during shock (synthesis, secretion of CA; their distribution in the blood, tissues, organs; metabolism, excretion and manifestation of physiological action as a result of interaction with the corresponding adrenergic receptors) has important diagnostic, pathogenetic and prognostic significance. Arising in early dates after a shockogenic injury, pronounced activation of the SAS is a biologically appropriate reaction of the damaged organism. Thanks to it, vital adaptive and homeostatic mechanisms are turned on and activated, in the implementation of which various parts of the nervous, endocrine, cardiovascular and other systems, as well as metabolic processes, take part.

Activation of the SAS, aimed at ensuring the metabolic and functional activity of the autonomic and somatic parts of the nervous system, creates the opportunity to maintain blood pressure at a safe level with a reduced blood volume, ensures satisfactory blood supply to the brain and heart against the background of decreased blood supply to the kidneys, intestines, liver, and muscles.

Increased production of A is aimed at stimulating the vital activity of an important adaptive system - GG AS (Davydov V.V., 1982, 1987; Axelrod T. et al., 1984). Activation of the SAS promotes increased release of opioid peptides (including endorphins by the pituitary gland, met-enkephalins by the adrenal glands), weakening the hyperactivity of the nociceptive system, disorders of the endocrine system, metabolic processes, microcirculation (Kryzhanovsky G. N. et al., 1987; Pshennikova M. G. ., 1987), enhances the activity of the respiratory center, weakens acidosis, stabilizes the acid-base state (Bazarevich G. Ya. et al., 1979, 1988), ensures the mobilization of metabolic processes through changes in the activity of adenylate and guapylate cyclase membrane systems cells, lipolysis, glycogenolysis, gluconeogenesis, glycolysis, energy and water-electrolyte metabolism, etc. (Elsky V.N., 1975-1984; Me Ardle et al., 1975).

However, both excessive and insufficient activity of the SAS contributes to the development of decompensation of microcirculation, increased hypoxia and dysfunction of many tissues, organs and systems, aggravates the course of the process and worsens its outcomes.

In case of shock, an excess of endogenous and/or exogenous CAs can also have undesirable side effects on various complexes of the endocrine system. It reduces the body's tolerance to glucose, which occurs as a result of activation of glycogenolysis and inhibition of insulin secretion (due to stimulation of alpha receptors of beta cells of the islets of Langerhans of the pancreas), suppresses the secretion of not only insulin, but also thyrotropin, prolactin and other hormones . Opioid peptides that are intensely released during shock and various types stress (Lishmanov Yu. B. et al., 1987), limit the activation of the SAS due to both inhibition of NA secretion and inactivation of adenylate cyclase in the postsynaptic membrane. Thus, opioid peptides may have a protective effect by limiting excessive activation of the SAS, weakening and even preventing the damaging effects of catecholamines.

Weakening of excessive activity of the SAS during injuries by prescribing neuroleptics and tranquilizers (Nasonkin O. S. et al., 1976; Davydov V. V. et al., 1981, 1982), leenkephalins (Kryzhanovsky G. G. et al., 1987 ), beta-blockers (Novelli G. et al., 1971), alpha-blockers (Mazurkevich G.S., 1976) reduces the severity of shock. When prescribing KA for shock, both positive and negative therapeutic effects can be detected.

Administration of NA and especially KA precursors (phenylalanine, alpha-tyrosine, DOPA, dopamine) for shock can alleviate a - A and mesatone either does not change or worsens the shock (Vinogradov V. M. et al., 1975; Laborit N. et al. al., 1969). In this regard, the data presented above about changes in the dynamics of shock in the content of A, NA, DOPA and dopamine in various tissues and organs becomes more understandable (against the background of a long-term and significant increase in the content of A, the level of NA, DOPA and dopamine after the increase decreases quite quickly and significantly) .

Sharp suppression of the SAS weakens defense mechanisms during shock. Thus, destruction of central adrenergic axons and endings, in comparison with peripheral sympathectomy, leads to damage to the hypothalamus and a decrease in the overall reactivity of the body during tourniquet shock in rats (Stoner H. et al., 1975).

In the deep torpid phase of shock, especially in its terminal period, there is not only a significant decrease in the function of the SAS, but also the greatest decrease in the delivery of CA to multi-cell cells. their tissues and organs and a decrease in their physiological activity. As the torpid phase of shock progresses, the role of CA in the regulation of various metabolic (mainly energetic) and physiological (mainly hemodynamic) processes noticeably weakens.

Opioid peptides, intensely produced during shock, which clearly inhibit both the release of CA from the terminals of sympathetic fibers in the vessels and their physiological effect, contribute to the progression of arterial hypotension and inhibition of blood circulation (Guoll N., 1987), and therefore worsen the shock. Increased post-traumatic production of opioid peptides, which helps to weaken the activity of the SAS under conditions of progressive hypovolemia and hypotension, can transform from a protective reaction into a damaging one.

Thus, changes in the functions of the SAS, the exchange of CAs in tissues and organs and their physiological effects play an important role both in the pathogenesis and treatment of shock. One of the compensatory-adaptive reactions of the injured organism should include the quickly occurring and quite long-term preservation of the controlled SAS, which

appears under the following conditions: increased synthesis and secretion by chromaffin tissue and adrenergic neurons of CA (DOPA, dopamine, NA, A); increasing transport and entry of CA into tissues and organs; increasing the physiological activity of the coronary artery (providing activation of the HPA axis, the formation and maintenance of centralization of blood circulation, stimulation of respiration, stabilization of the acid-base state internal environments body, activation of energy metabolism enzymes, etc.). Pathological reactions during shock include both excessive and insufficient activation of the SAS in strength and duration, and even more so a progressive decrease in its functions, especially a decrease in the content of NA, DOPA and dopamine in the blood and tissues, inhibition of MAO activity in tissues, decrease and distortion of sensitivity adrenoreceptors to CA. In general, this reaction of the SAS contributes to the acceleration of decompensation of various body functions.

However, to date, the specific features of the activity of various parts of the SAS in dynamics have not been sufficiently studied. different types shock (not only in the clinic, but also in experiment), and the significance of its changes in the genesis of various adaptive and pathological reactions of the body.