About the project. Legal assistance for sro Law firms assistance for sro by region

When you contact our Moscow Legal Center, you can count on receiving legal services from an SRO (non-profit self-regulatory organization). Long-term experience in this legal industry allows us to provide a full range of services at the highest level.

Obtaining permits and joining an SRO, which allows you to run your own business, is a rather labor-intensive activity, so it is worth first enlisting the support of an experienced and highly qualified specialist who has been practicing this for quite a long period of time.

Legal assistance on joining an SRO

Of course, at first glance it may seem that there is nothing complicated in the procedure for joining an SRO. Legal assistance, however, is extremely necessary, because Without sufficient legal literacy and solid experience, it is unlikely to succeed. Our specialists will help you:

  • choose the most profitable and highly effective self-regulatory organization; conduct an analysis and, based on it, predict all opportunities and risks;
  • provide all necessary legal services urgently, the price of which will pleasantly surprise you;
  • identify the most likely problems with current legislation And possible risk loss of clearances by all its members;
  • prepare for any type of inspection, employee training, etc.

Our specialists provide legal services urgently in Moscow, which allows you to achieve high results exactly at the moment when you need it. We value every client, and therefore we approach business with full responsibility.

"Ambulance SROpomoshch" is a highly competent team in the field of SRO, an assistant to builders, designers and surveyors, for whom the time has come to join a self-regulatory organization. For more than 20 years, we have specialized in providing assistance in the field of licensing and obtaining access to construction work. We have more than 4 thousand satisfied managers, hundreds positive feedback And letters of thanks. Our project SROs operate in all cities of the country.

Joining an SRO in the legal field

Joining an SRO and assisting those joining is our main purpose. Over more than 20 years of practice, we have accumulated a large database on the licensing and self-regulation market; we are well acquainted with the work of many self-regulatory organizations and the legal aspects of their activities. We have already helped many organizations from all over Russia join the SRO of Moscow or the regions, and today we successfully continue our activities.

Joining an SRO with the help of the Ambulance SROpomoshch team provides 3 advantages at once:

  • confidence that the procedure for obtaining membership will be carried out competently and accurately;
  • peace of mind from knowing that experienced experts will offer you a legally secure, self-regulatory organization;
  • prompt receipt of a work permit, since the verification and preparation of documentation is carried out by experienced specialists.

If any companies offer you to join an SRO in installments, and also oblige you to sign contracts for the provision of services and pay for them, you should know that these are intermediary organizations. Cooperation with them is not only unprofitable, but may turn out to be illegal. For example, joining an SRO in installments is prohibited. Therefore, you will not find such an offer with us. But we will select for you a self-regulatory organization with minimal entry fees and provide comfortable and legal conditions for entry.

SRO approval - we will help you!

If you need advice or SRO approval, our team will come to your aid. Get what you need information support you can by phone, online or by email. And to obtain admission, you do not have to visit the selected non-profit partnership or go to a notary to certify documents. Our specialists have existing, practice-tested schemes for analyzing and preparing documents that will save you from bureaucratic red tape and allow you to join a non-profit association in a matter of hours.

Why "Ambulance"?

  • 20 years of practice and thorough knowledge of the self-regulation market.
  • Only experienced and qualified specialists.
  • Full support for joining a non-profit partnership - from expert advice on SROs to obtaining admission.
  • Guarantee of legal integrity of the prepared documentation.
  • Just 1 day - and you are a member of a self-regulatory organization.
  • There is no payment for our help - only contributions to the NP.

Avoid intermediaries! Trust the experts!

The assistance of SRO lawyers is necessary at any stage of joining a self-regulatory organization and obtaining permission to work, since it is quite difficult to understand all the nuances of the legislation. A specialist will help you select an organization whose authority is beyond doubt, and will also assist in putting together a package of documents to obtain a permit.

You should also contact a lawyer if disputes arise within the organization itself. Most often, they are caused by the formation compensation fund or compensation for damages. Sometimes such disputes lead to financial losses for one of the members of the association or the collapse of the SRO.

Lawyers' services

SRO lawyers registered on our service provide the following range of services:

  • analysis and assistance in choosing a self-regulatory organization;
  • forecasting the pros and cons of joining an SRO;
  • identifying the main gaps in legislation and subsequent minimization of risks of loss of admission;
  • assistance in preparing for inspection of any level of control;
  • consultation on further qualification advancement of personnel;
  • representation in government agencies and courts.

Cost of services

The cost of legal services directly depends on the volume of work and the need for representation of interests in courts. Additional factors that influence the price include:

  • specialist qualifications;
  • stage of the proceedings;
  • locality (lawyer services in small towns are cheaper than in big cities).

What is the advantage of our service

Our service has collected an extensive database of SRO specialists. You can find a suitable contractor by using a search using specific parameters: city, specialization, average cost of services. You can also add an order for a service and select a specialist from among those who offered their services.

The SRO law firm is glad to see you on its website! If you have started to engage in construction, design work or engineering surveys, then you will have to join a self-regulatory organization and obtain a building permit. We will be happy to provide you with legal support in this matter.

Experience in licensing exceeds 11 years.

The number of clients is more than 4 thousand.

The database contains 200 self-regulatory organizations of Moscow and regions.

Cooperation with us is reliable, legally secure and confidential! With our help, you will receive membership in a proven non-profit partnership, obtain a work permit, and begin working within the law.

Law firms - joining an SRO in 4 steps

You can join an SRO with the help of our law firm in a few steps:

  • Order legal services for joining an SRO from our company.
  • Send us copies constituent documents(no need to notarize).
  • Pay contributions to the selected organization in full or in installments.
  • Get admission in person in Moscow or courier service in another region.

Joining an SRO with the help of a law firm allows you to save time on preparing documents, be confident in the legal clarity of the procedure, and receive comprehensive consulting support at any stage of joining a non-profit partnership.

SRO admission - a lawyer will come to the rescue

Lawyers from our firm will provide advice on admission to SROs at any time. To do this, contact them online or by phone. On the website you will find an application form, by filling out which you can order a permit certificate.

To date, our lawyers have issued over 4 thousand permits to companies specializing in construction, design or surveys. Hundreds of positive reviews and letters of gratitude are the best indicator of the quality of our work.

Trust the professionals!

They trust us because we guarantee, when joining an NP, the legal purity of the procedure, the absence of fees for services other than direct contributions to the organization, and confidentiality.

A professional lawyer in the field of self-regulation is a requirement of our time, when obtaining permits is necessary to carry out work.

The lawyers of our company “All SROs of Russia” will take on all the legal concerns regarding the preparation and approval of documentation for joining a self-regulatory organization and will help put your activities on a legal footing.