Magic notepad. Notebook of wishes - how to properly keep a magic notebook. The way to yourself

“The world is mysterious and beautiful! Well, admit it, this is exactly what the world was like in your perception when you were a child. Every morning you woke up ready for new adventures and unexpected discoveries, you believed in wizards and fairies and constantly received confirmation of the presence of something mysterious in the world. Do you want to bring back these feelings?

Get yourself a Magic Notebook. Let it be in hard and very beautiful binding, the kind that you would certainly have liked as a child. Maybe you should trim it with gold braid or decorate the cover with stickers of wizards, knights and princesses (borrow from your son or daughter). Also, don’t forget to purchase a Magic Pen for a Notepad, since today their choice is huge. And although they are not all magical, you will certainly feel which one is yours.

Why, you say, such childish things: the Magic Notepad, the Magic Pen and other nonsense? - This is a game, just like our whole life (only with stricter rules).

So let's start playing. Choose a time when no one will disturb you, open the Magic Notebook and make a list of the Most Beautiful Things you have ever seen, heard, otherwise perceived or imagined. Describe the sensations you experienced when encountering something beautiful. Write without stopping, and if inspiration doesn’t strike you, here’s an assignment (like in school) - the minimum number of “beauties” for today is ten. However, that's not all. Your Magic Notebook will have two more sections. However, it's best not to tackle these sections in one sitting (though at the end of the day, it's your game - do as you please).

The second third will be devoted to the most unusual things that have happened and are happening in your life. Each of us has experienced inexplicable events and strange coincidences in our lives. Write them all down. Add here the stories that happened to your relatives and friends. Well, does the world stop being so monotonous and predictable?

Constantly add to all sections of the Magic Notebook, re-read it periodically, and the world will never become boring.

Move on to the third most interesting part of the Magic Notebook - here you will write down your deepest desires and dreams. Each dream written in this notebook will launch the hidden mechanisms of the Universe (you already know that there are many inexplicable things in the world) and begin its path to embodiment in your reality. Hence the classic advice: be careful when making wishes - they will come true.

Tip two: Learn to be unpredictable

Agree, our life lacks unpredictability, although it is full of uncertainty. We are not sure about the future in general (fearing, first of all, negative events) and at the same time we suffer from the daily routine. We are afraid of changes in life (fearing, again, the negativity - do you sense a recurring theme?) and commit reckless actions simply to break the web of everyday life that entangles us more and more every year. A terrible paradox, isn't it? What if you try to love this uncertainty by making unpredictability one of the fundamental principles of your life?

What will this give you? The main thing is that the fear of change will disappear, and it is precisely this that is the only serious obstacle between you and that ideal life, which you dream of less and less now. Judge for yourself, in order to change a monotonous job in an unremarkable small-town company to your own corporation in Silicon Valley, you must decide to step into the unknown. And although this step will not guarantee that the future will be exactly as you drew it, without this step it will never become that way.

Well, if we consider the love of uncertainty as competitive advantage, then the commercial benefit is simply obvious! From now on, no competitor will be able to keep up with you. You will become the driving force of the market, creating more and more new offers and introducing these innovations before a competitor simply thinks in this direction. Isn't this fantastic!

And the image! - from now on you are not boring Ivan Ivanovich - you are an unpredictable James Bond (or who else?) - a thunderstorm of enemies and a dream for women...

Is it worth trying to love change for the sake of it all? I think it's worth it. If you think the same, take the tips below as a rule and add your own ideas to this list:

* never take the same route to work
* buy something from the supermarket every day that you have never tried before - and write down your taste sensations(in the Magic Notebook you should only write down what made a lasting impression on you)
* take up an activity that is new to you, sign up for Latin American dancing, for example (there are clubs for seniors - where you can sign up at any age) or start gluing together airplane models, as you loved to do as a child... You never know what other interesting activities are around!
* develop sensory experiences: go for a massage, acupuncture, thalassotherapy, do yoga, or simply light incense while taking a bath and use new aromatic bath compositions.
*Make a habit of making discoveries (and writing them down) every day: it could be a beautiful old house in your neighborhood that you never noticed, or a scrapbook of candy wrappers that was your greatest treasure as a child. Once you start looking at the world more carefully, such discoveries will begin to haunt you at every step. In this regard, it is very useful to buy a camera and begin creating an archive of discoveries. Or maybe, thanks to photographs, others will be able to see the world through your eyes.
* strive to change places. At the very least, never go on vacation to the same place - except for the confidence that everything will be as good there as last year, repeating your favorite routes does not give anything.
* create your own decorations and change them periodically. It could be bright photography on the wall, color accents in the office or stylish accessories on the desk. Choose sensations, colors, or directions. Let this week be dedicated to, say, Africa (a calendar with a jungle, a primitive wooden god, a giraffe figurine and tom-tom rhythms), the next to red (corresponding accents in the environment), the third to water, and so on. The main thing is to resist the urge to choose the same type of topics.
* constantly change your own images and roles (just not with clients - they won’t understand).
* rearrange the apartment, move the bed, or at least change the position on the bed (lie across, with your feet towards the headboard, etc.)
* take one action every day that contradicts the expectations of others

Tip three: Look for ideas

It's no secret that great corporations are based on great ideas. And although there is an opinion that brilliant ideas are born spontaneously, this is a myth: ideas are born only from those who are in search. So if you're planning to build a mega-corporation, it's worth starting with the ability to find mini-ideas. We will not give all the recommendations for finding ideas - many books and articles are devoted to them. We'll give you just three pieces of advice:

* Have intuition days periodically. In other words, don't make any rational decisions - let your intuition guide you. Naturally, you should not start such experiments on the days of important business meetings. Although in the future, when you learn to listen to your feelings, this can help you make the right decision.
* Make it a rule to always carry a notepad with you to write down ideas, and always have a sheet of paper and a pencil near your bed and in the bathroom - you never know when a brilliant solution will come.
* Determine a quota of ideas for yourself (1-10 ideas per day) and strictly adhere to this rule, even if the ideas are meaningless and useless - the main thing is to acquire the skill.

Tip four: Change the world

How do you look at changing the world around you? Would you say this requires a lot of money and connections? Not at all - you can do it today:

* remove trash near the entrance
* take the old lady across the road (reminiscent of Timurov’s men? – well, let it be)
* pick up a stray kitten
* go through the medications in your home medicine cabinet and take the unnecessary ones to the veterinary clinic - this will save someone’s life
* take old things to church (what you don’t like will be a gift to the homeless)
* tell your parents (spouse, children) how much you love them
* take the books and toys of your adult children to the orphanage
* give flowers to veterans on May 9
* bring a cake to work for no reason and have a party in the evening
*learn to smile

Tip Five: Uncover the Mystery of the Universe

It seems to you that it is too early to think about the meaning of life - there are more important problems. It is truth too. However, make a list of 100 questions that you would like answered. These can be the most pressing problems: “who can I borrow 200 bucks from before payday” and less pressing ones: “is there life after death” - the most important thing is to write them all down. Moreover, you need to do this right away, without allowing yourself to think too much. Perhaps on the ninetieth question you will learn the main thing - your true purpose and, therefore, take the first step towards discovering your own Universe.
Tatiana Nikitina

Imagine that in front of you is a black and seemingly unremarkable sheet of paper, and then you take a toothpick (a canapé stick or a simple thin stick), drag it across the sheet, and under a layer of black paint rainbow stripes are revealed.
To create such an interesting notebook or individual pages you will need:
- the notebook itself or a thick sheet of paper;
- colored wax crayons (neon bright colors are better, but not necessary);
- black acrylic paint;
- liquid soap or shampoo.
Keep in mind that it will not be convenient to use one page in a notebook and it is better to glue several pages together.

If you don’t want to make such pages for yourself in a notebook, then you can just take a sheet of thick white cardboard and use it.
Now you need to color the page with crayons in a chaotic manner. You can draw colored circles, squares, lines and so on.
Try to fill all the empty spaces on the page.

Keep in mind that crayons must be wax; regular pastels will not work for this craft.
If you don’t have wax crayons, you can use regular felt-tip pens and any paints. Only in this case, the entire sheet of paper will need to be covered with layers of wide transparent tape.
Now in a separate container mix a small amount of black acrylic paint and liquid soap (approximately in a ratio of 1 to 1, i.e. the amount of liquids should be approximately the same). Mix them well together.

We will cover the paper with this mixture and it will transfer the aroma of a cleaning product or shampoo to the paper, so choose better remedy with a pleasant smell.

Apply the first layer of the mixture to the paper. Wait until it dries slightly and then apply another one.

When the second layer has dried, you can start decorating the page. With any sharp object, for example the end of a brush or a wooden stick, you can scratch out inscriptions, pictures and patterns.

In this way you can decorate the first pages in notebooks on various subjects, individual pages in personal diary, make unusual cards for the holiday. Black contrasts best with crayons, but you can paint the top page with a mixture of acrylic paint of any color, such as hot pink or dark blue and so on.
In general, there are a lot of possibilities for using this technique and we hope that you liked it and will definitely find it useful.

Hello friends! Do you already keep a notebook of wishes? If not, then it's time to start. One of the ways to speed up the fulfillment of your cherished desires is to keep such a magical notebook. Let's see how to keep a wish notebook and how to correctly write down wishes in it.

Miracles exist for those who believe in them! Why keep a notebook of wishes?

Notebook of wishes - very powerful technology fulfillment of your desires and dreams. And its main magical power is that it helps to program your subconscious so that your desires come true easily and without much difficulty. Our brain is the most perfect computer, and the program that we put into it will give the result for which it is programmed.

By constantly working with a notebook of desires step by step, you will embed in your subconscious a program for fulfilling your desires. This will happen in two ways simultaneously. We will write down wishes in a notebook. And through writing it is much easier to introduce into our subconscious the settings we need, the program we need.

And the second method is visualization of desires. We will reinforce them with pictures depicting what we dream of, and, looking at them, we also program ourselves through visual images of what we want.

So, working with the subconscious on two levels at once, we will get the maximum effect from our wish notebook!

Keeping a notebook of desires is already quite a powerful technique in itself. I have been keeping such a notebook, or as I also call it, a book of desires for a long time. And in this way I managed to fulfill more than one of my desires, for example, to become a yoga teacher, go to St. Petersburg, go to a live concert by Lara Fabian and many others. I wrote about some of them, you will find them in the section . There I shared how I went towards my desires, what worked, what didn’t work. And how sometimes desires even came true by themselves in a completely unexpected way that I could not even imagine.

So if you want something, but have no idea yet how it can be achieved at all, do not give up what you want, be sure to write down this desire in your magic notebook. And you will see what miracles will begin later!

How to create and design a wish notebook

First of all, go to the store and choose the most beautiful and bright notebook or notebook. It is better with a hard cover, perhaps with a spring or rings so that it will serve you for a long time. An important condition: the notebook should give you pleasant feelings when you see it. So take the one that resonates with you. Spare no expense. Remember - by parting with money easily, you attract it even more!

Next you will need a pen with blue ink; it would be better if it was a special separate pen, one that you really like. This will be a magic wand to make your wishes come true. You also need different colored pens for highlighting, coloring and highlighting.

Now take a piece of paper and write down your desires and dreams on it. We will need this list to select pictures to suit our desires.

Then you need pictures with suitable images, personifying your dreams and desires. You can take magazines with color pictures and cut out what you need from them. Or you can find the pictures you need on the Internet and print them on a color printer. This method is a little more complicated, but the choice is wide, and you can find any image you want.

The process of selecting pictures in itself is very exciting, inspiring and causes a storm of wonderful emotions! This is exactly the feeling of uplift that we need to make your wishes come true easily and quickly. After all, it is emotions that trigger the process of attracting what we want into our lives.

Second notebook of wishes - enhancing the magical effect!

I also recommend keeping two notebooks for your desires. One with pictures, as I already said, it’s very powerful way attracting what you want. And the second - where you will simply write down everything you want and dream about without illustrations.

Why do you need such a wish notebook? It is not always possible to quickly write down a desire and immediately reinforce it the necessary images, because the pictures still need to be found, printed, cut, and pasted. All this takes time and some effort.

Therefore, in the second notebook, just write all your desires as soon as they come to your mind. We felt it and wrote it down without delay. Write your wishes here as often as possible. Better every day. Get yourself such a useful habit, for example, let it be your every morning magical ritual.

It will also be very useful to have a nightly ritual - rereading these desires before you fall asleep. By doing this, you give tasks to your subconscious, and all night it will work on them and look for ways to bring what you want to life. It is quite possible that you will wake up in the morning with new fresh ideas. Write them down immediately and be sure to implement them!

So we do it this way: on a separate page, write down one of your wishes at the top. We’ll look at how to write it correctly below. It’s better to write it down with red paste or highlight it somehow, circle it. And below, under this inscription, write in regular paste the same phrase on a new line as many times as will fit to the end of this page.

Why are we doing this? It’s just one of the magical techniques for making wishes come true. By writing down the same desire several times, you force yourself to concentrate on it for a certain time, thereby programming your subconscious to fulfill it. Moreover, it is important to write wishes by hand; doing this exercise on a computer will not be as effective. This is such a simple and miraculous technique. Not at all difficult, right? So why not use it?

There is another similar technique. But I’ll tell you about it next time... , so as not to miss and be the first to know about it.

How to write down wishes correctly

Now let's figure out how to correctly write down your desires in a notebook. To make your dreams and desires come true easily and without extra effort, you need to formulate them correctly. I already wrote in the article how to do this.

Here I will list the main points:

  • We write the desire in a positive affirmative form, do not use the particle “not”. When reading the phrase, you should experience only positive emotions. Therefore, when formulating there should not be any negative words like: sick, fat, tired, nervous, stress, depression, sadness, weakness, poverty and other negatively colored words of expression.
  • Write down your wish in the present tense. Then the subconscious will perceive it as if it has already been fulfilled.
  • We don’t use words – I want, I can, I would, it will, it will become, as if, etc. Write in the affirmative form and in the present tense as mentioned above. For example, not “I want a new 2-story house by the sea, but: I live in my own cozy 2-story house overlooking the sea. Like that. You can see more examples of correct formulation of desires in this article .
  • The desire must be detailed and specific. In the first notebook with pictures, describe what you want in all possible detail. The more detailed and clear, the faster and more accurately the desire will be fulfilled. We write specifically. That is, not just “I want a car,” but I drive such and such a car (brand, color, etc.). You should see what it is like outside and inside - brand, design, color - everything, and also imagine yourself behind the wheel, how you drive your car, and your feelings from this process.
  • Unlike setting goals, when writing down desires, we do not indicate the deadline for its fulfillment. It is not necessary. We trust the fulfillment of our desires in the hands of the Universe. Let it come true when the time comes for it, when everything is ready for its fulfillment. However, if you want to move towards what you want and take concrete steps in the right direction, then it’s worth translating the desire into, time frames and.
  • Write only what your soul really desires. You will learn how to determine your true desires in the article. . Simply, if your desire is true, if it comes from the depths of your Self, then it has a living response in your soul. Every time you think about it, you will experience a sweet anticipation of its fulfillment, you will feel the strongest positive emotions, and this is the secret of getting what we want as quickly as possible.
  • Write with full confidence that you will receive what you ask for. How is not your concern. Your task is only to allow yourself to have what your soul desires. Whatever you decide, so it will be. So right now, make a conscious decision that what you want will be yours. To enhance the effect, after saying the wish, add: “This is my intention, and so it is! Thank you".
  • If you want to receive something new, be willing to let go of the old. This new one will replace it. There are real examples when, having made a wish, for example, to get a new phone, a person loses his current phone, or it suddenly breaks down for some reason, and he actually has to get a new one.

Keep your desires secret. You shouldn't show it to anyone. Someone else's energy can interfere with the fulfillment of your plans, especially if they envy you or simply do not believe in the possibility of fulfillment.

And I wish you a speedy magical fulfillment of your desires!