Paintings with swans on the lake. Let's meet a beautiful bird - a swan. Habitat and habitat features

Swan - majestic White bird royal beauty and divine grace. She is capable of arousing admiration not only for her beautiful plumage, but also for her incredible posture. Today, these beautiful birds are a symbol of spiritual purity, purity and marital fidelity. We bring to your attention information about swans: a description of them appearance, character and characteristics of life.

In nature, as a rule, these birds live in sparsely populated bodies of water, which are overgrown with reeds and reeds. During cold weather, they fly away to warm countries, and when spring comes, they return. The female builds a nest in the thickets, and the chicks appear by mid-summer. A baby swan is born feathered and can immediately get its own food. The female stays with the swans for about 6 months until they are fully grown.

It is rare to see a swan on land. This bird prefers to spend time on the water. She is very careful and prefers quiet, calm places, away from noise and people. But sometimes you can meet couples that live close to a person’s place of residence. This may mean that the birds are fed and treated very well.

It is worth noting that these birds are often found in the northern hemisphere. Although they often choose to live in New Zealand, Australia and South America.

Appearance of the bird

The male and female are not much different from each other. is one of the largest waterfowl, differing in size and weight, which reaches 10-13 kg. Its body is elongated, long (about 150-170 cm), its neck is long and looks very elegant. The strong wings have a span of almost 2 meters, the legs are short, dark in color, and located slightly behind. The beak is gray or black and yellow.

It is worth noting that young individuals have a pink beak, the tip of which is painted black. A swimming bird has a neck stretched vertically upward, with its head and beak facing forward. But if we talk about the species of mute swans, then it differs in that it has a red beak. While in the water, it adopts a pose with a curved neck that resembles an S-shape. At the same time, its wings are slightly raised, and its beak is lowered down.

A lot has been said about swans, and especially about their snow-white plumage and a large number of soft and delicate fluff. Their unsurpassed grace and regal grandeur can be seen below, where a photo of swans in all their glory is presented.

Swan character

They say a lot about swans that they have a calm and peaceful character. But if they feel danger or a threat to their lives, they are able to defend themselves. At the same time, they create hissing sounds, strongly flap their wings and use their beak as a weapon.

Among these birds there are both peaceful species and those with a rather aggressive character. Black-colored individuals are peaceful, but the Mute usually shows aggression, which can even attack a person and break an arm with a blow from a strong wing.

But if this bird gets to a person as a chick, it becomes practically tame and gets used to its owner. She is not afraid of noise or people around her. She adapts to her new habitat and gets along well with poultry and animals.

Fascinating facts about swans interest many. And there really is a lot of mysterious and interesting things here.

  1. There are many beliefs about swans and their fidelity to their partner until the end of their lives. But one thing is certain: the swan is a monogamous bird and, having created a pair, it remains nearby as long as the companion is alive. But having become a widower, the male or female will create a new pair, and will not remain a hermit until death.
  2. This bird looks great due to the fact that its body is covered with very thick plumage (this can be seen in any photograph). And few people know that the number of feathers is 25 thousand units. This bird is a record holder, but during seasonal molting it loses a lot of feathers and cannot fly for some time.
  3. Regardless of which swans we are talking about, white or black, their chicks appear covered with gray down and only over time acquire feathers of a certain color. Snow-white feathers appear only in the third year of life.
  4. The coloring of an individual directly depends on what climatic conditions the bird has chosen. If a swan lives in the southern regions, then the color takes on a darker shade, and when it lives in northern countries, the feather becomes perfectly white. Below are photographs that show the colors of the plumage.
  5. An interesting description about black swans was made by ornithologists. It is in this species that same-sex marriages occur, and the female is attracted only to bear the egg. After which she is driven away, and the males are engaged in hatching and raising.

Another interesting fact about swans is that they are record holders for the highest flight altitude. At the end of the 60s, pilots noticed several individuals of the Whooper Swan at an altitude of more than 8200 meters. Radar confirmed this. The birds were allowed to rise to such a height by their plumage, which perfectly warms them.

Drawing lesson on how to draw two swans in love with a pencil step by step. How to draw swans for a wedding or Valentine's Day.

I came across the picture by chance, really liked it and decided to make a lesson.

Swans in love

Draw ovals close to each other and draw the necks of the swans with curves so that it seems like a heart.

Draw a beak, head and eye for one, then for the other, outline the width of the neck with a dotted line.

Connect the dotted line with one line, paint over the black area of ​​​​the two swans from beak to eye.

Draw the body of the swan on the right, then on the left, its wing is raised.

Show a little feathers on the swans' bodies, and also apply shadows. On top of them draw an arch on which roses will grow.

I didn’t start drawing roses and leaves, it took a lot of time, I just quickly drew chaos and paper garlands, I don’t know what they are exactly called. In the middle I simply drew a rosebud and leaves. This rose is from a rose drawing lesson for kids. Several hearts fly from above the arch.

Draw the water and slightly shade the reflection of two swans in the water. The drawing of swans in love is ready.

A beautiful and noble bird, a swan, can be drawn in a variety of variations. These can be cartoon drawings, schematic ones, or more picturesque ones, closer to reality. However, the swan will always look like a chic and graceful character. But if you want to learn how to draw a swan, then you should spend a little time studying general characteristics the structure of his physique. Don’t think that drawing this bird is quick and easy. Especially if you have little experience and skills in drawing in general. Therefore, we present you with a short lesson on how to draw a swan step by step, with visual material presented in photographs to make it easier to learn. We chose the drawing for training that is least close to painting, because the cartoon version is better suited for drawing by beginners.

Features of the drawing technique

If you want to learn how to draw a swan with a pencil, then pay attention to some elements of the design of its body. The swan is an elegant bird, so sketches of this bird should always be made with smooth lines, graceful strokes and curves. In order to understand how to draw a swan, you need to take into account the essential elements of the physique of this graceful bird. These are parts such as a long neck, a red wide beak, a neat head, a small eye, wide wings and a tail with not very colorful plumage. IN general view the bird must look elegant, and not angular or heavy with elements shaded with thick lines. Those who know for sure how to draw a swan correctly will never burden its drawing with large sizes of individual parts or voluminous solid strokes. If you understand all the subtleties of depicting such a bird, then you can proceed to the actual work.

Drawing a swan

The first step is very simple. You need to draw a simple isosceles triangle, exactly as shown in the picture.

Then we connect these two ovals with elegant dotted lines exactly as in the photo.

Following this dotted line, we will form the silhouette of a swan as shown in the figure, and erase the excess with an eraser.

That's it, now the triangle can be removed, and the silhouette of the bird can be drawn more clearly. The next step is to draw the wings and head. The wings of our swan are folded, so we draw them accordingly. Using smooth arched lines we give the wings the shape and details of the plumage. Then we draw the beak and eye. Then a wavy line of water along which the swan is depicted swimming. We do everything as shown in the figure.

The last stage of our drawing will be that we must draw a special detail on the swan’s head with thicker strokes. This is a kind of connection that is drawn from the beak to the eye. Don’t forget to also draw the paw and lightly shade the bird’s wings, closer to the neck.

If desired, you can color the background or the wave of water on which the bird is swimming. Your handsome swan is ready! You have learned and now know how to draw a swan with a pencil. This will definitely come in handy in your creative life. We wish you success in the arts!

Swans are amazingly beautiful birds!

It is no coincidence that the swan lake with graceful and beautiful swans swimming in it near the famous Neuschwanstein Castle in Germany inspired the Russian composer P.I. Tchaikovsky to write his most famous musical work - "Swan Lake"...

You might be interested in reading 7 interesting facts about these wonderful birds:

  1. Swans are the largest waterfowl in Europe. Depending on the species, the body length of adult individuals reaches 120-180 cm, and the weight can reach up to 15 kg.

2. The long life of swans in their natural environment is 25-28 years.

3. A symbol of fidelity and a happy married life is a pair of white swans. A swan, as a rule, finds a partner and stays with him for the rest of his life. In addition, swans do everything together: they get food, fly, hatch and raise their chicks. And they love each other immensely. That is why wedding cakes are often decorated with figurines in the form of a pair of swans - for good luck.

4. It is rare, but it also happens that black swans create a pair of two males. And only for reproduction they find a female. And when the female lays an egg, she may be expelled from the nest. This egg is incubated by two males in turn. And then they raise the baby themselves.

5. Swans take the death of their partner very hard. If a partner dies, then lonely swans often leave the flock and live alone. There are known cases when swans, unable to survive the longing for their beloved half, fell down from a great height and were broken.

6. Swans care not only about their partner, but also about their other brothers. In cases of illness of one of the flock members, the birds may postpone their flight until their relative recovers.