Certificate for excellent study - text samples. A selection of texts for school certificates for children and thanks for parents Certificate for exemplary behavior

Here you will find sample texts for certificate of honor for excellent studies. The texts are addressed to both students primary school, and excellent senior students school age, as well as students and graduates.

All texts are written in prose (not verse). Recommendations for design are at the end of the page.

All names, surnames, names of organizations and localities are used only for convenience of presentation (do not forget to change them to the ones you need).

Option #1

State budgetary institution

secondary school education in the Kirov region

"Secondary school No. 1"


Korneeva Alevtin

for excellent studies

based on the results of the third quarter of the 2018-2019 academic year

We wish you creative success!

Deputy Director of UP and BP

L. Sh. Golovanova

Option No. 2


Artamonova Ruslana

student of 2nd "B" class

Municipal educational institution

"Secondary school No. 10"

for excellent studies

in the 2018-2019 academic year.

Director of MBOU "Secondary School No. 10"

K. Zh. Polovinkina

Volgodonsk, 2019

Option #3


Arkhipova Karina

4th grade student,

for excellent studies

creativity and active participation in the life of the class and school.

Cl. Supervisor

G. Kh. Pistashkova

December, 2018


Option No. 4


Borodin Alexander

student of grade 3 "B"

MAOU "Secondary School No. 181"

for excellent studies, participation in class and school events,

for kindness, attention to people,

for the ability to make friends

and active assistance to the teacher.

Deputy director for sustainable development

V. E. Lugovskaya

Classroom teacher

K. B. Tsyplakova


Option #5


Elkin Savely

graduate of 11th "B" class

for good and excellent studies,

hard work and perseverance!

We are proud of your victories and achievements!

We sincerely wish you to always strive forward -

to new heights.

Head teacher:

P. D. Igolkin

Classroom teacher:

E. F. Filkin

Option #6

Municipal educational institution "Secondary school No. 82"


certificate of honor

student of 6 "A" class

Putilin Sergei

for excellent academic performance and exemplary behavior.

The school hopes that Sergei will continue to be an example in his studies and behavior.

Head teacher

A. U. Latkina

May, 2019


Option No. 7


Guskova Ariadna

student of the 7th grade, choreographic department of the Children's Art School, for good studies, active participation in the creative life of the school, as well as for successful performance at regional and regional competitions in 2018.

Head teacher

A. O. Baletkina

K. V. Khorovodova


U. K. Tantsulkina


Option No. 8


student 2 "B" class

Chechevitsyn Yakov

for the pursuit of knowledge,

good academic performance, discipline,

diligence and active participation in class life.

Director of State Educational Institution "Secondary School No. 91"

O. P. Andreeva


Option No. 9


Gogoleva Ksenia

1st grade student

for excellent academic achievements,

for dedication and perseverance,

love for school, responsibility and a tendency to work independently,

as well as for intelligence, giftedness and talent.


P. D. Osipova


G. L. Repeynikova

Usinsk, 2018

Option No. 10


Polukeeva Galina

4th grade student "A"

secondary school No. 73

for excellent academic performance,

active participation in public and creative work class,

responsibility and goodwill.

Director of Secondary School No. 73

A. E. Uvarova

Classroom teacher

R. N. Utkina

Option No. 11


Korovin Anatoly

For success, high results and

demonstrated initiative during training

according to the program of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia for the Republic of Mari El and the KRO "Rossoyuzspas", "Safety School" on the basis of the Orel Medical Center.

Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia for

Republic of Mari El

Y. S. Petrenko

Chairman of KRO "Rossoyuzspas"

V. U. Ivanenko


Option No. 12


Kosichkina Alisa

Student of grade 5 “D” MBOU secondary school No. 73

for excellent studies, for a conscientious attitude towards the educational process.

Your achievements and victories are an example of efficiency, determination, enthusiasm and dedication.

This is worthy of emulation!

We hope that you will continue to improve your abilities so that we all have the opportunity to feel a sense of pride in your success.

Director of secondary school No. 73

R. Zh. Zaumov

Classroom teacher

L. D. Ukhvatova

May, 2018


Option No. 13


Kurochkin Pavel

student of 1st "A" class

Secondary school No. 19

For excellent studies, participation in class and school events,

for your attention and curiosity, understanding and kindness,

inquisitive mind and active interest in science

based on the results of the second quarter of the 2018-2019 academic year.

Director of Secondary School No. 19

P. Z. Dolgova

Head on academic work

N. G. Zheludeva


Option No. 14


Mukhin Rodion

student of 11th grade "B"

behind achievements achieved in studies, active participation in the social life of the school, project activities, intellectual marathons and olympiads.


State educational institution "Special boarding school No. 46"

V. O. Milyukov

June, 2018


Option No. 15

Administration of Lebedyansky district


Maximova Tamara

MBOU "Troekurovskaya Secondary School"

for success in intellectual and scientific activities.

We wish you to remain a leader in your chosen activity, never tired of learning new things, overcoming difficulties and obstacles, defeating worthy rivals, the strongest competitors.

We sincerely wish you health, prosperity and new victories for the benefit of our Motherland!

Head of Administration

Lebedyansky district

U. D. Sovinkin

III regional forum of gifted schoolchildren “We are the future!”

November, 2018

With. Troekurovo

Option No. 16


Vyatkin Mikhail

for results in intellectual and cognitive activity

and excellent academic performance.

Director of secondary school No. 55

P. B. Shumilina

Option No. 17

"For special achievements in the study of individual subjects"


Bykova Anastasia Viktorovna

11th grade student

municipal budgetary educational institution

"Bulashovskaya secondary school"

Tobolsk municipal

district of the Tyumen region

For special success in studying the academic subject: mathematics, physics, chemistry, English language, history, sociology.

Registration No. 37

Head of educational


P. Zh. Terentyeva

Option No. 18


Desyatnikova Antonina

student of grade 9 "A"

for achieving high levels of academic performance, for an active life position, the ability to achieve a goal, hard work, charm, attentiveness, sensitive attitude towards others, a conscientious attitude towards learning, and the ability to overcome difficulties.

Director of secondary school No. 343

H. A. Terekhova

Classroom teacher

E. R. Polovinkina

December, 2018


Option No. 19


Yashkin Grigory Petrovich

11th grade graduate of Municipal Educational Institution “Secondary School No. 3”,

for special achievements in the study of algebra and the beginnings of analysis, computer science.

Director of secondary school No. 3

V. K. Timofeeva


Option No. 20


Kozmina Elena

for achievements in studies and mastering a profession

operator of unmanned aerial vehicles.

Dean of the Faculty of Aviation Engineering, MAI

L. E. Petrovsky


Option No. 21


student of group AP-1-09

Shpulkin Vsevolod Maksimovich

for excellent studies

during 3 semesters of study

and active participation in the scientific life of the Russian State University for the Humanities

Dean of FIT

R. Sh. Atmosferova

St. Petersburg, 2018

Option No. 22


for success in studies and scientific activities

1st year student

in master's degree

Faculty of Philology

Filonov Fedor Lukich

scholarship recipient for the 2018/2019 academic year

personal scholarship of the Government of the Russian Federation

(according to the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

L. Z. Khlebin

Option No. 23


Kulakov Afanasy Ilyich

student of group 10-VF

for excellent studies and high performance according to the current rating of students of the State Agricultural Academy (95.50 points), active participation in the research work of the academy, for maintaining the high image of the academy in the field of agricultural achievements.

Rector of the State Agricultural Academy

U. N. Alekseev

Dean of FEM

G. Kh. Ogorodnikov


Option No. 24


Irina Eduardovna

student of group 28-РХ

for excellent achievements

in acquiring professional knowledge,

for perseverance and perseverance,

for active participation in the life of the group and college.

Director of GBOU SPO

"Tula Pedagogical College No. 2"

R. T. Tikhomirov

Option No. 25


Ryabinin Artem Rostislavovich


Faculty of Economics


"International Economics"

for excellent studies and

achievements in the scientific life of the faculty and university.

Rector of MSTU

L. E. Sinichkin

A. R. Sidorov

Kaluga, June 2018

Option No. 26

Dear Oreshkina Milana!

Thank you very much for your excellent studies,

desire for knowledge.

Your successes are a worthy contribution to the development and prosperity of your native Chernogorsk

We wish you Health, Success and Good Luck in all your endeavors!


Governor of Chernogorsk

I. F. Ivanov

  • If you liked a text, but it is addressed, for example, to a graduate or a high school student, and you need a text for an elementary school student, just insert the data you need into it (school class, reason for the award, name of the organization, etc.). You will see that the text is quite universal and suits you no matter who you are addressing it to.
  • When issuing a certificate, it is permissible to write individual words in capital letters (usually the words “Awarded” and “Awarded”), and also highlight them in bold. But don't write all text in capital letters or bold.
  • The main text is laid out in the center of the page. It is allowed to lay out the text along the width or to the left in cases where a different layout for some reason (for example, due to a specific design on the sheet) is inappropriate on the page.
  • After the main text, indicate the position of the author of the document (there may be several of them, then they are written one below the other. See how it is formatted in the samples). Opposite the position, on the right edge, indicate the initials and surname (in full) of the signed persons.
  • In the center, between the indicated position and surname, a personal signature and seal of the organization are placed.
  • The last entry on the page will be the date. It can be reduced, leaving only the year of award or the month and year. However, if the date has already been mentioned in the main text (for example, the academic quarter or half-year and the year to which they relate are indicated), then it is permissible not to indicate the date at the end of the page (see option No. 1 and No. 13).
  • Also, after the date or next to it, indicate the name of the locality. However, this is an optional condition, especially if the locality is already mentioned in the text itself or in its “header” (for example, it is often indicated when mentioning the name and number of a school, college, or institute).
  • The order number (if any) is indicated at the end of the main text, placing the entry on the left edge or in the center.

Texts of letters

for primary school graduates

Everyone knows how difficult it is to find the right words for your students, to note the merits of each, to praise or encourage, and to instill confidence in a successful future. I offer several options for the text of certificates in verse for rewarding students at the end of the school year and for on the holiday"Goodbye elementary school." Texts of gratitude to parents for raising children and active participation in the life of the class and school. Poems for awarding several children in different categories and wording for specific children, perhaps they will help you make your holiday, line-up more unusual and memorable.

Poetic texts of letters

Awardedin the “Golden Pen” nomination…..


For success in humanities

This is the happiness of an intellectual -

Learn, think and search!

So that life becomes even fuller,

History is good to know

Language of the people and culture,

And the basics of philosophy!

For your success in difficult sciences

Let us present you with a certificate!

Awardedin the category “Young Pythagoras”…..


For success in the exact sciences

Sometimes it's hard to get through

Through the jungle of formulas, equations,

But the more difficult it is to understand,

The brighter the joy of achievement!

Who believes that anything is possible

He is brave, decisive, desperate!

For your success in complex science

We are presenting a certificate today!

Awardedin the category “Young Biologist”…..


For achievements in natural sciences

How interesting it is to be in the center of events,

When you rush through thorns to the stars of knowledge!

So many discoveries have already been made,

And how much is ahead - you will be amazed!

But it’s impossible to modestly hide victory,

After all, we celebrate all achievements,

We wish to further develop

And we solemnly present the certificate!

Awardedin the “Sports Star” category…..


For sporting achievements

In everyday life we ​​are different

An athlete with perseverance and patience,

After all, in sports the will is strengthened

And aspirations are strengthened!

Let life be bright and active

And all the peaks are conquered!

For sports achievements

A certificate is awarded from the school!

Awardedin the category “Young Picasso”.....


For creative success

For work and determination,

Passion for what you love,

Craving for art, mastery,

Your creations are magic

Flight of brilliant fantasy

And for your real talent,

Which you make everyone happy!

Your reward for success!

Awardedin the category “Strong friendship will not break”.....


For the ability to be friends

For sensitivity and kindness,

Responsiveness and humanity

Ability to live in a team

To truly be friends

Help your friends when they are having a hard time

And be a reliable comrade,

And loyalty to friendship with early years!

Awardedin the category “Exemplary Children”.....


For exemplary behavior

It’s more fun, it’s more wonderful to live,

If everyone is an example:

If you don't be naughty,

Maintain discipline!

Let him please now

This certificate is from us!

Wishes for inspiration,

Happiness, joy, luck!


    behindexcellent studies , participation

for the ability to make friends

and active assistance to the teacher.

    behindexcellent studies , participation in class and school events,

for your kindness and understanding,

You are one of the first with us.

    behindexcellent studies , participation

in classroom and school events,

for all your efforts

they helped you with your studies,

for the most difficult tasks,

    behindexcellent studies , participation

in classroom and school events,

for curiosity, attention,

    behindexcellent studies,

for the kindness of soul and mind,

for always making it through

    behindgood studies

on difficult tests

and in difficult home situations,

for the intelligent look of inquisitive eyes,

the beginning of a resounding success.

    behinddesire to learn better,

for your inquisitive mind and kindness,

    behinddesire to learn better

for the intelligent look of inquisitive eyes,

for becoming fifth grade

    behinddesire to learn better

for the kindness of soul and readiness

    behinddesire to learn better

and the ability to overcome difficulties,

for the intelligent look of inquisitive eyes,

for becoming fifth grade

the beginning of a resounding success.

    behinddesire to learn better

for the kindness of soul and readiness

for the intelligent look of inquisitive eyes,

for the sound of joyful laughter,

for becoming fifth grade

the beginning of a resounding success.

    behinddesire to learn better

and the ability not to lose heart in a difficult situation,

for the kindness of soul and readiness

come to the rescue at any moment.

    behindactive work in class ,

you read, write and count,

and that patience and labor

they will lead you to victory.

    behindActive participation in the life of the class,

excellent duty,

for the desire to learn better

and the ability not to lose heart in a difficult situation,

for the kindness of soul and readiness

come to the rescue at any moment.

    behindactive participation in class life ,

for neatness, neatness,

for the thirst for knowledge and work,

because of difficulties in studying

They only give you strength.

    for participation in class and school events,

for overcoming difficulties

on difficult tests

and in difficult home situations,

for neat notebooks,

Gratitude to parents for raising their son well

You can be proud of your son!

Our heartfelt gratitude to you!

After all, you helped him become this way,

How we know and love him now!

And in every brilliant success of his

And a lot of your work too!

He can achieve anything in life

Having such support always!

Gratitude to parents for raising their daughter well

You raised a wonderful daughter!

You have a reason to be proud!

You set a great example

So that your daughter can look up to you!

How much effort and love you put into it!

Parental work is invaluable!

You were her support!

We thank you for this!

Letter of thanks parents for active participation in the life of the class and school

Known: outside the educational process

There is a lot of interest in the life of the class,

And, in order to give as much to the children as possible,

The school needs help!

You set a wonderful example for everyone,

By actively participating in classroom life.

For this we thank you from the bottom of our hearts

And we want to reward you with a certificate!

Thank you letter to parents

I express my gratitude and say a huge human “THANK YOU” for your participation in the upbringing of your child and the life of the school. A person’s success, of course, is the merit of his closest people with seemingly imperceptible daily efforts, work, patience and responsibility. I thank you for your creative approach and active life position.
With all my heart I wish you good health, happiness and prosperity! I express the hope that your creative activities for the benefit of our school will continue in the future!!!

Letter of thanks from the director to parents


I sincerely thank you and express my deep gratitude for the upbringing of (full name), who has shown himself to be a student capable of thinking deeply, overcoming difficulties, showing excellent results, defeating worthy opponents. Your child’s victories are our common joy.
Thanks to your support and understanding, we will be able to continue to educate young people full of strength and aspirations for knowledge and creativity.
I wish you all the best, optimism, health, prosperity and more human warmth.
I will be glad (glad) to develop our cooperation and mutual understanding!

Thank you letter to student
Thank you for your conscientious attitude towards the educational (educational, creative) process.
I wish you to remain a leader in the area where you succeed, never tired of learning new things, overcoming unprecedented difficulties and obstacles, defeating worthy rivals, the strongest competitors.
Believe that our teaching staff will continue to be a necessary support for you in achieving and conquering new heights.
I hope that you will continue to improve your abilities so that everyone can truly enjoy your success.
I sincerely wish you health, prosperity and new achievements for the benefit of your family, our school and the entire Fatherland!

Thank you letter to teacher

Please accept my sincere gratitude for your success in the field of school education, for your high professionalism and competence, dedication and hard work!
Your inherent efficiency, focus on achieving the final result, ability to make decisions, communication skills, goodwill, patience, and willingness to answer any questions from your students are admirable.
I hope that your many years of experience and the unquenchable fire of sincere dedication to your work will serve further development spiritual and intellectual level of the younger generation. May the kindness and wisdom in the teacher’s heart never dry up!
I wish you good health and prosperity, patience and optimism, success in your difficult but important work!!!

A joyful school year has ended,
It brought a whole body of discoveries and knowledge.
A's, B's, prizes and awards,
Clubs and fun Olympics!

For your talent and creativity
You get a reward!
Let everything be as you want
And just the way you dream!

For active participation in class life

Do you know how to lead others?
You captivate everyone with bright ideas,
And life is more interesting in class with you,
You are always active and help with everything!
It’s easy to achieve every goal,
We wish you good luck in all your endeavors,
Be the center of attention and win!
We deserve this award!

For active participation in the life of the school

The world stands on activists!
And the school here is no exception.
And the fact that our life is in full swing -
Your merit, without a doubt!
Let optimism never run out
And inspiration flows like a fountain!
We present you with a certificate
For endless movement!

To the student

    for excellent studies, participation

in classroom and school events,

for kindness, attention to people,

for the ability to make friends

and active assistance to the teacher.

    for excellent studies, participation

in classroom and school events,

for curiosity, attention,

for your kindness and understanding,

for the intelligent look of inquisitive eyes,

You are one of the first with us.

    for excellent studies, participation

in classroom and school events,

for all your efforts

they helped you with your studies,

for the most difficult tasks,

what you decide on your way.

    for excellent studies, participation

in classroom and school events,

for curiosity, attention,

and perseverance in achieving goals.

    for excellent studies,

for the kindness of soul and mind,

for courage in mastering knowledge,

for always making it through

with any of the difficult tests.

    for good studies

(for the desire to learn better)

and the ability to overcome difficulties

on scary tests

and in difficult home situations,

for the intelligent look of inquisitive eyes,

for the sound of joyful laughter,

for becoming fifth grade

the beginning of a resounding success.

    for the desire to learn better,

for your inquisitive mind and kindness,

for being in a fight with oneself

learned to find correct solution

and manage your behavior.

    for the desire to learn better

and the ability to overcome difficulties,

for the intelligent look of inquisitive eyes,

for courage in decision making,

for becoming fifth grade

a stepping stone to new achievements.

    for the desire to learn better

and the ability not to lose heart in a difficult situation,

for the kindness of soul and readiness

come to the rescue at any moment.

    for the desire to learn better

and the ability to overcome difficulties,

for the intelligent look of inquisitive eyes,

for modesty and exemplary behavior,

for becoming fifth grade

the beginning of a resounding success.

    for the desire to learn better,

for the kindness of soul and readiness

come to the rescue in difficult times,

for the intelligent look of inquisitive eyes,

for the sound of joyful laughter,

for becoming fifth grade

the beginning of a resounding success.

    for the desire to learn better

and the ability to overcome difficulties

on scary tests

and in difficult home situations,

for the intelligent look of inquisitive eyes,

for the sound of joyful laughter,

for becoming fifth grade

the beginning of a resounding success.

    for the desire to learn better

and the ability not to lose heart in a difficult situation,

for the kindness of soul and readiness

come to the rescue at any moment.

    for active work in class,

for an inquisitive mind and ability to make friends,

because you know almost everything,

you read, write and count,

and that patience and labor

they will lead you to victory.

excellent duty,

for the desire to learn better

and the ability not to lose heart in a difficult situation,

for the kindness of soul and readiness

come to the rescue at any moment.

    for active participation in class life,

for neatness, neatness,

for the thirst for knowledge and work,

because of difficulties in studying

They only give you strength.

    for taking part

in classroom and school events,

for overcoming difficulties

on scary tests

and in difficult home situations,

for neat notebooks,

diligence and perseverance in achieving the goal.

    for taking part

in classroom and school events,

for all your efforts

brought you to success

for intelligence, activity, good knowledge

and for the ability to make friends.

    for modesty, hard work, diligence,

for the thirst for knowledge and work,

because of difficulties in studying

They only give you strength.

Texts of certificates and letters of gratitude.

Thank you letter to parents.

I express my gratitude and say a huge human “THANK YOU” for your participation in the upbringing of your child and the life of the school. A person’s success, of course, is the merit of his closest people with seemingly imperceptible daily efforts, work, patience and responsibility. I thank you for your creative approach and active life position.
With all my heart I wish you good health, happiness and prosperity! I express the hope that your creative activities for the benefit of our school will continue in the future!!!

Director's letter of thanks to parents.


I sincerely thank you and express my deep gratitude for the upbringing of (full name), who has shown himself to be a student capable of thinking deeply, overcoming difficulties, showing excellent results, defeating worthy opponents. Your child’s victories are our common joy.
Thanks to your support and understanding, we will be able to continue to educate young people full of strength and aspirations for knowledge and creativity.
I wish you all the best, optimism, health, prosperity and more human warmth.
I will be glad (glad) to develop our cooperation and mutual understanding!

Thank you letter to student.

Thank you for your conscientious attitude towards the educational (educational, creative) process.
I wish you to remain a leader in the area where you succeed, never tired of learning new things, overcoming unprecedented difficulties and obstacles, defeating worthy rivals, the strongest competitors.
Believe that our teaching staff will continue to be a necessary support for you in achieving and conquering new heights.
I hope that you will continue to improve your abilities so that everyone can truly enjoy your success.
I sincerely wish you health, prosperity and new achievements for the benefit of your family, our school and the entire Fatherland!

Thank you letter to teacher

Please accept my sincere gratitude for your success in the field of school education, for your high professionalism and competence, dedication and hard work!
Your inherent efficiency, focus on achieving the final result, ability to make decisions, communication skills, goodwill, patience, and willingness to answer any questions from your students are admirable.
I hope that your many years of experience and the unquenchable fire of sincere devotion to your work will serve the further development of the spiritual and intellectual level of the younger generation. May the kindness and wisdom in the teacher’s heart never dry up!
I wish you good health and prosperity, patience and optimism, success in your difficult but important work!!!

A joyful school year has ended,
It brought a whole body of discoveries and knowledge.
A's, B's, prizes and awards,
Clubs and fun Olympics!

For your talent and creativity
You get a reward!
Let everything be as you want
And just the way you dream!

For active participation in class life

Do you know how to lead others?
You captivate everyone with bright ideas,
And life is more interesting in class with you,
You are always active and help with everything!
It’s easy to achieve every goal,
We wish you good luck in all your endeavors,
Be the center of attention and win!
We deserve this award!

For active participation in the life of the school

The world stands on activists!
And the school here is no exception.
And the fact that our life is in full swing -
Your merit, without a doubt!
Let optimism never run out
And inspiration flows like a fountain!
We present you with a certificate
For endless movement!

Happy graduation from 1st grade!

The bright sun is shining,
Like a gold medal.
First-grader certificate
We reward you from the bottom of our hearts!
We praise you for your efforts,
Well done, first-grader!
Today you are awarded
Title - second grader!

Congratulations on finishing 1st grade.

Your first grade is over,
Your very first year.
You will remember more than once
A year of joyful worries.
Everyone around you is proud of you
And everyone praises you.
Now you are the school's best friend,
Now you and her are friends!

Congratulations on finishing 1st grade.

Difficult first grade, of course!
That's why it's interesting!
And there are many successes,
And my native school became.
Appeared at your place
New friends at school.
The first year was great!
Simply great! First class!
Here summer has arrived,
You can rest safely.
Gain strength and health -
Get ready for second grade!

To the student at the end of the school year

  1. for excellent studies, participation

for kindness, attention to people,

for the ability to make friends

and active assistance to the teacher.

  1. for excellent studies, participation

in classroom and school events,

for your kindness and understanding,

You are one of the first with us.

  1. for excellent studies, participation

in classroom and school events,

for all your efforts

they helped you with your studies,

for the most difficult tasks,

what you decide on your way.

  1. for excellent studies, participation

in classroom and school events,

for curiosity, attention,

and perseverance in achieving goals.

  1. for excellent studies,

for the kindness of soul and mind,

for courage in mastering knowledge,

for always making it through

with any of the difficult tests.

  1. for good studies

(for the desire to learn better)

on scary tests

and in difficult home situations,

for the intelligent look of inquisitive eyes,

the beginning of a resounding success.

  1. for the desire to learn better,

for your inquisitive mind and kindness,

for being in a fight with oneself

learned to find the right solution

and manage your behavior.

  1. for the desire to learn better

for the intelligent look of inquisitive eyes,

for courage in making decisions,

for becoming fifth grade

a stepping stone to new achievements.

  1. for the desire to learn better

for the kindness of soul and readiness

  1. for the desire to learn better

and the ability to overcome difficulties,

for the intelligent look of inquisitive eyes,

for modesty and exemplary behavior,

for becoming fifth grade

the beginning of a resounding success.

  1. for the desire to learn better,

for the kindness of soul and readiness

Come to the rescue in difficult times,

for the intelligent look of inquisitive eyes,

for the sound of joyful laughter,

for becoming fifth grade

the beginning of a resounding success.

  1. for the desire to learn better

and the ability to overcome difficulties

on scary tests

and in difficult home situations,

for the intelligent look of inquisitive eyes,

for the sound of joyful laughter,

for becoming fifth grade

the beginning of a resounding success.

  1. for the desire to learn better

and the ability not to lose heart in a difficult situation,

for the kindness of soul and readiness

come to the rescue at any moment.

  1. for active work in class,

for an inquisitive mind and ability to make friends,

because you know almost everything,

you read, write and count,

and that patience and labor

they will lead you to victory.

excellent duty,

for the desire to learn better

and the ability not to lose heart in a difficult situation,

for the kindness of soul and readiness

come to the rescue at any moment.

  1. for active participation in class life,

for neatness, neatness,

for the thirst for knowledge and work,

because of difficulties in studying

They only give you strength.

  1. for taking part

in classroom and school events,

for overcoming difficulties

on scary tests

and in difficult home situations,

for neat notebooks,

diligence and perseverance in achieving the goal.

  1. for taking part

in classroom and school events,

for all your efforts

brought you to success

for intelligence, activity, good knowledge

and for the ability to make friends.

  1. for modesty, hard work, diligence,

for the thirst for knowledge and work,

because of difficulties in studying

They only give you strength.