Works in SAP r3 system. The SAP program is the best for enterprise management, an overview of the possibilities. Benefits of implementing an ERP package

Attention! The actions of paragraphs 1 and 4 of this instruction are performed with administrative rights(root)!

1. Installation required packages for the build process

# apt-get install rpm-build

2. Installing the src.rpm package of the required software that you want to build

We find and download the src.rpm package of the necessary software that we will build, and install it (from the user!):

$ rpm -i package_name_with_version.src.rpm

In this case, the sources (source code) of the package will be located in ~/RPM/SOURCES , and spec- in ~/RPM/SPECS .
Availability of software source code and spec, i.e. description of the build process, is a necessary and sufficient condition for building an rpm package (or rebuilding, for example, a package from a newer brunch for the older one).

3. Building the package

Let's start building, this is done with the command:

$ rpm -ba --target (i586|x86_64) ~/RPM/SPECS/spec_name_of_the_required_package_to_build.spec

In this case, it is necessary to open the brackets depending on the architecture for which the package is being built.

The built packages will be placed in ~/RPM/RPMS .


You can also rebuild a package without installing (unpacking) it like this:

$ rpmbuild --rebuild --target (i586/x86_64) package_name_with_version.src.rpm

In this case, it is also necessary to open the brackets depending on the architecture for which the package is being built.

Note: As for processors that do not belong to the x86_64 family, the "--target i586" indication itself is optional (the assembly will work without it, but the compiler will compile a package exactly tailored to your processor type and the package name will differ from the names of the packages branches, such as xxx.athlon.rpm or xxx.pentium4.rpm). The absence of the "--target i586" option when building does not at all guarantee that the package compiled in this way can be installed on another computer with a different processor. If the build is performed for a 64-bit system (on a 64-bit processor with a 64-bit system installed), then the "--target x86_64" key loses its meaning and it is not necessary to set it at all.

Note: If rpm swears at not found macros like this: "error: Macro %groupadd not found" or "error: Macro %license not found", then the installation of one of the rpm-build-* packages into the system should help in further building the package, which, in fact, , is an additional dependency for building (rebuilding) your package and is responsible for assigning the required values ​​to these most not found macros.

4. Install build dependencies

If you have an srpm package that you need to install dependencies to build, you can do so by running the following command:

# apt-get build-dep package_name_with_version.src.rpm

If there is no srpm package and there is a separate spec and source code, then almost 100% build will not work right away - at the very beginning of the output, the console will show the packages that must be installed on the system before the build can proceed further. You install them (these assembly dependencies displayed in the console)

# apt-get install package1 package2 package3 ...

and then rebuild (return to step 3).

5. Automatic search for dependencies for a newly built package

If you are building a new package, and not rebuilding an existing srpm, then the utility buildreq from the rpm-utils package:

$ buildreq spec_file_name.spec

For the productive development of a business, it is necessary to have control over all stages of production, accounting accounting. Thanks to this, the company will be able to quickly respond to changing factors and adapt to the situation.

As one of the means to achieve automation - software SAP. The abbreviation stands for System Analysis and Program Development or System Analysis and Program Development.

How SAP works

On Russian market compete several programs For accounting, some of which do not require special skills and knowledge (Microsoft Office Word, Excel), while others need a specialist:

  • 1c accounting;
  • Galaxy;
  • Sail;
  • Microsoft Dynamics Axapta.

SAP has many possibilities and even more features:

  • automation of the work of an accountant;
  • trading operations;
  • warehouse operations;
  • personnel accounting;
  • financial accounting;
  • accounting for the value of shares;
  • drawing up payroll schedules;
  • handling logistics and more.

The structure of the program is extremely complex, so only a trained person can deal with it. The salary of such workers is appropriate: in European countries, the administrator receives from 2500 €.

SAP program speeds up data processing and indicates the optimal course that the company should be guided by, however, the program will not be productive if the structure of the company itself has illogicalities, and its components are poorly interconnected.

The functionality of the program is wide and consists of modules.

Module Title in Russian Module Features
PP Production planning. Planning and management of production and its cycles.
MM Management of material flows. Managing production facilities:
  • procurement system;
  • receipt of goods;
  • control and analysis of stocks in warehouses;
  • inventory of required materials.
PM Maintenance. Repair and maintenance of the property of the enterprise and its equipment.
SD Sales. Invoicing, processing orders and offers.
AM Fixed asset management. Processing of enterprise property states:
  • Maintenance;
  • management, control, sale of investments.
AA Tax flows Calculation of payment of taxes.
FI Finance. Financial control and full accounting reporting:
  • data consolidation;
  • reporting on debts and debtors.
HR Personnel Management. Work with personnel:
  • payroll calculation;
  • setting vacations and accounting for sick leave;
  • grace period calculations;
  • calculation of taxes paid to the state for employees;
  • accounting and control of the process of professional development and recruitment of new employees.
CO Control. Management accounting and full control over the structure of production:
  • expenditure and income of funds;
  • calculation of the percentage of profit;
  • leakage analysis.

Company formation

The creator of the program was a German development company, separated from IBM. This happened in 1972, and since 1992, medium and large enterprises began to change software products accounting in favor of SAP. By 2003, SAP was almost completely ousted from the market competitors in Europe and the CIS due to its reliability, high-quality implementation and multifunctional support.

In 2006, courses began to appear to teach the features of the program. However, in the CIS countries, the 1C system is still used in small firms, as it is more convenient to use for untrained employees. Enterprises like Gazprom, Lukoil and Alros use SAP.

The creators of the program specialized specifically in helping companies, so SAP can be fully customized by the programmer individually for the needs of the company.

Advantages and disadvantages of the software package

The SAP system has a number of advantages, including:

To disadvantages can be attributed:

  1. High cost. Installation and implementation cost up to $1 million. In addition, it is necessary to train employees and pay salaries to the administrator and programmer. Customizing the program for the needs of the company is also expensive.
  2. Inability to install another program, since the contract is for a certain period. Termination of the contract will bring losses.
  3. Poorly implemented translation into Russian.

Most Popular Packages

SAP software has a lot of packages, each of them is customized for specific needs. Most often install SAP ERP, or SAP R / 3. This package plans the resources of the enterprise, external and internal. It is convenient because it works in real time. Up to 50% of all global companies work on the ERP system.

SAP also has following packages:

  1. Process Integration (PI). Solutions for integrations of various levels.
  2. Enterprise Portal (EP). Solution of portal tasks.
  3. Mobile Infrastructure (MI). Assistant in the implementation of mobile applications.
  4. Business Intelligence (BI). Assistance to business analysts.
  5. Knowledge Management (KM). Assistant to control educational programs.
  6. Master Data Management (MDM). A system for maintaining reference information, as well as regulations.

Program implementation

The introduction of SAP (customization of the program to the needs of the company) in the company takes place in 4 major stages.

Software add-on

The SAP Developer Corporation has a lab that releases updates and introduces new features and packages. But enterprises are not always willing to buy new packages because of their high cost, so additional software has been created, that is, additions to the main package.

Additional software allows you to expand the range of SAP capabilities, make the package more flexible.

open PS

This add-on provides access to the SAP system outside the computer on which it is installed. With it, it is also possible to perform various operations remotely.


The add-on creates an account for each user, and also gives him an interface. The system can include suppliers, customers, managers, etc.

Business Add-Ins (BAdIs)

Checks reporting, proposals, documentation for relevance and reliability. It also allows you to determine the cost of a product or its batch.