Tenders how to get started. How to participate in tenders correctly: types of tenders, how to prepare for them, preparation of a package of documents. Collection of necessary documents

Participation in tenders—the need to maintain modern business to expand its capabilities, thanks to the most profitable form of trading. Like any competition, it has its own rules and conditions.

If you are a beginner and have decided to participate in trading, then first you need to get acquainted with the main electronic trading platforms (hereinafter referred to as ETP) operating today.

Choosing an electronic trading platform

Determine the ultimate goal of participation:

  • receive a government order;
  • become a supplier to commercial organizations;
  • purchase at favorable conditions property of bankrupt enterprises.

Accordingly, ETPs are divided into these activity groups.

  • Accreditation at federal sites (approved by the Government of the Russian Federation and establishing the procedure and conditions for selecting ETP operators, in accordance with Federal Law No. 223), makes it possible for entrepreneurs to obtain government orders. Until 2017, there are 5 platforms in operation: Sberbank-AST, EETP, AGZRT, RTS-tender, MICEX ETP “Government Procurement”. In 2017, the Federal Law “On contract system in the field of procurement of goods, works and services to meet state and municipal needs,” which will identify new operators of electronic trading platforms to meet municipal needs.
  • Participation in ETP competitions of Gazprom OJSC, NK Rosneft OJSC, Rusnano, MTS OJSC, Rosatom State Corporation, etc., provides an opportunity to become a supplier to commercial giant companies.
  • There are also accredited ETPs for holding auctions for the sale of property of bankrupt enterprises, namely Sberbank-AST, SELT, uTender, Russian auction house etc.

How to participate in tenders?

Having chosen a suitable site and the tender that interests you, carefully study all the specified requirements.

What do you need to participate?

  1. Workplace with Internet access.
  2. Set the required software for participation in electronic trading. As a rule, it does not cause any particular difficulties, but it will require you to have basic PC knowledge.
  3. An electronic digital signature (EDS) is required; it allows the owner to participate in bidding for one year and is issued by specialized certification centers.
  4. Open a personal account to secure trades, the amount varies from 0.5% to 5% of the total contract amount. The amount is blocked by the operator, which will serve as confirmation of the tender guarantee.
  5. Successfully pass accreditation.

Advice! Before a newcomer participates in bidding, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with Federal Law No. 94, which regulates the terms and requirements that the customer must comply with, as well as the procedure for selecting a supplier.


Accreditation is valid and gives the opportunity to participate in tenders for 3 years.

We draw your attention to the fact that 3 months before the expiration of accreditation, participation in the auction becomes impossible. Extend the validity period in advance so as not to disrupt an important contract.

Step-by-step instructions can always be found in the relevant sections of the website on which the ETP is posted or by contacting technical support.

In order to certify your credentials you must:

  • fill electronic application form and attach scanned copies of constituent documents for legal entities or copies of all pages of the passport for private entrepreneurs;
  • attach extracts from tax authorities;
  • a copy of the power of attorney to participate in the tender, confirming the authority of the person wishing to undergo accreditation;
  • certify all digital signatures.

Having successfully passed accreditation, the client receives access to Personal Area, from where he can directly participate in tenders.

Rules for participation in open tenders

Newcomers often ask the question: can an individual entrepreneur participate in tenders? The legislation of the Russian Federation does not limit the rights of individual entrepreneurs to participate in tenders.

Please note that commercial enterprises, those organizing tenders are free to independently formulate conditions for participation.

Therefore, carefully study the requirements for the auction; if they do not specify such restrictions, then a private entrepreneur has the right to submit an application.

Free tender - myth or reality

The electronic form of bidding excludes the possibility of direct communication between the customer and the supplier, therefore the belief that the competition is held for work carried out in advance is incorrect.

If there is any doubt about the fairness of the tender, carefully review the requested tender documentation, which will help determine whether the tender is formal or not.

There is a widespread myth about the participation of exclusively large companies in open tenders.

Individual entrepreneurs who produce high-quality products, provide competitive services or work, can participate free of charge in both commercial and government auctions. This will expand prospects for business development and win the trust of potential customers in the future.

When we talk about free trading, we mean the absence of corruption and fraudulent results. Of course, there will be costs associated with guaranteeing participation.

However, the amounts will depend on the desired contract, and certain expenses will be required to prepare documents for participation, but all these are official costs of the company, which will more than pay off if you win.

Basic rules for preparing tender documentation for beginners

The tender documentation package is the primary document that will allow the customer to study you as a potential supplier. An important condition is the correct preparation of documents.

  • The application for participation contains a list of documents; keep in mind that the customer does not have the right to request documents not specified in Art. 51, Federal Law No. 44.
  • Be sure to number and stitch the documents, certifying them with the seal of the organization and the signature of authorized persons, which will indicate the authenticity of the documents provided.

According to Federal Law No. 44, private entrepreneurs have a number of advantages when conducting procurement, but only where they are provided for by the terms of the auction.

  • Individual entrepreneurs must provide an extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs, received no earlier than 6 months before the start of trading. A notarized copy is accepted.
  • Individual entrepreneurs in the process of liquidation are not allowed to participate in tenders.

It is also necessary to prepare Commercial offer with the price of the product, volumes, indicate the country of manufacture.

  • If the customer specifies specific requirements for the quality of goods, document the fulfillment of the conditions, provide, for example, quality certificates.

If you are not confident in your abilities when preparing documents, contact specialized institutions.

Well, if you plan to work long-term in the field of e-procurement, add an employee responsible for preparing tender documentation with subsequent monitoring and conducting open tenders.

  1. Calculate your financial capabilities, start with small contracts, fill your “bumps” before participating and fighting with large organizations.
  2. Avoid template applications that cannot highlight advantages among competitors and make your company faceless and uninteresting to the customer.
  3. Designate an employee in the company who will be responsible for conducting tenders.
  4. Contact specialists early on for advice and training.
  5. Purchase software that will allow you to combine all available trades from various ETPs using installed filters. This will significantly save time on searching for the necessary lots, and you will not miss an interesting order for the company.

If during the auction you have any doubts or there are significant changes in the work, you can always write a letter of refusal to participate.

Don’t worry - this is a common practice; you should also refuse if the invitation was received several days before the start of the auction. A well-written business refusal letter will not cause personal insult to the customer and will not harm your reputation.

Tender (competitive bidding) is an effective and therefore widely used procurement method. The buyer announces a competition among suppliers describing the desired price, technical and other characteristics of goods (services, works). A supply contract is signed with the winning bidder (in foreign economic activity This form is called procurement).

This method of offering your services makes it possible to get a new business partner (of course, if you can withstand the competition).

Sometimes this path may be not only the shortest, but also the only way to enter into cooperation with new foreign buyers.

How to participate in tenders correctly

There are three main roles in the tendering scheme, reflecting the connection of interests of the subjects of the transaction.

Subjects of the auction:

  • Buyer (customer)- an enterprise whose purpose is to conclude a contract for the purchase of goods/services/works with the most favorable conditions.
  • Participant (applicant, offeror)— a supplier who wishes to receive an order for the sale of goods/services/works
  • Organizer- a legal entity that functionally prepares and conducts tenders. Usually - the customer himself or his specialized division.

Tender documentation is prepared according to the Customer's conditions.

The remaining participants (notaries, trading platforms, etc.) take part indirectly, performing intermediary and service functions.

Types of tenders

Tenders are distinguished according to a number of characteristics, referring to them as various types. Depending on the defining feature, there are several classifications of competitive bidding:

Whatever type of Tender your company takes part in, there are a number of rules that are the same for any tender:

  1. You can only take part by submitting an Application for Participation (with a package of documents) within the agreed time frame. After this period, applications and changes to them will not be accepted.
  2. By submitting an Application, you undertake to comply with the proposed terms of the Contract (if you win the auction).
  3. If the deadline for submitting documentation has not yet expired, the application may be withdrawn by the applicant.
  4. Documentation is prepared and submitted in the volumes and according to the rules determined by the Customer.
  5. When participating in an international tender, you will need to prepare a package of documents in the official language of the Customer’s country (unless otherwise specified by the conditions).
  6. Submitted tenders are not available to other bidders (to avoid unfair competition).

Where to start preparing for participation in the tender

There are several stages in preparing for a tender.

  1. Select a suitable tender.
    To find them there are specialized systems with a trading database (for example, ru.dgmarket.com, synapsenet.ru, regionzakaz.ru, etc.). By the way large venues often allow you to participate in tenders for free.
  2. Study the rules and conditions of participation.
    This stage requires attention because, without noticing some seemingly insignificant conditions for concluding a contract, the Tenderer may lose the order even after winning the auction.

After making the decision to participate in the auction, they proceed to the main stage - preparing and submitting a package of documents.

  1. Prepare tender documentation.
    The application (with all the documentation requested by the customer) can be submitted by applicants in two ways: in paper and in electronic form.
    • The first method is familiar and known for a long time, when documents are prepared on paper and certified by a “live” signature of an authorized person and the seal of the enterprise. The package of documents is packed in an envelope and sealed, and the tender documents are opened.
    • The second method is more modern. It assumes that a package of documents is generated in electronic form: scanned, protected by appropriate encryption algorithms (including electronic digital signature). Since most trades now take place in in electronic format(especially at the international level), most likely you will have to use this particular path.
      To do this, you need to be accredited on the Electronic Trading Platform (ETP). ETP is a website that hosts a database of electronic auctions. This is where participation in them takes place. There are 5 largest non-state platforms today. First of all, it is advisable to be accredited to them.
      To perform legally significant actions on the ETP you will need an Electronic Digital Signature (EDS). Digital signature is a way to secure documents existing in electronic form. It has the same legal force as a document signed “live” with a seal. Considering that in international relations It is more convenient and reliable to conduct document flow in electronic form; obtaining an electronic signature is an important part of normal work with electronic trading.
  2. Submit an application (if necessary, provide it).
    The digital signature operator may require the transfer of a certain “deposit” to its official special account, up to 5% of the contract price - for participation in the auction, and up to 30% - for signing the contract.
    Sometimes bank guarantees serve as security for an application for participation in the Tender. They must be received in advance. In addition, the auction organizer can accept guarantees only from a certain list of banks (large and reliable international financial institutions).

In order to bid, you need the correct tender documentation.

Tender documents usually include:

  • description of the goods/works/services offered;
  • price offer;
  • legal documentation of the applicant company (statutory documents, certificates and licenses);
  • confirmation of experience in implementing similar projects, availability of resources, sufficient qualifications of employees;
  • other documents - at the request of the Auction Organizer.

How to find a foreign partner? one of the ways to find counterparties to conclude profitable deals for your company.
Read about how to lease a car. From this article you will learn why many companies prefer to buy production equipment, cars and even real estate on lease.

Transfer of the right to represent the company’s interests in the Tender to a third party

It is not advisable for the company's chief executive officer or her to represent his enterprise at all competitive tenders. In the case of large businesses, this is simply physically impossible. Therefore, it is practiced to issue powers of attorney to a trusted and reliable employee (or any other legally capable individual) to represent the interests of the enterprise in the Tender.

The subject of the Power of Attorney is the fact that a legal entity-applicant (principal) has vested an individual employee or individual entrepreneur (authorized person) with the authority to represent his interests in the Tender.

Key points that must be taken into account in the Power of Attorney:

  1. The auction organizer may establish a clearly defined form of Power of Attorney. In such cases, it is included in the tender documents.
  2. For various tenders, separate Powers of Attorney are drawn up with a limited validity period (maximum 36 months), and their notarization is usually required. Moreover, the foreign partner will definitely stipulate according to the norms of what legislation the representative should be vested with rights.
  3. The right to submit an Application for participation in competitive bidding as such.
  4. The right to receive and sign the documentation necessary to participate in the Tender.

Video about why companies refuse to participate in tenders

This video will dispel the myths around the rules of participation in electronic trading.

Russian entrepreneurs have the opportunity to use electronic trading to conclude transactions.

Such competitions are a way to select a supplier, customer, buyer on specialized sites called electronic trading platforms.

What it is?

All government organizations are required to find suppliers through auctions and enter into contracts only with those organizations whose products fully comply with quality standards.

This activity is regulated by two regulatory documents:

  • Federal Law No. 44-FZ “On the contract system in the field of procurement of goods, works, services to meet state and municipal needs.” Used by most enterprises financed from the budget: schools, administrations, clinics, etc.
  • Federal Law No. 223-FZ “On the procurement of goods, works, services certain types legal entities". Used large corporations and enterprises in which the state share is more than 50%.

Auctions under 44-FZ are held at 5 federal sites. Bidding under 223-FZ can be carried out on a much larger number of sites, there are more than 10 of them. An organization can participate in competitions on any number of sites.

There are three types of trades:

  1. Open auction. In this case, participants submit price proposals, and the contract will be concluded with the one whose option is optimal for the buyer.
  2. Upgrade auction. In this case, the participant who submitted the proposal at the highest price is selected. This type of bidding is most often used when selling or leasing property.
  3. Short auction. The buyer announces the parameters of the product, as well as the highest starting price. The order is given to the company that offers the lowest cost. The type is used when purchasing goods or services by budgetary enterprises.

Why participate in them?

Participation in the auction is the only possible way sales of products budgetary institutions. Having received a government order, the organization provides itself with a stable guaranteed income for a long time. It is for this reason that many individual entrepreneurs and newly opened small businesses actively participate in bidding.

Since government customers at all levels are legally required to purchase most products, works and services at open auctions, it is most profitable to participate in bidding on federal electronic trading platforms.

The law also provides for the sale of assets of bankrupt enterprises. By participating in such auctions, you can purchase property at a low price.

Not only legal entities, but also individuals. The most popular sites for such transactions are the Sberbank-AST and Russian Auction House sites.

ETP has a number of advantages over other methods of concluding transactions:

  • maximum concentration of sellers and buyers on a small number of sites;
  • anonymity at the first stage, which ensures the integrity of the transaction and the absence of corruption;
  • available information about the order for all auction participants;
  • The time for preparing documents is reduced.
  • transactions on trading platforms are protected by a digital signature certificate;
  • interaction between the seller and the buyer is carried out without intermediaries;
  • the opportunity to receive a government order for a large volume of products;
  • a contract can be concluded with any counterparty throughout the Russian Federation.

Step-by-step instructions for participation

To participate in such auctions, you need:

  • Get digital signature. An electronic signature certificate is required to certify applications, proposals, contracts and other documents. To obtain it, you need to contact an accredited Certification Center, fill out an application and provide all the necessary official papers. After receiving an electronic signature, you need to install a special program on your computer to work with the certificate.
  • Get accredited at the ETP. On the website of the selected site you need to fill out a form and an application to open an account, provide the following documents:
    • an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities or Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs valid for up to six months;
    • full details of the organization;
    • Charter of the enterprise;
    • document on the appointment of a manager;
    • power of attorney to participate in the auction.

    Confirmation of accreditation will be received within five days. If you have an electronic signature, the service is free.

  • Top up a special account. Only those organizations that have cash at ETP. They are needed to secure an application and confirm the firm’s intentions. If there is no money in the account, the system will automatically reject the documents.
    These preliminary procedures will take approximately 7 days in total.
  • Apply now. To participate in public procurement tenders, you must comply with all requirements for the preparation of proposals. The application consists of two parts, each of which can be viewed by the customer at different times. The document is uploaded to the ETP in its entirety.
    • The first part contains complete information about the products and services offered. It is considered for 3-5 days, after which the organization is allowed to participate in the auction.
    • The second part contains the supplier’s details and is analyzed within 4-6 days after the end of the auction. Based on this, a decision is made to conclude a transaction.

    The one who offers the optimal price for the customer wins the auction. State enterprises can only create down auctions, that is, they have the right to enter into a contract only with the participant who offers the highest low price. In addition, the proposed goods, works, and services must fully comply with the requirements specified in the competition.

  • To sign a contract. The company that wins the competition is required to sign an agreement. Before concluding the transaction, the winner must provide a bank guarantee in the amount of 30% of the original auction price. The draft contract is certified electronic signature first by the contractor, and then by the customer.

You can see these instructions clearly in the following video:

How to increase your chances

More and more entrepreneurs are starting to participate in auctions. To increase your chances of receiving an order, you need to follow a few simple rules:

  • Offer real price. Do not underestimate the cost of the offer excessively. There are cases when organizations that received state order for work, could not meet the developed estimate due to unforeseen circumstances and working conditions. Since the company is obliged to fulfill its obligations under the contract, unnecessary expenses can cause serious financial damage to it. You should adhere to the tactics of setting prices that are closest to market prices.
  • Participate in different auctions. Apply to all eligible orders from businesses of any size and industry. Ignore only competitions with incorrect conditions, for example, if the starting price is too low. State organizations cannot change the budget amount after signing the contract.
  • Follow the opening of new trades. Information about auctions can be obtained in two ways:
    • from the mailing list of electronic platforms, determining the profile of the company’s work;
    • use the services of companies that specialize in monitoring ETP.
  • Take your time. It does not matter whether the application is submitted immediately after the opening of the auction or a few hours before the end of the auction. Carefully check the application's compliance with the customer's requirements and prepare all the necessary documents. Check with the organizer for details of technical issues and product parameters. A neat, clear proposal will attract the buyer’s attention and leave a good impression of the company.
  • Stay up to date with legislation in your industry. Additions to regulations sometimes entail changes in customer requirements. The organization must anticipate new opportunities in advance and adapt to the corresponding needs.

Not everyone who has received an electronic digital signature certificate and trading platform accreditation understands the auction procedure. The system of work on the site is quite complex.

For entrepreneurs who have recently opened own business, it can be difficult to allocate a budget for marketing and advertising, and the path to stable profits and large orders seems thorny. However, if you understand such a phenomenon as a tender, you can get many bonuses. We will tell you how to participate in it, what type of tender to choose, what documents will be required to submit an application, and why participation in the tender will be a good help in business development.

What you need to know to participate in tenders

To begin with, it is worth revealing the concept itself. A tender is a competition held by the customer in order to select a contractor who will become the supplier of the necessary goods or services in the future. Any company or individual entrepreneur. The main thing to do before submitting an application is to study the rules regulated by the tender organizer, understand the procedure for preparing documents and take into account the nuances, which, in particular, include determining the type of tender (and therefore the possibility of your company participating in it).

Types of tenders: how to choose?

Competitions for the right to become a key contractor can be divided into several types. The main ones are open and closed tenders, as well as those that are held in two stages.

IN open tender Any enterprise can take part: the customer lays out the rules for participation in the competition on a specialized website or announces them in advertising campaign held on the eve of the tender. The advantage of such a competition: the documents required for participation, which describe the conditions of the tender and the requirements for the proposed contractors, are provided either free of charge or for a small amount - such that can cover the company’s operating expenses. You can prepare documents and comply with the rules for participating in the tender using your own employees, but the workload on them will be heavy. Minus: in open competitions As a rule, there are more participants, the struggle for victory is more intense.

main feature closed tender is that the customer determines in advance a circle of enterprises that, in his opinion, may be useful to him, and sends them an invitation to participate in the competition. The participants in the struggle themselves do not know about each other - this plus allows us to bypass such an unpleasant phenomenon as an agreement between the owners of participating enterprises. Another one strong point closed tender: as a rule, no more than five potential leaders compete for victory, and preparation for it takes less effort. Disadvantage: you will have to invest in the company’s reputation in advance and increase its rating with the help of PR - mentions on the Internet, the media, in social networks etc. in a positive way.

Both open and closed tenders can be either state, so commercial. All state tenders are regulated federal law dated 04/05/2013 No. 44-FZ “On the contract system in the field of procurement of goods, works, services to meet state and municipal needs.” In such cases, the organizers are government agencies, organs state power or Rosatom Corporation. The rules for conducting public procurement are strictly regulated; participants are selected taking into account the strict requirements prescribed by law. In addition, there is a list of purchases of goods, works, and services approved by the government of the Russian Federation that can only be obtained through electronic auction- there are only eight state trading platforms for its implementation. Moreover, by law, organizers are prohibited from purchasing goods or receiving services from certain manufacturing companies - this makes it possible for more enterprises to participate in the tender and reduce the expenditure of budget funds. The law pays great attention anti-dumping measures, as well as for banks that want to act as a guarantor of a competitive application: from January 1, 2018, the participating bank must have a rating of at least “ruBB-” (“Below average reliability” on a comparative scale of credit ratings).

Organizers commercial tenders perform commercial structures. They have the right not to post information about the competition according to a single scheme, and also independently determine what the tender procedure will be - it is not regulated by law. All that is required from a commercial customer is not to contradict with their actions Civil Code RF and comply with Law No. 135-FZ on the protection of competition.

Among the various types of tenders, the following also stand out:

  • contest- carried out when the services required by the customer are difficult to perform (for example, construction of a metro, stadium project, etc.). In this case, the performer is required not only to have high professionalism, but also a certain financial stability. The customer sets several key criteria - and price in this case does not play a major role - based on the results of the competition, choosing the contractor who most fully meets all the requirements. The competition can be held in two stages: the first one will be selected technical task, on the second - the company that will fulfill it best;
  • unlike the competition, the main criterion auction is precisely the price. It is held openly, and each participant can change the price during the event, focusing on competitors’ offers;
  • Another method of procurement, during which the customer focuses mainly on price, is request for quotations. The amounts in the request for quotes, as a rule, appear small, and other criteria are rarely taken into account, which makes this method one of the most efficient;
  • request for proposals gives the organizer the opportunity to evaluate not only the cost of potential services, but also the qualifications of the proposed performers, that is, to study the situation on the market even without ordering services (they can be refused);
  • special type of tender - purchasing from sole supplier : it applies when the customer sends direct offer to conclude a contract for the supply of goods or services to a specific contractor. Such procurement is carried out strictly in accordance with laws 44-FZ and 223-FZ and is always under the strict supervision of the FAS.

Interesting fact
The first attempt to hold a tender in Russia dates back to July 7, 1654 - then Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich signed a decree on the need to deliver crackers and flour to Smolensk. The decree specified both the required quality of products and delivery times, as well as their price.

Documents for participation in the tender

There are two types of documentation that you need to study to participate in the tender.

Tender documentation

This type of document describes the conditions of the competition, requirements for participants, rules for submitting applications, and much more. The tender documentation is freely available - it is attached to the tender announcement. Before submitting an application, in order to complete it correctly, you must first carefully study the competition documentation, pay Special attention on what it contains: if you miss some little detail, your application simply will not be accepted. Or, even worse, the application will be accepted, you will win the competition and only then will you realize that you did not take into account some point and cannot fulfill the conditions.

Documentation required to participate in the tender

A company wishing to participate in the competition attaches this package of documents to its application. It provides you with direct participation in the tender itself.

Typically this package includes:

  • application for participation;
  • an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities or a copy thereof certified by a notary. The certificate must be no older than six months;
  • the charter of the enterprise, minutes of the meeting to elect a director or a notarized power of attorney for the director’s representative or another document confirming the powers of the participant;
  • notarized copies of constituent documents;
  • declaration for the past year;
  • copies of contracts or other documents indicating the participant’s compliance with the requirements stated by the organizer;
  • certificate bank guarantee;
  • Commercial offer.

Sometimes certificates or other documents confirming the quality of a product or the right to provide a service are also required.

This list of documents is determined by Federal Law-44 and is necessary for participation in government tenders. But when conducting commercial tenders, the customer has the right to demand additional papers - a company presentation, recommendations, documents confirming that the company has already participated in tenders, etc.

Bank guarantee for participation in the tender

This document is a kind of pledge, an obligation of the bank to pay the customer a certain amount if the winner of the tender refuses to sign the contract. Only certain credit institutions have the right to issue such a guarantee. But from July 1, 2018, their number began to decline as the requirements for banks changed. Such services can be provided only by credit institutions that have:

  • universal license;
  • volume own funds(capital) in the amount of at least 300 million rubles;
  • confirmed credit rating from “B-(RU)” by the ACRA agency and from “ruB-” on the scale of the rating agency “Expert RA”, assigned by the Bank of Russia as of the date of sending the information;
  • absence of overdue debt on bank deposits previously placed with a credit institution at the expense of federal budget funds;
  • participation in the system of compulsory insurance of deposits of individuals.

Registration and submission of a tender application

First of all, you need to decide on an electronic platform (ETP) - an Internet resource where auctions are held. Having chosen a site and a competition, carefully study the competition documentation, collect a package of papers and prepare the application itself. Don't forget to also get an electronic digital signature (EDS). Like a regular signature, it protects the document and gives it legal force. Having all this in hand, you can get accredited at the ETP and submit an application to participate in the tender. The application is drawn up in the form given in the tender documentation, and the package of documents required by the customer is attached to it.

The customer sets the deadline for accepting applications. According to the law, in cases where the contract amount is more than 3,000,000 rubles, this period is at least 20 days from the date of announcement of the opening of the tender. If the amount is less than 3,000,000 rubles, then it is at least 7 days. But the exact dates are indicated in the competition documentation. Before the deadline for accepting applications, you can make changes to your application or withdraw it altogether.

Presentation and summary of results

Very often customers request from individual companies a presentation that will present all the benefits of cooperation, features of the provision of services or products. It should be short, but understandable and succinct, equipped with visual materials, infographics, specific facts and calculations. Ultimately, it is a competent presentation that can persuade potential client to your side.

After submitting an application and making a presentation, all that remains is to wait for the results of the tender. The summing up protocol is published by the customer on the electronic trading platform within three days after its preparation.

Participation in tenders is available to everyone - both giant corporations and small startups. There is an opinion that small businesses cannot afford tenders, but this is not true: of course, some investments will be required, but the income, if won, will completely cover them, and the expenses are actually not that high. For example, securing an application and participation in a competition can also be provided in the form of a bank guarantee, so the company does not necessarily have to withdraw these funds from circulation.

How to obtain a bank guarantee to secure an application for participation in the competition?

We addressed this question to Andrey Tyurin, an expert at KSK Group - large company in the field of legal and auditing services:

“KSK Group has been providing a wide range of consulting services for a quarter of a century, among which assistance in attracting financing has always been in demand. IN Lately Our experts note that in most cases, entrepreneurs prefer to finance an application for participation in a state tender by issuing such a universal security instrument as a bank guarantee.

However, obtaining a bank guarantee only at first glance seems like an easy task. Choosing a bank that will treat the client’s problem with understanding and will be able to issue an appropriate guarantee is a matter that is best left to professionals. The point is not only that the requirements of different banks differ markedly from each other and therefore require a comprehensive analysis. In most cases, the process of agreeing on a transaction is complicated by the presence of hidden fees and commissions that the bank imposes, mentioning them directly during the negotiation process. Thus, the initially attractive conditions of the lender may turn into unsatisfactory ones upon detailed discussion. Accordingly, the deal will be disrupted, and the time spent on collecting and processing bank documentation will be lost forever.

When contacting KSK groups, our experts take on this part of the work themselves, selecting a credit institution that meets necessary conditions. Because over many years successful work In this area, KSK Group has formed its own pool of trusted partner banks; we send the application directly to the selected bank in order to solve the problem facing our client as completely as possible.

Structuring the transaction, carried out by specialists from KSK Group, allows us to resolve all controversial issues. The most important issue is the approval of collateral, on the basis of which the bank sets the size of the guarantee amount, the validity period of the guarantee, and its cost. With the assistance of KSK groups, it is always possible to achieve individual conditions in terms of providing collateral and ultimately obtaining a bank guarantee at a lower interest rate or for a longer period than the market average. Many years of experience and partnership allow us to negotiate directly with the bank’s management, which significantly speeds up the process of reconciling controversial issues and making a final decision.

Since we understand that it is important for the client to obtain a prompt solution to the problem facing him, the entire scope of work is carried out in the shortest possible time. In many cases, KSK Group ensures the issuance of a bank guarantee within 24 hours. And of course, our company does not practice the use of hidden fees and unreasonable overpayments. Moreover, regular customers They can always count on pleasant discounts and bonuses.”

P.S. More detailed information about implemented projects companies can be obtained from the website. You can also request a free initial consultation here.