Computer science and ICT laboratory work. Laboratory work in computer science

(Cbd flow – 1 course)

Lab 1: Entering and Editing in Writer ( 3

Processor setup 3

Typing 3

Formatting 5

Find and replace operations 6

Applying styles 7

Exercises for independent work 8

Test questions on the topic: 8

Lab 2: Embedding Objects in a Document 8

Working with tables 8

Creating drawings and diagrams 9

Methods for embedding objects prepared in other applications 10

Image adjustment 11

Editing formulas 11

Automatic numbering of objects 11

Exercises for independent work 12

Test questions on the topic: 12

Laboratory work 3. Preparing a document for printing 12

Spell check 12

Installing headers and footers 13

Creating footnotes and endnotes 13

Page numbering 13

Test questions on the topic: 14

Lab 4: Calculation in Calc 14

Using formulas 17

Inserting functions 18

Design of table 19

Test questions on the topic: 19

Lab 5. Business Graphics 19

Building a diagram 19

Editing a chart 20

Exercises for independent work 20

Test questions on the topic: 21

Lab 6: Some Calc 21 Features

Date and time 21

Logic functions 22

Math functions 23

Test questions on the topic: 24

Laboratory work 7. Statistical data processing 24

Numerical characteristics of the sample 24

Lab 8: Functions Using Criteria 25

Mathematical functions. SUMIF function 28

Lab 9: Processing Lists in CALC 34

Creating a list 34

List sorting 35

Search using standard filter 35

Automatic data filtering 35

Advanced filtering 36

  1. Lab 1. Entering and editing in the Word Processor Writer (OpenOffice.Org)

      1. Processor setup

Download the Word Processor Writer ( using Start / Programs / Writer (

Download help system . Check out the help system: its structure is the same as that of the help for the Windows operating system.

Consider the elements of the Writer window. Using the View menu, set display mode – Page layout, ensure availability rulers (if necessary, connect them using the menu View). Try other display modes like using the menu View, and using the buttons in the lower left part of the window: the purpose of each button can be determined by the tooltip. Check for two panels – Standard And Formatting. If other panels are installed, disable them (View / Toolbars). Install scale image 100% (View / Zoom / 100% / OK or the Zoom field with a drop-down list in standard panel instruments).

For installation operating parameters word processor, select Tools/Options. /OpenOffice.Writer In tab View check the commands for checkboxes Show graphic objects And Tooltips, and all teams Window(status bar, vertical ruler, scroll bars); on the tab Are common set the units of measurement – ​​centimeters, on the tab Spelling disable commands Automatically check spelling And Automatically check grammar– these checks slow down the work, they can be carried out when the document is finalized. On the tab Preservation select Autosave every 10 minutes. Review the settings on the other tabs. To implement the settings made, click the OK button.

Page settings configured using menu Format / Pages and, where the sheet size and orientation, margins and other parameters can be set. Using the appropriate dialog tabs Page settings, set the paper size to A4, orientation – portrait, margins – 20 mm on all sides, then click OK.

Subject: Number systems

Target: Gain practical skills in converting numbers from one number system to another.

Main content of the work

Write a program that converts numbers from one SS to another and vice versa.

Theoretical information

The computer works with information specified by numbers presented in the form of special codes in the number system (SS) adopted for this computer.

SS is a set of techniques for naming and designating numbers. There are non-positional (Roman) and positional SS. In positional SS, any number is depicted as a sequence of digits, the quantitative value of which depends on the place (position) each of them occupies in the number. The number of different digits used to represent numbers in a positional SS is called its base. That is, if k digits are used, then the base SS will be k.

The number can be represented as follows:

a n-1 a n-2 . . . a i. . . a 1 a 0 , a -1 a -2 . . . a -m

integer part fractional part

n digits m digits

Positions renumbered in this way are called ranks. Each of the digits can take one of the values ​​k-1>= a i >=0 . k is used for the quantitative value of each of the digits of a number.

a n-1 * k n-1 + a n-2 * k n-2 +. . .+a i* k i +. . .+ a 1* k 1 + a 0 k 0 + a -1 k -1 +a -2 k -2+ . . .+a -m k -m

Positional systems are convenient because they allow you to write large numbers using a relatively small number of characters. Another advantage is the ease of performing arithmetic operations on numbers written in these systems.

Depending on the basis of the SS, we can distinguish:

1) Decimal SS. It uses 10 digits: 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9.

2) Binary SS. It uses 2 digits: 0 and 1.

3) Octal SS. It uses 8 digits: 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7.

4) Hexadecimal SS. It uses 16 digits: 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,A,B,C,D,E,F.

The smallest number that can be used as a base SS is the number 2. The corresponding SS base is binary. The convenience of this system lies in its extraordinary simplicity. There are only two digits in it, 0 and 1. The disadvantage is that you have to use a lot of characters to write even small numbers.

Octal and hexadecimal SS are used in computing because converting from binary SS to octal and hexadecimal SS is easier than converting to decimal. With octal and hexadecimal SS, you can write a long number using fewer characters than in binary SS.

Converting numbers from one SS to another

1. Translation of integers.

To convert an integer from one SS to another you need:

1) Divide this number by the base of the new SS to obtain the whole quotient. The resulting remainder (including 0) will be the low-order digit of the number in the new SS.

2) The resulting quotient must be divided again by the base of the new SS. The remainder of this division will be the next digit of the number. The division is performed until the result of the division is 0.

3) The recording of the received digits of a number in the new SS is performed from the end (i.e., in the reverse order of their calculation).

1) convert 672 10 to octal SS.

1)672 8 2) 84 8 3) 10 8 4) 1 8

64 84 8 10 8 1 0 0

The result will be 1240 8 .

2) convert 127 10 to binary SS.

1) 127 2 2) 63 2 3) 31 2 4) 15 2

12 63 6 31 2 15 14 7

5) 7 2 6) 3 2 7) 1 1

The result will be 1111111 2 .

2. Converting real numbers

When converting real numbers from one SS to another, the integer part of the number is translated separately (see the algorithm described above), and the fractional part is translated as follows:

    The number is multiplied by the base of the new SS. The integer part of the result will be the first digit of the fractional part of the number in the new SS.

    The fractional part of the result is again multiplied by the base of the new SS, etc.

    The process continues until the specified accuracy is achieved.

Converting x=0.2 10 to binary SS

    0.2*2=0.4=0+0.4 (0)

    0.4*2=0.8=0+0.8 (0)

    0.8*2=1.6=1+0.6 (1)

    0.6*2=1.2=1+0.2 (1)

If the base of the old and new SS are connected by the relation p=q k (8=2 3, 16=2 4), then the transfer from one SS to another is simplified. In order to convert a number from SS with base p to a number in SS with base q, it is necessary to represent each digit in the first number using a number in SS with base q, and the number of digits must be equal to k.

To use this rule, you need to know the table of equivalents.

To convert a number from hexadecimal SS to binary, just use the table to replace the digits of the number with the equivalent values ​​in binary SS. For example:

C93 16 =1100 1001 0011 2

Inverse transformations are performed similarly.

Converting numbers from octal SS to binary and back is done in exactly the same way, only three-digit sequences are used to write numbers in binary SS. For example

453 8 = 100 101 011 2

This rule can also be used when converting numbers from decimal SS to binary. If you use octal or hexadecimal SS for such a translation, the number of division operations performed, and, consequently, the number of possible errors, is reduced.

For example:

Convert 156 10 to binary SS.

1) convert the number to hexadecimal SS

We got 9C. Now we write this number using binary SS. Result.

Collection of laboratory works on “Informatics” and guidelines for their implementation

Section 1. System Software....................................................................................................................................

Laboratory work No. 1. Basic techniques for working in MS-DOS.................................................... ...............

Laboratory work No. 2. Basic techniques for working in Windows OS: Explorer, shortcuts..................................

Laboratory work No. 3. Basic techniques for working in Windows OS: file search, recovery

information........................................................ ........................................................ ........................................................ .

Laboratory work No. 4. Basic techniques for working in Windows OS: Total Commander ..............................

Laboratory work No. 5. Archiving........................................................ ........................................................ .........

Section 2. Application software...............................................................................................................................

Laboratory work No. 6. Formatting text in MS Word .................................................................... ..

Laboratory work No. 7. MS Word: lists, inserting and formatting autoshapes. ............................

Laboratory work No. 8. MS Word: dividing text into columns, inserting and formatting a picture.


Laboratory work No. 10. MS Word: inserting and formatting a table, inserting a formula into

document, inserting and formatting inscriptions and drawings. ........................................................ ......................

Laboratory work No. 11. MS Word: drawing flowcharts, labels and autoshapes....................................

Laboratory work No. 12. MS Word: inserting various objects into a document....................................................

Laboratory work No. 13. MS Word: inserting and formatting tables, formulas. ........................

Laboratory work No. 14. MS Word: creating document templates using the Forms UI.....

Laboratory work No. 15. MS PowerPoint: creating a presentation. ........................................................ .......

Laboratory work No. 15. MS PowerPoint: Add Animation. ........................................................ .......

Laboratory work No. 16. MS Excel: creating and designing a simple table. ...................................

Laboratory work No. 17. MS Excel: simple calculations in MS Excel, cell format. ........................

Laboratory work No. 18. MS Excel: absolute and relative addressing....................................................

Laboratory work No. 19. MS Excel: functions. ........................................................ .......................................

Laboratory work No. 20. MS Excel: data analysis functions. ........................................................ ..........

Laboratory work No. 21. MS Excel: charting. ........................................................ .............

Laboratory work No. 22. MS Excel: plotting .................................................................... ........................

Laboratory work No. 23. MS Excel: independent work on plotting graphs. ...................

Laboratory work No. 24. MS Excel: sorting and filtering data.................................................... .....

Section 3. Working on the Internet..................................................................................................................

Laboratory work No. 25. Searching for information on the Internet................................................... ................

Laboratory work No. 26. Email................................................ ...........................................

Guidelines for performing laboratory work No. 1 .................................................... ...............

Guidelines for performing laboratory work No. 2 .................................................... ...............

Guidelines for performing laboratory work No. 3 .................................................... ...............

Guidelines for performing laboratory work No. 4 .................................................... ...............

Guidelines for performing laboratory work No. 5 .................................................... ...............

Guidelines for performing laboratory work No. 6 .................................................... ...............

Guidelines for performing laboratory work No. 7 .................................................... ...............

Guidelines for performing laboratory work No. 8 .................................................... ...............

Guidelines for performing laboratory work No. 9 .................................................... ...............

Guidelines for performing laboratory work No. 10 .................................................... ................

Guidelines for performing laboratory work No. 11 .................................................... ................

Guidelines for performing laboratory work No. 13 .................................................... ................

Guidelines for performing laboratory work No. 14 .................................................... ................

Guidelines for performing laboratory work No. 15 .................................................... ................

Guidelines for performing laboratory work No. 16 .................................................... ................

Guidelines for performing laboratory work No. 17 .................................................... ................

Guidelines for performing laboratory work No. 18 .................................................... ................

Guidelines for performing laboratory work No. 19 .................................................... ................

Guidelines for performing laboratory work No. 20 .................................................... ................

Guidelines for performing laboratory work No. 21 .................................................... ................

Guidelines for performing laboratory work No. 22 .................................................... ................

Guidelines for performing laboratory work No. 24 .................................................... ................

Guidelines for performing laboratory work No. 25 .................................................... ................

Guidelines for performing laboratory work No. 26 .................................................... ................

Section 1. System Software

Laboratory work No. 1. Basic techniques for working in MS-DOS.

Purpose of work: learn to view the contents of disks and folders, create directories, copy, move, rename, delete files and directories.

1 Create file 1.txt, 2.txt on drive C.

2 Create file 3.txt on drive D.

3 Create an MSDOS directory on drive C.

4 Create a Txt directory in the MSDOS directory.

5 Copy files 1.txt, 2.txt, 3.txt to the Txt directory.

6 Delete files 1.txt, 2.txt, 3.txt from drives C and D.

7 Copy files with the .jpg extension from the C:\Pictures directory to the MSDOS directory.

8 Copy all files with the .dcu extension from the C:\Pictures directory to the Txt directory.

9 Remove all files with the extension .dcu from the C:\Pictures directory

10 Browse the C:\Pictures directory.

11 Rename files from this directory to files 1.jpg, 2.jpg, 3.jpg, 4.jpg, 5.jpg.

13 Delete the MSDOS directory from drive C.

Control questions:

1 Operating system (definition, functions, classifications, composition, OS examples);

2 File (definition, file identifier, file attributes, file path);

3 Cluster (definition);

4 Defragmentation;

5 Formatting (definition);

6 Composition of MS-DOS OS;

7 General MS-DOS commands.

Laboratory work No. 2. Basic techniques for working in Windows OS: Explorer, shortcuts.

Purpose of the work: to master the basic techniques of working with files in Explorer. Learn to create shortcuts.

Option 1.

1 Create folders “1”, “2” on drive D.

2 Create folders “11”, “111”, “1111” inside folder “1”.

3 Create folders “First”, “Second”, “Third” inside folder “2”

4 Create a “Shortcuts” folder on your desktop.

5 Create a shortcut for the Paint program inside the “Shortcuts” folder (the path to the program file is


6 Create a shortcut for the Explorer program inside the “Shortcuts” folder (the path to the program file is C:\Windows\explorer.exe ). Use any of the options.

7 Create a shortcut for drives C and D inside the “Shortcuts” folder.

8 Create a shortcut for Calculator programs inside the “Shortcuts” folder (C:\Windows\system32\Calc.exe)

9 ON THE DESKTOP create shortcuts for Notepad programs ( C:\Windows\system32\notepad.exe) And

Explorer (C:\Windows\explorer.exe)

10 Remove the Shortcuts folder and shortcuts for Explorer and Notepad from the desktop.

11 Delete folders “1” and “2” from drive D.

Option 2.

1 Using the third option for creating a shortcut, create a shortcut for the Explorer program on the desktop (the path to the program file is C:\Windows\Explorer.exe);

2 Create a “Test task” folder on drive D;

3 Using the second option for creating a shortcut, create a shortcut for the Paint program (the path to the program file is C:\Windows\Pbrush.exe) in the D:\Test task folder;

4 Copy the shortcut for the Explorer program from the desktop and place it in the D:\Test task folder. Use the first copy option;

5 Remove the shortcut for the Explorer program from the desktop;

6 Copy all files with the extension to the folder D:\ Test task.jpg from the Network folder

environment\ Entire network\ Lan\ Server_lan\ Users\ Student\ SUSU\ Pudovkina T.A.\Work

using any of the copying options;

7 Create a folder “Pictures” in the folder D:\ Test task and move all files with the extension .jpg from the folder D:\ Test task there;

8 Rename files 1.jpg, 2.jpg, 3.jpg, located in the folder D:\Test task\Pictures.

New names: 11.jpg, 22.jpg, 33.jpg;

9 Create a shortcut on the desktop for the folder D:\ Test task using the second option for creating a shortcut;

10 Organize (sort) files in Explorer by type, by name (command View\Arrange Icons\select the desired option);

11 Configure the way files are displayed in Explorer (command View\List or View\Table);

Option 3.

1 Copy the folder " Files » from Network Neighborhood\ Entire Network\ Microsoft Windows Network\ Lan\ Server_lan\ Users\ Student\ SUSU\ Pudovkina T.A.\

2 Create folders in the following paths (the folder name is indicated at the end of the path):







m) D:\13

C:\Documents and Settings\Student\Work






C:\Program Files\Windows NT\7




C:\Program Files\Solo\9

3 Copy the following files from the “Files” folder to the created folders (the folder is located on the desktop)

File name(s)

The Wolf and the Calf.avi


Calc.exe and sol.exe


floppy.gif and earth.gif


leopard.gif and space.gif


Security questions.hlp

C:\Documents and Settings\Student\Desktop\5

Key №1.hlp , Key №2.hlp , Key №3.hlp


Gods of Egypt.txt



C:\Program Files\Solo\9




C:\Program Files\Common Files\11

Hieroglyph1.jpg , Hieroglyph2.jpg


All files are of type .bmp


Scheme PC.rtf


All text files (type .txt)


All sound files(type .wav)


4 Rename the following files from the “Files” folder (the folder is on the desktop)

5 Create shortcuts for the following programs:

Notepad programs (path to program: C:\Windows\system32\notepad.exe) MS Word programs (path C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office10\WinWord.exe)

Calculator programs (path to program: C:\Windows\system32\calc.exe)

Option 4.

1 Copy files from the specified folders to the “Files” folder. The files folder is locatedon the desktop. When copying useRIGHT MOUSE BUTTON.

D:\My music\music samples\9

C:\Program Files\2



C:\My Documents\12


C:\Program Files\Solo\Save\13





2 Copy the file Keyboard.doc from the “Files” folder to the floppy disk.

3 Copy the folder Network Neighborhood\ Entire Network\ Microsoft Windows Network\ Lan\ Server_lan\ Users\ Student\ SUSU\ Pudovkina T.A.\ to drive D CCO

4 In the “Files” folder, create the folders “Pictures”, “Text”, “Music”, “Help”, “Internet”


a) to the folder Desktop:\Files\Pictures picture files from the folder D:\TsKO

b) to the folder Desktop:\Files\Text text files from the folder D:\TsKO

c) to the folder Desktop:\Files\Internet Internet files from the folder D:\TsKO

d) to the folder Desktop:\Files\Music music files from the folder D:\TSKO

e) to the folder Desktop:\Files\Help help files from the folder D:\TSK

Option 5.

1 Create a “Check” folder on your desktop

2 Copy all image files from the “Files” folder to the “Check” folder (the “Files” folder is located at:Network Neighborhood\ Entire Network\ Microsoft Windows Network\ Lan\ Server_lan\ Users\ Student\ SUSU\ Pudovkina T.A..)

3 Copy all text files from the “Files” folder to the “Check” folder (the “Files” folder is located at: see point 2)

4 Copy all music files from the “Files” folder to the “Check” folder (the “Files” folder is located at: see point 2)

5 Create INSIDE the “Check” folder the “Pictures”, “Text” and “Music” folders

6 Move all picture files from the “Check” folder to the “Pictures” folder

7 Move all text files from the "Check" folder to the "Text" folder

8 Move all music files from the Check folder to the Music folder

9 Create a “Shortcuts” folder INSIDE the “Check” folder

10 Create shortcuts for the following programs inside the “Shortcuts” folder:


10.2. MS Word programs (path C:\ Program Files\ Microsoft Office\ Office10\ WinWord.exe)

10.3. Disk C


Option 6

Create a “Shortcuts” folder on your desktop. Create shortcuts inside the “Shortcuts” folder for the following files and programs:

1 Notepad programs (path to program: C:\Windows\system32\notepad.exe)

2 MS Word programs (path to program: C:\ Program Files\ Microsoft Office\ Office11\ WinWord.exe)

3 MS Excel programs (path to program: C:\ Program Files\ Microsoft Office\ Office11\ Excel.exe)

4 Disks C

5 Drive D

6 Discs A

7 My Documents folders

8 File “Keyboard.doc” (the file is located on a floppy disk)

9 Explorer programs (path to program: C:\Windows\Explorer.exe)

10 MS Paint programs (path to program: C:\Windows\system32\mspaint.exe)

11 Calculator programs (path to program: C:\Windows\system32\calc.exe)

Control questions:

1 How to start the program?

2 How to view the contents of PC disks?

3 How to create a folder? How many ways are there to create folders?

4 What is a shortcut, what is its purpose and how to create it?

5 After deleting a shortcut, does the file it [shortcut] pointed to disappear? Why?

6 What is the file path?

7 How many shortcuts can point to the same file? Why?

8 What are the main file types? Specify their extensions.

Laboratory work No. 3. Basic techniques for working in Windows OS: searching for files, recovering information

Purpose of work: learn to search for files using various options search and special characters. Learn to recover deleted files.

Option 1.

1 Use Start→Search to find the following files and write down the path to them in a notebook.

b) Winword.exe c) WordPad.exe d) MsPaint.exe e) Excel.exe

e) Explorer.exe

2 Create desktop shortcuts for the files specified in task 1.

3 Delete files from task 2 and restore them.

Option 2.

1 Find all files on drive C files starting with the letter s can have any extension.

2 Find all files on drive C starting with win, the file extension can be anything.

3 Find all files on drive Cending The file extension starting with the letter s can be anything.

4 Find all files on drive Din whose name there is letter w, file extension can be anything.

5 Find all text files in the C:\Windows folder (text file extension – .txt)

6 Find everything on drive C MS Word documents (file extension – .doc)

7 Find everything on drive Cfiles named from 4 letters, extension can be anything.

8 Find on drive C all text files(text file extension – .txt) with a 4 letter name

9 Find in the C:\Windows folder all files whose name consists of 7 letters and begins with win (the file extension can be any)

10 Delete all files from task 6 and restore them

Control questions:

1 What type of files are searchable?

2 What special characters are used for searching?

3 Give examples of queries using special characters?

4 How can you limit your search if the name of the file you are looking for is unknown?

5 Where are the files placed after deletion?

6 How to delete files bypassing the Recycle Bin?

Laboratory work No. 4. Basic Windows Techniques: Total Commander

Purpose of work: to master the basic techniques of working with files in the Total Commander file manager.

1 Create a Total folder on drive D

2 Copy the D:\Dttoys folder to the D:\Total folder

3 Delete the folder D:\Dttoys

4 Create a Pictures folder in the Total folder

5 Copy all files with the extension .wmf from D:\Work to D:\Total\Pictures

6 Move all files with the .bmp extension from D:\Work to D:\Total\Pictures.

7 Pack the folder D:\Total\Dttoys. Name the archive Arch1.rar and place it on drive C.

8 Create a self-extracting archive for D:\Total\Dttoys on drive D. Set the option to delete the source files after packaging.

9 Unpack the archive C:\Arch1.rar to drive D:\Total\Unpacking. The Unpacking folder must first be created.

10 Delete archive C:\Arch1.rar.

11 Create an archive for the Total folder on drive D. Name the archive

12 Show the result of your work to the teacher.

13 Delete folders that were worked with (D:\Total, D:\Dttoys, D:\Work)

Note: all of the above actions must be carried out using the keyboard.

Control questions:

1 What type software include Total Commander?

2 Provide examples of similar programs.

3 Specify keys and keyboard shortcuts for working in Total Commander.

Laboratory work No. 5. Archiving

Purpose of work: learn to create different kinds archives (regular, self-extracting and multi-volume).

Option 1.

1 Create self-extracting archive for the folder D:\Dttoys. The name of the created archive is Arch1.exe. Create an archive in the D:\Archiving folder.

Archiving options

2 Extract files from the created archive to drive D.

3 Create an archive for the D:\Dttoys folder. The name of the created archive is Arch2.rar. Create an archive in the D:\Archiving folder.

Archiving options: do not install; Compression method: fast.

4 Extract the files from the Arch2.rar archive to the D:\Archiving folder. The UnArchive folder must first be created: in the Extraction path field (see point 2) write D:\RazArchive.

5 Create an Arch3.rar archive for D:\RazArchiving\Dttoys in the D:\Archiving folder.

Archiving options : do not install;

6 Create a multi-volume archive on floppy disks for D:\RazArchiving\Dttoys. Archive name Arch.rarArchiving options: delete files after archiving;

Compression method: fast.

Volume size: autodetect.

7 Extract files from the multi-volume Arch.rar archive to D:\Archiving.

8 Format the floppy disk with the first volume of the archive using full formatting.

9 Format the floppy disk with the second archive volume using quick formatting.

10 Create an archive from Explorer for D:\RazArchiving\Dttoys. Name the archive Arch4.rar and place it on a floppy disk.

Archiving options: Delete files after archiving;

Compression method: maximum (best).

11 From Explorer, unpack the created Arch4.rar archive into D:\Archiving

12 In Explorer, create an archive for D:\RazArchiving\Dttoys.

13 From Explorer, unpack the archive created in step 12 to drive D

14 Delete folders: D:\Dttoys, D:\Archiving, D:\RazArchiving.

Option 2.

1 Create a “Reserve” folder on drive D

2 Copy the “Security” folder from the “Reserve” folderNetwork Neighborhood\ Entire Network\ Lan\

Server_lan\ Users\ Student\ SUSU\ Pudovkina T.A.

3 In Explorer, look at the size of the “Security” folder and write down this size in a notebook.

4 Open the WinRar program→go to the “Reserve” folder and select the “Security” folder.

5 Security1 → specify compression method HIGH

→book "OK".

6 book “Add”→specify the archive name – Security2 → specify the compression method FAST → book. "OK".

7 book “Add”→specify the archive name – Security3 → specify the compression method REGULAR → book. "OK".

8 book “Add”→specify the archive name – Security4 → specify compression method GOOD → book. "OK".

9 book “Add”→specify the archive name – Security5 →specify compression method

MAXIMUM →book. "OK".

10 books “Add” → archive name – Security1 → option “Create Sfx archive” → compression method


11 books “Add” → archive name – Security2 → option “Create Sfx archive” → compression method

12 books “Add” → archive name – Security3 → option “Create Sfx archive” → compression method

13 books. “Add” → archive name – Security4 → option “Create Sfx archive” → compression method

14 books. “Add” → archive name – Security5 → option “Create Sfx archive” → compression method


Enter the result of the work in a notebook in the form of a table:

15 Create folders “1”, “2”, “3”, “4” and “5” in the “Reserve” folder.

16 Select the file Security1.rar → book. “Extract to”→ select folder “1”→ book. "OK"

17 Select the file Security2.rar → book. “Extract to”→ select folder “2”→ book. "OK"

18 Open File Explorer→ go to the folder D:\Reserve → double-click on the file Security3.exe → using the “Browse” button, specify the folder “3” → book. “OK” → book. "Extract"

19 In Explorer → go to the folder D:\Reserve → double-click on the file Security4.exe → using the “Browse” button, specify the folder “4” → book. “OK” → book. "Extract"

20 In Explorer → go to the folder D:\Backup → right-click. mouse over the file Security5.rar → select “Extract files” → specify folder “5” → book. "OK".

21 Format two floppy disks (to do this, in Explorer, right-click on the floppy disk icon→ Format → select “Quick”).

22 Create a “Floppy disk” folder in the “Reserve” folder.

23 Create a multi-volume archive: a. Insert the first floppy disk

b.Open the WinRar program

c. Go to the “Reserve” folder and select the “Security” folder

d.Book “Add” → using the Browse button, specify Disk 3.5 (A:) → HIGH-SPEED compression method → ​​volume size AUTO-DETECT → book. "OK".

e. → you need to insert the floppy disk and press the button to continue archiving (the “OK” or “Yes” button or


24 Extract files from a multi-volume archive:

f. Insert the first floppy disk

g. In Explorer, go to Disk 3.5 (A:) and right-click on the file icon → select “Extract files” → select “Desktop” → book. "OK"

h. After a while a message will appear asking you to insert a second floppy disk.→ you need to insert the floppy disk and press the button to continue removing (the “OK” or “Yes” or “Continue” button).

25 Open WinRar help and WRITE IN A NOTEBOOK: what is an Sfx archive and how is it convenient, what is a multi-volume archive.

Control questions:

1 Archiving (definition);

2 Compression degree (types, what it depends on);

3 Features of a self-extracting archive;

4 Why do you need a multi-volume archive?

5 Specify archiving parameters;

Section 2. Application software

Laboratory work No. 6. Formatting text in MS Word

Purpose of work: learn how to format text (adjust font parameters, margins, spacing). Learn to copy the format of a certain piece of text.

Work report π



(stream Mbd, Mkbd – 1 course)

Lab 1: Entering and Editing in Writer ( 3

Processor setup................................................... ........................................................ .......... 3

Typing................................................ ........................................................ ............................ 3

Formatting........................................................ ........................................................ .................... 5

Search and replace operations................................................................... ........................................................ ..... 6

Lists........................................................ ........................................................ .................................... 6

Applying styles........................................................ ........................................................ ................ 7

Exercises for independent work.................................................... .............................. 8

Test questions on the topic:.................................................. ................................................. 8

Laboratory work 2. Embedding objects in a document.................................................... ................ 9

Working with tables........................................................ ........................................................ ................. 9

Creation of drawings and diagrams.................................................... ........................................................ ...... 9

Methods for embedding objects prepared in other applications.................................... 10

Image settings......................................................... ........................................................ ....... eleven

Editing formulas........................................................ ........................................................ ...... eleven

Automatic numbering of objects................................................... ........................................................ .... 12

Exercises for independent work.................................................... ............................ 12

Test questions on the topic:.................................................. ............................................... 12

Laboratory work 3. Preparing a document for printing.................................................... ............ 13

Spell check................................................................ ........................................................ ..... 13

Installing headers and footers................................................... ........................................................ .... 13

Creating footnotes and endnotes.................................................................... ...................................... 13

Pagination................................................ ........................................................ ............. 13

Seal................................................. ........................................................ ................................... 14

Test questions on the topic:.................................................. ............................................... 14

Lab 4: Calculation in Calc.................................................... ....................................... 15

Using formulas........................................................ ........................................................ ........ 17

Inserting functions........................................................ ........................................................ .................. 18

Table design............................................................. ........................................................ .......... 19

Test questions on the topic:.................................................. ............................................... 19

Laboratory work 5. Business graphics................................................. .......................................... 20

Constructing a diagram................................................... ........................................................ ....... 20

Editing a diagram................................................................ ........................................................ 20

Exercises for independent work.................................................... ........................ 21

Test questions on the topic:.................................................. ........................................... 21

Lab 6: Some Calc Features.................................................... .... 22

Date and time............................................... ........................................................ ........................... 22

Logic functions................................................... ........................................................ .......... 23

Mathematical functions................................................... ........................................................ ... 24

Test questions on the topic:.................................................. ............................................... 24

Laboratory work 7. Statistical data processing.................................................... ............ 25

Numerical characteristics of the sample................................................................... ........................................... 25

Laboratory work 8. Functions using criteria.................................................... ............ 26

Mathematical functions. SUMIF function............................................................... 28

Lab 9. Processing lists in CALC.................................................... .................... 34

Creating a list........................................................ ........................................................ ................... 34

Sorting the list................................................... ........................................................ ............... 35

Search using a standard filter................................................................... ........................... 35

Automatic data filtering................................................... ........................................................ ..... 36

Advanced filtering................................................................... ........................................................ .... 36

Laboratory work 10. Basics of working in the BASE DBMS.................................................... ................... 37

Database creation............................................... ........................................................ .......... 37

Changing the database......................................................... ........................................................ ....... 39

Query Processing................................................ ........................................................ .............. 40

Test questions on the topic:.................................................. ........................................... 40

Lab 1: Entering and Editing in Writer (

Processor setup

Download the Word Processor Writer ( using Start / Programs / Writer (

Download help system . Check out the help system: its structure is the same as that of the help for the Windows operating system.

Consider the elements of the Writer window. Using the View menu, set display mode – Page layout, ensure availability rulers (if necessary, connect them using the menu View). Try other display modes like using the menu View, and using the buttons in the lower left part of the window: the purpose of each button can be determined by the tooltip. Check for two panels – Standard And Formatting. If other panels are installed, disable them (View / Toolbars). Install scale images 100% (View / Zoom / 100% / OK or the Zoom field with a drop-down list in the standard toolbar).

For installation operating parameters word processor, select Tools/Options. /OpenOffice.Writer In tab View check the commands for checkboxes Show graphic objects And Tooltips, and all teams Window(status bar, vertical ruler, scroll bars); on the tab Are common set the units of measurement – ​​centimeters, on the tab Spelling disable commands Automatically check spelling And Automatically check grammar– these checks slow down the work, they can be carried out when the document is finalized. On the tab Preservation select Autosave every 10 minutes. Review the settings on the other tabs. To implement the settings made, click the OK button.

Page settings configured using menu Format / Pages and, where the sheet size and orientation, margins and other parameters can be set. Using the appropriate dialog tabs Page settings, set the paper size to A4, orientation – portrait, margins – 20 mm on all sides, then click OK.


In the formatting panel, check the settings: style - Ordinary, font (typeface) – Times New Roman, size font size – 10. In the work area, enter the text below using the appropriate alignment buttons: centered (for address), justified (for the body of the text), aligned to the right (last name). Printing a dot with the Russian layout - by pressing the rightmost key in the bottom row (sign?), a comma - the same key when pressed Shift. To skip a line, use the enter key Enter.

For removal erroneously entered text, use the delete keys Backspace or Delete. Typically, a word processor operates in insert mode , when a newly entered character expands the already entered characters. IN replacement mode, Newly entered characters replace previously entered ones. To enable or disable the replacement mode, double-click on the indicator DEPUTY in the status bar.

Writer allows you to automate some typing operations. Repeated words can be saved as autotext , and they will then be entered by the first characters or special designation. For example, add the word “Computer Science” to AutoText. To do this, follow these steps: type the word Computer Science in the text and copy it to the clipboard, then select the Edit \ AutoText menu, enter the copied word Computer Science from the clipboard into the AutoText panel, make sure the category is checked standard, click on the button autotext, select Create Text from the pop-up menu, then click the button add. Now start entering this word in the text you are typing - the computer will automatically offer to insert the corresponding word; To insert, just press the key Enter.

Similarly, Writer fixes some typical mistakes: produces autocorrect . For example, the incorrectly entered word bulletin will be automatically replaced with the correct word - bulletin. You can set up autocorrect using the Tools / AutoCorrect / Replace menu. Configure the replacement of III characters with the text “Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich”. On the menu autocorrect review the list of such corrections and add new words to it.

Enter the text (ignoring the paragraph boundaries, they will be changed later):

Dear Ivan Petrovich!

I inform you that on March 10 at 10.00 in the conference hall of the open joint stock company Integral will hold its next meeting of creditors with the agenda:

Approval of changes to the external management plan of OJSC Integral.

You must have with you:

passport or identity card

power of attorney

act of reconciliation of your company's accounts with OJSC "Integral"

External manager of OJSC "Integral"


When editing a document, sometimes you need to clearly see where the keys are pressed. Enter, how many times the spacebar was pressed, etc. – that is, to see special non-printable characters. The button is used for this Non-printing characters in the standard toolbar (¶). Click this button and view the symbols and placement of such symbols. Disable the button Non-printing characters.


Selecting a text fragment, as already noted, is done by dragging it with the mouse. For highlighting a separate line silks are made to the left of the line, single word – double click on the first letter of this word . Select paragraph the entire paragraph can be clicked to the left of the beginning of the paragraph. Try all these selection methods.

moved or copied via the clipboard either to any place in the active document or to another document. Use any of the previously discussed methods: buttons Cut, Copy, Insert; corresponding context menu or menu commands Edit; keyboard shortcuts: Ctrl+X- cut out, Ctrl+C– copy to clipboard, Ctrl+V– paste from the buffer. When moving a fragment over a short distance, another method is more convenient: place the mouse pointer in the selected area (pointer type is an arrow) and drag the fragment with the left mouse button to the desired location (the pointer changes appearance - now it is an arrow with a rectangle at the bottom). In a similar way, a fragment can be copied: the same actions are performed when the key is pressed Ctrl.

The selected fragment can be deleted by pressing the delete key Delete. Copy by dragging a fragment of the second sentence " at 10.00" to any other place on the same line. Delete the copied fragment.

Select all prepared text. Change the font size to 12.

To install left and right text boundaries use markers on the ruler. For installation paragraph indentation (indent the first line in a paragraph) you can press the tab key Tab. The amount of indentation can be adjusted using the appropriate marker on the horizontal ruler.

Set the line spacing using the menu Format / Paragraph tab – Indents and spacing, to the value one and a half. See what other types of line spacing are available to you. You can also set line spacing using the corresponding buttons on the toolbar formatting. Find these buttons, select a paragraph of text, and try out different line spacing values.

Review the different ways to align text in a paragraph: left, right, center, justified, using the appropriate buttons in the formatting bar or paragraph settings menu.

To fine-tune paragraph parameters, you can use the menu Format / Paragraph tab – Indents and spacing. Find on the tab the text alignment setting, its style (main text); indentation set for the specified paragraph:

ü Left. This is the indentation of an entire paragraph to the left of the text border;

ü On right. This is the indentation of an entire paragraph to the right of the text border;

ü Before. This is the indentation of an entire paragraph down from the previous paragraph;

ü After. This is the indentation of an entire paragraph upward from the following paragraph.

Select the paragraph starting with the words “I inform you” and set the left indent to 1cm, the right indent to 1cm, the space before the paragraph to 1cm, the space after the paragraph to 1cm. Look how the text has changed.

Select the first line as a fragment and format it in a different font and font size using the toolbars and context menu. Set a sparse font for this line, use the menu to do this Format/Symbol. Look through all the possible settings reflected in the tabs of this menu and find the character spacing setting. Set the font to 3 point sparsity. Look how the spelling of the line has changed. Try setting the font type to condensed.

For cancellations erroneous actions, use the button Cancel in the standard toolbar: it undoes the last action performed. If it is necessary to cancel several actions, they can be highlighted in the list, opened using the arrow to the right of the button Cancel and canceled by pressing this button once. An erroneously canceled operation can be restored using the button Return. Move the first sentence of the document anywhere by dragging with the mouse. Cancel this action using the button Cancel.

Find and replace operations

Let's assume that there is a mistake in the name of the organization: OJSC is not called "Integral", but, for example, "Interval". How can I make changes without retyping the wrongly typed word every time? Use the Edit/Replace menu. In the dialog box, enter the word Integral in the Find field, and the word Interval in the Replace field (to activate the desired field, click on it with the mouse). Click Find Next, then Replace. If you are sure that everything needs to be replaced, click the appropriate button.


The easiest way to design a list is to use the buttons on the formatting toolbar. Select two agenda items in the prepared document as a block: arrange them in the form numbered list . To do this, click on the button Numbered list in the formatting panel.

Complete the list of documents that you need to have with you in the form bulleted list : highlight the corresponding three lines and click on the button Markers. If you are not satisfied with the appearance of the markers, you can change them using the Format / Markers and Numbering menu (or a similar context menu) and select one of the available options. Using the tab Images You can select other markers. List indentation can be adjusted using the buttons Decrease/Increase indent.

Using the same menu, you can organize and multilevel list . To do this, in the Format / List menu you can configure the type of levels of the created list, the type of their numbering, indents and other parameters. Next, create a regular numbered list, where all the numbering will be of the same level. Next, use the TAB key on the keyboard or the buttons Decrease/Increase indent We move to the desired level at each point.

You can use the Bullets and Numbering panel to make changes to lists.

Suppose that in a sequence of automatically numbered paragraphs you need one paragraph without numbering, as in the example:

1) first paragraph

2) second paragraph

third paragraph without numbering

3) fourth paragraph

This can be done in the following ways:

Method 1: number all paragraphs without exception; then place the cursor before the third paragraph and press the key , to erase one character from the right. The paragraph loses its number.

Method 2: number all paragraphs without exception; then place the cursor in front of the third paragraph and click on the Numbering icon in the toolbar. The paragraph loses its number and text indentation.

Method 3: Number paragraphs 1 and 2 using the Numbering icon in the toolbar. Next, go to paragraph 4, select Format – Markers and numbering – Settings tab and set the number 3 in the initial value counter.

Create three lists and in each, try each of the ways to exclude an element from the general list.

Save the created document.

Applying styles

You can format each paragraph separately, but for a large document this takes a lot of time. Therefore, all modern office packages simplify this procedure through the use of styles. A paragraph style determines the formatting of both the paragraph itself (indents, spacing, alignment, etc.) and the formatting of characters in the paragraph (font, size, etc.).

To set a paragraph style, place the cursor on it and click on the Styles and Formatting button in the toolbar or select Format / Styles from the menu. Next, select the desired style from the list.

To change an existing style, select it in the Styles and Formatting button window, right-click and select menu Change.

To create your own paragraph style, select text generated according to your requirements in the text. Open the Styles and Formatting menu and click the button Create style from selection.

Create your own paragraph style and demonstrate its use.

Review the PARAGRAPH and CHARACTER menu settings again by calling them up using the context menu or from the FORMAT window menu. Try out all the possible settings in them and learn how to format text using them.

Create a new document (Create button) with page parameters - A4 format, orientation - portrait, left and right margins of 3 cm, top and bottom - 2 cm; Type the text of the Lists section in it. Place the title in the center. Make two copies of the text in the same document. In the first copy, change the font type (typeface) and its size. Set spacing between characters. Increase the left and right padding. In the second copy, change the single line spacing to double. Set the spacing before the second paragraph to 1 cm, after it to 2 cm.

Create a file of four paragraphs of text, for each paragraph set your own font, style, line spacing and text alignment. Highlight individual words in the text by setting their style - bold, italic, underline. Add three lists to your text: bulleted, numbered, and multi-level. Save the document as Lists in the My Documents folder.

To view a Notice document, click its name in the Window menu: this menu command allows you to activate any of the documents loaded in Writer and arrange them all at once on the screen using the Arrange All item. If necessary, you can change the location of windows by resizing windows by dragging their borders and moving them to the desired position behind the title bar. Arrange the Notification and List document windows in different ways.

Security questions on the topic:

1. Setting page parameters;

2. Setting up autotext and autocorrect;

3. Setting the text font;

4. Setting paragraph parameters;

5. Document style, creating your own style.

Creating drawings and diagrams

The drawing can be created using a graphics editor and embedded in the document. Simple drawings and diagrams are often more convenient to prepare using the built-in tools of a word processor. Connect the drawing toolbar View / Toolbars / Drawing (or the Drawing button in the standard toolbar).

Depict block diagram Faculty of Economics and Mathematics. Select AutoShapes / Basic Shapes / Rounded Rectangle, drag the mouse pointer from the upper left to the lower right corner of the drawn rectangle, release the mouse button (the drawn shape remains selected: there are square markers at its corners and the middle of the sides), select Action / Align / Distribute / Align Center: The rounded rectangle will appear exactly in the center of the document. To edit the contour line of a rectangle, select it and click the Line Type button: select the desired type. Without removing the selection, click on the Caption button, and then inside the shape type the text: Faculty of Economics and Mathematics. Select the text of the inscription and format it: center it, select the appropriate font type and size.

Below the rounded rectangle, by analogy, draw two identical ovals (you can directly use the Oval button in the Drawing panel): in one, enter the inscription Directions and Specialties, in the other - Departments. To align the ovals, select both shapes (to do this, hold down the Shift), do Action: Align Top (this will align the ovals to the top edge of the page), and then drag them to the desired position with the mouse; re-center if necessary. Draw arrows between the rounded rectangle and each of the ovals: click the Arrow button and drag the mouse from the beginning of the arrow at the rounded rectangle to its end at the oval. To format an arrow, use the Line Type button.

Under each of the ovals, draw in the form of rectangles a list of relevant structures, for example, for the departments: Applied Mathematics and Computer Science, Economics and Management, Economic Theory, CAD, Higher Mathematics.

If an action is performed incorrectly, use the Cancel button; the selected object can be deleted by pressing a key Delete.

Image Settings

An embedded picture can be moved: after selecting it with a mouse click, it is dragged to any location in the document. To change the size of a picture, drag one of its borders by the corresponding square ( resize marker ). Try these steps on the embedded drawing.

Various methods Image settings are possible using the Images toolbar or the context menu. Install this panel and try out the capabilities of its tools: changing contrast and brightness. The most important image adjustment tool is the button that provides flow around a picture embedded in a document with text: at the top and bottom of the picture, around the frame, along the contour, etc. Enter any text (for example, copy the text from the Notice file), overlay the previously built-in clipart on it and try out different wrapping options. If necessary, use the context menu / Wrap.

Editing Formulas

To enter simple formulas, the Style / Subscript or Superscript (degree) menu options are sufficient. In the new file, enter the formula y i¹a+b x 3 (To enter the inequality sign and Greek letters, use insertion of symbols: check the Symbol font setting, click on the appropriate symbol, then click the Insert button; after entering all the necessary symbols, click Close. To enter the index and degree, press the desired letter keys on the keyboard, highlight letter and set Subscript or Superscript. x And y put it in italics.

To enter more complex formulas, use a special formula editor (menu Insert / Object / Formula). Enter the relationship for the normal distribution function

To do this, download the formula editor and enter the left side of the formula from the keyboard in the usual way. To enter a fraction before an integral, use the Fraction and Radical Templates; to enter Greek letters, use the lowercase Greek letters button. Similarly, select suitable templates for the integral, powers, and infinity symbol. Use your mouse to navigate between formula fields. If necessary, redefine the style and character sizes. To finish entering the formula, click outside of it. If you need to edit the formula, double-click on it.

Automatic numbering of objects

Objects that require numbering include: pictures, formulas and tables. Let's consider the continuous numbering of figures in the text. In the context menu of the inserted picture, select Title. The numbering style and separator are set in accordance with the document formatting requirements. After this, the drawing automatically receives the next number. To link to a picture in the text, write a link like “as shown in the picture”, select the main menu command Insert – Cross reference. In the dialog box, select the field type Pictures and the picture we need. After clicking the Insert button, the picture number is written to the cursor position. When adding or deleting pictures, the numbers change automatically.

It is most convenient to number pictures without text wrapping around them.

Number the three figures and insert references to them in the text.

Exercises for independent work

In your file, insert a table with the results of your last session: discipline, date of delivery, grade. Swipe sorting(data ordering) tables according to the alphabet of disciplines, by delivery dates, by grades received (Table / Sorting...). Add a new row Total to the table and, under the column with grades, calculate your total score using the sum function (toolbar Table \ Sum). Insert a corresponding note into the amount cell (Insert \ Note). Find out the details of these operations yourself using the help.

Control questions