Wants the best or leaves much to be desired. The meaning of the word "wish. Sentences with "wish"

Thesaurus of Russian business vocabulary


Syn: to want, to crave, to dream, to burn with desire, to have a desire, to desire

Phraseological dictionary of the Russian language


Leaves much to be desired(or the best) - does not meet the requirements, not quite good

Dictionary of Efremova


  1. nesov. transition and indefinitely.
    1. :
      1. To have an inner desire for the implementation of smth., for the possession of smth.; want.
      2. obsolete transition To be in love with someone.
    2. Express wishes (usually well-being, success, etc.).

Phraseological dictionary (Volkova)


Leaves much to be desired or better- does not meet all the requirements, not quite good.

The project leaves much to be desired.

What(what, what) you can only wish- is talking about something. good, meets all requirements.

The success of the performance was what one could wish for..

Ozhegov's dictionary

VC A Th, ayu, aye; nesov.

1. what, someone (with specific nouns, colloquialisms), with neopr. or with the union "to". Feel desire, want. J. confessions. I wish to know. I wish he returned. Would you like coffee or tea? J. impossible. Many wishing (n.) get to the exhibition. Leaves. the best or much(about something that in its present form is not good enough).

2. to whom someone or with neopr. Say what. wishes. J. happiness. I wish you a good rest.

| owls. wish, uh, uh.

Dictionary Ushakov


wish, wish, wish, incompatibility(To ).

1. WITH inf. and with the union "to". To have an inner desire to accomplish something, to possess something, to want ( books.). "Wish! what good is it in vain and eternally to desire? Lermontov. I don't want to see him. Would you like the wolves to be fed and the sheep to be safe?

| whom. Feeling attracted to someone ( obsolete). He passionately desired her.

2. something from somebody. Want to find, seek, demand. Apparently I wanted the impossible from him.

3. to someone to something and to inf. Express or make any wishes. I wish you all the best. We wished the departed a happy journey. I wish you get well.

Leaves much to be desired or better - does not meet all the requirements, not quite good. The project leaves much to be desired. What (what, what) can only be desired - it is said about something good that meets all the requirements.

Sentences with "wish"

Industrial cranes have been produced in Krasnoyarsk since Soviet times, but their quality leaves much to be desired; Again, funds are needed, and considerable ones.

But, my mother, his position at the institute is excellent, and one cannot wish for better if he is allowed to disappear for six months.

Boris Samoilovich Schwarzkopf

V.K. Kotov from Ulan-Ude asks: “Which is correct: Makes you want the best or Leaves you want the best?”.

In the modern Russian literary language there is a phraseological expression with the meaning "not good enough, unsatisfactory, does not meet certain requirements' - leaves much to be desired(options - much better or much). Explanatory dictionaries do not indicate that this expression can be used with negation Not [Added to the journal text by the author's hand: FSRYA 298] - and then it means "excellent, meets all the requirements", for example: "But the people who made up the backbone of the division were excellent, and their political and moral state did not leave much to be desired" (Katukov. He who raised the sword from the sword will die). [ Added to the journal text by the author's hand: NB derivational non-normative variant]

"Makes you want the best"- a mistake typical of colloquial speech with its negligence to linguistic means. This error sometimes appears in fiction and in print like so: "... his physical condition made him want the best"(Kozhevnikov. Shield and sword); “The characterization of Viktor Petrovich did not leave much to be desired: a calm, balanced, non-drinking person ...”(Rosen. The last two weeks); “But the organization of work in our scientific institutes, recruitment, alignment of forces, economic and moral incentives often leave much to be desired"(Asanov. Goddess of victory).

Arbitrary replacement of the prefix ( behind- instead of O-) is a deviation from the literary norm. When using a phraseological unit, it is necessary to accurately reproduce the lexical composition and grammatical organization of the expression.


Journal "Russian speech", 1968, No. 6

[Added to the journal text by the author's hand: “Ex. 27. Unfortunately, general training students in many schools wants a lot of the best ”(V. A. Mamonov, D. E. Rozental. Practical stylistics of the modern Russian language. M., 1957, p. 45)“ Exercise. 54.14) ... and the assimilation of the course leaves much to be desired. 15) ... wants the best and the quality of baked bread "N. N. Nikolsky. Tutorial in Stylistics and Literary Editing, vol. 1 M., 1954, p. 56)
"... S. Sartakov, in general, is satisfied with the state of the reviewer's work (although there is no doubt that it leaves much to be desired)" (V. Ozerov, Larger scale of work. "Vopli, 1868, No. 11, p. 5") .
“makes you want better tunneling equipment”
"(Yu. Chernichenko. Saving Sevan. Pravda, June 9, 1968)]

Adj., number of synonyms: 58 junk (42) shitty (58) shit (62) ... Synonym dictionary

leaves much to be desired- Book. Usually carried. More often 3 l. present temp. or past. temp. Not good enough, does not satisfy, does not meet certain requirements. From noun. inanimate: project, book, mood…leaves much to be desired. The article leaves much to be desired, its ... ... Educational Phraseological Dictionary

Leaves much to be desired- Razg. About what l., which is not very good, does not satisfy in what l. respect. FSRYA, 234; BTS, 301; BMS 1998, 353; F 2, 21 ... Big dictionary of Russian sayings

leaves much to be desired- adj., number of synonyms: 58 shitty (58) shit (62) penny price (38) ... Synonym dictionary

leaves much to be desired- Leaves a lot to be desired (better) Not good enough, unsatisfactory, not up to the mark… Dictionary of many expressions

WANT- WISH, I wish, you wish, inconsistency. (to wish). 1. With inf. and with the union to. To have an inner desire for the realization of something, to possess something, to want (book). "Wish! what good is it in vain and eternally to desire? Lermontov. I don't want him... Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

want- Leaves much to be desired or better does not meet all the requirements, not quite good. The project leaves much to be desired. What (what, what) one can only wish is said about what n. good, meets all requirements ... Phraseological dictionary of the Russian language

want- vb., nsv., use. very common Morphology: I wish, you wish, he/she/it wishes, we wish, you wish, they wish, wish, wish, wished, wished, wished, wished, wishing, wishing, wishing, wishing; St. wish 1. Wish something, meaning ... Dictionary of Dmitriev

WANT- WISH, ayu, aesh; incompatibility 1. what, whom (what) (with specific nouns, colloquial), with indefinite. or with the union "to". Feel desire, want. J. confessions. I wish to know. I wish he returned. Would you like coffee or tea? J. impossible. Lots of people who want... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

want- a / u, a / eat; willing; nsv. see also wishing, wishing, desired, desire, desire 1) what also with inf. or with an attachment. add. Strive for something; want something... Dictionary of many expressions


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