What is autumn - it's greyness... How not to fall into the autumn blues? Advice from a psychologist: how to overcome the autumn blues How not to fall into the blues in the fall

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The human body is accustomed to warmth not only physically, but also psychologically. Whatever summer is, it is always perceived as a holiday, rest, vacation. At this time of year, people become mobile, active, their mood and overall body tone improve, while in the fall activity decreases sharply: the body prepares to face the cold and begins to work to save its own resources. Starting in September, the days decrease, and the lack of light directly affects biological rhythms, which slow down. A decrease in temperature also affects the body. These circumstances cannot be called joyful, so the mood rapidly drops.

Autumn blues are a fairly typical psychological state for many people. Usually, this is associated with a decrease in a person’s emotional background. In addition, appetite and sleep patterns change, and motivation for activity disappears. What exactly is happening to us, and what are the causes of this condition? We asked this question to Anna Tolstova, a medical psychologist at the Stavropol Regional Psychiatric Hospital No. 1.

– Signs of the autumn blues can appear in any person. In fact, autumn is just another time of year and there are many reasons not to become discouraged! So, what is needed in order to calmly endure the change of seasons? Firstly, it is important to find something you like. I recommend making a list of things that definitely need to be done in the fall. Then every morning a person will get up, knowing that new achievements and discoveries lie ahead. In this way, you can avoid sad thoughts, expand your knowledge base and spend your time profitably.

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Secondly, you should pay attention to your daily routine. It doesn't matter that daylight hours have shortened. The body still needs strength. In order to stay in a good mood, you need to get enough sleep and not ignore rest, especially if you have to solve complex problems at work. In the autumn, it is important to reconsider your diet, eliminating fatty and heavy foods. Autumn is harvest time, so fresh fruits and vegetables arrive in abundance on store shelves, markets and private outlets. To overcome the blues, you should go in for sports - this will help support good mood and get rid of negative emotions.

I would also advise changing the space around you. Let me explain: you can add more bright colors to your home, wardrobe, and food; such an environment will not allow you to succumb to depression. What else is important? Don't neglect communication. Get together with friends or close relatives more often: you can organize themed tea parties, outings with a picnic, visit exhibitions and theaters, or go on an excursion to a neighboring city. Blues is a seasonal concept, and if you pull yourself together, you will be surprised to note: autumn is over, the bad mood has not appeared.

Autumn scenario from the big WeAnnaBe team!

With rainy days approaching, we found out that we have absolutely no time for the autumn blues and we are definitely not going to put it on our to-do list for this fall (and we don’t advise you to either).

"Autumn is the most romantic time of the year. Leisurely weekend walks without abnormal heat and snowfall, with ginger cookies and masala tea after. What could be better?" - says our model and assistant in the marketing department Sasha. As it turned out, Julia , m manager of our showroom in Odessa, also loves autumn walks, especially along the famous Odessa courtyards and sea promenade with hot coffee in hand. And for our accountant Lyudmila actions of the ideal autumn scenario take place in Palermo. “A glass of white wine, homemade pasta with sun-dried tomatoes mmm... Unforgettable landscapes around and the beautiful volcano Etna, which will definitely not leave anyone indifferent.” Your autumn day off manager of the Kyiv showroom Asya presents exclusively with a glass of sparkling wine and a movie "The English Patient", in the arms of your beloved man and, of course, not without goodies. By the way, in our office we like to watch TV series at the same time, so that we can excitedly share our impressions. But PR manager and showroom manager Margot , still haven’t mastered it "The Handmaid's Tale", which the girls in our office loved so much. “After some episodes in the first series, I realized that I still can’t get myself ready for a series with such depressing events. But, I’m looking forward to the second seasons of the series "Dynasty" , "The Chi" , "Good Girls" and season 3 "Atlanta""And everyone is in harmony, I think that we are not the only ones waiting for the continuation of the cult "Big Little Lies" !

Of course, after reading everything above, you still wonder what to wear at this wonderful time of year and what plans the brand has. Our designer Anna Sokol says this: “We have already successfully presented a new collection at New York Fashion Week and then we fly to Paris, where we take part in interactive presentation Flying Solo as part of Paris Fashion Week. If you happen to find yourself in Paris on September 27th, be sure to come and see us. As for the clothes themselves, we focused on dresses, without which you definitely can’t imagine your new wardrobe; There will be new two-tone tracksuits and many different variations of peplums and corsets."

"Over the weekend we showed a new collection in Kyiv at" That's it. Its| ELLE", where in the first half of the day we were sold out of incredibly feminine midi-length dresses and tweed peplums, which perfectly complete the look. Khaki-colored pleated shirts and eco-leather belts to go with them were also popular. We also have plans organize a WeAnnaBe Garage Sale in cities of Ukraine. In the summer, we held such a sale in our native Odessa and Kiev. Now we want to introduce even more girls to our brand and give them the opportunity to get “that perfect dress” at a very reasonable price," says brand director Yulia Olshevskaya.

“I have a dream and you know what? I want big stores all over the world and become the most famous Ukrainian brand! And I also want to organize parties, closed events for our beloved girls, and shoot videos with WeAnnaBe Girls in the form of light dialogues about life and work and of course love! - shares Asya.

“When I first came to work in our company, it turned out that there were quite a lot of clients from Kazakhstan at once. And I immediately realized that WeAnnaBe needed to be there. I really wanted this and 2 years later, literally a couple of days before my 25th birthday anniversary, they tell me that we were invited to Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Astana. I instantly agreed and was happy to hold a show on my birthday. Now, I want to conquer Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week in Tbilisi, Almaty, Baku, Moscow, and then We'll also fly to Mexico City. Who knows:)" - Margot dreams.

"And I would like to expand our target audience. I want to see our clothes on the streets even more often and, of course, somewhere on the streets of Barcelona, ​​for example. I present models with freckles, curly hair and different features on our shoots." - says Sasha.

Summing up the results of our collective conversation, I can draw the following conclusions:

  1. “To avoid autumn depression, just don’t fall into it!” - 100% hit from manager in the Kiev showroom of Angelina.
  2. “Any dramas, even those that happen in our favorite TV series “Sex in the City,” are easier to bear if you live in Odessa with a view of the sea!” - says Anna.
  3. Use bad weather outside the window with benefit: read, develop, learn something new, get inspired, get satiated. And, in this case, not a single rain will ruin your mood! Thinks so Director Yulia.
  4. And as I said Lyudmila - “In order not to fall into the autumn blues, you need to fall in love! It’s simple!”

Every person has their own opinion about autumn. Some consider it an inimitably delightful time of year, which can inspire and give only positivity, while others treat this time with outright hostility, completely not wanting it to happen. What causes such opposite feelings experienced by people?

The first of these categories of people associates the long-awaited arrival of autumn with the change of spicy freshness from the former sultry stuffiness, with the colorful palette of the autumn months giving rise to romantic feelings and associations. Their opponents, on the contrary, do not experience the slightest delight in the rosy days of early autumn. They are depressed by the decrease in daylight hours, the onset of cold weather, and the different state of those around them. It is these factors that provoke the onset of the autumn blues. To avoid succumbing to it, pay attention to the effective tips in this article.

  1. Any movement is a sign of life. Find time to exercise. For successful implementation For this purpose, you can purchase a subscription, which gives you the opportunity to study in gym or find yourself in shaping, Pilates, strip exercise, yoga, aerobics, which can satisfy all your needs. In addition to this method, there is an excellent option - visiting the pool, thanks to which you will gain the qualities of an impeccable swimmer, and your blues will “choke” during inspiring dives or diving from the tower. If you don’t have money or want to exercise in the gym, devote time to it at home. For self-study you can easily find great amount sources useful information and manuals published on the Internet or specialized literature. Jogging, cycling, Nordic walking, which has become fashionable, or ordinary daily walks in the morning will significantly improve your emotional background and physical condition.
  2. Healthy diet. In the fall, it is advisable to replenish your supply of vitamins with seasonal vegetables and fruits. At this time, it makes sense to abandon flour products rich in sugar. Do not overuse fried foods - stewed or boiled foods are much healthier. This approach to nutrition will have a beneficial effect on your figure and emotional state, bringing a touch of positivity to your mood.
  3. Full sleep. To feel energized and not tired, get adequate sleep. To maintain the correct routine for your day, you should go to bed no later than 10 p.m. and get at least six hours of sleep. If you suffer from insomnia, make it a rule to ventilate the room shortly before going to bed, leave the habit of sleeping during the day in the past, and give up alcohol and other bad habits in the evening. If possible, go for a walk, even if it only takes 10-15 minutes.
  4. Realize yourself. Decide what hobby you like. To do what you love, you could attend thematic courses or find like-minded people in a dance group. You can independently master the art of embroidery or modeling, wood carving or playing the musical instrument. The main goal you pursue when devoting your time to a hobby is to get the most out of it.
  5. Positive attitude towards the environment. Find a way out of the negative situations life sends you and leave them in the past without burdening yourself with unpleasant memories. Try to always see only the best in everything. Spend more time in the company of people you like. Be sure to take walks with someone close to you in spirit. Give preference to books and films with a good ending. Don't forget to praise yourself for the smallest achievement in something. Live with positivity in your soul, and then miracles will be a constant guest in your life.

Gray cirrus clouds have covered the entire sky, it has been drizzling outside the window all day, and it seems that it has come, this notorious end of the world. But I want at least a little hope, some kind of joy, some sun to disperse the autumn mood that brings sad thoughts. I, like a lark according to my biological clock, begin to feel the arrival of autumn before anyone else. In the summer, when I wake up... not even like that, in the summer in the morning the sun wakes me up, penetrating its warm rays through the cracks in the thick curtains into the room. And from the end of August the sun's rays become less and less. And it’s already becoming harder for me to wake up, because it’s dark, cold and uncomfortable outside. And the further autumn comes into its own, the more I begin to feel the lack of solar energy, the lack of morning colors, the brightness of the day and beautiful sunsets in the evenings.

Is it possible to love autumn?

A few years ago, when I once again caught myself thinking that autumn was coming, and soon there would be heavy rains, and that the autumn blues, I came up with a game for myself that helps me survive the autumn. Thanks to this game, I learned to love this strange time of year. In fact, the game is simple: it consists in finding pleasant joys in autumn every day. It could be beautiful crimson foliage that “burns like a bright fire” on a tree near a neighboring house. It could be a squirrel in the park, quickly jumping from branch to branch, carrying some supplies to a secluded place. It could be rain that plays a wonderful melody on the roof or windowsill. That is, any picture that is pleasing to the eye and thoughts. After a while, these “pleasures” begin to be found automatically, almost unconsciously. And so, getting up in the morning of an autumn day, realizing that there is impenetrable darkness outside the window, I say to myself: “ Good morning" And it becomes good. Especially when you go outside in the morning and see how beautiful the apple tree is near the house, and the apples hanging on it in clusters, reminiscent of a huge red currant bush. And my soul becomes warm and joyful from these thoughts and associations. And the people around me begin to smile at me. And I understand that autumn is my favorite time of year. When can you still hope that in a couple of hours it will become warm, and you can bask in the sun’s rays, even if they are autumn, but so soft and caring.

I also love autumn rains. Yes, yes, even if they are protracted and there are periods when it rains for a week. Even at this time I love autumn. How interesting it is to watch drops falling from the sky into puddles. And if you listen to the “music” of the rain, you can hear a lot of interesting melodies and songs that are never repeated and are always unique. And the thoughts that arise in rainy weather! Yes, such deep thoughts are only possible in the rain. And I don’t blame autumn, I love it for the opportunities it gives us.

Autumn is perceived by many people as a period when it is necessary to sum up some results, analyze the things accomplished since the beginning of the year, and try to “make annual plans" But at the same time, autumn is also a time of hope. A time when there is still an opportunity to catch up, correct, catch up with something. And only the most notorious pessimists can scold autumn for its impenetrability, but I will still love it for its uniqueness, brightness of colors and possibilities.

1. Wear bright clothes, preferably orange, yellow and red. This will help support your solar energy. Clothes and accessories of these colors can lift your spirits, activate you, and give you a charge of vigor and positivity.

2. Walk more and enjoy the beauty of nature. After all, in no other time of year is there such an amazing variety of combinations of colors and colors (natural) as in autumn.

3. Remember that in Rus', since ancient times, autumn has been a time for weddings. This means you have a great opportunity to arrange or improve your personal life.

4. Smile more. A smile is not only a good opportunity to cheer yourself up in the fall, but throughout the year.

5. Make an analysis of planned activities at the beginning of the year, identify what needs to be done before the end of the year. And rejoice ( Required condition), what you have managed to accomplish already during the year.

6. Remember that autumn is harvest time. And even if you don’t have your own garden, you can also come up with “your own harvest” and harvest it. For example, a harvest of money, a harvest of purchases, a harvest of everything your heart desires! The main thing is not to miss a great opportunity to harvest.

7. Love autumn in all its manifestations.

And even if you are not satisfied with the above 7 points, you can always organize sunny weather for yourself by hanging a poster with the sun on the wall, purchasing a beautiful summer lamp with bright light. And this will help you “be in summer” at any time of year and weather. And remember that autumn blues It can only happen when you allow it into your heart and soul.

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