NLP for every day 20 principles of the winner. NLP for every day or simple secrets of success. And are you ready

If we go with the flow of life, then freestyle.

Boris Krutier

Who does not know which harbor to sail to, there is no favorable wind for him.


Do you love gambling? Like poker! But life is largely built according to the laws of gambling. If nature has rewarded you with a spectacular, attractive appearance - this is a full house. If you're also smart, it's a straight flush.

But if you own NLP techniques, it's like a joker in your pocket or an ace of trump up your sleeve.

One great philosopher said: "Hell is all other people." Well, apparently, he just had no idea about the existence of NLP ...

Imagine a life built solely according to your laws. A life in which you yourself are both a screenwriter and a director, and the people around you are executive actors who clearly follow your instructions. Imagine that generally accepted laws no longer apply to you and from now on you can choose, establish and change the rules of the game at your own discretion.

Understanding NLP today is as important as mastering several foreign languages and once a week to attend personal growth trainings.

However, NLP should not be taken as just another fashion trend. You can, of course, without going into details, learn a few classically simple NLP tricks and shine with them in a party, casually, as if by the way, dropping: “Well, yes, neurolinguistic programming is my hobby.” Yes, but is it worth spending time on mastering the tops, when you can penetrate the very essence and change yourself and your life once and for all ...

NLP is such a small acronym and such a huge theory. The theory of how from a chip on the waves of fate you can turn into a full owner of your life. About how to stop fighting with people and circumstances and start living by your own rules. About how to get rid of the failures of the past and order yourself an enchanting future.

NLP is:

technique that allows a person to perfectly control his body(for example, remove excess weight with the power of thought alone, regulate your well-being, drive away a headache without any pills, increase or decrease temperature and pressure at your own discretion);

- a program that teaches a person to easily manage himself: his emotions, thoughts, feelings, fears, moods (for example, easily overcome laziness, awaken strength and desire to work in himself, learn to enjoy any little thing or erase any unpleasant memories, easily and simply get rid of from bad habits and old phobias);

a way to discover superpowers and talents in yourself that you didn’t even suspect before(Let's say that all your life you have admired the beautiful voice and impeccable hearing of your girlfriend, without even suspecting that you yourself can sing well.

NLP is the key that will allow you to open your own pantry, filled to the brim with amazing treasures, spiritual riches and amazing gifts that you have never used before);

opportunity to find mutual language with any person(be it a harmful secretary, a boss with the manners of a tyrant and a despot, a crazy mother-in-law or a touchy wife);

a technique that allows you to convince anyone of anything. For example, it is easy and unconstrained to prove that black is white, that psychoanalysis was actually introduced not by Freud, but by your neighbor Peter Ivanovich, and that the Earth is actually square.

And finally


Firmly knowing that he was born to be healthy, strong, successful, prosperous, happy in love, career, friendship and any of his endeavors.

What is the strength of this trendy science of NLP? In truth, the art of Neuro-Linguistic Programming is just that in any life situation pick the right thoughts and the right words. And that's it, you ask? But it's too easy! Do ordinary words and thoughts really have such incredible power and power over a person? The answer is simple and short: yes!

The irony is that all these techniques may seem so simple that people find it hard to believe they are effective. It turns out that most problems can be solved elementarily and quickly if you change your approach to them and stop perceiving everything that happens to you as a serious and intractable problem.

It really doesn't matter that much how and why this tricky technique works, more importantly, it works! So drop your skepticism. After all, you probably do not know how your mobile phone works, but this does not prevent you from using it. Likewise here...

And are you ready?

In fact, NLP is not abstract reasoning. These are specific actions, techniques and techniques designed to change your life for the better.

Therefore, if you want to not just get a general idea of ​​Neuro Linguistic Programming, but use it to make your work easier, family life, communicating with friends, enemies and loved ones, it is time to establish how this science is right for you. So, to determine if you are ready to storm the heights of NLP, take a simple test. Answer each of the following questions "yes" or "no" and then count the number of negative answers. If it is no more than three, consider that you have not wasted your money on buying this book and learning NLP can bring you good dividends in the future.

1. I believe that the natural state of a person is to be healthy, successful, loving and loved, to live in abundance and prosperity. I know that being happy is not a luxury, but a completely normal state of affairs that every person deserves from birth.

2. I know that dreaming is not only not harmful, but also useful!

3. I believe in myself, my strengths and abilities. I want to develop them.

4. I know that my life and my happiness are in my hands.

5. I believe that any of my dreams are achievable.

6. I am ready to change myself and my life for the better.

So, if the above statements do not seem completely ridiculous to you, you can safely continue reading this book. Even if some of these thoughts now seem too naive to you, try at least as an experiment to read the book to the end. At least to see if your view of life changes for the better.

cruel games

Perhaps, after reading all of the above, you are a little surprised. After all, NLP is usually positioned as a hard science for ruthless, cunning, smart and not burdened with excessive morality people. They say that with the help of NLP, anyone can learn to manipulate others, like pawns in their game. They say that with the help of NLP you can make another person do anything. They say that NLP is an excellent tool for zombification, intimidation, and control of the masses.

NLP is used by professional politicians, PR people, businessmen, sales managers and everyone, everyone, everyone who, on duty, needs to be able to breed honest people.

NLP is considered an integral part of the cruel games and cunning intrigues of the modern world.

But in fact, neuro-linguistic programming should not be considered such a vicious science. It's all about how you use your strength, your abilities, and your skills. We will talk about the ethical side of the issue. But the funny truth is that using NLP magic just to try to control other people is like shooting sparrows with a cannon.

And really, why waste precious time and energy, to intimidate/change/manage other people, when mastering NLP can help you qualitatively change your own life?

Fortunately, real power, as a rule, comes only to those who know how to manage it ... those who just want to play omnipotent and omnipotent manipulators, assert themselves at someone else's expense and feel cool and invulnerable, resorting to NLP, often look very funny...

Instructive story.

A few years ago, when I was a correspondent for a women's magazine, an editor gave me the assignment to write an article about pickup trucks.

Pick-up artists were fashionable guys at that time, a kind of Don Juan and Casanova (not so much born as made, trained by masters of manipulation and neuro-linguistic programming), famous for their incredible ability to seduce women, and then throw them in the most brutal way. They collected their victories over the fair sex and gladly accepted new brethren into their ranks. Among all other methods of seduction, pick-up artists especially singled out NLP and with great zeal studied the principles of "rapport", "anchoring" and everything that could help them in seducing girls and manipulating their feelings.

Since the magazine I worked for was a women's magazine, I was given pretty clear instructions to write a tough, ironic article that made a mockery of pick-up artists, which I actually did. At that time, I almost did not know what NLP was, I only knew that it was something very complex and truly miraculous. However, it didn't matter. While working on the article, I skimmed through descriptions of some NLP techniques adapted to pickup principles. Some tricks seemed to me efficient, from others I was literally dismantled with laughter. I especially remember the technique called "How to breed any girl for oral sex." In it, the guy had to ask his victim which fruit seems to her the most delicious. And after the girl answered, for example: "Mango", the guy had to smoothly lead her to a direct association between her favorite fruit and his manhood. Apparently, it was meant that at the end of the thorough processing, the girl would sincerely be imbued with the conviction that oral sex is as pleasant as savoring a mango or some other exotic fruit. Of course, it was with great pleasure that I ridiculed the naive technique of pick-ups in my article. And after the publication of the magazine began ...

Pikapersky forum buzzed like a beehive. My modest article, written, mind you, for women, caused an incredible stir among heartthrobs-nlpists. Forgetting all the wisdom and subtleties they had learned, pick-up artists cursed me with a simple obscenity, and most of their fiery and angry statements were in the style of "the fool herself." Such a reaction did not surprise me and did not touch. After all, there was nothing personal in my article: I was just asked to make fun of a pickup truck, and I just did it.

Several months have passed. And one day I met an interesting and attractive guy. We began to chat, and along the way it turned out that he also used to be engaged in a pickup truck and even read my article. To my great amazement, he did not express any aggression towards me. On the contrary, he defended me, admitting that the article was written objectively and that most pick-up artists are really those bastards who use their skills to assert themselves at the expense of unhappy girls, and not to build normal relationships. The more we talked, the more I liked him. I have already begun to seriously think about how to move with him to a new stage of intimacy. And even invited him to a romantic dinner, which, according to my calculations, should have smoothly turned into a joint breakfast. Alas ... at the climax, my hero suddenly asked, as if by chance: “Tell me, what is your favorite fruit?” In response, I was taken apart by stupid laughter. I could no longer perceive him as a potential lover. An exciting moment turned into a comedy of positions ... Since then, we have not communicated ...

Several years have passed. I got serious about NLP. And I tried to analyze why that pick-up artist could not seduce me. Because I really liked him. Yes, and the NLP techniques that are used in the pickup truck are very effective.

Only now I understand that NLP is not just a set of common truths and proven techniques. This is masterful improvisation, the ability to instantly appreciate another person and understand which strings of his soul you need to play in order to get the maximum result in the shortest possible time.

The people around us are too different to indiscriminately apply all the tactics studied to them ... this is the main difference between those who want to pick up the tops of NLP and manipulate people for their own benefit, and those who want to qualitatively change their lives for the better. That is why the latter have a much higher chance of truly mastering the difficult technique of neurolinguistic programming and learning how to use it for the benefit of themselves and their loved ones.

NLP is not words and reasoning. NLP is specific, actionable techniques. So, for the greatest efficiency, it is recommended not only to read and wind by ear, but also, starting right from this page, to do small and simple practical homework.

Practice #1

Take a sheet of paper and a pen. After thinking carefully, choose and write down your five most cherished desires that seem especially tempting to you, but completely impossible.

For example, you always dreamed of going on vacation to the Cote d'Azur, but you never even tried to find out how much a ticket costs, because you can't afford it / it's stupid to spend such a lot of money on vacation / you can't leave work and children, etc.

Or maybe you've wanted to be an artist all your life, but you think it's too hard to break into the bohemian crowd, which creative work too unstable or that you have no talent. Or maybe you would like your husband to stop cheating on you or your wife to finally stop smoking. In a word, select five of your most cherished and most unfulfilled desires. Write them down on a piece of paper. Seal your list in an envelope and don't open it until you've finished this book. When you've finished reading the last chapter, open your envelope, pull out your list, and see how many of these five wishes now seem real and easy to fulfill.

Chapter 1
Stranger in the mirror, or who are you, Mr. Brooks?

Until a person has found himself, he has nothing to lose.

Boris Krutier

Even in the worst person, you can find something good if you search him carefully.

Boris Krutier

It seems to you that you know yourself very well: your strengths and weak sides, your ideals, achievements and skeletons in the closet, your dreams, talents, the best suit cut for you or the color of lipstick that best suits your hair color. In fact, a person is like an iceberg. Only a small part of his true personality is above the water and visible to everyone, while a large part is hidden from others and from the person himself.

You thought that you knew yourself well, in fact, you have no idea what thoughts, abilities, desires and knowledge are hidden under your usual shell ...

On your marks. Attention. March!

First, let's do a little experiment. Take a sheet of paper and a pen. Now ask yourself, “Who am I? Who do I think I am? What am I really? Write down the very first word that flashes through your head, no matter how ridiculous and meaningless it may seem to you. And then, after thinking carefully, choose the word that best describes you. Write down the closest and most acceptable answer for you.

The definition that came to your mind first is your true attitude towards yourself; what you ultimately write down on a piece of paper is what you aspire to be and who you want to be.

Perhaps the very first answer to this question was completely ridiculous and stupid. For example, when you asked yourself: “Who am I?”, you kind of jokingly answered yourself: “Idiot,” and then, after carefully considering all the options, wrote on a piece of paper: “Leader.”

This may seem like nonsense. But this is a really important test. The first answer that comes to your mind usually comes directly from your subconscious mind. It pops up in your head so fast that your mind doesn't have time to edit it. Thus, the first thought that comes to your mind is likely to be very accurate. So, while you consider yourself an idiot / bastard / smart guy / master of the universe. Even if you refuse to admit it to yourself. But you strive to become a leader / sage / beauty / winner. Agree, this is an important discovery. At least now we have established our starting point and our destination.

And if today your starting station is "Loser", "Fool" or "Victim", then by reading this book you will already be halfway to the station "Winner", "Lucky", "Leader", "Femme Fatale", etc. .d.

Those lucky ones, whose first answer that came to mind coincided with the one written down later, can only be heartily congratulated and recommended to read this book to make their own life easier and improve their communication skills.

So, your true opinion of yourself turned out to be not too flattering? Have you called yourself a fool? Or maybe you seem like an old galoshes to yourself? Or are we lazy and sloppy? The first thing you should learn: what you think of yourself is by no means what you really are!!!

Our problem is that very often we forget that WHO WE REALLY ARE. We easily forget about our achievements, ignore positive sides of our character, we do not believe other people's compliments. But we sensitively and painfully perceive criticism addressed to us, concentrate on our failures and for some reason very willingly believe in our impotence. Do a simple experiment. Think of your best friend or lover. What epithet would you give this person? Now ask him what he thinks of himself. See? The opinion about oneself can be very different from what others think about a person. And that's okay.

The most popular misconceptions about prominent people:

- A genius with the level of intelligence of a cretin (about Andy Warhol).

– A man whose mistakes took a whole decade to correct (about Albert Einstein).

- Wonderful person. He has no enemies and is not loved by any of his friends (about Bernard Shaw).

Maybe Shakespeare would have thought less if he had read more? (about William Shakespeare)

- Jerry is so dumb that he can't walk and chew gum at the same time (about Gerald Ford, US President).

So, drop your old ideas about yourself. Especially if they cause you pain and discomfort! In the end, Marilyn Monroe herself often had complexes because of her own appearance. And Leo Tolstoy considered Shakespeare a mediocrity. People tend to err. Our task with the help of NLP is to know ourselves again.

We have to find out:

– who are you really?

What hidden abilities do you have?

– how can your knowledge about yourself help you and make life easier?

What is your true limit?

Three big differences, or Something about our way of perceiving the world

All people are divided into three large groups: visuals, auditory and kinesthetics. If you ask several people to think about the sea, then one of them will first of all imagine the blue expanse of the sea, the beach, the waves; another will associate the sea with the sound of the surf; and the third will remember the feeling of the burning sun and salt spray on the skin.

Of course, each person is endowed with five main senses: sight, hearing, touch, smell, taste. But there are three main ways of perceiving the world - these are visual, auditory and kinesthetic.

And each person will necessarily have one dominant sense organ. A lot depends on how we perceive reality. Have you ever encountered the fact that the other person could not see the problem from your point of view? Have you ever been in situations where people around you didn't seem to hear you? Have you ever been frustrated because loved ones did not feel your needs?

The fact is that a huge percentage of human quarrels, disagreements, misunderstandings, contradictions and failures is associated precisely with the difference in worldview among different people. We all, like the inhabitants of Babylon, speak three different languages: visual, auditory, kinesthetic. And we raise our voices at each other, get angry, annoyed when others do not understand us.

However, stop suffering because of your peculiarities and individuality of perception. It's time to use them to your advantage. And for this we need to find out who we are in terms of the way we perceive and how we can use this peculiarity of ours. Well, and only then we will try to learn to speak with each person in his language.

For example, I am an auditor. Even at school, I could study textbooks until I was blue in the face and not remember a single word of what I read, but I could hear a teacher’s lecture once and remember everything that was said without making a single note.

My mom is kinesthetic. She cannot understand and remember anything until she writes it down. The most important thing for her is feelings and sensations. What type are you?

Eva Berger

NLP for every day. 20 rules of the winner


If we go with the flow of life, then freestyle.

Boris Krutier

Who does not know which harbor to sail to, there is no favorable wind for him.

Do you love gambling? Like poker! But life is largely built according to the laws of gambling. If nature has rewarded you with a spectacular, attractive appearance - this is a full house. If you're also smart, it's a straight flush.

But if you own NLP techniques, it's like a joker in your pocket or an ace of trump up your sleeve.

One great philosopher said: "Hell is all other people." Well, apparently, he just had no idea about the existence of NLP ...

Imagine a life built solely according to your laws. A life in which you yourself are both a screenwriter and a director, and the people around you are executive actors who clearly follow your instructions. Imagine that generally accepted laws no longer apply to you and from now on you can choose, establish and change the rules of the game at your own discretion.

Understanding NLP today is as important as knowing several foreign languages ​​and attending personal growth trainings once a week.

However, NLP should not be taken as just another fashion trend. You can, of course, without going into details, learn a few classically simple NLP tricks and shine with them in a party, casually, as if by the way, dropping: “Well, yes, neurolinguistic programming is my hobby.” Yes, but is it worth spending time on mastering the tops, when you can penetrate the very essence and change yourself and your life once and for all ...

NLP is such a small acronym and such a huge theory. The theory of how from a chip on the waves of fate you can turn into a full owner of your life. About how to stop fighting with people and circumstances and start living by your own rules. About how to get rid of the failures of the past and order yourself an enchanting future.

NLP is:

technique that allows a person to perfectly control his body(for example, remove excess weight with the power of thought alone, regulate your well-being, drive away a headache without any pills, increase or decrease temperature and pressure at your own discretion);

- a program that teaches a person to easily manage himself: his emotions, thoughts, feelings, fears, moods (for example, easily overcome laziness, awaken strength and desire to work in himself, learn to enjoy any little thing or erase any unpleasant memories, easily and simply get rid of from bad habits and old phobias);

a way to discover superpowers and talents in yourself that you didn’t even suspect before(Let’s say you have admired your girlfriend’s beautiful voice and impeccable hearing all your life, without even suspecting that you yourself sing well. NLP is the key that will allow you to open your own pantry, filled to the brim with amazing treasures, spiritual riches and amazing gifts, that you have never used before)

the ability to find a common language with anyone(be it a harmful secretary, a boss with the manners of a tyrant and a despot, a crazy mother-in-law or a touchy wife);

a technique that allows you to convince anyone of anything. For example, it is easy and unconstrained to prove that black is white, that psychoanalysis was actually introduced not by Freud, but by your neighbor Peter Ivanovich, and that the Earth is actually square.

And finally


Firmly knowing that he was born to be healthy, strong, successful, prosperous, happy in love, career, friendship and any of his endeavors.

What is the strength of this trendy science of NLP? In truth, the art of neuro-linguistic programming is only to find the right thoughts and the right words in any life situation. And that's it, you ask? But it's too easy! Do ordinary words and thoughts really have such incredible power and power over a person? The answer is simple and short: yes!

The irony is that all these techniques may seem so simple that people find it hard to believe they are effective. It turns out that most problems can be solved elementarily and quickly if you change your approach to them and stop perceiving everything that happens to you as a serious and intractable problem.

It really doesn't matter that much how and why this tricky technique works, more importantly, it works! So drop your skepticism. After all, you probably do not know how your mobile phone works, but this does not prevent you from using it. Likewise here...

And are you ready?

In fact, NLP is not abstract reasoning. These are specific actions, techniques and techniques designed to change your life for the better.

Therefore, if you want to not just get a general idea of ​​Neuro Linguistic Programming, but use it to facilitate your work, family life, communication with friends, enemies and loved ones, it is time to find out how this science is right for you. So, to determine if you are ready to storm the heights of NLP, take a simple test. Answer each of the following questions "yes" or "no" and then count the number of negative answers. If it is no more than three, consider that you have not wasted your money on buying this book and learning NLP can bring you good dividends in the future.

1. I believe that the natural state of a person is to be healthy, successful, loving and loved, to live in abundance and prosperity. I know that being happy is not a luxury, but a completely normal state of affairs that every person deserves from birth.

2. I know that dreaming is not only not harmful, but also useful!

3. I believe in myself, my strengths and abilities. I want to develop them.

4. I know that my life and my happiness are in my hands.

5. I believe that any of my dreams are achievable.

6. I am ready to change myself and my life for the better.

So, if the above statements do not seem completely ridiculous to you, you can safely continue reading this book. Even if some of these thoughts now seem too naive to you, try at least as an experiment to read the book to the end. At least to see if your view of life changes for the better.

cruel games

Perhaps, after reading all of the above, you are a little surprised. After all, NLP is usually positioned as a hard science for ruthless, cunning, smart and not burdened with excessive morality people. They say that with the help of NLP, anyone can learn to manipulate others, like pawns in their game. They say that with the help of NLP you can make another person do anything. They say that NLP is an excellent tool for zombification, intimidation, and control of the masses.

NLP is used by professional politicians, PR people, businessmen, sales managers and everyone, everyone, everyone who, on duty, needs to be able to breed honest people.

NLP is considered an integral part of the cruel games and cunning intrigues of the modern world.

But in fact, neuro-linguistic programming should not be considered such a vicious science. It's all about how you use your strength, your abilities, and your skills. We will talk about the ethical side of the issue. But the funny truth is that using NLP magic just to try to control other people is like shooting sparrows with a cannon.

And really, why waste precious time and energy, to intimidate/change/manage other people, when mastering NLP can help you qualitatively change your own life?

Fortunately, real power, as a rule, comes only to those who know how to manage it ... those who just want to play omnipotent and omnipotent manipulators, assert themselves at someone else's expense and feel cool and invulnerable, resorting to NLP, often look very funny...

Instructive story.

A few years ago, when I was a correspondent for a women's magazine, an editor gave me the assignment to write an article about pickup trucks.

Pick-up artists were fashionable guys at that time, a kind of Don Juan and Casanova (not so much born as made, trained by masters of manipulation and neuro-linguistic programming), famous for their incredible ability to seduce women, and then throw them in the most brutal way. They collected their victories over the fair sex and gladly accepted new brethren into their ranks. Among all other methods of seduction, pick-up artists especially singled out NLP and with great zeal studied the principles of "rapport", "anchoring" and everything that could help them in seducing girls and manipulating their feelings.

Since the magazine I worked for was a women's magazine, I was given pretty clear instructions to write a tough, ironic article that made a mockery of pick-up artists, which I actually did. At that time, I almost did not know what NLP was, I only knew that it was something very complex and truly miraculous. However, it didn't matter. While working on the article, I skimmed through descriptions of some NLP techniques adapted to pickup principles. Some tricks seemed to me efficient, from others I was literally dismantled with laughter. I especially remember the technique called "How to breed any girl for oral sex." In it, the guy had to ask his victim which fruit seems to her the most delicious. And after the girl answered, for example: "Mango", the guy had to smoothly lead her to a direct association between her favorite fruit and his manhood. Apparently, it was meant that at the end of the thorough processing, the girl would sincerely be imbued with the conviction that oral sex is as pleasant as savoring a mango or some other exotic fruit. Of course, it was with great pleasure that I ridiculed the naive technique of pick-ups in my article. And after the publication of the magazine began ...

Pikapersky forum buzzed like a beehive. My modest article, written, mind you, for women, caused an incredible stir among heartthrobs-nlpists. Forgetting all the wisdom and subtleties they had learned, pick-up artists cursed me with a simple obscenity, and most of their fiery and angry statements were in the style of "the fool herself." Such a reaction did not surprise me and did not touch. After all, there was nothing personal in my article: I was just asked to make fun of a pickup truck, and I just did it.

Several months have passed. And one day I met an interesting and attractive guy. We began to chat, and along the way it turned out that he also used to be engaged in a pickup truck and even read my article. To my great amazement, he did not express any aggression towards me. On the contrary, he defended me, admitting that the article was written objectively and that most pick-up artists are really those bastards who use their skills to assert themselves at the expense of unhappy girls, and not to build normal relationships. The more we talked, the more I liked him. I have already begun to seriously think about how to move with him to a new stage of intimacy. And even invited him to a romantic dinner, which, according to my calculations, should have smoothly turned into a joint breakfast. Alas ... at the climax, my hero suddenly asked, as if by chance: “Tell me, what is your favorite fruit?” In response, I was taken apart by stupid laughter. I could no longer perceive him as a potential lover. An exciting moment turned into a comedy of positions ... Since then, we have not communicated ...

Several years have passed. I got serious about NLP. And I tried to analyze why that pick-up artist could not seduce me. Because I really liked him. Yes, and the NLP techniques that are used in the pickup truck are very effective.

Only now I understand that NLP is not just a set of common truths and proven techniques. This is masterful improvisation, the ability to instantly appreciate another person and understand which strings of his soul you need to play in order to get the maximum result in the shortest possible time.

The people around us are too different to indiscriminately apply all the tactics studied to them ... this is the main difference between those who want to pick up the tops of NLP and manipulate people for their own benefit, and those who want to qualitatively change their lives for the better. That is why the latter have a much higher chance of truly mastering the difficult technique of neurolinguistic programming and learning how to use it for the benefit of themselves and their loved ones.

NLP is not words and reasoning. NLP is specific, actionable techniques. So, for the greatest efficiency, it is recommended not only to read and wind by ear, but also, starting right from this page, to do small and simple practical homework.

Practice #1

Take a sheet of paper and a pen. After thinking carefully, choose and write down your five most cherished desires that seem especially tempting to you, but completely impossible.

For example, you always dreamed of going on vacation to the Cote d'Azur, but you never even tried to find out how much a ticket costs, because you can't afford it / it's stupid to spend such a lot of money on vacation / you can't leave work and children, etc.

Or maybe you've wanted to be an artist all your life, but you think it's too hard to break into the bohemian scene, that your creative work is too unstable, or that you don't have the talent. Or maybe you would like your husband to stop cheating on you or your wife to finally stop smoking. In a word, select five of your most cherished and most unfulfilled desires. Write them down on a piece of paper. Seal your list in an envelope and don't open it until you've finished this book. When you've finished reading the last chapter, open your envelope, pull out your list, and see how many of these five wishes now seem real and easy to fulfill.

Stranger in the mirror, or who are you, Mr. Brooks?

Until a person has found himself, he has nothing to lose.

Boris Krutier

Even in the worst person, you can find something good if you search him carefully.

Boris Krutier

It seems to you that you know yourself very well: your strengths and weaknesses, your ideals, achievements and skeletons in the closet, your dreams, talents, the best suit cut for you or the lipstick color that best suits your hair color. In fact, a person is like an iceberg. Only a small part of his true personality is above the water and visible to everyone, while a large part is hidden from others and from the person himself.

You thought that you knew yourself well, in fact, you have no idea what thoughts, abilities, desires and knowledge are hidden under your usual shell ...

On your marks. Attention. March!

First, let's do a little experiment. Take a sheet of paper and a pen. Now ask yourself, “Who am I? Who do I think I am? What am I really? Write down the very first word that flashes through your head, no matter how ridiculous and meaningless it may seem to you. And then, after thinking carefully, choose the word that best describes you. Write down the closest and most acceptable answer for you.

The definition that came to your mind first is your true attitude towards yourself; what you ultimately write down on a piece of paper is what you aspire to be and who you want to be.

Perhaps the very first answer to this question was completely ridiculous and stupid. For example, when you asked yourself: “Who am I?”, you kind of jokingly answered yourself: “Idiot,” and then, after carefully considering all the options, wrote on a piece of paper: “Leader.”

This may seem like nonsense. But this is a really important test. The first answer that comes to your mind usually comes directly from your subconscious mind. It pops up in your head so fast that your mind doesn't have time to edit it. Thus, the first thought that comes to your mind is likely to be very accurate. So, while you consider yourself an idiot / bastard / smart guy / master of the universe. Even if you refuse to admit it to yourself. But you strive to become a leader / sage / beauty / winner. Agree, this is an important discovery. At least now we have established our starting point and our destination.

And if today your starting station is "Loser", "Fool" or "Victim", then by reading this book you will already be halfway to the station "Winner", "Lucky", "Leader", "Femme Fatale", etc. .d.

Those lucky ones, whose first answer that came to mind coincided with the one written down later, can only be heartily congratulated and recommended to read this book to make their own life easier and improve their communication skills.

So, your true opinion of yourself turned out to be not too flattering? Have you called yourself a fool? Or maybe you seem like an old galoshes to yourself? Or are we lazy and sloppy? The first thing you should learn: what you think of yourself is by no means what you really are!!!

Our problem is that very often we forget that WHO WE REALLY ARE. We easily forget about our achievements, ignore the positive aspects of our character, do not believe other people's compliments. But we sensitively and painfully perceive criticism addressed to us, concentrate on our failures and for some reason very willingly believe in our impotence. Do a simple experiment. Think of your best friend or lover. What epithet would you give this person? Now ask him what he thinks of himself. See? The opinion about oneself can be very different from what others think about a person. And that's okay.

The most popular misconceptions about prominent people:

- A genius with the level of intelligence of a cretin (about Andy Warhol).

– A man whose mistakes took a whole decade to correct (about Albert Einstein).

- Wonderful person. He has no enemies and is not loved by any of his friends (about Bernard Shaw).

Maybe Shakespeare would have thought less if he had read more? (about William Shakespeare)

- Jerry is so dumb that he can't walk and chew gum at the same time (about Gerald Ford, US President).

So, drop your old ideas about yourself. Especially if they cause you pain and discomfort! In the end, Marilyn Monroe herself often had complexes because of her own appearance. And Leo Tolstoy considered Shakespeare a mediocrity. People tend to err. Our task with the help of NLP is to know ourselves again.

We have to find out:

– who are you really?

What hidden abilities do you have?

– how can your knowledge about yourself help you and make life easier?

What is your true limit?

Three big differences, or Something about our way of perceiving the world

All people are divided into three large groups: visuals, auditory and kinesthetics. If you ask several people to think about the sea, then one of them will first of all imagine the blue expanse of the sea, the beach, the waves; another will associate the sea with the sound of the surf; and the third will remember the feeling of the burning sun and salt spray on the skin.

Of course, each person is endowed with five main senses: sight, hearing, touch, smell, taste. But there are three main ways of perceiving the world - these are visual, auditory and kinesthetic.

And each person will necessarily have one dominant sense organ. A lot depends on how we perceive reality. Have you ever encountered the fact that the other person could not see the problem from your point of view? Have you ever been in situations where people around you didn't seem to hear you? Have you ever been frustrated because loved ones did not feel your needs?

The fact is that a huge percentage of human quarrels, disagreements, misunderstandings, contradictions and failures are connected precisely with the difference in worldviews of different people. We all, like the inhabitants of Babylon, speak three different languages: visual, auditory, kinesthetic. And we raise our voices at each other, get angry, annoyed when others do not understand us.

However, stop suffering because of your peculiarities and individuality of perception. It's time to use them to your advantage. And for this we need to find out who we are in terms of the way we perceive and how we can use this peculiarity of ours. Well, and only then we will try to learn to speak with each person in his language.

For example, I am an auditor. Even at school, I could study textbooks until I was blue in the face and not remember a single word of what I read, but I could hear a teacher’s lecture once and remember everything that was said without making a single note.

My mom is kinesthetic. She cannot understand and remember anything until she writes it down. The most important thing for her is feelings and sensations. What type are you?

Around the world, approximately 60% of the population perceives everything that happens around them by eye. Their leading sense organ is vision. Visuals usually sit with a straight back and a long neck. Their gaze is often directed upwards. They do not breathe very deeply, and their voice is often high-pitched and loud. They speak quickly, sometimes abruptly. The visuals are organized and neat.

They feel extremely uncomfortable when someone gets too close to them because they want to have a good view.

Visuals are easily recognized by the following characteristic words and expressions:

"From my point of view"

"Without a Shadow of a Doubt"

"It's in front of my eyes"

"I think"

"Present in a favorable light"

"Describe the situation to me"

"A Confused Idea"

"Beautiful words"

No, this does not mean that auditory or kinesthetic people never use such expressions! Just visuals use them all the time.

They generally like for any reason and without resorting to visual characteristics, such as: “Brilliant, peer, see, imagine, appearance, look, exhibit, spectacular, notice, portray, seem, flicker, anticipate, reflect, attractive, ugly, etc. .d.”

Sometimes, they start using their favorite "visual words" (or, as they are professionally called in NLP, predicates) without any logic. So, for example, my young man, a typical visual, often answers “Brilliant” to the question “how are you,” and when asked to describe a particular situation, he can say something like: “Beautiful story” or “Nice salary” .

You are visual if:

– When making important decisions, choose what looks best to you.

– In the course of a discussion, you are most influenced by the opportunity to see the scheme of reasoning of another person.

- In your appearance easy to understand what is going on in your life.

- You are strongly influenced by certain colors.

- You often judge the people around you by their appearance, although you have heard the saying more than once that you are greeted by clothes.

- You can easily remember a phone number if you see it written in large numbers, and in general you have a photographic memory.

- You know the area well.

People who perceive the world by ear, approximately 20% of the total population of the globe. Audials breathe evenly and rhythmically. They love to talk, pride themselves on being able to articulate their own thoughts, and tend to dominate the conversation. Although sometimes they are too wordy. Often they accompany their words with expressive gestures, while their hands are at face level.

Audials often engage in self-talk. Their gaze usually moves from side to side. Some people are annoyed by these "shifting eyes". Indeed, in our culture, a person who looks away is usually considered a liar. But audials do not look into the eyes not at all because they are lying or hiding something. It's just that they are very sensitive to sounds, and their gaze can involuntarily twitch towards a dog barking in a neighboring yard or furniture rattling in their neighbors.

Audials are characterized by the use of the following expressions:

"I want to be heard"

"It's important for me to express myself"

"Detailed Story"

"Give an account of what happened"

"I am speechless"

"voice opinion"

"In truth"

"Let's talk like a man"

"hold your tongue"

"Word for word"

Thus, auditory people feel most comfortable speaking and hearing the following predicates: silently, chatter, deaf, loudly, melodic, echo, silence, resonance, noisy, beg, tell, listen, unheard, respond, etc.

Audials perceive, process and remember information in their own way.

When I was in automotive courses, one of the most difficult exercises for me was the “slide”. Twenty times I drove into it on an old "seven", put the car on the handbrake, and then could not start without having to roll back. The instructor yelled at me with a good obscenity: “I told you to look at the tachometer needle! he yelled. - It's elementary! Just watch the pace! Let's do it again."

And I gave again and again, but nothing worked. I was already resigned to the idea that not everyone is made to be drivers when our instructor fell ill. And for a while he was replaced by a very young, timid guy with much less driving experience, but with much more patience. The first thing he did was to ask me to show how I do the slide, to which I honestly admitted that I had no idea how this could be achieved at all.

“You see,” I said, “no matter how much I look at the tachometer, I still can’t understand when to release the handbrake and when to add gas. And nothing comes out.

The young instructor smiled.

“Believe it or not, I don’t know how to do this tachometer exercise either.” So I do everything by ear. You just need to close your eyes and listen to the hum of the engine, when you hear that the car starts to stall, then you need to quickly release the handbrake and add gas.

As soon as I tried to listen to the motor, I really caught the change in the sound of the engine the first time, and the exercise turned out easily and naturally, as if by itself.

This case can be called a classic and very revealing. This is how knowing your dominant sense organ helps make your task easier.

End of free trial.

If we go with the flow of life, then freestyle.

Boris Krutier

Who does not know which harbor to sail to, there is no favorable wind for him.

Do you love gambling? Like poker! But life is largely built according to the laws of gambling. If nature has rewarded you with a spectacular, attractive appearance - this is a full house. If you're also smart, it's a straight flush.

But if you own NLP techniques, it's like a joker in your pocket or an ace of trump up your sleeve.

One great philosopher said: "Hell is all other people." Well, apparently, he just had no idea about the existence of NLP ...

Imagine a life built solely according to your laws. A life in which you yourself are both a screenwriter and a director, and the people around you are executive actors who clearly follow your instructions. Imagine that generally accepted laws no longer apply to you and from now on you can choose, establish and change the rules of the game at your own discretion.

Understanding NLP today is as important as knowing several foreign languages ​​and attending personal growth trainings once a week.

However, NLP should not be taken as just another fashion trend. You can, of course, without going into details, learn a few classically simple NLP tricks and shine with them in a party, casually, as if by the way, dropping: “Well, yes, neurolinguistic programming is my hobby.” Yes, but is it worth spending time on mastering the tops, when you can penetrate the very essence and change yourself and your life once and for all ...

NLP is such a small acronym and such a huge theory. The theory of how from a chip on the waves of fate you can turn into a full owner of your life. About how to stop fighting with people and circumstances and start living by your own rules. About how to get rid of the failures of the past and order yourself an enchanting future.

NLP is:

technique that allows a person to perfectly control his body(for example, remove excess weight with the power of thought alone, regulate your well-being, drive away a headache without any pills, increase or decrease temperature and pressure at your own discretion);

- a program that teaches a person to easily manage himself: his emotions, thoughts, feelings, fears, moods (for example, easily overcome laziness, awaken strength and desire to work in himself, learn to enjoy any little thing or erase any unpleasant memories, easily and simply get rid of from bad habits and old phobias);

a way to discover superpowers and talents in yourself that you didn’t even suspect before(Let’s say you have admired your girlfriend’s beautiful voice and impeccable hearing all your life, without even suspecting that you yourself sing well. NLP is the key that will allow you to open your own pantry, filled to the brim with amazing treasures, spiritual riches and amazing gifts, that you have never used before)

the ability to find a common language with anyone(be it a harmful secretary, a boss with the manners of a tyrant and a despot, a crazy mother-in-law or a touchy wife);

a technique that allows you to convince anyone of anything. For example, it is easy and unconstrained to prove that black is white, that psychoanalysis was actually introduced not by Freud, but by your neighbor Peter Ivanovich, and that the Earth is actually square.

And finally


Firmly knowing that he was born to be healthy, strong, successful, prosperous, happy in love, career, friendship and any of his endeavors.

What is the strength of this trendy science of NLP? In truth, the art of neuro-linguistic programming is only to find the right thoughts and the right words in any life situation. And that's it, you ask? But it's too easy! Do ordinary words and thoughts really have such incredible power and power over a person? The answer is simple and short: yes!

The irony is that all these techniques may seem so simple that people find it hard to believe they are effective. It turns out that most problems can be solved elementarily and quickly if you change your approach to them and stop perceiving everything that happens to you as a serious and intractable problem.

It really doesn't matter that much how and why this tricky technique works, more importantly, it works! So drop your skepticism. After all, you probably do not know how your mobile phone works, but this does not prevent you from using it. Likewise here...

And are you ready?

In fact, NLP is not abstract reasoning. These are specific actions, techniques and techniques designed to change your life for the better.

Therefore, if you want to not just get a general idea of ​​Neuro Linguistic Programming, but use it to facilitate your work, family life, communication with friends, enemies and loved ones, it is time to find out how this science is right for you. So, to determine if you are ready to storm the heights of NLP, take a simple test. Answer each of the following questions "yes" or "no" and then count the number of negative answers. If it is no more than three, consider that you have not wasted your money on buying this book and learning NLP can bring you good dividends in the future.

1. I believe that the natural state of a person is to be healthy, successful, loving and loved, to live in abundance and prosperity. I know that being happy is not a luxury, but a completely normal state of affairs that every person deserves from birth.

2. I know that dreaming is not only not harmful, but also useful!

3. I believe in myself, my strengths and abilities. I want to develop them.

4. I know that my life and my happiness are in my hands.

5. I believe that any of my dreams are achievable.

6. I am ready to change myself and my life for the better.

So, if the above statements do not seem completely ridiculous to you, you can safely continue reading this book. Even if some of these thoughts now seem too naive to you, try at least as an experiment to read the book to the end. At least to see if your view of life changes for the better.

cruel games

Perhaps, after reading all of the above, you are a little surprised. After all, NLP is usually positioned as a hard science for ruthless, cunning, smart and not burdened with excessive morality people. They say that with the help of NLP, anyone can learn to manipulate others, like pawns in their game. They say that with the help of NLP you can make another person do anything. They say that NLP is an excellent tool for zombification, intimidation, and control of the masses.

NLP is used by professional politicians, PR people, businessmen, sales managers and everyone, everyone, everyone who, on duty, needs to be able to breed honest people.

NLP is considered an integral part of the cruel games and cunning intrigues of the modern world.

But in fact, neuro-linguistic programming should not be considered such a vicious science. It's all about how you use your strength, your abilities, and your skills. We will talk about the ethical side of the issue. But the funny truth is that using NLP magic just to try to control other people is like shooting sparrows with a cannon.

Eva Berger

NLP for every day. 20 rules of the winner


If we go with the flow of life, then freestyle.

Boris Krutier

Who does not know which harbor to sail to, there is no favorable wind for him.

Do you love gambling? Like poker! But life is largely built according to the laws of gambling. If nature has rewarded you with a spectacular, attractive appearance - this is a full house. If you're also smart, it's a straight flush.

But if you own NLP techniques, it's like a joker in your pocket or an ace of trump up your sleeve.

One great philosopher said: "Hell is all other people." Well, apparently, he just had no idea about the existence of NLP ...

Imagine a life built solely according to your laws. A life in which you yourself are both a screenwriter and a director, and the people around you are executive actors who clearly follow your instructions. Imagine that generally accepted laws no longer apply to you and from now on you can choose, establish and change the rules of the game at your own discretion.

Understanding NLP today is as important as knowing several foreign languages ​​and attending personal growth trainings once a week.

However, NLP should not be taken as just another fashion trend. You can, of course, without going into details, learn a few classically simple NLP tricks and shine with them in a party, casually, as if by the way, dropping: “Well, yes, neurolinguistic programming is my hobby.” Yes, but is it worth spending time on mastering the tops, when you can penetrate the very essence and change yourself and your life once and for all ...

NLP is such a small acronym and such a huge theory. The theory of how from a chip on the waves of fate you can turn into a full owner of your life. About how to stop fighting with people and circumstances and start living by your own rules. About how to get rid of the failures of the past and order yourself an enchanting future.

NLP is:

technique that allows a person to perfectly control his body(for example, remove excess weight with the power of thought alone, regulate your well-being, drive away a headache without any pills, increase or decrease temperature and pressure at your own discretion);

- a program that teaches a person to easily manage himself: his emotions, thoughts, feelings, fears, moods (for example, easily overcome laziness, awaken strength and desire to work in himself, learn to enjoy any little thing or erase any unpleasant memories, easily and simply get rid of from bad habits and old phobias);

a way to discover superpowers and talents in yourself that you didn’t even suspect before(Let’s say you have admired your girlfriend’s beautiful voice and impeccable hearing all your life, without even suspecting that you yourself sing well. NLP is the key that will allow you to open your own pantry, filled to the brim with amazing treasures, spiritual riches and amazing gifts, that you have never used before)

the ability to find a common language with anyone(be it a harmful secretary, a boss with the manners of a tyrant and a despot, a crazy mother-in-law or a touchy wife);

a technique that allows you to convince anyone of anything. For example, it is easy and unconstrained to prove that black is white, that psychoanalysis was actually introduced not by Freud, but by your neighbor Peter Ivanovich, and that the Earth is actually square.

And finally


Firmly knowing that he was born to be healthy, strong, successful, prosperous, happy in love, career, friendship and any of his endeavors.

What is the strength of this trendy science of NLP? In truth, the art of neuro-linguistic programming is only to find the right thoughts and the right words in any life situation. And that's it, you ask? But it's too easy! Do ordinary words and thoughts really have such incredible power and power over a person? The answer is simple and short: yes!

The irony is that all these techniques may seem so simple that people find it hard to believe they are effective. It turns out that most problems can be solved elementarily and quickly if you change your approach to them and stop perceiving everything that happens to you as a serious and intractable problem.

It really doesn't matter that much how and why this tricky technique works, more importantly, it works! So drop your skepticism. After all, you probably do not know how your mobile phone works, but this does not prevent you from using it. Likewise here...

And are you ready?

In fact, NLP is not abstract reasoning. These are specific actions, techniques and techniques designed to change your life for the better.

Therefore, if you want to not just get a general idea of ​​Neuro Linguistic Programming, but use it to facilitate your work, family life, communication with friends, enemies and loved ones, it is time to find out how this science is right for you. So, to determine if you are ready to storm the heights of NLP, take a simple test. Answer each of the following questions "yes" or "no" and then count the number of negative answers. If it is no more than three, consider that you have not wasted your money on buying this book and learning NLP can bring you good dividends in the future.

1. I believe that the natural state of a person is to be healthy, successful, loving and loved, to live in abundance and prosperity. I know that being happy is not a luxury, but a completely normal state of affairs that every person deserves from birth.

2. I know that dreaming is not only not harmful, but also useful!

3. I believe in myself, my strengths and abilities. I want to develop them.

4. I know that my life and my happiness are in my hands.

5. I believe that any of my dreams are achievable.

6. I am ready to change myself and my life for the better.

So, if the above statements do not seem completely ridiculous to you, you can safely continue reading this book. Even if some of these thoughts now seem too naive to you, try at least as an experiment to read the book to the end. At least to see if your view of life changes for the better.

cruel games

Perhaps, after reading all of the above, you are a little surprised. After all, NLP is usually positioned as a hard science for ruthless, cunning, smart and not burdened with excessive morality people. They say that with the help of NLP, anyone can learn to manipulate others, like pawns in their game. They say that with the help of NLP you can make another person do anything. They say that NLP is an excellent tool for zombification, intimidation, and control of the masses.

NLP is used by professional politicians, PR people, businessmen, sales managers and everyone, everyone, everyone who, on duty, needs to be able to breed honest people.

NLP is considered an integral part of the cruel games and cunning intrigues of the modern world.

But in fact, neuro-linguistic programming should not be considered such a vicious science. It's all about how you use your strength, your abilities, and your skills. We will talk about the ethical side of the issue. But the funny truth is that using NLP magic just to try to control other people is like shooting sparrows with a cannon.

And really, why waste precious time and energy, to intimidate/change/manage other people, when mastering NLP can help you qualitatively change your own life?

Fortunately, real power, as a rule, comes only to those who know how to manage it ... those who just want to play omnipotent and omnipotent manipulators, assert themselves at someone else's expense and feel cool and invulnerable, resorting to NLP, often look very funny...

Instructive story.

A few years ago, when I was a correspondent for a women's magazine, an editor gave me the assignment to write an article about pickup trucks.

Pick-up artists were fashionable guys at that time, a kind of Don Juan and Casanova (not so much born as made, trained by masters of manipulation and neuro-linguistic programming), famous for their incredible ability to seduce women, and then throw them in the most brutal way. They collected their victories over the fair sex and gladly accepted new brethren into their ranks. Among all other methods of seduction, pick-up artists especially singled out NLP and with great zeal studied the principles of "rapport", "anchoring" and everything that could help them in seducing girls and manipulating their feelings.

Eva Berger

NLP for every day. 20 rules of the winner


If we go with the flow of life, then freestyle.

Boris Krutier Who does not know which harbor to sail to, there is no favorable wind for him.

SenecaDo you like gambling? Like poker! But life is largely built according to the laws of gambling. If nature has rewarded you with a spectacular, attractive appearance - this is a full house. If you're also smart, it's a straight flush.

But if you own NLP techniques, it's like a joker in your pocket or an ace of trump up your sleeve.

One great philosopher said: "Hell is all other people." Well, apparently, he just had no idea about the existence of NLP ...

Imagine a life built solely according to your laws. A life in which you yourself are both a screenwriter and a director, and the people around you are executive actors who clearly follow your instructions. Imagine that generally accepted laws no longer apply to you and from now on you can choose, establish and change the rules of the game at your own discretion.

Understanding NLP today is as important as knowing several foreign languages ​​and attending personal growth trainings once a week.

However, NLP should not be taken as just another fashion trend. You can, of course, without going into details, learn a few classically simple NLP tricks and shine with them in a party, casually, as if by the way, dropping: “Well, yes, neurolinguistic programming is my hobby.” Yes, but is it worth spending time on mastering the tops, when you can penetrate the very essence and change yourself and your life once and for all ...

NLP is such a small acronym and such a huge theory. The theory of how from a chip on the waves of fate you can turn into a full owner of your life. About how to stop fighting with people and circumstances and start living by your own rules. About how to get rid of the failures of the past and order yourself an enchanting future.

NLP is:

a technique that allows a person to perfectly control his body (for example, remove excess weight with just the power of thought, regulate his well-being, drive away a headache without any pills, increase or decrease temperature and pressure at his discretion);

a program that teaches a person to easily manage himself: his emotions, thoughts, feelings, fears, moods (for example, easily overcome laziness, awaken strength and desire to work in himself, learn to enjoy any little thing or erase any unpleasant memories, easily and simply get rid of bad habits and old phobias);

a way to discover superpowers and talents in yourself that you didn’t even suspect before (let’s say you admired your girlfriend’s beautiful voice and impeccable hearing all your life, without even suspecting that you yourself can sing well. NLP is the key that will allow you to open your own pantry, filled to the brim with amazing treasures, spiritual riches and amazing gifts that you have never used before);

the ability to find a common language with any person (be it a harmful secretary, a boss with the manners of a tyrant and a despot, a crazy mother-in-law or a touchy wife);

a technique that allows you to convince anyone of anything. For example, it is easy and unconstrained to prove that black is white, that psychoanalysis was actually introduced not by Freud, but by your neighbor Peter Ivanovich, and that the Earth is actually square.

And finally


Firmly knowing that he was born to be healthy, strong, successful, prosperous, happy in love, career, friendship and any of his endeavors.

What is the strength of this trendy science of NLP? In truth, the art of neuro-linguistic programming is only to find the right thoughts and the right words in any life situation. And that's it, you ask? But it's too easy! Do ordinary words and thoughts really have such incredible power and power over a person? The answer is simple and short: yes!

The irony is that all these techniques may seem so simple that people find it hard to believe they are effective. It turns out that most problems can be solved elementarily and quickly if you change your approach to them and stop perceiving everything that happens to you as a serious and intractable problem.

It really doesn't matter how or why this tricky technique works, it's more important that it works! So drop your skepticism. After all, you probably do not know how your mobile phone works, but this does not prevent you from using it. Likewise here...

And are you ready?

In fact, NLP is not abstract reasoning. These are specific actions, techniques and techniques designed to change your life for the better.

Therefore, if you want to not just get a general idea of ​​Neuro Linguistic Programming, but use it to facilitate your work, family life, communication with friends, enemies and loved ones, it is time to find out how this science is right for you. So, to find out if you are ready to storm the heights of NLP, take a simple test. Answer each of the following questions "yes" or "no" and then count the number of negative answers. If it is no more than three, consider that you have not wasted your money on buying this book and learning NLP can bring you good dividends in the future.

I believe that the natural state of a person is to be healthy, successful, loving and loved, to live in abundance and prosperity. I know that being happy is not a luxury, but a completely normal state of affairs that every person deserves from birth.

I know that dreaming is not only not harmful, but also useful!

I believe in myself, my strengths and abilities. I want to develop them.

I know that my life and my happiness are in my hands.

I believe that all my dreams are achievable.

I am ready to change myself and my life for the better.

So, if the above statements do not seem completely ridiculous to you, you can safely continue reading this book. Even if some of these thoughts now seem too naive to you, try at least as an experiment to read the book to the end. At least to see if your view of life changes for the better.

cruel games

Perhaps, after reading all of the above, you are a little surprised. After all, NLP is usually positioned as a hard science for ruthless, cunning, smart and not burdened with excessive morality people. They say that with the help of NLP, anyone can learn to manipulate others, like pawns in their game. They say that with the help of NLP you can make another person do anything. They say that NLP is an excellent tool for zombification, intimidation, and control of the masses.

NLP is used by professional politicians, PR people, businessmen, sales managers and everyone, everyone, everyone who, on duty, needs to be able to breed honest people.

NLP is considered an integral part of the cruel games and cunning intrigues of the modern world.

But in fact, neuro-linguistic programming should not be considered such a vicious science. It's all about how you use your strength, your abilities, and your skills. We will talk about the ethical side of the issue. But the funny truth is that using NLP magic just to try to control other people is like shooting sparrows with a cannon.

And really, why waste precious time and energy, to intimidate/change/manage other people, when mastering NLP can help you qualitatively change your own life?

Fortunately, real power, as a rule, comes only to those who know how to manage it ... those who just want to play omnipotent and omnipotent manipulators, assert themselves at someone else's expense and feel cool and invulnerable, resorting to NLP, often look very funny...

Instructive story.

A few years ago, when I was a correspondent for a women's magazine, an editor gave me the assignment to write an article about pickup trucks.

Pick-up artists were fashionable guys at that time, a kind of Don Juan and Casanova (not so much born as made, trained by masters of manipulation and neuro-linguistic programming), famous for their incredible ability to seduce women, and then throw them in the most brutal way. They collected their victories over the fair sex and gladly accepted new brethren into their ranks. Among all other methods of seduction, pick-up artists especially singled out NLP and with great zeal studied the principles of "rapport", "anchoring" and everything that could help them in seducing girls and manipulating their feelings.

Since the magazine I worked for was a women's magazine, I was given pretty clear instructions to write a tough, ironic article that made a mockery of pick-up artists, which I actually did. At that time, I almost did not know what NLP was, I only knew that it was something very complex and truly miraculous. However, it didn't matter. While working on the article, I skimmed through descriptions of some NLP techniques adapted to pickup principles. Some tricks seemed to me efficient, from others I was literally dismantled with laughter. I especially remember the technique called "How to breed any girl for oral sex." In it, the guy had to ask his victim which fruit seems to her the most delicious. And after the girl answered, for example: "Mango", the guy had to smoothly lead her to a direct association between her favorite fruit and his manhood. Apparently, it was meant that at the end of the thorough processing, the girl would sincerely be imbued with the conviction that oral sex is as pleasant as savoring a mango or some other exotic fruit. Of course, it was with great pleasure that I ridiculed the naive technique of pick-ups in my article. And after the publication of the magazine began ...

Pikapersky forum buzzed like a beehive. My modest article, written, mind you, for women, caused an incredible stir among heartthrobs-nlpists. Forgetting all the wisdom and subtleties they had learned, pick-up artists cursed me with a simple obscenity, and most of their fiery and angry statements were in the style of "the fool herself." Such a reaction did not surprise me and did not touch. After all, there was nothing personal in my article: I was just asked to make fun of a pickup truck, and I just did it.

Several months have passed. And one day I met an interesting and attractive guy. We began to chat, and along the way it turned out that he also used to be engaged in a pickup truck and even read my article. To my great amazement, he did not express any aggression towards me. On the contrary, he defended me, admitting that the article was written objectively and that most pick-up artists are really those bastards who use their skills to assert themselves at the expense of unhappy girls, and not to build normal relationships. The more we talked, the more I liked him. I have already begun to seriously think about how to move with him to a new stage of intimacy. And even invited him to a romantic dinner, which, according to my calculations, should have smoothly turned into a joint breakfast. Alas ... at the climax, my hero suddenly asked, as if by chance: “Tell me, what is your favorite fruit?” In response, I was taken apart by stupid laughter. I could no longer perceive him as a potential lover. An exciting moment turned into a comedy of positions ... Since then, we have not communicated ...

Several years have passed. I got serious about NLP. And I tried to analyze why that pick-up artist could not seduce me. Because I really liked him. Yes, and the NLP techniques that are used in the pickup truck are very effective.

Only now I understand that NLP is not just a set of common truths and proven techniques. This is masterful improvisation, the ability to instantly appreciate another person and understand which strings of his soul you need to play in order to get the maximum result in the shortest possible time.

The people around us are too different to indiscriminately apply all the tactics studied to them ... this is the main difference between those who want to pick up the tops of NLP and manipulate people for their own benefit, and those who want to qualitatively change their lives for the better. That is why the latter have a much higher chance of truly mastering the difficult technique of neurolinguistic programming and learning how to use it for the benefit of themselves and their loved ones.

NLP is not words and reasoning. NLP is specific, actionable techniques. So, for the greatest efficiency, it is recommended not only to read and wind by ear, but also, starting right from this page, to do small and simple practical homework.

Practice #1

Take a sheet of paper and a pen. After thinking carefully, choose and write down your five most cherished desires that seem especially tempting to you, but completely impossible.

For example, you always dreamed of going on vacation to the Cote d'Azur, but you never even tried to find out how much a ticket costs, because you can't afford it / it's stupid to spend such a lot of money on vacation / you can't leave work and children, etc.

Or maybe you've wanted to be an artist all your life, but you think it's too hard to break into the bohemian scene, that your creative work is too unstable, or that you don't have the talent. Or maybe you would like your husband to stop cheating on you or your wife to finally stop smoking. In a word, select five of your most cherished and most unfulfilled desires. Write them down on a piece of paper. Seal your list in an envelope and don't open it until you've finished this book. When you've finished reading the last chapter, open your envelope, pull out your list, and see how many of these five wishes now seem real and easy to fulfill.