What year is it according to the Slavic calendar? Year of the firebird according to the Slavic Vedic calendar. Fire feather firebird

Maybe someone can explain to me how Christians can seriously talk about what year it is according to the Eastern calendar? Are most of us not believers, but superstitious? Where did this year of the horse come from? Yes, even blue, wooden.

All this is akin to how Christians believe in pagan Chinese feng shui! And why do we always talk about zodiac signs? After all, this is not ours. Our word is a palace.

If a person has such a craving for pagan superstitions, then it would be time for the Slavs to remember their native calendar. And according to the Slavic calendar, next year... attention... FIREBIRDS. How much more poetic and romantic this is than the year of the horse! What does the latter promise us? To work hard like a horse and neigh at what we have done while working hard. And the Firebird? Let me remind you of the content of one wonderful fairy tale... The Firebird filled sunlight the entire space around her and warmed it with her warmth and heat. It was later that they began to call her the golden bird. After gold became parallel in many people’s minds with the word happiness. When Koschey the Immortal found out about the Firebird, he decided to kidnap her and bring her to his cold, dark castle, so that she would simply work for him rationally as a kind of super-hot water bottle. He turned into a hawk, grabbed the Firebird with his claws and carried him to his castle. The Firebird realized that in captivity she would die and would not be able to give people light. And she guessed... She began to drop feathers on her native land so that they would continue to warm people and shine for them. And the bird died near Koshchei, but she was happy that she managed to leave her golden solar feathers to people. That's the solution Have a good mood next year for each of us: to warm those around you with your warmth, to live for others, as the Firebird did. Even falling into the clutches of the Koshcheis, traders and bankers. I congratulate you on the arrival of the New Year, I want to wish everyone who understands me to celebrate this holiday, go to bed quickly, do not stuff your brain with evil spirits - blue lights, say such nonsense as little as possible, like: “Happy New Year, happy new happiness! » Think about it for yourself, what does “with new happiness” mean? If happiness was old, then why should it become new? It’s impossible to redraw it like in a studio - to perform plastic surgery on the old happiness. And if there was no happiness in the old year, then such a wish sounds doubly absurd. But, unfortunately, people talk about all this nonsense, as if they were all released from the same incubator: “health, happiness, for long years" And I wish that each of you has as much work as possible in the New Year. Nothing gives greater happiness than a job successfully completed. And there is no greater loneliness for a person than the lack of creativity. And let each of you try to become for the world around you feather of the Firebird! Who wants to read the entire tale of the Firebird, I offer you one of the options written by Susan Massey, an American writer in love with Russia. I received a book from her as a gift - “Land of the Firebird. The Beauty of Former Russia.” Delighted with this book. TALE OF THE FIREBIRD A long time ago, in a certain kingdom, in the thirtieth state, there lived Maryushka, an orphan girl. And she was gentle, modest and quiet in soul. No one knew how to embroider better than Maryushka. She embroidered with multi-colored silks and beads - for one a shirt, for another a towel, for a third - a beautiful sash. And she was always grateful to everyone, no matter how much he gave her for her work. The fame of the craftswoman spread throughout the world, and merchants across the blue seas learned about the girl. They came from lands far and near to admire Maryushka’s work. Looking at the embroideries, they marveled at them as if they were an unprecedented miracle. One after another, the guests persuaded Maryushka to leave with them, promising her wealth and fame. But she only lowered her gaze and answered modestly: “I don’t need any earthly riches, I will never leave my native side, but I will sell my work to anyone who likes it.” So, with nothing, saddened, the disappointed merchants had to go home. Leaving the land where Maryushka lived, they spread the fame of her skill throughout the world. And then one day the evil wizard Kashchei the Immortal heard about her. He was angry that until then he knew nothing about her, and decided to look at that unprecedented beauty himself. And, having flown across deep seas, high mountains and dense forests, he turned into a good fellow and entered the hut where Maryushka lived. He knocked on the treasured door and, bowing, as usual, to the girl at the waist, he asked to show him the wonderful sewing. Maryushka laid out embroidered shirts, towels, scarves and patterned bedspreads - one more beautiful than the other. “Take, my sir,” she said, “everything that you like. If you don’t have money, you’ll pay later when you save up. And if my work does not please you, please advise me what needs to be done, I will try to do everything I can.” Her kind words and that unprecedented beauty only made Kashchei the Immortal even more annoyed. Where has it been seen that a simple hillbilly could embroider things better than those he had, Kashchei the Immortal himself? And, calling upon all his cunning and cunning to help, he said affectionately: “Come with me, Maryushka, I will make you a queen. You will live in a yacht palace, eat from golden plates and sleep on feather beds. You will walk through the gardens, where birds of paradise they sing their sweet songs and where the golden apples ripen.” “It will be about this,” Maryushka answered, “I don’t need your riches or outlandish miracles. There is nothing sweeter than native fields and forests. I will never leave my dear land, where my mother and father lie in the damp earth and where good people live, to whom my sewing brings joy. I will never work for you alone.” Kashchei became more angry than ever in response to Maryushka’s words. His brow darkened, and he hissed ominously: “Well, if you don’t want to leave your native nest, now you will forever be a bird, and not a red maiden.” And in the blink of an eye, where Maryushka had just stood, the Firebird flapped its wings. And Kashchei turned into a huge black kite and, soaring into the sky, fell like a stone on the defenseless Firebird, grabbed her with his iron claws and carried her high above the clouds. As soon as Maryushka felt the tenacious claws of the villain on herself and realized that she would no longer see her native side, she decided to leave a memory of herself on Russian land. She shed her beautiful plumage, and the feathers, one after another, smoothly swirled, falling into the meadows and getting lost in the thicket of the forest. A mischievous wind covered the feathers with grass and leaves, but nothing could take away their bright rainbow glow. Along with her plumage, Maryushka was losing her strength. But although the Firebird herself died in the black claws of the Kite, her feathers, having fallen to the ground, continued to live. They were not simple, but magical - only someone who loved beauty and wanted to give it to people could find such a feather and admire it. Mikhail Zadornov

Today, December 25th is a special day. This is the day of the beginning of the new year according to the Slavic calendar. The Western and Eastern horoscopes are known to everyone; I have already read the forecast for 2014 both according to the usual zodiac circle and according to the Year of the Horse. But you rarely come across the Slavic horoscope. So, I have great news! For the new year 2014 will be held under the auspices of the Firebird.

The astrological forecast according to the Slavic Vedic calendar foreshadows a very good, positive year, because the Firebird is a resident of the higher worlds. The upper world is Paradise. Or, in Slavic, Iriy. Truly unique awaits us magical time, because in Reality, the physical world, the program of Iria, the ideally tailored, absolute world, is launched.

We do not need to fall into special asceticism or lead a monastic lifestyle. We will simultaneously live in two worlds: the physical one - in Revealed, and the spiritual one - in Iria. The Firebird will remind us of who we really are - immortal, happy creatures temporarily residing in Reveal.

Iriy is a place where there is no death, winter and suffering. And everyone inhabiting it is happy. The forecast says that this year will bring more happiness to our planet and ourselves than the previous one. In year Firebirds the model of life will be embodied in Iria, an ideal and harmonious world. Anyone who wishes will be able to build their life in accordance with this model.

To do this, you will need to focus on your real dreams and desires. But all of them must be true and of value to the world, useful for people, and spiritual. If you manage to come to harmony with your desires, then all the lower energies and their corresponding life situations will disappear by themselves.

Many people will finally understand and feel what their mission, the purpose of life is, and will be able to clearly understand their future. The realization will come that all material problems are illusory, and this will help get rid of any suffering. Many people will realize that their perception of life has become easier. The desire to prove that you are right, to take revenge on someone, to be offended, to punish will go away. People will become more interested in spirituality, creativity, and art.

The Firebird is also a symbol of connection with ancestors. This means that paranormal phenomena will become more numerous and open, many people will be able to communicate with departed ancestors, using their help, blessing and powerful protective power.

The whole year will be divided into six parts, six “persons” of the Firebird:

It is still difficult for the bird of paradise to break through the darkness and winter cold, so we will not see any visible changes. But the intuitive feeling of an imminent meeting with the messenger Iria will already appear. A sharp thaw is possible.

At the beginning of spring these emanations will intensify significantly. Spring will most likely be early, the snow will melt faster, and your soul will become much warmer.

During this period, everyone will already feel that the waves of Iria have reached the Earth. We will feel emotional uplift, lightness, clarity of mind and hope for the best.

At the height of summer, everyone will feel that we are living in Paradise. The Firebird will show itself to the maximum.

Despite the fact that it is autumn on the calendar, the warmth of Iria will warm our hearts and souls. We will experience the feeling that summer does not end, and the feelings of happiness and joy will be very bright

Autumn will be mild, winter will be late. The cold cannot rule where the Firebird is still present. This means that the next New Year's Eve will be held in in a great mood, calmness, without tension and fuss.

I congratulate everyone on the beginning of the New Year and wish everyone warmth, joy, happiness from realizing their true Goals and understanding their Destination!

© Evgenia Dovzhenko. 2013. All rights reserved

Forget about other people's horses!

According to the Slavic calendar, from December 25, 2013 to December 24, 2014, the Firebird rules the world.

And that's great because our ancestors considered the mythical miracle bird a messenger of Paradise or, as they said then, Iria: a holy place where there is neither death nor winter, where everyone is content and happy.


Friends, a unique, magical time awaits us. Just think: in Reality, that is, in the physical world, the program of Iria, the absolute world, ideally tailored, is launched. And we are invited to live according to this tracing paper.

What’s especially nice is that you don’t have to turn into righteous people or fall into asceticism and religious ecstasy. We are waiting for a kind of fitting of wings on a robe.

We will live in two worlds: physically - in Yavi, and on a psychological level - in Iria.

The Firebird will bring us news of a better world, and through this message - relief and peace of mind. It will relieve the burden of problems, ease suffering and remind us of who we really are: immortal beings temporarily residing in Revealed reality. The scales will fall from our eyes, we will see clearly and be able to comprehend the truth.

On the physical plane, everything will be as usual: home, family, work, dacha, Turkey, Courchevel. But we will become easier to perceive any vicissitudes of existence, because the soul of each of us will spread its wings. No political intrigues, no quarrels and scandals, hatred, envy and malice.

People will be drawn to the light and will become interested in art, creativity, science, and ethics. Which, of course, cannot but rejoice.

In different parts of our world there are legends about amazing animals and birds that no one has ever seen, but whose descriptions are strikingly similar.

In different cultures the image Firebirds acquired its own details and shades. Among the Slavs, the Firebird, ptak Ohnivak (Czech and Slovak) is a fabulous, fiery bird, its feathers shine with silver and gold (Ognivak’s feathers are reddish), wings are like tongues of flame, and its eyes glow like crystal.
It reaches the size of a peacock.
The Firebird lives in the Garden of Eden of Iria, in a golden cage.
At night it flies out of it and illuminates the garden with itself as brightly as thousands of lit lights.

The Firebird has a favorite food in the garden - rejuvenating apples, which give her beauty and immortality.
The Firebird has a healing singing; when she sings, pearls fall from her beak.
There is a blinding light around her. Every year, in the fall, the Firebird dies and is reborn in the spring.
Sometimes you can find a fallen feather from the Firebird's tail, brought into a dark room; it will replace the richest lighting.
You cannot catch it with your bare hands, as you can get burned on its plumage.
A fallen feather remains for a long time properties of plumage Firebird. It glows and gives warmth. And when the feather goes out, it turns into gold.

And only then, so that the luck and happiness that the Firebird bestows would not leave them, people began to make amulets and amulets, and paint dishes with her bright images.

According to Russian fairy tale, each of her feathers is “so wonderful and bright that if you brought it into a dark room, it would shine as if a great many candles had been lit in that chamber.” The golden color of the Firebird and its golden cage are associated with the fact that the bird flies from another (“thirtieth”) kingdom, from where everything that is painted golden comes from. The Firebird can act as a kidnapper, in this case becoming closer to the Fire Serpent: she takes the mother of the hero of the fairy tale “far away.”

A comparative analysis suggests an ancient connection between the Firebird and the Slovak “fire bird” with other mythological images embodying fire, in particular with Rarog, the fire horse-bird.

The Firebird is a fairy-tale bird, a character in Russian fairy tales, usually the goal of the hero's search. The feathers of the firebird have the ability to shine and their brilliance amazes human vision.

Catching the firebird is fraught with great difficulties and is one of the main tasks that the king (father) sets to his sons in the fairy tale. Only good people can get the firebird youngest son. Mythologists (Afanasyev) explained the firebird as the personification of fire, light, and sun. The firebird feeds on golden apples, which give youth, beauty and immortality; When she sings, pearls fall from her beak. The singing of the firebird heals the sick and restores sight to the blind. Leaving aside arbitrary mythological explanations, we can compare the firebird with medieval stories about the Phoenix bird, reborn from the ashes, very popular in both Russian and Western European literature. The firebird is also the prototype of peacocks. Rejuvenating apples, in turn, can be compared with the fruits of the pomegranate tree, a favorite delicacy of Phoenixes.

Firebird feather - a Russian item folk tales, known for its magical properties. Who hasn’t read or listened to the fairy tale about Ivan the Fool, who found the firebird’s feather, as a child? It was with this discovery that his adventures began.

Many different fairy tales are associated with the firebird and his feather, which eventually became legends. The only thing more famous, perhaps, is the fern flower. It can also be noted that our firebird is clearly a relative of the phoenix, the firebird from European legends and fairy tales.

According to descriptions from fairy tales and illustrations to them, the Firebird resembles a peacock, and the feather of the Firebird also resembles a feather from a peacock's tail. The firebird is also the size of a peacock, while the phoenix is ​​described as the size of an eagle.

They say that you can catch a firebird only with bait - a cage with golden apples inside. Since not only the found feather is the fire of a bird, but also its entire plumage burns with fire, you cannot grab such a bird with your bare hands, you will instantly get burned. So Ivan had to lure her into the cage and put a bag on her so that the heat wouldn’t reach her hands.

Also, according to legend, the firebird guards the fern flower on the night of Kupala, when it blooms only once a year, and many young people go into the forest to look for it.

Fire feather firebird

According to the well-known fairy tale, Ivan the Fool found the feather of a firebird in the forest on a stump when he passed by at night. This feather glows in the dark, burns as if it were glowing with fire. At first, Ivan even decided that it was a fire burning in the darkness of the night, but, coming closer, they saw a feather of unearthly beauty.

According to some descriptions, this feather is golden, like all the plumage of the firebird, some talk about the red, orange, yellow and even crimson color of the feathers of the firebird. Someone mentions that the firebird glows with silver and gold, and its wings are fiery, which once again proves the connection between the firebird and the phoenix. In books, the heat of the bird and its feathers are usually drawn in red and orange.

Properties of firebird feather

The feather of a firebird can illuminate any, even the darkest room, so that at night it will be light in a way that is not possible on the clearest day. If you remember the fairy tale, this is how the king’s servant noticed that Ivan the Fool had a firebird’s feather, immediately reporting this to his master.

According to legends, over time, the feather of the firebird stops glowing and burning with fire, hardening and turning into gold. Having found several of these feathers, you can get quite rich, if only you knew where to look.

They also say that with the help of the firebird's feather you can find treasures, since like attracts like. And so the golden feather attracts the gold stored in the earth.

The heatbird feather retains the properties of the heatbird plumage for a long time, until it becomes golden. And besides the fact that it glows brightly, it gives warmth. Apparently, not so much that you could get burned with it, since Ivan the Fool took it with his bare hands, but enough so that you could warm up from it. This is a pretty good hot water bottle.

Somehow I accidentally came across an article in which, referring to a Slavic legend, it was said that when the gods saw that people walk the earth without loving anyone and were destroying themselves with the coldness of their hearts, they sent a magical fire of love in the form of a bird to the earth - Firebirds.

And since then she has been flying around the earth and spreading the fire of love.
Happiness is for the one who manages to catch her, but a hundred times greater happiness is for the one whom the Firebird honors as her master. After all, the Firebird is more like the molten metal from which it most likely consists. You can catch it only with mittens, it’s very hot - you can get very burned. To whomever she submits of her own free will, she will give her beneficial warmth all her life. But as soon as she feels indifference, she will immediately fly away - she cannot stand it, and it’s easy to kill her... Put her in a cage and she will die. Her fiery body will cool down and instead of hot love there will be a cold piece of gold in the cage...
Such a beautiful legend. It's a pity that I was never able to find the original.

The Egyptians believed that Phoenix is the connecting link between the divine plan and the implementation of the plan, reminds of divine creation and the rebirth of life. Phoenix is ​​the soul of Osiris, it is the hope of overcoming the path of the dead. In the Egyptian Book of the Dead it is written: “Like a phoenix I will pass through the regions of the other world.”

The Greeks, who took the story of the Phoenix from Egypt, believed that the life of the Bird is cyclically connected with world history and depends on the course of the planets (the Sun, Moon and other planets return to their “previous” places). The Stoics, in support of this, said that the world, like a Bird, dies and is born in fire, and there is no end to this transformation.

The Iranians knew another name for this bird - Simurgh. The bird had the gift of foresight, but its nature was dual, containing “good” and “harmful” halves.

In Sufism, the Simurgh symbolizes the Perfect Man, who has knowledge of the Divine Essence. This Entity, like the legendary bird, cannot be seen.

In the early Christian apocrypha of Baruch it was written about the Bird: “This is the keeper of the world... If it were not for covering | the fiery vision | the sun, then neither the human race nor all creation on earth would have been alive from the heat of the sun."

The Chinese fiery Feng Huang was one of the four sacred creatures, and symbolized immortality, perfection and generosity. The appearance of such a bird, even in a dream, meant a turning point in a person’s life, the need to perform a significant act or the birth of a child endowed with special talents.

Alchemists of medieval Europe considered the Phoenix a symbol of rebirth, the completion of the “Great Work”. For them it also meant a purifying and transforming fire, chemical element gray and red.

The description of the Bird is very similar for different peoples. “The air was colored with all the colors of the rainbow, beautiful sounds came from the feathers and wings of the bird, a pleasant smell emanated from it...” - this was what was said about the wonderful bird Simurgh in an Arabic treatise of the 13th century. “There is another sacred bird there... and its name is Phoenix,” wrote Herodotus. “Her appearance and appearance are very reminiscent of an eagle, and her feathers are partly golden, partly red.” “The cinnabar bird, the substance of flame,” “its color pleases the eye, its crest expresses righteousness, its tongue is sincere,” the Chinese said, referring to Feng Huang, the ruler of the South. The fire bird, the Slavs believed, meaning the Firebird, you can easily get burned on its plumage. Each feather glows like many candles, and is sharp, stronger than damask steel. And she herself shines with either blue or crimson light.

“O Atum-Khepri, you shone [in the form of] Benu on the eternal Hill of Ben-Ben...” - these are the words of the ancient Egyptian Hymn about the creation of the world. Not created by anyone, the original bird flew over the waters of the ocean until it finally made a nest for itself on Ben-Ben Hill. Or maybe it wasn’t Benu at all, but a beautiful white goose The Great Gogotun, who laid the egg on the same hill from which the solar god was born? However, many peoples tell stories that a bird took part in the process of creating the world. It is unlikely that people knew exactly who created the world, but the image of the dazzling bird remained in myths and legends, and the obelisks on the memorial hill near Heliopolis shone, reflecting the sun.

If you try, according to surviving legends, to restore the history of the fabulous Firebird, or as it is more often known, the Phoenix, then you can tell the following legend.

The beautiful Bird with dazzling plumage existed from the very beginning of the world, dying and being reborn in the purifying flame at the turn of the eras. She herself sacrificed herself, and each time, again rising from the ashes, she turned her gaze beyond the earthly boundaries, through the stars, to the world of pure light, to where the immortal gods were once born, and where she went in those three days while her body turned to dust, and her soul became free. The bird knew what was, what is and what will be, and yet it preserved the world in which it had built its nest. People who heard about the Bird believed that, like her, they also had an immortal soul that only changed shells.

There lived a magical Bird far, far away, at the very edge of the earth. No one knew where exactly. Some said that her nest was hidden from human eyes on the top of a mountain, others - that she built it in the middle of the endless desert, in the thirtieth “other” state, perfect and far from worldly vanity. Many trials and dangers lay in wait on the path of those who dared to go on a search, for any path to a creature that contains the fire of the original creation is thorny and unpredictable.

To get to the Bird, it was necessary to overcome the Valley of Search, the Valley of Love, the Valley of Knowledge, the Valley of Separation, the Valley of Unity, the Desert of Amazement, the Desert of Destruction and Death. And one could try to walk this long path along the roads, washing iron boots and gnawing iron loaves, or one could do it in one’s heart, overcoming and changing oneself.

Rarely have mortals been able to see beautiful bird in all its glory. For this to happen, peace and harmony had to reign on earth. Only a desperate daredevil with pure thoughts, guided through life by a dream, could see her, having overcome many trials. It is not for nothing that the Bird was sometimes called the Firebird, because heat, fire is creativity, creation, and “burning.”

She was the perfect creation of the One, and everyone who saw her, even from afar, became the owner of a wonderful gift. The light of divine radiance that surrounded the Bird also fell on the person, endowing him with what he wanted most in his heart: talents, skills, happiness. And now the man who received the gift from the Bird himself carried a reflection of the magical light.

The Legend of the Firebird

Believe it if you want, check it if you want.
If you want, listen, if you want, hear.
But the matter was overgrown with reality,
and what did not happen are fables.

Only in one far away kingdom,
heavenly state
Once upon a time there were beautiful maidens -
they are all such needlewomen,
your article is bright and beautiful,
beautiful souls with beauty.
Only with people who knew them
seemed like a bird of paradise,
a burning bird of fire,
the light of the soul illuminating the world.
That's why they were all called Firebirds,
casting out all unclean things,
that's why all people don't just
You can now hear the songs of the birds of paradise.
But a fiery bird awaits everyone,
what you can’t take with your hand, don’t touch,
where the goblin didn’t even go,
There is one tree true to life,
a beautiful bird sits there,
bursting with heat and a wondrous voice
gives the traveler sweet peace
and burns away everything that is wrong in him.
It is unlikely that you will be able to reach the Tree yourself,
dark forces do not let people in,
guarded from the eyes of strict guards
by decree from above heaven.
For a long time there have been escorts there
were that they knew
go around like dark thickets
and the steep mountains are impassable.
But only worthy and lucky
could lead to the Eternal Tree,
so that when you meet that bird-maiden
The fire stopped burning her.

That's the whole wonderful tale.
Those who were obedient should feast for that.
for good, for health, and for Glory
live, but don’t get upset!!!

Crimean legend about the Firebird

A long time ago, peace, joy and prosperity reigned in our region. Overseas guests came with strange gifts, they were welcomed by local residents, and taken to see the wondrous wonder - the Firebird.

That bird was of extraordinary beauty: every feather on it glowed and shimmered, and it shone in the night like the bright sun. The Firebird flew in every night to feast on the rejuvenating apples that grew at that time on our fertile land. Having eaten, she began to sing angelic songs in a heavenly voice. The guests listened to healing singing and admired such a rich region and its kind inhabitants.

Year after year passed, and somehow Greed sailed from across the sea with one ship. She went into people's huts and whispered evil intentions in their ears.

The neighbors began to quarrel with each other, looking for richer guests so that they could get the best and richest gifts. Dark thoughts entangled their heads, fierce envy settled in kind hearts. People became greedy, angry and inhospitable, they began to slander and often stamp their feet in anger.

And the earth hardened, turned into stones, and dried up without human love.

As a result, the apple trees with their plump apples dried up, and there was no one to care for them. And magic apple trees never grow on earth where brother does not shake hands with brother and where discord reigns between people.

The wonderful Firebird stopped flying for her favorite delicacy. The last apple fell from the branch, the grains fell into the cracks of the earth, and did not sprouted again.

So they still lie there, waiting for the soil to become soft and caring again. And the land will be better only if kind and good people begin to live on it.

As people again begin to coexist in love with each other, stop envying and making evil intrigues, so the earth and nature will answer them in the same way. And then the seeds of the rejuvenating apple tree will sprout, and the Firebird will begin to fly to us again. And again, overseas guests will come with gifts to look at the wondrous wonder, listen to angelic songs, and will praise our wonderful, prosperous land.

Maybe someone can explain to me how Christians can seriously talk about what year it is according to the Eastern calendar? Are most of us not believers, but superstitious? Where did this year of the horse come from? Yes, even blue, wooden.

All this is akin to how Christians believe in pagan Chinese feng shui! And why do we always talk about zodiac signs? After all, this is not ours. Our word is a palace.

If a person has such a craving for pagan superstitions, then it would be time for the Slavs to remember their native calendar. And according to the Slavic calendar, next year... attention... FIREBIRDS. How much more poetic and romantic this is than the year of the horse! What does the latter promise us? To work hard like a horse and neigh at what we have done while working hard. And the Firebird?

The Firebird filled the entire space around itself with sunlight and warmed it with its warmth and heat. It was later that they began to call her the golden bird. After gold became parallel in many people’s minds with the word happiness. When Koschey the Immortal found out about the Firebird, he decided to kidnap her and bring her to his cold, dark castle, so that she would simply work for him rationally as a kind of super-hot water bottle. He turned into a hawk, grabbed the Firebird with his claws and carried him to his castle. The Firebird realized that in captivity she would die and would not be able to give people light. And she guessed... She began to drop feathers on her native land so that they would continue to warm people and shine for them. And the bird died near Koshchei, but she was happy that she managed to leave her golden solar feathers to people.

Here is the key to a good mood next year for each of us: to warm those around you with your warmth, to live for others, as the Firebird did. Even falling into the clutches of the Koshcheis, traders and bankers.

I congratulate you on the arrival of the New Year, I want to wish everyone who understands me to celebrate this holiday, go to bed quickly, do not stuff your brain with evil spirits - blue lights, say such nonsense as little as possible, like: “Happy New Year, happy new happiness! » Think about it for yourself, what does “with new happiness” mean? If happiness was old, then why should it become new? It’s impossible to redraw it like in a studio - to perform plastic surgery on the old happiness. And if there was no happiness in the old year, then such a wish sounds doubly absurd. But, unfortunately, people talk about all this nonsense, as if they were all released from the same incubator: “health, happiness, long years.”

And I wish that each of you has as much work as possible in the New Year. Nothing gives greater happiness than a job successfully completed. And there is no greater loneliness for a person than the lack of creativity. And let each of you try to become for the world around you feather of the Firebird!

Who wants to read the entire tale of the Firebird, I offer you one of the options written by Susan Massey, an American writer in love with Russia. I received a book from her as a gift - “Land of the Firebird. The Beauty of Former Russia.” Delighted with this book.


A long time ago, in a certain kingdom, in the thirtieth state, there lived Maryushka, an orphan girl. And she was gentle, modest and quiet in soul. No one knew how to embroider better than Maryushka.

She embroidered with multi-colored silks and beads - a shirt for one, a towel for another, a beautiful sash for the third. And she was always grateful to everyone, no matter how much he gave her for her work.

The fame of the craftswoman spread throughout the world, and merchants across the blue seas learned about the girl. They came from lands far and near to admire Maryushka’s work. Looking at the embroideries, they marveled at them as if they were an unprecedented miracle. One after another, the guests persuaded Maryushka to leave with them, promising her wealth and fame. But she only lowered her gaze and answered modestly: “I don’t need any earthly riches, I will never leave my native side, but I will sell my work to anyone who likes it.” So, with nothing, saddened, the disappointed merchants had to go home. Leaving the land where Maryushka lived, they spread the fame of her skill throughout the world. And then one day the evil wizard Kashchei the Immortal heard about her.

He was angry that until then he knew nothing about her, and decided to look at that unprecedented beauty himself.

And, having flown across deep seas, high mountains and dense forests, he turned into a good fellow and entered the hut where Maryushka lived.

He knocked on the treasured door and, bowing, as usual, to the girl at the waist, he asked to show him the wonderful sewing. Maryushka laid out embroidered shirts, towels, scarves and patterned bedspreads - one more beautiful than the other. “Take, my sir,” she said, “everything that you like. If you don’t have money, you’ll pay later when you save up. And if my work does not please you, please advise me what needs to be done, I will try to do everything I can.”

Her kind words and that unprecedented beauty only made Kashchei the Immortal even more annoyed. Where has it been seen that a simple hillbilly could embroider things better than those he had, Kashchei the Immortal himself? And, calling upon all his cunning and cunning to help, he said affectionately: “Come with me, Maryushka, I will make you a queen. You will live in a yacht palace, eat from golden plates and sleep on feather beds. You will walk through the gardens, where the birds of paradise sing their sweet songs and where golden apples ripen.”

“It will be about this,” Maryushka answered, “I don’t need your riches or outlandish miracles. There is nothing sweeter than native fields and forests. I will never leave my dear land, where my mother and father lie in the damp earth and where good people live, to whom my sewing brings joy. I will never work for you alone.”

Kashchei became more angry than ever in response to Maryushka’s words. His brow darkened, and he hissed ominously: “Well, if you don’t want to leave your native nest, now you will forever be a bird, and not a red maiden.”

According to the Slavic calendar 7522 SUMMER,
modern from December 25, 2013 to December 24, 2014
The world is ruled by the FIREBIRD.
And that is great,
since our ancestors considered the mythical miracle bird to be the messenger of Paradise
or, as they said then, Iria:
a holy place where there is neither death nor winter, where everyone is content and happy.
Messenger of absolute peace!

In different parts of our world there are legends about amazing animals and birds that no one has ever seen, but whose descriptions are strikingly similar. The ancient Slavs revered the mythical miracle bird, also known as the Phoenix bird, as the messenger of Iria (the Old Slavic analogue of Paradise) - a holy place, where there is neither death nor winter, where everyone is content and happy. Her name has been preserved in fairy tales, epics, and legends.

In different cultures, the image of the Firebird acquired its own details and shades. Among the Slavs, the Firebird, ptak Ohnivak (Czech and Slovak) is a fabulous, fiery bird, its feathers shine with silver and gold (Ognivak’s feathers are reddish-gold), its wings are like tongues of flame, and its eyes glow like crystal.

Egyptians They believed that the Phoenix is ​​the link between the divine plan and the implementation of the plan, reminiscent of divine creation and the rebirth of life. Phoenix is ​​the soul of Osiris, it is the hope of overcoming the path of the dead. In the Egyptian Book of the Dead it is written: “Like a phoenix I will pass through the regions of the other world.”

Greeks, who took the story of the Phoenix from Egypt, believed that the life of the Bird is cyclically connected with world history and depends on the course of the planets (the Sun, Moon and other planets return to their “previous” places). The Stoics, in support of this, said that the world, like a Bird, dies and is born in fire, and there is no end to this transformation.

Iranians knew another name for this bird - Simurg. (Aves. “mərəγō saēnō”, from where later Pehl. “Sēnmurw” and Persian “سیمرغ”‎, Tajik. “Simurg” - literally “peaker”, “bird from the top of a tree/mountain”) - a fantastic creature in Iranian mythology , king of all birds.

In Sufism The Simurgh symbolizes the Perfect Man, who has knowledge of the Divine Essence. This Entity, like the legendary bird, cannot be seen.

In early Christian apocrypha Varukha wrote about the Bird: “This is the keeper of the world... If it weren’t for covering |the fiery vision| the sun, then neither the human race nor all creation on earth would have been alive from the heat of the sun.”

Chinese fiery Feng Huang was one of the four sacred creatures, and symbolized immortality, perfection and generosity. The appearance of such a bird, even in a dream, meant a turning point in a person’s life, the need to perform a significant act or the birth of a child endowed with special talents.

Alchemists of medieval Europe The Phoenix was considered a symbol of rebirth, the completion of the “Great Work”. For them it also meant purifying and transforming fire, the chemical element sulfur and the color red.

The description of the Bird is very similar for different peoples. “The air was colored with all the colors of the rainbow, beautiful sounds came from the feathers and wings of the bird, a pleasant smell emanated from it...” - so it was said about the wonderful bird Simurgh in an Arabic treatise of the 13th century. “There is another sacred bird there... and its name is Phoenix,” wrote Herodotus. “Her appearance and appearance are very reminiscent of an eagle, and her feathers are partly golden, partly red.” “The cinnabar bird, the substance of flame,” “its color is pleasing to the eye, its crest expresses righteousness, its tongue is sincere” - the Chinese said, referring to Feng Huang, the ruler of the South. Bird-fire, - the Slavs believed, meaning the Firebird, - you can easily get burned on its plumage. Each feather glows like many candles, and is sharp, stronger than damask steel. And she herself shines with either blue or crimson light.

“O Atum-Khepri, you shone [in the form of] Benu on the eternal Hill of Ben-Ben...” - These are the words of the ancient Egyptian Hymn about the creation of the world. Not created by anyone, the original bird flew over the waters of the ocean until it finally made a nest for itself on Ben-Ben Hill. However, many peoples tell stories that a bird took part in the process of creating the world. It is unlikely that people knew exactly who created the world, but the image of the dazzling bird remained in myths and legends, and the obelisks on the memorial hill near Heliopolis shone, reflecting the sun.

If you try, according to surviving legends, to restore the history of the fabulous Firebird, or as it is more often known, the Phoenix, then you can tell the following legend.

The beautiful Bird with dazzling plumage existed from the very beginning of the world, dying and being reborn in the purifying flame at the turn of the eras. She herself sacrificed herself, and each time, again rising from the ashes, she turned her gaze beyond the earthly boundaries, through the stars, to the world of pure light, to where the immortal gods were once born, and where she went in those three days while her body turned to dust, and her soul became free. The bird knew what was, what is and what will be, and yet it preserved the world in which it had built its nest. People who heard about the Bird believed that, like her, they also had an immortal soul that only changed shells.

There lived a magical Bird far, far away, at the very edge of the earth. No one knew where exactly. Some said that her nest was hidden from human eyes on the top of a mountain, others that she built it in the middle of the endless desert, in the thirtieth “other” state, perfect and far from worldly vanity. Many trials and dangers lay in wait on the path of those who dared to go on a search, for any path to a creature that contains the fire of the original creation is thorny and unpredictable.

To get to the Bird, it was necessary to overcome the Valley of Search, the Valley of Love, the Valley of Knowledge, the Valley of Separation, the Valley of Unity, the Desert of Amazement, the Desert of Destruction and Death. And one could try to walk this long path along the roads, washing iron boots and gnawing iron loaves, or one could do it in one’s heart, overcoming and changing oneself.

Rarely did mortals see the beautiful Bird in all its glory. For this to happen, peace and harmony had to reign on earth. Only a desperate daredevil with pure thoughts, guided through life by a dream, could see her, having overcome many trials. N e for nothing they sometimes called the Bird the Firebird, because heat, fire is creativity, creation, and “burning.”

She was the perfect creation of the One, and everyone who saw her, even from afar, became the owner of a wonderful gift. The light of divine radiance that surrounded the Bird also fell on the person, endowing him with what he wanted most in his heart: talents, skills, happiness. And now the man who received the gift from the Bird himself carried a reflection of the magical light.


It reaches the size of a peacock. The Firebird lives in the Garden of Eden of Iria, in a golden cage. At night it flies out of it and illuminates the garden with itself as brightly as thousands of lit lights. The Firebird has a favorite food in the garden - rejuvenating apples, which give her beauty and immortality. The Firebird has a healing song; when she sings, pearls fall from her beak. There is a blinding light around her. Every year, in the fall, the Firebird dies and is reborn in the spring. Sometimes you can find a fallen feather from the Firebird's tail, brought into a dark room; it will replace the richest lighting. You cannot catch it with your bare hands, as you can get burned on its plumage. The fallen feather retains the properties of the Firebird plumage for a long time. It glows and gives warmth. And when the feather goes out, it turns into gold. And only then, so that the luck and happiness that the Firebird bestows would not leave them, people began to make amulets and amulets, and paint dishes with her bright images.


A long time ago, peace, joy and prosperity reigned in our region. Overseas guests came with strange gifts, they were welcomed by local residents, and taken to see the wondrous wonder - the Firebird.

That bird was of extraordinary beauty: every feather on it glowed and shimmered, and it shone in the night like the bright sun. The Firebird flew in every night to feast on the rejuvenating apples that grew at that time on our fertile land. Having eaten, she began to sing angelic songs in a heavenly voice. The guests listened to healing singing and admired such a rich region and its kind inhabitants.

Year after year passed, and somehow Greed sailed from across the sea with one ship. She went into people's huts and whispered evil intentions in their ears.

The neighbors began to quarrel with each other, looking for richer guests so that they could get the best and richest gifts. Dark thoughts entangled their heads, fierce envy settled in kind hearts. People became greedy, angry and inhospitable, they began to slander and often stamp their feet in anger.

And the earth hardened, turned into stones, and dried up without human love.

As a result, the apple trees with their plump apples dried up, and there was no one to care for them. And magic apple trees never grow on earth where brother does not shake hands with brother and where discord reigns between people.

The wonderful Firebird stopped flying for her favorite delicacy. The last apple fell from the branch, the grains fell into the cracks of the earth, and did not sprouted again.

So they still lie there, waiting for the soil to become soft and caring again. And the land will be better only if kind and good people begin to live on it.

As people again begin to coexist in love with each other, stop envying and making evil intrigues, so the earth and nature will answer them in the same way. And then the seeds of the rejuvenating apple tree will sprout, and the Firebird will begin to fly to us again. And again, overseas guests will come with gifts to look at the wondrous wonder, listen to angelic songs, and will praise our wonderful, prosperous land.


A unique, magical time awaits us. In REALITY, that is, in the physical world, the program of IRIYA, the absolute, ideally tailored world, is launched. And we are invited to live according to this tracing paper.

What’s especially nice is that you don’t have to turn into righteous people or fall into asceticism and religious ecstasy. People are waiting for a kind of fitting of wings on a robe. Live in two worlds: physically - in Yavi, and on a psychological level - in Iria. The Firebird will bring news of a better world, and through this message - relief and calmness of the soul. It will remove the burden of problems, alleviate suffering and remind us of who WE really are: immortal beings temporarily residing in Reveal. The scales will fall from our eyes, we will see clearly and be able to comprehend the truth.

On the physical plane, everything will be as usual: home, family, work, dacha, Turkey, Courchevel. But we will become easier to perceive any vicissitudes of existence, because the soul of each of us will spread its wings. No political intrigues, no quarrels and scandals, hatred, envy and malice. People will be drawn to the light and will become interested in art, creativity, science, and ethics. Which, of course, cannot but rejoice. Six forms of the bird of paradise:

It is difficult for the bird of paradise to break through the darkness and cold of winter, so for now we will not notice any changes. Reality will rule our consciousness, but some premonition of a meeting with the messenger Iria will already appear. This can be expressed in different ways: from a sharp thaw to the polar lights over Moscow.

At the beginning of spring, heavenly emanations will become stronger. The snow will probably melt earlier than usual, and most importantly, your soul will be much warmer.

Now everyone will feel that the waves of Iria have reached the Earth. We will feel an emotional uplift, gain clarity of mind, hope for the best and lightness - not only in thoughts and feelings, but also in deeds.

At the height of summer, the Firebird will show itself to the maximum. Right now, many will have the confidence that we live as in Paradise.

Despite the calendar autumn, the light and warmth of Iria continue to warm our souls and hearts. It’s as if summer never ends, and the feeling of happiness, joy and fullness of life never disappears.

Autumn is expected to be mild and winter to be late. She will not be able to rage where the Firebird still reigns. This means that we will be in a great mood and will be able to calmly, without stress and fuss, celebrate the next New SUMMER (year). LOVE, WARMTH and LIGHT to everyone!!!

Anyone who believes in fairy tales and miracles will be able to feel the influence of the Firebird and ask for her protection. A wonderful time awaits us when we can finally remember who we really are and put this knowledge into practice.