A sign that means the appearance of chicks in front of the house. What signs should be remembered if a swallow has built a nest in a house or under a roof. About the wagtail: what are the bad signs associated with

The sign of a pigeon's nest on the balcony was previously known to everyone, however, now they have begun to forget about its meaning.

In the article:

Pigeons made a nest on the balcony - a sign about the house

Many people get scared when birds visit their home, but pigeons are an exception. They have always been associated with good news, advice and guidance from higher powers. These birds carefully choose their nest site, and if this is your balcony, then you are in luck.

Birds are able to feel energy - good or bad. To create nests, they choose good places where people are also pleased to be.

If a dove appears on the balcony and builds a nest there, you should not worry about bad omens. You can be sure that a calm and friendly atmosphere reigns in your apartment, family members do not suffer from.

The dove settled on the balcony - which promises a sign

This belief has other interpretations. The exact value is determined by the age and marital status of family members. If pigeons have found a place for themselves somewhere on the site of a private house, this is also a good sign, and its meaning does not change.

For young spouses who do not yet have adult children, signs of pigeons that laid eggs on the balcony promise the blessing of higher powers. Many pleasant incidents await you, problems will be settled, and quarrels will soon disappear. Birds symbolize that your prayers have been answered.

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If your children are already living separately, and you yourself are approaching old age, the sign of the pigeons that have built a nest on the balcony promises a calm and happy old age, good news, joy and prosperity.

What to do if a dove builds a nest on a balcony - signs

You can't destroy their nest. You should wait until the chick learns to fly. Pigeons do not like glare, you can hang old computer disks on the balcony to scare them away.

In no case do not cause physical harm to birds. Do not throw away the nest with eggs and do not expose chicks that cannot fly outside. This is tantamount to putting out the door and causing irreparable harm to the messenger of higher powers, who reports that your prayers have been heard, and life should change for the better in the near future. Then a good omen will lose its meaning, and pleasant events rarely happen to those who harm living beings.

To harm a dove is a great sin, which also applies to children. It is believed that the one who killed this bird runs the risk of greatly spoiling his future and the life of his descendants if they appear. Some signs forbid eating their meat. Dove has a reputation lady bird so you can't offend him.

You can benefit from the neighborhood with the pigeon family. As mentioned above, pigeons feel places with positive energy and try to live in them. But they also foresee the approach of bad events. If your feathered neighbors become restless, cautious and shy for no apparent reason, expect trouble or failure. Most likely, you have the ability to prevent this. There are also signs that allow the behavior of birds, because they anticipate its changes.

Almost all the signs associated with pigeons, in addition to cases when, have a positive meaning, and it is worth believing in them, if only for this reason.

In contact with

Today, for most people, it is not difficult to go online in a couple of minutes and find out the weather for tomorrow or even a week ahead. It was not so easy for our distant ancestors. Signs about birds, passed down from generation to generation, helped to deal not only with weather phenomena, but also with everyday problems.


Signs were not born in a vacuum. For a long time, observing the surrounding nature, a person noticed details that indicated a possible development of events.

The life of not only one person, but the whole tribe sometimes depended on attentiveness and the ability to draw conclusions. Birds occupied a special place in signs. Many peoples of the world attributed to them a connection with the souls of dead ancestors.

Signs about birds served as a hint from the spirits. It was believed that the ancestors would definitely warn about the impending danger, and about the joyful event. The patterns of what is happening served as the basis for the creation of certain signs.


Due to the fact that certain types of birds lived near people, most signs are associated with them. This group includes sparrows, jackdaws, magpies, swallows, crows, doves and, of course, Domestic bird- geese, chickens. This applies more to European nations. In the East, attention is often paid to the behavior of a peacock.

In general, a lot of events were determined by poultry:

  • the chicken crows - there will be great grief;
  • a rooster cries at an inopportune time - to the news;
  • the cry of a rooster at midnight warns that an angel of death has flown over the house;
  • chickens perch too early for the night - to rain;
  • a rooster walks at the gate and cries - a stranger will come;
  • chickens cluck loudly on a perch - there will be a domestic quarrel;
  • a black rooster protects the household from thieves and thunderstorms;
  • chickens drink too much - be drought;
  • at night, chickens leave the roost - to trouble;
  • geese flap their wings, trying to take off - to a strong wind;
  • geese hide their beaks under their wings and stand on one leg - to frost.

Signs about birds can bring joy or warn of trouble. It depends, firstly, on the type of bird, and secondly, on geographic area. Often the same signs are explained in different ways. A knock on the window can be interpreted in two ways, for example, if a bird hits the window - to the guests. However, the same sign can warn of trouble. To take her away, a red ribbon was tied to the window handle.

Almost all Slavic peoples considered it a bad omen if a wild bird flew in through an open window. This promised a quick death to someone from the household or a big disaster. But if it was a nightingale, then to wealth.

They also noticed signs from other birds that live near a person’s dwelling:

  • a stork's nest on the house promised wealth and prosperity;
  • if the stork left the nest prematurely or completely destroyed it, misfortune or fire awaited the house;
  • a raven croaking over the house three times - to death;
  • crows gather in a flock - to bad weather;
  • a raven bathing in the yard is in trouble.


Pigeons have long settled next to humans. They are considered angels, and in no case should you kill them. The death of a bird at the hands of a person can bring disaster to the entire economy. They were watched and brought out some signs about birds. A dove perched on a window portends news. If pigeons live under the roof of a house, it will never burn down.

Bad signs include the flight of a bird into the house through an open window, this threatens with misfortune. However, if it is a dove, then the house is waiting fast wedding. It is considered a good omen that promises money if a flying dove accidentally shits on clothes. But if the same untidiness happens to the car, it is better to postpone the trip, it can be dangerous.

Although white doves are very beautiful, but if such beauty flies around the house, this is near death.


Little sparrows cannot walk because of the fetters on their paws. They were "rewarded" with them for bringing the nails to the place of Christ's execution. They were also the object of observation and fell into the section "signs about birds":

  • a sparrow flying into the house will bring not very good news;
  • bathe in a puddle in the summer - it will be hot;
  • bathe in dust - to rain;
  • in winter they chirp loudly - it will soon snow.


Birds fly low - to rain. This is perhaps the most famous pattern from the category of "omens about birds." A swallow can predict not only bad weather:

  • a nest made by a bird on a house promises well-being and mutual understanding in the family;
  • a swallow flying into the house will bring unexpected news, and if there is a young girl in the house, matchmakers may also come;
  • if a bird flew in through the window and flew out through the door, it was believed that the swallow brought death on its wings, and the dead were expected in the house;
  • a swallow that has left the nest warns of danger;
  • if you destroy her nest, freckles will appear.

Of course, some phenomena associated with signs have a purely scientific explanation. But most of them are still difficult to interpret without reference to mysticism.

You can believe or not believe in signs about birds, as, indeed, in all others that are not related to birds. Just do not forget that the saying that "forewarned is forearmed" is relevant in our time.

If swallows build their nests under our roof, these are signs of good luck. In various traditions, swallows are represented both as representatives of all the best, and as carriers of evil forces. For example, according to Irish superstitions, swallows are servants of elves who kidnap children. Of course, the signs associated with the swallow in this case are devoid of cheerfulness, which is characteristic of the signs of the northern peoples.

But the signs agree on one thing - swallows would never make a nest in a bad place, next to bad people. In exchange for protection and shelter, they offer good luck, ease of business, happiness. But don't relax. According to many signs, they simply lull their vigilance in order to look out for and steal your main treasure - beautiful children born in love, prosperity and joy. For the Slavic peoples and for Greece, swallows are sacred birds that bring spring, joy and good luck.

Main signs

  • Swallows have chosen a place next to the window for a nest - everything is fine with you, luck will accompany you in absolutely all your endeavors. For girls, this sign is considered a messenger of an early happy marriage.
  • A nest on outbuildings, in a garage - success in business.
  • Destroy the nest - to trouble. If there are chicks in the nest, serious problems can be expected for the whole family.
  • Drive away or frighten away the birds - voluntarily give up your own luck.
  • If the birds left the unfinished nest - a reason to be careful and careful. Perhaps trouble is coming. But it is more likely that the chicks have already hatched and have flown away.
  • The Germanic peoples believed that if a person with bad intentions entered the house, the birds would raise a noise. Signs say that a bad person has a severe headache from the cries of birds.
  • In some cases, birds enter the house and begin to build a nest right in the house. If possible, do not interfere with them, especially if the construction is already completed. Birds are quite loyal to people and calmly relate to the neighborhood. You will be able to observe the process of feeding the chicks and, at the same time, get rid of insects and pests. It is useless to feed the birds - they feed on live insects and catch them in fantastic quantities. If a bird has built a nest indoors, do not drive it away, according to signs, you can bring trouble on yourself.
  • Swallows make a nest - to happy changes in life. If there was a difficult period, it will end.
  • According to some signs, nests protect the home from lightning, fire, and destruction.

Is it possible to lure luck

  • Swallows - migratory birds, they arrive at the height of spring, when it is already warm, grasses bloom and midges fly. Fast and swift birds catch insects on the fly, have sharp eyesight and excellent coordination. If birds begin to curl around the house, it is likely that they are looking for a suitable place for breeding.
  • Joyful cries and greetings, colorful ribbons, bells, with which many meet migratory birds, can scare away the birds and make them choose another place for nesting.
  • It is believed that the most attractive houses for building a nest are neat, clean. The Germans believe that the swallow's nest under the roof is the best proof of the integrity and hard work of the family.
  • If the birds left the house for no explainable reason, this may be a sign that something bad may happen. According to some signs, people would also do well to leave their homes for a couple of weeks, locking the bolts tightly, checking the wiring and taking other precautions.
  • Returning a fallen chick to the nest is a good deed.

What to do with an abandoned nest

Birds living in the middle lane build nests from clay, feathers, improvised materials - hay, straw, thin branches. From the inside, the space is usually lined with soft and gentle fluff. If you have heard about the delicacy "swallow's nest" - then this is not about that at all. The nests of our swallows are inedible. But in China, in one of the provinces, there is a species of swallows that uses only saliva to build a nest. Here their nests are mined by brave climbers, boiled by skillful Chinese cooks, and this delicacy is considered to restore health, male potency, and restore youth. The taste is rather bland, you will not get pleasure from eating.

An abandoned nest can be removed after the birds have flown away. You can leave, it is likely that the birds will want to settle in the old place. In some villages, it is a common custom to use clay from nests for various medicinal purposes - for poultices, compresses, in the treatment of arthritis and rheumatism. Sometimes the nests are crushed and added to the patient's food or drink. But ordinary clay from the river bank is no worse.

According to the main signs, it is better not to touch the finished bird house even after the residents leave it.

A stone from an abandoned nest, if carried with you, will bring good luck.

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Many species of birds have been around people for so long that they even prefer to build their own houses in close proximity to human habitation. In towns and villages, swallow nests, stuck to the eaves under the roof of a cottage or barn, have not surprised anyone for a long time. Balconies and loggias apartment buildings often become a habitat for pigeons, crows or jackdaws. Even wild predators like falcons or hawks liked to settle on the roofs of high-rise buildings.

So what does the appearance of a bird house near your apartment or in the attic of a country dwelling predict? In general, this sign is positive, since pichugs are incredibly sensitive to the presence of negative energy and will never dare to breed in a “bad” place.

Household signs about nests

  • If any bird has chosen to build its nest in a corner right inside the house, you can be sure that you are guaranteed absolute luck in its purest form. She will accompany the owner of the home not only in the heart or professional sphere. Any financial projects, travel and creative adventures also invariably expect a big success.
  • The restless sparrows who settled under the roof of the house will predict a quick marriage to the lonely inhabitants of the apartment. For those who have already found their happiness, the sign promises participation in the wedding celebration as guests, and maybe witnesses of one of the young.
  • The appearance of a stork on the roof or chimney of a dwelling has long been considered a wonderful sign that portends the inhabitants of the house cloudless family happiness and numerous heirs. But if the birds chose another place for the nest in the coming season, then the household was preparing for a series of misfortunes.
  • Swallow's nests, stuck under the roof or on the window cornice, have long been considered as an excellent home amulet from any misfortune such as a fire or a lightning strike. If the pichugs suddenly leave their homes, then people should prepare for the destruction from a natural cataclysm.
  • Have you noticed that pigeons have chosen your attic or balcony? This is a real compliment to the whole family. After all, these birds settle only in places saturated with exceptionally good energy of love and harmony, next to noble and honest people.
  • The only unwanted neighbors are crows and jackdaws. Neighborhood with them is best avoided, not only because they are exceptionally noisy, arrogant and sloppy creatures. Their close presence promises numerous small but annoying troubles. Therefore, in order not to aggravate the situation, you should not ruin the nest, and even more so destroy the offspring. It is better to appease the gloomy oracles with grain or bread crumbs, and then all adversity will pass by.
  • Some believe that a rook that settled near the house portends the building to death from a fire. However, in fact, the sign is not at all so unambiguous. She warns not of an emergency, but of fundamental changes in life, which can be the beginning of your exaltation.

Weather "nested" beliefs

  • Knowledgeable people in the spring always pay attention to which side of the house or other building the birds prefer to settle on. If in the coming season they preferred the sunny and warm south, then high temperatures should not be expected from the summer. But the eastern or northern location of the nests portends heat and drought.
  • If, despite the bad weather, the birds are hard at work building nests, then in the near future we can hope for the arrival of warmth and the cessation of rains.
  • Even ready-made nests can predict future changes. When feathered neighbors suddenly become homebodies and do not leave their homes for a long time, this is how they predict the onset of bad weather.
  • By the number of eggs laid in the nest, you can find out what year is ahead. If you counted an even number, then a streak of good luck and prosperity awaits you ahead, but an odd number portends unpleasant natural surprises and crop failure.
  • Paying attention to the location of the feathered dwelling, an experienced person knows how much precipitation will fall in the coming season. The ducks preferred to settle further from the reservoir - a rainy summer is ahead, and the magpies, who have chosen the very top of the tree for their nest, portend a drought.

Folk signs about birds are very diverse - by observing the behavior of birds, you can learn not only about climate change, but also about upcoming events in your life.

Of the entire animal world, birds are most closely connected with the subtle world: they symbolize the spiritual essence, the relationship of heaven and earth, as well as the news that comes to us from the future.

City, wild and domestic birds can tell us a lot - you just need to connect your attention and intuition, deciphering their messages. Let's look at folk signs about birds in more detail and, perhaps, this knowledge will come in handy more than once in life.

wild birds

According to popular superstitions, hovering over your head for a long time predatory bird warns of possible betrayal, deceit or treason. However, if you see an eagle flying over your head, rejoice, because you will soon reach your desired goal. A flock of wild birds flying towards you also portends good luck. It is considered a lucky omen to hear the nightingale sing - the business that you are thinking about at this time will be successful. If an owl or an owl got into the habit of screaming near the house, an addition is coming to your family soon.

Thanks to the "solar" plumage, the wagtail bird pleases us with its very appearance. To notice it somewhere (on a tree, on a roof, by a window) is a happy event, but if this bird is sick or dead, beware of rejoicing in seeming luck so as not to invite misfortune to yourself. The jay (sometimes called the mockingbird) is often associated with the "blue bird of happiness" - having appeared to you, it symbolizes the beginning of a new happy period of life. If a jay fumbles on your site for a long time without flying far, try to follow it and be careful: you may find lucky signs that open the door to a better life. Periodic hoopoe visits to your garden promise good luck, but if he built a nest in the yard or on the roof, be careful with finances (but don’t try to ruin the nest and drive the bird out - this will only increase possible losses).


Domestic birds are, most often, hens and roosters. It is believed that a rooster crowing right on the doorstep heralds the arrival of guests. If the hens are worried at night and cannot fall asleep in any way, quarrels and misunderstandings with neighbors are possible in the coming days. Domestic geese can warn of impending troubles. It is considered a bad omen if the goose lays two eggs at once, and also if the goose suddenly disappears from the yard (regardless of the reason for the disappearance).

There is also a popular superstition regarding all poultry: it is believed that the yard and house, in which there is at least one black bird, are reliably protected from the influence evil spirits. Domestic birds often include decorative parrots living in a cage or just in an apartment. An interesting sign is associated with the unexpected appearance of this bird in you, if it flew into the apartment from nowhere. Consider this event a favor of fate - take good care of the exotic guest and your financial situation will soon improve.

city ​​birds

Often in the city you can see swallows and swifts - a lot of folk superstitions are also associated with them. A very good omen - if a swallow builds a nest near your window or under the roof of the house, but a bad omen - if a bird suddenly leaves it. The first says that happiness accompanies your home, and the second - that for some reason you scared away luck. Almost any bird that flies out the window warns of imminent news, but negative superstitions are sometimes associated with swifts. Much depends on how exactly the bird flew in: if everything went well and the feathered guest soon flew away, expect good news, but if the bird rushed about and fought, alarming news would come (the thing is that swifts fly very fast, and therefore they break more often, foreshadowing negative events).

If a magpie sat on the window to the patient, this means that it will not take long to recover. In addition, the magpie portends the imminent healing of the sick, vigorously jumping on the roof of the house, balcony or window sill. Crows are more often associated with bad omens, but we should not forget that these are just warnings. If a crow hovers over you for a long time and croaks loudly - get ready to meet with trouble; if a crow croaks at a church in your area, someone will die soon. A city dove will announce a particularly lucky day in your life, having swooped down on you or simply touched it with its wing: you can start any business - it will certainly turn out to be a success.

weather signs

There are a great many weather signs about birds, we will dwell on only a few of them. If you see a nest that a magpie has built, very high on a tree, the next month will be clear and calm, and if the nest is low, you should expect inclement weather. If the crow screams a lot and at the same time walks with its mouth open all the time, it will rain. If a crow bathes in a snowdrift in winter, you should expect a cold snap, and in a puddle in the spring, get ready for inclement weather.

Swallows flying high promise good weather, and low - bad. If the swallows return to us very early in the spring, the weather will be favorable for the harvest all year round, and besides, the arrival of the swallows is a reason to expect the first spring thunderstorm. If sparrows hide their heads in their tails at the end of autumn, frosts can be expected, and if they swim in puddles, it will be warm. The nightingale, which displays its roulades all night, is a sign that it will be windy for the next few nights.

Event signs

Perhaps the most popular belief about birds concerns their habit of "bombarding" us with excrement. Receiving such a surprise, you can be comforted folk omen about the fact that the bird slanders people for good luck and monetary profit (the bird droppings on your car also say the same). In addition, if a feathered benefactor marked your uniform or service clothes, this promises career advancement. If a bird anxiously knocks on the glass of your window, there will be news and not the fact that it is good. Do not offend the messenger, but you should not let him inside the house either.

A separate sign concerns the birds that flew into the room and quietly hosted the house for some time. Most likely, this promises you guests - long-awaited or uninvited. The bird that entered the house through the door promises the same thing. Follow the behavior of the bird: if, when it sees you, it does not worry and soon flies out safely, the guests will be pleasant, and if the bird behaves irritably and inappropriately, the visit may turn out to be tense.

Signs about birds

if a bird knocks on the window - what is the sign and what to do (sparrow, dove and other birds)

A bird flew out the window - is it a good or bad omen?

negative omens

The worst signs are associated with the death of birds. Whether a bird crashed into a car, suffered from ventilation, or died due to other circumstances - this does not bode well. Hitting a bird on the road is a serious warning and warning: you may be going through life in the wrong direction at all and this can end very sadly. In addition, a bird that crashed into the windshield of your car may have a more specific meaning - it is best to postpone this trip for now. The mass death of a bird in those places where it used to be found in abundance speaks of misfortunes on a large scale - they can apply to the entire district, city or country.

It is considered a negative sign to find a dead bird under your doorstep or in your yard. Having received such a sign, do not take risks and be careful in dealing with people, and the dead bird should be buried as soon as possible (in such cases they dig a hole away from home). If you found a dead bird just walking down the street, the sign will not have such a meaning, but anyway - be careful on this day, especially if, by accident, you had to step on a bird. If the bird you found was injured, but did not die, try to save it - the mercy shown can change future negative events. If, through your efforts, a wounded bird has returned to life, you can forget about bad omens (but even if it died, your efforts will not be in vain and will greatly facilitate future troubles).

At the cemetery

Since the bird symbolizes the human soul, its appearance in the cemetery has a corresponding meaning. See a bird near the grave of a deceased relative or loved one means to receive a message from him. If a bird flies and calmly sits on the fence, the deceased asks you to console yourself and announces his well-being. If you saw a bird flitting back and forth anxiously and anxiously jumping all over the grave, as if looking for something, think about how you can help the deceased complete his earthly affairs. Perhaps a person during his lifetime asked you for something or simply shared his plans - try to remember which of his affairs you could bring to an end.

If a bird or a whole flock overtakes you on the way to the grave, be sure to follow the behavior of the birds. If you see that the bird is clearly worried (circling above you, flying forward and returning back, following on the heels or at some distance), this means that the soul of a deceased relative or friend warns you of danger. If at the same time the birds scream loudly, it means that you have already heard such warnings from living people, but did not heed them, and now the soul of the deceased is trying to “shout out” to you. Go to church and light a candle for the deceased relative, pray, think about him and mentally say "Thank you." Also, next time you come to the cemetery, do not forget to bring a handful of cereal with you and leave it to the birds.


Our dreams are encrypted symbolic messages. And since the image of a bird is deeply symbolic, then the corresponding signs that you see in a dream can be trusted no less (and maybe more) than what you see in reality. If you dream that a poultry, like a chicken or a goose, has fallen through an open window or is anxiously knocking on a closed glass, a nuisance may happen to one of your relatives. If you dreamed that a wild bird flew onto the windowsill - like a real case of this kind, this dream speaks of news, and for a woman who wants to have children, this news may relate to a long-awaited pregnancy.

Catch a bird with your hands and hold it in a dream - to receive a letter or unexpected news from afar. If in a dream you saw traces of bird feet (on the snow, sand, window sill, etc.) - some hidden movements of the soul will make themselves felt in the near future. Seeing in a dream a lot of various birds screaming in all voices - to soon participate in a crowded event (meeting, meeting, conference, etc.), and if a lot of small birds have gathered in your dream - in the near future you will make a profit, but small. Catching falling birds is an attempt to find out news that is not intended for your ears. However, do not forget that for a complete decoding and interpretation of "bird" dreams, generally accepted interpretations must always be compared with the context of the dream and one's own associations.

Other signs

  1. There is a popular belief that a bird that got into a chimney or a chimney, and even ate a spider that settled there, warns of the imminent death of one of the household members.
  2. If a bird of a new species has started up in your garden, expect new events this year, interesting discoveries and meeting new people.
  3. People say that counting migratory birds is undesirable - this can adversely affect a person's memory.
  4. Bird nests in your house are always a good sign, wherever they are (on the roof, on the balcony, under the window, etc.). Birds intuitively feel what fate awaits a human dwelling and what atmosphere will reign in it. If the birds decide to share a house with you, it will not be threatened by natural disasters or negative energy in the near future.
  5. If a wild bird flew very close to you and even touched it with its wing, at the moment you are in a very harmonious state. Track your thoughts and actions in the past few days - perhaps you will find a personal secret peace of mind and you will use it for the rest of your life.
  6. It is considered a very good omen to satisfy the hunger of birds - when you come to the places where they live, do not forget to bring grains with you and feed the birds.