Performing discipline as a key performance indicator. Management of executive discipline. What is task execution control and performance discipline

Performing discipline in the Armed Forces Russian Federation- compliance by all military personnel and civilian personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation with the requirements of legal acts of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation and the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, as well as orders, instructions, instructions, instructions of commanders and chiefs on specific issues.

Performing discipline includes control over the execution of orders of commanders (chiefs) and the execution of official documents.

Control over the execution of official documents is a set of measures aimed at the high-quality and timely execution of instructions given in the documents.

Control over the execution of official documents includes the collection and generalization of information on the status and results of the execution of documents, bringing this information to the relevant officials who were given instructions, taking the necessary measures for the timely and high-quality execution of documents, and, if necessary, the application of disciplinary measures. to persons guilty of untimely and poor-quality execution of documents.

The commander (chief) of the military control body, when exercising control over the execution of official documents, is obliged:

To organize proactive control over the execution of official documents in subordinate bodies of the military command, including the determination of means and methods of control over the timely execution of warning requests (control cards) in order to obtain and analyze intermediate information on the measures taken to execute the order, the implementation of control checks on the progress of the execution of the order, others Events;

Appoint officials responsible for monitoring the execution of official documents in subordinate military command and control bodies;

Ensure the submission to the higher regulatory body of information on the status and results of the execution of official documents;

Upon receipt of a notice of non-fulfillment in the fixed time or insufficient elaboration of documents, take strict measures against violators of executive discipline, which should be indicated in the reports submitted to the commander (chief) who gave the order.

The direct work of monitoring the execution of official documents is entrusted to persons appointed by orders of the relevant commanders (chiefs) of military command and control bodies.

Officials directly exercising control over the execution of official documents are obliged to:

Have all the necessary information on controlled documents;

Not later than 3 days (according to documents indicating "urgently" - immediately) after receiving the order, submit information about the performer (position, military rank, last name, first name, patronymic, office phone number) to a higher regulatory authority;

Carry out constant monitoring of the execution of official documents and periodically, depending on the importance and urgency of the documents, receive current information on the progress of their execution;

At least 7 days (for urgent - 1 day, for documents indicating "promptly" - 3 days) before the deadline for execution, and upon receipt of a request - immediately submit to the appropriate supervisory body of the military command and control information on the status of execution of each controlled document;

In the event that the course of execution of a controlled document does not guarantee the execution of an official document on time, take all necessary measures to ensure its timely execution. If the measures taken do not give proper results, you should report this to the higher authority and follow its recommendations;

Periodically analyze the state of execution of documents, the results of which should be reported to the relevant commanders (chiefs);

Develop measures to strengthen control over the execution of official documents and submit proposals to commanders (chiefs) to improve this work.

The state of control over the execution of official documents is checked twice a year (as of January 1 and July 1) by specially appointed commissions. The results of the checks are reflected in the acts.

Official documents subject to control are recorded according to the journal (card) for monitoring the execution of official documents or entered into the memory of personal electronic computers (PC), which should reflect: date, registration numbers, summary of the document, instructions of officials, deadline , surname of the performer, mark of performance and other necessary data.

An official document is considered executed and removed from control when:

All instructions given on it have been completed;

The results of consideration of the submitted documents by the official who was given the initial instruction do not require repeated reports, and all documents signed by him have been sent to the addressees;

The results of the execution were reported to the higher regulatory body, where confirmation was received that this document was removed from control.

All official documents must be executed within the specified time. If the deadline for the execution of an official document is not indicated in the order or the document itself, the document must be executed within a period of no more than a month, and documents marked "urgently" - no more than 3 days. Within 10 days, instructions containing the indication "promptly" in the text are executed.

The deadline for execution is calculated in calendar days from the date of signing the initial order by a higher official. According to official documents containing an appeal by a deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, the deadline for execution is 30 days, a deputy's request is 30 days, a parliamentary request is 15 days from the date of their initial registration with the military command and control body.

If it is necessary to extend the deadline for the execution of the order, no later than 3 days (for urgent documents - 1 day) before the expiration of the deadline for the execution of the instruction, a report is submitted with a reasoned request to extend the deadline for the execution with the obligatory indication of the reasons for the delay, the measures taken and the deadline necessary for the execution (improvement) of the order. It is allowed to submit a report with a request for an extension of the term without the consent of the officials indicated in the order as co-executors.

If an instruction for the execution of an official document is given to several officials, then the official responsible for the execution of the document as a whole is indicated.

If the responsible person is not indicated in the order, then the official named first in the order is responsible for the execution of the document as a whole, who is obliged to organize the execution and approval of the document with the officials specified in the order, and, if necessary, with others officials.

The co-executors must submit all the necessary materials, in agreement with the draft documents prepared, they must be endorsed, and in case of disagreement, give a reasoned opinion. Co-executors are responsible for the timely and high-quality execution of instructions along with the responsible executor of the document.

Official documents that do not meet the established requirements, that do not contain answers to all the questions posed in the instructions, that have not been agreed with the necessary officials, that have not passed legal control in the prescribed manner, or that have been submitted in violation of the deadlines for execution without indicating the reasons for the delay and measures to be taken against violators, returned for revision and re-submission or reported with draft orders for the punishment of those responsible.

The return of service documents that do not meet the established requirements is not a valid reason for delaying the deadline for execution.

March 30, 2016 11:28 am

If we ask business representatives who make a decision to purchase an EDMS what they expect from the system, then we will surely hear that help in organizing the company's business processes is very important to them. The EDMS market offers many solutions, and in addition to streamlining the interaction within the company, the system will also help in the work of the office, the contract department, and the sales department.

But how effectively is the initial problem of lack of control over processes solved?

As a rule, the processes of coordinating documents and executing orders are built. Various reports are used for control, such as the percentage of overdue orders for the date. Such statistics can be useful, but they do not always show the dynamics, which is important for understanding whether the situation is getting better or worse. It is not always possible to conduct an in-depth analysis, from general indicators to specific people and their tasks.

That's why an important factor successful use of the system can be a tool with which you can make all processes in the company more transparent and provide the most complete information to the manager for decision-making.

We will try to imagine how such a tool for interactive analysis of the effectiveness of employees in the system might look like.

Summary picture

We will focus on monitoring the execution of processes and highlight several universal indicators:

● Performance discipline is one of the simplest, but at the same time useful metrics. It shows how timely the employee performs the tasks assigned to him.

● The workload of employees is useful when looking for "bottlenecks", that is, employees who are tied to too many processes. At the same time, it is important to understand whether the employee manages to complete everything on time.

● The timeliness of the execution of various processes (orders, approval of documents) can provide information about the presence of systemic problems with their execution. For example, some processes may not be optimal, or employees may consider some part of the work to be low priority.

● The overall dynamics of the number of tasks will also be useful. At the implementation stage, it allows you to assess how intensively employees use the system and determine trends in completing tasks on time. It can serve as a good indicator when introducing various organizational measures.

If we combine these indicators into one summary picture, we will get an example of the start page of a tool for analyzing the work of employees in the system.

Indicators are displayed using graphical charts:

● "Performing discipline" with a value from 0 to 100%. We immediately see the big picture of the company as a whole.

● "Processes overdue" in the form pie chart, whose parts are different processes. We quickly identify "problem" types of processes.

● “High-Used Employees” as two bars each: green is the number of tasks that didn't miss the deadline, red is the number of overdue tasks. We quickly identify employees who are “bottlenecks”: the number of tasks is high, combined with a lot of “red”.

● "Dynamics of work with tasks" will be displayed in the form of a graph with two lines: the total number of active tasks for each date and the number of tasks with a violation of the deadline (red). We immediately see the general dynamics along the red line: the situation is stable, improving or worsening.

In this view, you can assess the overall state of the work of employees in the system, but what if we want to examine each indicator in detail?

A convenient solution would be to add interactivity: when choosing an indicator value on the start page, we can go to a page with extended data on it. For example, by selecting a specific employee with a high load, go to a page that will show what such a load was made of.

Let's consider each such page separately.

Analysis of performing discipline

Performance discipline reflects how many percent of tasks are completed on time.

● Or the system is not used at all.

● Either employees are inefficient.

● Either the deadlines for the assignments are obviously unrealistic.

If the performance discipline for the last month did not exceed 50%, then without a doubt it can be assessed as bad. But how to understand what this value has come from, whether there are positive or negative trends? Therefore, for performing discipline, its detailing is needed.

From the summary picture, selecting the indicator "Performing discipline", go to the page with its detailed analysis.

Here we see the percentage of the indicator in the context of employees. From those employees who have the minimum value of performance discipline, it is best to start working out organizational measures to increase performance discipline.

For the selected employee, you can see:

● What specific tasks the employee did not complete on time and by how much he overdue them, determine the reasons for their delay.

● Evaluate the dynamics of the indicator.

If the indicator of performing discipline is consistently high, then everything is fine.

If organizational measures were previously taken to improve performance discipline, then the value of the indicator should increase

A decrease in the value of the indicator indicates that the measures taken were ineffective

● Simple forgetting. If an employee works in the system, it is not often easy to forget to check incoming tasks.

● Misunderstanding why to do tasks. The work can already be done in fact, what difference does it make when the task is completed.

● Ignorance of the fact that the execution of tasks is a chain of work and untimely failure to complete the task can disrupt the timing of the whole process.

In such cases, you need to convey to the performers information about how and why you need to work in the system.

Employee load analysis

In the summary picture, we see the busiest employees, the number of tasks they received and the percentage of overdue. The green share displays the number of tasks without violating the deadline, the red one - the number of overdue.

To understand what specific tasks he did not complete on time, we go to the page with the details of his tasks by processes.

Here we see:

● Tasks for which types of processes add up to the workload of an employee.

● What kind of tasks the employee does not have time to complete on time.

● What is the dynamics of the number of assignments he receives and the percentage of overdue among them. If measures were taken to reduce the burden on the employee, then the total number and number of overdue payments should be reduced, otherwise the measures were ineffective.

In practice, often "bottlenecks" in the EDMS are managers who are coordinating and signing during the approval of documents, as well as clerks. Among managers, the reason for the large flow of incoming tasks may be micromanagement - closing all the company's processes on itself.

But a situation is possible when the load on the employee gradually increases and leads to his overload. Then he simply physically cannot cope with his workload.

Two types of measures are possible here:

● Operational: give someone to help him, transfer part of the work to other performers.

● Strategic: review and optimize the company's processes.

Process analysis

On the start page with summary data, we see the types of processes among which most often there are violations of the deadline.

To see what specific tasks within these processes caused this situation, open the page with extended information.

On the page we see:

● Which specific tasks within the selected process were overdue and who was responsible.

● What are the dynamics: is the situation changing, in which direction.

The normal situation in the long term is the minimum stable values ​​of the volumes of processes with violation of the deadline.

Analysis of the schedule with the dynamics of tasks allows you to see problem situations:

The number of initiated processes in the system decreases.

This may be a signal that employees stop using the system.

Employees do not complete tasks on time.

This is displayed on the graph as the red line of overdue processes approaches the line of the total number of processes.

This could mean the following:

● Employees do not cope with their duties.

● Assignment deadlines are too optimistic.

● Employees stop using the system and tasks remain unfulfilled.

Having understood what problems there are, you can find their causes, because processes are not always optimal:

● Within a process, there may be a hidden sub-process of several more steps. For example, when the approver has to independently agree on the document with someone else, and for all 1 day.

● Simultaneous parallel negotiation can be used instead of serial negotiation, but one negotiator is still waiting for the other to decide. For example, Chief Engineer may wait until the document is reviewed by a lawyer, while violating the deadlines for his assignment.

● Functions may be assigned to the wrong person. For example, a cover letter under a contract is prepared by a clerk. He is forced to go to an employee of the contract department and find out what needs to be written. In such a situation, it would be better for the employee of the contract department to prepare the accompanying documents.

Instead of a conclusion

We looked at an example of what a tool for interactive analysis of the effectiveness of employees in the system can be. Performing discipline will help us understand the overall “temperature” in terms of the timeliness of tasks, the list of the busiest employees will simplify the task of finding “bottlenecks”, and displaying processes with violation of the deadline will allow these processes to be optimized.

Systems electronic document management store a huge amount of information, but as a rule, most of it is hidden. Visualization of hidden data opens up new possibilities and allows the system to reach a high quality level. new level process control.

It is possible to develop analysis practices in other subject areas: sales, project management, office work. After all, no matter what area we choose, there are always indicators reflecting the real state of affairs in it. And how to present it to the user is already the task of the EDMS and the visualization tools they provide.

How this tool is implemented in DirectumRX can be

February is the time to sum up the results of the tasks completed for the past year. Issues of monitoring the execution of tasks and performance discipline come to the fore. Why control is needed and how to conduct it throughout the year, we will tell in the article.


It will be possible to analyze the performance of tasks in the organization over the past year no earlier than February. The annual certificate of performance discipline in the organization is prepared in the first days of February for two reasons :

  1. Most tasks on documents have a typical deadline of 30 calendar days. If the task is given on December 30, then it must be completed by January 30 inclusive. In 2018, the last working day was December 29 (January 29, 2019 - the standard deadline for completing tasks on documents). In 2019, December 30 and 31 will already be working, therefore, the deadlines for completing tasks will shift to the last days of January.
  2. It is impossible not to take into account the human factor and the very common habit of putting things off until the last minute. It is unlikely that among the performers there will be someone who will send their reports on January 29, although he had a whole month for this.

Thus, if the deadline for the assignment is January 29, then we must wait until that day. If there is no completion report on January 30, only then can the task be considered as outstanding.


Every day, the leader sets tasks for his subordinates. Of course, they must be fulfilled. But it doesn't always work out that way. Therefore, there is control over the execution of tasks.

from GOST R 7.0.8-2013 “System of standards for information, librarianship and publishing. Office work and archiving. Terms and Definitions"

88. control of the execution of documents: A set of actions that ensure the timely execution of documents.

The employee responsible for monitoring the execution of documents is always aware of the status performance discipline in the organization - the ratio of the number of tasks to the number of completed. Ideally, the balance should be 1:1.

Order control does not exist for its own sake. It is a management tool and the foundation of the motivation system in the organization. Based on the knowledge of who and how worked during the reporting period, bonuses and bonuses for this period are distributed. So, for example, in February we compile a report on the performance discipline for the past year in order to distribute annual bonuses. If there is no “plus” motivation system, then the control of performance discipline serves a less pleasant purpose - to distribute punishments for failure to complete tasks ( disciplinary action, premiums are not paid in full). If there are no penalties, then control loses its meaning. For example, the director is aware that only half of his 10 orders have been completed, but what if no measures are taken?


Responsible for monitoring the execution of documents is usually appointed from the employees of the records management service. For example, the head of the service or one of its employees, in small organizations - the assistant to the head.

The responsible person is appointed by order for the main activity (Example 1), and appropriate additions are made to the job description (Example 2).


If the organization uses an electronic document management system (SED), then all the tasks set in it automatically fall under control. Daily and annual certificates are also generated automatically (detailed). The person responsible for control remains to generate a report and “unload” it from the program.

In the absence of SED there are options:

  • the organization can put all tasks under control. On the one hand, this simplifies the process: there is no need to make a decision regarding each task, whether to control its execution or not. On the other hand, the volume of work increases significantly. What the EDMS does automatically, the person in charge is forced to do manually;
  • the organization determines the tasks that are put under control. A list of respondents is compiled, the execution of letters from which is controlled; topics of internal and external correspondence; types of documents. The list is fixed in the instructions for office work (Example 3). Pay attention to paragraph 5.8.27 in Example 3: it gives the organization the right to put any order under control if the director considers it necessary.



Most of these assignments. They are divided into types according to the types of documents:

  • tasks for incoming letters;
  • assignments for internal correspondence (official, memos);
  • tasks according to orders for the main activity;
  • tasks according to the minutes of meetings;
  • assignments for the coordination of draft documents.

Tasks for incoming mail and internal correspondence set out in the resolution. This is the details of the document, which must contain the surname, initials of the performer (executors), instructions for the document, if necessary - the deadline for execution, the signature of the person who made the resolution, the date of the resolution.

Managers may not indicate the content of the task, the deadline, and even the name of the performer (depending on the situation). The secretary who sets the task for execution must understand that:

  • if the director did not indicate the deadline, then the standard deadline established in the instructions for office work is used;
  • if the director did not indicate the content of the task, then the letter (note) is standard (th), and the performer himself must understand what to do;
  • if the director did not indicate the executor, then the letter (note) is standard (th), and the secretary himself must understand to whom to send the task, and the executor - that this issue is within his responsibilities.

The latter option is out of the norm, but is common.

In orders and protocols the assignment, deadline and executor are indicated in the text of the document (Examples 4, 5, respectively).

Tasks for the coordination of draft documents different deadlines. They do not require resolutions and pronunciation in orders or protocols. The composition of the coordinating persons for each type of document is fixed in the instructions for office work, the regulation on contractual work, etc. If an official receives a draft document marked “For approval”, then he, fulfilling the requirements of the LNA, must complete this task without additional instructions.


Many managers, with the help of a secretary, put their oral instructions under control. This is more difficult than controlling written assignments:

  • verbal instructions need to be “caught” and correctly stated in the task;
  • an oral instruction does not have standard deadlines for execution;
  • the performer can also give a report on the implementation of an oral instruction orally, at a personal appointment with the director or by telephone, but he will not tell the secretary about it.

In order to avoid problems when monitoring the execution of oral instructions, the secretary can:

  • agree with the director that if an oral instruction is put under control, then the director notifies the secretary about this, pronouncing both the performer and the deadline;
  • invite the director to turn the oral instruction into a written one: create an order for the main activity or a brief minutes of the meeting. Then the verbal instruction will become a regular document task, which is much easier to control;
  • if the instruction still remains oral, the secretary reminds the performer of the need to submit a report on the execution not only to the director, but also to the controller - the secretary.

The secretary notifies the executor of the task statement either by EDMS or by e-mail, that is, in any case, the task is set out in writing and the date of its direction to the contractor is fixed.


The deadlines for the completion of each of the types of tasks should be established in the instructions for the organization's office work. Dates can be used as a source Sample instruction office work in government organizations(clauses 4.6, 6.6), as well as sectoral regulatory legal acts.

Particular attention should be paid to deadlines citizens' appeals. Federal Law No. 59-FZ of May 2, 2006 “On the Procedure for Considering Appeals from Citizens of the Russian Federation” applies here (as amended on December 27, 2018; hereinafter - Federal Law No. 59-FZ). We quote two of his articles:

from federal law No. 59-FZ

2. A written request is subject to mandatory registration within three days of receipt V government agency, local government body or official.


from Federal Law No. 59-FZ

Article 12

1. A written appeal received by a state body, a local government body or an official in accordance with their competence is considered within 30 days from the date of registration of the written appeal ...

The legislator gave organizations three additional days to fulfill citizens' appeals, compared with letters from organizations that are registered on the day of receipt. Whether to use this, the organization determines itself and fixes the decision in the instructions for office work (Example 6).


The algorithm for controlling the execution of instructions is shown in the Scheme.

As we found out, regardless of whether an oral or written order is put under control, the control process itself is necessarily carried out “in writing”. What exactly the secretary must fix at each of the stages, we will consider in the Table.


The result of constant monitoring of the execution of tasks of the head are certificates of performance discipline. By decision of the management, references can be of different periodicity: from daily to annual. The principle is simple: if an organization practices monthly bonuses based on performance, then a certificate is compiled monthly; if the bonuses are quarterly, then the reference is quarterly. You can generate reports more often in order to detect outstanding tasks in a timely manner. The annual certificate is compiled in any case: each manager wants to know how many of the tasks assigned to him were completed during the year (Example 7).

The reference form is also developed at the organization level and is fixed in the office work instructions.


  1. Monitoring the execution of instructions and monitoring the performance discipline are the functions of management. They underlie the motivational policy of the organization.
  2. A specially appointed employee is responsible for monitoring the execution of orders. He, with a given frequency, submits to the management information on the state of the performing discipline.
  3. Both tasks according to documents and verbal instructions of the head are put under control. According to the results of the execution of each of them, the contractor must submit an informative report.

Clause 5.28 GOST R 7.0.97-2016 “System of standards for information, librarianship and publishing. Organizational and administrative documentation. Requirements for paperwork” (approved by the order of Rosstandart dated December 08, 2016 No. 2004-st).

One of the important conditions, thanks to which the productive work of the organization is ensured, is the performing discipline. Therefore, in determining the indicator of performance discipline and its further improvement, employees are interested in the same way as the management of the subject.

Performing discipline - concept

This term is reflected in the interaction of the employee with his employer. Performing discipline is an indicator of the responsibility of the first for the execution of direct orders from the authorities or his individual instructions. In fact, the better the employee obeys his boss, the higher the performance discipline.

Performing discipline in the organization plays a very important role, since the coherence of the work of the subject's team and the effectiveness of its functioning depend on it. The importance of performance discipline is the same both at the initial and higher levels of the management hierarchy in the company.

The hierarchy itself in the company is established by the collective employment contract or job description issued to each employee of the company. It is enough to look into these documents to understand who and to whom should obey.

The term "executive discipline" can be applied both to a certain employee and to the organization as a whole. It should be clearly understood that the discipline of the organization depends on the discipline of employees. At the same time, the organization is interested in the performance discipline of each employee, and each employee is personally interested in his performance discipline.

The influence of executive discipline on the efficiency of the enterprise

The structure of any organization includes separate structural divisions, sections, workshops, each of which has its own functions and tasks. At the same time, each department has employees who also have certain functions. The better they cope with their tasks, the more conscientiously they approach work and follow instructions, the higher the performance discipline, and hence the efficiency of the entire enterprise.

This indicator can measure how effectively the performance of duties by individual employees, as well as teams, teams and workshops in general.

Performance discipline is needed to ensure prompt execution production tasks up to the mark. We are talking about assignments that are entrusted to individual employees and form large-scale projects that affect the success of the organization.

Initially, a single task that was performed in bad faith at the lowest level of the organizational hierarchy may not cause any damage to the company as a whole. But their accumulation can lead to the failure of projects that the company focused on, and related serious problems (the emergence of sanctions against the company for disrupted projects, late deadlines and non-fulfillment of contractual obligations, inhibition of its development, since long term prospects be overlooked due to the lack of opportunities for the implementation of profitable projects).

Thus, control over performance discipline should become priority company management bodies. Only in this way is it possible to fully realize the potential of the organization and achieve its confident development.

If the management takes the performance discipline into their own hands and takes measures to maintain and improve it, this will achieve the achievement of the company's strategic goals and fulfill all the planned plans on time.

Performance discipline control

Although, at first glance, performance discipline seems to be a subjective indicator of the enthusiasm of employees, it can be assessed according to standard criteria, among which the following can be noted:

In order to more clearly imagine how things are with the performance discipline in the company, the coefficient of performance discipline is calculated. To determine it, it is necessary to correlate the number of tasks that an employee completed in a certain time with the number of tasks that, based on this very time, were assigned to him.

The number of completed tasks is affected not only by the responsibility of the employee, but also by how clear the task was set for him. It is very important that the head of the department is able to convey to the ordinary employee all the nuances of the task and explains in detail what needs to be done.

There is a special formula for setting the task, which is called SMART. It has proven its effectiveness and is now used by many companies. According to her, the task that is set for the employee should:

  • Contain a clear and understandable title.

It is best if it starts with a verb.

  • Be specific and as clear as possible for the subordinate;
  • Be measurable and measurable;
  • Be achievable for a particular subordinate;
  • Have a clearly defined deadline.

To achieve maximum results, the control of performing discipline must be carried out systematically. To organize it, it is enough to establish clear requirements for employees. Among these requirements should be both mandatory and desirable.

If the set requirements are conscientiously fulfilled, the management of the enterprise will be able to control the performance discipline at all stages of work. This will give management the opportunity to correct the shortcomings that were made in its controlling in the past.

Performance discipline management

Performing discipline is not an arbitrary value, which depends solely on personal qualities enterprise employees. If desired, the company's management may well influence it, thereby improving this indicator. There are several ways to do this:

Reasons for low performance discipline

In order to improve performance discipline, management can take any measures and management decisions. So, for example, an enterprise can even issue a special administrative document, which will have a strong enough impact on employees and their work.

But, at the same time, the issuance of such an order in itself is not a guarantee of improving the performance discipline and changing the attitude of employees to the performance of their labor duties.

One of the main reasons for the decrease in the responsibility of employees is the low performance discipline of top managers. Leaders at all levels must be aware of their responsibility and be an example of a conscientious attitude to the task assigned. Only in this case, the management of performance discipline will be really effective and will give the desired result.


On strengthening control over the state of performing discipline
in the apparatus of the Federal Agency for Culture and Cinematography

The analysis of the state of performing discipline in the office of the Federal Agency for Culture and Cinematography showed that a number of instructions contained in the resolutions and orders of the Government of the Russian Federation and the minutes of Government meetings, instructions of the President of the Russian Federation, the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation, the Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation, and other bodies state power, as well as instructions from the leadership of the Ministry of Culture and mass communications Russian Federation was executed in violation of the established deadlines.

In order to strengthen control over the timely and high-quality execution of instructions, the preparation of responses to requests and appeals from members of the Federation Council, deputies of the State Duma, heads of state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation

I order:

1. Heads of structural subdivisions to strengthen control over the timely and high-quality execution of instructions, appoint from among their deputies responsible for the state of performance discipline in the subdivision.

2. Warn the heads of departments about personal responsibility for meeting the deadlines for the execution of instructions.

Establish that if it is impossible to execute the order within the prescribed period for objective reasons, the head of the unit shall in advance submit proposals to the Agency's management on the extension of the deadline with a draft response to the body that issued this order, indicating the reasons for the extension and the planned date of its execution.

3. Administration of Affairs (A.D. Krasnov) to take organizational measures to strengthen control over the execution of instructions in the apparatus of the Federal Agency for Culture and Cinematography.

For these purposes:

a) ensure regular daily delivery of official correspondence from the Ministry of Culture of Russia;

b) process government documents as a matter of priority and report them to the Agency's management on the day they are received;

c) send information to the heads of structural divisions on a weekly basis about instructions that are under control with expiring deadlines;

d) demand from the heads of structural subdivisions explanatory notes on the reasons for non-fulfillment of a specific assignment, indicating the employee responsible for its execution, for subsequent reporting to the Agency's management;

e) monthly submit to the management analytical information on the state of executive discipline in the Agency's office.

4. Prior to the approval of the Regulations of the Federal Agency for Culture and Cinematography, when organizing work with official documents, be guided by the Model Regulations for the Interaction of Federal Executive Authorities, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 19, 2005 N 30.

The Department of Affairs shall provide the subdivisions with copies of the said Model Regulations.

5. The Contractual and Legal Department (I.F. Ilyina), the Department of Affairs (A.D. Krasnov) with the participation of other divisions of the Agency to ensure the implementation of paragraph 2 of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 19, 2005 N 30 "On the Standard Regulations for the Interaction of Federal Bodies executive power" .

6. The main information and computing center (O.P. Neretin) to complete the equipment of the workplaces of persons responsible for office work in the departments with the appropriate programs and organize, if necessary, their training.

7. Deputy heads A.A. Golutva, V.S. structural unit and individual employees, taking into account executive discipline.

8. To impose control over the execution of this order on the deputy head V.S. Malyshev

M.E. Shvydkoi