Rostelecom technical support phone number: in what cases to call the operator, phone numbers for regions, online support. About us Rostelecom technical support phone number: alternative communication

Since September 2007, the Svyazinform group has begun construction of a fiber-optic multi-service, broadband access network in the Chernozem region, providing subscribers with the “Triple play” service (three in one). This network can simultaneously supply digital television (IPTV), high-speed Internet (incoming traffic speeds of up to 1 Gbit/sec), and digital telephony to each apartment (office).

We have accumulated colossal practical experience on the highest quality provision of our services to individuals and legal entities, as well as solving any technical problems as soon as possible.

Constant Internet access 24 hours a day, 7 days a week

High-speed Internet and unlimited tariff plans. No dial-ups, no modems! Instant work with mail, ICQ turned on around the clock, video clips without restrictions and much more is now available to everyone!

Digital television

Over 100 digital channels, including high definition (HD) channels in your home. The Svyazinform company is working to expand the number of channels and interactive capabilities for viewing digital TV.

Landline telephone and video telephony

Voice transmission technologies over digital communication channels can significantly save money on long-distance calls. A direct landline number combined with digital lines provides unprecedented quality at affordable prices compared to analogue PBXs.

Agreement for electronic document flow


Branch of the Open joint stock company Svyazinform in Moscow

INN/KPP 7710707365/772743001

OGRN 1087746229075

Registration address 125009, Moscow, st. Tverskaya, 7

Since 2007, the Svyazinform group of companies has begun building a multi-service, broadband communication network in the European part of Russia, providing users (subscribers) with the Tripleplay service. This network can simultaneously transmit to each apartment, office, production room digital television (IPTV), high-speed Internet, telephony, video surveillance, communication channels, etc. We have accumulated enormous practical experience in providing the highest quality services to individuals and legal entities, telecom operators, as well as solving any technical problems in the shortest possible time.

Constant Internet access 24 hours a day, 7 days a week

High-speed Internet and unlimited tariff plans. No dial-ups, no modems or old equipment. Instant work with mail, ICQ turned on around the clock, video clips without restrictions and much more is now available to everyone!

Digital television

From 130 digital channels, including high definition (HD) and 3D channels on your TV. The Svyazinform company is working to expand channels and interactive capabilities for viewing digital TV.


Technologies for voice transmission over digital communication channels allow you to significantly save money on telephone calls and get a large number of additional services. A direct landline number in combination with digital communication lines opens up great opportunities.


By installing an IP video camera(s) at home (or office) and connecting to the Svyazinform network, you can see the image from the video camera(s) from the office (home) or any point where there is Internet. Also, images from video cameras can be transmitted to security structures and/or recorded. When connecting digital television and/or Internet services, there is no monthly fee for the opportunity to use IP video surveillance within the Svyazinform network.

Channels of connection

The Svyazinform group of companies is ready to provide communication channels across its licensed territory, including the “last miles”, to all interested parties

Heat supply


Branch of the Open Joint Stock Company in the city of Orel

INN/KPP 7710707365/575343001

OGRN 1087746229075

Registration address 302040, Orel, st. Leskova, 19A

The number of users who use the services of Rostelecom is growing rapidly every day. Already now it is one of the largest not only in Russia, but throughout Europe. This fact is explained by the fact that the population is in demand for the services of providing the Internet, pay television, home and cellular telephony, and the prices for them are quite competitive.

With so many services and users, situations occur every day that need to be addressed. A service was created to help its clients technical support, which not only accepts requests for equipment repairs, but also gives competent advice that helps you fix problems yourself. It works around the clock, and the professionalism and level of knowledge of the specialists is beyond doubt even among very demanding people. Among the telephone numbers by which you can call technical support, there are both toll-free numbers, which can be called from any phone, and short ones, which must be called only from a Rostelecom phone.

Rostelecom support phone numbers

If you have a problem and you don’t know how to solve it yourself, then in a simple way is a call to customer support. Special call centers have been created in the largest cities of Russia, which receive calls from all settlements of the country. For convenience, each service has its own hotline and special numbers so that a specialist can short time find a solution to the problem and tell you about it. There are also general phone numbers that you can call with any questions, but let's talk about everything in order.

Rostelecom technical support has two main contact numbers:

    8-800-100-08-00 intended for questions related to connecting to any service

    8-800-181-18-30 intended for technical questions for existing subscribers of the company

To see additional and specialized phone numbers, you need to go to the official website and select the region in which you are located.

On your phone, you can call a short number 118-88 .

To call the Rostelecom repair bureau, you need to dial the number 8-125 .

Subscribers home phone can order long-distance and international calls by number 118-71 .

If you find it difficult to choose a number to call and ask your question, then you can call the free helpline at 118-09 .

If the free helpline does not suit you, then there is a paid one, which you can call at 118-99 .

In addition, you can send a telegram by phone. To do this, you need to call the number 11899-844126 .

We have listed only the main technical support phone numbers, but they may differ in your region, so check the information at official website of the company . If your region is not selected automatically or is determined by an error, check it yourself in the upper left corner of the site.

Other ways to contact technical support

It can be quite difficult to get through to Rostelecom customer technical support. If you don’t want to wait, you can simply leave a request in your personal account. To do this, go to the address and fill in all required fields. Within an hour, a specialist will call you back and try to help you solve your problem.