How to sleep on the road - tips and tricks. Why are dust storms dangerous in Cyprus?

Pathological processes in the pancreas cause pain to the patient, cause uncontrollable vomiting and pose a real threat to life. To avoid this, you must comply with several simple conditions.

The development of inflammation in the pancreas can be prevented

Protection measures

Pancreatitis occurs due to the intake of substances into the body that negatively affect the pancreas. Basic measures to prevent the disease:

  • non-alcoholic diet;
  • avoiding the use of technical fluids;
  • fight against overeating;
  • reducing the fat content of the food consumed;
  • exclusion of injuries to the pancreatic zone.

Quitting alcohol will reduce the likelihood of developing the disease

Effect of alcohol and non-food liquids

Prevention of pancreatic inflammation is unthinkable without giving up alcoholic beverages. They destroy the structure of pancreatic cells, affect the protective barriers in the liver, resulting in severe damage to the entire hepatopancreatic zone. Even a single consumption of low-quality alcohol can lead to irreversible processes.

Alcohol is poisonous and causes irreparable harm not only to the pancreas. The nervous system, sensory organs, kidneys and liver suffer. Therefore, giving up drinks with alcohol will lead to a healthier body and a transition to a higher quality standard of living.

The use of technical denatured alcohols - hellebore water, acetic acid, in addition to direct burns of the mucous membrane, causes total necrosis of pancreatic cells. Pancreatic necrosis develops, which is aggravated by renal failure. Death in such cases is a natural outcome of the disease.

Drinking alcohol can cause kidney failure


Availability of food often leads to overeating. This is dangerous for the pancreas, since excess calories cause disturbances in energy metabolism. As a result, the glandular cells die. Throws away a large number of enzymes, which leads to organ destruction. In addition, a huge bolus of food mechanically compresses the pancreatic organ, which aggravates inflammatory changes in it.

It is necessary to monitor the amount of food consumed and the calorie content of dishes. For adults, consuming more than 4,500 calories per day leads to a real threat of gland destruction. Fatty and overcooked foods should be avoided.

Injuries to the pancreatic zone are dangerous due to the possibility of gross damage to the pancreas. A hematoma is formed, which replaces the glandular cells. Severe swelling of the organ develops with irreversible destructive disorders. Even minor injuries to the abdomen should be avoided. If pain persists after an injury, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Lack of nutritional culture leads to problems with the pancreas

How to avoid exacerbations

Prevention of chronic pancreatitis is always secondary, since the disease has already formed. Measures are aimed at preventing exacerbations:

  • non-alcoholic diet;
  • reducing the fat content of food;
  • fight against viral infections;
  • treatment of pathologies of the hepatoduodenal zone;
  • drug replacement therapy.

Alcohol is harmful for abdominal diseases. Consuming even a small amount of it can cause a severe exacerbation of the chronic process. This is due to the peculiarities of the effect of ethanol on an already damaged organ. Processing requires a large amount of enzymes that are poorly produced by pathologically altered cells. When alcohol enters the gland, it works at maximum load, which causes swelling and exacerbation of inflammation.

Eating healthy and properly prepared foods will significantly reduce your chances of developing pancreatitis.

What diet to follow

Proper nutrition involves steaming, stewing or boiling food. Application of frying, excess sunflower oil not allowed. Products that contain a large dose of fat should be completely avoided. It is strictly not recommended to consume sharply spicy and salty dishes.

In case of chronic pancreatitis you cannot:

  • alcohol;
  • adjika and other hot seasonings;
  • lard;
  • mushrooms;
  • game.

To prevent complications from chronic pancreatitis, you need to give up strong coffee

Some foods may not be completely excluded, but it is advisable to limit their quantity:

  • vegetable fats;
  • mayonnaise;
  • ketchup;
  • carbonated drinks;
  • cakes and sweets;
  • offal;
  • sausage.

Steamed vegetable dishes and boiled meat, especially chicken or turkey, are ideal. Nutrition determines the degree of activity of the pancreas, so a gentle diet ensures uniform and stable functioning of the organ.

Sweets are allowed in small quantities

What diseases must be treated

Any viral pathology, even a simple respiratory one, can affect the pancreas, especially at high temperatures. It is important to avoid crowded places during outbreaks of infections, use individual devices and medications. A rise in temperature above subfebrile levels must be stopped by oral administration of Paracetamol. However, the use of Ibuprofen and other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs is undesirable, as they irritate the upper parts of the digestive tract.

If the disease cannot be avoided, active treatment of the infection and bed rest in combination with a strict diet will help prevent exacerbation of the process in the pancreatic zone. The regimen can be expanded only after the complete cessation of viral intoxication.

Treatment of pathologies that provoke disorders of the pancreas plays an important preventive role. First of all, these are cholelithiasis and chronic cholecystitis. Often, it is possible to completely correct the situation with exacerbations of pancreatitis only after removal of the gallbladder. It is necessary to treat pathology of the duodenum and stomach. The use of eradication regimens against Helicobacter and proton pump blockers, for example, Omeprazole, will help cope with inflammatory processes in the gastroduodenal area.

You can get rid of pancreatitis only if cholecystitis is cured

How enzymes can help

With chronic damage to the pancreas, exocrine function is impaired. To stabilize this component of the disease, enzymes should be used during meals for replacement purposes. Widely used:

  • Mezim;
  • Pancreatin;
  • Creon;
  • Lycrease;
  • Enzistal.

Chronic pancreatic inflammation requires the use of enzymes

It is preferable to use enzymes in the form of microspheres, for example, Creon. In this case, their digestive and protective functions will be more active. Bile acid preparations should only be used if there is no other alternative. An example of such a drug is Cholenzym.

Prevention is a continuous multi-stage process, the implementation of which determines the patient’s quality of life. Compliance with preventive measures will allow for long years avoid exacerbation of the disease in chronic pathology and prevent the occurrence of acute pancreatitis. Your local doctor or gastroenterologist will help you sort out any questions or ambiguities that may arise.

The video will talk about how to prevent the development of pancreatitis:

We have collected twenty one Golden Rule, which will help you build good relationships with other people.
Relationships are the basic tool through which the path to success and achievement of life goals lies. People who lived during Soviet times felt the need for good relations more acutely. After all, in order to get something, you needed acquaintances. For example, if it was necessary to buy meat, instead of counter bones, one had to know a butcher or someone who knew a butcher. And even today, it’s difficult in life for those who don’t know how to build relationships.
1. Support and praise people at every opportunity. Your approval acts as fertilizer for human growth.
2. Never ridicule or humiliate anyone.
3. Say only good things about the person. If you have nothing positive to say about someone else, it is better to remain silent.
4. Be attentive to people's affairs, then you will always have a reason to praise others, and not to flatter them.
5. Focus on the person's positive qualities. If he is not yet noble and wise enough, then see him as such a person. And this person will definitely want to confirm this.
6. Don't criticize people. If you nevertheless begin to criticize, then let it be addressed to his actions, and not to the person’s personality.
7. You should not constantly demonstrate your superiority over other people. This way you will only make enemies for yourself. If you want to be friends with people, then let them feel their own importance next to you.
8. Always notice own mistakes and guilt - and apologize.
9. To be listened to, it is better to propose than to issue orders.
10. Irritation is a signal that a person needs help and support. Therefore, treat this condition of people with understanding.
11. Be a good listener and talk less.
12. Sometimes make it clear that good idea came from another person. After all, it doesn’t matter who was first, what’s more important is what it can lead to.
13. If you think that a person is wrong, then interrupting him will still not stop him. Until he speaks out, he will insist on his own.
14. If you want to be able to stop any argument, then admit that you may be wrong. Then the cause of the conflict will disappear and the dispute will cease.
15. Give gifts to people more often without any reason. This will show that you are not waiting for the holidays, but want to please the person every day.
16. If something annoys you, be patient, remain silent, restrain your emotions. Don't cut everything from the very beginning. Just let the person speak, and you will pay attention to those moments that appeal to you. At the end of the conversation, notify your opponent that you will think about what was said.
17. Make it your motto: be interested in people rather than arouse their interest.
18. Smile.
19. Address the person by their full name. This is much nicer than hearing an abbreviated name or some nickname. This way you show respect for his personality.
20. Try to end the conversation in such a way that the person remains in a good mood.
21. Learn to forgive.
Apply these rules to improve your own relationships with others. Don't try to cover the whole spectrum, start practicing little by little so that you can eventually do everything. Once you achieve perfection, people will be grateful and reciprocate.

Most people believe, and especially pay a lot of attention in recommendations on how to achieve success, that productivity is based on effective time management. It would seem that everything is simple - you spend less time on nonsense, more time on achieving your goals. However, if you look at the experience of people who have achieved outstanding results in art, politics and business, it becomes clear that the key to their success is definitely not that they spent more time working than others, although thousands of other entrepreneurs and start-ups did not work Fewer hours on your projects.

It turns out that time management is, at a minimum, not the secret of success and not even the most significant tool for achieving goals. It’s logical - I can effectively plan my day as much as I want, manage to do a lot of things, and maybe even set priorities correctly, but this does not guarantee me results at all, because, in the end, what matters is not how much I manage, but how I manage in a way, individually to my nature and purpose, I do all this. And if it works out great for me, then it’s not at all a fact that it will work out just as well for you, if you take it and do everything as a carbon copy. The conversation here is not about the fact that you don’t need to copy everything and reinvent your wheel in everything, no. It is necessary to express yourself individually, using the experience you already have while simultaneously observing how your energy is embodied in something.

But if effective management own time is not the basis for productivity, then what?


Our key resource is not time, but energy...

Everyone knows that the same thing can be done with different results. Whether you're meeting with partners or working out at the gym, writing a business plan, or just hanging out with friends, the key to the end result is the quality of time spent, not the quantity. Depending on how focused and energized you are to do a particular task, you will get one or another result. You can work out a business strategy in a day, or you can struggle with it for a month to no avail. In the same way, at a meeting you can behave proactively and offer mutually beneficial terms of cooperation, or you can prove everything to everyone or behave passively, but in the end achieve nothing. In the gym, depending on your physical and emotional state, you can work out hard, or you can get injured due to negligence or inattention. Well, in the end, at a meeting with friends you can charge those around you with energy and have fun, or you can personify despondency by staring at your phone.

In all these cases, everything is in order with time management - priorities are set, time is allocated, we do what we need to do. But to make the most of this time, you also need to be motivated and focused. Simply put, in order to do something well, we need energy to do it. Moreover, it is different, both physical, mental and emotional. Unfortunately, unlike our smartphones, we are not able to process incoming information at astronomical speeds around the clock and with stable quality of the result. The work of our body is based on periodization and the regime of constant wear and tear that dictates to us constant flow incoming information and requests from outside leads to the accumulation of fatigue and, as a result, a drop in productivity, no matter how well we plan our day. Without enough energy to implement a plan, it will not be possible to implement it, even if we have a lot of time in stock. And energy is allocated to us only for our tasks and for our method of execution, which we do not know. And if everything happens incorrectly, then the losses will be large - we seem to be “blown away” energetically in order to protect ourselves.

Fortunately, learning how to use your internal resources wisely and replenish them effectively is not difficult.


Firstly, it is important to understand that energy consists of two components - the individual energy structure and the method of its manifestation, and only then - physical readiness for feats working day. At the same time, in absolutely any business, both components are significant. A small trick, in this case, lies in the principle “a healthy mind in a healthy body,” that is, working on your energy state inevitably leads to general increase tone and motivation, which are different for everyone. Conventionally, all people can be divided into two groups - energy and non-energy types, where there are many subgroups with their own characteristics. Therefore, for some, doing something all the time, while for others, doing one thing, but significant and sometimes, makes it possible to achieve results.

Simply put, instead of trying to occupy all your time with activities and be “more productive” as a result, you should understand that you need to alternate periods of hard work with periods of equally hard rest, dumping “energy junk” in order to replenish your energy reserves and be in working order. You can replenish energy in different ways - for some it is reading a fiction book, for others it is active recreation in the fresh air, but you need to rest regularly and without fail. In order to remain in an energetic state day after day and show stability in the results achieved, it is vital to have small rituals as sources of energy replenishment. Taking a walk during lunch, writing down your thoughts in a diary, playing sports, daily solitude, hobbies - all this can serve as a source of motivation and charge, giving strength to achieve your goals. Energy-replenishing activities and rest are also important for business man, as the correct training and nutrition system for a bodybuilder - without them, muscles do not grow.

Therefore, active physical activity is the most important step towards removing the conditioning of the surrounding world and restoring oneself.

Why physical activity and preferably more active than just a walk - because when actively doing something for 30 - 45 minutes, or even more - this is the same as walking quietly for half a day. During active exercise, the entire energy structure is reset and renewed through physics - through leaving the comfort zone (stress) to rest and recovery. Without rest, we only exhaust our strength and work hard to earn money. various problems and future illnesses. The same mechanism also works under active stress and risk, which many people become addicted to in various hobbies, sports, the need for speed - there are many ways, but there are many side effects and great dependence.


Along with the importance of work-rest periodization, it makes sense for many of us to reconsider our approaches to energy expenditure. Often we spend it on unnecessary people, on unnecessary information and on actions that no one needs, depriving ourselves of the opportunity to invest it in what is really important.

In order to avoid this, you need to follow simple rules:

Where the focus of attention is, there is energy. What do you think about, falsely dream, get emotional, get angry, irritated, afraid - these are the main losses! How much energy do you really have in a day?

We often consume information too reactively. We check email on our smartphone first thing in the morning while still in bed, then check social media while driving to work. At work we also sit down email and we spend a whole hour answering letters and processing someone’s requests. Then we go to a meeting and by lunch, we are usually already overloaded with information that comes from outside. The information consumed in this mode is an energy absorber. It is not surprising that there is no strength left to do something truly important and correlated with our own goals and objectives. To avoid this, we can strongly recommend checking email and social networks no earlier than lunch, freeing up time in the first half of the day solely for working on your own goals and desired results.

The ability to correctly define goals and desired results is the most important skill of any busy person. What is business to you and are you in business? It sounds obvious, but often under the pressure of a huge flow of incoming information and requests from the outside, we forget about the main thing - why we do what we do, and what we strive for, and not forget about what exactly needs to be done to achieve them.

A good practice is to allocate time to solve separately strategic and tactical tasks, choose the main priorities and deal with them first. A task is twice as likely to be completed if it is in the first positions.

A very big absorber of energy is the need to meet the high expectations of others, especially loved ones and relatives. Even though they are not next to you at work, unnecessary motivation, like proving to someone that you are better, only leads to all kinds of losses. Moreover, we often fall into the simplest trap - we promise something to someone that we should not have promised. And then this promise hangs like a dead weight, forcing us to think about ourselves and feel guilty if we fail to fulfill it. The problem is that many of us are too eager to please others, taking on unnecessary responsibilities. To prevent this from happening, you need to promise less and do more. And, of course, fulfilling your obligations is the basis of a personal brand. It is important to be aware of this.

Usually, when people understand the need to manage their energy and time, it turns out that they need to develop a number of habits aimed at changing their lives for the better. Get up earlier, go to bed earlier, exercise, read in the evenings, make more phone calls, practice playing the guitar, go to events, etc. There is nothing more pointless than trying to develop all these habits at the same time, in one fell swoop. This is impossible, and after a week of unsuccessful attempts to go to bed earlier, go to the gym and engage in self-education, everything not only returns to normal, but there is a feeling that it is impossible to change the usual way of life. In fact, everything is possible, you just need to develop habits one at a time, one at a time. Start by getting rid of unnecessary dependencies. After this, develop the habit of going to bed earlier. Then give up the need to check email in the morning. Each of these steps causes a huge surge of energy, which inevitably transforms into results and satisfaction from them.

The basis of productivity is energy, motivation and the presence of an internal desire to achieve goals. In order to do something meaningful and feel normal at the same time, it is worth paying attention to our habits, as well as to what, on whom and how we spend our energy. This is ultimately what distinguishes successful people from the unfortunate...

Ecology of business: If you look at the experience of people who have achieved outstanding results in art, politics and business, it becomes clear that the key to their success is definitely not that they spent more time on work

Productivity is believed to be based on effective time management. It would seem that everything is simple - you spend less time on nonsense, more time on achieving your goals. However, if you look at the experience of people who have achieved outstanding results in art, politics and business, it becomes clear that the key to their success is definitely not that they spent more time on work than others. Winston Churchill became a prominent politician, although he worked no more than his predecessors and successors, and Elon Musk became the most prominent modern entrepreneur, although thousands of other entrepreneurs and start-ups worked just as many hours on their projects.

It turns out that time management is, at a minimum, not the secret of success and not even the most significant tool for achieving goals. It’s logical - I can effectively plan my day as much as I want, manage to do a lot of things, and maybe even set priorities correctly, but this does not guarantee me results at all, because, in the end, what matters is not how much I manage, but how well I do do it.

But if managing your time effectively is not the basis for productivity, then what is?

Our key resource is not time, but energy

Captain Business Obviousness reminds that the same thing can be done with different results. Whether you're meeting with partners or working out at the gym, writing a business plan, or just hanging out with friends, the key outcome metric is the quality of time spent, not the quantity. Depending on how focused and energized you are to do a particular task, you will get one or another result. You can work out a business strategy in a day, or you can struggle with it for a month to no avail. In the same way, at a meeting you can behave proactively and offer mutually beneficial terms of cooperation, or you can behave passively and sit like a vegetable. In the gym, depending on your physical and emotional state, you can work out hard, or you can get injured due to simple inattention. Well, in the end, at a meeting with friends you can charge those around you with energy and have fun, or you can personify despondency by staring at your phone.

In all these cases, everything is in order with time management - priorities are set, time is allocated, we do what we should do, and do not procrastinate. But to make the most of this time, you also need to be motivated and focused. Simply put, in order to do something well, we need energy to do it. And both physical and emotional. Unfortunately, unlike our smartphones, we are not able to process incoming information at astronomical speeds around the clock and with stable quality of the result. The work of our body is based on periodization and the regime of constant wear and tear, which dictates to us a constant flow of incoming information and requests from the outside, leads to the accumulation of fatigue and, as a result, a drop in productivity, no matter how well we plan our day. Without enough energy to implement a plan, it will not be possible to implement it, even if we have a lot of time in stock.

Fortunately, learning how to use your internal resources wisely and replenish them effectively is not difficult.

Energy management

Firstly, it is important to understand that energy consists of two components - the body’s physical readiness for the feats of the working day and its emotional readiness. At the same time, in absolutely any business, both components are significant. A small trick, in this case, lies in the principle “a healthy mind in a healthy body,” that is, working on your physical condition inevitably leads to a general increase in tone and motivation. Therefore, the gym is the first and probably the most important step to increase the capacity of both physical and emotional energy.

Why the most important is because the principles of replenishing and increasing the capacity of physical and emotional energy are the same. Just as in the gym we train our muscles to become stronger, so our moral and emotional abilities are trained according to the same principles. As in fitness, increasing mental resilience, internal motivation and drive is based on the principle of periodizing stress and recovering from it.

In the gym, we first load the body (stress), and then give it a rest (recovery). Muscle growth and an increase in their endurance occur during the process of rest, because the muscles are deformed, adapting to the increased load. Without rest, muscles do not grow and work for wear. It’s the same with motivation - on the one hand, you need to experience stress (usually called leaving the comfort zone), and on the other, you need to give time for recovery in order to continue working with renewed vigor.

Simply put, instead of trying to occupy all your time with activities and be “more productive,” you should realize that you need to alternate periods of hard work with periods of equally hard rest in order to replenish your energy reserves and be in a fully functional state in the process work. You can replenish energy in different ways - for some it is reading a fiction book, for others it is active recreation in the fresh air, but you need to rest regularly and without fail. Helps you create meetings with yourself on your calendar and thereby reserve time to recuperate.

In order to remain in an energetic state day after day and show stability in the results achieved, it is vital to have small rituals as sources of energy replenishment. Taking a walk during lunch, writing your own thoughts in a diary, playing sports, daily communication with family, hobbies - all this can serve as a source of motivation and charge, giving strength to achieve your goals. Energy-replenishing activities and rest are as important for a business person as a proper training and nutrition system for a bodybuilder - without them, muscles do not grow.

How to avoid wasting energy

Along with the importance of work-rest periodization, it makes sense for many of us to reconsider our approaches to energy expenditure. Often we spend it on unnecessary people, on unnecessary information and on actions that no one needs, depriving ourselves of the opportunity to invest it in what is really important.

In order to avoid this, you need to adhere to simple principles:

The ability to correctly define goals and desired results is the most important skill of any busy person. It sounds obvious, but often under the pressure of a huge flow of incoming information and requests from the outside, we forget about the main thing - why we do what we do and what we strive for. As a matter of fact, Chaos Control was created precisely in order to always have both your goals in front of your eyes and not to forget about what exactly needs to be done to achieve them

We often consume information too reactively. We check email on our smartphone first thing in the morning while still in bed, then check social media while driving to work. At work, we also sit down to email and spend an hour answering emails and processing someone's requests. Then we go to a meeting and by lunch, we are usually already overloaded with information that comes from outside. The information consumed in this mode is an energy absorber. It is not surprising that there is no strength left to do something truly important and correlated with our own goals and objectives. To avoid this, we can strongly recommend checking email and social networks no earlier than lunch, freeing up time in the first half of the day exclusively for working on your own goals and desired results

A good practice is to allocate time slots in the calendar to solve specific strategically important tasks. A task is twice as likely to be completed if it is not only on your daily to-do list, but also on your calendar. If you know for sure that you are working on developing requirements for a new version of a product from 9 to 11 in the morning, then it will be easier for you to refuse the temptation to check your email at this time and waste internal energy on thoughts like “now I’ll answer a colleague and then I’ll sit down for the requirements " Plus, having this on your calendar will make it easier for you to schedule a 15-minute break between 11 and 11:15 to recharge and move on to the next thing.

A very big absorber of energy is the need to meet the high expectations of others. Moreover, we often fall into the simplest trap - we promise someone something that they should not have asked us for, and that we should not have promised. And after that, this promise hangs like a dead weight around our necks, forcing us to think about ourselves and feel guilty if we fail to fulfill it. The problem is that many of us are too eager to please others, taking on unnecessary responsibilities. To prevent this from happening, you need to promise less and do more. And, of course, fulfilling your obligations is the basis of a personal brand. It is important to be aware of this

Typically, when people understand the need to manage their energy (and time), they find that they need to develop a number of habits aimed at changing their lives for the better. Get up earlier, go to bed earlier, exercise, read in the evenings, call family and friends more often, practice playing the guitar, go to events, etc. There is nothing more pointless than trying to develop all these habits at the same time, in one fell swoop. This is impossible, and after a week of unsuccessful attempts to go to bed earlier, go to the gym and engage in self-education, everything not only returns to normal, but there is a feeling that it is impossible to change the usual way of life.

In fact, everything is possible, you just need to develop habits one at a time, one at a time. Start by getting rid of your addiction social networks, For example. After this, develop the habit of going to bed earlier. Then give up the need to check email in the morning. Each of these steps causes a huge surge of energy, which inevitably transforms into results and satisfaction from them.

The basis of productivity is energy, motivation and the will to achieve goals. In order to do something meaningful and feel normal at the same time, it is worth paying attention to our habits, as well as to what, on whom and how we spend our energy. This is ultimately what separates successful people from unsuccessful ones. published

Whatever one may say, it makes sense for many of us to reconsider our approaches to energy expenditure. Often we spend it on unnecessary people, on unnecessary information and on actions that no one needs, depriving ourselves of the opportunity to invest it in what is really important.

In order to avoid this, you need to adhere to simple principles:

The ability to correctly define goals and desired results is the most important skill of any busy person. It sounds obvious, but often under the pressure of a huge flow of incoming information and requests from the outside, we forget about the main thing - why we do what we do and what we strive for.

We often consume information too reactively. We check email on our smartphone first thing in the morning while still in bed, then check social media while driving to work. At work, we also sit down to email and spend an hour answering emails and processing someone's requests. Then we go to a meeting and by lunch, we are usually already overloaded with information that comes from outside. The information consumed in this mode is an energy absorber. It is not surprising that there is no strength left to do something truly important and coinciding with our own goals and objectives. To prevent this from happening, we strongly recommend Check email and social media no earlier than lunch, freeing up time in the morning solely to work on your own goals and desired results.

A good practice is to allocate time slots on the calendar for solving specific strategically important tasks. A task is twice as likely to be completed if it is not only on your daily to-do list, but also on your calendar. If you know for sure that you are working on developing requirements for a new version of a product from 9 to 11 in the morning, then it will be easier for you to refuse the temptation to check your email at this time and waste internal energy on thoughts like “now I’ll answer a colleague and then I’ll sit down for the requirements " Plus, having this on your calendar will make it easier to schedule a 15-minute break between 11 and 11:15 to recharge and move on to the next thing.

A very big absorber of energy is the need to meet the high expectations of others. Moreover, we often fall into the simplest trap - we promise someone something that they should not have asked us for, and that we should not have promised. And after that, this promise hangs like a dead weight around our necks, forcing us to think about ourselves and feel guilty if we fail to fulfill it. The problem is that many of us are too eager to please others, taking on unnecessary responsibilities. To prevent this from happening, you need to promise less and do more. And, of course, fulfilling your obligations is the basis of a personal brand. It is important to be aware of this.

Typically, when people understand the need to manage their energy (and time), they find that they need to develop a number of habits aimed at changing their lives for the better. Get up earlier, go to bed earlier, exercise, read in the evenings, call family and friends more often, practice playing the guitar, go to events, etc. There is nothing more pointless than trying to develop all these habits at the same time, in one fell swoop. This is impossible, and after a week of unsuccessful attempts to go to bed earlier, go to the gym and engage in self-education, everything not only returns to normal, but there is a feeling that it is impossible to change the usual way of life.

In fact, everything is possible, simple habits need to be developed one at a time, one at a time. Start by getting rid of your addiction to social networks, for example. After this, develop the habit of going to bed earlier. Then give up the need to check email in the morning. Each of these steps causes a huge surge of energy, which inevitably transforms into results and satisfaction from them.

The basis of productivity is energy, motivation and the will to achieve goals. In order to do something meaningful and feel normal at the same time, it is worth paying attention to our habits, as well as to what, on whom and how we spend our energy. This is ultimately what separates successful people from unsuccessful ones.

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