Floating market - market on the water or floating market in Pattaya, photo, description, Floating market on the map. Floating market in Pattaya - what is interesting and how to get there? What is interesting about the floating market in Pattaya

Near Pattaya, near the Sukhumvit highway, there is a very colorful market. Its highlight is that it stands entirely on the water. The market was built above the surface of the water in 2008 and in five years grew to 100,000 square meters. meters. Under its arches you can find goods from the four corners of Thailand and have a great time. And you don’t have to be a fan of shopping to enjoy visiting this very interesting place.

This is not just a shopping center. The floating market is also a picturesque backdrop for special events: national holidays, music concerts, fashion shows, theatrical performances and folk festivals.

Floating market area

Pattaya Floating Market is a very unusual structure. This is an intricate tandem of wooden buildings, located on numerous stilts. Anyone can freely visit the market; there is no entrance fee, but there are always special chests for donations at the entrance. You can move around the market either on foot or on a special boat. You can arrange a boat ride with Thai “gondoliers” at the entrance.

Don't think that this is an ordinary market with endless shopping arcades. This place is decorated with beautiful fountains, various figures of animals and people, religious figurines and even windmills. You definitely need to take a camera with you, because even a non-professional will find many unusual angles and views on the market.

Despite the traditional appearance of the market, the fruits of civilization are not alien to it. On site you can always cash out at an ATM, watch a movie in a 4D cinema, and numerous route maps will prevent visitors from getting lost.

The water market is a great place for a pleasant walk with family and friends, and locals enjoy spending weekends here with their entire families. Here, guests of the kingdom will not feel like this is just another place for tourists; they will simply get lost in the crowd of local residents. Sometimes, while walking through the market, you can witness religious rituals.

What can you buy?

Even the succinct phrase “everything is here” is not able to describe the list of goods offered on market stalls. Here you can find souvenirs, clothes, perfumes, medicines, furniture, and silk products... And of course, they will always provide you with hearty and tasty food. It is noteworthy that in addition to traditional establishments on stilts, there are also mobile cafes on the water. Right on the boats, which are moored in an orderly manner at a special bridge, Thai masters create and sell their culinary masterpieces. And even lovers of unusual dishes will be able to find dishes to suit their taste: in the market you can find stalls with fried beetles, scorpions and caterpillars, try snake soup and crocodile steak.

Working hours

The market opens its doors at 8 am and until 9 pm you can enjoy this unusual place.

How to get to the floating market?

Independent tourists can get to the market by songthaew (tuk-tuk), which runs in the opposite direction from Bangkok along Sukhumvit. You need to drive towards the Makro store and drive a little further than the aquarium. The market is located to the left of the road. In any case, it is difficult to drive past it.

Various events take place on the territory of the Floating Market:

  • Boat Parade: 10:00 - 11:00
  • Contemporary Thai music: 11:30 - 12:00, 12:30 - 13:00, 18:30 - 19:00
  • Boxing over water: 13:15 -13:45, 15:15 - 15:45, 17:00 - 17:30
  • Ancient Boxing (Tap-Chak): 14:00 - 14:30
  • Parade musical groups by boat: 14:30 - 15:30, 16:30 - 16:45, 17:15 - 17:45
  • Boat race: 18:00 - 18:15


Photo of the market

How to get to the Floating Market

1. By your own transport.

If you are or, then getting to the Floating Market is very easy. It is located about 10 minutes from Pattaya along the Sukhumvit Highway (if you drive from its intersection with Theprasit Street). You need to move south towards and. The floating market is located 100 meters before Sukhumvit narrows to two lanes. The second landmark is a large number of buses on the left side. Well, the third is the “Floating Market” inscription itself and huge ship. It’s impossible not to notice all this, the main thing is to look to the left when you drive.

2. Public transport.

You can get there by the ones that go around Sukhumvit,

Also motorcycle taxi or tuk-tuk taxi. In this case, it is better to say what you need in the “Water Market”, since the word “Floating” is unfamiliar to taxi drivers.

Ticket prices

There is a fee to visit the Floating Market, cost entrance tickets- 200 baht. Additionally, you can pay for a Thai buffet - 150 baht for adults and 100 baht for children.

Tickets are sold at a small discount on this website. There you can also buy complex tickets, which in addition to entry may include: boat ride, photography in Thai costumes, zip-lining and others.

In the fall of 2008, the world's largest water market opened in Pattaya, which became a favorite destination for millions of tourists. In all of Thailand there is no longer such a huge and colorful market. Every day, hundreds of traders bring here products from four regions of the state, and during the high season you can find sellers from all over Southeast Asia. The market is not limited to just stalls; there are many more interesting places.

The largest water market in Thailand occupies an area of ​​100 thousand square meters. You can get around it in 20 minutes, but no one succeeds, since you have to stop at almost every counter. The entire market is evenly divided into four islands, each of which represents a different part of Thailand - north, south, center and east.

You can move around the market area on foot along bridges or by boat on the water. Both options are interesting and each of them is worth a try. But traveling by boat costs 800 baht.

Trade tents, shops and cafes are traditional houses that are driven on stilts and float above the water. It is here that you can experience the entire culture of Thailand, since fishing villages near the sea or lake were built in exactly this architectural style.

A floating market often plays a leading role when choosing a place to organize a special event, including public holidays, folk festivals or concert performances. Therefore, you can get to a grandiose cultural event for Thailand.

The market is decorated with numerous additions such as fountains, figurines, windmills and numerous animal figures. Despite what the market represents ancient culture Thailand, everything is modern here, there are ATMs, a cinema, guidebooks and numerous signs.

What can you buy on the market?

On the territory of the floating market in Pattaya there are more than a hundred shops where you can buy products for every taste and color. Sellers bring clothes, shoes, goods from all over Thailand self made from natural fabrics and silk, jewelry and accessories.

Thai merchants offer to buy fresh exotic fruits directly from the boats, many of which cannot be found on others. Special attention should be paid to stores that sell medicines made only from traditional natural ingredients.

Most often you can find Thai souvenirs at the market. Small porcelain figurines, elephants of various sizes, vases, decorative jewelry, household goods, and beautiful hand-carved wood products are on sale.

In addition to shopping, you can see other interesting things at the floating market:

  • beautiful paintings and handicrafts from Thai masters;
  • temple of Indian God;
  • performance of Thai dances from professional masters and their students;
  • Thai boxing, some fights are held in the air over water;
  • visit a classic Thai massage;
  • zip line flight across the lake.

Food at the floating market

Small cafes have been built on the water and food stalls have been set up. In most cases, only national dishes can be tasted at the floating market. To get an idea of ​​average prices, a full meal of soup and rice with chicken will cost you 50 baht.

It is customary to sit on the floor near many cafes; there are separate places with tables and rugs. They are convenient because you can get together in one big group and occupy an entire island at once. Most often sold in such places fast food like fast food.

This accommodation option was invented by the market owners, because a lot of excursion buses with tourists from Japan and China come here. Many of them don’t even walk around the market, but go straight to lunch or dinner.


In the first two to three years after opening, prices in the market were the same as in the city markets of Pattaya. But after this place became very popular among tourists, the prices here became an order of magnitude higher. For some things, for example, souvenirs, the markup is almost 3 times.

Prices here for clothes, shoes and food are quite reasonable. Fruits and other exotic products are sold here in large quantities and 1.5 times cheaper than in large retail networks and supermarkets.

Traditional dishes can be purchased on passing boats for a small price. For example, crocodile kebabs will cost you only 20 baht. Small sticks with squid cost about 10-15 baht.

It is not profitable to buy in large quantities at a floating market; it is better to do this in city supermarkets and shopping centers. It’s worth going to the floating market for new sensations and sightseeing.

Working hours

The market is open every day, on weekends and holidays. The first stalls may already be open at 9am, but the market's official opening hours are 10am to 9pm.

Cost of visit

The official cost of visiting the floating market is 200 baht. Tickets are sold at the main entrance and must be passed through a ticket inspector.

But you can get to the market for free, for example, after 19-00 the ticket office closes and entry to the market becomes free. The downside is that by this time more than half of the traders have already left, but you can get into the entertainment organized here. Another free way to get to the market is not to enter from the main entrance, but to go around it on the right side.

How to get there?

The floating market is located 1.5 kilometers from Pattaya in the Banglamung area on Chonburi Street. This area is considered a continuation of the major street of Pattaya - Sukhumvit Road. If you drive from the central part of the resort, for example, from the intersection of Theprasit Street and Sukhumvit Road, the journey by tuk-tuk will take no more than 10 minutes.

You can get to the floating market not only by tuk-tuk, but also by motorbike and taxi. The first option is the cheapest - 20 per person. A landmark for the exit can be a large ship installed at the entrance or a large inscription - Floating Market. It is best for taxi drivers to call the place “Water Market”, since many people do not know the word “floating”. The cost of a taxi trip is on average 100-150 baht, depending on the departure area.

Floating wound on the map

For the exact location of the floating market near Pattaya, see this map.

If you want to enjoy shopping in an unusual place, not in a typical one mall, then you definitely need to visit the floating market. Here you will plunge into the true flavor of Thai culture, see traditional folk crafts and sports competitions.

Today we will talk about the floating market in Pattaya (in English floating market in Pattaya) - unusual in an unusual place.

About the floating market in Pattaya

floating market or Floating market was opened in Pattaya in 2008 year, it represents retail space more than 100,000 sq. meters built on water. This market is home to the Thai spirit, Thai traditions and customs, and you are guaranteed unusual sensations and impressions. This market brought together traders from all over 4 corners of Thailand, here you will find handmade items, souvenirs, silk products, and you can also taste various Thai dishes that are sold directly on the boats. In addition, you can take a trip on local boats around the market.

Entrance to the market is free, so anyone can visit here.

You can also see various shows here, such as boxing over water and on stage, or Thai traditional dances, and much, much more.

And of course, for many here there will be an opportunity to plunge into.

After walking around the market, you can go to one of the cafes and have a snack, or sit down and watch various shows with the locals, for example, listen to the pirate Jack Sparrow as he sings and plays his harmonica and glasses.

Among other things, you can try crocodile kebabs for 20 baht, which are sold by a local merchant on his boat.

For seafood lovers, there are squid kebabs, prices from 10 baht and above.

Here you can also buy freshly squeezed juice from the most interesting Thai fruits; for a small bottle you will have to pay from 20 baht.

Prices at the floating market

Prices here are almost identical to city ones, so I don’t recommend going here to buy cheaper, sometimes it’s much more expensive here than in the city or in shopping centers.

Floating market on the map

How to get to the floating market

It’s very easy to get to the floating market either by taxi, or go to Sukhumvit Road and there, depending on your location, take a white tuk-tuk that will take you to the place for 10 baht, the main thing is to get off on time.

Well, that’s probably all, if you have any questions about the floating market, write to me, I’ll try to answer.

Thailand's floating markets are, first of all, a piece of the folk culture and identity of the Asian state. It developed historically, thanks to the many water tributaries of the Chao Phraya River and artificial canals necessary for traditional rice cultivation.

The history of floating markets

Thais have long used water spaces as transport routes; they are a means of communication, transportation of various utensils and trade. Most cities in Siam were built on rivers and connected to villages through canals.

The villagers delivered all kinds of goods for sale to the townspeople, making trade deals directly on the boats. Large concentrations of sellers and buyers turned into a kind of floating markets, where you could buy and sell everything you needed for everyday life.

From a familiar and necessary way of life, they have turned into national attractions and places of entertainment for a huge number of tourists visiting this country. This is an extraordinary sight - narrow river canals filled with numerous boats with a variety of exotic goods, strange fruits, and delicious food.

Features of the floating market in Pattaya

The water market, which is located about 10 km from the center of Pattaya, arose relatively recently, only about nine years ago, but is currently one of the largest and most visited floating markets in Thailand.

The area of ​​the territory is approximately one hundred thousand square meters. m and is divided into four districts, each of which represents the main regions of the state and presents goods that reflect the characteristics of this particular part of the country.

In the Central part they offer products made from teak, bamboo, a variety of wicker souvenirs and even furniture. The northern area is famous for its carved wooden toys, paper Thai umbrellas and silver jewelry. In the east, silk and national triangular pillows are sold briskly, and in the south, the bulk of the income comes from the sale of brightly colored batik and coconut crafts.

The floating market consists of many teak houses built on stilts, similar to small ferries, between which you can move along special paths and bridges, forming entire galleries and performance areas. But if you want to fully immerse yourself in real Thai exoticism, they will provide you with an inexpensive boat on which you will spend an unforgettable shopping experience. On the territory of the market there are about 100 different shops, mini bars, Asian restaurants and all kinds of souvenir shops.

Floating market in Pattaya on the map

Exotic food

First of all, the Thai bazaar is an abundance of unusual products and exotic food. Here you can see and buy never-before-seen vegetables and fruits, fish and seafood, and taste masterpieces of national cuisine. If in doubt about the choice of a particular delicacy, a tasting is offered.

You can be fed directly on the water; boat mini-kitchens are constantly running here, where your order will be quickly and efficiently prepared. Here you can try rice with mango, noodles with shrimp, enjoy skewers of crocodile or squid meat, skillfully cooked on the grill, try unusual Thai ice cream, similar to mush and served in small glasses.

If you want to eat in comfort, you can move to a cozy European-style cafe or have a Thai lunch, just sitting on a wooden floor with the locals. Natural juices and fresh juices are very popular among drinks; they are made before your eyes from various exotic fruits, and they are relatively inexpensive. But then, you can brag to your friends that you ate mangosteen or rambutan, tamarind or jackfruit!

Other pleasant pleasures

After a delicious lunch, you can relax and enjoy professional Thai massage therapists. In decent salons you will be offered several types of pleasure - classic Thai, foot massage and even an unusual facial massage using special threads. Under the constant and measured chatter of local masseuses, you can have a good rest and even take a nap.

In addition to gastronomic temptations, there are, of course, souvenir temptations for every tourist. Everyone will find something to their liking here. All kinds of carved figurines, jewelry, national attributes, clothing, woven and silk products - everything is made by Thai craftsmen with great skill and love.

It is simply impossible to resist such beauty and temptation. Although the prices here are a little higher than in regular shops in Thailand, souvenirs bought here will take their rightful place in your collection and will remind you of the vibrant and exotic atmosphere of the floating market in Pattaya.

Fun at the floating market

But many visitors come here not to shop, but to spend an interesting and educational time, plunging into the national exotica. Beautiful photographs can be taken against the backdrop of architectural landmarks - a small temple of the Indian god Ganesha and near Buddha statues. However, photos against the backdrop of colorful boats and other floating structures will also allow you to feel all the local charm and originality.

This floating market is famous for its entertaining shows for every taste. Here you can enjoy wonderful local dances performed by professional dancers, watch a Thai boxer fight, fly over the water on a zipline, visit art galleries, and take part in various performances that reflect the cultural traditions and flavor of Thailand.

How to get to the market

You can get to the floating market using any type of transport, be it a taxi or a local tuk-tuk. And it works every day from ten in the morning to nine in the evening, so there is enough time for shopping and for a wonderful holiday in folk Thai style.