Village tourism in Russia. How to organize green tourism I want to go to the village rural tourism in contact

If earlier vacations were always associated with the hot south and the sea, then in the modern world those who want to relax are given a lot of interesting options. And rural tourism (also known as rural or agrotourism) occupies a worthy place among them. This is a great opportunity for a city dweller to change their surroundings, take a break from their usual environment, and be alone with nature and with themselves.

What does rural tourism offer?

A classic of the genre is living in a wooden hut or in a small but at the same time quite spacious stone house in nature, far from civilization. Very often there is a forest or lake, river, meadow nearby. You can spend the night in the hayloft. As a rule, tourists are invited to completely share the everyday life of villagers, although this depends on the specific program. Some tours only involve relaxation: the host will take care of all the activities.

The list of entertainment is of great interest for obvious reasons. Again, everything greatly depends on the specific tourist farm and program. Here's a short list:

2. Sometimes it is planned to visit local historical, architectural and natural attractions. It all depends on where the farm is located.

3. Often the program includes boating on a river, pond or lake. Ponds are found quite often. Just don't forget about safety!

4. Participation in various national entertainments, folk rituals, and traditions is in great demand. It’s very fun, for example, to celebrate Maslenitsa in the village.

6. Many people enjoy communicating with animals. In Russia it is not difficult to find farms where they keep not only goats or cows, but also horses, ponies, etc. Children are usually delighted with such leisure time.

7. Forest hikes are also common. You can look for mushrooms, berries, flowers or medicinal plants. True, to collect the latter you need appropriate preparation.

Naturally, all this does not exclude passive rest. Village tourism is good because it allows you to change your environment and completely immerse yourself in another world. After such adventures, returning to civilization can be especially pleasant.

Who is village tourism suitable for?

If you can’t imagine a vacation without all the benefits of civilization, then this option most likely will not be to your liking. But if the craving for nature and simple rural joys is very strong, then it’s worth trying at least once.

Village tourism differs from a regular trip to a village in that it is a service. You can discuss everything in advance. And if you are not attracted to working in the garden or, say, cooking on your own, then no one bothers to discuss such moments. When visiting relatives, it can be awkward to refuse to help. As a result, weekends are often spent on repairs, cleaning, or other matters.

Village tourism is first and foremost a form of recreation. You can choose for yourself what you like and what you don’t. And no one will be offended.

Benefits of rural tourism

Organized trips to the countryside are often cheaper than a visit to another country. In addition, to change the environment, you don’t have to fill out a bunch of documents and spend time and money on it. And you won’t have to go through acclimatization, which is important. And rural tourism also helps to understand and love one’s native country, to see its richness and diversity. In a word, this is an interesting way to relax and change the scenery.

Currently, rural green tourism is actively developing. This has a positive effect on the formation of citizenship and patriotism of citizens of the Russian Federation. What is rural tourism in Russia? This is a vacation option that allows travelers to live away from the metropolis, its constant traffic jams, exhaust fumes, and dust. Tourists can enjoy in rural areas ecologically clean climate.

Rural tourism in Russia is also interesting for those citizens who have never lived in a village, but dream of getting acquainted with the peculiarities of life.

Important points

Currently, green tourism in Russia is still developing, but it prerequisite is the residence of vacationers on farms, in villages where there are no modern amenities of civilization: multi-storey buildings, industry. Houses or rooms are rented to tourists with simple furniture, kitchen utensils, and bedding. You can rent housing for any period, starting from 1-2 days.


Why is rural tourism becoming more and more popular in Russia? A vacationer who chooses this type of vacation dreams of peace, harmony, and silence. Residents of large cities want to try delicious country food made from... natural products. The infrastructure of this type of tourism must have all the necessary conditions:

    convenient transport links;

    leisure sector;

    information services.

A plus will be the presence of a tavern or cafe in the village (village), where vacationers can communicate with local residents in the evening.


What are the advantages of rural tourism in Russia? This includes going to the forest to pick mushrooms and berries, swimming in a lake or river, fishing, hunting, boating. No tourist can resist traditional village cuisine and a real Russian bathhouse. Travelers will be able to taste rye bread, kvass, porridge, honey, and borscht. Tourists can take part in agricultural work, harvesting, and folk festivals.

Anyone can learn to milk a cow, weave baskets from vines, and ride a horse.

The target audience

Who prefers rural tourism today? Where in Russia can such people relax? Let us dwell on these issues in more detail, given the growing popularity of this type of tourism. People who have already traveled around the world and now want a measured and relaxing holiday prefer to spend their holidays in the village. First of all, these are residents of megacities, tired of systematic stress, noise, and the frantic pace of life. They prefer rural pleasure to European resorts and trips around the world. clean air, communication with nature.

Married couples with children flock to the village. Children growing up in large cities can not only enjoy fresh air, but also learn various village tricks: milking a cow, picking mushrooms, fishing. This type of tourism is suitable for both older people and young people.

Pages of history

Rural tourism appeared in Europe in the 19th century - in Great Britain, Hungary, and the Czech Republic. Europeans were able to identify not only the advantages of such activities, but also the opportunity to receive stable income. Recreation in ancient mills and ancient monasteries is most popular in Europe and is currently popular. What is the secret of the demand for rural tourism? This type of holiday allows a person to change their living conditions and plunge into the harsh life of the village.

While ethnic tours in Russia are not yet as developed as abroad, but rapid growth of this type of recreation is observed in Karelia, Krasnodar Territory, Crimea, Pskov region. There are interesting offers for nature lovers in Altai. There are many unique places in Russia, so there are excellent prospects for the development of rural tourism. Travelers show interest in this particular vacation option; they strive to get to remote villages that are untouched by civilization.

Complex "Konovalovo"

Let's dwell on brief description some places in the Russian Federation where you can enjoy fresh air and relax after hard city everyday life. Eco-hotel "Konovalovo" opened in 2009. It is located in the village of Stepankovo ​​(Moscow region). Eco-hotel "Konovalovo" offers guests 25 rooms and cottages with private access to the ponds. Regardless of the room category, it has modern furniture and appliances to make the holiday of ecotourism fans carefree and comfortable. The windows of the rooms offer beautiful views, which makes the relaxation atmosphere unique.

There is a restaurant on site that serves dishes made from natural farm products. On the cozy terrace you can sit with family and friends, enjoying barbecue prepared by yourself.

Fans of dairy products can visit the production workshop to try a variety of yoghurts, sour cream, and cottage cheese. The complex has free parking, internet access, and a children's playground. In winter, you can rent ski equipment and go for a walk through the fairytale forest. In summer, fans of this recreation option enjoy fishing. Not far from the Konovalovo Hotel there is the Alexander Nevsky Chapel. You can get to the complex from Moscow by road in 1.5-2 hours.

The eco-farm, located on the territory of Konovalovo, offers environmentally friendly food products:

    fresh meat;

  • The following services are offered to fishing fans:

    • boat rental;

      fishing rod rental;


      fishing gear.

    Families who come to the eco-hotel with small children can use the playground with slides, swings, and sandbox. While parents enjoy the fresh air on the benches, kids can “bake pies” and treat them to moms and dads. In addition to the children's playground, there is a small zoo with pets, a playroom, and a pond for swimming in the summer.

    Gastronomic journey

    Gastronomic agrotourism in the Moscow region is becoming increasingly popular. You can taste Zaraysk cheeses at the Cosa Nostra farm. They have been producing goat cheese here for about ten years.

    The animals eat natural food and graze along the Dubna River in flooded meadows. The farm raises goats of the Ango-Nubian breed, distinguished by drooping ears. What attracts travelers to agrotourism in the Moscow region? Zaraisk cheeses are a real delicacy that many fans of natural food dream of tasting. You can not only taste cheeses, but also buy one of the unique products. Among the varieties that are in demand among tourists:

      “Golovkoff Cheese” aged one year.

      "Chevre" with Spanish olives.


    The cheese factory is located in the village of Golovkovo-Maryino. When purchasing cheeses, a tour of the farm is free. For a small fee you can also order a photo session with the goats.

    Siroty Cheese Factory

    It opened in the fall of 2015 in the village of Dubrovskaya, Moscow region. On the initiative of the owner of the cheese factory, Oleg Sirota, annual cheese festivals are held in the Istra district. The farm store offers fans of gastronomic tourism about ten varieties of cheese, milk, natural yoghurts with berries, and kvass. The cheese factory has panoramic windows, so during the tour tourists can watch the cheese making process. You can also chat with rabbits, kids, and calves, which are in the home zoo.

    Complex "EcoVillage"

    It is located near Kolomna. Having been here, you can get acquainted with different animals: from snails to crocodile. The excursion to the snail farm is dedicated to the peculiarities of growing and processing snails. If you wish, you can attend a master class and bake a French delicacy with butter and spices using your own lessons. Nutritionists say that snails contain magnesium, calcium, and iron, which are easily absorbed by the human body.

    Cheese is also made on the farm in small quantities, so travelers have the opportunity to try a tasting set of brine cheese, ricotta, and suluguni. Goat farm "EcoDerevushka" offers aromatic and healthy goat cheeses. While parents are busy with tasting and a master class on preparing snails, the kids master the technology of milking goats and get acquainted with the peculiarities of the farming profession.

    “EcoVillage” is located in the Moscow region, in the village of Parfentyevo.

    Holiday options in Crimea

    This region is one of the most attractive for fans of unique natural landscapes. Tourism in Crimea is developing every day. If earlier fans of beach holidays flocked here, now last years Travelers are choosing other recreation options instead of wellness and sunbathing.

    For example, walking trismus in Crimea involves walking along mountain paths and the opportunity to enjoy the unique nature. Many travel companies offer several routes for fans of such holidays.

    The main attraction of Crimea are the mountains. Tourists are offered an excursion to unique caves with several floors, underground rivers, and lakes. Speleotourism involves both studying caves from a scientific point of view and acquiring positive emotions from the landscapes seen.

    Rock climbing fans flock to Crimea to improve their physical skills and test their psychological readiness for difficult routes. The season starts in April and continues until autumn. It is in Crimea that various rock climbing competitions are held.

    Among the types of active recreation offered in this region, cycling tourism is also of interest. The southwestern part of Crimea is considered the optimal place for beginner cyclists.

    Professionals head to the southern part of the Crimean Peninsula, where there are many narrow mountain paths that only masters can navigate.

    Another type of tourism in Crimea is aeronautics. There are many air routes that allow fans of eco-tourism to enjoy picturesque landscapes.

    Russia is rightfully proud of this region. The tourism sector in Crimea is on the rise. Travelers from different parts of the globe flock to Feodosia, Kerch, and Simferopol, dreaming of admiring the magnificent nature with mountains and rocks, and swimming in the Black Sea.

    Feodosia hosts annual aeronautics sports tours. The demand for this type of tourism is growing. “My Russia” is a travel agency offering a variety of holiday options in Crimea. For example, you can learn to control a paraglider, and then see with your own eyes the inhabitants of the seabed: mollusks, fish. Offering underwater excursions that fascinate travelers from the first minutes is “My Russia,” a travel agency specializing in organizing “green vacations” within the country. You can not only choose an excursion with diving elements, but also take a training master class this species tourism.

    When analyzing this region, equestrian tourism cannot be ignored. There are quite a few equestrian centers operating on the territory of Crimea, which offer travelers an additional set of services: overnight accommodation, meals.

    Rural tourism is also becoming an interesting and popular area. Travelers relax in villages characterized by environmentally friendly nature. Once in such a settlement, the tourist finds himself in a peaceful and measured village life, devoid of the bustle of the city.

    Let's sum it up

    How can green tourism be organized in Russia? Residents of large industrial cities tend to leave after difficult working months and constant stress as far as possible from civilization. What is the usual rhythm of life for rural residents, city dwellers call exotic, for which they are willing to pay money.

    Demand creates supply. Ecological recreation is considered a trend of our time. The settlement should be located away from industrial facilities and multi-storey buildings. Travelers prefer picturesque landscapes, the opportunity to swim in a lake or river, enjoy clean air and perfect silence, and walk along mountain or forest paths.

    A house equipped for ecotourism should not have modern things. Foreigners and city dwellers accustomed to luxury are delighted by wooden walls, natural furniture, a well, a bathhouse, and pets.

    An additional bonus will be the inclusion of natural homemade products in the menu, the opportunity to independently milk a cow (goat), pick berries (strawberries, raspberries, wild strawberries), and prepare feed for livestock (mow the grass).

    Vegetables and fruits from the plot, fresh milk and meat from the nearest farm, natural honey, homemade pickles - these are mandatory attributes of high-quality rural tourism. It is important to think through and entertainment program, taking into account the requests of guests, their willingness to spend time participating in master classes and ethnic festivals. Those activities that seem ordinary and routine to villagers are the most exciting activities for city dwellers. That is why ecotourism includes the opportunity for a traveler to milk a goat or cow on his own, feed livestock, remove manure, and weed out weeds in a strawberry patch.

    IN Russian Federation There are many areas with unique nature where city dwellers would love to go. That is why green tourism is currently promising direction, numerous routes are being developed, eco-villages are being built.

Agrotourism or rural tourism has been developing in Russia for several years, but due to its specificity, it is not a market leader. This type of recreation involves visiting estates and agricultural farms, observing their life, having fun in nature, horseback riding, and participating in folk festivals. Sometimes such trips are accompanied by the opportunity to work in the fields, gardens, or care for animals. Is this type of tourism in demand in Russia, how to organize a reception of guests in the village and what destinations are now popular.

Village tourism is a relatively new direction in the tourism sector, which involves visiting estates, villages, farms, observing their life and even participating in agricultural work. Potential tourists here are residents of large cities, for whom rural life is as exotic as the sea coast and safaris in Africa.

Whether agritourism has prospects in Russia remains a controversial issue at the moment. The life and work schedule of many of our compatriots allows only 1 tourist trip per year, which most prefer to spend by the sea. Many have dachas and vegetable gardens, so they are not interested in spending their holidays in the countryside. The demand for eco-tourism is only among very wealthy people and only if there is a high level of service.

There is no unambiguous concept of agritourism. Rural tourism combines several different types of recreation:

  • accommodation on private farms and estates;
  • gastronomic tours with tasting dishes made from organic products;
  • participation in agricultural work;
  • ethnic tours - getting to know the history and culture of the area;
  • hiking in the forest, picking mushrooms and berries, hunting, fishing;
  • horseback riding.

However, all types of rural recreation are usually combined within one estate or farm - this way you can attract more guests.

Rural tourism - visiting estates, farms, villages - is one of the areas of the modern tourism sector

How to organize a business in the field of rural tourism

Organizing such a business is a very difficult matter. An entrepreneur will have to take into account many factors: from organizing a convenient access road to interesting program visits. To make money this way, you shouldn’t rely solely on the Russian audience. Demand will be too small. It is necessary to focus on tourists from Europe, which means ensuring an appropriate level of comfort, safety and language.

The development of rural tourism without promotion among foreign audiences is impossible. It is the Europeans and, possibly, the Chinese, who will “make the cash.”

Let's consider an example project for tourism in rural areas. Suppose an entrepreneur owns land plot and a nice house in the countryside. The area of ​​the site must be at least 500 sq.m. Guests can be accommodated in the house, provided that it is spacious and comfortable enough. Another solution is to build a hotel or guest houses. Next, you need to provide a road for guests. Businessmen from Central and Southern Russia will have an advantage - getting here is easier.

The next step involves thinking through and organizing entertainment for guests. Will they observe and participate in agricultural work? Will they go to the forest, hike, fish or hunt? Horse riding? Will they get acquainted with the history of the region, visit neighboring villages, and communicate with residents? The organizer must decide all this in advance by creating several visiting programs.

The Association of Rural Tourism on the website shares useful tips and news. If you are looking implemented business plan agritourism with examples, it is worth studying the archive of this portal.

Features of guest accommodation

The features of accommodation in rural tourism are important. The fact is that when going on a village tour, guests want to retain the opportunity to use all the benefits of civilization. They do not want to give up running water and sewerage, electricity, heat, and good roads. Successful projects in this direction prove that comfortable living conditions are crucial.

Guests can be accommodated in one large house, in a separate hotel or in guest houses. In any case, it is necessary to ensure a standard at 3 star level:

  • lighting of the surrounding area at night;
  • parking;
  • 24-hour hot and cold water supply;
  • electricity;
  • heating and ventilation;
  • video surveillance (security guarantee);
  • single room area from 12 sq.m., double room - from 15 sq.m.;
  • bathroom in the room/house;
  • regular cleaning and change of bed linen.

Food should be provided near the accommodation site. How exactly the cafe or canteen will operate is decided by the owner himself. The specifics of such a tour allow for the possibility of organizing 3 meals a day according to a schedule, but with the opportunity to have a snack at any time of the day.

All movements of tourists are usually controlled by a guide. He is responsible for their health, monitors compliance with safety rules, tells them what is worth visiting and where they should not go.

Certain areas of agritourism involve participation in agricultural work

Eco-friendly products

If we evaluate the forms of village tours from the point of view of attractiveness for the “mass” tourist, the undisputed leader will be gastronomic travel. This is a type of vacation when a guest comes to try certain dishes and products, as well as learn more about the features of their preparation.

Of course, the most attractive farms offering their own, natural, environmentally friendly products. This applies to vegetables, fruits, milk, meat and bread. Some tourists want to participate in growing crops and preparing dishes themselves. Tour organizers should consider whether guests will have this opportunity.


It may seem surprising, but entertainment is a serious advantage of rural tourism. The fact is that this environment opens up a lot of new things for city residents. Here they can experience and try things that are not available in cities: from more traditional fishing and mushroom picking, to horse riding, cycling in the forest and participation in folk festivals.

Most of these entertainments, including customer safety, are expensive to organize. For example, it will cost several million rubles a year to maintain horses. Therefore, despite the apparent “cheapness” of such trips, they are quite expensive for clients.

Ethnotourism is another interesting direction of rural tours. This is a journey that involves getting to know the history, customs and culture of the region. An interesting solution would be to communicate with local residents accompanied by a guide, participate in folk festivals and even get acquainted with rituals.

The best destinations for rural tourism in Russia

Where to go on vacation for those who are interested in rural tourism? Now in Russia there is several popular directions:

  1. Eco-hotel “Konovalovo”, 120 km from Moscow. They produce eco-products and welcome guests in a mini-hotel. The farm is so successful that it has already started selling franchises.
  2. "Ryzhovo", Moscow region. Production of eco-products and horse breeding. Guests live in a large mansion with a fireplace, sauna, table tennis and other entertainment. You can participate in the work of the farm and take care of animals, fish and ride horses. Accommodation costs from 10 thousand rubles per day.
  3. "Kalinova Dolina", Smolensk region. Agricultural estate, food with organic products, sauna, fishing, tennis, rental of bicycles, snowmobiles and ATVs. Accommodation from 10 thousand rubles per day.

There are other estates and eco-hotels. In fact, every region of Russia can offer its own center of rural tourism. They will differ very significantly from each other in terms of organization and cost. Tours to well-known, well-organized places cost 3-4 times more than a 10-day trip to the Russian south.

Sometimes a village tour includes participation in folk festivals

Prospects for the development of agritourism

Does village tourism have development prospects in Russia? The demand for this type of holiday has actually increased slightly. People are willing to pay for rural tours, but only if they feel comfortable. The reality is that a trip to a “modern” village with a large estate, natural food, animals and a variety of entertainment is expensive. It is unlikely that you will be able to find a price below 10 thousand rubles per day. For comparison, in the Krasnodar region at the height of the season you can rent a comfortable room next to the sea for 3-4 thousand rubles per day.

In addition to the high price, there is another factor that reduces the flow of tourists to the village - bad roads. It is difficult to get to estates and farms; guests have to change several types of transport. It's inconvenient, difficult, expensive and doesn't contribute to a positive experience. All successful tourist villages are located in close proximity to Moscow. Whether travelers will travel hundreds of kilometers on bad roads is a very controversial issue.


Agritourism is not the most popular destination in the tourism sector, but it is in great demand among residents of high-income cities. Country tours are more expensive than sea tours, since the maintenance of estates, houses, agricultural farms and animals is expensive for the owners. Guests should always be in comfort and safety, which also costs a lot of money. It is preferable to open such a farm in an area with relatively good transport accessibility.

Once upon a time, many children spent the summer with their grandmothers in the village: they breathed fresh air all day long, swam in rivers, drank homemade milk and picked berries and mushrooms in the forest. By helping their grandmothers with housework, the grandchildren also became acquainted with the peculiarities rural life. But these days, most grandmothers were themselves born in the city. And the living conditions that were considered normal 50 years ago are unlikely to suit modern children and their parents.

Rural tourism has long been popular abroad. But, fortunately, in Lately and many rural tourism facilities have appeared in Russia, making children’s holidays in the village not only interesting and useful, but also comfortable.

Classification of types of rural tourism

You can relax in the village in different ways. And it’s better to immediately decide what exactly the family is expecting when going on such a vacation. Depending on this, you can choose both the area and a specific recreation center, farm or estate.

1. Simple stay in the countryside.
2. Village life with immersion. This is no longer just life in the countryside, but an introduction to agricultural work, animals and plants. It is possible to live in less comfortable conditions.
3. Agritourism, work on a farm with accommodation and food provided.
4. Sports tourism, including horseback riding, dog or reindeer sledding, hiking or cycling.
5. Gastronomic tours.
6. Ethnographic tourism. Travel to villages with distinct folk traditions.

Holidays with children in the village

Recreation centers located in villages are usually small. They allow you to be in silence, to finally spend time with the whole family, without rushing anywhere. Children can try real village goat or cow milk here. After all, city children are often unfamiliar with the taste of fresh milk. And many adults have long forgotten the taste of real village sour cream and cream.

There is often a forest nearby where you can pick berries and mushrooms. And just take a walk with the children, show them powerful pines or white birches, oak groves or hazel thickets. In spring you can see blooming lilies of the valley, and in summer you can pick fragrant wild strawberries.

There is usually a river or lake not far from the base where you can go fishing. Dads and sons will like this most of all. Mothers and daughters can take a boat ride along the creeks with beautiful water lilies. And swimming in a clean river will bring pleasure to everyone.

And in the evening you can watch the deep black sky with bright stars with the whole family. After all, this never happens in the city.

After spending just a couple of weekends in the village, both adults and children will feel like after a full vacation. In adults, performance will increase. Children will release their irrepressible energy and expand their horizons. And the family will become friendlier and more united. Joint rest contributes to this much better than sitting in different corners of the apartment in front of TVs and computers.


If the children are no longer quite small, then it is quite possible to let them plunge into real village life. In remote remote villages, houses without running water are provided. They drink well or spring water. Perhaps the children will see a real well for the first time in their lives. And such water often tastes much better than even bottled water. What can we say about the liquid that flows from the tap in most cities.

There is usually gas. And most often you can order food preparation. But for those who want to, they have the opportunity to cook over an open fire. And sometimes there is a real Russian stove in the house. Of course, it’s not easy to cook in it if you’re not used to it. But the hospitable hosts will certainly help. And then the whole family will be able to appreciate the taste of real Russian cuisine. And in winter it’s so nice to warm up on the stove!

City dwellers can learn how to milk a goat or cow, mow hay, bake real country bread and make homemade cheese. Children will happily feed the numerous animals. And finally they will see animals not in a picture or in a zoo, but in normal conditions. And if the animals have babies: chickens, ducklings, calves, then children's delight is guaranteed.

It must be said that you can also communicate with animals at recreation centers with excellent conditions, where the village atmosphere is combined with the usual city comfort.

But it’s better to leave gadgets at home. During a good country holiday, children will not have time for them. And it wouldn’t hurt for adults to really take a break from work.

But you need to be prepared for such a vacation. Not all adults and not all children like the lack of basic amenities. If at least one person in the family is not ready to do without the usual comfort for some time, then it is better to find another accommodation facility. Otherwise, the holiday will be ruined for everyone.


In the countryside there are activities for lovers of active recreation.

Horseback riding is especially popular. Depending on the preparation, the routes vary in difficulty. For children and beginners, short walks on relatively flat roads are suitable. And experienced riders can go on challenging all-day hikes.

In winter, sleigh rides and ATV rides are offered. And in the summer you can ride bicycles.

And of course, what would a holiday in the village be without a real Russian bathhouse, smelling of wood and smoke, with brooms and honey, diving into a snowdrift or being doused with ice-cold spring water. And what could be better than aromatic herbal tea or foamy kvass after a bath.

You can go on vacation to the village for several days. Or you can spend your entire vacation like this, going not to a neighboring village, but somewhere further away, to another region. Ecological recreation is a great alternative to the usual lying on the sea beach. Although, if you really want, you can find a village near the sea. And for lovers of excursions, ethnographic rural tourism is perfect.

Published: 29.03.2016 Category: Author's essay

When Russians did not have the opportunity to travel abroad, and incomes did not always allow them to travel to expensive Soviet resorts, children were taken to the countryside to visit their grandparents for the summer. Those who didn’t have relatives in the countryside were silently envious and bought tickets to the pioneer camps. And it never occurred to anyone that soon rural tourism, which had long flourished in our country, would begin to develop. Western countries– France, Italy, Spain, Czech Republic, Great Britain and Hungary. In Europe, more than 35% of residents of megacities prefer rural holidays.

Nowadays, you can inexpensively spend time in the countryside without having family or friends there. This type of recreation began to gain momentum in Russia, since there was always a demand for recreation in the countryside, and the villagers had no other resources that could generate income other than nature and their own home. When both parties agree, they take into account each other’s interests, so most often the owners count on the help of guests in the garden, in the garden or with housework, and guests can ask the host to show them the most beautiful mushroom and fishing spots, to borrow a boat or gear.

Housework reduces the cost of vacation, but if help is not required, then living conditions can be negotiated for money. Usually tourists eat with their hosts what grows in the garden and what villagers get from their farmsteads - milk, sour cream, eggs and other products, which are usually much better than store-bought ones.

Holidays in the village can teach city children a lot, who will actually see how bread, vegetables and fruits grow, where butter, eggs and sour cream come from, how cows or goats are milked, how village houses are built and much more. They can make friends with animals, learn to ride a horse, get acquainted with the local children and enjoy the rural freedom to the fullest while their parents help the owners. Many villages now have small zoos, unusual farms, apiaries, and fish farms. Visiting them will allow the children to learn a lot of new things and learn to appreciate village work.

If you’re lucky, and your vacation in the village coincides with local holidays or rituals, your horizons will expand even more by getting to know local traditions, folklore, ditties, songs and dances. Active or passive participation in folk rituals expands the scope of rural tourism, introducing ethnographic elements into it. Guests and their children can be taught the basics of folk arts and crafts - basket weaving, wood carving, embroidery, beadwork, patchwork and other handicrafts common in this area.

Childless families or single men can seek shelter in an area near a pond where you can swim and catch fish, or near a forest rich in berries and mushrooms. Some vacationers negotiate to receive part of the harvest for their work. This type of rural tourism is called agrotourism. In it, the obligatory and dominant factor is work in the garden or in the field. However, sometimes this name is used as a synonym, denoting a holiday in the countryside in general. It is also common to use the term “green tourism”, but it is less precise, since it can be interpreted more broadly, including any time spent in nature.

Some people simply want to live in the countryside - in nature, in the fresh air, by the river or on the seashore. In this case, accommodation and meals are paid. Some visitors prefer to go hiking or ride around the area on a bicycle or horse. Then rural tourism smoothly flows into sports tourism.

The main contingent of supporters of rural holidays are couples with two children; spouses of retirement age; people who adhere to a healthy lifestyle; romantically inclined youth. In Russia, agritourism is slowly but surely developing. Now it covers part of the regions of Karelia, Altai, Kaliningrad, Ryazan, Pskov, Leningrad regions, Krasnodar region, Siberia.

To go on vacation to a village, you can directly negotiate with the residents of the area you want to visit, or you can resort to the services of an agency. In any case, it is worth stipulating all the conditions in writing in order to agree on living conditions, the amount of work, if any, deadlines, payment, meals and everything that both parties consider important.

So next time, when planning your vacation, consider the option of rural tourism and feel free to go on vacation to the village!