Grigoriev Andrey Yurievich Russian Railways biography. Maxim Grigoriev: “A step back was necessary to take two forward. There is a people's war - the war for Russian Railways

Yesterday, Lokomotiv announced the signing of a contract with the former Spartak player, who is already working at the Portuguese railway camp.

A month ago, you could be imagined anywhere, but not in Lokomotiv. How did this option come about?

The acquaintances with whom I work called and said that such an offer had been received. I thought about it and decided that to continue my career at Lokomotiv - good idea, - said the 21-year-old striker to correspondents of "SE" and "Soviet Sport".

- And who from the club went to these your friends?

I do not know for sure. Yes, it's not that important.

Who is your agent?

Nobody, he is not. I work with different people but I don't have an agent.

But Yuri Belous thinks differently.

It's his opinion, let him think what he wants. I read his statements in the press, but I do not want to comment on them.

Therefore, the parting with Rostov did not turn out quite smoothly.

Of course, the club wanted to get something from this deal, and when I left, there was talk behind my back.

- "Rostov" tried to keep you?

Had tried. There was even some kind of offer, but Lokomotiv is still a completely different level. With all due respect to my former team, you have to be objective.

They say that the management of Rostovites has big debts to the players. This is true?

Yes, they are not the point, although they really are. And now I owe something else.

Until recently, you belonged to Spartak. Did he offer a contract extension?

Who hasn't seen you on the team?

And the conversation didn't work?

It happened like this. We played the last match under Laudrup, and the next day after his dismissal, when I was sitting in the dining room, Karpin came up and said without any introduction: “You train with a double and play in the same place.” He didn't say anything at all. I didn't see anyone but my Spaniards.

But then you played a couple of games really not in the best way.

Do you mean the match with Moscow? For a man who, almost for the first time, came out on the edge of defense, he played normally. Yes, Samedov passed a couple of times, but he would not talk about failure.

However, the position eventually changed.

Yes, now I'm more like an extreme midfielder or even a striker, given Lokomotiv's scheme. I can play both left and right.

Who are your competitors in the new team?

Ignatiev, Maicon, Torbinsky. They are very interesting to play with.

Have you established communication with Couseiro?

Certainly. He knows the approach to everyone.

Not too many Spartak players in the current Lokomotiv?

Yes, it did. Whom did you know? Shishkin, Andrey Ivanov, a bit of Tarasov, they greeted Sychev earlier.

What did Laudrup see in you in 2008?

Hard to tell. But his confidence inspired me. I felt that everything was working out, there was enthusiasm, a desire to progress. I went to training with pleasure.

That is, working with a Dane is one of the most vivid memories in your career so far?

Do you know what I liked about it? He knew how to convey his thoughts to the players without any abstruseness and wisdom. In fact, "on the fingers" explained where to run, how to open. From the outside it sounds simple, but in fact, even experienced players learned a lot of new things.

Was his dismissal a surprise?

What more! If we had played with him for another six months, the team would have turned out to be a feast for the eyes. It took time. But this happens to us often.

You finished the 2010 season in the youth team of Spartak. And then we went to the club from Novocherkassk "MITOS". Explain why the choice fell on the team of the second division?

The option with "MITOS" at some point was the only one. I followed the logic of events. Didn't do anything forbidden.

At that time, the specialists had a much higher opinion of you and, from a sporting point of view, could not understand what you should do in the second division.

Sometimes you need to take a step back to take two forward.

Did the story that was dubbed the "Grigoriev case" affect your condition?

It's hard to believe. So you came to Rostov, you played with Lokomotiv, scored a goal, and the next day there was a scandal. What was your condition?

Yes, I didn't care. My job is to play football.

That is, you are such a phlegmatic person who was not interested in anything?

No, I asked the management what was the matter, but I did not focus on it. It has definitely not become my life's work.

Have you taken witness statements?

Some papers were sent, yes.

March 7 Arbitration Court session in Lausanne. The Internet promises online broadcasts. Will you follow?

If I get a chance, I'll take a look.

No. 33 of Novaya Gazeta published an article by Olga Romanova, which tells the story of Maxim Blinkov, "who challenged the System - the courts and the FSB." Blinkov is the former head of the production site of the Moscow Directorate for the management of the terminal and warehouse complex. This structure is part of the Central Directorate for the Management of the Terminal and Warehouse Complex of Russian Railways (TSC RZD), which controls the operation of terminal complexes.

In particular, Blinkov coordinated logistics work Moscow-Tovarnaya-Paveletskaya station, where containers from different regions and from abroad come and go on their way. On July 13, 2012, at the Paveletsky railway station, during a special operation by the FSB, he was detained while receiving money from the businessman Lyapin and subsequently sentenced to a year and a half for commercial bribery. The FSB operative Aleksei Chepaykin, who carried out the arrest, was also sentenced to two years for abuse of office (he wounded the fleeing Blinkov four times with a traumatic pistol).

Continuing the investigation allows us to conclude that this story is not about resistance to the system, but about an internecine war within the FSB. The episode at the Paveletsky railway station is only one of its links. The real prize in this war is control over the shadow financial flows that are generated by metropolitan railway stations outside the legal field.

Station for three

Help "New"

Key objects transport infrastructure belong to Russian Railways and are controlled by the network structural divisions. Station facilities are subject to a mechanized distance for loading and unloading operations and commercial operations, which is controlled by its regional directorate (in Moscow it is the Moscow Directorate for managing the terminal and warehouse complex), and that, in turn, is controlled by the Central Directorate for managing the terminal and warehouse complex of OJSC RZD (TSK RZD).

The activities of all divisions of the TSK RZD are supervised by the “T” department of the FSB of the Russian Federation (counterintelligence in transport), as well as the territorial services for counterintelligence support of transport and communications facilities of the FSB (in Moscow - SKROOTS UFSB).

In the early summer of 2012, Pavel Lyapin, the founder of TransEuroStandard LLC, contacted the FSB for Moscow and the Moscow Region, who carried out commercial activity on the territory of the Moscow-Tovarnaya-Paveletskaya station, with a statement about the commission of a crime against him.

The merchant claimed that the head of the production site, Maxim Blinkov, demanded that he transfer money in the amount of 300 rubles for the departure of each container from the station. This money was to be paid to the account of the one-day company provided by Blinkov in addition to the official payments under the supply agreement concluded with a mechanized distance - a branch of Russian Railways.

Otherwise, the head of the production site, the businessman said in a statement, promised "unfavorable conditions for work," which will be expressed in the downtime of vehicles, excess storage of containers and paid sludge of platforms.

“When the information received was confirmed, it was decided to document the crime,” recalls Aleksey Chepaykin, operative of the SKROOTS UFSB ( see help "New").

At meetings between Blinkov and Lyapin, which were held under the control of servicemen, it was established that the practice of receiving money from merchants was regular. The operatives told the management that it was possible to uncover the entire chain if the circle of development objects was expanded.

"Lie! Moscow! FSB!

On July 10, under the control of operatives, Pavel Lyapin again met with Maxim Blinkov, as well as the head of the Moscow-Paveletskaya freight station, Tatyana Sorochinskaya. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss changes in the conditions for storing containers at the station, as well as to obtain the details of a new garbage company, to which from now on it was required to transfer money.

From Lyapin's testimony:<…>They said that I needed to transfer money to the account of one firm.<…>When I asked if the company was “white” (legal), Blinkov said that it was not; What he has to work with firms "that give him". This company was Dialog-Inform LLC. They also suggested that I reduce the cost of storing containers at the station by providing some kind of “service”, which consists in the fact that the cost of storage will be charged informally.

The next day, the businessman met with Blinkov again: the interlocutors agreed that the next payment would be made in cash. Lyapin will have to bring 32,100 rubles for a week of normal work. (Blinkov was going to leave for the Crimea on the same day: according to him, after the arrest, 250 thousand rubles of “vacation money” disappeared from his car.)

On the day of the expected meeting, employees of the 1st department of the SKROOTS UFSB handed the businessman money treated with luminescent powder, as well as sound and video recording equipment, which he was supposed to build into the transport.

The operational experiment plan developed and approved by Chepaikin's leadership, in particular, by Major Sergei Kabailov, to put it mildly, did not meet the high standards of the FSB. Only two employees were supposed to participate in the operation - one insurer, the second - Chepaikin himself, identified as the performer. Chepaikin was supposed to hide in the trunk of a car (after all, it was in the businessman's car that the meeting between Blinkov and Lyapin was to take place) and jump out of there at the right time to carry out a red-handed arrest.

At first everything went according to plan. Blinkov got into the car, on operational shooting ( is available to the editor.A.S.) it is clearly seen that he and Lyapin are discussing not a bottle of cognac, but, let's say, a logical relationship between the number of containers and the amount of payments. Blinkov picks up the money, gets out of the car and disappears from view. At this moment, a cry is heard: “Lie down! Moscow! FSB! - and the first shot from a traumatic pistol sounds. Chepaikin claims that the shot was a warning, in the air, Blinkov - that the Chekist immediately shot him to kill. The following frames clearly show retreating Blinkov with his right hand wound behind his back, in which there was money (he later threw it away), and the advancing Chepaikin, who holds his weapon aimed at Blinkov. Shots are heard, after which both disappear from the frame.

Chepaikin claims that the wounded Blinkov managed to backhand the Chekist with several blows, after which he ran into the nearest administrative building, where he barricaded himself in one of the offices. During the chase, Chepaikin fired again and hit Blinkov twice in the back. After 15 minutes, the operational-investigative group made an arrest.

In general, the special operation was a failure. Moreover, Chepaikin and his colleagues at that moment were already in the development of their colleagues from CSS.

According to Blinkov, Major Kabailov had already held an "informal" recruitment meeting with him, even before Lyapin's statement appeared in the case. Blinkov did not cooperate with the FSB. After such unpleasant encounters, many people turn to the FSB CSS, which often ignores such complaints. It is believed that a raven will not peck out a crow's eye, but when it comes to dividing the prey ...

The fact is this: in Olga Romanova's article, a fragment was published from a telephone conversation between two FSB officers, presumably between Sergei Kabailov and the head of the 1st department of the SKROOTS UFSB, Mikhail Mirgorod. Chekists speak very unflatteringly about Chepaikin's actions during the arrest and discuss the possibility of "editing" the video recording of the operational event at the Paveletsky railway station. Q: Who could have made this audio recording? It is known that she was attached to the case by CSS employees.

Also in the file is CCTV footage from a commercial firm located near the shooting site. These records were allegedly confiscated by the Chekists and subsequently disappeared (as were the records of 15 video cameras located at the station), but an employee of a commercial company, who had previously known Blinkov, managed to make copies and managed to “bring them to the right people.” As follows from the materials of the criminal case, these people also turned out to be employees of the FSB, since the recording came from this department.

During the investigation

So, on July 13, two special operations were carried out at once at the Paveletsky railway station. According to their results, two investigations were subsequently launched, each of which ended in a guilty verdict - against Blinkov and against Chepaikin.

The South-Western Investigation Department for Transport of the Moscow Interregional Investigation Department for Transport of the Investigative Committee (UZSOT MMSUT TFR) initiated a criminal case against Blinkov on the grounds of commercial bribery (clause “a”, part 4 of article 204 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation), as well as the use of violence against a representative of power (part 1 of article 318 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).

Maxim Blinkov was placed in a special block of Matrosskaya Tishina. He refused to testify.

Soon, two other merchants who worked at Paveletskaya, the founder of Skorokhody LLC Sergey Krasilnikov and the owner of Logistics Solutions Agency LLC Andrey Vorobyov, filed applications with the TFR.

Both stated in their statements that, at Blinkov's request, they transferred the money to the account of Dialog-Inform LLC.

Investigator of the ICR Dmitry Kartsev initiated criminal cases on these facts, after which all the episodes were combined into one proceeding - criminal case No. 2/905.

On the day of Maxim Blinkov's arrest, several employees of the freight station were interrogated. Including the boss Tatyana Sorochinskaya. The witness, who had started working on Paveletskaya a few months earlier, agreed to cooperate with the investigation and gave quite detailed testimony:

«<…>Blinkov once told me that if he and I do not start looking for ways to earn money for the directorate, then Artem Grigoriev, deputy head of the directorate for commercial issues of terminal and warehouse complexes of the Moscow Directorate of Russian Railways, will not understand us.<…>All funds from commercial organizations in addition to official payments, they are sent to front companies, the details of which are given to Blinkov personally by Grigoriev.<…>According to Sorokin S.V. ( deputy head of the mechanized distance.A.S.) I became aware that Beglaryan, Deputy Head of the Central Directorate for the Management of the Terminal and Warehouse Complex of Russian Railways, provides patronage to Grigoriev's illegal actions.

The fact that the practice of "kickbacks" at the Paveletsky railway station was put on stream was also confirmed by the results of searches at the place of work and residence of Maxim Blinkov. First of all, the seized archive Email head of the production area.

The correspondence mainly contained a set of companies - the names of one-day firms and their details. Of course, the greatest curiosity of the investigators was Dialog-Inform LLC, to whose account the victims transferred "excessive" payments.

And here the investigation was interested in one detail - letters with "chamomile details" (as Dialog-Inform LLC was called in the documents) Maxim Blinkov did not write on his own, but only forwarded previously received from a certain Andrey Novikov.

In one message, Novikov outlined a concise, but at the same time quite characteristic text: “As far as I understand, they will pay for the dialogue.<…>Attention: payments up to 600 thousand, no more! In a day!<…>Forbidden payment: payments for third parties! Agency contracts! Assignment of claims, etc.<…>Equipment, goods - not for construction purposes!<…>IT IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED: TO DEMAND VAT TO REFUND, VAT to be offset from the budget.

Chepaikin "deciphers" this text: "Operations no more than 600 thousand per day - the ability to avoid transferring information to financial intelligence ( Rosfinmonitoring.A.S.), a ban on VAT refunds - an opportunity to avoid tax audits.

I note that many companies whose details were sent to merchants had settlement accounts with OJSC Master-Bank, a credit institution that was deprived of a license by the Central Bank for participating in dubious transactions.

As for Dialog-Inform LLC, the account of this company was opened with Sudostroitelny Bank LLC. The investigation team raided the place where they had been seizing documents for several days and studying information about the movement of money on the account of Dialog-Inform LLC.

bank transactions ( some of them are in the editorial) delighted the members of the group: in just two quarters, about 1.7 billion rubles were received into the account of the garbage company. Judging by the movement of money, Dialog-Inform transferred the funds received to other garbage companies, and they were cashed out under false contracts. Of particular interest are two companies - Uran-Service LLC and VistLight LLC, which received hundreds of millions to accounts opened with the same Sudostroitelny Bank.

Part of the companies to which Dialog-Inform LLC transferred money, according to according to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, have already ceased their activities by merging with other "garbage dumps" and re-registration in various regions of Russia.

The list of payers includes companies that cooperated with Moscow-Tovarnaya-Paveletskaya and other freight stations of Moscow, as well as other contractors of Russian Railways.

big fish

Adding the results of the search in the Sudostroitelny Bank to the testimonies of the defendants in the case, the investigation went to the Central Directorate - it was there, obviously, that it was worth looking for the true beneficiaries of the criminal scheme.

At the beginning of autumn, materials were separated from the criminal case into a separate proceeding. A new criminal case (No. 2/259) was initiated against unidentified persons from among the employees of TSK RZD.

Subsequently, Aleksey Chepaykin “identifies” these unidentified persons in a letter addressed to FSB Director Alexander Bortnikov: “At the stage of the preliminary investigation, the involvement of the management of the TSK JSC Russian Railways, namely Sergey Khronopulo and his deputy Mkhitar Beglaryan, was established in the illegal receipt Money, which were extorted from merchants by the head of the freight station Blinkov M.A. and subsequently, at their direction, were transferred to the settlement account of Dialog-Inform LLC<…>».

On September 6, 2012, Mkhitar Beglaryan, a graduate of the Yerevan state university, former leader Fund "Transport Security", which came to Russian Railways in 2010.

He completely rejected the version of participation in the criminal scheme, noting that “information about the activities of commercial companies is received by the Moscow Directorate, there are 17 such directorates in Russia, and it is not possible to control all sites; that all payments from commercial organizations are made to the account of Russian Railways.

Mkhitar Beglaryan refused to talk to Novaya Gazeta, asking "never to call this number again."

The investigation did not even interrogate Khronopulo, a lieutenant general of the Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) of the reserve.

Chepaikin says that they "didn't have time."

Arrow translation

On September 26, 2012, 20 days after the start of investigative actions in the TSK RZD, the 517th military investigation department of the Investigative Committee (VSO TFR) opened a criminal case (No. Chepaykin (clauses “a”, “b”, part 3 of article 286 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).

According to investigators, during Blinkov's arrest, Chepaikin caused the latter "physical pain, mental and moral suffering and significantly violated his rights and legitimate interests, and also committed actions that clearly go beyond the legal powers of an employee of the FSB of Russia.

Shortly after the initiation of a criminal case, Chepaykin was approached by the FSB CSS ( their names are known to the editors).

During the negotiations entries are in the editorial) they began to offer Chepaikin to "surrender" his superiors in exchange for the termination of the criminal case. From a letter from Alexei Chepaikin addressed to Alexander Bortnikov: “<сотрудник УСБ>said that the criminal case against me was initiated at the initiative of his unit,<…>through blackmail and threats, he persuaded me to give information about the facts of corruption on the part of the leadership of my department and operational staff. He voiced specific individuals who are of interest to him.”

Chepaikin refused a deal with the "specialists" - because he was sure that the criminal case against him had no prospects. “How can you accuse me of exceeding if article 318 hung on the “victim” ( violence against a government official.A.S.)?” Chepaikin recalls.

But on April 9, 2013, the first deputy head of the YuZSOT MMSUT of the RF IC, Lidzhiev, by his decision, stopped the criminal prosecution of Maxim Blinkov for committing a crime under Art. 318 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

Separately, it is worth quoting the motivational part of this decision: "Catching up with Blinkov, Chepaikin fell and, possibly, inflicted bodily injuries on himself."

The investigation of the criminal case against the employees of TSK RZD has actually ceased. The Chekists decided to work in parallel with the TFR: the FSB investigative service opened a criminal case (No. 290954) against unidentified persons from among the employees of the TSK RZD on the grounds of fraud on an especially large scale (part 4 of article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).

However, there soon turned out to be no one to investigate this criminal case - within a short time, Stanislav Ryzhkov, head of the SKROOTS FSB for Moscow and the Moscow Region, Mikhail Mirgorod, head of the 1st department of the service, and also operational workers involved in criminal investigations.

Intermediate results

The judicial investigation lasted one day - Judge Repnikova did not call all the participants in the process to testify, limiting herself to studying the materials of the preliminary investigation.

Consideration of the case on the merits in this form usually takes place in the event of a guilty plea by the defendant and the conclusion of a pre-trial agreement. However, Maxim Blinkov pleaded not guilty. But not only the format of the court session is curious - Judge Repnikova considered the allegations of commercial bribery according to the statements of Krasilnikov and Vorobyov to be unproven, leaving only one episode of commercial bribery, and passed a sentence of one and a half years in prison. In view of his detention, he has already served his term.

Chepaikin was sentenced six months later by the Moscow Garrison Military Court to two years in prison. On March 14 of this year, the appellate board of the Moscow Garrison Military Court, having considered the appeal of Alexei Chepaikin against the verdict of December 6, left the decision of the court of first instance in force. The ex-FSB officer will be transferred to a colony in the next few weeks to serve his sentence.

In general, only ordinary performers have suffered so far in this war. And both investigations that claimed to be included in the news of federal TV channels - about a grandiose corruption scheme at the capital's railway stations and about "werewolves in uniform" in the leadership of the Moscow department of the FSB in transport - ended in a zero-sum result.

P.S. « New Newspaper” sent a request to Russian Railways and will definitely publish the answers.

A number of shippers regularly inflict losses on the Sverdlovsk Railway. Fraudsters transport oil under the guise of other cargo.

According to Galina Ibragimova, the press secretary of the Perm region of SVZhD service, last year, as a result of inspections and tests of seized cargo samples, five commercial acts were issued for Progress LLC and Express LLC. Their shipping documents indicated the name of the cargo as condensate from natural gases, while the results of the examination showed that the seized samples were crude oil.

“As a result of the inconsistency in the name of the cargo, the cost of transportation decreased, in connection with which the consignors of LLC Progress and LLC Express were fined, the total amount of which amounted to more than 5.3 million rubles. However, the fines were not voluntarily paid, so Russian Railways filed suits in the arbitration court,” said Galina Ibragimova.

Last year, three court sessions were held, during which Progress LLC filed a petition for an independent examination of the cargo.
Previous samples of the cargo were carried out in the Central Chemical-Analytical Laboratory of the Perm Regional Oil Pipeline Department, a branch of OJSC North-Western Trunk Oil Pipelines. After the forensic examination by the decision of the Arbitration Court of the Perm Territory, the claim of Russian Railways in the amount of more than 1.3 million rubles. was satisfied. But only partially - in the amount of 50% of the stated requirements.

However, this course of events did not satisfy Progress LLC, and the consignor filed an appeal. However, by the decision of the appellate instance, the decision of the Arbitration Court of the Perm Territory was left unchanged, and the appeal of Progress LLC was not satisfied, after which the court decision entered into force. The remaining claims of 2011 are now being considered by the arbitration court.

Facts of inconsistency in the names of cargoes, including oil transportation, are discovered regularly. According to Grigory Grigoriev, First Deputy Head of the Russian Railways Security Department, such schemes used to exist due to the lack of state standards for determining cargo.

"When there are scheduled inspections on the railway, then samples are taken. However, due to the lack of GOSTs, there was nothing to compare the result with, since there was no standard. Unscrupulous carriers used this by prescribing specifications(TU) of this or that cargo in the way that is convenient for them, taking oil as a basis. After that, in court, they proved their case on the basis of the specifications they filled out, in which oil was registered as gas condensate, Grigory Grigoriev noted. “Nevertheless, we hope that in the future there will be much fewer such cases, since from July 1 of this year the government nevertheless established state standards on the definition of these goods.

Grigory Grigoriev added that the scheme of unfair transportation of goods also works due to the fact that the loading of oil products is carried out by the consignor on the territory of his enterprise, and Russian Railways accepts the cargo for transportation already on the exhibition tracks in tanks sealed by the consignor.

“The fact is that in accordance with the rules for filling out shipping documents for the carriage of goods, all data, including the name of the cargo, are indicated in the shipping documents by the consignor, and the carrier calculates the cost of transportation based on the documents already filled out. These are the bylaws railway transport RF, which explicitly states that the carrier has the right, but is not obliged to verify the accuracy of the information specified by the consignor in the railway waybills, including the name of the cargo, which, in turn, is used by unscrupulous consignors,” said the First Deputy Head of the Department security.

Galina Ibragimova also noted that this year the precedent was repeated again - the scammers used the old scheme, however, they were caught by the Perm LUMVD of Russia in transport. After testing the seized samples of the cargo, which were carried out in the same laboratory, the fears of the railway workers were justified, and 6 commercial acts were issued on the consignor Express LLC on the inconsistency of the name of the cargo, after which fines were presented for a total amount of more than 4 million rubles. In the near future, the claims of Russian Railways JSC against Express LLC will be brought to the arbitration court.

“It is difficult to understand the goals of such shippers, and it is also not entirely clear who they are trying to deceive, because they have already come across the same scheme more than once,” said Grigory Grigoriev. “Meanwhile, the fines imposed on such unfortunate scammers are five times the original cost of transporting the goods.”

From June 5 to June 7, in Chelyabinsk, on the basis of the South Ural Regional Security Center of the RJ, the security department held a school for the exchange of best practices. There were: the head of security Sergienko Alexander Ivanovich, the first deputy chief Martynov Pavel Evgenievich, the deputy chiefs - Grigory Leonidovich Grigoriev and Voevodkin Sergey Gennadievich, as well as the head of the facility's security Mironov Yuri Konstantinovich.

The School of Excellence is an exchange of views on railway transport safety. The event was attended by the heads of security centers of 17 railways.

Consortium "Integra-S" presented at the meeting the Geoinformation Security System of Railways. It allows you to control thousands of kilometers of tracks and provides the Road Administration with reliable information about the state of geographically remote bridges and stations. The use of distributed systems technologies leads to a change in the methods of managing objects, both at the level of individual enterprises and at the national level.

Currently, the systems are being successfully implemented on four railways in Russia - Kuibyshev, South Ural, Transbaikal and Volga. It should be noted that the uniqueness of the distributed security system of the South Ural railway, which unites 7 stations, 5 bridges, 2 traffic control centers and a communication center. In the near future, the integrated intelligent security system of the SUUZhD will unite more than 30 facilities, such as: Management of the SUUZhD, ITC of the SUUZhD, Railway Station st. Chelyabinsk, railway bridge across the river. Tobol, Railway Bridge across the river. Ural and many others. In the future, further integration of objects is planned.

Head of the South Ural Regional Security Center Lyapin Yu.Yu. handed over to CEO Consortium "Integra-S" Kudelkin Vladimir Andreevich thanks for organizing the "Network Security School" on the basis of the South Ural Regional Center.