Aerodynamic heating of the rocket structure. Aerodynamic heating of the rocket structure


Heating of bodies moving with high speed in air or other gas. A. N. - the result of the fact that air molecules incident on the body are decelerated near the body. If the flight is made with supersonic. speed, deceleration occurs primarily in the shock wave that occurs in front of the body. Further deceleration of air molecules occurs directly at the very surface of the body, in the so-called. boundary layer. When the flow of air molecules is slowed down, the energy of their chaotic (thermal) motion increases, i.e., the temperature of the gas near the surface of the moving body increases. Max. the temp-pa, to which the gas can heat up in the vicinity of a moving body, is close to the so-called. deceleration temperature: Т0= Tн+v2/2cp, where Тн - incoming air temperature, v - body flight speed, avg. heat capacity of gas at DC. pressure. So, for example, when flying supersonic. aircraft with three times the speed of sound (approx. 1 km / s), the deceleration rate is approx. 400°C, and at the entrance of cosm. apparatus into the Earth's atmosphere from the 1st space. speed (about 8 km / s), the braking temperature reaches 8000 ° С. If in the first case at is long enough. in flight, the temp-pa of the aircraft skin can be close to the temp-re braking, then in the second case, the surface of space. apparatus will inevitably begin to collapse due to the inability of materials to withstand such high temperatures.

From areas of gas with a rise. temp-swarm heat is transferred to a moving body, A. n. There are two forms of A. n. - convective and radiation. Convective heating is a consequence of the transfer of heat from the outer, "hot" part of the boundary layer to the surface of the body through a pier. thermal conductivity and heat transfer when moving macroscopic. environment elements. Quantitatively, the convective heat flux qk is determined from the relation: qk = a(Te-Tw), where Te is the equilibrium temperature-pa (limiting temperature-pa, to which the surface of the body could heat up if there was no energy removal), Tw - real temperature of the surface, and - coefficient. convective heat transfer, which depends on the speed and altitude of the flight, the shape and size of the body, and other factors. The equilibrium temp-pa Te is close to the temp-re braking. Coeff. a on the listed parameters is determined by the flow regime in the boundary layer (laminar or turbulent). In the case of turbulent flow, convective heating becomes more intense. This is due to the fact that, in addition to thermal conductivity, turbulent velocity fluctuations in the boundary layer begin to play a significant role in energy transfer.

As the flight speed increases, the air temperature behind the shock wave and in the boundary layer increases, resulting in dissociation and ionization of molecules. The atoms, ions and electrons formed in this case diffuse into a colder region - to the surface of the body. There, a reverse reaction (recombination) takes place, which proceeds with the release of heat. This gives an addition. contribution to convective A. n.

Upon reaching the flight speed = 5000 m/s, the temperature behind the shock wave reaches values ​​at which the gas begins to radiate energy. Due to radiant energy transfer from areas with increased. temperature-swarm to the surface of the body occurs radiation. heat. In this case, radiation in the visible and UV regions of the spectrum plays the greatest role. When flying in the Earth's atmosphere at speeds below the 1st cosmic radiative. heating is small compared to convective. At the 2nd cosm. speeds (11.2 km / s), their values ​​become close, and at flight speeds of 13-15 km / s and higher, corresponding to the return of objects to Earth after flying to other planets, main. already contributes radiats. heat.

A. n. plays an important role in the return to the Earth's atmosphere space. devices. To combat A. n. fly. devices are equipped with special thermal protection systems. There are active and passive methods of thermal protection. In active methods, a gaseous or liquid coolant is forcibly supplied to the protected surface and takes over the main. part of the heat supplied to the surface. The gaseous cooler, as it were, blocks the surface from the effects of high-temperature external. medium, and the liquid coolant, which forms a protective film on the surface, absorbs heat approaching the surface due to heating and evaporation of the film, as well as subsequent heating of the vapors. In passive methods of thermal protection, the impact of the heat flow takes on special. way designed ext. sheath or special coating applied to the construction. Radiation thermal protection is based on the use as an external. shells of a material that retains sufficient mechanical strength at high temp-pax. strength. In this case, almost all of the heat flux coming to the surface of such a material is re-radiated into the surrounding industry.

The greatest distribution in rocket space. technology received thermal protection with the help of collapsing coatings, when the protected structure is covered with a special layer. material, part of which under the action of a heat flux can be destroyed as a result of the processes of melting, evaporation, sublimation and chemical. reactions. At the same time, the main part of the suitable heat is spent on the implementation of decomp. fiz.-chem. transformations. Additional fence. The effect takes place due to blowing into the ext. environment of relatively cold gaseous products of the destruction of the heat-shielding material. An example of collapsing heat-shielding coatings is fiberglass and other organic plastics. and organosilicon. binders. As a means of protection aircraft from A. n. carbon-carbon composites are also used. materials.

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high frequency heating

From the book Great Soviet Encyclopedia (YOU) of the author TSB

Aerodynamic moment


Aerodynamic heating

From the book Great Soviet Encyclopedia (AE) of the author TSB

Dielectric heating

From the book Great Soviet Encyclopedia (CI) of the author TSB

induction heating


infrared heating

From the book Great Soviet Encyclopedia (IN) of the author TSB

Metal heating

From the book Great Soviet Encyclopedia (NA) of the author TSB

Trace aerodynamic

From the book Great Soviet Encyclopedia (SL) of the author TSB


author Team of authors

7.1.1. RESISTIVE HEATING Initial period. The first experiments on heating conductors electric shock belong to the 18th century. In 1749, B. Franklin (USA), while studying the discharge of a Leyden jar, discovered heating and melting of metal wires, and later, according to his


From the book History of Electrical Engineering author Team of authors

7.1.2. ELECTRIC ARC HEATING Initial period. In 1878–1880 W. Siemens (England) performed a number of works that formed the basis for the creation of arc furnaces of direct and indirect heating, including a single-phase arc furnace with a capacity of 10 kg. They were asked to use a magnetic field to


From the book History of Electrical Engineering author Team of authors

7.1.3. INDUCTION HEATING Initial period. Induction heating of conductors is based on a physical phenomenon electromagnetic induction, discovered by M. Faraday in 1831. The theory of induction heating began to be developed by O. Heaviside (England, 1884), S. Ferranti, S. Thompson, Ewing. Their


From the book History of Electrical Engineering author Team of authors


From the book History of Electrical Engineering author Team of authors

7.7.5. PLASMA HEATING Initial period. The beginning of work on plasma heating dates back to the 1920s. The term "plasma" itself was introduced by I. Langmuir (USA), and the concept of "quasi-neutral" - by W. Schottky (Germany). In 1922, X. Gerdien and A. Lotz (Germany) conducted experiments with plasma obtained by


From the book History of Electrical Engineering author Team of authors

7.1.6. ELECTRON-BEAM HEATING Initial period. Electron beam heating technology (melting and refining of metals, dimensional processing, welding, heat treatment, evaporation coating, decorative surface treatment) is based on the achievements of physics,


From the book History of Electrical Engineering author Team of authors

7.1.7. LASER HEATING Initial period. The laser (abbreviation of the English Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation) was created in the second half of the 20th century. and found some application in electrical technology. The idea of ​​the process of stimulated emission was expressed by A. Einstein in 1916. In the 40s, V.A.

Heating of bodies moving at high speed in air or other gas



Aerodynamic heating - heating of bodies moving at high speed in air or another gas. Aerodynamic heating is the result of the fact that air (gas) molecules incident on the body slow down near the body. If the flight is from supersonic speed, deceleration occurs primarily in the shock wave that occurs in front of the body. When air molecules decelerate in the boundary layer, directly at the surface of the body, the energy of their chaotic motion increases, which leads to an increase in the gas temperature in this layer and aerodynamic heating of the body. For example, during the flight of a supersonic aircraft at a speed of 1 km/s, the stagnation temperature is about 700 K, and when a spacecraft enters the Earth's atmosphere with the first cosmic velocity (~7.6 km/s), the stagnation temperature reaches 8300 K. If in the first case the temperature of the aircraft skin can be close to the stagnation temperature, then in the second case the surface of the spacecraft will inevitably begin to collapse due to the inability of the materials to withstand such high temperatures.

The maximum temperature to which the gas can be heated in the vicinity of a moving body is close to the so-called stagnation temperature T 0:


where is the temperature of the incoming air;

V - body flight speed;

c p is the specific heat capacity of the gas at constant pressure.

As the velocity of the body increases, the temperature of the air behind the shock wave and in the boundary layer increases.

The degree of aerodynamic heating significantly depends on the shape of the body, which is taken into account by introducing the aerodynamic drag coefficient Cx. There are two types of aerodynamic heating: convective and radiation. Convective heating is the transfer of heat from the boundary layer region to the surface of a moving object by conduction and diffusion. Radiative heating is the transfer of heat by radiation of gas molecules. The ratio between convection and radiation heat fluxes depends on the speed of the object. Up to the values ​​of the first cosmic velocity, convective heating prevails, at the second cosmic velocity (~11200 m/s) the convective and radiative fluxes are approximately equal, and at velocities above 13000 m/s, the radiative heat flux becomes predominant.

Characteristics of aerodynamic heating of gases are studied in installations called shock tubes. A shock wave can be created by an explosion, an electrical discharge, etc.


Initiation time (log to -1 to 2);

Lifetime (log tc 13 to 15);

Degradation time (log td -1 to 2);

Optimal development time (log tk 1 to 2).


Technical realizations of the effect

Technical implementation of the effect

Aerodynamic heating is associated with the "thermal barrier" problem that arises when creating supersonic aircraft and launch vehicles. An important role is played by aerodynamic heating during the return of spacecraft into the Earth's atmosphere, as well as during the entry into the atmosphere of planets with velocities of the order of the second cosmic and higher. To combat aerodynamic heating, special thermal protection systems are used.

Aerodynamic heating usually plays the role of a negative factor. To combat aerodynamic heating, aircraft are equipped with special thermal protection systems. There are active and passive methods of thermal protection. With active methods, a gaseous or liquid coolant is forced to the protected surface. The gaseous coolant, as it were, blocks the surface from the effects of high-temperature external environment, and the liquid coolant forming on the surface protective film, absorbs heat approaching the surface as a result of heating and evaporation of the film, as well as subsequent heating of vapors. With passive methods of thermal protection, the effect of the heat flux is assumed by a specially designed outer shell or a special coating applied to the main structure. The most widespread is thermal protection with the help of collapsing surfaces, in which the heat flux is spent on the processes of melting, evaporation, sublimation and chemical reactions. The materials of such coatings are fiberglass and other plastics on organic and organosilicon binders. Carbon and carbon compositions are also promising.

Aerodynamic calculation is the most important element of the aerodynamic study of an aircraft or its individual parts (hull, wings, empennage, control devices). The results of such a calculation are used in trajectory calculations, in solving problems related to the strength of moving objects, in determining flight performance LA.

When considering aerodynamic characteristics, one can use the principle of dividing the characteristics into separate components for isolated hulls and load-bearing surfaces (wings and plumage), as well as their combinations. In the latter case, the aerodynamic forces and moments are determined as the sum of the corresponding characteristics (for an isolated hull, wings, and empennage) and interference corrections due to interaction effects.

Aerodynamic forces and moments can be determined using aerodynamic coefficients.

According to the representation of the total aerodynamic force and the total aerodynamic moment in projections on the axes of the velocity and associated coordinate systems, respectively, the following names of aerodynamic coefficients are adopted: - aerodynamic coefficients of drag, lifting lateral force; aerodynamic coefficients of roll, yaw and pitch moments.

The given method for determining the aerodynamic characteristics is approximate. The figure shows a diagram of the rocket, here L is the length of the aircraft, dm is the diameter of the aircraft body, is the length of the nose, l is the wing span with the ventral part (Fig. 1).

engine steering rocket flying

lifting force

The lifting force is determined by the formula

where is the velocity head, is the air density, S is the characteristic area, (for example, the area cross section fuselage), is the lift coefficient.

It is customary to determine the coefficient in the velocity coordinate system 0xyz. Along with the coefficient, the normal force coefficient is also considered and is determined in the coupled coordinate system.

These coefficients are related to each other by the relation

We present the aircraft as a combination of the following main parts: body (fuselage), front (I) and rear (II) bearing surfaces. At small angles of attack and deflection angles of the bearing surfaces, the dependences and are close to linear, i.e., can be represented as

here and are the deflection angles of the front and rear bearing surfaces, respectively; and - values ​​and at; , are the partial derivatives of the coefficients and with respect to the angles and taken at.

The values ​​of and for unmanned aircraft in most cases are close to zero, so they are not considered further. Rear bearing surfaces are taken as controls.

Coefficient definition

find the derivative:

At small angles of attack and at, we can put, then equality (2) takes the form. We represent the normal force of the aircraft as the sum of three terms

each of which is expressed in terms of the corresponding coefficient of the normal force:

Dividing equality (3) term by term by and removing the derivative with respect, we obtain at the point 0

Where; - flow deceleration coefficients;

; ; - relative areas of aircraft parts.

Let us consider in more detail the quantities included in the right-hand side of equality (4).

The first term takes into account the normal force of the fuselage, and at low angles of attack it is equal to the normal force of the isolated fuselage (without taking into account the influence of the bearing surfaces)

AERODYNAMIC HEATING- heating of bodies moving at high speed in air or other gas. A. n. inextricably linked with aerodynamic drag, which test bodies during flight in the atmosphere. The energy expended to overcome resistance is partially transferred to the body in the form of A. n. Physical consideration. It is convenient to carry out the processes that determine the A. N. from the point of view of an observer who is on a moving body. In this case, it can be seen that the gas incident on the body is decelerated near the surface of the body. First, braking occurs in shock wave, which is formed in front of the body if the flight occurs at supersonic speed. Further deceleration of the gas occurs, as in the case of subsonic flight speeds, directly at the very surface of the body, where it is caused by the forces of viscosity, forcing the molecules to "stick" to the surface with the formation boundary layer.

When decelerating the flow of gas, its kinetic. energy decreases, which, in accordance with the law of conservation of energy, leads to an increase in ext. gas energy and its temperature. Max. heat content ( enthalpy) of the gas during its deceleration near the body surface is close to the stagnation enthalpy: , where is the enthalpy of the oncoming flow, and is the flight speed. If the flight speed is not too high (1000 m / s), then beats. heat capacity at DC pressure with p can be considered constant and the corresponding gas deceleration rate can be determined from the expression

Where T e- equilibrium temperature-pa (limiting temperature, to which the surface of the body could heat up if there was no energy removal), - coefficient. convective heat transfer, the index marks the parameters on the surface. T e is close to the deceleration temp and can be determined from the expression

Where r-coefficient temperature recovery (for laminar, for turbulent-), T1 And M 1 - temp-pa and mach number to ext. border of the boundary layer, -ratio beats. heat capacities of gas at DC. pressure and volume Pr is the Prandtl number.

The value depends on the speed and altitude of the flight, the shape and size of the body, as well as on some other factors. Similarity theory allows us to represent the laws of heat transfer in the form of relationships between the main dimensionless criteria - Nusselt number , Reynolds number , Prandtl number and temperature factor , taking into account the variability of thermophys. gas properties across the boundary layer. Here and - and the gas velocity, and - coefficient. viscosity and thermal conductivity, L- characteristic body size. Naib. influence on convective A. n. renders the Reynolds number. In the simplest case of a longitudinal flow around a flat plate, the law of convective heat transfer for a laminar boundary layer has the form

where and are calculated at temperature a for a turbulent boundary layer

On the nasal part of the body with blunting spherical. laminar heat transfer is described by the relation:

where r e and m e are calculated at a temperature T e. These formulas can also be generalized to the case of calculating heat transfer in a non-separated flow around bodies of a more complex shape with an arbitrary pressure distribution. In a turbulent flow in the boundary layer, an intensification of the convective A. N. occurs, due to the fact that, in addition to molecular thermal conductivity, beings. turbulent pulsations begin to play a role in the transfer of the energy of the heated gas to the surface of the body.

With the theoretical calculation A. n. For an apparatus flying in dense layers of the atmosphere, the flow near the body can be divided into two regions - inviscid and viscous (boundary layer). From the calculation of the flow of inviscid gas in the external. area is determined by the distribution of pressure over the surface of the body. The flow in a viscous region with a known distribution of pressure along the body can be found by numerically integrating the equations of the boundary layer or, for calculating the A. n. can be used diff. approximate methods.

A. n. plays creatures. role and supersonic flow gas in the channels, primarily in the nozzles of rocket engines. In the boundary layer on the walls of the nozzle, the gas temperature can be close to the temperature in the combustion chamber rocket engine(up to 4000 K). In this case, the same mechanisms of energy transfer to the wall operate as in the boundary layer on a flying body, as a result of which an AE arises. nozzle walls of rocket engines.

To obtain data on A. n., especially for bodies of complex shape, including bodies streamlined with the formation of separation regions, an experiment is carried out. studies on small-scale, geometrically similar models in wind tunnels with reproduction of defining dimensionless parameters (numbers M, Re and temperature factor).

With an increase in the flight speed, the temperature of the gas behind the shock wave and in the boundary layer increases, as a result of which dissociation of the incoming gas molecules also occurs. The resulting atoms, ions and electrons diffuse into a colder region - to the surface of the body. There is a reverse chem. reaction - recombination, going with the release of heat. This gives an addition. contribution to convective A. n. In the case of dissociation and ionization, it is convenient to switch from temperature to enthalpies:

Where - equilibrium enthalpy, and - enthalpy and velocity of the gas at ext. the boundary of the boundary layer, and is the enthalpy of the incoming gas at the surface temperature. In this case, the same critical values ​​can be used to determine. ratio, as for relatively not high speeds flight.

When flying at high altitudes, convective heating can be affected by the non-equilibrium of the physical and chemical. transformations. This phenomenon becomes significant when the characteristic times of dissociation, ionization, and other chem. reactions become equal (in order of magnitude) to the residence time of gas particles in a region with an increased temperature near the body. Influence of physico-chemical. disequilibrium on A. n. manifests itself in the fact that the dissociation and ionization products formed behind the shock wave and in the high-temperature part of the boundary layer do not have time to recombine in the near-wall, relatively cold part of the boundary layer; decreases. In this case, catalytic plays an important role. surface material properties. By using materials or coatings with low catalytic activity with respect to recombination reactions (for example, silicon dioxide), it is possible to significantly reduce the amount of convective A. n.

If a gaseous coolant is supplied ("blowing") into the boundary layer through the permeable surface of the body, then the intensity of convective A. n. decreases. This is happening ch. arr. will add as a result. heat consumption for heating the gases blown into the boundary layer. The effect of reducing the convective heat flux during the injection of foreign gases is the stronger, the lower their molecular weight, since the sp. heat capacity of injected gas. At laminar flow flow in the boundary layer, the blowing effect is more pronounced than in the case of turbulent flow. With moderate beats. blown gas flow rate, the reduction in convective heat flux can be determined by the formula

where is the convective heat flux to the equivalent impermeable surface, G is the sp. mass flow rate of injected gas through the surface, and - coefficient. blowing, which depends on the flow regime in the boundary layer, as well as the properties of the incoming and blown gases. Radiative heating occurs due to the transfer of radiant energy from areas with an increased temperature to the surface of the body. In this case, it plays the greatest role in the UV and visible regions of the spectrum. For the theoretical calculation of radiation heating, it is necessary to solve a system of integro-differential equations of radiation. gas, taking into account own. emission of gas, absorption of radiation by the medium and transfer of radiant energy in all directions in the high-temperature flow region surrounding the body. Integral over the spectrum of radiation. flow q P0 to the body surface can be calculated using Stefan-Boltzmann law of radiation:

where T 2 - gas temp-pa between the shock wave and the body, \u003d 5.67 * 10 -8 W / (m 2 * K 4) - Stefan's constant, - eff. the degree of blackness of the radiating volume of gas, which in the first approximation can be considered as a flat isothermal. layer. The value of e is determined by a combination of elementary processes that cause the emission of gases at high temperatures. It depends on the speed and altitude of the flight, as well as on the distance between the shock wave and the body.

If it relates. the amount of radiation. A. n. great, then creatures. the role begins to play radiats. cooling of the gas behind the shock wave, associated with the removal of energy from the radiating volume into environment and lowering its temperature. In this case, when calculating the radiation. A. n. a correction must be introduced, the value of which is determined by the highlighting parameter:

where is the flight speed, is the density of the atmosphere. When flying in the Earth's atmosphere at speeds below the first cosmic radiation. A. n. small compared to convective. At the second cosmic speeds they are compared in order of magnitude, and at flight speeds of 13-15 km / s, corresponding to the return to Earth after flying to other planets, main. contribution is made by radiative A. n.

A special case of A. n. is the heating of bodies moving upwards. layers of the atmosphere, where the flow regime is free-molecular, i.e., gas molecules are commensurate or even exceed the size of the body. In this case, the formation of a shock wave does not occur even at high flight velocities (of the order of the first cosmic one). a simple formula can be used

where is the angle between the normal to the surface of the body and the velocity vector of the oncoming flow, A- coefficient accommodation, which depends on the properties of the incoming gas and surface material and, as a rule, is close to unity.

With A. n. related to the problem of "thermal barrier", which arises in the creation of supersonic aircraft and launch vehicles. An important role of A. n. plays at the return of space. devices into the Earth's atmosphere, as well as when entering the atmosphere of planets with velocities of the order of the second cosmic and higher. To combat A. n. apply special. systems thermal protection.

Lit.: Radiation properties of gases at high temperatures, M., 1971; Fundamentals of the theory of spacecraft flight, M., 1972; Fundamentals of heat transfer in aviation and rocket and space technology, M., 1975. I. A. Anfimov.

If the heating of projectiles and rockets at low flight speeds is small, then at high speeds it becomes a serious obstacle to the development of aircraft. These devices are heated by the heat radiated by the Sun and the heat released during the operation of the engines and control equipment. In addition, they heat up when moving in the air.

Heating from movement in the air plays the most significant role, especially when returning ballistic missiles to the atmosphere. During the movement of an aircraft in the air, heat arises due to the friction of air on the surface of the rocket and, mainly, the compression of air in front of the flying body.

As you know, a Soviet rocket launched into the Pacific Ocean reached a speed of over 7200 m/sec. If, during its re-entry into the atmosphere, this speed had been maintained and complete deceleration of the air in front of the rocket had been ensured, then, as shown by an elementary calculation based on the energy conservation equation for compressible gases, the temperature of the air in front of the rocket could have increased by almost 26,000 °.

However, let's ask ourselves some questions. First, does the air in front of the rocket actually heat up to the calculated temperature as a result of compression? The answer will be negative. Theoretically, complete deceleration of the air in front of a streamlined body, such as a projectile or rocket, should occur only at one point, namely: in front of the tip of the bow. On the rest of the surface, only partial air deceleration occurs. Therefore, the overall heating of the air near the aircraft is much less. In addition, as the air in front of the rocket heats up and becomes denser, its thermodynamic properties change, in particular, the specific heat capacity increases, and air heating turns out to be less. Finally, the molecules of air, heated to an absolute temperature of 2,500 - 3,000°, begin to "split" into atoms. Atoms turn into ions, that is, they lose electrons. These processes (dissociation and ionization) also take part of the heat, reducing the air temperature.

Secondly, is all the heat that the air possesses transferred to the projectile or rocket as it travels? It turns out not. The heated air gives off a lot of heat to the surrounding air masses through heat transfer and thermal radiation.

Thirdly, if the air in front of the flying body is heated to a certain temperature, does this mean that the rocket is heated to the same degree? Also no. The skin will always have a temperature lower than the air around it.

The aircraft simultaneously with the receipt of heat will give off heat to the surrounding air and cool due to radiation. In general, the apparatus will heat up to a temperature at which some complex thermal balance is established.

In order to estimate the probable heating of a projectile or rocket in flight, one must first of all know at what speed and for how long it will fly through air layers of varying density and temperature. When penetrating the atmosphere upward, the stay of a ballistic missile in a relatively dense atmosphere is very short and is measured in seconds. It develops a high speed, in fact, already at the exit from the atmosphere, i.e., where the air is very rarefied.

All these circumstances, taken together, lead to the fact that the heating intensity of the rocket during the upward flight, although significant, is quite acceptable without taking special constructive measures.

Significantly greater difficulties await the rocket (its warhead) during the return return to the atmosphere. In addition to large aerodynamic loads, the so-called "thermal shock" can occur here, associated with a rapid increase in the temperature of the rocket.

Let us briefly list some of the methods of combating the heating of aircraft, cited in foreign literature * . Firstly, reducing the speed of their forced movement in the atmosphere (for example, during the return of a rocket) by using air brakes, parachutes, brake engines, etc. Secondly, the use of refractory and heat-resistant materials for the construction of the skin. Thirdly, the use of materials or coatings for the shell, which are characterized by high emissivity, i.e., the ability to remove more heat into space. Fourth, careful polishing of the surface, which improves its reflectivity. Fifthly, the thermal insulation of the main components of the structures, i.e., a decrease in the heating rate by applying a layer of a substance with low thermal conductivity to the surface or by creating a layered-porous heat-insulating set between the outer and inner skins.

* ("Airplane" No. 2478.)

And yet, at very high speeds, temperatures develop at which neither metal nor any other materials are suitable without taking measures to forcefully cool the skin. Therefore, the sixth way is to create forced cooling, which can be created in various ways, depending on the purpose of the aircraft.

The head parts of rockets are sometimes covered with so-called burn coatings. The decrease in temperature in this case is achieved by creating such protective skin layers that are designed to melt and burn. Thus, they absorb heat, preventing it from reaching the main structural elements. When the skin layer melts or evaporates, a protective layer is simultaneously formed, which reduces the transfer of heat to the rest of the structure.

The efficiency of aircraft modern level their development is directly related to the solution of the thermal problem. The pinnacle of achievements in this field were flights in a circular orbit with the return to Earth of Soviet cosmonauts Yu. A. Gagarin and G. S. Titov.

Basic data of foreign guided missiles and missiles*

Name and country Maximum flight range, km Max Height flight, km Max speed starting weight Engines (traction) Approximate geometric dimensions, m Start type Guidance system Governing bodies Warhead charge (TNT equivalent) Other data
length scope Maksim. case diameter
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
ballistic missiles
"Atlas" (USA) 10 000 up to 1 300 about 7 km/s 115 - 118 t First stage - 2 rocket engines (75 tons each), second stage - rocket engines (27 tons) 24 3 Stationary ground positions Combined (inertial and radio command) Deviated hinged chambers LRE and 2 vernier engines Nuclear
"Titan" (USA) 10 000 up to 1 300 about 7 km/s 93 - 99 t The first stage is a two-chamber rocket engine (136 tons), the second stage is a rocket engine (36.6 tons) 27,6 3 Stationary underground positions inertial Deviated articulated LRE chambers and 4 vernier engines Nuclear (7 mgt) Did not enter service
Minuteman (USA) 10 000 up to 1 300 about 7 km/s 34 - 36 t First, second and third stages - RDTT 17 1,5 Stationary underground positions or mobile railway platforms inertial Deflectors in the four nozzles of the engine of the first stage (possibly in the remaining stages) Nuclear (1 mgt) Did not enter service
"Thor" (USA) 2 775 up to 600 about 4.5km/s 50 t One stage - LRE (68 t) 19,8 2,4 inertial Deviated combustion chambers of LRE and 2 vernier engines (for control in the final section and stabilization of the hull against rotation) Nuclear (4 mgt) Nose cone descends at subsonic speed, stabilized by six nozzles
"Jupiter" (USA) 2 775 up to 600 about 4.5 km/s 50 t One stage - LRE (68 t) 18 2,6 Stationary ground installations inertial Deviated combustion chambers of LRE. The nozzle, fed by the exhaust gases of the gas generator of the turbopump, performs the functions of a vernier engine and stabilizes the body against rotation Nuclear (1 mgt) Nose cone stabilized by four nozzles
Polaris (USA) 2200 up to 5500 about 4 km/s 12.6 t First stage - solid propellant rocket engine (45 tons), second stage - solid propellant rocket engine (9 tons) 8,4 1,37 From surface and submerged submarines and from fixed bases Projectile inertial guidance system and submarine inertial navigation system Deflectors in four nozzles of the first stage. In the second stage, the same device or 4 vernier engines are possible Nuclear (1 mgt) Powdered aluminum added to fuel
"Blue Streak" (England) 4 500 up to 800 about 5.2 km/s 80 t One stage - 2 rocket engines (135 t) 24 3 Stationary underground installations inertial Deviation of both hinged rocket engines and two exhaust pipes from the turbopump Nuclear Did not enter service
"Pershing" (USA) 480 up to 160 about 2 km/s 16 t First and second stages - RDTT 12 Mobile installations inertial Nuclear (1 mgt) The missile is intended to replace the Redstone. Did not enter service
Redstone USA) 320 up to 130 about 1.7 km/s 27.7 t One stage - LRE (34 t) 19,2 3,6 1,8 Mobile installations inertial Aerodynamic and gas rudders nuclear or conventional
"Corporal" (USA) 110 up to 50 about 1 km/sec 5 t One stage - LRE (9 t) 14 2,13 0,76 Mobile installations Inertial and radio command Aerodynamic and gas rudders nuclear or conventional
"Sergeant" (USA) 120 up to 50 about 1 km/sec 5 t One stage - solid propellant rocket engine (22.7 t) 10,4 1,8 0,7 Mobile installations inertial Aerodynamic and gas rudders nuclear or conventional The missile is intended to replace the Corporal. Did not enter service
"Honest John" (USA) 27 to 10 about 0.55 km/sec 2.7 t One stage - RDTT 8,3 2,77 0,584 Self-propelled launcher transported by helicopter Installation of the launch frame in azimuth and elevation. Rotation stabilization Rotation by four small motors and slanted keels nuclear or conventional
"Little John" (USA) 16 supersonic 0.36 t One stage - RDTT 4,422 0,584 0,318 Light launcher carried by helicopter Angled cruciform control surfaces Installation of the launch frame in azimuth and elevation. Gyro stabilization nuclear or conventional
"GAM - 87 A" (USA) 1600 up to 250 - 300 about 4 km/s 9 t One solid propellant rocket engine From aircraft type B-47, B-52 and B-58A inertial jet deflector Nuclear (4 mgt) Aviation ballistic missile. Did not enter service
II. cruise missiles
"Snark" (USA) 10 000 from 300 to 15200 m 990 km/h 28.2 t Two starting solid propellant rocket engines (59 tons each), one marching turbojet engine (5.9 tons) 21 12,9 Mobile launcher Inertial with astronomical corrector of a gyro-stabilized platform Starter jet deflectors (during acceleration), elevons (in flight) Nuclear (up to 20 mgt)
"Matador" (USA) 800 (limited by guidance capability) 11,000 m 965 km/h 5.44 t (without starting engine) One starting solid propellant rocket engine (23 t), one marching turbojet engine (2 t) 12,1 8,87 1,37 Mobile launcher On the TM-61A modification - radio command. On TM-61S - additional hyperbolic radio navigation system "Shanikl" Controllable stabilizer, deflecting plates on the upper surface of the wing nuclear or conventional
Mace (USA) 1000 from 300 to 12200 m 1050 km/h 6.36 t (without starting engine) One starting solid propellant rocket engine (45.4 tons), one sustainer turbojet engine (2.36 tons) 13,42 7,09 Mobile launcher On the TM-76A modification - the Atran guidance system, which reproduces the radar map of the area, which is compared with the map on board. On TM-76V - inertial Controlled stabilizer, steering wheel Turn, ailerons Nuclear
Lacrosse (USA) 32 (limited by the range of the guidance system) Transonic 1 t One solid propellant rocket engine 5,86 2,7 0,52 Radio command Movable cruciform tail nuclear or conventional
"Kasser" (France) 90 Depending on the area 970 km/s 1 t Two starting solid propellant rocket engines, one marching ramjet 3,5 3 Self-propelled launcher Radio command Ailerons, elevons and wing keels with rudders Ordinary
III. anti-aircraft missiles
"Bomark" (USA) 400 20 M = 2.5** 6.8 t One launch rocket engine or solid propellant rocket engine (15.9 tons), two mid-flight ramjet engines (10.4 tons) 15 5,54 0,88 Stationary air defense bases At the initial stage - according to the commands of the "Sage" system. At the last stage, active radar homing Articulated launch motor deflection, elevator, rudder and ailerons nuclear or conventional Starts vertically
Nika-Ajax (USA) 40 20 M = 2.5 1 040 kg, 500 kg without starting motor One starting solid propellant rocket engine, one sustainer liquid propellant rocket engine (1.18 tons) 10.8; 6.4 without starting engine 1,6 0,305 Stationary air defense bases Command radar Three warheads with shrapnel
"Nika-Hercules" (USA) 120 30 M = 3.3 4 500 kg, 2250 kg without starting engine One starting four-chamber rocket engine (or solid propellant rocket engine), one sustainer solid propellant rocket engine 12.124; 8.159 without starting engine 2,286 0,8 Stationary air defense bases Command radar Control surfaces on the trailing edges of the cruciform wing conventional or nuclear
Nika-Zeus (USA) up to 320 M = 5 - 7 9.1 t One launch solid propellant rocket engine (200 tons), one sustainer solid propellant rocket motor 15; 9 without start, engine Underground stationary air defense bases Command radar and target homing Nuclear Under development
"Tartar" (USA) 16 M = 2.5 680 kg 4,6 1,04 From surface ships By radar beam and semi-active homing system at the last stage Ordinary Did not enter service
Talos (USA) 100 M = 2.5 3,175 kg, 1,400 kg without starting engine One starting solid propellant rocket engine, one marching ramjet 9.3; 6.25 (without starting engine) 2,84 0,76 From cruisers By radar beam and semi-active radar homing system at the last stage (for missiles with conventional explosives) conventional or nuclear In the case of a nuclear charge, there is no homing. One cruiser Galveston is armed with Talos missiles
"Terrier" (USA) 16 M = 2.5 1,300 kg, 500 kg without starting engine One starting solid propellant rocket motor, one sustainer solid propellant rocket motor 8.05; 4.5 (without starting engine) 1,17 0,33 From cruisers, destroyers and coastal installations By radar beam Movable cruciform wing Ordinary
"Hawk" (USA) 35 from 30 to 115 00 m M = 2 579 kg One solid propellant rocket engine with starting and sustainer thrust stages 5,11 1,245 0,356 From mobile units transported by aircraft and helicopters Command radar and semi-active radar homing system Rudders on the trailing edges of the cruciform wing Ordinary The missile is designed to deal with low-flying aircraft
"Bloodhound" Mk-1 (England) Several tens of kilometers M = 2 2,000 kg, 1,135 kg without starting engines Four starting solid propellant rocket engines, two marching ramjet engines 7.7; 6.77 (without starting engines) 2,869 0,546 Stationary air defense base Rotation of the launcher in azimuth and elevation and a semi-active radar homing system Separate or simultaneous deflection of the movable wings Ordinary
"Red Eye" (USA) 3 5 kg 1,14 0,075 infrared homing Ordinary Designed to defend troops on the battlefield from low-flying aircraft
IV. Anti-tank shells
"Vigilent" (England) 1,6 560 km/h 12 kg One solid propellant rocket engine with two thrust stages 0,9 0,279 0,114 Portable installation Control by wire Control surfaces on the trailing edges of the cruciform wing. The projectile rotates slowly in flight armor-piercing charge Did not enter service
"Pie" R. V. (England) 1,6 One solid propellant rocket engine with two thrust stages 1,524 0,71 0,152 From vehicle installations or from the ground Control by wire jet deflection armor-piercing charge Did not enter service
S. S. 10 "Nord" (France) 1,6 290 km/h 15 kg One solid propellant rocket engine with two thrust stages 0,86 0,75 0,165 From automotive installations, helicopters and aircraft Control by wire Vibrating spoilers on the trailing edges of the cruciform wing Armor-piercing charge (for armor up to 400 mm)
S. S. 11 "Nord" (France) 3,5 up to 700 km/h 29 kg One solid propellant rocket engine with two thrust stages 1,16 0,5 0,165 From the ground, cars, helicopters and planes Control by wire Vibrating second stage exhaust deflector that creates thrust asymmetry in the desired direction. The projectile rotates slowly in flight Armor-piercing charge (for armor up to 510 mm)
"Davy Crocket" (USA) 3,2 One solid propellant rocket engine 1,5 0,15 With manual installation type "Bazooka" Nuclear (less than 1 kt) Did not enter service
V. Projectile aircraft
"Hound Dog" (USA) about 500 km 18,000 m 2125 km/h 4500 kg One turbojet engine (3.4 t) 12,8 3,66 From strategic bombers B-52S and B-52H inertial Control surfaces in the bow ("duck" scheme), ailerons and rudder Nuclear (2 mgt)
Bullpup (USA) 8 (depends on projectile and target visibility) 2 250 km/h 260 kg 3,4 1,1 0,3 From carrier-based or tactical aircraft By radio commands from an aircraft during visual observation of the projectile by tracers Control surfaces in the bow (duck pattern) Ordinary
Quayle (USA) 320 The height is equal to the flight altitude of the carrier aircraft 966 km/h 500 kg One turbojet engine (1.1 t) 4,04 1,68 From strategic bombers B-47 and B-52 By radio commands from an aircraft or by an autopilot with a pre-programmed Steering wheels and elevons No The projectile is a carrier of jamming equipment. Did not enter service
"Blue Steel" (England) about 600 From small to 27 km 1,700 km/h (when diving M-2 or more) 6 800 kg One two-chamber rocket engine (8 t) 11 4,1 From bombers like "Victor" and "Volcano" inertial Control surfaces in the nose, ailerons and rudder Nuclear Did not enter service
VI. air combat projectiles
"Eagle" (USA) 50 - 160 (according to other sources - 320) M = 3 900 kg One LRE or solid propellant rocket engine 4,5 0,35 From a subsonic fighter aircraft (Missailir type) Radar remote control from carrier aircraft or ground. At the last stage (from 16 km) - active radar homing Nuclear Did not enter service
Falcon (USA) 8 M = 2.5 68 kg One solid propellant rocket engine 2,17 0,66 0,164 From fighter planes Modification GAR-3 - semi-active radar homing system. GAR-4- Control surfaces at the trailing edge of the cruciform wing Ordinary
"Sidewinder" (USA) 5 (depending on weather conditions) M = 2.5 70 kg One solid propellant rocket engine 2,87 0,508 0,122 From fighter planes Infrared homing system Cross-shaped control surfaces in the bow (duck pattern) Ordinary
Sparrow (USA) 8 M = 2.3 172 kg One LRE (preloaded) 3,6 1,0 0,228 From deck fighters Semi-active radar homing system cruciform plumage Ordinary
"Firestrike" (England) 6,4 15 000 M = 2 136 kg One solid propellant rocket engine 3,182 0,747 0,22 From fighter planes Infrared homing system Cross-shaped control surfaces In the tail section Ordinary
"A. A. 20" (France) 4 M = 1.7 134 kg, 144 kg (projectile against ground targets) One solid propellant rocket engine with two thrust stages 2,6 0,8 0,25 From fighter planes Radio command guidance system (the pilot sees the projectile by tracers) Vibrating jet string deflectors creating thrust asymmetry Ordinary The projectile rotates in flight.

* (The given data is borrowed from foreign press (mainly from "Flight" No. 2602 and 2643). Blank columns mean no published information.)