Useful tips for women: how to keep up with everything and not get bogged down in the routine of everyday life. Housework. How not to get bogged down in everyday problems and enjoy them In order not to get bogged down in everyday life

Wanting to do housework, you could not even imagine that such an idea as a perfectly clean house can lead to a nervous breakdown. It seems to you that everywhere is a mess and hands just drop? Let's calm down, drink a cup of aromatic tea and see what's wrong.

Look at your apartment with someone else's eyes. What do you see? A mountain of clothes on an armchair and various planes, unwashed dishes in the sink, a stack of magazines scattered on the table and a computer table littered with various books and notebooks. Disappointing picture. And this order of things is not at all because you did not have time to clean up. These are the habits of all family members, which need to be changed gradually.

It has been scientifically proven that it takes approximately 3 weeks to develop a new habit. That is why you should not demand from yourself or your family fundamental change in behavior. Most of your time is spent picking up dirty clothes from all sorts of corners? Place two small baskets in the bathroom, for dark and light-colored laundry, and ask your family to put the laundry there. You will free up some time and the house will be cleaner.

Is there always a mountain of dishes in the sink? Until you get over this family habit, leaving all the washing up for later, cleanliness in the kitchen will not be achieved. But this does not mean that you should make a revolution at home with slogans for cleanliness, but you should not immediately tear yourself up, maintaining daily shine in the apartment.

Try a simple way to divide into zones. It doesn’t matter if your apartment is big or small, it doesn’t make less homework. In any case, you have a kitchen, a bath, a bedroom, a living room and a corridor. Come on, let's split them up. Separate kitchen, separate bathroom with corridor, separate bedroom, separate living room. We get only 4 zones. And for each you will spend a whole week in a month. This will help keep the house clean and remain a well-groomed and friendly wife, and not an evil aunt.

Just imagine that you are given a whole week to clean up the bathroom and the corridor. In the morning, while brushing your teeth, wipe the sink with a sponge and fill the toilet with a cleaner. I washed my face while you have breakfast, your toilet bowl is already soaked and only 10-15 minutes are enough to clean it. Did you clean it? Well done!

Now smear the cleaner on the shower stall and do something else. For example, preparing dinner or loading the washing machine with laundry. The most important thing is not to drive yourself, but to switch to a variety of things.

And make sure you get some rest. Homework isn't going anywhere.

Today, an article for the Happy Space School was written by the owner of the site Women's Island Oksana Golets. For all sorts of feminine things, you can go to her pink cozy blog. In the meantime, read the article

Oh those household chores! Every day is the same! You have to cook breakfasts (lunches, dinners), clean the apartment, take care of the children, wash the dishes... And the list goes on and on. Dozens of “shoulds”, and besides, with all this, she must look great, be friendly and sweet. Whatever the boring word “should” is, it is the same as “forced”. And how can you feel happy when you have to do something under duress? After all, that's exactly what it sounds like with the verb "forced."

And if you learn to enjoy the routine work at home? Is it possible? Psychologists offer this way out: try to replace the unpleasant word “should” with a light “I want”. After all, it has long been known that words have power, and considerable. Do you feel how the phrases began to sound more cheerful?

For example, I WANT to clean my apartment. Why? Yes, to make it cozy and comfortable, so that the children do not breathe the dust that has accumulated on the furniture. In addition, according to the teachings of Feng Shui, the key to well-being in the house is cleanliness and order in it. And I also, for example, notice that when there is a mess in the apartment, then there is no order in my thoughts, porridge in my head.

In general, if you think about it and dig deeper, then behind any “should” is a positive desire. And every obligation can be reformulated as a sincere desire.

As soon as you think that you have some household chores coming up, start mentally saying something like this: “What do I WANT to do now? Wash the dishes so that later you can eat deliciously (feed deliciously to your family). I WANT to cook breakfast because I love my family very much and care about their health and proper nutrition". Or, "I WANT to exercise every morning, because I like to be healthy and slim." Maybe at first it will be somehow unusual to think like that, but then it will become a habit.

You can make a list of all the household chores that you have to do by writing them down on a piece of paper, and then cross out all the words “must” and write “I want” over them with a pencil of a different color. Next to it is an explanation of why you want to do it.

And also start doing household chores with a smile and good mood, and after - feel true satisfaction from the results of your labors. After all, you can enjoy completely ordinary things - a delicious dinner, cleanliness and order in the house. This is better than constantly lamenting: "Is the meaning of my life lies in the constant ironing, washing, cooking, etc."

Women are called the weaker sex , but this is debatable. All that she can endure, endure and have time to do, rarely anyone from the representatives of the stronger sex will succeed. Often, when a woman is constantly busy with something around the house, no one notices what she is doing. But as soon as she stops looking after the household, the result immediately becomes obvious: a mess in the rooms, unwashed dishes in the kitchen, unmade beds and a mountain of dirty clothes.

Some girls from childhood reveal their independent, strong and purposeful character. But there are those who, over time, under the pressure of life circumstances, acquire it. But this does not mean that a strong woman should lose her femininity, originality and mystery.

Purposeful women want to use all resources and achieve everything possible and impossible throughout their lives: graduate from school, university, get a prestigious and high paying job. At the same time, marry a charming and strong man, be for him a high-class mistress, friend, stunning mistress and mother of his charming, obedient children. And with all this, maintain a well-groomed and bright appearance.

How to do everything? It turns out that if you really want and set a goal, then everything is possible.

The main thing is time and positive emotions

Wake up early, about an hour and a half earlier than the children, husband and other relatives, if any, live with you. While no one is distracting, sit in silence for a few minutes, relax. Take a shower, clean yourself up. Concentrate on what needs to be done today. You can distribute by hours, write down a to-do list on paper and tick off each completed item during the day. A plan for the day can also be drawn up and written the night before going to bed, in silence.

After that, immediately proceed to the execution of the points. You can usually get three times more work done by yourself early in the morning than when someone is spinning under your feet or asking questions, distracting attention. Prepare breakfast, and if you also need to go to work, you can cook lunch (for example, in a slow cooker). After all, it will be so nice to remember during the day that there is fresh, already cooked food at home. Parallel download washing machine iron a couple of things. You can designate specific days for yourself for ironing and cleaning the apartment.

When the family has woken up, you can now serve it: set the table, answer all the questions of the family without irritation and fuss. When the whole family is sitting at the table, do not do other things, also have breakfast or sit with your family. Admire them and envy yourself a little: how beautiful they are, especially when they gobble up your breakfast with pleasure. After all, you put so much love into preparing it.

So that the morning does not start with fuss and running around, before going to bed, you can check whether everyone has prepared clothes and whether they are in order. Teach your children to pack their school bags in the evening.

It will be ideal if during the day at least for 20 minutes you can retire, disconnect from work, conversations and disturbing questions, close your eyes, dream about something good with a cup of coffee or tea, or take a nap. Be sure that in half an hour you will be rested and fresh, ready for new beginnings.

Our thoughts are constantly in need of news, and therefore we often clog them with unnecessary information. You can refuse to watch soap operas, serials and emotional talk shows: they are aimed at filling the human brain with empty information and stealing precious, irrevocable time. We can also limit the time for stupid phone conversations, which also distract us. Instead of all this, you can do so many useful and interesting things!

After dinner, you can help the children with their homework, tinker with the younger ones, relax and have fun while playing with them. Babies from birth should not be often picked up and taught to rock, in the future this will allow you to save time for yourself, as children will be more independent and not capricious.

And now comes the most beautiful time of the day, when everyone is sleeping and now you can be alone with your husband, enjoy the conversation over a cup of tea, the presence of each other. After all, loving people always have something to say to each other in private.

After such a day, be sure that before going to bed you will feel the most satisfied, joyful, happy and necessary for this life and people dear to you!

When a person's energy is disturbed, he can get sick or get bogged down in trouble. To prevent this from happening, it is very important to maintain an energy balance.


Affirmations are attitudes, and in fact there is nothing unusual and mystical in them. They work for the reason that we force our brain to think in a special way, namely, the one that we need at this moment. With the right use of affirmations, you can also achieve the fulfillment of desires. For them to have a positive effect and increase your energy, it is best to repeat them twice a day: in the morning when you wake up and in the evening before going to bed.
In the morning, you can use these motivating and confidence-giving own forces affirmations: I feel my uniqueness and power. I can succeed because I deserve it. I firmly believe in myself and my success. I have the strength to achieve the desired goal. I am in control of any situation. I easily take the initiative. I feel confident. I manage myself. I am calm. In the evening after returning home, think about what you have done from the above, and praise yourself by coming up with affirmations on your own. You can repeat those that did not work out, adding that tomorrow you will definitely succeed.

The magical properties of stones

Since ancient times, stones have been used to treat diseases and as amulets. Some of them are even capable of attracting love. Beryl: A very strong conductor of energy, as well as an excellent shore against any negative energy. Attracts good luck. Moonstone: Best for mothers and children. Helps to get rid of fears and nightmares, is considered a talisman. jade: helps people who do positive deeds, monitors the spiritual growth of their owner and changes with his mood. ruby: associated with power and love, helps to be safe and protect yourself from enemies .agat: increases a person’s energy and facilitates dating and reconciliation after quarreling: it is also a stone of love, protecting against the interference of extraneous energy in relationships, and teaches eloquence. However, you need to be more careful when choosing a stone in order to know exactly which one suits you Zodiac sign.

feng shui home cleansing

Another way to renew your energy and be on top is to clean the house according to the rules of Feng Shui. This requires complete, absolute silence and 2-3 hours. First, take three sheets of paper and write on one what you want to achieve and what you lack, on the second - the problems that you face, and on the last - your desires. Next, take a shower. After that, the house is cleaned. Mentally imagine your house from above as a square or rectangle and draw diagonals in this rectangle. At the point of their intersection there will be a place with special power. It is necessary to put a table there, on which it will be possible to place white candles, petals of any pink flowers, large and small bells, a handful of rice, fruit slices, water and coins. Place the incense here.
Walk through all the doors, starting with the entrance, making movements as if you were stroking them. This is necessary to establish contact with the house. Move in a circle: you need to end where you started. Next, in each room, put a kind of gift: put a candle on a saucer in the center, put flower petals, a handful of rice, coins and fruits around it. Light the aroma stick next to the saucer. After this procedure, pat in each corner of the house, and then walk first with a large and then with a small bell along the walls. Move also in a circle, starting from the front door. To protect the house and the energy of all your household members, imagine that every door is covered by a shield. Now you can state your desires that you wrote on a piece of paper: they must come true.


First of all, we are talking about dogs, since they are considered to be donors, that is, they give their energy. Cats are good because they feed on energy themselves, but they can also take away the negative, for example, lying on the owner’s sore spot. In general, communication with animals has a positive effect on something, because they carry that natural energy, which many people no longer have in everyday city life.

Physical exercise

Morning exercises, playing football or volleyball, walking or jogging - movement is useful not only for the body, but also for activating energy and strengthening it. Even an ordinary walk can give you more rest and sleep, because being outside recharges you with natural energy.
It is extremely important to monitor the energy, because it tends to accumulate in things, for example, in clothes. If this is negative energy, then it can greatly harm a person.

So the sounds of wedding bells died down, and the honeymoon gradually gave way to everyday routine. Every family person knows that sooner or later life comes to replace romantic relationships. The same daily family life, about which a myriad of love boats crashed. That is why one of the main problems that will inevitably arise before married couples is the question - how to maintain their relationship, not to let yourself get bogged down in the daily hustle and bustle with its countless household chores and monotonous monotony? There is an erroneous opinion that only married couples whose family experience is calculated for decades face such problems. This misconception has played a cruel joke on many newlyweds. As practice shows, both young families and families with experience face the difficulties of family life with exactly the same frequency. For some, the crisis comes earlier, for others later, and only a few married couples can boast of the integrity and cohesion of the “cell of society” they created.

Many factors influence the relationship between spouses: housing conditions, financial difficulties, small children and much more. It is not uncommon for a young family to share a living space with their parents. At first glance, there is nothing wrong here. That's just the stubborn statistics of divorce claims that this is one of the most common factors in family conflicts. The constantly arising disagreements between representatives of different generations are not reflected in the best way on the relationship between young spouses. Gradually, a slight irritation appears, which over time will certainly develop into domestic quarrels due to various trifles: an open tube of toothpaste, socks scattered throughout the house, a cup not washed in time or a toilet lid not lowered in the toilet.

When mankind thought about how to calculate the formula for a happy marriage, they were slightly puzzled. After all, the ideal recipe for domestic misfortunes does not exist in nature. But also L.N. Tolstoy noticed that all happy families are alike, each unhappy family unhappy in her own way. There are a number of simple recommendations, using which you can easily keep your marital ship on the crest of a wave.

In order to smooth out the sharp reefs of disagreements and turmoil, first of all, it is necessary to seek a compromise, build relationships calmly and patiently, and respect each other's character traits and habits. You can try to treat annoying little things with a sense of humor, and perhaps, over time, you yourself will stop noticing them. It is possible that your partner, seeing this turn of events, will independently give up some bad habits. Then the cause of disagreement will disappear by itself, and your family horizon will again become cloudless. But if a quarrel nevertheless occurred, try with all your might to avoid an unpleasant aftertaste, find strength and prudence in yourself and make peace. Remember that in any quarrel there are no innocent people. Both sides are to blame. Albeit in different proportions, but still ...

Another cornerstone in relations between spouses is the distribution of family responsibilities. It is good if the newlyweds from the very first day clearly distinguish between the circle of their household chores. However, family psychologists say that nothing brings a family together like joint management household. After all, it's so simple! Go grocery shopping together, cook dinner together, clean the apartment together, pick up the child from kindergarten. Pay attention to happy families who were able to get around the maelstrom of domestic problems. There is no division into women's and men's duties in them: the husband easily peels potatoes and cuts onions, and the wife will readily give a hammer and hold the shelf.

To distract from everyday problems and not get tired of each other, try to surprise each other with pleasant surprises more often. It can be anything: a modest bouquet of wild flowers, a candlelit dinner, a small gift, like a cup or a hairpin, most importantly - unexpectedly and without any reason. in a great way The cure for household quagmire is a change of scenery. And it is not necessary to go to Paris or Venice. There are also many picturesque places in your area: a forest, a park, a lake - just look around and show a little imagination. To strengthen the pillars on which the family rests, it will not be superfluous to come up with your own family traditions and holidays, or maybe phrases that will be personally yours and will be understood only by you.

But the worst enemy of family happiness is boredom. So that she does not register in your cozy little world, you should be interested in each other. Why didn't these problems arise when you were dating? Because your range of emotions was not constrained by the framework of a common life. Try not to let this happen now. Yes, freedom is limited by duties: work, children, problems. But remember that children have grandparents. Do not deprive them of the happiness of communicating with their grandchildren. Believe me, your parents will be very happy if their grandchildren come to visit them for the weekend. Sent? And now we quickly take our other half in an armful and run to the cinema, theater, circus, to the skating rink. Go anywhere, even to the ends of the world, most importantly, together, together! And you will be happy!