Sketch “Mom’s Dreams. Puppet skit about the Master and the puppets who want their dreams to come true Scenario for an opening event it all starts with a dream

Class hour on the topic: "Dreams come true"


    introduce children to the concept of “dream”.

    expand students’ understanding of the purpose of life as the basis personal growth, an idea of ​​universal human values, of human aspirations and his capabilities.

    Develop children's communication skills,need to expand one's knowledge

    Create a desire to choose a profession to your liking.
    cultivate dedication and perseverance in achieving a set goal, a creative approach to solving various problems
    awareness of your professional future.


- revealing the meaning of a person’s lofty thoughts in the process of self-knowledge and ways of putting them into practice;
- development of positive character traits of students, their self-esteem skills;

Developing sense of purpose, self-esteem, and self-confidence.

Computer presentation.

During the classes.

- Good afternoon, dear guys, dear teachers, guests! And the day is really good.Kind because today we have all gathered together; kind because we have many friends; kind because today we are in our wonderful school, kind because you guys are at that wonderful age called adolescence. And ours Classroom hour I want to start withpoem by K. Kovaldzhi (which the teacher gives to students at the beginning of the lesson, the idea is about a person’s responsibility for choosing his own path):

Kirill Kovaldzhi

Youth is a version of paradise,

There are countless roads ahead,

And it’s sweet for me to hesitate, choosing,

After all, I haven’t chosen yet - there is a choice.

It is mine, an expanding, personal World.

I am very personal with my wealth,

After all, I haven’t chosen yet - I’m rich.

How do you understand the phrase: “...after all, I haven’t chosen it yet, I’m rich.” (Students' answers).

When commenting on the students' answers, it is important to emphasize that the poet is talking about the many paths and roads that are open to youth.

Game "Dreams"
Instructions:everyone closes their eyes and tries, listening to their desires, to imagine their professional future, position in society, and immediate environment. 1.5 minutes are given. Quiet, pleasant music is turned on.

You all probably have some kind of image. This kind of idea is called imagination. Today I would like to talk to you about one of the types of imagination.

I suggest you watch an excerpt from the cartoon and determine the topic of our class hour.

Video “The Tale of Tsar Saltan”

It's a dream. What is a dream? How do you think?(answers)

The dream is our thoughts-desires, which seem inaccessible and impossible to us, but at first glance.

The dream is the first step towards the goal!

The dream is strength is the meaning of life, it is interest in life, it is our “motivator”. Without a dream, there is no goal, no tasks, no movement.

Dream (according to Ozhegov’s dictionary): an object of desire, aspiration, something created by the imagination, mentally imagined.

(in this lesson, a dream will be considered from the point of view of the plans that a person makes to realize his achievements in the future.)

I invite you to go today on a long journey to the fabulous island “Dream”. To do this, you need transport to go there.

(individual work: make a vehicle and write your wish on it)

Creative activity: “If a person dreams”

In the dialogue, one group convinces the other that the ability to dream helps in work; and the second proves that dreams only distract from work and interfere.

(During the preparation of the groups, the song by Yu. Antonov “Believe in a dream” is played).

Listen to the poem “How can I make that dream come true”

How can I fulfill that dream...
What in my whole life is languishing...
And I look at the stars again...
Suddenly it flies by, there is a chariot...

She will light up my star...
On that planet far away from me...
And again I will find wings...
I will be happy in the whole world...

But apparently Pegasus fell asleep...
Flying among the silent stars...
And I drowned in desires...
Dreaming of a non-earthly miracle...

We all sometimes dream again...
When the comets, we will see the tail...
And more words are missing...
And we will leave our dream...

Don't kill your dream...
It’s not harmful to dream in life...
Desires go around the ring...
And I feel really bad for them...

I will break the vicious circle...
And I will find that chariot...
Don't be offended, dear friend...
Find your Firebird in your dreams

Video clip “Oh, if only my dream would come true”

How many of you want your dream to come true?

What do you think needs to be done to make everyone’s dreams come true?

Dreams inspire us, give us a feeling of flight...

Now read the statement that is written on the board.

(On the board there is an inscription: If the dream is flight, but there is the flight of an eagle and the flight of a chicken!)

Who can explain this statement? (answers)

Indeed, if you have a dream, you need to put in a lot of effort to make it come true. Don't just dream and forget. Some people think that in order for their dreams to come true, they need to wait a while, then what they want will naturally become reality. Such people's dreams rarely come true.

Dreams can serve as a guiding star for a person, determine his destiny; a dream inspires a person, increases his activity, and helps him fight difficulties. If we didn't dream, our life would be gray, boring, monotonous. But you should accustom yourself in advance to the idea that the higher the dream, the more difficult it is to realize it. The more you need to show hard work, perseverance, courage, and perseverance. That is, a person needs to weigh his desires against his capabilities.

And you need to start with small desires. If your dream is hidden too far, it will appear in front of you when you are ready to accept it. Start implementing them one at a time. One small step a day is better than none at all!

When you understand that it is not difficult to realize a small desire, a larger one can be born. If you realize a greater desire, your realest dream will come to you!

And most importantly, constantly ask yourself the question: “What has been done today? What steps have been taken to achieve my dream?

What prevents your dream from coming true:

Sometimes the efforts we put into making our dreams come true are not enough.

(video The Value of Time )

There is an opinion that the time has not yet come, I will still have time...

(Myths about time, video “Procrastination”)

Another is lack of faith in achieving your dreams.

The enemy of dreams is laziness. If you do not take any decisive action, then your dream is unlikely to come true.

Conclusion: Life is filled with challenges, opportunities, and peaks to climb with new mountains beyond. When the search for new peaks that can be conquered ceases to interest a person, his life is nearing the end.

You only have one life, and you only get to try it once. So make big plans.

Even if your cherished goal is a dream and completely unattainable. However, we receive an unprecedented surge of strength and energy, a positive attitude and just a piece of true happiness when we strive to make our dreams come true. Well, if you don’t have a dream yet, just take a few moments to create it. And believe me: it will awaken in you the desire to move forward towards its materialization. Always believe in your dream and in the possibility of making it come true!

There are so many professions on Earth, I hope you do right choice and you will definitely become what you would like to become. Live, surprising people with your talent, your studies and don’t forget that dreams always come true, you just have to believe in it!
(Song by Yu. Antonov “Dreams come true....)

Municipal budgetary institution

additional education Khanty-Mansiysk region

Report concert script

« The Dream of Princess Nesmeyana or “Dreams Come True” ».

Script developed


MBU DO KhMR Kandykazakova Z.E.


Buffoons: 1.2

Veselushki: 1.2





Fakir 1,2


Show and evaluate the level of creativity and performance

growth creative associations in a year.


1.Give viewers an idea of creative activity institutions;

2.Create an atmosphere of success and celebration for children;

3 .Socialization and education of a creative personality.



Microphone stands

Sound equipment


Samovar shop

Character Costumes


Progress of the event

The curtain opens

On the stage there are girls - Veselushki and Skomorokhi.

1Buffoon : In a glorious kingdom, in a free state

Once upon a time there was a Tsar and he had a daughter!

2 Buffoon : Little princess!

Together: Small!? Yes, remote!

1Veselushka : As soon as he wakes up early in the morning, he immediately begins to nurse:

2Veselushka: He doesn't want to eat! She doesn’t want to sleep during the day, and she’s tired of playing with old toys!

Together in turn: Such a cute girl, such a cute little girl, such a crybaby!

Together: The princess is with us!

Characters performing a song

Room: “Tsarevna the Unmemorable”

Nanny comes out.

Nurse: (swears) What are you thinking! Naughty girls! Chatterboxes! Who does this?! What are you thinking?! Now you’ll tell the whole tale in advance!

All: Yeah!

Nurse: You'll tell me, but it's better to show!

All: Ah-ah-ah! Of course we will show you!

A short dance. They run backstage.

Nurse: In general, see everything for yourself, don’t judge us too harshly(shakes his finger) and turn off all cell phones!


Screaming and crying can be heard from behind the scenes.

Nesmeyana, the Queen, and the Nanny appear. Nesmeyana is crying.

Nesmeyana: I don't want to wash my hands! I don't want to eat! I'll whine all day, I won't listen to anyone! (crying)

Queen : You've been crying all day! So aren't you too lazy to cry?And, as luck would have it, the king-father went to fight with the three-headed man. These men always have urgent matters to attend to; they don’t like women’s tears!

Nurse: Go, princess, take a walk! Look how nice the weather is!

Nesmeyana: I don't want good weather, I want bad weather! Let it rain!(crying)

Queen: Well, why are you being capricious! After all, if it rains, you will get wet!

Nesmeyana: I want to get wet!(crying)

Nurse: Or maybe you want to eat? Look, the candies are sweet and delicious, here’s a printed gingerbread!

Nesmeyana: I do not want anything!!(crying)

Queen: Stop being mischievous! Sit up straight and important, as a future queen should!

Nurse: Or maybe you'd like some ice cream? Creamy…

Nesmeyana: No!(crying)

Nurse: Well then, strawberry...

Nesmeyana: I don't want ice cream or cake!(crying)

Queen: Or maybe you're cold? Hey, bring a scarf for our princess: warm, downy.

(run, come back)

Nesmeyana: I'm neither cold nor hot! And I don't need anything!(crying)

Queen: Why are you screaming and crying then?

Nesmeyana: Why do I keep screaming? What do you care? I don’t want anything, I’m tired of everything!

They leave.

Buffoons and Veselushki come out.

1Veselushka: What to do?

2Veselushka: Howsamebe?

Together: How to make a princess laugh?

1 Buffoon: And thinking, at that same hour,It was published like thisdecree!

2 Buffoon: The Tsar listen to the decree

And hurry at the same hour

The order to carry out

Fill the kingdom with joy.

1 Buffoon: Talents must be collected.

Who can sing, dance,

2 Buffoon: .Who will make the princess laugh?

He will live in the palace!

Buffoons roll up the scrolls

1 Veselushka: And messengers were sent to all countries!

Phonogram of galloping horses.

2 Veselushka: And we called into the kingdom of the cheerful, cute, talented, cool!

1 Buffoon: Let's not waste time

2 Buffoon: It's time for us to start our concert!

(the buffoons leave, the queen and the non-replaceable sit)

NUMBER: “Round dance” dance

ROOM: “Visit a wonderful land” by N. Slavkov

The princess is crying (phonogram)

It turns out 1 Buffoon

Queen: Well, why are you crying and crying, princess? What should I do with you?

1 Buffoon: Your Majesty, the Gypsy asks you to tell your fortune.

Queen - I command you to let me in! Maybe she can tell us how we can make the Princess laugh and amuse her?

ROOM: “Gypsy Dance” dance group

Gypsy - Ah, chavela, my gold, my diamonds! I see, beautiful queen, that your daughter will be cheerful and joyful, but I can’t say who will cheer her up, the time will come, you’ll guess for yourself!

The gypsies are leaving.

Nesmeyana is crying

Queen : I just had a thought. Or maybe fashionable clothes from Paris will cheer her up? Just in time the evening horse arrived….

1 Veselushka: Exactly, try it on and have fun. What more do girls need?

Queen : I tell you to get ready for the ball and sew outfits!

2 Veselushka: Very correct solution Your Majesty...

(The queen and the buffoon leave)

ROOM: Model Show

(The buffoons come out)

Buffoon 1: Ambassadors come to us from overseas! Smile at them quickly!

Buffoon 2: a very famous fakir. It will be very interesting!

ROOM: “Fakir” clownery skit

The Queen and Nesmenna come out.

Nurse: Maybe I’ll give you a raise, you’ve gained half a ruble worth of sewing!

Nesmeyana: -Don't want! I'm bored! Blues!

Queen: What kind of melancholy is this?? Look at the new dance. And dry your eyes! Cha-cha-cha won't help, so let's call a doctor!

Nesmeyana: I don't want a doctor!

Queen: Then watch! And smile at my onion mountain!

(The queen leaves)

NUMBER: “Russian Woman” Yudin K.

The buffoon comes out

Nesmeyana: But I’m still not happy!(crying)

1 Buffoon (takes out a rattle)

But the rattle is a ringing toy. It rings very cheerfully. Everyone in the area is having fun.

Nesmeyana: Take away your rattle, Buffoon: it rings sadly, and it doesn’t amuse me.(crying)

2 Buffoon And I have something else!(takes out spoons)

I went to the fair and bought spoons cheaply. Voiced, carved, painted spoons. From dawn to dusk they amuse the people.

Listen to the music, eat the lollipop!

Buffoon "plays" on spoons, calling spooners

They're leaving

NUMBER: “Blounders are razini”

The Tsarina and Nesmeyana come out

Nesmeyana I'm bored!

Nurse: Or maybe, my daughter, take up your studies? Should I master the English or French language? You can charm a prince from abroad!

Princess: Oh, nanny, shut up, teach yourself English!

Queen: Don’t cry, my daughter, wipe your tears away quickly!(wipes her tears with a handkerchief. Nesmeyana is crying)

Queen: I can't hear you cry! I'll show you the fashion theater. Choose any dress and make my life easier!


ROOM: Model Show

The buffoon comes out

1 Buffoon - Not a hopak, but a round dance. Let's surprise people now.

2 Buffoon - Everyone had a chance to watch - Miracle dance, not breakdancing.

Together - Russian round dance! Meet!

ROOM: “Round dance” dance group “Carousel”

Nesmeyana: These turntables gave me a headache.(crying)

Buffoon (walks away, waving his hand)

Nesmeyana: -Mother and father don’t know what I dream about. And buffoons too. They started a concert... But they are trying in vain! What's the point when others are having fun? And they sing and dance! And I sit like a shock on the throne from morning to evening! What my soul wants, I myself don’t know... that’s why I cry all the time! Oh...I'll go and look out the window and dream... (leaves)

NUMBER: “I’m tired” by S. Koshelev or S. Veliev

Nesmeyana: The song was written about me! I think I got it! I want to learn to sing! And dance, and embroider, draw and sculpt, and also be friends with other guys!

Yes, I'm tired of all this(removes kokoshnik ), come on, girlfriends, quickly get to work!

Veselushki help Nesmeyana take off her sundress (underneath there is a beautiful dress)

Dance: “Russian Unlaughed and Veselushki.

1 Buffoon : Look at the Princess! It's a big change for her!
2. Buffoon: Nesmeyana does not roar, but laughs at the top of her lungs!

Princess: Or maybe I can sing? Eh, it was or wasn’t, I’ll try!

The soundtrack of the song “Girl-Russia” plays.

NUMBER: “Girl-Russia” sings Nesmeyana

Nesmeyana: Our concert was wonderful and made me happy. I won't cry anymore! Let my laughter sound everywhere!

In chorus: HOORAY!

2 Buffoon: And on stage we invite the director of the Municipal budgetary institution additional education of the Khanty-Mansiysk region Natalya Ilyinichna Furtune

Presentation of certificates and gifts

1 Buffoon:

Peace and happiness in our kingdom, In a creative, cheerful state,
Let them always reign now and tell everyone to live the same way!

2 Buffoon:

That’s the end of the fairy tale, and whoever listened - well done

I rested, had fun and learned something.

ROOM: “Two steps from a dream” by S. Koshelev, A. Plesovskikh, D. Purtov

1 Buffoon: Our fabulous concert was prepared and held for you by:

Scenario for fun with parents based on rhythm in a pre-school group

Topic: “May our dreams come true”

Tasks: strengthen in children the ability to respond by changing movement to changing the nature of music; mark the strong beat of the beat in the movement; introduce children to the elements of Russian dance (“pick-up”, running with overlap, round dance step); develop the ability to independently invent original dance movements; cultivate friendly relations, sensitivity and care for others.

Preliminary work: 1.Together with the children, remember summer fun and depict them with dance movements.

2. Dream with your children. Make wishes, draw or write them down. One of the wishes (at the discretion of the teacher) is used during the lesson (according to the script, in my version the wish of the girl Rita is used))

Attributes: exercise mats on the floor, colorful ribbons, Balloons by the number of children.

Fairy-tale heroes: Little Brownie and Little Dragon.

Progress of the lesson.

Music “It’s fun to walk through the open spaces together”

Children marching into the hall. They change formations, diverge from one column through one in different directions, meet in pairs at the back of the hall, and move forward in pairs. Then they disperse in different directions through one in pairs, in the depths of the hall they form fours from the pairs and go forward. The result is a line of four people.

Teacher: Hello guys.

Bowing is performed(music by S. Prokofiev “Waltz” from the album “Children’s Music”)

Teacher: One day we came to our hall

Forgetting for a moment about dancing,

We plunged into the world of dreams,

into wizards,

princesses, heroes

began to transform.

We wanted sun, summer

Happy summer games

We came up with this warm-up

Come on, repeat it.

Warm-up “Memories of Summer”, after warming up, the children change lines. The first line runs over to the place of the last, and the other lines move forward.

Exercise “Rays” - extending an outstretched leg to the toe to the side.

Change of lines.

Teacher: What a rustle, what a noise

Who is groaning with us?

(addressing the children)

Maybe you? Or maybe you?

Who? Let's find it now.

(Children help look for the one who is groaning, they find Brownie)


Oh my guys

I've also heard about desires

And about childhood dreams

The dragon just arrived

So angry and scary

He almost ate me

And even more terrible

He enchanted dreams

And he took it with him.

Teacher: Let's inflate a balloon

Let's make a wish again

He will show us the way, where the terrible one hid

Dragon, we will unravel the witchcraft.

Exercise " Balloon» - (music - waltz).

Change of lines.

Brownie: Wait, friends,

I'm not ready yet, in the distant

hit the road.

Sitting, I need to quietly stretch

Knuckles, at least a little bit.

Exercises on the floor(music “Tyopa’s Brownie Song”)

Teacher: Yes, Tyopa, you delayed us, however.

The balls are already out of sight

Tell me how we will find the way

Brownie: Don't be afraid, go ahead guys.

Children move from lines to circles. Little Brownie walks ahead and leads them to a place where there is white material representing snow. The little brownie takes a white chiffon ribbon on a stick and waves it over his head, imitating snowfall.

Teacher: How cold it became around, and snow

Who knows what happened?

Brownie: I know the dragon froze us all

We need to warm up, I guess.

Let's slam, stomp, jump quickly

And then we will become warmer and more cheerful.

Exercise "Jumpers".

Children stand in a circle and are conditionally divided into 4 teams. When playing for the first time, children perform in teams, in turn, clapping on each quarter for the first phrase, clapping for every eighth beat for the second phrase, tapping with the right foot for each quarter for the third phrase, and alternating taps with their feet for every eighth for the fourth phrase. Parents are also divided into 4 teams and, sitting in their seats, clap and stomp along with their children. When played again, each team of children comes up with some kind of jumping movement and performs their movement in turn for each phrase. The parents clap and stomp, just like in the first play. After the third time, the teacher calls the teams in different directions (for example, the fourth team and the fourth team should begin to show their movement, the first team should show the first, etc., parents perform clapping and stamping)

Brownie: What if we do the opposite

And will we be happy with snow?

Let's build beautiful snowmen

The dragon gets a reward for being harmful.

Exercise - game “Snowmen and Children”.

Children form pairs. One person squats (this will be a snowdrift), the other sits on a chair. For the first musical fragment, children sitting on chairs depict how they run out for a walk, enjoy the snow and make a snowman out of their play partner (a snowdrift). At the end of the first fragment they run back to their chairs (“Mom called for dinner”). During the second musical fragment, the children - snowmen begin to melt from the bright rays of the sun and gradually lie down on the floor, completely relaxing.

The second time children play with their parents.

Teacher: Look, it worked, the snow is melting,

The streams run jingling.

And we will run with the streams after.

Dragon, we will find you!

Exercise - game “Streams and Puddles”.

The first musical fragment (waltz) - children move freely around the hall with ribbons in their hands, depicting small spring streams.

The second musical fragment (polka) - children form a circle (“run into one puddle”) and perform a movement that the teacher will show, for example, jumping or galloping. The game is repeated several times. The second time, children can gather in two circles (girls and boys).

For the third time, parents join the game.

Teacher: Ants woke up from the sun

Running errands with work

Let's help, and maybe they

Exercise “Turn the circle around.”

Children, divided into pairs, stand in a common circle, and holding hands, turn to the right.

The first part - children go to the right in a circle.

The second part - the children of the leading pair release the hands connecting them, turn outward from the circle and easily run in different directions in a counter-movement, carrying the entire round dance with them. By the end of the music, the circle should turn its back to the center and the leading couple should join hands again.

After the second time, the circle is turned inside out and the children stand facing the center of the circle.

Teacher: They ran and ran and suddenly found themselves

At the station where the trains whistle.

We are machinists, we will rush quickly

Where our balls fly.

Exercise - game “Driver and Train”. One of the players stands in front with his eyes closed, depicting a train with his arms bent at the elbows. The second one controls it from behind, pretending to be a driver. The one who imitates the train should not open his eyes, checking whether the driver is driving correctly, that is, completely trust hisplaying partner. The “driver” must drive his “train” carefully, carefully, avoiding obstacles and avoiding “accidents”.

During the game, partners change roles.

The game is also played with parents.

Brownie: We carried horses on our train

Not at all simple, circus

They will strike beautifully with their hoofs

Everyone will be delighted with them.

Exercise - sketch “Circus horses”.

Teacher:(seeing Drakosha)

Tell me, are you probably a Dragon?

Or rather, Drakosha.

Why did you enchant wishes?

You're so good.

Drakosha:(either the teacher or teacher himself speaks for Drakosha)

It's not true, I'm evil, I'm Gorynych - a snake,

I'm breathing like fire right now.

Teacher: Wait dear, don't make people laugh

Children should not play with fire.

Drakosha: I want to smell the Russian spirit,

Go and dance quickly.

Otherwise I’ll swallow you all up in one fell swoop,

There will be no desires then.

The dance composition “The Name of Spring” is performed.

Teacher: Dragon, give us your wishes quickly

Drakosha: No, no, I need it myself

Nice, kind, cool everyone

No, no, I won’t give it to anyone.

Where is the girl Rita? Desire for her

It moved me to tears.

Teacher: Rita, you can have it now

Isn’t it safe to tell everyone?

Rita:“I want my mommy to never, ever get sick, to be the most beautiful and always smile”

Teacher: Let's take a look at our guests

Good, kind, sweet

Sons and daughters always have more fun,

When their parents are near them.

The mass dance “My World” is performed, children invite their parents to dance.

While the children are dancing, the teacher throws balloons onto the carpet from behind the screen.

Teacher: Guys, look, our balls. Kind, sincere, purposeful people's wishes must come true. I wish you that all your deepest desires come true.

Children move freely with balls around the hall while dancing.

Teacher: Guys, thanks for the lesson. Goodbye.


Children leave the hall with balloons to the music. Brownie and Drakosha escort the children to the group.

Oleg: Listen, how tired I am of being dolls.

Vika: Exactly, it's so boring to not be real.

Lena: let's ask the Master who made us. Maybe He will revive us!

Dima: We will definitely become real people. He can do everything. Let's call him. (The master is called and comes out).

Master: Why did they call me?

Oleg: We thought about it and decided to ask you to make us real people.

Master: People. Well, this is a good wish and I can fulfill it, but there are some conditions for this. You must become like people.

Vika: Yes, we are already similar. Here we have two arms, two legs, a head, a mouth. Everything is like people.

Oleg: Yes, there are even clothes.

Master: You did not understand. It's not about clothes, you need human qualities. For example, a dream. After all, only people know how to dream. May each of you find your cherished dream and then you will truly become like people.

Master: No, this dream should be yours and you need to look for it in your heart. I’ll give you time to think about what you dream about, and then call me and I’ll see what you’ve come up with.

Oleg: Yes, how difficult everything turned out to be. You need to find some kind of dream.

Vika: Yes, I thought that the Master would immediately make us human.

Satanilych: And I can help.

Vika: Is it true?

Lena: Stop. This is an evil doll - Satanilych. The master threw him into the basement for his harmfulness and anger and forbade him to communicate with him.

Oleg: Come on, what if he really can help?

Satanilych: I can, I can. I can give each of you such a dream that you will be exactly like people.

Lena: But the Master said that we ourselves must look for our dreams.

Oleg: Yeah said. And if we have to search for this dream all our lives, then we’ll just have to remain a doll. It’s better to let this Satanilych tell us.

Lena: But he can only teach evil.

Satanilych: Okay, if you don't like it, then don't bother others. So you come here (Calls the doll - Vika). Here's a dream for you. Dream of becoming the richest and coolest. Understood!

Vika: Understood. And I even like it. I think it's a cool dream (leaves).

Satanilych: Next (calls Luda). So, but you dream of becoming the most fashionable and beautiful.

Luda: Definitely a cool dream. And I really really like it.

Satanilych: Next (calls Oleg). Well, what kind of dream can you come up with? Yeah, that's it. Dream of becoming the strongest. Learn some kind of karate there, I understand.

Oleg: Understood. I also like this dream.

Satanilych: Hey, are you there? Maybe I can suggest a dream to you while I’m kind.

Lena: We don't need your tips.

Dima: Just us ourselves no matter what.

Satanilych: Well, okay (Leave).

Lena: Yes he is disgusting. It was in vain that other dolls communicated with him. He won't teach you good things.

Dima: That's for sure, but they still have a dream now.

Lena: And you know, it seems that I also found my dream without the help of this Satanilych.

Dima: Oh, tell me.

Lena: Well, it’s really so simple, you won’t laugh.

Dima: No, of course not.

Lena: In general, I dream of becoming a school teacher to teach children.

Dima: Wow. Yes, I think this is a very cool dream. Yes, but I still don’t have a dream.

Lena: Nothing, just think carefully and you will definitely find her.

(Vika enters, fashionable and cool, with a cigarette in her mouth).

Vika: Hey, you little pot-bellied little thing, how did you recognize me? Look, I'm like a real person. I even learned to smoke. That's how cool I am.

Dima: but in my opinion there is nothing cool about it.

Vika: What, who did you run into... yes, I did you.

(Luda enters with obvious too much makeup).

Luda: Oh, leave them alone. And why should we communicate with these dolls? They are so unfashionable and uncool.

Vika: Exactly. In short, suckers and that's all.

Luda: Exactly (laugh).

(Oleg enters shouting a cue and waving his arms and legs. He approaches Dima and Lena).

Oleg: Well, what are you waiting for? If you want, I’ll show you some trick.

Dima and Lena: Yes, thank you, I don’t want your tricks.

Oleg: Yeah, you're afraid. This is right. I am the strongest here, and if you don’t believe me, then I’ll hit you in the ear.

Dima and Lena: We believe, we believe.

Lena: Yes, how bad these dolls have become.

Oleg:(Addressing Lyuda and Vika). Hello. Oh how cool you are. Cool, well, looks like we have dreams. Let's call the Master now.

Vika: Exactly, otherwise I really want to become human.

Lena: Wait, but Dima hasn’t found his dream yet.

Luda: Oh, who cares. The main thing is that we have already found our dream. Hey, Master, where are you, come here.

Master: That everyone has already found their dream. So quickly, okay, tell me, we'll see.

Natalia Sokolova
Example Scenario graduation party"Dreams Come True"

Sample graduation party scenario

"Dreams Come True"

Presenter: Welcomes guests. Today is a wonderful day - your children are graduating from school. Today we are in a magical mood. I would like to dream about how the lives of our children will turn out, what they will become, what profession they will choose. Today we dream!

Meet our graduates!

(poems and songs can be accompanied by on-screen presentations)

Children enter the hall to the soundtrack of the song “About a Dream” performed by a large children’s choir, stand up in all directions and sing

general dance

Children read the poem by Travnik T., “I am at night when everyone is sleeping.”

Song “Somewhere Over the Rainbow” (see appendix)

Children are seated for

dramatization of Tatiana Petukhova’s poem “Dreams of Different Sizes”

(or other holiday theme)

Presenter: All people on earth dream. Some are talking about a new car, some are talking about a big spacious house, some are talking about true love or strong friendship. The biggest dreamers are, of course, children. And parents. What do they dream about? Well, of course, about the future of your children. If only we could hear these dreams!

Dramatization of the poem

Written by the family of one of the children

(the whole child’s family takes part in the performance)

final performance:

Child: A figure skater is good, but an IT guy is cooler!

I would go to IT specialists, let them teach me.

Presenter: Of course, our Sasha will choose his own path, his family will definitely support him and will always be there. What if Sasha wants to become a sailor: after all, we live in a maritime city!

Song about a sea dream (L. Polosin, B. Kuznetsov)

Sailors' dance

Presenter: I wonder what our guests: mothers, fathers, grandmothers, grandfathers of our children dream about? Now your parents will ask you riddles, and their dreams will be the answers.

Parents ask riddles

1. Riddle about the artist.

Song "I would like to draw a dream"

(group "Children")

(solo singing is possible. Guess: dream is to become an artist)

2. A riddle about a fireman (or any person in the heroic profession).

Speed ​​and agility relay race for boys.

3. Riddle about the dancer.

Dance to the soundtrack of the song “Top-top”

group "Michelle" (formerly "Svoi")

Child: “And this is who I dream about” (makes a riddle about the Goldfish).

Song "Three Wishes"

(from the film “Masha and the Bear”)

Presenter: gold fish- this is, of course, great, but it’s probably better that you yourself can fulfill your desires. What are you dreaming about (to the teacher, Natalya Alexandrovna? ​​(Explanation: teachers talk about “their topics” that they work on more).

N.A.: That children always remember their rights and do not violate the rights of other people.

Presenter: Let's ask Elena Kamilievna (teacher) about her dream.

E.K.: We live in one of the most beautiful cities in the world. Tourists come to us from all over the world. Our children love and know their city well. I would like one of you to choose the profession of a tour guide.

Conducts a quiz "Do you know St. Petersburg?"

Presenter: Nina Danilovna (assistant teacher, tell us about your dream.

Nina Danilovna: I would like not only our girls, but also our boys to be able to do everything around the house, to help each other and to do all household chores together.

Competition "Household chores"

Presenter: And you, Svetlana Petrovna ( musical director, what do you dream about?

Svetlana Petrovna:.

Number chosen by the music director

Host: What does Natalya Ivanovna (psychologist) dream about?

Natalya Ivanovna: I would really like our children and parents to be able to talk to each other about their feelings and boldly sort things out. Our guys already know a lot about feelings and their manifestations.

Game "Skype works?"

(we convey emotions to each other using facial expressions; parents play first, then children)

Everyone (to Natalia Dmitrievna, speech therapist): And you, Natalia Dmitrievna, what do you dream about?

N.D.: talks about his dream

Game with speech therapist

You can ask a question to the head, senior teacher. They will say that school is waiting for the children, etc.

Presentation of diplomas and gifts.

Song "Childhood will not end"

(Tender May)


Over the rainbow (by Judy Garland)

"Somewhere Over the Rainbow"

translation by Natalia Sokolova

There, over the rainbow, in the sky

There is land

Which is so easy for me to dream about.

Dreams come true there

Everything will come true there

What did you think of as a child?

One day I'll make a wish,

It will come true one day.

And like a sweet candy

Troubles will melt away. They're finished

Will come one day.

There, over the rainbow, the birds

That's how they sing!

And me behind you

And they call for a dream.