Scrapbooking for beginners New Year. Master class on scrapbooking: New Year cards. How to make a New Year's card with your own hands

How to make a New Year's card with your own hands. New Year scrap card master class from scrap materials. DIY postcard ideas.

Scrap cards are a great opportunity to wish your loved ones a Happy New Year. Even if you have never tried this type of creativity, it is never too late to try! A little about what scrapbooking is and what you need to make your fantasies come true. Scrapbook is English word, which is made up of 2 parts: scrap (clipping) and book (book).

In other words, this is the work of decorating albums, boxes, and postcards with your own hands. That is, people decorate original memorable or simply beautiful products for themselves or as gifts. What we will definitely need: a stationery knife, scissors, a glue stick, double-sided tape, ribbons, cardboard, and of course - paper for scrapbooking

New Year's cards using the scrapbooking technique are very popular: not everyone has the opportunity to give expensive gifts to loved ones and acquaintances, and such a card is a good alternative to a gift for work colleagues or good friends. And if you do this with children, this is an extra opportunity to spend time with them and communicate!

The main thing in this card is making the wreath, and then it’s up to your fantasy and imagination. Watch the master class and try to make it beautiful postcard.

To work you will need:

  1. Scrapbooking paper.
  2. Glue gun or Moment glue (if not available, use double-sided tape)
  3. PVA glue or glue stick.
  4. Gauze (bandage).
  5. Twigs, preferably with buds.
  6. Pieces of “grandmother’s” curtain.
  7. Jute braid.
  8. Cardboard.
  9. White paint (any) or white primer.
  10. Sisal.

Here's what we need for decoration.

Cut out the base from scrapbooking paper. The size of the postcard can be 20/14 cm, or 16/12 cm. Or maybe it is a square piece, 20/20 cm, as in this master class. Paper parts needed 4 pcs., 2 pcs. - for the cover, and 2 pcs. - for the inside of the postcard.

We prepare a cardboard backing for scrapbooking paper. It's 2 mm. wider than paper. We get a square of 22/22 cm. You need 2 such parts. Glue scrap paper onto cardboard. This is the first blank (blue). You need 2 of them.

Another piece of cardboard should be 220/440 mm in size. This is the main substrate.

Draw a wide circle with white paint or white primer. We emboss with white powder (white paint splashes will also work).

Take gauze (bandage), glue it in a circle in the center of the card.

We roll the branches into a ring and fasten them to the cardboard with a stapler. If you don’t have a stapler, you can sew it on with white thread.

We glue sisal on top.

We cut the jute braid and glue it with a zigzag, twisting it.

We cut lace or tulle into small pieces and glue them in random places.

Next, we take what we have: cones, branches, acorns. We glue in different directions. Then we take branches (tassels) of an artificial Christmas tree (can be cut from paper or foil). We glue this decor, slipping it under the cones, braid, acorns - in one direction.

Then, using a brush and paste with sand (Sonnet), we cover the entire wreath. Let's dry it. After drying, paint with white acrylic primer, covering the highest points. Until the soil dries, everything is sprinkled with blue glitter. Sonnet paste with glass balls is also added here.

For beginners: use your imagination - if you have neither paste nor primer - you can coat the top of the decor with a brush with glue and sprinkle flour, semolina, glitter, and so on on top. Wait until it dries and shake off excess. Try this option.

On the inside of the large part we glue 2 paper parts 20/20 cm. And on the outside we glue 2 blue blanks - this is the cover of our postcard.

First of all, you can use simple details in your work, for example, this Christmas tree:

Or this Christmas tree made from paper (template) and bandage:

You can use cutouts from music paper (template):

You can use these clippings (print or draw).

We admire scrap postcards and get inspired:

You can get inspiration for scrapbooking by looking at works of this applied art in numerous photographs on the Internet. New Year's cards created using the scrapbooking technique can become a wonderful souvenir and a welcome gift.

The card contains a unique cocktail. The composition of this cocktail is unique. It includes a piece of the skill of each scrub craftswoman, a drop of her soul, a handful of magic, thickly seasoned New Year's mood. Give your loved ones a good mood. Make a beautiful card for New Year Our examples of handmade vintage New Year cards will help you.

The main idea of ​​scrapbooking came to us from the West and consists of gluing cutouts, i.e. a kind of collage. New Year's cards in the scrapbooking style are especially inspiring; they are easy and simple to make, and the results are amazing; even those who have never held scissors in their hands are worth a try. You can get ideas for your future masterpiece by viewing ready-made…

For ideas and inspiration, nothing is better than photographs of New Year's cards using the scrapbooking technique. Scrapbooking postcards will help you decorate the gift itself, make interesting and unusual inscriptions, and design the postcard itself in an unusual way. A lot of unusual, non-standard ideas in the photo will give inspiration for making gifts and cards. And your gift will not go unnoticed. Here are the most beautiful New Year cards made…

Works in the scrapbooking style are distinguished by their special uniqueness, originality and personal participation. Take it colored paper, buttons, pieces of fabric, photographs and from all of this you create your own story, voluminous and beautiful, and make wonderful scrapbooking cards. New Year's scrapbooking pictures will inspire scrapbookers to create themed cards, with their own individual storyline and history. Such a card will be beautiful and elegant...

And if you very often visit a site where there are scrapbooking albums, you will certainly like our original ideas, in which “scrap” will help you prepare for the most long-awaited holiday - the New Year.
Not a single New Year's celebration is complete without the ritual of decorating the Christmas tree with the whole family. Here are the first ones New Year scrapbooking ideas– use hobbies to decorate Christmas decorations! Of course, for this technology you should combine scrap paper with other materials, for example, the combination of a felt backing with paper elements - stars, snowflakes, skates, deer - looks very beautiful.

A variety of garlands will be a wonderful New Year's decor; they are very convenient to make from scrap paper and decorate with ribbons, brads, chips, in a word, with all the decor that is suitable for the holiday. A simple, but at the same time very effective option is to cut out angels (circles, hearts) using double-sided paper, and then sew them together on a typewriter.

The decoration of the New Year's table cannot be ignored. So, for example, you can make beautiful napkin holders, or you can make toppers, for which you will need bamboo skewers, double-sided scrap paper, and scrap decor.

And, of course, you can’t do without scrapbooking christmas cards ideas. You can find a lot of interesting things at A great option for a greeting card would be a mitten. To create a winter card, the first thing you should do is find a template on the Internet or draw it by hand. Decorate the cut-out blank as you please, for example, decor in the form of snowflakes or birds will look very cute. You can also use knitted elements.

If you are making a card with your child, then choose a simpler option, but do not hesitate to use a lot of bright colors and decorations, because this is exactly what you need for the New Year!

Decorate and decorate for the holiday with your own hands.

Original idea to create a New Year's card from natural materials

On the eve of the New Year holidays, I want to return to childhood again, plunge into the world of magic and fairy tales. New Year is truly a family holiday, a time when it is pleasant to congratulate colleagues, friends, and relatives with all your heart, wishing with all your heart all the best for the new year.

The most heartfelt and memorable gift is hand-made scrapbooking-style postcards. Such handmade gifts are always sincere; they can convey more warm feelings than a banal souvenir from a store. The work of creating a postcard will appeal not only to adults, but also to children. Once you get carried away with the creative process, magical New Year's scrapbooking will become a favorite family tradition.

A few rules for creating postcards

On New Year's Eve, we all become a little children, we again believe in magic, dreaming of miracles and desired gifts. Many people may think that a postcard is not the best holiday gift. In fact, handmade New Year cards are not only exclusive, but also contain a piece of the master’s soul.

Review of New Year's cards

This method of congratulations invariably captivates with its sincerity, individuality, and special warmth that can melt the heart of the strictest boss.

This card will be a pleasant gift for friends and family

There are several general rules, thanks to which even beginners in creativity can make New Year’s cards with their own hands:

  • The "draft" rule. Creative ideas must first be streamlined; for this you can make a draft version of the product, trying, experimenting, imagining and laying out the decor.
  • Rule of "composition". When realizing your creative idea, you first need to create a concept for the future decorative composition. For beginners, the help of a sketch for scrapbooking is invaluable; it is the templates and sketches that will help harmoniously arrange all the elements of the composition.

The composition should have a semantic center in the form of a title decoration. The style, color scheme and pattern in the composition are always harmoniously combined.

A New Year's card will be an excellent gift if you make it yourself
  • The "inspiration" rule. Any creative process happens on a whim. A real salvation for beginners in art are sketches for postcards - ready-made templates, from which you can endlessly draw inspiration, creating your own masterpiece.
  • The "quality" rule. If you choose scrapbooking as a way to wish a Happy New Year, you need to take care of the quality of the card. The main criterion for the external aesthetics of a hand made gift is the ability to choose the right tools and original decor.

An interesting idea for creating a New Year's card.

Don’t be shy about using the ideas of experienced craftsmen, because scrapbooking is an art that you also need to learn. Over time, everyone will be able to develop an individual “creative style.” The main advice to a newcomer to work: do not be afraid to experiment, fantasize, create with pleasure, bringing unexpectedly creative ideas to life.

Master class: three-dimensional postcard for the New Year

New Year's ideas

Since childhood, we have all known the main “attributes” of the New Year holiday. If a New Year's card is created using the scrapbooking technique, deer, bells, snowflakes, a Christmas tree, balls - all this is actual decor.

New Year's card ideas

The associative series can be continued endlessly, because for each person there are “messengers” of New Year’s miracles, dear to the heart since childhood. The decor can be the most unusual: buttons, multi-colored beads, felt decorations and anything that can add meaning and volume to the New Year's composition.

Volumetric postcard

Postcard “Warm mittens”

Decoration is a labor-intensive but exciting process. We offer several original master classes on creating New Year's cards.

Option to create a postcard "mitten"

Making an unusually touching card requires the following materials:

  • sheets of durable cardboard;
  • scrappaper with New Year's motifs;
  • thin white lace;
  • inscriptions with wishes;
  • decorations (half beads, pompoms, gold braid).

A quick and easy way to make your own postcard

Work algorithm:

  1. The first step is to cut out the base of the future postcard from cardboard and fold it in half. You can iron it along the fold line. Glue sheets of scrap paper to the outer and inner sides and stitch along the edges using a sewing machine.
  2. To emphasize the theme of the postcard, it is not enough to use the congratulatory inscriptions “Happy New Year! ". The mood can be conveyed with festive decorations and a color combination of red, gold and green.
  3. Cut out the mittens on a separate sheet of cardboard. Mittens cut from white or red felt will help add a touch of originality and warmth. Glue gold braid and pom-poms to the base of each mitten.
  4. We optionally attach congratulatory inscriptions with wishes to the lower or upper part. For inscriptions, you can use stamping, journaling, newspaper and magazine clippings.
  5. We complete the design by placing sparkling accents. When making New Year's cards using the scrapbooking technique, any idea can be used as the title element instead of mittens, for example, Christmas socks, an openwork snowflake, a wreath or Christmas balls.

We should get something like this mitten at the end of the work

Postcard “New Year tree”

The presence of a fluffy forest beauty on New Year's holiday invariably.

The lace card looks quite interesting

Therefore, it is quite logical to make a greeting card, decorating it with a Christmas tree.

Master class on creating postcards.

Postcard - shaker

Create a 3D postcard with your own hands

For work you will need colored threads, cardboard and scrap paper, a stationery set, congratulatory inscriptions, a figured hole punch and decorations. Work algorithm:

  • We make a blank out of cardboard and run an iron along the fold line. We glue scrap paper on the inside and outside and stitch it along the edge.
  • On the front side, in the very center, the New Year tree will sparkle. Cut out a triangle from cardboard that matches the size of the Christmas tree. Take the threads different colors, texture and thickness and one by one, in a chaotic order, we wind them onto the workpiece. We make sure that there are no voids left.
  • Glue the finished thread Christmas tree in the center of the front side of the card. We decorate the top with multi-colored balls-beads, sparkling rhinestones, and you can place a sequin star on the top of the head.
  • Below the tree we glue a satin ribbon, lace or elegant braid, and on top we attach the congratulatory inscriptions “Happy New Year!”, “Happy New Year” or the original Spanish “Feliz Navidad”.
  • Around the Christmas tree to recreate winter's tale, glue snowflakes. You can use ready-made die cuts, but it’s cheaper to make them yourself using a shaped hole punch.

The best gift is a gift made by yourself

Tip: New Year's mood can be emphasized with aroma.

  • Soak sheets of scrap paper in coffee with added cinnamon. Such an inconspicuous touch will add a special festivity to the congratulations. It is important to write a wish inside each card. Sincere, warm words coming from the heart will be the best gift for a magical holiday.

On our website we have collected for you best ideas for New Year's cards that you can create with your own hands, involving the whole family in the exciting process. Be creative, fantasize, don’t hesitate to share your successes in original, exciting creativity, whose name is scrapbooking!