They don't call you right after the interview. Should I call the recruiter himself after the interview? How to let your employer know you're looking for results

Almost always, the person responsible for selection is the HR manager. It is from him that it makes sense to find out the result. If there is no such specialist in the company, then You should contact the person who conducted the first interview. In a small company, this could be either a potential immediate supervisor or CEO. If there is no connection with these persons, the right option will call the company, explain the situation to the office manager and ask who and how to contact to clarify the solution.

How long after the interview do they call? If there were no agreements during the interview, You will have to wait for a response from 2 days to 2 weeks. On average, the candidate is informed about the results within 2-5 days. And some employers do not consider it necessary to inform the applicant about their decision in case of refusal.

Therefore, it is pointless to passively wait for an answer for more than a week.

In order to make life easier for yourself, it is better for the candidate to agree in advance with the interviewer the deadline and method for obtaining the result of the conversation. If the interview is nearing the end and the interviewer has not said anything on this issue, the applicant will have to take the initiative into his own hands. It is enough to thank the interlocutor for his time and ask when you can expect the result or when you can call yourself to find out.

Should you call the employer after the interview? If the candidate is interested in the vacancy and wants to work in the company, then it makes sense to remind about yourself. This will show the applicant his interest in this particular employer. Sometimes an active and persistent candidate is hired, despite the fact that he is not entirely suitable professionally. But it is important to observe moderation and remain correct. Persistence should not develop into importunity and, especially, arrogance.

We talk about how to find out the results of an interview, who should report them and how.

How to remind yourself after an interview?

There are two optimal ways: a phone call and email. Sending a paper letter by mail is not the best idea, because it can take a very long time to travel even to the next block. It is also undesirable to use non-standard communication methods in this case - social media, SMS messages, instant messengers, Skype.

Phone call

At the stage of inviting an interview, the HR specialist usually leaves the applicant with a phone number. This could be a mobile phone and/or a company extension. By You can call the same number to learn about the results of the interview. But how to ask an employer about the results of an interview? The conversation could be structured like this:

Candidate: Good afternoon, Olga Vyacheslavovna! Would it be convenient for you to give me a couple of minutes?

Recruiter: Yes. What question are you talking about?

Candidate: My name is Maxim Pospelov. On July 29, I had an interview at your company for the position of Sales Manager. After the conversation, I became even more interested in your vacancy. I would like to know about the results. Should I hope for a positive response from you or would it be wiser to continue my search?

The candidate in this appeal makes an indirect compliment to the company and shows his sincere interest in getting a job specifically in this organization. Employers in most cases have a very positive attitude towards such activity of applicants.

Important! There is no need to drag out the conversation and take up time from the interlocutor. If the answer based on the results of the interview is not yet ready, you should agree on the time of the next call and end the conversation.


Such a letter is somewhat inferior to a telephone call, because there is no guarantee of receiving an answer. The recipient may, for example, read the letter, but get distracted and forget to respond. There is also a possibility that the letter will end up in the Spam folder. In this case, the recipient will not even see it. Makes sense after sending the letter additionally call the recipient and check whether he received it. You can use the following letter option:

Good afternoon, Olga Vyacheslavovna!

My name is Maxim Pospelov. On July 29, 2016, I had an interview at your company for the position of Sales Manager, during which I finally became convinced of my desire to work for you. Thank you for your attention to my candidacy and your time!

I would like to know about your decision based on the results of the interview and testing. Can I hope to get a job in the company? I'm looking forward to your answer!

If you don't mind, I will contact you within three days to clarify the results.


Maxim Pospelov

Phone 8-900-000-00-11

Important! To increase your chances of reading an email, it should be given high priority using a special function in an email service or email program. In this case, the letter will be highlighted in color in the recipient’s mailbox and will be difficult to miss.

Why doesn't the HR manager call back?

The HR manager does not make hiring decisions alone and therefore has to wait for a response from the immediate supervisor and, possibly, other employees of the company. The Security Service is often involved in the candidate selection procedure. Verification of candidates in this case may take up to a week.

Delays in response times may be caused by a large influx of applicants. Perhaps the company has a dozen interviews scheduled within a week, and a decision will be made only after all of them have been completed.

Force majeure cannot be ruled out. The HR manager could get sick, leave urgently, quit, and when transferring cases, the candidate’s resume was lost. Therefore, it is important to call yourself and remind yourself.

Also silence may mean a refusal, but in this case it is advisable for the applicant to call himself and find out the reasons for the negative decision.

Important! If the employer does not give reasons or they are unconvincing, and the applicant considers the refusal to be unfair, he has the right to formally demand from the employer an explanation of the reasons for which he was refused. In response to a written request, the employer will also have to explain in writing no later than 7 days the reasons for his refusal. But such a development of events can negatively affect the further career development of the applicant, because other companies are unlikely to want to cooperate with a conflicted person, and information in business circles spreads at lightning speed.

We looked in more detail at the reasons why you may not be called back after an interview.

There are also publications on our website that are designed to help recruiters in their work. In special articles we talk about how to correctly and and how you can evaluate and.

How to let your employer know that you are waiting for results?

If during the interview no agreement was reached on the timing of reporting its results, you can include a request to respond about the results in a separate letter of gratitude. Rarely do applicants send letters immediately after an interview thanking them for their time, but in vain. This tool can help not only get your current job, but also contribute to your career development in the future.

After all, the business community is quite limited and today’s humble recruiting manager small company in 5 years can become an influential HR director large company. Precisely the company to which the same applicant who sent a letter of gratitude to the modest recruiting manager 5 years ago will send his resume. Of course Such letters are important (and even irreplaceable) when interacting with middle and senior managers.

Letter of thanks sent to the interviewer within 2 days after the interview. An example text of a letter to an HR manager looks like this:

Dear Olga Vyacheslavovna!

Thank you for your attention to my candidacy, invitation to an interview and your time. It was nice to chat with you! After our conversation, my interest in working for your company has increased significantly, so I look forward to your response on the results of the interview.


Maxim Pospelov,

Candidate for the vacancy Sales Manager

Phone 8-900-000-00-11

In such an unobtrusive form, the applicant hinted that it would be nice to give him an answer. Option with letter of thanks is always a win-win for the candidate. In Russia it is not customary to send such letters and therefore they have not become routine and formal. They surprise and are memorable. In a sense, the HR specialist will feel obligated, because if the candidate took the time to write such a letter, then the HR manager should also spend some of his time in return to communicate the decision.

How do you know if you passed the interview? If the agreed period has passed and there has been no response, the applicant must call the employer himself. It’s better to find out the result as soon as possible and, if it is negative, continue searching for your perfect job than to be nervous or get your hopes up while waiting for a call from an employer who may not be going to call.

How to inquire about the results of an interview? This is also discussed in the video.

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You passed the interview, several days have passed, the recruiter promised to call, but, contrary to his words, your phone is silent

Of course, the first thing an applicant begins to think about is that his candidacy was not suitable. Do you need to call back the HR employee yourself in order to clarify the situation and does this silence on the part of the employer’s company mean a refusal to hire? Is it necessary to be “intrusive” in this case? There has long been a stereotype that calling first is bad manners, and a candidate should not do this. The research center of the recruiting portal tried to understand this situation and surveyed economically active citizens of Russia, as well as the “opposite side” - company representatives.

As it turned out, the majority of recruiters - about 46% - believe that if on the specified date after the interview the applicant is not called back or sent an email, then it is worth doing it first. Another 14% of HR managers advise doing this via email. So, in total, 60% of recruiters are convinced that if the potential employer has not made an attempt to contact the applicant, then you need to be active yourself. As managers say, such behavior is likely to emphasize the candidate’s interest in work and his active life position. And this is currently very important for many vacancies. Recruitment managers say: “There is a possibility that the applicant cannot be reached by phone: he left the wrong number, was not available for a long time”; “maybe the recruiter is checking his activity and interest”; “Perhaps the decision was delayed or someone is on a business trip. As a recruiter, I can say with confidence that if a candidate calls me himself, he is doing the right thing, even if he is told a refusal”; “The activity of a job seeker is a sure sign of interest in the job. Of course, the answer to each applicant is a rule of good manners for a recruiter. But it is not always possible to immediately respond to the candidate (for example, the vacancy does not require immediate closure, the manager’s requirements for search parameters have changed), therefore, if there is contact information - telephone or mail, the applicant needs to call or write himself”; “of course, the recruiter leaves his number, which the applicant should call”; “To be honest, I always call back the candidates I need. So no call in 90% of cases is a refusal. But sometimes there are so many refusals that you just don’t get around to it. But what if you have some problems with communication and the recruiter just doesn’t get through to you? There is nothing wrong with clarifying this”; “You should call only when the recruiter has promised to give an answer in any case or has allowed you to call yourself and clarify.”

At the same time, 38% of HR representatives believe that if feedback no from the employer, this means a sure refusal, and therefore you should not write or call the company, writes According to HR, the HR manager, due to his busy schedule, cannot always call all candidates and therefore only contacts those who are interesting to the company. Recruiters comment like this: “You need to not stop searching, but continue to actively attend interviews. In case of refusal, do not attack the employer with calls and letters, but think about what could be the reason”; “It’s physically impossible to call everyone back!”; “As a rule, the recruiter warns about the time for feedback in case of a positive decision (most often this is 1 week). No call implies a negative answer”; “If the employer is interested, he will call himself.” At the same time, 2% of HR managers believe that silence even a week after the interview does not mean anything: “If the recruiter does not say anything, it means that the final decision on this candidate has not yet been made.”

And yet, stereotypes still persist among potential candidates. The opinion of job seekers about what to do if the employer does not call back is quite different from the opinion of HR managers. Thus, the majority of economically active citizens - about 54% - are not ready to call a recruiter after an interview, as they are sure that silence is an unequivocal refusal. But at the same time, they are sure that such behavior of the manager is a manifestation of disrespect towards applicants. “Let them continue to be silent, and I will not waste time on this organization, since they do not observe basic rules of decency”; “If they don’t call back, it means the candidate is not suitable. Calling yourself will only lead to negative emotions”; “If they say, “We’ll call you back,” then this is a polite refusal. When a worker is needed, he is hired immediately”; “No one should sit and wait for a call back after an interview. We need to look for a job further. The recruiter is entrusted with the decision about employment; if he does not call back, it means that the candidate is not suitable, in his opinion. Calling yourself will only lead to negative emotions and distract the recruiter from important matters”; “This is what happens, although everyone promises to notify us of any outcome”; “I believe that importunity is not best quality"; “The recruiter is interested in filling the vacancy; his services are paid for by the employer. If he doesn’t call back, it means that the candidate for this vacancy was not suitable or the vacancy has already been closed”; “I will take it as a refusal. But this is complete unprofessionalism on the part of the recruiter. By the way, this is a fairly common occurrence,” answered the respondents.

But among potential applicants there are also persistent ones: 35% of working citizens are ready to call the HR manager on their own, another 5% believe that it is better to send an email: “A recruiter is a person, he can get sick, go to the registry office, fly into space, etc. d. You should always call back and clarify”; “most likely this is a refusal, but we need to find out the reason for the refusal”; “if you want to work in this place, it is better to act persistently”; “perhaps my contacts were lost”; “I’ll call you back myself, because I want to find out what decision was made!”; “I think it’s better to call back right away and check with the employer about your candidacy. Then you know exactly what to expect, and you don’t hope in vain”; “if at the end of the interview there was an agreement that I could call back after some time”; “Pride is inappropriate here, a person can get wrapped up and forget. It’s all about how important and necessary this work is to you.”

“What do you think the applicant should do if after the interview the recruiter does not call back or send a letter?”

The interview is over and you've proven yourself the best side: Demonstrated knowledge of the company, interest in the business and professionalism. “We will call you!” - the recruiter cheerfully promises goodbye. And you go... to wait.

A week later, tired of glancing at your phone every five minutes and checking your email, you ask yourself a difficult question: what to do if the HR manager doesn’t call you back? knows the answer to this question.

To call or not to call?
The answer is simple: call! Almost half of the recruiters surveyed by our research center believe that if there is no feedback, the applicant should call the company himself; another 14% believe that the candidate should write an email. “The activity of a job seeker is a sure sign of interest in the job,” employers comment.

True, 38% of the HR officers we surveyed think that the lack of a response from the recruiter means a refusal and it is useless to cut off corporate phones. “If the employer is interested, he will call himself”; “You don’t need to stop in your search, it’s better to continue to actively attend interviews,” they say. But we are still sure: in such a matter as looking for a job, it is better to call than not to call. Why? This way you will demonstrate your active life position, show that you are not going with the flow, but know how to work for results and achieve your goal, once again emphasizing your interest in the work. Your call can make a difference! Just be polite and tactful - do not forget that the recruiter may be busy with other things.

We find out the fate of e-mail
It happens that it is difficult to get through to the hiring manager. Then let's use an alternative - an email. In some countries, there is a tradition of writing a short e-mail to the recruiter after an interview expressing gratitude for his time, but in our country these “ceremonies” have not really taken root. But why not ask what the results of consideration of your candidacy are? If the recruiter himself, despite his promise, does not call or write, such an initiative is quite appropriate.

In such a letter, first remind them when and about what vacancy you met, thank them for their attention, confirm that the job is interesting to you, and ask if you can count on continuing negotiations. This letter could look, for example, like this: “Good afternoon, Elena. Last week we met for an interview about your open vacancy as a design engineer. Thank you for your time. Working in your company is very interesting for me, and therefore I would like to inquire about the results of consideration of my candidacy. Can I expect a follow-up interview with a potential supervisor? Thanks in advance for your answer. Sincerely, …".

Why are they silent?
You can trust us: a recruiter is not always silent because the candidate does not meet the requirements of the vacancy. There may be several other reasons for this behavior of the HR manager.

Firstly, at the time appointed for feedback, the decision may not yet have been made. The process of choosing between several candidates is not an easy matter, especially since several parties are involved in the decision making - the HR manager, the immediate supervisor, and sometimes also the general director or his deputy.

Secondly, some recruiters expect that the applicant will call himself, thereby confirming his interest. This is especially true for such vacancies as sales manager, PR specialist, etc., that is, those positions where persistence in achieving a goal is required.

Finally, the HR manager, like any of us, can simply forget about the scheduled call. Alas, recruiters - ordinary people, nothing human is alien to them...

We continue to look for work
Until you receive a job offer, continue to look for a job. If a call from a recruiter comes when you are already at the final stage of employment with another company, then you will have a choice! And this is simply wonderful!

Successful employment!