Delivery of ready-made food in a cafe. Ready cooking. Lucky food, ooh

Ready cooking - best option diversify the assortment of cafes, factory, school buffets, canteens, if the enterprise does not provide for a production workshop. "Eda Bezzabot" has been working with individuals for more than 12 years, commercial structures, supermarkets, offering people hearty delicious dishes, from which it is easy to make a complex lunch. Buy cooking in Moscow prefer in "Eda Bezzabot" Dozens of varieties of salads, meat and fish dishes, side dishes, pastries, confectionery - ordering culinary products means diversifying the assortment of the store with delicious delicacies, correctly arranged in beautiful windows. Today there is a department with ready-made cooking in any mall, but it is one thing to put 3-4 types of salads, semi-finished products on the counter, and another to fill modern showcases in the entire hall with dishes of amazing beauty and aroma. Delivery of cooking is carried out daily, in accordance with a predetermined schedule. Our company cooperates with such large retail chains as Perekrestok, Olivier, Myasnov, other supermarkets, catering establishments throughout Moscow. Huge sales volumes, a wide partner network have never been the reason for the disruption of the delivery of products to order. Choose reliable suppliers: the benefits of cooperation with Food Bezzabot Organizing your own catering point in production, in offices is a costly business, many managers understand this today. It is always more profitable to buy cookery from a reliable supplier and eliminate the extra costs of maintaining a whole staff of employees, accounting, service personnel. In fact, inside the plant it is necessary to organize another type of activity, to accept constant inspections of sanitary services, to establish food supplies ... Evaluate the benefits of delivering culinary products prepared in the workshops of our company. We are always ready to offer:

  • A rich list of salads, side dishes, appetizers, desserts prepared according to traditional or original recipes;
  • Constant cooperation on a contractual basis, delivery of products to any corner of Moscow, Moscow region;
  • Several options for ordering cooking: call, fill out the form on the company's website - in any case, your application will be processed instantly, delivery will be made on time;
  • Favorable terms of cooperation: a company with a huge turnover can afford to set a reasonable price for its products, and thus compete in the capital market with its own kind.
"Eda Bezzabot" offers assistance in organizing sales: we will provide you with our trained employee or teach your staff how to properly sell the company's products. We always have special offers and discounts for regular partners.

United Power Supply Network is an enterprise for the production of ready-made meals and semi-finished products in industrial scale. Production sites are located near St. Petersburg and in Moscow. The production was built with the aim of organizing modern system meals for passengers of railway and air transport, industrial enterprises, providing high quality nutrition educational institutions and objects social sphere. Currently, ESP is the official food supplier for passengers railway transport:

  • high-speed trains "Sapsan"
  • high-speed trains "Strizh" and "Lastochka"
  • branded long-distance trains

Semi-finished products of a high degree of readiness and ready-made meals are delivered to restaurant cars and cafe-buffets.

Food production on an industrial scale - benefits and prospects

The ESP enterprise is an example of the efficient production of ready-made food on an industrial scale. Different algorithms work here than in the restaurant industry. What gives a centralized food production:

  • Quality standardization ready meals at the expense unified system control and a large share of the division of labor - the human factor is reduced.
  • Savings on a number of significant indicators - rent of premises, purchase prices, wage fund, production cost.

Catering establishments are a popular small business venture. For successful start And for long years For productive work, it is very important to offer visitors a rich selection of delicious and high-quality dishes - breakfasts, first and second courses, desserts, etc. At the same time, it is more profitable for a cafe to order ready-made frozen food than to have your own kitchen.

Name of the dish

Price for 1 kg, rub.

Price for 10 kg, rub.


Viscous millet porridge (10 pack / 1 kg)

Fritters (10 pack/1 kg)

Viscous oatmeal porridge (10 pack / 1 kg)

Pancakes (10 pack/1 kg)

Buckwheat porridge crumbly (10 pack / 1 kg)

Viscous oatmeal porridge (4 packs / 2.5 kg)

Viscous rice porridge (10 pack / 1 kg)

Cottage cheese casserole (10 pack/1 kg)

Lean viscous oatmeal porridge (10 pack / 1 kg)

Cottage cheese pancakes (10 pack/1 kg)

Mashed potatoes (10 pack/1 kg)

Viscous semolina porridge (10 pack / 1 kg)


Concentrated pea soup with smoked meats (4 packs / 2.5 kg)

Borscht with chicken concentrated (4 pack / 2.5 kg)

Cream soup creamy mushroom concentrated (4 pack / 2.5 kg)

Shchi from fresh cabbage with chicken concentrated (4 pack / 2.5 kg)

Potato soup with rice and chicken concentrated (4 pack / 2.5 kg)

Soup Goulash concentrated (20 pack/1 kg)

Rassolnik concentrated (10 pack / 1 kg)

Borscht with chicken concentrated (10 pack/1 kg)

Potato soup with rice and chicken concentrated (10 pack/1 kg)

Soup Pea with smoked concentrated (10 pack / 1 kg)

Rassolnik concentrated (4 pack / 2.5 kg)

Shchi from fresh cabbage with chicken concentrated (10 pack / 1 kg)

Borscht with beef concentrated (4 pack / 2.5 kg)

Kharcho concentrated (4 packs / 2.5 kg)

Kharcho concentrated (10 pack/1 kg)

Chicken broth concentrated (4 pack / 2.5 kg)

Concentrated fresh cabbage soup with beef (10 pack/1 kg)

Borscht concentrated vegetarian (4 pack / 2.5 kg)

Shchi from fresh cabbage with beef concentrated (4 pack / 2.5 kg)

Borscht with beef concentrated (10 pack/1 kg)

Cream soup creamy mushroom concentrated

Soup Pea with smoked concentrated (20 pack / 0.5 kg)

Concentrated pumpkin puree soup (4 packs / 2.5 kg)

Borscht with chicken concentrated (20 pack/0.5 kg)

Concentrated vegetable puree soup (10 pack/1 kg)

Chicken broth concentrated (10 pack / 1 kg)

Concentrated vegetable puree soup (4 packs / 2.5 kg)

Concentrated pumpkin puree soup (10 pack/1 kg)

Rassolnik concentrated (20 pack / 0.5 kg)

Borsch concentrated vegetarian (10 pack/1 kg)

Shchi vegetarian concentrated (4 pack / 2.5 kg)

Shchi vegetarian concentrated (10 pack / 1 kg)

Borscht with beef concentrated (20 pack/0.5 kg)

Concentrated fresh cabbage soup with beef (20 pack/0.5 kg)

Concentrated pumpkin puree soup (20 pack/0.5 kg)

Potato soup with rice and chicken concentrated (20 pack/0.5 kg)

Borscht concentrated vegetarian (20 pack/0.5 kg)

Shchi from fresh cabbage with chicken concentrated (20 pack / 0.5 kg)

Chicken broth concentrated (20 pack / 0.5 kg)

Kharcho concentrated (20 packs/0.5 kg)

Shchi vegetarian concentrated (20 pack / 0.5 kg)

Cream soup creamy mushroom concentrated (20 pack / 0.5 kg)

Concentrated vegetable puree soup (20 packs / 0.5 kg)

Soup Solyanka concentrated (4 packs / 2.5 kg)

Goulash soup concentrated (20 packs/0.5 kg)

Solyanka soup concentrated (10 pack/1 kg)

Soup Solyanka concentrated (20 packs / 0.5 kg)

Soup Goulash concentrated (4 packs / 2.5 kg)


Pork in sweet and sour sauce (10 pack/1 kg)

Paella vegetable (10 pack/1 kg)

Cutlets "Homemade" (10 pack/1 kg)

not available

Braised beef (10 pack/1 kg)

Beef stroganoff (10 pack/1 kg)

Rice with vegetables (10 pack/1 kg)

Vegetarian pilaf (10 pack/1 kg)

Meat in French (10 pack / 1 kg)

Meat in French (4 pack / 2.5 kg)

Pork in sweet and sour sauce (4 pack / 2.5 kg)

Beef stroganoff (4 packs/2.5 kg)

Azu from beef (10 pack / 1 kg)

Azu from beef (4 pack / 2.5 kg)

Braised beef (4 pack/2.5 kg)

Pilaf with beef 20pack*0.5 kg

Boiled pasta (10 pack/1 kg)

Boiled pasta (4 packs / 2.5 kg)

Braised cabbage (10 pack/1 kg)

Braised cabbage (4 packs / 2.5 kg)

Vegetable stew (10 pack/1 kg)

Vegetable stew (4 pack / 2.5 kg)

Vegetarian pilaf (20 pack/0.5 kg)

Rice with vegetables (4 packs/2.5 kg)

Cutlets in Kiev (10 pack / 1 kg)

not available

Service benefits:

  • saving production space;
  • no need to purchase expensive equipment;
  • the ability to work successfully with a minimum staff;
  • long periods of storage finished products for cafes;
  • impeccable food quality.

The site company provides services for the supply of ready-made dishes to the cafe TM "Svoi Culinar". The manufacturer has modern, well-equipped kitchen factories in Moscow and St. Petersburg. The food recipes are developed by a world-famous brand chef.

The quality of goods deserves special attention. All products for the cafe are made from natural raw materials that do not contain GMOs. Ready meals from trademark"Svoi Kulinar" are frozen using a special technology, so they retain their nutritional value and taste properties for 180 days. All production processes meet the requirements of GOST, ISO 22000-2007 and the HACCP system.