Photo editor with the effect of an old photo. Technology of applying plaster with an antique effect. Remember that painting is always a risk, whether the color or shade you expect will come out or not

Photos with an antique effect are becoming more and more popular on the Internet. Fortunately, in order to achieve the desired effect, it is not necessary to take photographs using special devices, etc. For this, basic computer skills are sufficient, as there are special programs and services.

About the available methods

"Grow old" photography can be done using special programs and services. In the first case, the user will need at least basic knowledge of the selected graphics program, be it Photoshop or GIMP. These programs allow you to create a more realistic and high-quality effect.

As for online services, you can achieve a good effect there, but the possibilities are limited by the built-in filters and algorithms of the service itself. Online services are most convenient for those who do not know how to use graphics software at all. Let's look at them first.

Option 1: Pixlr-o-matic

This is a simple and convenient service that allows you to instantly apply various filters and artistic effects to your photos, for example, vintage, retro style, etc. The style and interface of the service is similar to a photo laboratory, where the processing process is divided into several stages of image processing.

It is worth considering that for correct operation it is necessary to install or update Adobe Flash Player, if it is already installed. Also, do not forget that some older versions of browsers may not support this service correctly.

If everything is fine, then you can start following the instructions:

  1. To access the tools and functionality of the service, it is not necessary to create an account on the service. You can start working immediately. Go to the service website and click on the button "Computer" to upload an existing photo from your computer. You can also take a photo directly from your webcam, if you have one. Click on the button "Webcam", to do this. In these instructions we will look at how to work with an uploaded photo. If you decide to take a photo from a webcam, then the instructions will be practically the same.

  2. Will open "Conductor" Windows, where you will need to select the image that will subsequently be edited.
  3. When the photo is loaded, a carousel with available effects will appear in the lower area. To apply the desired effect, just click on it, it will be applied automatically. The effects ribbon is scrolled simply by dragging the mouse or using the arrow keys.

  4. By default, only a certain category of filters is available in the service. In order to see more filters, you need to click on the film icon, which is located in the lower left part of the window.

  5. A new window will open. There you need to press a button "Effects".

  6. A window will open with a list of all available filter categories. Here you need to select an option "Too old".

  7. Check all the desired filters and click on the button "OK" in the lower right side of the window.

  8. Using the display located in the lower central part of the window. Using color sectors, you can show some effects and remove others. You can also use it to switch between filters, frames, textures, and overlay effects.

  9. To save your work you need to use the button "Save".

  10. A window will open where you can see the finished version, which will be saved to your computer. To save it to your computer, click on the button "Computer".

  11. A window will pop up where you need to set a name for the photo to be saved. To finally complete the export procedure, click on the special button at the bottom of the window.

Option 2: Aviary

This service was developed by Adobe, which in turn is the owner of the Photoshop program. With it you can add an antique effect and many other filters to photos. The service provides ample opportunities for users with no computer experience. The main part of the functionality is provided free of charge.

Aviary is developed based on HTML5, which allows you to run it on a computer running any operating system or browser. There is also no need to install or update Adobe Flash Player.

Let's move on to editing the photo:

  1. After going to the official website of the service. Here you need to click on the button "Edit Your Photo".
  2. The interface for uploading the photo will launch. Click on the large cloud icon to proceed to uploading a photo to the service from your computer. You can also add a photo from the Creative Cloud service or take a photo from your webcam using the button "Take Photo".

  3. Will start "Conductor", where you need to select the photo you want to process.
  4. An interface for editing the photo will open along with the uploaded photo. In the toolbar, click the button "Effects".

  5. The toolbar will change its appearance, where you can choose two categories of filters: retro and lomo.

  6. A panel will open with several types of filters corresponding to the category you selected earlier.

  7. A scale will appear with settings for the intensity of the effect. To change it, move the sliders. To apply, click on the button "Apply".

  8. When you configure the filter, the selected filter can proceed to the saving procedure. To do this, click on the button "Save".

  9. A window will open asking you to export the finished version to your computer. To do this, click on the button "Download".

  10. The full size photo will appear in a new window. Right-click on it. From the context menu, select the option "Save Image As".

The photo editing process in this service takes about 1-2 minutes. Next, let's move on to “aging” the photo in Photoshop.

Option 3: Photoshop

The Photoshop program was developed more for professional processing of raster graphics. For efficient work In the program, it is recommended to look through some background information on working with it, otherwise nothing will be clear to you.

Initially, you need to understand the main differences between modern photographs and old ones:

  • Image clarity is not as high as on modern photographs. The contours of objects are a little blurred and unclear;
  • Old photos have noise. Sometimes they can be almost invisible, and sometimes there can be too many of them. Depends on how professionally the photo was processed, as well as on what device it was taken;
  • Many old photographs have some kind of physical defect. Chips, scratches, bends. Although their presence is not necessary;
  • Typically, old photographs are presented in black and white, so you will have to use appropriate filters. There are also old color photographs (usually from the 60s-70s) where the colors are present, but they are too blurred, faded and/or there is too much red in them.

Now let's move on to processing the photo in Photoshop:

  1. Take your original image. Even if the old photographs were not in good quality, your photo should ideally be of good quality. The thing is that it is much easier to apply effects and textures to such photos, plus they still look more beautiful. Initially, let's take the image presented below.

  2. Open Photoshop. You need to transfer the edited image to its interface. You can also use the “Open” button. In this case it will appear "Conductor", from which you want to export an image for further work.
  3. Now you need to create a duplicate layer. This is required primarily so that if you are not satisfied with everything, you can quickly return to the original version of the image. To create a duplicate, press the key combination Ctrl+J.
  4. The main actions will be performed with the duplicate layer. Initially, it needs to be slightly blurred. To do this, click on the button "Effects", which is located in the top menu. A context menu will open where you need to select a column "Blur", and from the drop-down submenu "Gaussian blur".
  5. A window with filter settings will open. Here you need to set the blur radius of the photo. A value of 1-3 pixels is suitable (depending on the clarity of the original image). Be sure to check the box next to the item "View". When you are finished editing, click on "OK".

  6. Now you need to color correct the image so that it becomes black and white or so that all available colors fade significantly. To do this, click on the correction icon located at the bottom of the photo window. It is usually located in the lower right part.
  7. From the context menu, select the option "Hue/Saturation".
  8. In the window that opens, check the box next to "Toning". At the runner "Color tone" set the parameter around 40-55 points. It is not necessary to touch the remaining sliders, since they do not affect the effect so much. However, they can be moved if you know what you are doing.
  9. The photograph has already acquired some of the effect of an old photograph. You can leave it at this, but if you feel like it, read this tutorial to the end to learn how to add the texture of an old photo and scratches to a photo. First, let's add noise. Click on the button "Filter" in the top menu.
  10. A context menu will open where you need to select the item "Noise". From the additional menu, select an option "Add Noise".
  11. A window will appear with options for adding and editing noise to the photo. In the block "Distribution" place a marker next to the item "Uniform". In the effect field, enter an individual value. After applying it, there should not be too much noise in the photo, otherwise the photo will be too low-quality. To apply the effect, click on "OK".

  12. Now you need to find the scratch texture in Google/Yandex Images. Save this image on your computer and transfer it to the Photoshop interface.
  13. If the size of the texture does not match the size of the original image, then stretch it so that it is identical in size. The texture should completely cover the original image.

  14. Since the texture completely covered the image, you need to change the overlay type. In the block with "Layers" click on tab "Regular". A context menu will appear and select a blend mode "Screen" or "Soft light". Depending on the texture you found online, you may need to choose a different overlay option.
  15. Additionally, you can reduce the opacity of the overlaid texture if it overlaps the original image too much.

  16. If, on the contrary, the texture is not very pronounced, then it can be duplicated. To do this, select the texture layer in the layers and press the combination Ctrl+J.
  17. Now all that remains is to add the texture of old paper to the photo to finally create the image old photograph. Find the texture of old paper in image search services (Yandex or Google). Download to your computer.

  18. Create a layer imprint to properly add texture. To do this, use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Shift+Alt+E.
  19. Drag the texture into your Photoshop workspace. If it does not fit in size, then scale it so that it matches the size of the picture as closely as possible.
  20. Now all that remains is to select the appropriate blending mode and set the transparency. Everything is similar to how it was with the previous texture.
  21. This way you can “age” almost any image. All you have to do is save it. Click on "File". From the context menu, select "Save as".
  22. A window will open "Conductor". Select where you want to save the image and select its extension at the bottom "Conductor". Click on the button "Save".

As you can see, any image can be artificially “aged”. All methods presented work 100%.

IN Lately Antique photographs began to come into fashion. In this lesson we will walk through one of the ways to create such an effect step by step.

I'm using a photograph of two swans taken by a photographer at Eleven Studio.

1. First we need to make a noise effect. To do this, we will create a new layer by clicking on the “Create New Layer” panel. Next we need to reset the color settings. To do this, we go to our layer and press the D key.

2. Now we need to apply the “Clouds” filter. It is located in the tab: Filter - Rendering - Clouds (Filter>Render>Clouds)

You should get this effect:

We set the Gaussian distribution, the effect is 20%. The effect should be like this:

Set the blending mode for the “Soft Light” layer. It turned out like this:

4. Now we need to create the effect of an old photo card that has faded a little in the sun. To do this, create a new layer, move it to the top and select a color for it: e6e1cc. For this layer, change the blending mode to “Color” and get this effect:

6. Next we create the scratch effect. Create a new layer. Press D. Then go to the “Filters” tab and add the “Clouds” filter. Then go again to the filter tab and select Rendering - Fibers, select parameters 17 and 15.

Set the blending options to “Soft Light” and lower the opacity to 70%.

7. And the last step: create a new layer. Press D. Select a gradient of two colors and the “Circle” fill method. For blending options, select “Overlays” and you will achieve the desired effect.

This article will be useful for needlewomen and especially those who are passionate about making dolls at home. What to do when you need to quickly give fabric a new shade or an aged antique look at home, without using special fabric paints? First of all, don't panic! In this article we will look at two simple ways giving the fabric an antique effect: immersing the material in a solution with paint and painting with a brush, as well as options for painting in various colors.


1. Method - immersion.

You choose a dye, dilute it to the desired concentration, and immerse the material in it for a certain time. If the color turns out to be dark, rinse the fabric. Dyeing with natural dyes, such as tea, is the most convenient way. Think for yourself, there is tea in every home, and if you absolutely do not like the color, then you can almost completely rinse it out, provided that the fabric has not had time to dry. Once upon a time in America, the wives of the first settlers dyed rag dolls with tea. They were painted in different shades, achieved this smooth transition, dipped a bundle with a piece of fabric in sweet tea and gave it to children, using it as a modern pacifier.

The intensity of the resulting color depends on the type and strength of the brew, soaking time and solution temperature. It has been verified that the stronger and hotter the tea, the richer the shade. In addition to regular black tea, you can use Karkare tea, coffee, onion peel and even potassium permanganate or iodine as a dye. Depending on the concentration and time of retention in the solution, the desired color is obtained.

Table of coloring with onion skins and tea.

Using your imagination, you can experiment!

Table of staining with green and magenta.

A. Tie the fabric into knots, submerge it briefly in the solution so that the knots do not have time to soak, then remove. You should get a fantasy pattern.
IN. Prepare a container with dye, hang the fabric over it and dip one end into the solution - the fabric will gradually absorb it. You will get a light top that smoothly transitions into a darker bottom.
WITH. If you want to leave the natural color but add a chaotic pattern, then draw “bloopers”. Lay the fabric on a horizontal surface and, moistened with a sponge in a strong solution, apply it to the fabric, the paint will spread and you will get smooth transitions tones (this dyeing process can be done on either wet or dry fabric).
D. If you want a uniform tone, then stir the immersed fabric in the solution constantly.

2. To create the effect of spots, the second method is suitable - painting with a brush.

We choose which dye we will make the stains with. Let's focus on the same thing - tea.
A. We prepare strong brewed tea, take a brush No. 9 and apply it to the canvas, as if we were dirtying it. An interesting result is obtained when tea leaves are left on the fabric.

Painting with a brush.

IN. If you stick the adhesive plaster in strips or arrange it in squares, cut out small figures from it and stick it on the fabric, you can get different effects.

Coloring and natural dyes.

Do you need a specific color, but can't decide which natural dye to choose?

As an example, we will give you several options.

Bright yellow color: birch leaves, turmeric.
Yellow: barberry (bark, roots and wood can be used), fresh buckthorn bark.
Lemon: wormwood + alum.
Blue: blackberries, flowers of willow-herb, all above-ground parts of meadow sage.
Purple: Blueberry.

Green: elderberry or spinach leaves, juniper berries.
Red: oregano herb, ripe elderberries.
Brown: dry buckthorn bark, horse sorrel root.
Red-brown: onion skins.
Orange: sea buckthorn berries.
Beautiful gingerbread: cook in cinnamon broth.
Mustard: dyed fabric with turmeric, boil in tea.

1. Before staining, first dip the sample into the solution.
2. remember, that natural fibers absorb dye more intensely than synthetic ones.
3. Be sure to use a fixative mordant after painting so that the color remains as bright and the canvas does not fade in the future. It is very convenient to add a color fixative to the dye itself.
4. It is imperative to paint in enamel or glass containers, since iron, copper and aluminum give a chemical reaction and the color of the dye changes.
5. Dyeing is done only on clean fabric. You can dye not only fabric, but also wool.

Dyed wool.

Wind the yarn into loose small skeins, tie in three places with regular cotton. thread. For a kilo of yarn, take a piece of household goods. soap, finely chop and dissolve in hot water. Pour this solution into warm water and beat into foam. Wash the yarn, wring it lightly, but do not twist it! Rinse thoroughly in warm water to remove any soapy water. Then start painting.

Rinse and place on a net.

Remember that painting is always a risk, whether the color or shade you expect will come out or not.

At the same time, this is a great opportunity to change an unsuitable color and give a second life to an unsuccessfully purchased item. Try, experiment, and success awaits you!

Old photographs are attractive because they have a touch of time, that is, they take us back to the era in which they were taken.

In this tutorial I will show you several techniques for aging a photo in Photoshop.

First, you need to understand how an old photo differs from a modern, digital one.

Firstly, image clarity. In old photographs, objects usually have somewhat blurry outlines.

Secondly, old photographic film has so-called “grain” or simply noise.

Thirdly, an old photograph simply must have physical defects, such as scratches, abrasions, creases, etc.

And lastly, there can only be one color in old photos – sepia. This is a specific light brown shade.

So, with appearance We have sorted out the old photograph, we can start working (learning).

I chose this source photo for the lesson:

As you can see, it contains both small and large parts, which is perfect for learning.

Let's start processing...

Create a copy of the layer with our image by simply pressing a key combination CTRL+J on keyboard:

We will perform the main actions with this layer (copy). For starters, blurring of details.

Let's use the tool "Gaussian blur", which can (should) be found in the menu "Filter - Blur".

We configure the filter in such a way as to remove small details from the photo. The final value will depend on the number of these same details and the size of the photo.

The main thing is not to overdo it with blur. We take the photo slightly out of focus.

Now let's start adding color to our photo. As we remember, this is sepia. To achieve the effect, use an adjustment layer. "Hue/Saturation". The button we need is at the bottom of the layers palette.

In the adjustment layer properties window that opens, check the box next to the function "Toning" and set the value for "Color tone" 45-55. I'll post 52 . We don’t touch the rest of the sliders, they automatically move to the desired positions (if you think that this will be better, then you can experiment).

Great, the photo is already taking on the appearance of an old photograph. Let's take a look at the film grain.

In order not to get confused in layers and operations, let’s create a fingerprint of all layers by pressing the key combination CTRL+SHIFT+ALT+E. The resulting layer can be given a name, for example, "Blur+Sepia".

The filter settings are as follows: distribution – "Uniform", jackdaw near "Monochrome" leave it.

Meaning "Effect" should be such that “dirt” appears in the photo. In my experience, the more fine detail there is in a photo, the higher the value. You are guided by the result in the screenshot.

In general, we have already received a photo as it could have been in those days when there was no color photography. But we need to get exactly the “old” photo, so we continue.

We look for a texture with scratches in Google Images. To do this, type the query in the search engine "scratches" without quotes.

I managed to find this texture:

We save it to our computer, and then simply drag it into the Photoshop work area onto our document.

A frame will appear on the texture, with which you can, if necessary, stretch it to the entire canvas. Click ENTER.

The scratches on our texture are black, but we need white ones. This means that the image needs to be inverted, but when the texture was added to the document, it turned into a smart object that is not directly editable.

First, the smart object needs to be rasterized. Right-click on the texture layer and select the appropriate menu item.

Then press the keyboard shortcut CTRL+I, thereby inverting the colors in the image.

Now change the blending mode for this layer to "Soft light".

We get a scratched photo. If the scratches do not seem very pronounced, then you can create another copy of the texture using a keyboard shortcut CTRL+J. The blend mode will be inherited automatically.

Use opacity to adjust the strength of the effect.

So, scratches appeared on our photo. Let's add more realism with another texture.

Type a query into Google "old photo paper" without quotes, and, in Pictures, we are looking for something like this:

Create a fingerprint of layers again ( CTRL+SHIFT+ALT+E) and drag the texture onto our working document again. Stretch if necessary and press ENTER.

The texture needs to be moved UNDER imprint of layers.

Then you need to activate the top layer and change its blending mode to "Soft light".

Now go back to the texture layer and add a white mask to it by clicking on the button indicated in the screenshot.

Activate the mask (click on it) and paint with our black brush, removing the whitish areas from the center of the image, trying not to touch the texture frame.

It is not necessary to completely erase the texture, you can do it partially - the opacity of the brush allows us to do this. The brush size can be changed using the square buttons on the keyboard.

This is what I got after this procedure:

As you can see, some areas of the texture do not match the tone of the main image. If you have the same problem, then apply the adjustment layer again "Hue/Saturation", giving the photo a sepia color.

Don't forget to activate the top layer first so that the effect is applied to the entire image. Pay attention to the screenshot. The layers palette should look like this (the adjustment layer should be on top).

The final touch.

As you know, photographs fade over time, losing contrast and saturation.

Create a fingerprint of layers and then apply an adjustment layer "Brightness/Contrast".

We reduce the contrast to almost a minimum. We make sure that the sepia does not lose its tint too much.

To further reduce the contrast, you can use an adjustment layer. "Levels".

Use the sliders on the bottom panel to achieve the desired effect.

Result obtained in the lesson:

Homework: apply the texture of crumpled paper to the resulting photo.

Remember that the strength of all effects and the severity of textures can be adjusted. I only showed you the techniques, and only you decide how to apply them, guided by taste and your own opinion.

Improve your skills in Photoshop, and good luck in your creativity!

How to create a film-like effect on a photo so that the picture looks like it was taken on the threshold of the “zero”? We have collected for you best apps, which will help you fill your shots with 90s vibes quickly and without hassle.

Photo processing for film

There are many misconceptions about what the effect under film should be. Usually attributed to him green tint in the shadows, terrible overexposure, fading and lack of contrast and increased graininess. In fact, all this can be called , but film photographs look completely different.

The film itself is different, and the resulting shades in the photographs will depend on the conditions in which they were taken. But we can still highlight a few general rules:

  1. Pure color.
  2. Correct white balance.
  3. Special contrast.
  4. No flashy shades.
  5. Harmony of color and contrast.

RNL Films

Palaroid photography is a trend that is currently at the peak of its popularity. The RNL Films application will help you create a film-like effect. You can download it for free in the AppStore or Google Play.

The program itself has 5 folders, each of which has many filters that simulate different films. It is important to know that some filters are absolutely free, while others are paid. The entire pack can be purchased for 299 rubles (price for 2018).

In addition to filters, RNL Films has many standard settings. You can edit the brightness, contrast, add a little noise or dust.


The developers of the HUJI application have created such a policy that you cannot control or change anything in the program, thereby simulating the use of a real camera from the 90s. Whatever frame you take, whatever random effect will be applied to the frame, that’s the picture you’ll get.

HUJI is more dominated by blue, orange and other contrasting, intense shades.

The program is free and can be downloaded from official stores. But in free version It is possible to apply a filter and date only to instant photos. If you want to process a finished photo, you will need to go to Settings and buy full version applications for 75 rubles (price for 2018).


The next application is called Calla and in its characteristics it is a little similar to HUJI. It can be downloaded from official stores and used absolutely free. The program allows you to apply effects and dates to previously taken photographs.

Photos from the Gallery can be added by clicking on the “+” icon in the lower left corner. The program will automatically process them. To save a photo, you need to tap on it and hold it lightly, then a loading arrow will appear.


We would like to note right away that the Dalgona application is paid and costs 75 rubles (price for 2018). The program is quite simple and has several film filters with which you can achieve a Palaroid-like photo effect. Unfortunately, you can't even adjust the intensity in this app. Buy it or not: it's up to you.


Another application that creates the effect of an old film on an iPhone or Android is called Kamon. You can find it in official stores. The program has a rather bright contrast, but maybe this is what someone will like.

To process ready-made photos, the application needs to be updated for money to the PRO version.

Kudak Pro

The Kudak Pro program completely simulates a film camera. Initially you are given only 24 frames. After you take your pictures, your film goes to development. After a day, your photos will be ready. If you don't like the result, you can send the film for development again.


The cool Lomograph app has only 5 filters, but they all create a wonderful film-like effect. The program is absolutely free and easy to use. Experiment with your photos as much as you like!

Cassette effect

Applications with various “cassette effects” are quite similar to each other. Therefore, we decided to combine them into one list:

  1. InShot (Glitch, RGB, Noise effects);
  2. Afterlight (tap on the square with stripes);

Palaroid effect in the photo

A photo like a Palaroid with a characteristic white frame can be taken in several ways.

Method 1

Everything is very simple here. You need to download the Pixl-o-matic program. Next, in the lower menu, tap on the frame icon and select the desired Palaroid mask. All that remains is to save the photo to the Gallery. There are also various highlights with abrasions for every taste.

Method 2

The second method is a little energy-intensive, but also easy.

How to make a Palaroid effect on a photo:

  1. In the search, type in “palaroid frame” or “palaroid frame”.
  2. Find the frame you need and save it.
  3. Already processed photo crop to the right size(most often square).
  4. Go to PicsArt and open a photo with a frame.
  5. Then click “Add Photo” and select the processed photo.
  6. Place the photo in the frame. For convenience, you can reduce the transparency a little. Once the photo is straight, transparency can be restored.
  7. Photo is ready! All that remains is to save it to the Gallery.

Old film effect on video

How to make the effect of an old film on video? Several applications will come to the rescue that will do their job perfectly. Let's get to know them in more detail.

8mm Vintage

How to shoot video with a retro effect? The 8mm Vintage app has several filters that are stylized to look like old film. And it all looks incredibly stylish and cool. The program costs 149 rubles (2018 price), but if you are interested in a similar topic, you can purchase the application.

Indeed, in addition to filters, you can choose the frames that the video will have, as well as apply a vignette or an elegant orange highlight. There is also a flickering effect that imitates low-quality film from the 90s. Such techniques will make even a boring picture much more interesting.

VHS Camera and VHS Camcorder

Using the VHS Camera and VHS Camcorder apps, you can create an old film effect and shoot videos with several different filters in 4:3 format. And also upload your videos and style them as a film from the 90s. The programs can be downloaded absolutely free of charge from official stores.

If you tap on the screen in VHS Camera while shooting, original colored interference will appear on the video.