How to become a procurement organizer. Own group of joint ventures. We become an organizer in an existing joint venture group

Joint purchase – good way earn money for mom on maternity leave.

Especially if you love shopping and organizing!

Every woman who is on maternity leave begins to live a completely different life than before. Everything changes: the rhythm of life, the meaning of life, the schedule, and, naturally, at this time we think about what to do while expecting a child, what benefits to bring your health and earn money. We can offer you some options for earning money during maternity leave on the Internet.
In the modern world, and the world of the Internet, you can find incredibly many ways to “find yourself” during pregnancy, during maternity leave, and just find a job you like! You can turn your hobby into a profession, channel your talents into business, and you can turn out to be a magnificent “Picasso”, or an excellent manager or professional in the field of art, for example, a Suite Designer.
But it is easier and simpler for a woman to find herself in the field of shopping, because each of us buys something for ourselves and our family, which means we can perfectly organize a small online store selling things.
We can offer best option to buy something for yourself, save money and earn money!

This is an organization called JV-Joint Purchases.

"What is joint shopping?"

The answer is simple - it’s an organized purchase of goods without leaving home! You buy a quality product at a wholesale price by joining a small group of customers (neighbors, relatives, or just a group to buy specific product in the lot). You save your money. You buy goods and still earn money.

The most important thing is that, in addition to saving, you also turn your purchase into a source of income if you become the organizer of a joint venture.

The inside of a JOINT PURCHASE.

Wholesalers mainly work with individuals so that a person buys goods for a certain amount, for example, 20,000-25,000 rubles. Such an amount is not always feasible for one person, and yes, it is not often necessary to buy for such an amount! Here, the goal of a joint purchase is to organize the purchase of goods for a certain amount without damage to buyers. And in many ways, to turn it into an interesting shopping experience for everyone. Each joint venture has an organizer who takes upon himself all organizational work:
Finds suppliers of a certain direction or several suppliers at the same time, for example: clothing, shoes, books, household goods, paintings, etc.

Collects orders from other mothers who take part in the joint venture, acting as an intermediary between mothers and the supplier.

Receives the goods and distributes or sends them to all purchase participants.

He receives payment for his work, usually 15-25% of the purchase.

We looked at the advantages of the joint venture, but, as in any work, there are certain disadvantages.

1.Risk. The ordered product may not arrive on time or the product may be the wrong size, color or style.

2. Such a product is in the joint venture. It is not always possible to return or exchange it - it can be attached ("Addition"), that is, sold to other mothers for whom this product is suitable.

3. Time. If in a regular store we receive the goods immediately, then in the joint venture. you need to wait a while until the “Lot” is assembled, that is, the size or color line of the product, everyone will pay for it and it will come to you.

Organize a joint venture. you can do it yourself, using special SP websites or SP clubs or SP forums for mothers.

1. Before you start organizing a joint venture, you need to become a member, buy several products, learn all the nuances, get acquainted with other participants, in general, get a little comfortable in this environment.

2. Different forums have their own specific requirements for joint venture participants. and the organizers.
On some, it is necessary that you have already participated in the joint venture for some time. have a certain number of messages, go to meetings, others - this is not necessary. - just - submit an application to organize a joint venture - and, you are the organizer.

1-- You need to think carefully about which product will be most popular and in demand.
These are, of course, toys, books, children's clothing. You need to identify well-known suppliers whose goods will always be ahead.

Knowing such people, you can safely take up wholesale sales.

2--You will need to contact the supplier.

“Walk” through the forums of this supplier and read all the reviews about him, is it worth doing business with him?
What is the attitude of forum members to their product: are there any defects, are there any re-sorts, are there any interruptions in delivery, is the supplier in conflict or not, is there a possibility of deferring payments?

3-- On your forum, open new topic with with a proposal to organize a joint venture, professionally describe the working conditions, purchases, deliveries, payments, minimum purchase volume, markup, redemption date (stop, i.e. when the lot ends), place of issue and whether you are working with defects.

4-- Make a separate file or table for orders, indicate the form for submitting the order, always answer questions clearly and quickly, contact the supplier, and, remember, it should be simple and easy to work with you.

5-- Be sure to generate a free file and send it to the supplier, wait for the invoice.
When you receive an invoice, check availability and prepare a free table for payment - convenient for forum participants.

Specify the period for purchasing orders and paying for them (2-3 days) and bank card number (the most optimal payment option, but you can specify any convenient payment method)

6-- You pay the supplier's invoice, specify the transport company and the dispatch date.
After you receive the parcel, distribute the orders and set a time for receiving the orders.

7--Does it work with individuals?
Which minimum amount order
terms of delivery and payment
order wholesale price.

How does the organizer view a joint purchase?

To ensure that everything is always problem-free, always clearly state all the terms of purchase (and the basic rules will be sacred on the forum)

By becoming the organizer of joint purchases, you take full responsibility for its organization and implementation, communication with the supplier, shipping and payment for the order.
Defects and re-grading are risks that everyone takes upon themselves procurement participants, and You must warn everyone about this in advance.

A joint purchase is an excellent option for making money for a mother on maternity leave, especially if you are an avid shopaholic and an extraordinary organizer by nature, then you will have no equal in your hobby profession. Good luck to you!

Odnoklassniki is a Russian social network that was launched in March 2006. At the beginning of June 2017, it ranks sixth in the ranking of social networks among RuNet users. Despite the fact that the site is not one of the three most popular, its daily traffic is about 70 million people!

61% of visitors are female audience! Of these, 40% are women from 25 to 35 years old and 29% are women from 36 to 44 years old - the most solvent contingent. The most popular platforms are groups with women's themes.

What do you think, dear organizers, is it worth opening a joint purchase on Odnoklassniki or 29.5 million potential clients not worthy of your attention?!

If you do not yet have your own account (your own page) on this social network, then be sure to create one. Without this, you will not be able to open a joint purchase on the site.

You can open a joint purchase on Odnoklassniki in three ways: create product catalogs on your own page, join an existing joint venture group, or create your own group.

All three options work well! But let's look at each case separately.

We organize a joint venture on our page

To organize a joint venture on your own page, you need to make an announcement on the page that you are the organizer of the joint venture, write down the offer and terms of purchase, upload product catalogs to albums and invite purchasing participants to become your “friends”.

We become an organizer in an existing joint venture group

It is quite convenient to join a ready-made group of joint ventures in your city. There are many advantages: the most important thing is that there are already buyers there who have already been trained in all purchasing rules, you will have someone to learn from - you can always turn to more experienced JV organizers for advice. But there are also disadvantages! It is not always possible to find an already promoted group of joint ventures in your city, which has several different organizers who are ready to take on more people who want to join.

Firstly, there are not many such groups, and secondly, if you don’t have experience yet, then most likely they won’t take you. In addition, there may already be an organizer in this group who works with your supplier.

Own group of joint ventures

Therefore, it is better to create your own group and conduct procurement in it. "In every kitchen there should be one mistress..." Your group - your rules!

As the only organizer in the group, you can make your own design, create your own purchasing conditions, assign your own organizational percentage, publish your own content, figure out how to attract a buyer, and so on. But, of course, be prepared to work hard too. The group, like your own page, will have to be promoted independently.

The most the best option will use all three methods at the same time, or at least two, if it is not possible to find an option with an already existing group in which new organizers are being recruited. But first, let's create our own group and prepare it for promotion (searching for potential participants in your purchase). In the following articles we will discuss the technical aspects of creating and design features of the Joint Purchases group on the Odnoklassniki social network.

I started purchasing more than two years ago, as I went on maternity leave and paid. My husband's salary was simply not enough for us. I set myself the goal of earning money at home; there was no one to leave the baby with; all my relatives lived more than 1,000 km away.

On the Internet I saw a lot of offers to work from home with an awesome salary PER WEEK (!). The photo of those who offered you this job was more than tempting, the person in the photo showed you the heaps of money he had earned, and assured you that he received it with almost no effort, just like that (!) Any normal person understands that no one will just give him away a lot of money. And so it was, they imposed a passive sale, even to the point of buying it yourself if it didn’t work out for someone else.... I got distracted, let’s get closer to the point..

After all these pyramids, I found a joint purchasing site. I looked through the products offered by orgami and was surprised at their low cost. Also on the site they offered not only participation, but also to become this very organizer. I wanted to try and found out that in addition to the fact that I would take % for myself, I would have to pay 5% to the administrator of this site, and then I was confused as to why... I would sing to the tune of an incomprehensible person whom I was staring at I haven’t seen it, I’ll do all the work myself, and give him % simply for the fact that he exists. Plus, they started telling me what I could indicate, what not, what percentage I could put and what I couldn’t, and I decided that I wouldn’t go into slavery, and created my own page on Odnoklassniki.

I honestly didn’t expect it to be successful. I didn’t understand how a person completely unknown to me would give money for a product without any guarantee that it was not a scam. I wouldn't give it myself. But I didn’t give up and looked for more and more “Friends” who, with caution, agreed to participate in the purchase. At first, procurement was very difficult. Due to the lack of experience, I found myself in various stupid situations, for example, I asked to send the goods by a transport company, which charged me 7,500 rubles for delivery (if I had chosen another shipping company, the delivery would have cost 1,800 rubles). I didn’t impose extra costs on the participants, but admitted defeat and paid from mine. I asked participants at what time and on what days and where it would be convenient for them to pick up their order. And I came up with an average that was convenient for people to pick up. They liked it + they recognized me by sight + the things really weren’t worth the money spent, since by store standards they were much more expensive. And then it went on...

If you want to make money from purchasing, then get ready for hard work.

1. Eternal negotiations both with participants and suppliers. People can be very different, there are pleasant, cheerful, easy-going people, and on the contrary, there are always dissatisfied, bitchy, demanding down to the smallest detail, whom it is impossible to please at all. Suppliers of really high-quality and interesting things in most cases can’t stand SP people. They can’t sell without SP guys, and the annoying + demanding organizers stress them out. Hence the difficult negotiations.

2. Constant attachment to the computer. There is very little time left for the family and, accordingly, for solving pressing problems. It is necessary to constantly stir up interest among potential participants with new purchases, but not just any, but really high-quality ones. To do this, you need to turn the Internet over to search for reviews of real people on the planned new purchase. If a participant receives a low-quality item 1-2 times, you will lose all the clients.

3. You need to be careful both to the numbers on your order summary sheet and to the participants. Somewhere to help you choose a model, choose the size as accurately as possible. Give as much information as possible in response to the question asked of you. If you answer a person dryly and unambiguously, he will never contact you again. If you are not attentive to collecting orders and bill more than necessary for payment, because you miscalculated, if you mix up orders and give at least two people something other than what they ordered, you will also lose trust and, accordingly, the client.

Perhaps these three criteria in the work of a joint venture are the most important (key). Following them throughout my work, I acquired quite a lot of participants who could, without waiting for STOP, transfer money for the order to the card, since they were confident in my reliability, that even if the purchase suddenly did not take place, I would return the money at their request at the same time day.

My monthly earnings ranged from 15,000 to 20,000 (in the new year).

During all the time we worked, we never received a defective product.

Of the minuses I can note:

1. Re-sorting by color. Everyone wants to receive the product in the picture. But no one wants to understand that we purchase from factories, and there sales are only WHOLESALE, therefore, a crazy amount of manufactured items are sold per day, respectively, the fabrics from which these same items are sewn change at a breakneck speed, and from the moment of the photo shoot, the colors may change. As a rule, everything wholesale customers They want exactly the color that is in the photo, as a rule, this color is the first to be sorted.

2. Lack of fitting. The main disadvantage.

The purchasing participant in the photo sees a slender girl of size 42. Everything sits on her so beautifully and well that a person forgets the features of his figure and his size. He turns off all his common sense and orders (!), having received it, he is indignant that they sent him the wrong dress (thing).

There was also a situation where a participant, having taken his measurements BY EYE (!), chooses what he thinks is the right size, but the item arrives, in the opinion of this participant, too small. After my request not to count it as labor and still take the meter tape in hand and already determine the real size, he begins to apologize, as he begins to understand that the mistake is not the manufacturer’s, but his own.

I advise everyone involved in the purchase of things to mentally engage with this very thing. Soberly evaluate all your figure flaws and choose the thing that can partially hide them, and not cover them up and show it to the whole world. This is very important factor!!!

3. Long wait. As a rule, from the moment the purchase opens, at least 2 weeks pass until it is collected + 2-7 days for assembly of the order at the factory + 2-3 days for shipment from the factory to the shopping center + delivery from 5 to 14 days. Not everyone wants to wait. You always want to give money and immediately get what you paid for. I consider this a minus.

In general, I completely agree that it is cheaper through a joint venture than in retail stores. Having been buying things through purchases for more than a year, I somehow decided to go to retail store of my city, and I’m sorry, I was shocked by the prices. Charter of permanent job I definitely wanted to give up organizing, but when I saw the prices in stores, I realized that I wasn’t ready to do that yet. Even if I order a dress for 1200 rubles and it turns out to be too big for me, then only if I go to a hotel and pay for the stitching for 500 rubles. I will still pay less than I would pay for a fitting in a retail store.

In a joint venture, the main thing is to find YOUR reliable agent, with whom you only run the risk of not getting the color and very rarely the size due to the small size of the item (organizations are required to keep track of this important aspect).

Happy shopping everyone!!!


Mom, wife and successful organizer of joint purchases: how to combine everything? The answers are in the interview!

Alexandra Shilova from Nadym has been organizing joint purchases since 2012, but this work became her main source of income only a year ago. Today, the wife and mother of two children spends all her free time collecting and sending orders, and the customer base from a small town in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug numbers several thousand people.

We spoke with Alexandra to find out how she achieved success and why honesty is the best method for working with co-buyers.

Story: Alexandra works as a printer. She puts images on business cards, certificates, T-shirts and mugs. The work is piecework - the salary depends on the volume completed. For more than a year now there have been practically no orders for printing, so joint purchases are the only way to bring money into the family.

“The first client is myself!”

- Alexandra, when did you organize your first joint purchase in Sima-land?

I started working with Sima-land in 2012, but at first it was not a joint purchase, but my own order. Then the daughter went to kindergarten. On behalf of the parent committee, I needed to buy office supplies and toys somewhere.

I opened a search engine to find a store with low prices, and accidentally came to Sima-land. I liked the assortment and the fact that the store is located in the Urals, not very far from us, which meant that my purchases would be delivered quickly. I ordered everything for the kindergarten and some little things for myself.

- Then did it seem like a one-time purchase to you? How did it happen that you became an organizer?

I told her at work about good prices, the girls looked at the website and found something. We decided to formulate. I made the general order because I already knew how to organize a joint purchase.

Then - in exactly the same way: she walked around her people, asked who needed what, and told them about Sima-land. People liked the idea: all the goods are available in our city, but stores buy them in the same Sima-land, and sell them at 2-3 times more expensive. Then I began to perceive the joint venture as a hobby - I like to do procurement and help people save money.

- How did you start making money on joint purchases?

I worked for friends and acquaintances, but then I thought, why not start accepting orders from other people? I found this interesting. One client advised me to create a group and attract people there, advertise in all the communities that we have in the city.

Together we drew up a plan, and for this he asked only one thing - not to take an organization fee from his orders, that is, to give him the goods at the price of the site. I agreed. My group began to grow and prosper, people began to recognize me and recommend me to friends. It’s nice when a person contacts me for the first time and says that he was recommended to call here.

“There are a lot of clients, we all need help”

The boxes barely fit on the stairwell.

You say that you send an order and receive a car twice a week. How much time does it take to assemble orders, receive, sort, and issue?

All free time. My husband goes to work, and I work from home the same way. I sent the children to kindergarten, finished my homework, and sat down at the computer. Processing an order takes time because there are a lot of applications, everyone needs to respond and accept the order. And they write every day!

On the day the order is sent, I can sit down at the computer at 12 noon and work until 17 hours until the application is completed, agreed with the manager and sent for assembly. In fact, all this takes a very long time. You need to find contact with each client: help someone choose a product, advise someone what is better. And, of course, I can’t refuse, it’s my job to help people! It seems to me that I will let all my customers down if I give up joint purchases.

- Is it difficult to reach the minimum order amount?

No, there haven't been any problems with this for a long time. Previously, you had to order something for yourself, adjust to the schedule of salaries, advances, and collect orders irregularly. Then I started sending orders once a week, and with the advent of a remote warehouse, twice so that I could receive and issue purchases faster. Now there are many participants, the order amount is always much more than the minimum. When the customer base has been built up over the years, the volume of purchases is large.

- Who are your customers and what do they order most often?

The clients are different, but mostly women. There are many mothers - both experienced and those who are just about to give birth. That is why they order a lot of children's items, especially before the New Year - everyone wants to buy gifts. This is the peak of work. Then - February 23, March 8, Victory Day.

But in reality, customers are all different. There are even children! I talk to them, ask if mom knows or not. It happened that one 13-year-old girl placed an order with me and I called her dad to find out if he knew that his daughter was making online purchases? It turned out that yes, everything is in order, the order will be paid and I don’t have to worry! And the girl was choosing something for herself from the office and a gift for her mother for March 8th.

- What service do you offer your customers? Do you deliver goods?

No, we don’t have a car, but now we’re thinking of expanding. Clients pick up all goods from my home. But it's convenient for them. I issue purchases to convenient packaging, so that a person does not have to stand, wait, freeze or sweat.

There is a secret to excellent service - a good attitude towards the client. I am always friendly and never enter into conflict. You can come to an agreement with everyone. And I succeed, although the conditions are the same for everyone!

“Even children help”

- Is it difficult to accept bulk orders? Who helps you unload the cars?

My husband helps because I usually receive 40-50 boxes of varying sizes and weights. IN pre-holiday days 50–70 boxes come out.

With him we get it all and take it home. We don’t have any helpers; sometimes a neighbor, a young high school student, brings in a few boxes for a small fee.

It also happened that we received 2 cars with cargo in one day. It was just before the New Year, one car was late, the other was ahead of schedule. It turned out that we arrived on the same day. But it’s good that we didn’t receive them all at once, but at different times... We had time to rest a little. In general, work is not always easy, but it is a favorite thing that brings money.

- Is it possible to combine the responsibilities of a mother and wife with the role of the organizer of a joint venture?

It takes a lot of time, but I have time to do homework with the child, take the youngest to kindergarten, prepare a meal, and clean up. In principle, there is enough for household chores. And the children also help me - they are very interested when we accept the goods, because they want to touch and look at everything. So let's use them.

“All difficulties can be resolved with the manager”

- What difficulties do you encounter in your work?

There are unpaid orders. The person simply does not pick up his purchase. But I don’t lose heart, I just sell it through social networks.

The big difficulty is if marriage comes. The solution to this issue sometimes drags on for a long time, the problem needs to be monitored all the time. You need to wait for the company’s decision, then send the defective product back, wait until it arrives at the warehouse, until it is accepted. And only then the money is returned to my account, which I then send to the client.

Sometimes accounts get lost. We have to wait and check documents, request new ones. But the most important thing is the return of the goods. The claim may be considered for a long time and then rejected. But this can be fixed. Moreover, my wonderful manager helps me sort out all the problems.

Sorting an order takes several hours.

Do you support the opinion of Yuri Ilyaev (an experienced organizer of joint purchases from Yekaterinburg, the hero of our publication) that the organizer should never change his personal manager?

Yes. I completely agree with him. My manager - Gleb Esipov - knows me inside and out. He knows how and on what days I work, when I send the order, where the car should arrive and what problems may arise.

One day I placed an order and they sent me an incorrect invoice with a double amount. I couldn't solve the problem because the order had already been sent for delivery. Gleb was not there, but the next day he fixed everything - quickly and without any difficulties.

By the way, about placing orders. You managed to register in the new joint shopping service and even posted homemade instructions on how to work in it in your VKontakte group. Did you like him?

The service is convenient, I use it, but I’m not ready to completely switch to it yet, because I have a lot of regular customers, they are used to working with me there.

It would be great if it was possible to communicate with the client within the system - chat, calls or something else to communicate with the participant. If the service is improved, it will be great.

"Being honest is the secret"

- How do you want to develop as an organizer?

I want to change the delivery location, because with two children, receiving goods often turns into a complete mess. Although not everyone will find it convenient to come to the office - workers often pick up their orders in the evening, at hours when I will no longer be sitting in the office.

- What should the organizer be like so that customers come back for purchases again and again?

He must inspire confidence. It is important to explain well all working conditions and non-standard situations. For example, for purchases from a remote warehouse. This is an item that is out of stock and needs to wait. People trust me, they order, pay and wait for their item with me. And no one worries that I took the money and spent it somewhere. They paid for their purchase and are waiting, and I always notify that the goods can be picked up!

You also need to take seriously defects and mis-grading (the case when the wrong product arrives that the buyer needs). When an item arrives in the wrong quantity, I immediately put the person on the next purchase and make sure to refund the money for what did not arrive. I haven’t had any problems where I’m delaying, hiding, or raising prices.

How to become a popular organizer of joint purchases: advice from Alexandra Shilova

  • Tell your loved ones about the opportunity to buy quality goods at low prices.
  • Create a group on social networks and hold a giveaway to let people know about you.
  • Process all applications diligently. Clients appreciate timely responses from the organizer.
  • Know your customers' needs and negotiate with everyone in a way that is convenient for both of you.
  • Arrange convenient pick-up or delivery. Remember that people don't like standing in line, waiting or being cold.
  • Be honest, always listen to the client and tell him about all the nuances of the purchase.


Have you already decided to repeat the success of the hero of the article? Read more about the new service for joint purchases, which allows you to collect applications from participants directly on the website, register and earn money!

Joint purchases- is far from news for active and not so active users of the World Wide Web. If there are still uninitiated people left, let me explain - this is the purchase by a group of people of a wholesale batch of goods (clothing, groceries, shoes, toys, furniture, household items, etc.). A person who, for a certain fee, is involved in selecting a supplier, recruiting those willing to participate, collecting money, paying for the shipment and delivery, distributing goods and much more is called the Organizer (Org) of joint purchases.

Being in maternity leave, me first became an active participant in the joint venture , since you won’t be able to go shopping with a baby (and then with two), plus the range of goods is much wider, and the savings are significant. Gradually the idea of ​​a similar ransom came to mind - Additional income haven't bothered anyone yet .

Earning money on joint purchases - pros and cons

"Behind"- this, of course, means receiving a certain income. Currently, there are very few procurements, the organizers of which do not make a profit, but are involved solely out of desire purchase an item or service at a wholesale price . With a certain scope (maintaining a dozen or more topics on several resources, working with popular brands), monthly earnings can amount to 50,000-70,000 rubles, but with such a scale, this is no longer a part-time job on maternity leave or an additional source of income, it is full-fledged case , requiring a significant investment of time and effort. Basically, the profit of the organizers is 1500-10000 rubles per month or the opportunity to “recapture” the cost of the goods ordered for yourself.

"Against". At the beginning of work, when suppliers and transport workers have not yet been developed, the backbone of permanent participants has not yet formed, and certain algorithms of action have not been created - this time-consuming and labor-intensive business . You have to perform multiple functions - accountant, cashier, PR specialist, sales consultant, driver, etc. It may seem that the game is not worth the candle, and that the effort put in is much greater than the benefit from the acquisition , and not too much income. But as soon as the matter gets back on track, for example, with repeated purchases from the supplier, the organizer’s work is greatly facilitated. A certain scheme of work has already been created; all that remains is to move along the established path.

Of course, as with any work with goods, the organizer bears financial liability . If, due to the inattention of the organization, an error occurs, for example, the wrong product was ordered and received, you will have to return the cost to the participant from your own pocket, and take the “wrong” item for yourself.

How to organize joint purchases yourself - step-by-step instructions

  • Site selection

That is, choosing a place where you will recruit a group of participants, display price lists, catalogs, answer questions, and negotiate distributions. It is clear that You need to choose an online resource for purchasing in your region . There are two options: social media And specialized sites .

You can create a separate page specifically for yourself on social networks. . But, if your personal contacts do not have a sufficient number of friends and acquaintances who could trust you with their money, you will have to carry out the lion’s share of the first buyouts and then sell from stock, since it is difficult to gather the required number of participants only in your social circle. An exception is if the supplier offers a wholesale price when purchasing 2-3 units of goods , this happens with expensive purchases - furniture, fur coats, large toys, strollers, car seats.

Available in in social networks and joint purchasing groups . There is already a target audience, it is easier to recruit participants, but, of course, the group administrators put forward a number of requirements for the organizers, there are certain selection criteria.

Minuses — inconvenient presentation of information and processing of purchases, inability for people who are not registered on the social network to participate, discussions are often scattered across various other pages (in chats, in private messages).

The most preferable, from my point of view, are specialized sites . If a resource is popular and has existed for more than one year, it has a decent number of participants who are aware of the risks of SZ (arrival of mismatched color, size, defects) and are ready to order without thinking about the reliability of the organizer (mainly because the selection of organizations is carried out by the site administration, although administration does not imply financial responsibility for the outcome of the ransom).

The structure of most of these sites is a forum . In principle, if you master certain skills in creating electronic documents, for example, accept orders from participants in special Google forms , filling out the order tables will occur automatically; you will only need to check the correctness of filling and make some adjustments.

Currently there are special sites that are more like online stores . Such sites provide organizers convenient tools for work : automatic acceptance of orders, calculation of the accumulated percentage of the batch, sending notifications, for example, about payment and accounting for the payment itself. The audience of such sites is still smaller than that of forums, since they appeared relatively recently, but I think the future lies with them, since they are more convenient to work with, presentable in appearance, the ability to search through Yandex or Google (unlike social networks), simplification of the algorithm of actions , the rating of the organizers and the user-friendly interface will undoubtedly attract its users.

About the cons:

  1. JV sites take a certain percentage from the organizers for providing the site . Basically, a small 2-3% of the purchase amount, but this reduces earnings. Also, the size of the markup is most often limited, for example, on the resource I chose it is 21% (i.e. 19% + 2% for the site), which should include all costs, even delivery and 15% if the supplier is local.
  2. The most popular brands are already occupied and assigned to other organizers . If you want to get to the top, you need to conduct reconnaissance among competitors, constantly monitor new market products and do not be afraid to offer them to participants.

  • Selecting a supplier and product

Decide what you have the desire and opportunity to do. Of course, it will be a plus if the proposed the topic of procurement is familiar to you : for example, you are quite good at women's clothing or in cosmetics. An organization that can give competent advice and is always ready to answer a question is a great success . If you plan to offer products that have more than one analogue on the site, think about what exactly your product will be more attractive.

After determining the purchase object, you can contact the manufacturer directly and find out whether he works with small wholesalers, in particular with joint ventures. Small enterprises are usually open to such cooperation , many have special programs for buyers of joint ventures. Large productions are rarely associated with small batches, will have to look for an intermediary . Enter the position you are interested in into the search engine with the words: buy in bulk.

Often famous trade marks oriented towards sales in prestigious multi-brand stores are extremely have a negative attitude towards the joint venture and check the buyer in every possible way , for example, for the presence retail space. They may require you to provide scans of documents, photos of the store, etc. In addition, checks are carried out through search engines, Therefore, participants are strictly prohibited from mentioning articles, brand names, product names in the public domain on the website.

Such purchases may not be shipped by the supplier without explanation on his part (the money, of course, will be returned), require certain risks (you can work hard without receiving anything) and additional labor costs from the organization, but they more than pay for themselves, since the brands are mostly prestigious and in demand .

When choosing a supplier, make sure as much as possible about its reliability (duration of work on the market, constituent documents, customer reviews). It is most convenient if the seller is located in your region, then you can personally verify its existence and save on delivery.

Delivery conditions are the most important factor, these include:

  1. Price.
  2. Delivery terms.
  3. Minimum order amount.
  4. Possibility of regrading - sometimes the supplier may inadvertently put goods of other colors and sizes, sometimes he does this deliberately, replacing the missing item; Most often, mis-grading occurs when purchasing hosiery, knitwear, and children's clothing.
  5. Conditions for returning defects and/or re-grading, warranty obligations.
  6. Other conditions , for example, shipping in packages, size ranges or boxes.
  • Opening an account

The days of handing money to the organizer in an envelope are gone, it is necessary open a bank account or use payment system services : Webmoney, Yandex.Money, Qiwi. True, such services charge a percentage for money transfers and cash withdrawals; these are additional costs for you and the participants. At the moment, the most acceptable, in my opinion, is transfer to a Sberbank card by card number . You can use the online service, you can make a transfer through an ATM or an operator at a branch. No interest is charged, the social card is serviced free of charge.

  • Posting information about procurement

If registration as an organizer at the selected site has already been completed, we’ll come up with inviting name and open up. In order not to multiply purchases with similar items and not to “scatter” participants between them, for example, on my resource a preliminary study of demand is required, i.e. org must secure the support of 20-30% of intended buyers before the start.

We create a “showcase” We post all the necessary links, attach prices and catalogs , according to which the choice is made. If possible, it is better to post photos of the product by item with prices directly in the topic; in this case, participants will not have to additionally visit other sites and open documents (which is difficult on phones) in search of the necessary information.

Be sure to post your terms and conditions : do you change defects, terms of collection and delivery, organizational percentage, is there any re-grading, minimum amount, rows for clothes or collection of packages.

Let's talk about the topic : we constantly visit the site, take orders, answer questions, form rows. If clarification is required, please contact the supplier.

Finally, collect money, pay the bill . If during the collection of the order some items in the warehouse are out of stock, participants are surveyed about replacements with another product.

More likely, you will have to stock up on a certain amount of money For example, a new organizer on many sites makes the first purchase at his own expense. This is a precaution. Participants contribute shares after the goods arrive at the organization.

We are waiting for the goods to arrive, we track the location of the parcel using websites transport companies or Russian Post.

  • Product distribution

If you use the site's services, then most likely goods can be transferred via special distribution centers . You can do it from home, if it’s convenient for you, or you can organize meetings.

Possible mistakes

You can make a mistake in any of the points : choose an inconvenient, unpopular site, or a product that is not in demand, or with a lot of competition. Difficulties may arise with the supplier: underdelivery, a large percentage of mismatches, delayed shipment. Transport workers also let us down; long delivery times are nothing. There is also damage to the goods, which is important to notice in time in order to present the damage. Otherwise you will have to pay yourself or wait for the participants to pick it up anyway .