Is it possible to store grain in iron barrels? How to properly store and ventilate grain during storage. Refrigerated storage

Homemade bread is baked by those who want to be sure of its quality. In addition, it is very tasty and aromatic. But this is not the only reason why many are interested in how to store wheat at home. Some people need it to feed animals, while others make medicines based on it or use it as a general tonic. At the same time, the question of how to store sprouted wheat is no less relevant. It is these storage issues that we will address in today’s article.

How to choose

When choosing grain, it is important to see documents that will confirm its quality. But even a visual inspection will help make preliminary conclusions about the condition of the wheat.

High-quality grains have a uniform, muted orange or brownish color. There should be no stains or gray coating on them. They cannot be hollow or wrinkled. But the wheat should not be too wet either. The normal degree of humidity should be 14%, but this can only be found out from the documents that come with the product.

The main enemy of wheat is the weevil. The second no less dangerous bug pest is the turtle. Insects are capable of destroying all reserves in a short time. They eat the grain from the inside, leaving noticeable traces of their activity. Such raw materials will no longer be suitable for the production of high-quality flour. The bread will be cracked, low and sticky. Therefore, the “beaten” grain will remain to be fed to animals or thrown away.

How and where to store

Before storing wheat grain, it is disinfected to destroy mold spores and possible insects.

Wheat storage should occur:

  1. in places with low humidity levels,
  2. closed from the light
  3. equipped with ventilation.

High humidity leads to souring of the grain, as a result of which it becomes unsuitable for consumption by both people and animals.

The shelf life of wheat for baking and animal feeding is about 6 years. And grain that is planned to be used as planting material should not be stored longer than 14 months.

Saving grain in industrial scale occurs in special storage facilities - elevators. And when storing at home, it is better to place it in a suitable airtight container. Such containers must have sufficient ventilation.

Wheat storage temperature should be between +10°C and +25°C. Special attention In this case, attention should be paid to the level of grain moisture. It should not exceed 15%.

Depending on the variety and hardness, the shelf life of unrefined wheat can range from several months to a year or more. But at the same time, supplies will need to be regularly inspected in order to notice the appearance of pests or mold in time and have time to take action.

The necessary conditions Wheat storage is not only about maintaining temperature and humidity levels. She needs constant access to air. That is, grain storage containers must be equipped accordingly. If the supplies have been well dried beforehand, they can be stored in linen bags with ties.

What to store in

The easiest way to store wheat is to keep it in cloth bags. But there are also disadvantages here. The grains often crumble and begin to crumble. The fabric can tear, and besides, keeping bags in a city apartment is not very convenient and aesthetically pleasing.

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  • Wheat grains are stored well in glass containers or barrels made of quality wood.
  • There are special bags for saving bulk products. They are mounted on the wall and do not take up much space. They open at the bottom, making it easy to pour out the required amount of grain.
  • For those who have livestock and keep grain to feed poultry (chickens, ducks, geese), it is most convenient to place the supplies in a separate room with concrete floors and walls lined with iron. Wheat is stored in bulk and periodically inspected for insects and its moisture levels are checked.
  • You can store grain in small quantities in special boxes. Such a locker can be made on our own from boards and timber. The top of the container is lined with tin so that mice and other rodents cannot get inside.

Whatever container the grain is stored in (boxes, bags, barrels, etc.), it should be on a stand so as not to absorb moisture from the floor.

Storage in ears

The tradition of storing wheat in ears at home appeared many centuries ago. On Christmas and Savior, a small sheaf was placed in the corner of the room, which symbolized well-being in the family.

But even today such a “bouquet” of ears of corn can be seen in many homes. It serves as an unusual interior detail, even if it does not carry any semantic meaning.

The ears can be stored for a long time if they are cut while they are still unripe. You can also weave a wreath from them, which is then attached to the front door to attract good luck and prosperity to the house.

Storing grain for germination

If the grain is intended for germination, it cannot be processed at high temperatures (hot steam, frying, oven drying). This treatment can increase the shelf life of wheat grains, but at the same time they will lose the substances necessary for germination.

Grain that has not been subjected to heat treatment retains all the beneficial substances that nature has put into it. At the moment of germination it contains the most a large number of vitamins and nutrients. Therefore, people who care about their health use wheat germ as a dietary supplement. They also make salads and other dishes based on it.

Wheat intended for germination should be stored in dry glass containers, covered with gauze to allow air access, or in canvas bags.

Storing sprouted wheat

At the moment of germination, wheat has medicinal properties to a greater extent than other grains. But for the effect of consuming sprouted grains to become noticeable, they should be consumed for a long time. Therefore, the question of how to store sprouted wheat interests many.

To get a portion of sprouted grain, you should soak 2 - 3 tablespoons of wheat and leave until it germinates. It should be consumed fresh, but if some part remains unused, it is sent to the refrigerator.

The shelf life of sprouted wheat in the refrigerator does not exceed 2 - 3 days. There is no point in leaving it longer, because after 3 days it will lose most of its beneficial properties.

If you create normal conditions storing wheat and protecting it from pests, the stocks will remain usable for a very long time.

If Russia again harvests a harvest close to a record one in 2018, then all grain growers in the country will again face a pressing question: how to preserve grain and sell it at a higher price when prices creep up? "Agro-Industrial Complex Market" has collected eight expert tips - from obvious to unexpected.

Clean your storage facility or hangar until it shines

The first step to high-quality grain, and this is a guaranteed 10-15% increase in its value, is cleanliness in the granary. Clean every square meter of the hangar, grain pipelines, and technical elements. Ideally, you need to get rid of every grain that could remain from last year - then you will reduce the risk of insects to a minimum. Don't forget to check the space under the floor: for insects and rodents this the best place to hide and wait for a new grain feast. If at the end of the previous agricultural season there were insects in the storage, even just single individuals, be sure to fumigate it.

Place high quality grain at the bottom

In order for wheat, barley and other crops to last as long as possible without losing quality, and to sell at a higher price in late winter - early spring 2019, you need to take a competent approach to filling the storage. This is not the easiest task, but its solution can bring an increase of 5-10%: place the highest quality grain first, and place the lower grade grain at the top of the storage. Relatively speaking, first you will sell class IV wheat, and when it runs out, you will sell class III at a higher price.

Dry grain to optimal moisture content

The most common cause of grain spoilage during storage is moisture movement. Even in cases where the moisture content is low and distributed evenly at the time of grain storage, changes in the temperature of the grain mass can cause convective air currents. They transfer moisture from one storage location to another. This creates areas of wet grain that begin to spoil.

A good agronomist should know by heart the optimal moisture content for each crop, depending on the period for which you plan to store it. The manager’s task is to ensure that the agronomist measures this indicator and takes it into account when planning storage. For example, if you plan to store corn until June 2019, the moisture content should be 15%, if you plan to keep it until the end of the next harvest - 14%, and if you plan for a year or more - then only 13%. The longer the grain needs to be stored, the more it needs to be dried. Without a grain dryer, hoping to wait out the winter and sell at a higher price is completely naive.

This is described in detail in the table

Table. Maximum permissible moisture content of grain (seeds) during storage.

Culture, shelf life

Permissible humidity, %

Corn and sorghum

up to one year

over a year

up to one year

over a year

Wheat, oats, barley

up to six months

over six months


up to six months

over six months

Improve room aeration

Make sure that the plugs are evenly distributed, and don’t be afraid to put more of them than seems necessary: ​​they have a great effect on the ventilation of the grain. It is important to distribute the plugs so that they do not accumulate only in the center of the storage. Air behaves exactly like water: it seeks the path of least resistance, so too much vent plugs in the center will cause air to find its way through the top and spoil the grain in the depths. A ventilation discharge funnel and a telescopic ventilation lance are other devices that will help keep grain in good condition and sell it at best price at a convenient moment.

If you have a large bunker, the aeration problem can be partially solved at the grain unloading stage. To do this, the technique of repeating cones is used: you load the grain directly into the storage, and every 3-5 meters you pull out several tons of grain, creating an inverted cone. This way the grain will be better ventilated.

Ventilation is more efficient than shoveling and moving grain from bin to bin. In addition, it does not lead to additional injury to the grain, which contributes to the development of mold.

Monitor the temperature in the bunker

The ability to control grain storage temperature is key to maintaining product quality. The recommended temperature naturally varies depending on the region, but agronomists usually recommend lowering it to almost zero in northern latitudes in winter and keeping it at 5 ° C in southern territories. Current trend— lay the temperature cable directly into the bunker, as this helps to more reliably monitor changes in this indicator.

Keep grain cool when it's warm

There are dozens of conflicting recommendations on how to properly store grain in summer and warm autumn. Traditionally, agronomists recommend slightly heating the grain (by 3-4° C relative to the outside temperature), but in last years Other advice has also become widespread: for example, leave the grain in the cold (at 5 ° C) in summer, spring, and autumn; or vary the grain temperature between 5 and 10 degrees Celsius. In most cases, this advice is based on the idea of ​​when the grain is planned to be sold. Accordingly, if the sale is scheduled before June 1, 2019, the grain should be left cold; if you have to sell later, you can raise the temperature to 10-12° C.

Check your grain as often as possible

Check the condition of the grain in storage at least once a week. If it were not grain, but a huge basket with money in it, you would probably check it three times a day, whereas wheat or barley, being 100% equivalent of your money, does not evoke such a desire. Many people forget to go to the bunker for months at a time - and therefore often miss the moment when it was still possible to preserve the quality of the grain, when there was still a chance to get rid of pests.

When checking grain, measure the temperature in the center of the bin and at a depth of 0.45-0.6 m from the surface. If the winter grain temperature rises by more than 2°C between two consecutive checks, immediately turn on the fan and cool the grain until the air temperature differs from the grain temperature by less than 5°C.

Climb to the top of the bunker and carefully look around: is there a crust on the surface, are the grains sticking to each other, are there any foreign odors. If something seems suspicious, start the ventilation. And don't forget to take a small sample of the grain to measure the moisture content. If the grain begins to spoil, frequent checks will give you a chance to sell it quickly - even if the price is not ideal, but at least the goods will not go to waste completely.

Watch out for insects

If you plan to store your grain until fall, you may want to consider setting up insect traps. This way you can find out about their presence or absence. With the arrival of warmer weather, within 2 to 3 weeks, the grain may be subject to major insect infestations. If you do not check at least once a week, you may miss the moment for the right actions.

To protect grain from pests, chemical methods are still the most effective and acceptable in practice. In Russia, two composite preparations of contact action are approved for use - “Zernospas” and “Prokrop”, as well as mono-insecticides “Aktellik”, “Kamikaze”, “K-Obiol”, “Karate Zeon”, “Aliot” and “Bitoxibacillin”. Of the eight products, all products are approved for disinsection work to control stock pests.

Storage of grain in bulk is more convenient than in containers. The advantages are as follows: there are no packaging costs for the products, maximum use of useful storage space, increased opportunities for reloading inside the warehouse, insect control and monitoring of the product become much easier due to quick access to the grain.

The use of new technologies for growing grains can significantly improve the yield of the latter. In 2016 alone, wheat, barley, oats, rye and corn in Russia amounted to 116,118milliontons, which is 13% more than in 2015. However, it is important not only to get a good grain harvest. We also need to try not to lose it until next year.Grain storagemust, of course, be done correctly.

Types of elevators

In most cases, the harvested crop of wheat, rye, barley, etc. is stored in special granaries. Such complexes are called elevators. There are several types of such granaries:







    implementation bases.

Procurement elevators

Such granaries are also called grain storage facilities. They are usually built taking into account their proximity to large agricultural complexes. This is done in order to reduce the cost of transporting crops. Type of grain is not only stored, but also subjected to primary processing- drying, cleaning. The harvest is usually not kept at grain collection points for too long. Soon it will be shipped to its intended destination - road, rail or water transport. In addition to cleaning and drying grain, preparations for sowing seeds are also carried out at storage elevators.

Basic granaries

Elevators of this type are the main ones and are used for storing crops intended for current consumption. This is where wheat, rye, barley, etc. usually come from grain bins. At basic elevators, grain undergoes more thorough processing during storage. It is also sorted in such storage facilities into homogeneous batches that meet certain requirements.

Basic elevators usually have a very large capacity. At the same time, they are equipped with high-performance equipment. Granaries of this type are most often located at the intersections of railways and waterways.

Industrial elevators

This type of storageThey are usually built next to flour mills, feed mills, cereals, etc. factories. Their main purpose is the uninterrupted supply of processing enterpriseswheat, barley, etc.. At such elevatorsis produced not onlystorage, but also processing of grainsin accordance with the given recipe. The capacity of production storage facilities depends on the capacity of the nearby food industry enterprise.

Stock elevators

Such complexes are designed for long-termgrain storageA- within 3-4 years. It is in elevators of this type that state grain reserves are stored. The capacity of such storage facilities, like basic ones, is very large. Only the highest quality grain is brought here. They release him only in order to replenish stocks. Most often, grain from such elevators is supplied to certain regions of the country during a temporary shortage. Therefore, storage facilities of this type are usually built near long railway routes.

Transshipment elevators

Storage facilities of this type are used mainly for reloading grain from one type of transport to another. Sometimes crops from nearby farms are brought here. Elevators of this type are always built at the junction of railway lines with each other or with water routes. In some cases, transshipment complexes can be used for long-termBydeadlinesgrain storage.

Port complexes

Grain is usually delivered to elevators of this type from transshipment or base storage facilities. Here the harvest is most often prepared for export. Next, the grain is shipped to sea vessels. Also, elevators of this type can accept wheat, rye, etc. from other countries. Such grain is then shipped to domestic Russian consumers. Port elevators usually have a large capacity. Only high-tech equipment is used in such complexes.

Sales bases

Storage of grain in enterprises of this type is usually only possible for a short period of time. Such complexes are intended primarily to supply consumers with grain and its processed products. Sometimes sales centers also accept harvest from grain distributors.

Basic storage techniques

The harvest of wheat, rye, oats, corn, etc. can thus be stored in elevators different types. Technologies are also differentgrain storage.The following storage modes are currently used:



    without air access.

In Russia, the first two technologies are mainly

Bulk storage rules

This mode is considered the most suitable for long-term storage of crops. Most often, when using dry technology, grain is stored in bulk. That is, it is simply poured into large heaps. Compared to the methodgrain storage in meIn containers and containers, this technology has a number of undoubted advantages:

    more rational use grain storage volumes;

    simplifying the movement of masses using mechanical means;

    facilitating the fight against possible pests;

    convenience of organizing crowd monitoring;

    saving costs on containers and packaging.

Grain storedin bulk can be used both in open areas and in grain warehouses. Containers with dry technology are used mainly only for sorted seeding material. In open areas, grain is stored in special piles covered with tarpaulin.

Dry method

This storage mode is based primarily on the principle of xeroanabiosis. When grain batches are dehydrated, all harmful microorganisms in it fall into a state of suspended animation. Therefore, in the future, the stored crop must be protected only from insects. It is most advisable to use dry mode for long-term storage of crops. It is this technology that is therefore most often used at base and stock elevators.

Processing methods for storing grain using this method can be implemented in different ways. However, all drying methods are conventionally divided into two main groups:

    without using heat;

    with its use.

The most common methods of drying grain are pouring it into special devices and solar-air drying.

Storage without air access

This methodIt is good, first of all, because it allows you to completely preserve all the useful qualities of grain - flour-grinding and baking. In the absence of air, among other things, various harmful microorganisms and insects die or lose the ability to reproduce. When using this technology, the mass, due to the accumulation of carbon dioxide, among other things, also self-preserves.Grain storage and processingusing a similar technique is advisable, for example, in industrial elevators.

When using this technology, the harvest is stored in special sealed bins. In some cases, to speed up self-preservation, carbon dioxide is specially introduced into such storage facilities or dry ice briquettes are placed.

Refrigerated storage

This method is second only to the dry storage method in popularity. In this case, losses are also minimized. However, a purely economically similar storage method is somewhat inferior to the dry method. Therefore, it is usually used only directly in the farms or at small elevators.

At low temperatures in the grain mass, as well as during drying, the activity of all kinds of microorganisms greatly slows down. The grain is cooled with this storage method to t = 5-10 C or lower. To create such conditions, passive techniques are usually used. That is, they simply install supply and exhaust ventilation in the warehouse. During the cold season, the latter works constantly in warehouses. In summer, the installations are usually turned on only at night.

Sometimes the grain mass is cooled using conveyors or separate fans. The mixing method can also be used. However, due to its labor-intensive nature, the latter cooling technique is rarely used.

Storage rules in bags

As already mentioned, seeds of wheat, rye, etc. are usually stored in this way. Most often, elite planting material or the first reproduction is stored in containers. Regular seeds are stored in bulk. The only exception is planting material of varieties with a thin grain shell. Also, in most cases, calibrated seeds are placed in bags. That is, this is how planting material that is of particular value or prone to spoilage is stored.

Bags for such grain should only be used made of dense and coarse fabrics. Most often, nylon or polypropylene are used in granaries. Sometimes grain is also placed in special paper bags with a fabric lining. Carft containers of a similar variety are also quite popular. In any case, using durable bags is one of the mandatory conditions grain storage using this technology.

The actual container with the seeds should be stacked on or on trays. In this case, the tee or pentad stacking method is usually used. The distance between stacks, according to the standards, should not be less than 0.7 m. The distances from the walls of the warehouse should be the same. The height of stacks for manual stacking is usually 6-8 bags, for mechanized stacking - 10-12.

Requirements for granaries

Complexes intended for storing wheat, barley or oats, of course, must be equipped accordingly. In addition, at elevators the technologies for storing, receiving and delivering grain must be strictly observed.

The placement plan is usually drawn up based on materials from previous years. This takes into account information about the quality and quantity of grain to be delivered to the state, as well as the planned import and export of the latter.

Storage capacities should be used as rationally as possible. If necessary, the premises of the elevator and the site are disinfected before storing grain. The walls and roof of the storage facility, of course, should not leak.

Grain storage technology: basic requirements

At elevators of the main types, grain must be sorted by type, subtype, degree of moisture, contamination, and grade. It is prohibited to mix it. Based on moisture content, grain is usually sorted into:

    raw up to 22%;

    raw over 22%.

According to the degree of contamination, the grain is distributed into batches:


    medium purity;


    weeds beyond restrictive standards.

Heavily clogged grain in elevators is usually cleaned before storage.

Separately at the elevators they place smut grain, frost-killing grain, mite-infested grain, bug-infested grain, and mixed with ergot. Also sort the mass with excessnumber of sprouted seeds.

Mixing grain from the new harvest with last year's grain when stored in elevators is not allowed. The height of the embankment is set depending on the degree of moisture content of the massand its contamination:

    for dry grain this indicator is limited only by the height of the warehouse ceilings;

    for wet mass - no more than 2 m;

    during temporary storage (before drying) of raw grain with humidity up to 19% - 1.5 m, from 19% - 1 m.

The embankment itself should have either a pyramidal or rectangular shape. Its surfaces must be smooth. From the moment the grain is received until it is shipped, the mass must be carefully monitored.

Storage parameters

To monitor the condition of the stored mass, the surface of each embankment is conditionally divided into sections of 100 m 2 each. Each of them is subsequently monitored according to different indicators. But the main factors are temperature and the degree of pest infestation. In the first case, special thermal rods are used for control. These devices are ordinary thermometers enclosed in metal cases.

In embankments with a height of more than 1.5 meters, measurements are made in three layers - in the upper (30-50 cm), middle and lower. After each measurement, the bar is moved to a distance of 2 meters.

The grain is checked for the degree of pest infestation depending on the temperature of the mass:

    at temperatures above 10 C - once everya week;

    at tbelow +10 C - once every two weeks;

    at temperatures below 0 C - once a month.

Seeds stored in bags are checked once a month in winter and once every two weeks in summer.

Pest control measures during storage

Grain at elevators can be damaged by:




    mill fire.

Each type of pest usually occupies a certain layer of the grain mass. In winter, such insects do not reproduce. An outbreak of pest activity is observed only when the grain self-heats. In the summer, insects can multiply in large numbersstormy.

For pest controlgrain storagethe following measures are being taken:

    the use of chemical treatment of plants on the field - before harvesting;

    processing at the stage of preparation for storage directly at the elevator;

    complete cleaning of premises in small granaries;

    using sieves to remove small pests;

    exact adherence to the regime regarding the humidity of the material being poured onto

Disinfection of grain before storage can be done in several ways. The most commonly used methods are aerosol or gas. The first technology is usually used to process the warehouses themselves and the areas adjacent to them. Aerosol treatment is carried out using most often organophosphorus or pyrethroid insecticides.

Aerosol disinfection can be quite effective. However, more often elevators use less expensive gas processing technology. The following substances can be used as fumigants in this case: ethyl bromide, tablets with aluminum or magnesium phosphide. Both types of processing can only be carried out by special units licensed for this type of activity.

Against various types of scaly insects, in addition to aerosol or gas, conventional treatment technologies can also be used. In this case, they are most often usedpheromone traps and microbiological preparations. To combat rodents in warehouses, poisonous baits (usually based on zinc phosphide) are used.

Alternative methods

Thus, grain is most often stored in elevators. However, there are other methods for storing wheat, rye or barley crops. For example, quite often farmers use plastic sleeves to store grain. The main advantage of this technology is that it allows you to save on resources and electricity. Indeed, in this case there is no need for any special storage arrangement.

With this storage method, the farmer will only have to spend money on purchasing a bagger. This is the name of a special device designed for filling bags with grain.The sleeves themselves for storing wheat or barley crops are made of multilayer elastic plastic. They have a capacity of 200-300 tons.

It is also advisable for small and medium-sized farmers to buildgranaries for grain storage.If desired, such a structure can be erected with your own hands.It is best to build a home granary from timber and boards. The interior space of the barn should be divided into bins and bottoms. The latter are some kind of boxes.

They are buildingbarns for storing grain most oftenon a columnar foundation. This design is cheaper. In addition, in a storage facility on such a foundation, the grain will subsequently be better ventilated.

You can build such a structure not from wood, but from more modern materials. This could be, for example, aerated concrete, foam concrete, metal structures with cladding, etc. However, in this case, it should also be arranged in the barncompartments for grain storageseeds, for current consumption, contaminated, spoiled by smut, etc.

Loss during storage

Thus, the maximum reduction in crop losses at the elevator can only be achieved if the storage technology is strictly followed. Standards, among other things, also establish normsth loss of grain during storage.

WITHactually forthemselvescalculations are usedspecialformulas. In this case, the storage period of the crop is taken into account. For example, when storing for more than 3 months, the following formula is used: x=a+b>c/g, where:

    a - loss for the previous storage period,

    b- difference betweenthe norm is the current storage line and the previous one;

    c - the difference between the average storage rate and the previous one;

    r is the number of months of storage.

Natural loss of grain during storage can occur as a result of a decrease in humidity during drying, due to contamination, sedimentation of mineral impurities on the floor, etc.

Today we have a very important topic not only for small farmers and summer residents, but also for agricultural companies. We will touch on this important topic how to store grain, and also learn what are the ways to store grain, the most effective. After all, the shelf life and the quality of the grain in the end largely depend on which method you choose. As you can see, this issue should not be neglected, so today we will try to understand this issue thoroughly.

There are two main methods for storing grain:

  • In bags (suitable for small warehouses and small harvests)
  • Bulk grain storage (storage method for large warehouses and for large harvests)

Grain is stored in bulk in large warehouses, at elevators, while grain is stored in bags only in warehouses.

Also stored in bags best samples grains of elite plant varieties, or grain is placed in bags when it is planned to be transported from one warehouse to another. Bulk storage has several advantages, firstly, with this method it is easier to select and reject spoiled or low-quality grain, and secondly, you save on consumables (bags).

Elevators for grain storage:

In the twenty-first century, grain is mainly stored in elevators, modes and methods of grain storage there are strictly regulated. As a rule, these are reinforced concrete or wooden structures; of course, the former are more reliable and have proven themselves better in this matter. As a rule, such structures are equipped with grain dryers and grain cleaning machines.

The entire work system is usually automated. This allows employees to better perform their direct duties, and the system to allow fewer errors. The grain dries itself and is cleaned. Also, the work on grain shipment is well organized; all processes here are also often automated.

As you probably guessed, storing grain in such elevators is much more profitable and efficient than in conventional warehouses, this is very advantageous direction in business.

Silos for storing grain at a granary and elevator video

Elevator operating technology

As you can see, the question is what are the ways to store grain will gradually sink into oblivion, and if this is a private small farm, then of course the grain should be stored in bags or on flooring in a small room, but if you are the owner of a large plot, it’s time for you to think about building or storing grain on a ready-made elevator. From it you can effectively ship even to river transport and ship to wagons on railway, of course, also in old, proven trucks. Whatever method you choose, in any case, we wish you success and see you on our website as a hassle-free farmer.