Flower and vegetable extravaganza. A traditional exhibition of flowers and fruits took place in Serov. "Gifts of autumn from our garden." Photo report on the exhibition of crafts from vegetables and fruits Ecological exhibition from vegetables, fruits and flowers

Galina Solovyova

Good evening, dear colleagues! I would like to share some news. Every year in our village there is fruit exhibition,flowers and vegetables. Konosha residents present their products. Kindergartens are also not left out. Teachers come up with their own compositions and participate in exhibition. Our kindergarten is always on top. We haven't missed a single one yet Exhibitions. For our compositions we use and flowers,And vegetables, and fruits. I'm more successful with figures from vegetables. Last year it turned out to be Gena the crocodile, and this year it was a funny clown. I'll brag a little. The clown was on the page of our regional newspaper "Courier". So he liked it. I'm glad.

And these are the works of my colleagues

Publications on the topic:

It all started from there. what's in the second younger group On the topic "Autumn" we introduced children to vegetables and fruits. As usual. looked at p.

In the falling leaves, bright, What kind of miracle? - we ask - -For gifts Autumn is a rich time of year! N. Letoshko With the onset of autumn, the gardens and vegetable gardens ripen.

Vegetable dishes. Recipe Dear colleagues, I present to your attention a dish of young zucchini. Wash the zucchini, dry it, cut it into slices, grate with garlic and roll.

Leisure “On the benefits of vegetables and fruits” Characters. Presenter, Doctor Aibolit, Znayka, Dunno (adults); The mouse is a bitch, the Goat is a dereza (children). They go on stage to the music.


GCD in the 2nd junior group “Looking at vegetables” Program content Educational objectives: To cultivate the desire to help plants: plant onions and seeds. Developmental tasks: Develop.

By tradition, in the fall, kindergartens host exhibitions of vegetables and fruits. So I want to present to your attention my colleagues the most.

In our kindergarten There are weekly summer exhibitions on themes. Recently there was a flower day and an exhibition “flower fantasy” was organized.

On September 10, in the Arefino library, residents had the opportunity to admire autumn compositions, bouquets of flowers, crafts from natural material, fancy figures of vegetables. The Veterans Council, our tireless women, were the instigators of the exhibition, and almost everyone contributed to their organization.

As always, our Arefa flower growers are amateurs, including G. A. Bolshakova, T. A. Strelnikova, L. A. Popova, E. P. Maksimova, who amazed us with the originality and uniqueness of their compositions.

Among the exhibits, it is necessary to note a pumpkin of immense size, “Basket of Abundance” by Galina Smyslova, “Onion and Potato Assortment”, royal beans by Tatyana Strelnikova, “Miracle Tree” by Galina Aleksandrovna Bolshakova, which amazed with its uniqueness, fantasy and harmony, as well as vegetable compositions of the harvest - 2017 Valentin Mikhaiovich Masalova, Irina Siryaeva, Vera Gogoleva, Nadezhda Mekhovaya and Natalia Zervandova and others.

The warmest reviews of what they saw and words of admiration are addressed to each participant in the exhibition. Thanks a lot everyone for the flight of imagination and creative skill!

At a certain time, the owner of the Autumn Cafe invited everyone to competitive program“The autumn cafe invites...”

Two teams competed for the title of best autumn cafe. At the beginning, participants were offered a cocktail of humorous questions, drew peas with their eyes closed, put cucumbers into jars, and dressed up a garden scarecrow. At the expense of the establishment, both tables will receive prizes in the form of a watermelon and a melon. The bright end of the holiday was the hat parade of young participants of the harvest festival. They surprised all the cafe visitors original ideas and an individual approach. Each participant received a prize. Throughout the holiday, visitors tasted vegetable preparations and were treated to pies with cabbage and apple compote.

The lights of the autumn cafe went out, Autumn fully came into its own, we celebrated its arrival with friendly communication and good impressions.

Irina Kulga

The beautiful, golden time has come, the name for which "Autumn". The fruits of man's hard labors grew in the gardens and orchards. In our group, we decided to organize an exhibition of crafts made from vegetables and fruits, “Autumn Gifts from Our Garden,” in which children and their parents took part.

Purpose This exhibition, of course, was to attract parents to the life of the kindergarten.

Promote the rapprochement of parents and children in the process of making crafts;

Give parents and children the opportunity to express their creative fantasies;

Promote talent development.


Hedgehog in the forest


Porcupine and his baby

Basket with vegetables

Penguins and frogs

Family of piglets


The exhibition was a great success. Parents and children took an active part in this exhibition, more than fifty percent, and I think that the end result was wonderful crafts made from vegetables and fruits. The children happily shared their impressions of creating their masterpieces, with the help of their parents, of course. As a result, we got this exhibition.

in autumn

When the end-to-end web

Spreads threads of clear days

And under the villager's window

The distant gospel is heard more clearly,

We're not sad, scared again

We understand more clearly.

(A. Fet)

Publications on the topic:

Good day to all teachers who visited my page. We held a “Summer Results” competition in our kindergarten and the result was wonderful.

This year, together with the parents of our group, we decided to organize a competition of crafts made from vegetables and fruits. The guys from our preparatory group.

Autumn is a great time of year to make various crafts from natural material. How many interesting various works you can think of it.

Autumn has come. A rich harvest of vegetables and fruits has been harvested. How can you not let your imagination run wild here! At one of the conversations with parents at the round table.

Autumn decorates the squares with colorful foliage. Autumn feeds the birds, animals and you and me with a harvest. In September, our group held an exhibition.

Our group held an exhibition of crafts made from vegetables and fruits. The parents of our students took an active part. In joint creativity.

Do-it-yourself autumn crafts allow everyone to show their imagination, namely, they lift the spirits of children, and help adults get rid of the accumulation.

Nature and civilization, genetics and art, the phenomenon of ecology in culture and science - these themes are constantly present on the art territory of the Moscow State University Botanical Garden reserve. This tradition is continued by the project of the State Museum and Exhibition Center "ROSIZO" "FRUCTUS TEMPORUM/FRUIT OF TIME", which arose as an artistic utopia on the theme of the coming future and exists at the intersection of scientific methodology and artistic strategies.

The project functions as an artistic-biological system, experiencing all stages of its evolution from birth to full maturation. Its topography is accordingly divided into three zones: the Seed Zone, the Growth Zone and the Blooming Garden. The Seed Zone is opened by a multimedia installation of the same name by Sergei Katran, an artist who combines real scientific facts and visual myth-making in his projects. The design of the installation is interactive; as viewers approach, the objects “come to life”: when they touch the peel, the music of composer Vladimir Martynov begins to sound, and the Seeds themselves perform their ritual dance of germination. Along the walls is placed his diverse creative family, Tea Mushroom Kombucha-Dostoevsky, in whose project a biological organism acquires a proper name, representing a unique case of the image of a non-anthropomorphic artist.

Sergei Filatov, a media artist and specialist in the field of acoustic instrumentality, presents a series of sound sculptures created from recycled components of military and computer equipment. Produced from the products of industrial reality, in their creative embodiment they are reborn into natural objects, literally becoming the voices of the plants. In soothing sounds and vibrations, electronics reveals itself as an ecological system; it becomes acoustics, embodying in this metamorphosis the principle of continuous variability characteristic of natural phenomena.

Vita Buivid's works implement the ideas of a natural connection between art and life. Still lifes with blooming peonies, their fragile stems, petals that retain the warmth of the sun, enter into a complex dialogue with objects preserved in alcohol in vessels, testifying to the personal life of a flower, its fate and the phenomenon of “eternal return.”

Curators: Ekaterina Drakunova, Vitaly Patsyukov.

Participants: Vita Buivid, BSCHGKD, Sergey Katran, Vladimir Martynov, Sergey Filatov.

Admission to the exhibition is free (from Grokholsky Lane)

About the "HORTUS" Gallery

The first in the more than 312-year history of the "Apothecary Garden" Art Gallery "Hortus" with an area of ​​more than 60 square meters will be solemnly opened on August 3 as part of the I International Festival of Contemporary Art, Science and Ecology ARS Hortus with a special project of the NCCA-ROSIZO "FRUCTUS TEMPORUM/FRUIT OF TIME" ". The new exhibition area near the “tropics” zone was created specifically for exhibitions, creative projects, performances and other events.

Getting to the Hortus Art Gallery is very easy: either through the greenhouse complex or from Grokholsky Lane (through the food court under the Palm Greenhouse "Garden Buffet"). The industrial interior of the space is complemented by floral arrangements of rare plant species. The unique combination sets a coordinate system in which artists will begin a dialogue about ecocentrism and a possible future, and viewers will be able to look at natural reality through the optics of art.