How to change your life and destiny. Change your destiny for the better. Acceptance of yourself and your destiny


Psychologists and esotericists claim that the power of thought and words is enormous. That everything that happens in life is the consequences of what a person did, said and thought. To change fate, to decorate everything around, you need to start with what is inside a person. Then change this, and after some time fate will improve, external circumstances will become different.

The foundations of life philosophy are laid in childhood. Mom and dad, close relatives, friends shape the worldview. And everything that was recorded then steadily acts in the human world throughout life. For example, my mother always thought that it was impossible to become rich; no amount of effort would help get to the top. And if she believed in it, sometimes she said it out loud in front of the child, he absorbed it, as a rule. And now any of his attempts to earn good money are not being realized. There can be many such settings, everyone has their own. But you need to see them.

To find out what principles apply in life, divide your destiny into sectors: personal life, work, self-realization, relationships with parents, hobbies, recreation, etc. There can be many points. And for each, write down all the thoughts that are in your head. Don’t evaluate them, don’t divide them into good or bad, just write them down in a column. You will see that you took some principles from your mother, some from friends, and some from your own experience. This list is a set of rules that are implemented in your destiny.

Choose the ones that limit you. And change it to the opposite. For example, instead of “it is impossible to become rich,” write “it is easy to become rich.” And repeat new settings constantly. This exercise is called “creating affirmations.” If you say new phrases to yourself regularly, repeat them in any convenient place, and believe in them, they will replace old programs and change your destiny.

You can correct your fate by taking some decisive steps in life, for example, moving would be such a decision. Just select another city on the map and go live there. You can act less radically and change your job. Do not move to another similar place, but rather change your specialty. You will have to master many skills, learn interesting things, and also get accustomed to a new area.

You can change your destiny by expanding your worldview. Today there are many books that talk about religions and philosophical teachings; this is an opportunity to see the world from a different angle, to experience it from a different perspective. Such works provide an opportunity to develop spiritually, and this definitely changes one’s destiny. Once you start expanding your horizons, unexpected opportunities appear that can make your life better.

It is obvious that every thought, word and action influences our future, leading to certain consequences, so they say “fate is in our hands,” because it depends on what we do at each moment. To change your destiny, you need to take responsibility for your future, study the theory of changing destiny and begin to apply it in practice.

There are proven ways to change your life for the better, and before us are twelve methods of changing your destiny, which are outlined in the lecture by O.G. Torsunov “Laws of Time, 2”. The video shows a corresponding excerpt from the lecture. All these methods develop the human mind (increase his intelligence), and with the development of the mind, the fate of a person changes in better side. This is practical knowledge that can be applied and get results.

12 methods of changing fate:

1. Prayer. Prayer means contact with a Higher Power, a connection with God, who is the root cause of everything. Ask and it will be given to you - this refers to sincere prayers. Thus, thanks to prayers, our fate can change for the better.

2. Developing humility, which is achieved in three ways:
a) respect for parents, whatever they may be. In any parent you can find something for which you can respect them. (If a man respects his father, in his social development all obstacles disappear, he becomes a real man, acquiring masculine qualities. If a woman respects her father, she gets a good husband. If a man respects his mother, he gets a good wife. If a woman respects her mother, she becomes a full-fledged woman and gets the opportunity to develop in society).
b) study of the sacred scriptures (any religion that is close and understandable).
c) communication with spiritual mentors. If it is not possible to communicate live with spiritually advanced people, you can watch videos of their lectures, seminars, you can listen to audio recordings, or, in the worst case, just read their books or lecture notes.

3. Practice healthy habits and regulate your life. This includes maintaining a daily routine, proper timely nutrition, and maintaining the body and mind in optimal condition. You need to do what is favorable and useful, and this is not always what you want to do. In other words, we must be guided by reason, and not be led by unreasonable desires that lead to problems. And for this you need to study and understand what is reasonable (useful, favorable) and what is unreasonable.

4. Communication with wise people , as well as attending various ceremonies related to serving God (any Religious holidays).

5. Contact with auspicious objects:
- plants or aromatic oils (basil, frankincense, mint, roses, sandalwood, saffron and others)
- blessed water (it is beneficial to drink on an empty stomach, sprinkle on the head, etc.)
- earth from holy places - favorable when it is in the house
- images of saints in the house - give strength and protection
- precious stones, but only if used correctly

6. You need to develop selflessness, donate to those in need (food, clothing, other support). This also means not accepting anything from others unless you need it. You can accept gifts, but don't get attached to it. The development of selflessness greatly changes a person’s destiny.

7. Eat consecrated food and feed it to your family members. It is also auspicious to serve consecrated food to guests.

8. Giving up unfavorable things, including bad habits, such as drinking alcohol, smoking, etc. This refusal should occur as a result of understanding, and not by forcing oneself. You can easily give up something bad if you find a worthy replacement for it, do something useful and favorable.

9. Fasting and austerities aimed at curbing feelings. In the video, Torsunov explains in more detail which people should fast on which day of the week. On the day of fasting, it is recommended to occupy yourself with thoughts about God, reading spiritual literature, prayers and other favorable spiritual activities.

10. Refusal of bad deeds and bad character traits, repentance and forgiveness. You need to ask for forgiveness and forgive everyone.

11. Make an altar in the apartment, on which to place an icon or other sacred object. Also very favorable for changing fate is visiting holy places.

12. Joint prayers and donations. When a person participates in such an event, it clears his consciousness and strengthens his mind.

This is a brief summary of Torsunov’s lecture and a corresponding excerpt on video. To understand more about how to change your destiny, listen to other lectures on this topic, this will be part of the “2c” method, and such listening in itself will gradually change your destiny. The study of wisdom develops the mind, and the more intelligence, the better the future destiny of a person. The more of the above methods we use in our lives, the faster our destiny changes.

There is such a word: “ fate" Somewhere nearby, in the space of meanings, “rock” is hanging out. Hanging around nearby are “karma”, “chronic bad luck” with “unclosed gestalt” and similar constructions... We use these words when we are faced with repetitions. Or rather, with repeating situations. And, more often than not, these situations do not make us happy.

Here is an example from life. A family of distant relatives. Husband, wife and two sons. Family relationships are excellent. The boys are just super. Athletic, positive, beautiful and smart. But... each of them had 4 marriages. Everyone is unhappy. They were not doing well at work, although they were smart, honest and educated. And... most importantly... They were both killed. Around the same age.

This story made a deep impression on me as a child. For many reasons. I knew these people. I liked them. I saw the grief of their parents... But all this is not the main thing.

My main sadness was related to how they themselves and those around them treated what was happening. This attitude could be expressed in two words: stupidity and fatalism.

Is it possible to change fate?

Let's start with the stupidity.

For some strange reason, none of the characters in this story thought about the reasons for these repeated events. Everything was limited to empty phrases: “they/we are unlucky”, “this is their/us’ fate”, “something is wrong with them/us”...

No one tried to analyze, change or correct anything. These are smart and good people They continued to live as they had lived, although everything indicated that it would only get worse.

And fatalism...

The most surprising thing for me in this situation was their submission fate. Moreover, these were not “vegetables”, but in many situations very active and strong-willed people. They knew how and could achieve and achieve. But all this concerned only external goals: obtaining an education, a sports rank, getting acquainted with beautiful girl, devices for prestigious and high paying job... There were no problems with this.

As for their inner world, they were absolutely helpless and, it seems, the thought did not even arise in their heads that they could also sort it out and put things in order.

Character and destiny

This story came to mind when I myself was faced with unpleasant recurring situations. They were work related.

As part of my upbringing (I was born and raised in the USSR), I was convinced that I needed to get a stable job and “hold on to my place.” But it didn’t work out for me. Well, no way!

I could hold on to one for no more than 2.5 years. Then that's it. I was literally thrown out of my workplace. The reasons were different, but the result was the same: I had to get a job again.

At some point I asked myself the question: “What should I do next? Continue trying to become a “normal person” or understand what is happening and why?

I chose the second one. I wrote down on a piece of paper my “defeats” and “victories” related to work... And I immediately saw that the main thing in my relationship with any work is interest. And the antagonist is routine. As soon as my development period ends new topic or positions, I need new tasks and challenges. Otherwise I lose motivation.

Once I realized this, it became much easier for me. I accepted this peculiarity of mine, not as a defect, but as an originality that can serve me good service. I cut regular management out of my life and switched exclusively to project work.

This immediately bore fruit. Startups and individual projects were time-limited, interesting and required a creative approach. And everything worked out for me! At the same time, I was no longer gnawing at the feeling of inferiority.

Fate can be changed if you simply look closely at the character and personality traits. Your own and/or those people with whom you share similar situations.

So the understanding came to me that repeated negative situations, if we put aside the mysticism, simply show us inconsistency. For example, the discrepancy between our strategies and our capabilities or reality. Destiny can be changed, if you just look closely at the character and personality traits. Your own and/or those people with whom you share similar situations.

A person dances to the tune of fate... or his own inattention?

When working with clients, I constantly encounter such inconsistencies. For example, a person wants to be " effective leader" He sincerely strives for this, undergoes training, reads a lot... But the problem is... He cannot force himself to constantly comply with everything that the written and unwritten rules of management require of him. It can’t be all! This is contrary to his nature.

Or another example: a manager sincerely considers himself an expert on people and a skillful motivator of employees. What's in reality? Key employees periodically escape from him. Sometimes in whole groups! What's the matter? He just doesn't like people. Doesn't feel them. And he despises it. And this is his reality, which turns out to be stronger than what he believes.

What to do in such situations, when repeated negative events occur? Look for inconsistency. First of all, between what you think and what you do, what you are. And, most importantly, look for patterns.

You can call fate what is really just a mismatch.

There are defense mechanisms in our psyche. They, in particular, defend our beliefs and hypotheses about ourselves and the outside world. These defenses can force us not to see the obvious, in particular, not to notice the similarity of various processes and phenomena, attributing their repetition to mystical events, fate, fate, karma.

I want to say a little more about this. There are defense mechanisms in our psyche. They, in particular, defend our beliefs and hypotheses about ourselves and the outside world. These defenses can force us not to see the obvious, in particular, not to notice the similarity of various processes and phenomena, attributing their appearance and repetition to mystical events, fate, fate, karma.

It looks very funny, but it manifests itself, sometimes far from harmlessly, in all aspects of our lives.

Even if you deeply believe in karma, fate or fate, do not rush to absolve yourself of responsibility. Try to make an effort to understand the reasons and find patterns in your life. And you will always have time to raise your “paws up”.

Here are two examples:

A young woman is a sales manager. She has a series of failures and the threat of dismissal. When I ask if the clients with whom she is having problems have anything in common, she very confidently says no. For her they are all different.

I ask you to make a list of “refuseniks”. It turns out that they are all men. Next, we find out their age and behavior. And again an amazing resemblance. And the defense mechanisms do not allow this similarity to be seen!

Another example. Already from a woman’s personal life.

A woman talks about a series of men with whom “nothing worked out.” I'm wondering if they have anything in common?

The woman answers with 100% conviction that no. These are ABSOLUTELY different people.

Okay, let's check.

  • The first man: a scientist, a joker, a merry fellow, a lover and favorite of companies, a toastmaster, a storyteller and a chatterbox.
  • The second man: theater actor, poser, braggart and pathological liar.
  • Third man: fitness trainer. She loves her body, is sensitive to her appearance, and loves to be photographed.
  • Fourth man: creative director. Always bursting with ideas, loves to surprise and make you fall in love with yourself. He dresses, speaks and draws very nicely.

Well, I say, it’s still obvious. All of these characters, at a minimum, have demonstrative accentuation, if they do not have narcissistic personality disorder. They are alike. And something in this similarity attracts this sweet lady. But, since she does not see this in common, she expects from these men what they are never able to give her.


If recurring and unpleasant situations happen in your life, and you think that you have a “hard fate,” then it is highly advisable to conduct a simple analysis and answer a number of questions:

What exactly are these situations?

  1. What events, actions, intentions and emotions on your part precede them?
  2. If people are involved in these events, what characteristics do they have (from physique and appearance to character traits, value systems and behavioral stereotypes)?
  3. What do you want in these situations?
  4. What do you gain or lose as a result of these situations?
  5. If your life and destiny were individuals, what would they want to tell you through these repeated situations?
  6. What should you change in order to “learn the lesson of life” and stop the repetition of unpleasant situations?

This is the simplest thing you can do to deal with a recurring problem. If you want to explore your life and destiny more deeply, I recommend that you read another article. Complete all the exercises in it and share the results with me.

Apr 10, 2017

The abyss is an abyss because it is inexhaustible.

The same goes for the interview with Radislav Gandapas, which I’m analyzing for the third time.

I promise that this time is the last, for God loves the trinity.

And to be honest, I’m running out of decent words and patience. For the thoughts and judgments expressed in the interview are already far beyond the scope of common sense, coming close to psychiatry.

Consider the thesis that to achieve success, the first skill you need to learn is the skill of being liked. What follows is an enchanting passage about how Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov missed the appropriate training, as a result of which he was unsuccessful in society and ended up showing off to the point of a duel.

Let's start with Mikhail Yuryevich...

Apr 3, 2017

“For us, success is an assessment of society,” says success “guru” Radislav Gandapas in one of his last interviews.

The reference to abstract society leads us to prostitution. If our success lies in being approved by some group of people, then we will inevitably adapt to it and not care about our own “subtle impulses” and deep needs.

Salvador Dali was kicked out of the Madrid Academy of Fine Arts, Jack London's first book was rejected by publishers 600 times, teachers called Einstein mentally retarded, Steven Spielberg was not accepted into the university three times in a row, Bill Gates was expelled from Harvard University, and Anna Netrebko was expelled from the Conservatory. This was society’s assessment of the professional suitability and talent of these famous people.

Success is completely subjective and context dependent. You can consider yourself super successful. This will be your subjective opinion of yourself. But for some reason, you move to a different social context. And suddenly you find yourself a complete loser in assessing your new social environment.

Success is a value concept associated with a person’s internal ethics. In one case you will be a successful pickpocket, in another - a banker, in the third - an engineer. Social success in one group may be a crime in another and vice versa.

Mar 22, 2017

Dec 2, 2016

New Year's madness is slowly creeping to the surface of life. The most advanced and progressive part of humanity is summing up the results of the past year, planning its next year and thinking about longer horizons of development. To meet these desires of advanced people, trainings on goal setting, increasing personal effectiveness, seminars on dream collages and other techniques for managing the future with the power of intention are helpfully provided.

Jul 30, 2016

Any talent implies not only outstanding skills, but also recognition. How sad it is. Any talent needs either support or crazy self-confidence that allows you to do without any support. Do you have one, the other, or both?

Living their lives year after year, people get tired of banalities, as well as of the vicissitudes of fate. Many, living only in their second decade, begin to search for something that would help them make their daily lives easier and eliminate problems. And most often their searches are in vain.

Many trainings on positive psychology are held around the world. But, as a rule, there is no sense from them or the effect of their passage turns out to be temporary.

People study astrology, magic and other unconventional sciences, which, in fact, are useless to them. Many strive for better, looking for a way out of another difficult situation, based only on your own belief in the best. But they don’t find ways to change their fate.

However, you don't have to go far to improve your own life.

To do this you just need to understand that:

1. The world is very simple, and therefore there are no complex formulas. All solutions are simple.

2. Fate is the sum of all misdeeds.

For example, the fate of humanity is a huge karma, the duty of humanity to God. And also karma, humanity’s duty to animals.

According to the first point, it is clear that no abstruse sciences, generally accepted, secret or forgotten, will help you find a way out of their circle of life’s troubles and experiences. They are just inventions of people's ways of stupefying the mind.

The worlds, in fact, are one whole universe, in which integrity and purity of thoughts are important, which leads to the right actions that do not destroy that very integrity.

The primordial consciousness, thanks to which the manifested and unmanifested worlds exist, embodies purity and naivety. Even human children do not have such inner purity. And what about adults?

To realize and understand at least a little how this consciousness thinks, watch the children of animals. Baby animals are clean and kind. And even most adult domestic or wild animals are full of kindness, mercy and most importantly love.

Look at dogs or cats. They forgive people so much. If you scold a pet, it will be offended, but it will cope with the offense itself and will again treat its owner kindly. This is behavior that does not violate the integrity of the universe. When negativity is not concentrated and does not provoke wrong actions that harm someone.

Animals feel everything the same way as people. Their emotions, feelings, sensations are exactly the same.

But why do people treat them this way? What is done to cows for milk? With chickens for eggs or meat? With bulls, rams, horses for meat or entertainment? Have you ever felt the fear and pain of all these animals? This is scary!

It was these actions of people that caused the accumulation of karma of humanity in front of animals. When animals died, their souls went to where they had to escape from the horror that people inflicted on them.

And since the conveyor belt of destruction was spinning for a long time, there were many souls and they formed demon-like creatures. These creatures, the demons of the animal soul aggregation, are the very creatures that turn the wheels of fate.

By understanding the causes of humanity's problems, everyone can take the right steps to improve their own lives:

1. You need to start taking care of animals. For example, pick up an abandoned kitten or dog and give it warmth and the food it needs.

2. You can periodically feed pets and birds. Especially in late autumn and winter.

3. It is worth visiting animal shelters and helping them with money, medicine, things and food.

4. You need to stop eating meat. Refuse to buy eggs laid by chickens that have spent their entire lives in a cage. Reduce your consumption of dairy products.

5. You need to get off the bike and walk with your feet on the ground, especially in the forest. Watch your step, because there are beetles, snails, lizards and frogs. They want to live. And if you bypassed them and did not offend them, then you can hope for a better future.

By following what is listed in these five points, you can significantly clear your karma and improve your life so much that unpleasant moments will only happen in the distance. A cleansed person learns about bad things only from newspapers, videos and articles on the Internet, but does not experience it personally.

I was convinced of this in practice, like many other people who value living things. If you think that you can’t live without meat, then see for yourself that you are mistaken.

Believe me, borscht with beans instead of meat tastes no different from meat. Any cereal cooked in water with a couple of tablespoons of rapeseed oil is an excellent dish in itself, no different from what is cooked in milk and butter.

I know how difficult it is to give up eating animal flesh. However, I am also aware that it is also very difficult to start eating meat if you have not eaten corpses for a long time. That is, it's all about habits and labels. In fact, people do not want to eat meat, but rather to taste the seasonings. Add your favorite seasonings to vegetable stews or porridges, and you’ll easily forget about meat. I especially recommend leaning on bay leaves, onions, garlic, parsley, dill and Indian seasonings.

It is important to remember that your demons - “clusters of animal souls” are always with you. That is, you cannot deceive them. If you eat meat, abandon animals on the street, offend them, hate them, then your demons become angrier and more merciless towards you. And your life will continue to go downhill, just as your souls will exhaust themselves. And with physical death comes spiritual death. But while the meat-eater’s soul dies, it will experience all those nightmares that remained imprinted in the consciousnesses of the killed animals whose flesh he ate.

But if you take care of animals, help them, protect them, feed them, treat them, then your demons will become kinder, and many of them will disappear altogether. This means that fate will begin to retreat from you and you will see new horizons. This has been tested by me in practice.

Therefore, I argue that karma is cleared not by repentance to people to whom you have said bad things, but by good deeds towards animals, to which each of you is actually guilty.

Think about which is better. Spend money on false prophets who promise to cleanse you from the sins that you have invented for yourself, and remain in problems or help weak animals that suffer because of your indifference and needs that you can easily refuse.

By doing the right thing, you can see the world around you transform, and your life take on rainbow shades of new and beautiful.

You can remain confident that you can change your destiny only by reading prayers, saying affirmations, performing rituals and reading the books of great gurus of enlightenment. But when problems fall on you with all their severity, you will realize that you have wasted years on hobbies that do not at all help change your destiny or somehow improve your everyday life.

At such a moment, remember that only good deeds in relation to those to whom you are actually guilty will help you correct the deplorable state of your affairs that has arisen at the moment.

Surely each of us has wondered at least once in our lives whether it is possible to change our destiny or whether everything is predetermined from above and we can only be content with what heaven has predicted for us. On the one hand, even the lines on our hands tell everything about our future, but on the other hand, any of our actions can change subsequent events. So how can we change our destiny for the better if it doesn’t turn out the way we would like it to?

In order to better understand the divine and universal laws that influence our lives, let's imagine such an allegory. Changing our destiny is like climbing a ladder, at the foot of which lie all our problems. Have you heard such a wise philosophical saying that you need to look at the problem from the outside and then the solution will come on its own? It is this postulate that underlies the answer to such a global question: “How to change fate for the better?” You need to climb a few steps up the ladder and look at your life from above, finally stop identifying yourself with your problems, see them on a different scale. The catch is that climbing even one rung of your ladder is a very difficult task that many people cannot do. Why? Because behind each of us is a heavy bag of almost impossible to lift weight. It is he who does not allow us to take a step up the ladder, look at our lives with different eyes, and most importantly, begin to change our destiny.

What's in this bag?

Of course, we can list for a long time all the negative emotions that have accumulated in our soul, unforgiven grievances, fears, anger, envy, and so on. Of course, they are behind us. But all this can be described in one word - selfishness. Blind, all-encompassing, great egoism. Our ego has become so inflated that it does not allow us to take even one step up the ladder. It chains us to problems, focuses our attention on them and makes us feel like a victim of our circumstances.

How can you throw off all this burden, calm your ego and climb up the stairs with a light tread? Exists Several recommendations to change your destiny for the better:

1. Reduce your pride. Pride feeds our ego with fresh strength, and therefore, first of all, we need to work with it. The main way to overcome pride is prayer, veneration of saints, and performance of church rituals. In the old days, people bowed not only to the images of saints on icons, but also to their parents. Try to mentally imagine the image of your father and mother and bow to each several times. This ritual must be performed daily after waking up. This is very helpful in calming down pride.

2. Learn to control two organs - the tongue and the genitals. Most people are slaves of their tongue, since they are unable to stop swearing, discussing other people's destinies, weaving intrigues, and also slaves of their genitals, since sexual pleasure becomes the meaning of their life.

A fool and a wise man cannot be distinguished from each other until they speak.

Indian wisdom.

The same applies to the genitals. People have made sex a cult, the main pleasure and even the meaning of life. Such lust feeds their animal nature, alienating them from the spiritual. And the animal principle is the Ego, only in other words.

4. Free yourself from unforgiven grievances through forgiveness. Then it will not only be easier to climb the stairs, but also to breathe. All bad thoughts and memories lie like a stone in your soul, but over time they are forgotten and cease to be perceived acutely. But that doesn't mean they don't exist! Therefore, farewell, farewell, and farewell again!

5. Increase the level of consciousness development. The less egoism a person has, the closer he is to the Creator and the more chances he has to change his destiny. Therefore, practice various meditations, do yoga, study the spiritual laws described in the scriptures. When you begin to understand the secrets of the universe, your worldview will radically change, reducing your Ego.

Change for the better!