Book-fate: “Open book. What is fate? Does fate exist? Is it possible to change your destiny and how to do it

What is fate? This is one of those questions that cannot be answered definitively. The existence of fate can neither be proven nor disproved with the help of material facts or arguments.

Because the phenomenon of fate relates to spiritual development, and everything related to spirituality can be seen or felt only with the heart, with spiritual vision.

Those who feel the divine spark, their higher self, at a certain stage of their spiritual development are faced with internal contradictions that can confuse and cause them to make erroneous judgments.

On the one hand, the heart speaks about the existence of the soul, higher goals, spiritual improvement, and on the other hand, the mind, the rational part of it, asks completely logical questions, the answers found to which are sometimes discouraging and bring confusion into the soul.

Fate in most cases is associated with a certain general line of human life, in which everything is predetermined, everything that should happen, both good and bad, will certainly come true. Even if a person wants to avoid certain events, he will not be able to do so.

Considering this, a completely logical question arises: “If fate really exists and cannot be changed, then what is the point in development?” After all, it turns out that no matter how hard you try, no matter how much you improve, nothing will change.

If you are destined to go through suffering or trials, you will not escape them. If you are meant to be someone, then you will be it, even if you don't want it. It turns out to be a paradox. The mind has driven itself into a dead end.

Paradox, mind trap

In a spiritual sense, a person who finds himself in such a mental trap begins to mark time. Being in a confused state and not finding a solution for himself, he makes conclusions that slow down his spiritual growth, and may even push him onto the path of involution.

If I cannot change anything, then, in fact, my choice in a given situation is unimportant, which means I do not bear any responsibility for my actions and my life.

Such reasoning can lead a person to lead a life in a range of two extremes:

1. Start living your life, go to great lengths, indulge your instinctive nature. After all, no matter what I do, everything happens according to fate’s plan.

Any of my actions cannot be wrong, I can do whatever I please, because I cannot go beyond what fate has destined for me.

And this, in turn, means that the embodiment of any thoughts and desires is following one’s destiny, since I cannot accidentally think or wish for something.

2. Live your life as a victim. In such a position a person at will deprives himself of spiritual strength, blocks his own will.

With such a worldview, life appears to a person mainly as fate, as a series of unfavorable events that cannot be changed.

In order to somehow alleviate your suffering, you have to accept your difficult fate in the hope that it will become a little easier in the future.

As you understand, these extremes have nothing to do with spiritual development. Spiritual development presupposes conscious choice and responsibility for one’s actions.

The ability to make decisions yourself and be responsible for your actions, to be the center of your life and not shift responsibility to others is an indicator of the strength and spiritual maturity of a person.

The paradox itself is not something that reflects reality. It can also be represented as a mental construct or thought form that contains a certain logic, a program like “if so, then only this way and no other way.”

This mental structure is quite rigid and inflexible; it does not allow broader thinking and limits a person’s consciousness. In essence, it keeps the mind within its framework exactly as much as a person considers his judgments true and unshakable.

The properties of paradox are widely used in spiritual schools to expand the consciousness of students. When a master forces the student's mind into the trap of logic, there is a great opportunity to see his own limitations.

Independent resolution of the paradox is an indicator that the student was able to go beyond his limiting logic, expanded his consciousness and rose to another step in spiritual evolution.

This kind of trap cannot be avoided, the mind will paint itself into a corner from time to time, you just need to remember that this is your understanding of the situation and it is limited only by your life experiences and state of consciousness.

There is a higher spiritual order in which there are no contradictions, you just need to go beyond your mental limitations and look at the problem with a broader spiritual perspective.

In order to fully understand what fate is and how a person is connected to it, let us turn to authoritative sources that explain this phenomenon.

What is fate, definition in Sanskrit

In Sanskrit, fate is defined by the word karma, which in turn means:

  • any activity;
  • actions;
  • the law of cause and effect.

According to spiritual teachings about karma, a person's life is considered as a series of his actions. Moreover, every action he performs, no matter whether it is a thought, a desire or a specific act, is both a cause for future ones and a consequence for previous actions and events.

That is, every committed action gives rise to a chain of consequences, events, which in turn give rise to the following events. As you understand, good deeds activate favorable events, bad deeds bring a series of failures and shocks upon a person. There is a popular proverb on this topic that reflects the essence of the law of cause and effect: “What you sow is what you reap.”

Of course, such a question as the fate of a person cannot be considered only in one physical plane. Considering that man is a multidimensional being and manifests himself in many dimensions and planes that are beyond physical reality, his evolution and spiritual development does not end with physical death.

Therefore, karma is not limited to one physical life. The law of cause and effect is universal, and it works in all planes of human existence, regardless of whether a person is currently embodied on planet Earth or not.

Also, teachings about karma (fate) affect some aspects of human existence beyond the physical life and death of a person. Man, as a spiritual being, goes through a chain of incarnations in physical reality for his evolution.

At the moment of death (at the end of the next incarnation), the total of all good and bad deeds is summed up. Depending on the result obtained, a person’s future life is determined, that is, the fate that he must live, go through his lessons and outlive his karma.

In fact, how each person lives, what country he was born in, what character he has, what he does, what kind of parents he has, what diseases he is susceptible to, what kind of body he has and much more - all this is a consequence of previous incarnations, then is the destiny of man.

From the above two paragraphs one may get the impression that a person’s fate is a series of programmed events that cannot be changed.

This is not entirely true. It must be remembered that every action gives rise to a chain of events, and the seeds of these events can germinate both in the current life and in future incarnations.

The “cause and effect” pair are inextricable and clearly defined, and a person cannot break this connection, because no one has canceled the laws of the universe.

But a person has freedom of choice, free will, and this is his strength and the key to harmony and prosperity.

Spiritual teachings say that man is a powerful being who is given freedom of choice.

Thanks to this freedom, a person can draw enormous spiritual strength, or completely destroy himself, performing certain actions in accordance with his choice.

Therefore, spiritual teachers, knowing the truth, refuse to indulge the weaknesses of their students and call them to take responsibility for their actions and their lives. Every person, finding himself in any situation, has many options for what next step to take, he just needs to choose.

And accordingly, this choice will mean a specific action that includes a series of events, and the person begins to reap the results of his choice. That is, in fact, a person’s fate can change depending on his choice and the actions he commits.

A special case of the law of cause and effect

Simply put, if a person constantly drinks heavily, then obviously sooner or later his body will start to get sick, and most likely he will reap the results of his actions in the form of cirrhosis or liver cancer.

If we further examine this example, we can see that our hero’s problems do not end with deteriorating health. Let's assume he is married, has children and a job. Here's a quick summary of the consequences of choosing to drink alcohol:

  1. Degradation occurs, a person turns 180⁰ and goes down the ladder of spiritual evolution. A person's personality changes. Aggression, deception, hatred and self-humiliation completely subjugate a person’s consciousness.
  2. Family destruction. Scandals and quarrels gradually destroy the well-being of all family members. Ultimately, all loved ones begin to suffer. The children hate the father, the wife hates the husband.
  3. Most likely, there is a dismissal from work or a deterioration in relations with superiors and colleagues.
  4. Losing friends. Divorce. Living alone with nothing.

Here is an approximate scenario of events that happens to alcoholics. This begs a number of questions:

  • Who is to blame in this person’s life that everything turned out this way, himself, fate, fate, or someone or something else?
  • Was it possible for a person to change his life if he knew in advance what his choice to abuse alcohol would lead to?
  • Is this person a victim of circumstances, or is he completely responsible for his decisions and actions?
  • What fate is in store for this person, what does he have to understand, and what lessons does he need to learn in his future life?

This example is not so simple and is, unfortunately, a common life drama.

If a person took responsibility for his actions and made the choice not to drink every time he wanted to drink, then he would be able to change his destiny in his current life. And it is true. There are many life examples of this, when a person stopped drinking and his life improved.

This is the law of cause and effect. There are no victims of circumstances, each of us is responsible for what happens in his life, how happy or unhappy he is.

In this sense, the formula for happiness is very simple: give up actions that destroy you, your life and make choices towards actions that bring you harmony and well-being.

What to do if you know you need to change, but you can’t do it

Not everything is so simple, many people can feel the wrongness of their actions and realize Negative consequences of your choice. But for certain reasons they cannot refuse the wrong choice and step on the same rake again and again, getting burned over and over again.

This state of affairs makes a person suffer even more. But there are also good points in this. If a person has already begun to understand that he is doing something wrong and it needs to be changed, if the problem is visible, then it can be corrected.

A person is a multidimensional being, which consists not only of a physical body, but also has consciousness, mind, energy bodies, and so on. And in order to change something in your life, you need to take into account the principle of multidimensionality and interconnection.

If a person wants to quit drinking, smoking, taking drugs, giving up junk food, restoring health, finding Good work, start a family and the like, he will have to dive deep into his space and start looking for answers and working with them.

It will be necessary to change bad habits, sort out your thoughts, realize false desires and goals, face your fears, remove energy blocks and much more.

For a positive result, you need to work in at least four planes:

As you understand, in the first stages it is almost impossible to carry out such work on your own. This requires help from outside, the help of a competent person.

In evolutionary terms, everything in our lives is organized intelligently, and there are people who are destined to provide such help.

This kind of help and support can be provided to you by:

  • Your parents, relatives, friends (provided that they have experience and positive results).
  • A spiritual guide you trust and feel connected to.
  • A person who knows how to properly provide psychological assistance.
  • Coach (personal trainer who will guide you to a certain result and achieve specific goals).

Of course, in order to do the right things, you must also have willpower, wisdom, and be able to see the right choice, and for this you need to know certain spiritual laws and follow them.

But who said it was difficult or impossible? You just need to want to make a choice and learn these laws, and then make a choice again and begin to apply them in your life.

Is there destiny or is it all an illusion of human perception?

Well, whether there is a destiny or not, a person must answer this question for himself. Because it is impossible to prove or disprove something that does not agree with the worldview. Only the heart will tell you whether it is true or false.

If the answer is yes – “fate exists, and it can be changed” – then, apparently, a person is ready to become the master of his life and accept responsibility for his actions, thoughts, desires.

If the answer is no, this is also a choice for which you will have to bear responsibility.

For those who believe that a person has a destiny and they are not happy with their life, the question becomes relevant:

Is it possible to change your destiny and how to do it?

Yes and no. Some of it can be changed, some of it can’t. Because in addition to fate, there is also purpose.

  • Why is it partially yes and no?
  • What is the difference between fate and destiny?

We will talk about this in the next article.

Harmony and prosperity to you!

This might interest you:

Olga Kalugina, historian-bibliographer, former employee USU Scientific Library:

— Recently, a documentary was shown on TV about Zinaida Vissarionovna Ermolyeva-Zilber, the most famous Soviet microbiologist. She was the first to invent penicillin in the Soviet Union. She received the Stalin Prize for this. Without stopping, I watched the program. After all, this woman was the prototype of Tatyana Vlasenkova, the heroine of my favorite trilogy “The Open Book” by Veniamin Kaverin.

Many years ago, my dad put this book on top of a pile of books that were recommended by a literature teacher to read during the school holidays. “Daughter,” he said, “be sure to read THIS. You will find in it a lot of very important things for yourself. After all, the heroine of the trilogy is your age.”

All three books - “Youth”, “Search”, “Hope” - made an indelible impression on me! Helped to understand many problems of adolescence. The author gradually traces the life of Tanya Vlasenkova in a difficult time for our country: from the pre-revolutionary years to 1956. The book is about the creative work and scientific research of the Soviet intelligentsia during the years of Stalin’s repressions, the Great Patriotic War and post-war years.

The antibiotic penicillin, which my favorite heroine, microbiologist Tanya Vlasenkova, invented with hard work and numerous experiments, performed a miracle: thanks to it, many practically incurable people were saved. After re-reading the book, I firmly decided to become a doctor. I dreamed of searching for a “magic pill” that would cure any disease...

But life decreed otherwise. My health did not allow me to become a doctor; with my illness, I was not accepted into medical school. I entered the USU, Faculty of History. After graduation I stayed to work at scientific library. A lot of literature passed through me. And again I reread “Open Book,” but from the perspective of an adult. A “different” Tanya Vlasenkova opened up for me: the complexities of her personal life, difficulties and losses on the way to her goal in science. A new meaning of Kaverin's trilogy has been revealed.

As a historian-bibliographer, I was also interested in the prototypes of the characters in the book. It turned out that these were all real people, real discoveries and events.

It turns out that this book goes with me through life. And my dream of becoming a doctor was partially fulfilled: after graduating from the Faculty of History, I received a military specialty diploma "Nurse" civil defense" I am now happy to help my family, friends, and acquaintances decide on a diagnosis and medications, I can give injections, cupping, and do other medical procedures... I often remember my father’s words that I will open the “Open Book” more than once and in different ways for myself. This turned out to be true!

universe era explosion cosmic radiation

In contrast to the closed Universe, the open Universe continues to expand forever. The main difference from the processes described in the previous section is the difference in time. Previously, we were talking about periods of 50 or 100 billion years, but now we will have to consider such large periods of time that numbers with a large exponent will be needed, for example, intervals up to 10 (100) years will be mentioned. If it is difficult to imagine 100 billion years, then there is nothing to talk about such a number.

The first events will, of course, be similar to those that occur in a closed Universe. The stars will gradually age, becoming red giants over time, and either explode or slowly collapse and die. Some of them will collide with other stars before going out. Such collisions are very rare, and there have been very few of them since the formation of our Galaxy (at least in its outer regions where we live). However, over trillions and trillions of trillions of years, many such collisions will occur. Some of them will only throw planets into space, while others will result in stars ending up in completely different orbits, some even outside the boundaries of our Galaxy. If we wait long enough, the outer regions of galaxies will appear to evaporate.

Stars that are not ejected from galaxies as a result of collisions will most likely be attracted to the center, which will eventually turn into a giant black hole. In about 10 (18) years, most galaxies will consist of massive black holes surrounded by a swarm of white dwarfs, neutron stars, black holes, planets and various particles.

Further developments follow from the modern unified field theory, called grand unified theory,1 which will be discussed later. From this theory it follows that a proton decays in approximately 10 (31) years. Several experiments are now being conducted to detect such decay, and therefore to test the theory. According to it, protons should decay into electrons, positrons, neutrinos and photons. It follows that, in the end, everything that consists of protons and neutrons in the Universe (and only black holes do not contain them) will decay into these particles. The universe will turn into a mixture of them and black holes, and will remain in this state for a very, very long time. Someday small black holes will evaporate, but large ones will have difficulties. The background radiation will be very cold by then, but still its temperature will remain slightly higher than that of black holes. However, as the Universe expands, the situation will change - the temperature of the radiation will become lower than on the surface of black holes, and they will begin to evaporate, slowly decreasing in size; this will take approximately 10 (100) years. Then the Universe will be filled with electrons and positrons, which, rotating around each other, form huge “atoms”. But gradually positrons and electrons, moving in a spiral, will collide and annihilate, leaving only photons. There will be nothing in the Universe except radiation.

How to change your Destiny? 6 Best Methods for Everyone

Many people ask themselves this question, especially those who are not happy with their lives, who experience constant suffering and for some reason cannot achieve their goals.

In the life of every person there are things that can and should be changed, eliminated and improved; there is always evil that interferes with life, and one must learn to eliminate it.

But changing some quality in yourself or completely changing your destiny are tasks of different complexity.

And now everything is in order...

How can you change your Destiny? 6 the best ways

Every normal person would like to change his Destiny, improve something, correct something a little, change something a lot, and remove something altogether. No matter how wonderful a person’s destiny may seem, there is always something to improve and improve in it.

But often the situation is different. When life or fate brings a person simply unbearable suffering and it is so painful, sickening, scary and painful to live that a person is ready to do anything to radically change his fate. And even when he is ready to change his life and change himself, desire alone is not enough, you still need to know how to do it! You need to know what most influences a person’s destiny and what tools for changing it are in principle available. Then you can change your fate quickly enough!

But before you start changing anything, study in more detail what Fate is, and also read the article - Is there Fate? Esoteric view. Much of what is described in this article will become clear to you.

So, how to change Destiny! 6 main ways

We will consider ways (methods) of changing one’s destiny that are available to absolutely every person, as well as purely esoteric techniques that can only be used by a trained esoteric practitioner.

1. The most affordable way to start changing your destiny is to change your life goals! Set higher and more significant Goals, take on new things, start doing what you have long wanted, what you have dreamed about, but have been putting it off all the time.

For an esotericist, a change in the Goals of life is a change in the patronage of the forces of the Subtle World that guide a person through life (help, teach and protect him). As Goals grow, a person’s responsibility grows and he is given higher and more influential Patrons in Fate. In addition, goals and thoughts must be worthy, that is, pure, in order to be sure that the Light Forces will help you, and not those who patronize bandits and scum.

The pattern is simple: patronage changes - the fate of a person changes. And I recommend working with Goals using the books and lessons of Brian Tracy (the world's best coach in setting and achieving goals).

2. Search for a deeper, eternal, higher Meaning of Life!
This is a continuation of working with Goals! Only point 1 refers to external goals (what a person wants to achieve in life, what to create and what contribution to make to the development of society), and point 2 - internal ones.

That is, honestly and sincerely answering the question for yourself: - “What do I live for?”, “What do I want to devote my life to?”, “What to leave behind, what benefit to bring?”, - by finding strong answers that resonate with joy and inspiration in the heart and soul, a person also triggers deep and irreversible changes in his life. And if his answers are positive and correct, then the changes will be very good, although often not without surprises.

It is best to answer such questions in writing, listening to your heart, your soul sincerely and carefully. The answers will definitely come and may be the most unexpected.

3. Direct appeal to the Higher Powers (to the Forces of Light, to Karma)! This can be an arbitrary prayer of the heart, with a pre-prepared and thought-out meaning. This always works if you approach it responsibly and seriously.

What you can and should ask from the Higher Powers:

  • Higher significant Goals (teach, indicate)
  • Rapid development of your Soul and Personality (always leads to a change in destiny)
  • Atonement for sins and cleansing of the Soul (removes blocks, prohibitions by fate, opens up new opportunities)
  • Understanding (studying, realizing) your Karmic Tasks
  • A bright and worthy Spiritual Teacher, Mentor (who will help and teach how to change your destiny for the better)
  • Understanding (awareness) - what God wants from you, what your Soul wants

These are good requests, the Light Forces will be especially helpful in fulfilling them, and this will certainly lead to positive changes in your destiny.

Advice: write all your requests to God in the form of a letter to the Higher Powers, with justification for why you are asking for this. And then make a sincere heartfelt prayer, putting into it the whole meaning of the written letter. This is a very powerful tool. Personally, this method has never failed me!

4. The Power of Gratitude! This is not available to everyone, because there are few truly grateful people these days. You can easily change your future by simply changing your attitude towards your past. Our wise ancestors knew this at all times. That is why there have always been rituals of gratitude to the Gods for everything given to man in his destiny.

Advice: Write a letter of gratitude to God for your already lived part of life - for all achievements, awards, trials, even for hardships and tragedies (if you have enough courage) and do not skimp on words. The letter can be on many sheets, and this is great, the more the better. You can write it for several days and that's okay.

This technique will give you the opportunity to completely re-understand your life and thank the Higher Powers for everything that has already happened! Gratitude frees a person, his consciousness, from the past, the old, freeing up space for a new future.

After a while, and maybe the next day after writing the letter, you will feel and see that your life has already begun to change.

When the first 4 methods are not enough!

Almost always, the above methods and techniques for working with Destiny are enough to start changing your life for the better. But not always! There are difficult situations when a person’s fate is burdened with strong karmic punishments coming from the past (from past lives), which the person simply does not remember. And then you need to work with a professional in these matters - with a Spiritual Healer.

When does this happen:

  • When a person has an incurable disease
  • When he has tried everything, but due to fate he cannot get out of the hole (no matter how much he fights and works, but there is no use, as if someone had cursed him)
  • When he experiences severe mental or physical suffering

In such cases, serious work with the fate of a person and with his soul is required, and this will require, as a rule, more than one session with a Spiritual Healer.

5. Working with Destiny with the help of a Spiritual Healer! This is very good way and one of the fastest to implement. A good healer immediately sees your destiny in full view - past, present and future. He sees the causes of certain problems in a person’s life, prohibitions and blocks according to Fate, and knows exactly what needs to be done to remove them.

The healer can very quickly gain access to information about your Karmic Tasks, about the punishments that are programmed for you by fate, and tell you what to do about it. A complex problems, such as an incurable disease (cancer, for example), a Healer can help remove it personally by working with you.

But the next method of changing Fate is even more radical and powerful.

6. Taking the path of purposeful Development! Entry into the Light Spiritual System. Constant development spiritual, energetic, personal growth and growth in self-realization - most of all change the fate of a Person, because they most quickly reveal a person’s potential and get rid of weaknesses, shortcomings and problems.

Effective Development- gives an increase in a person’s level (his Strength), adequacy and positivity, and this instantly affects fate, rebuilding it. The growth of a person’s strength attracts higher Goals into his destiny, strong people, more serious lessons, responsibility and rewards of course. An increase in positivity leads to the fact that a person makes fewer and fewer mistakes and creates troubles for himself in life, achieving his goals faster.

Ultimately, by developing and constantly working on oneself, a person can earn the right to a complete replacement of Fate and to receive new Karmic Tasks. But for this you need to exhaust the previous fate.

At the same time, the karmic tasks given by birth cannot be canceled, but they can be strengthened and replaced with higher and more significant ones for the Higher Powers. And in order to do this, you need to go through the path, master the techniques of working with Karma and study the Laws.

Source -, Everything about fate, its formation and development