Program for stitching panoramas nef. How to take a panoramic photo. Step-by-step instruction! Simple, easy, fast. Applications for preparing and converting photo panoramas

Currently on the market computer programs there are many different utilities for photo processing, and many such utilities are presented on our website. This time I want to bring to your attention the program PanoramaStudio Pro, which will appeal to any amateur photographer, even a beginner, even doing this difficult task long years. And all because the program is not only easy to manage, takes up little space and has a nice interface, but because it is also of high quality.

The main direction of the PanoramaStudio Pro program is the creation of panoramic shots. But for starters, you can also process the images by rotating, cropping or scaling, so to speak - prepare the photo before placing it in the panorama. After adding your selected photos, PanoramaStudio Pro will merge them into a uniform high-quality panorama, with smooth transitions that you won't even notice. And the program will do it all quickly and efficiently. In addition, the utility works with all known image formats, so you do not have to convert them additionally.

Download PanoramaStudio Pro in Russian

You can download the PanoramaStudio Pro program for compiling panoramic photos on our website for free by clicking on the link below. For a complete and convenient operation program, you will need to carry out simple treatment and Russification. How to do all this - find the information below. After all these simple manipulations, which will take you just a couple of minutes, you will be able to enjoy the high-quality work of the program and the most beautiful panoramic images!

Copy the Order_ru.html and panoramastudio.qm files to the directory of the installed program with a replacement.

1. Install the program and close.
2. File PanoramaStudio3Pro.exe resp. bit depth copy with replacement in the folder with the program.

Originally posted by sanmai at How to take a panoramic photo. Step-by-step instruction! Simple, easy, fast.

Every amateur photographer must have wondered at some point: how to make one panorama photo from several shots? What is needed for this? Is it difficult? Read on for step-by-step instructions to help you panoramic photo (panorama) without tripod and without much difficulty.

Today I will tell you how to do it easily and simply.

Making a panorama is not easy, but very simple! Step-by-step instruction. Modern programs allows you to make a panorama from pictures taken by any camera, as long as the frames overlap each other. So that you have no doubts about the ability of your camera to take pictures suitable for making a panorama, for this photography lesson I took a phone camera.

I invite you to repeat all the steps of this instruction with me, using these photos that you can

  • download from the link in the archive from my dropbox,

If you use your own shots, make sure that there is at least a quarter of the total space between shots, and it is better that the horizon does not "run away" between frames. In fact, a smaller overlay may suffice, but the best, as you know, is the enemy of the good, therefore it is better not to overdo it with overlapping.

To assemble the panorama, we will use the latest version of Hugin. At the time of this tutorial, the latest version is 2011.4.0. Hugin is available for Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux. All instructions below are suitable for the version for any OS.

Installing Hugin is easy, just download the installation package and follow the installer's instructions.

When opened, Hugin automatically creates new project. Select photos for the panorama by clicking the appropriate button.

You can add all the photos at once in one fell swoop.

Hugin defines the properties of the lens itself.

Click "Combine ..." and let's go to drink tea, especially if you do not have the most modern computer or a lot of high-resolution pictures.

As soon as Hugin merges the images, a panorama preview window will open.

For a better view of the result, turn off the grid by unchecking the box at the top of the window.

The panorama preview has several tabs with settings, some of which are of no interest to us at all due to the fact that Hugin has already done the main work on combining images, and the other part of the tabs can still be useful to us.

On the "Projection" tab, we have the ability to change the way images are projected and some other settings. For example, you can see what a panorama would look like if it was shot with a fisheye lens:

However, today our goal is not special effects, but a finished panorama, so we will choose an equidistant projection mode.

On the "Moving on the projection plane" tab, we have the opportunity to align the horizon on all frames, if suddenly it did not align automatically. We can also bend the horizon for more effect:

To return the horizon to its original, even state, press the "Align" button:

On the next Crop tab, click the Auto Crop button to automatically crop the black edges of the panorama.

If the result of automatic cropping did not suit you, you can drag the inner edge of the frame and crop it as you need, for example, if we plan to finish painting the sky and black fields do not bother us.

Close the preview window and click "Create Panorama..."

And then he will offer to come up with a file name for the finished panorama:

We stock up on patience, tea, coffee, jam, cookies, etc., for 5 minutes :-)

Find the resulting panorama file:

We look with any suitable viewer.

For publishing, it is best to convert the panorama to JPEG. This can be done in any graphics editor or popular viewers.

The result is scaled up to 8209 x 1693.

Hello, friends. In this article, I will briefly outline the main points of creating a 3D panorama at home. We will walk through the process of creating a cylindrical panorama from individual photos step by step using a real example. And for starters, I would like to load you with at least a basic theoretical part on this topic. Any cylindrical panorama is a widescreen photograph with a 360-degree horizontal angle. Below you can see an example of such a panorama.

In full screen

Creating panoramas usually takes place in several stages. The first step is to prepare the photos. To do this, we need a camera or smartphone. Ideally, a DSLR, but if you don’t dress up, then any soap dish is quite suitable. We fix the device on a tripod and shoot around its axis. The smaller the step, the better the panorama will be. It is very important to perform all actions with a tripod. It is unlikely that you will be able to shoot high-quality material with your hands. As a result, you should get a folder with similar photos.

Next, we need to stitch all these images into a single panorama. To do this, we will use the popular PTGui Pro software product. This program will allow us to easily glue our frames into a single file. After that, we will work on converting the panorama to Flash format. This conversion is needed in order to make a full-fledged cylindrical panorama from our picture. It is after processing in the second Pano2VR program that our work will acquire its final form and become available for viewing in 3D mode. You can download all the necessary programs link or independently find them in the open spaces of Runet.

Installing and activating PTGui Pro

Step 1. Run the fo-pt10.exe file and click on “Next” in all windows. We are waiting for the end of the installation process and click "Finish".

Step 2 Next, we need to prevent the program from accessing its home site and check the activation status. To do this, you need to make changes to the "hosts" file. First, go to the following path "C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc\".

Step 3 Next, launch notepad and drag the hosts file onto the notepad workspace to make changes. This is one of the easiest ways to open this file. Indent and add 2 lines at the end of the document:

Step 4 Great. Now PTGui will not once again break into its servers. And we proceed directly to the activation of the program. We launch the shortcut of the same name on the desktop, accept the license agreement and copy the data from the reg.txt file in the registration window. It lies in our installation folder. If you do everything right, you will see the inscription: "Thanks! Your cope of PTGui Pro is now registered". Click "OK" and move on.

Step 5 After opening the program will offer to upgrade to the latest version. You shouldn't do this. We put a tick in the paragraph stating that it is not necessary to check for updates in the future and click on "No".

Actually everything. The installation of the first program required for stitching photos into panoramas is completed. Let's move on to installing Pano2VR. This software will allow us to create 3D panoramas from simple JPG images.

Installing and activating Pano2VR

Step 1. From the "Pano2VR Pro v4.5.0.10633 Final" folder, run the setup file depending on the bitness of the operating system. I have 64-bit Windows 7, so I boldly click on “pano2vr_install64_4_5_0.exe” and, without further ado, click “Next” in all windows. The installation is quite long, so you have to be patient.

Step 2 The next step is to activate the program. Everything is much simpler here than with PTGui Pro. To activate Pano2VR, it is enough to replace one file in the folder with the installed program. Having opened the BEAN folder, select the desired bit depth and copy pano2vr.exe to the following path "C:\Program Files\Pano2VR". When requesting a replacement, we immediately agree.

This completes the installation of the necessary software for creating a virtual tour. We proceed directly to the first stage of work - gluing photos into panoramas.

Photo gluing

Step 1. Open the PTGui shortcut and click on the “Load images…” button

Step 2 Select a folder with source photos for the future panorama. As an example for this material, I prepared photos of the teachers' room in my educational institution. If you don't have your photos yet, you can use these. Select all the photos from the folder and click "Open".


Step 3 After loading all the photos, click on the “Align images” button and wait until the program processes each image and compiles a single panorama.

Step 4 In case of successful completion of gluing, click "Create panorama ...".

If the gluing attempt fails, repeat the operation again

Step 5 In the new window, click on "Create panorama" again.

The finished panorama will appear in the folder with the original photos and will have the title "Panorama".

Creating a 3D panorama

Step 1. Launch Pano2VR and in the main window of the program click on the "Select" button.

Step 2 In the window that appears, specify the path to our first panorama and in the settings for its type, set the "Cylindrical" parameter.

Step 3 Great. Now let's move on to saving our 3D panorama. To do this, in the "Export" section, select "Flash" as the format and click "Add".

Step 4 In the window that appears with many settings, do not touch anything. Just click on "OK".

Step 5 We agree to export the file.

Step 6 Before outputting the panorama to a finished swf file, we are asked to save the project. Click "OK" and select the desired folder. I'll probably specify the root folder with the original photos.

Step 7 After waiting for the tour to be saved, go to the output folder and look for a file with the “.swf” extension. Open it in any browser.

By moving the cursor you can look around you. So before our eyes, a simple set of photos turned into a beautiful 3D panorama in 10 minutes, which conveys the feeling of space around much better than simple pictures. In our educational institution, such panoramas even made a whole 3D tour of classrooms and workshops. However, creating such a tour requires a lot of effort. A slightly different software package is used. The creator must have basic skills in Photoshop and several other editors.

However, in general, the implementation of a 3D tour within the same building, street or even city is a very interesting task. In the near future I will try to make an issue, within which I will detail the basic principles of creating a virtual 3D tour using an example educational institution. Interesting? Then do not forget to subscribe immediately after watching. There are many more instructive stories ahead. Thank you with a like if you liked the video. Denis Kurets was with you. See you in a week. Bye bye!


No need to think that only Photoshop can create panoramas. By the way, I described how to make a panorama using Photoshop in my review ().

There are a number of free programs that can do this job just fine. And the best part is, you absolutely do not have to pay for them. Some of them do not even require installation on a computer.

Over the years of photography (over 10 years), I have tried many and decided to collect my own small personal rating of free programs for creating panoramas. So, let's begin!

Rating of free programs for creating panoramas

4th place - Canon Ptoho Stitch program

The old, good and free program that comes with Canon cameras. The interface of the program is old, but it performs its functions.

How to make a panorama with Canon Photo Stitch?

Step 1- run the program

Step 2- select the photos from which the panorama will be created.

Step 3- start combining photos into one large panorama frame.

At the same time, you can turn on the option to display the seams along which the photos are combined.

Step 4- Choose panorama generation settings (the program offers a choice of possible options)

Step 5- crop the edges of the panorama and save to a file.

The result of the work Canon Photo Stitch - collected separate panorama with cropped edges. Very good, but had a lot of manual work!

3rd place - Hugin program

A free program by a large team of authors with great but confusing functionality. Too complicated for a beginner in my opinion. Of the benefits - there is support for the Russian language in the interface.

How to make a panorama Hugin?

Step 1- run the program. When opening, there is a set of tips for a beginner - a small bonus from the developers.

Step 2- Set the settings for creating a panorama using Hugin - the folder for saving, the name of the files, etc. There are many settings, so hold on 🙂

Step 3- Upload photos to create a panorama.

Step 4- Choose the type of lens and look at the aligned pictures.

Step 5- We select the settings for creating a panorama before generating the resulting photo.

We keep the panorama ... ..

As a result, we get such a processed panoramic photo using the free Hugin program.

2nd place - MS Image Composite Editor

Yes, yes, you heard right - the letters MS - means that this program was made by Microsoft. And, for free! 🙂

Cons - there is no Russian interface, but the program is so simple that you don’t need to read much here.

How to make a panorama using MS Image Composite Editor?

Step 1- open the program and go to the settings section - the upper right part of the window - see the gear.

Step 2- select a photo to create a panorama. The button in the top header is "New Panorama from Images"

You have completed step 1 - you have done the import of a photo for a panorama.

Step 3- reduction of photos into one picture - "Stitch"

After you get the panorama, you can enlarge it for viewing using the sliders.

Step 4- If you need to crop the photo - go to the "Crop" button.

For cropping, handles are used, exactly the same as in Photoshop for this command.

If everything suits you, save it.

As a result, you get a finished processed panorama using the MS Image Composite Editor program.

1st place - AutoStitch program

My favorite free panorama software!

What does she captivate?

  • no need to install on a PC, just open the archive and work
  • minimum settings for creating a panorama
  • small program size
  • smart frame detection

How to make a panorama with AutoStitch?

Step 1- run the program and go to the settings

Step 2- Open photos and add them to the program

ALL…. I repeat….. THIS IS ALL! 🙂

the program will do the rest.

The result of the program will be a collected panorama from the files that you have added.

If you are still not satisfied with this functionality, you can make panoramas using Photoshop CS ().

Additional Information for free program for creating panoramas:

  • AutoStitch- Website address -
  • MS Image Composite Editor - Website address -
  • Hugin- Website address -
  • Canon Ptoho Stitch- Website address - (select the Download checkbox to see the download link)

Video review of free programs for creating panoramas (Rating)

While traveling, you can create several consecutive shots for later stitching them in the program. A series of shots that will be combined into one large image will more fully capture the unforgettable landscapes of mountains, seas or other beautiful places. In the presence of necessary equipment You can create 360 ​​degree panoramas. Although for phones - this is no longer a problem. It is necessary that the device meets the minimum hardware requirements, and then it's as easy as shelling pears. But for the PC there are no such programs yet. I suggest you take a look at some of them. One of them will definitely find a place on your system disk.


The first PTGui program, which is one of the best tools for creating panoramic images. The PTGui software uses its own software algorithms to stitch panoramas. Implemented support for hardware accelerated processing on video adapters.

Some features of the program:

  • Creation of panoramas from any number of images;
  • Create panoramic images in a few clicks;
  • Full automation;
  • Live preview;
  • Read EXIF ​​information;
  • Detection of lens parameters and camera crop factor;
  • Batch adding points to a photo;
  • Creation of panoramas based on a saved template;
  • HDR support;
  • Many other features.

Powerful enough software, which will automatically place control points and stitch multiple photos into a single panoramic image. In addition to full automatic, you can switch to manual mode and make detailed settings for various parameters. The photos will be joined so that no stitching lines will be visible.

In addition to the usual ones, the program can create 360 ​​° panoramas, export them and generate virtual tours.

Some features:

  • Stitching panoramas in automatic mode;
  • Color correction;
  • Removing the ghost effect using Smartblend technology;
  • Creation of virtual tours;
  • Full HDR support;
  • Batch rendering;
  • Other features.


Completely free Hugin program offers to create panoramic images both in automatic and manual mode, which completely allows you to control the entire process. Implemented support for HDR images. The program has three operating modes: simple, advanced and expert. Therefore, Hugin is suitable for everyone - from beginners to professional users. Lenses are detected automatically, thanks to which information about them will be used for the best stitching of the panorama. To do this, Hugin makes a geometric correction. There are tools for making color correction, exposure control, working with masks, etc.

Pano2VR- software to convert panoramas (spherical and cylindrical) to QuickTime VR (QTVR), Adobe Flash 8 and Flash 9/10 (SWF) formats. It is possible to create templates of your own panoramas. You can add sounds, animations, set up automatic rotation. There is also a function of dynamic correction of the original image, which allows you to load into the program not the entire panorama, but only the part of the image necessary for editing.

For convenient placement of a panorama on a website or blog, you can export all panorama elements to a single SWF file. Virtual tours are created with a 360 degree view. One of the export formats can be modern HTML5.

Microsoft's Image Composite Editor (ICE) software offers advanced panoramic image stitching. The program analyzes the output photos and then creates panoramas based on the received data. High Quality. Finished panoramas can be saved in one of the following formats: JPEG, TIFF and Photoshop PSD/PSB.

Image Composite Editor can add missing pixels. Therefore, all incomplete photos will have smooth borders. The interface of the program is quite simple and will guide you step by step through all the steps of creating a panorama.

While working, you can enlarge the image and see all the details, correct possible flaws.


  • Work on many processor cores;
  • Support for very large image sizes;
  • Support for Photoshop layers;
  • Automatic exposure blending;
  • Projection selection;
  • Automatic panorama cropping;
  • Support a large number formats;
  • Other.

Professional software Panoweaver allows you to create a panorama in a few clicks. Various types of images are supported from which you can create panoramas, including 360 ° panoramas for creating virtual tours.

Professionals will note the possibility of supporting Raw & HDR. Among the formats that are exported are: Html Flash VR, QuickTime movie (*.mov), standalone swf, HTML5 panorama for iPhone, iPad, Android. Panoramas can be embedded on websites.

Batch stitching mode allows you to quickly and automatically process hundreds of shots, saving a lot of time. Adding GPS coordinates is supported. And using an NVIDIA or AMD GPU will only speed up the rendering of the image.

Software from Arcsoft has always attracted me with its simplicity and quality. Photos are analyzed, after which seamless panoramas are created. The program works automatically and in most cases does not require user intervention.

Vertical, horizontal panoramas, grid, 360-degree panoramas and auto mode are available.

In addition to automatic work, there are tools for manual changes, placement of points, borders for gluing, etc.

Brightness, contrast, cropping, color correction, adding text and frames are also included in the program's capabilities.

According to the developers, the Pos Panorama program will automatically find control points and create panoramic photos. Horizontal and vertical photos are supported. Major image formats are supported: JPG, BMP, PNG, TIFF and GIF.

We continue, PanoramaStudio Pro - uses one of the best algorithms for detecting edges in a photo. Create panoramas quickly and efficiently. There is an editor that will help you adjust the lighting and color of the photo, adjusting the pictures if they differ greatly in the parameters described above. In addition to automatic, there is also a manual mode for marking control points.

Ready panoramas can be exported to flash format to create virtual tours. HDR support available. There is also the possibility of creating spherical panoramas.

Support for various lens models ensures better performance. You can export finished panoramas as splash screens, 3D panoramas, and as regular images in one of the graphic formats.

A free tool for viewing various panoramas. All types of panoramas are supported, including spherical ones.

STOIK PanoramaMaker - will create panoramas in three stages: import of source photos, analysis and stitching as best as possible, and finally - export to the format of your choice.

There are automatic and manual modes. The algorithms of the program can give a good result even if your photos are taken at an angle or have other disadvantages, for example, when shooting trees in windy weather.

Geometric compensation and lens curvature correction are taken into account. If the results of the automatic mode are unsatisfactory, you can switch to manual.