Sponsorship letter for Schengen visa sample. Writing a sponsorship letter for a Schengen visa. Who can be a sponsor

Having a sample sponsorship letter for a child for a Schengen visa, you can significantly reduce your time preparing it and not make mistakes with the information that needs to be indicated in the document, and with the data that is better to omit so as not to be refused a visa.

Obtaining a Schengen visa involves providing documents at the consulate confirming financial position the applicant and his permanent employment, which indirectly guarantees that the applicant will return to his homeland. Such documents are a 2-NDFL certificate, a 3-NDFL certificate for entrepreneurs, or a certificate of a bank account with sufficient funds.

A minor cannot have such certificates. When applying for Schengen, the child’s wealth is confirmed by the parents with their income and work. In this case, the minor must either have his own international passport, or his photo and information about him must be in the international passports of his parents.

However, if a child is traveling with at least one of the parents, whose support can be documented, neither he nor the guardian need to have a sponsorship notice in this case.

A sponsorship letter for a visa is needed when a minor goes abroad on his own, and he will be provided by a sponsor located in the Russian Federation or abroad.

Attention! The sponsor himself must write the paperwork for the child, and the parents or guardians of the minor will have to submit it to the consulate or visa center, since they are responsible for the child in the homeland and they are interested in obtaining a Schengen visa for him. Children themselves cannot apply for their own visa.

In addition, even after receiving the coveted stamp on customs point, or when going through customs control at the airport of their city, parents must have with them and present to the employees permission to export their child or a power of attorney. If a minor under 12 years of age travels alone in the airspace, the airline assigns him an accompanying person. You should inquire in advance about the availability of such a function at the airline, and if necessary, inform the employees when purchasing a ticket that the child will be without parents.

What is a sponsorship letter for a child?

A sponsorship letter is official evidence that the sponsor will cover all expenses of the applicant during his trip abroad. Expenses may include accommodation, food, shopping, medical care and even transportation. All possible expenses incurred by the sponsor should be clearly indicated in the document itself.

What does a sponsorship application look like?

The document is a standard A4 sheet, drawn up in free form, which indicates the name of the sponsored person, the name of the sponsor himself, the length of stay of the applicant for Schengen abroad, his residential address, passport details and registration of the sponsor, the date the paper was written and the personal signature of the sponsor.

In addition, it is necessary to indicate to whom the application is addressed, in particular, the consul general or a representative of the visa center. It is necessary to take care in advance about whose name the document will have to be drawn up. You should look up the name of the consul or ask at the visa center of the applicant’s city in whose name such documents are usually written.

The following example can be used as a sample.

To the Consular Section of Spain

Sponsorship letter

I, Ivanova Yana Aleksandrovna, born 03/03/1992, passport series 6015 010201, issued by the Interdistrict Department of the Federal Migration Service of Russia for the Rostov region. in the mountains Bataysk 05/21/2015, living at: Rostov region Bataysk st. Komarova 132 sq. 121, I confirm that all expenses of my daughter Ivanova Ilona Veniaminovna, born December 12, 2001, passport: 6017 010101 issued by the Interdistrict Department of the Federal Migration Service of Russia for the Rostov region. in the mountains Bataysk 01/01/2018, including accommodation, meals, medical examination and treatment throughout the entire trip to Spain from 05/1/2018 to 05/10/2018, I undertake to undertake in full.

04/01/2018 Ivanova

A package of documents attached to the sponsorship paper

The statement of sponsorship itself does not mean anything to consulate employees, since it has not been proven by deeds. To confirm your wealth and ability to act as a sponsor for a child, you must provide the following documents in addition to the application:

  1. a document confirming the relationship between the sponsor and the applicant (for the consulates of some countries it is fundamentally important that the sponsor be a relative of the applicant, especially a child). This could be a birth certificate, passport or any other document;
  2. copy of the sponsor's passport;
  3. if a child goes for treatment abroad at the expense of the organization, it is necessary to provide the TIN of this enterprise;
  4. certificate from the place permanent job or a certificate from the bank confirming the existence of an account with sufficient funds.

The employment certificate must contain information about the position held and monthly salary. It is advisable that the certificate be printed on company letterhead. It is necessary to have the signature of the manager or responsible person, as well as the seal of the enterprise.

A certificate from the bank must demonstrate the movement of funds in the account over the last three months to confirm its accuracy and relevance. The bank statement is valid for one month.
The language of the letter is Russian, sometimes the consulate requires an application in English.

Where to get a sample sponsorship application

As such, there is no form of sponsorship letter for a child or an adult. The document does not have a strict wording and is therefore drawn up in free form in accordance with the rules adopted in formal business style. It is important to adhere to the following structure:

  • to whom the paper is addressed (in the upper left corner of the sheet);
  • “Sponsorship letter” in the center of the page;
  • Me, full name of the sponsor, born 01/01/2001 (the year of birth);
  • passport details of the person, by whom and when the document was issued (or this data can be indicated in the header in the “from whom” paragraph);
  • “I sponsor the trip...”;
  • Child's full name;
  • the child’s passport details, who issued the document and when;
  • date of child's travel;
  • cities the child will visit;
  • date of writing the paper;
  • sponsor's painting.

Attention! The letter can be typed or handwritten. It is recommended to have the paper certified by a notary, since some consulates require a notarized letter.

Having a sponsorship letter is mandatory in obtaining Schengen if parents send their child abroad alone. Writing the document itself is elementary; it is much more important to prepare all the papers confirming the legality of the sponsor’s residence in the Schengen area and his wealth.

To visit states included in the Schengen area, a variety of documents may be required. One of them is a sponsorship letter. It will be required for all citizens who cannot confirm their solvency, and therefore are forced to resort to the support of a sponsor who is a citizen of the Schengen countries. You can issue a sponsorship letter quite quickly, but this does not guarantee approval of the trip.

Schengen visa: features

A Schengen visa is a document that gives the holder the right to freely visit any country in the so-called Schengen zone and move freely between them.

The Schengen zone was created in 1995, when mandatory border controls were abolished between some European countries. Initially, 7 states became parties to the agreement - France, Portugal, Germany, Spain and the BeniLux countries. Over time, their list has expanded significantly, and currently the number of Schengen participants is 26 states.

Most of them are members of the European Union (England and some other states have their own visa policies), but there are additional agreements with some states. Thus, Norway and Iceland joined Schengen as zone-affiliated states. The Scandinavian Passport Union operates there. For similar reasons, Liechtenstein and Switzerland joined Schengen. Borders to Croatia, Cyprus, Romania and Bulgaria are expected to open in the foreseeable future.

Sponsorship letter for Schengen visa

There are several types of Schengen visas:

  1. Category A - allows you to be at the airport when flying to another state.
  2. Category B - a tourist can cross Schengen by ground transport. Valid for no more than 5 days.
  3. Category C - tourist, guest or business visa. The length of stay depends on the purpose of the trip and can range from 30 days to 5 years (multiple entry visa).
  4. Category D - allows you to live freely in a Schengen member country for up to 5 years. With this visa you can visit other countries without customs control for a period of no more than 3 months every six months.

Schengen countries

The countries of the Schengen area are affiliated with each other. If a tourist is denied travel to one of the states, it is almost guaranteed that he will not be able to enter the others unless he eliminates the reason for the refusal and proves that he is a trustworthy person.

Important! Having an open visa to any Schengen country will allow you to easily arrange a visit to another state in this zone

Who will need a sponsorship letter?

Some categories of citizens cannot apply for entry into the Schengen area without a sponsorship letter. Current rules Schengen stipulate that sponsorship will be required for the following persons:

  • Students of universities, colleges and others educational institutions who do not have a permanent source of income (scholarships are not counted as income).
  • Citizens who have the status of a disabled person (disabled persons).
  • Pensioners who are not officially employed at the time of the trip and do not work anywhere.
  • Women who are housewives. It is believed that they are fully supported by their spouse and do not have their own source of existence.
  • Temporarily unemployed citizens.
  • Users who do not have their own bank account. Even though there is necessary funds for a trip, if you do not provide a bank statement, entry will be denied.

Who can sponsor the trip?

Immediate relatives and family members can act as sponsors for the upcoming trip. In some cases, a common-law spouse is allowed as a sponsor. However, it all depends on the country of travel. In some countries Western Europe, in particular Germany, Belgium, France, the Netherlands, a sponsorship letter from a civil partner is not accepted, and the applicant is refused entry into the country.

When applying for a business or work visa (the template will be provided by the Consulate), any organization operating in the country can become a sponsor. In addition, an invitation can also be sent by a company intending to hire a foreigner.

When traveling for tourism purposes, any person permanently residing in a Schengen state can become a sponsor. At the same time, when registering letter of guarantee for a visa, the user is obliged to assume all obligations to pay the tourist's expenses. If the trip is sponsored by a relative, documentary evidence of the relationship will be required (birth certificate, marriage contract etc.).

Note! Some countries allow a complete stranger to sponsor a trip. To do this, he will have to officially and document his willingness to be responsible for all the actions of the tourist. The sponsor will only be a person who has a permanent source of income in the Schengen countries. Some states exclude this possibility when visiting. So, tourists who want to come to France or Germany with a letter from a stranger need to prepare in advance for refusal.

Sponsorship letter for Schengen visa for children

The current provisions of the Schengen agreement provide that there is no need to fill out a sponsorship letter for a child under 14 years of age. If a child goes on a trip with his parents, all expenses are borne by the father and mother.

In the event that a child travels with third parties or one of the parents, a guarantee of sufficient financial support for the duration of their stay in the Schengen zone is an exit permit, provided that it is drawn up correctly and has a notary visa.

Teenagers over 14 years of age are required to obtain their own passport to travel abroad. First-degree relatives (parents, grandparents), as well as adult brothers and sisters who have sufficient funds in their accounts can act as a guarantor.

The sample can be studied at the consulate, visa center or on the Internet.

Important! When traveling for a child over 14 years of age, in addition to a letter of sponsorship, a notarized exit permit will be required.

Sample sponsorship letter

When drawing up a sponsorship letter, you need to remember that the Schengen Agreement does not provide for a single application form. The letter is written in any form; it can be typed or written by hand.

Sample sponsorship letter

The only requirement put forward by the migration services of the Schengen member countries is mandatory adherence to the recommendations regarding the preparation of the document. Sponsorship letter for Schengen visa sample 2018 includes:

  • personal details of the sponsor, including full name, date of birth and place of residence, series and number of passport, data on citizenship;
  • confirmation of payment of expenses for a particular tourist;
  • traveler's passport details. The information indicated in the civil and foreign passport will be required;
  • data regarding the sponsor’s income level, employment statement, bank account statement;
  • papers certifying the presence of family ties (if any);
  • the purpose of the sponsored tourist's trip and the approximate route;
  • contact details of the sponsor and tourist for communication;
  • time period of stay in the country and destination.

The willingness to fully compensate the tourist’s expenses must be indicated. If the sponsor’s consent is partial, the tourist will be denied entry, since European services are wary of such guarantees.

An approximate version of the sponsorship letter form can be obtained at the consulate, visa center or special portals on the Internet. When writing a letter, you must carefully follow all the rules and recommendations regarding accompanying documentation. For example, the validity period of a work certificate is 1 month. If a longer period has passed, you will have to order a new extract, since the old one will not have the proper legal force.

Important! The presence of a ban on entry into one of the states that is a party to the Schengen Agreement means an automatic refusal at the consular offices of other countries. Writing a letter will not be enough to lift the ban.

List of accompanying documentation

In addition to the sponsorship letter, in order to be granted the right to enter a Schengen country, the traveler will need to provide the visa center or consulate staff with a number of accompanying documents. This is necessary to identify the tourist.

List of documents for a Schengen visa

The tourist will need to provide the following package of documents:

  • a copy of the national passport with a notarized translation into English language(or the language of the country where you are planning to travel;
  • copy and original passport;
  • information about your place of permanent residence in the country. This could be a hotel reservation or confirmation of accommodation with a sponsor.

In turn, a citizen who wants to take on the role of a sponsor will also need to provide a certain list of documents:

  • a copy of the first page of the civil passport;
  • a copy of a foreign passport;
  • certificate from the place of employment containing information regarding the position held. You will also need to indicate on the paper the contact details of the employer and the telephone number of your immediate supervisor. The certificate must be certified by the seal of the company and the signature of the director or his authorized employees;
  • certificate of salary level. Embassies different countries set different requirements regarding the minimum level of earnings. On average, to become a sponsor you will need a monthly income in the range of 500-700 euros. An important point is that the certificate is valid for 30 days;
  • a certificate confirming the existence of family ties between the sponsor and the foreigner;
  • a copy and original of the entrepreneur’s registration certificate, tax registration data - if the sponsor is a legal entity;
  • statement of account. The document will need to display the movement of funds in the account for the last 3 months. It must also be written and certified that the amount available there is sufficient to pay the traveler’s expenses.

This list is standard and can be supplemented upon request by a consular officer.

Reasons for refusal to obtain a Schengen visa

The Schengen Agreement requires all members to comply with certain requirements and conditions when issuing an entry permit. As practice shows, the presence of a sponsorship letter does not guarantee visa approval.

Refusal to issue a Schengen visa

Among the most common reasons for refusal are:

  • The applicant is a citizen of a country with which the host country has diplomatic differences.
  • There is a suspicion that the purpose of the trip is illegal employment.
  • The tourist has active connections with terrorist groups, or has served a sentence in his country under “terrorist” charges.
  • The applicant has been denied entry into one of the Schengen countries, and cannot prove the absence of reasons on the form due to which he was refused last time.
  • Your passport is about to expire. For a successful trip, it is required that the validity period expires at least 3 months after returning to your homeland.
  • The sponsor is not ready to provide proof of full payment of the tourist's expenses. Partial payment is not suitable; the migration authority will refuse entry.
  • The applicant is recognized as a person of bad character. This status is given to all foreigners who have had a row with representatives customs services and consular offices. This reason is quite significant, even if the insult was made in a different language.
  • The user provided deliberately false information, which is considered fraud in the Schengen countries.
  • The applicant cannot confirm the availability of funds for accommodation during the trip. There is no information about wages or a bank statement, and the sponsor refused to write a letter.
  • Consular officers establish that there are no real reasons or grounds for the trip.

All of these reasons are specified in the Schengen Agreement and are binding on all customs and migration authorities of the participating countries. In addition, similar refusal rules are also available in consular instructions.

What and how should be written in a sponsorship letter for obtaining a visa, Schengen and more.

One of the documents that may be required when obtaining a visa, including any Schengen visa, is a sponsorship letter. It is necessary only for those applicants who are unable to pay for the trip themselves and who do not have a stable, permanent and sufficient income. That is, the unemployed, students, schoolchildren and children, unemployed people with disabilities and pensioners.

If children go on vacation with their parents and all visas are issued at the same time, it is required that there is enough money in the bank account statement from mom or dad to finance the trip for both adults and minors.

What is a sponsorship letter

A letter from a sponsor is a document that replaces a certificate of employment and other financial guarantees for those who do not have income. This is a document confirming that the other person agrees to pay for all expenses incurred during the trip. Not any relative can act as a sponsor, but only a close one: husband or wife, parents, children of older people.

In some cases, a sponsorship letter from a common-law husband is accepted, but the chances of refusal are high. It is better to clarify this before visiting the consulate.

The sponsor may be foreign company, if a person is traveling for business purposes, or friends and relatives from the country issuing the visa, when the main reason for the trip is to meet with loved ones.

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What a sponsorship letter should look like

The paper is drawn up on an A4 sheet, indicating:

  • dates of the proposed trip;
  • country of visit;
  • who is the sponsor of the applicant;
  • the series and number of both passports, but it is better to indicate both the foreign and general passports;
  • sponsor's income;
  • his contacts;
  • free-form text stating that the sponsor will cover all costs associated with the tour, including flights, accommodation, meals, etc.

It is very important, in addition to the letter itself, to take a certificate from the place of work of the person who is paying for the trip, as well as a document confirming the relationship with the traveler. In addition, you can take an extract from bank card or sponsor's accounts where sufficient funds are indicated.

To travel to Greece, as to any other Schengen country, a special permit is required. Obtaining Schengen involves some difficulties: having a certain amount of money for bank account, certificates from work, which indicate a fairly high salary, etc. If you have no official income (or it is too low), your bank card balance is close to zero, but you want to relax by the sea or visit relatives, You can provide a sponsorship letter to the embassy for a visa to Greece, a sample of which can be viewed below.

What is sponsorship and who may need it?

A letter of sponsorship is a documentary confirmation of a third party’s willingness to bear all financial expenses during a trip to Greece.

In addition to people with a small salary and a zero bank card balance, the help of a sponsor is most often used by:

  • Teenagers (children over 14 years old);
  • Students;
  • Officially unemployed;
  • Pensioners and people with disabilities.

Who can be a sponsor

Depending on the type of Greek visa, the guarantor may be:

  • For a worker - the employer or the inviting party;
  • A separate sponsorship is not required for a guest. It is enough to provide an invitation or challenge from the receiving party, but in this case, you need to have a sufficient amount in your bank account to stay in the Schengen area;
  • For tourists - immediate relatives, that is, spouse, parents, children, brothers and sisters.

For a disabled person, a trustee or guardian who is his legal representative can act as a guarantor.

You can provide a sponsorship letter according to the sample from distant relatives, but in this case the chances of obtaining permission to enter the Schengen zone are reduced.

Sample sponsorship letter for Schengen countries

Compilation example

Because there are no uniform requirements for this document, you can only consider an approximate sample of a sponsorship letter for a visa to Greece. The form and content can be arbitrary; it can be typed on a computer or written by hand.

It is necessary to indicate the dates of travel, the country of destination (Greece), who exactly the sponsor of the applicant is (family ties), his passport details (domestic, if there is no foreign). To draw up this document correctly, you can see an example on the embassy’s website.

The sponsor can write one letter in favor of several persons. Thus, a spouse can cover the costs of traveling to a Greek island not only for his wife, but also for his child.

Related documents

The following documents must be attached to the sponsor's application:

  1. Proof of relationship - passport, birth certificate, documents establishing guardianship or adoption;
  2. A copy of the pages of the internal passport of the citizen of the Russian Federation who acts as a guarantor;
  3. Documentary confirmation of the sponsor's solvency: certificate from work, bank statement.

All certificates must be new, it is advisable to obtain them immediately before submitting documents to the visa center. It is necessary to ensure that stamps are affixed everywhere; a certificate of employment should be prepared on the company’s letterhead.

Video: applying for a Schengen visa

To get a Schengen passport, you need to confirm that you have enough money for the trip. If you work, there are no difficulties: you take a salary certificate, make an account statement and submit it along with other documents. And if official work No? In this case, you can have someone write you a sponsorship letter.

What is a sponsorship letter?

This is an application that a solvent citizen draws up for someone who does not have enough money or no money at all: thus, he undertakes to financially provide for the trip of his relative or friend. A solvent citizen must have a job and/or a sufficient amount of money on his bank card, and he must be able to document this.

Typically, a tourist is required to pay a minimum of 50€ for each day of travel, but if you are planning a trip to Spain, the amount soars to 90€ per day.

Who needs to submit a sponsorship letter?

You will need a sponsorship letter if you are not working temporarily (freelancing does not count), including if you are a student without a permanent job. You also need to issue a sponsorship letter if you are disabled or retired. In general, the circumstances can be very different, the main thing is to know: if you don’t have money, but want to go on vacation to the countries of the Schengen zone, a sponsorship letter can help you out.

If you do not have a job, but have a sufficient amount of money in your bank account, you will not need a sponsorship letter (but ideally it is always better to further clarify this issue with the consulate). For example, if you have a good pension and have your own savings, you can document this and not have to draw up a sponsorship letter, although writing one is not at all difficult.

There is no need to issue a sponsorship letter for minors traveling with two parents. If children are traveling abroad with one parent or with one of their relatives, you should check the information with the consulate: most likely, you will need to submit a sponsorship letter.

Requirements for obtaining visas at different embassies can vary significantly, and some require other documents rather than a sponsorship guarantee. For example, to the Lithuanian embassy, ​​instead of a sponsorship letter, students can bring a student card (original and copy) or a certificate from the place of study (you can get it from the dean’s office), pensioners can attach the original and a copy of the pension certificate, and other unemployed citizens must confirm their connection with Belarus. Such confirmation can be a marriage certificate, a certificate of income of the spouse, documents for property or company shares. And, for example, in addition to documents confirming connections with Belarus, the Italian Embassy must provide copies of several pages work book: page with personal information and employment history for the last three years.

How to write a sponsorship letter? Sample

The sponsorship letter is written by hand or printed in any form on a plain sheet of paper. The letter should indicate the timing of the trip and its purpose (for example, tourism), the locations visited, full name, passport details and address of the sponsor, what kind of relationship he has with the person for whom this letter is being written (for example, “mother” / “daughter” "). At the end, you should indicate the date the letter was written and the sponsor’s signature. Usually letters are written in Russian, but there are embassies that may require an option in English or in the language of the destination country.

When requesting a multiple visa, the sponsorship letter can only indicate the dates of a specific first trip. If you plan to visit several countries, it is not necessary to list them: you can indicate the country of entry and indicate “Schengen countries”.

Sample sponsorship letter in Russian

I, Sergeev Sergey Sergeevich (date of birth, passport number and series, registration address), sponsor the trip and guarantee payment of all expenses associated with the stay of my daughter Olga Sergeevna Sergeeva (date of birth, passport number and series, registration address) on the territory of the Republic of Lithuania and Schengen countries in the period from 09/11/2019 to 09/24/2019. I attach an extract from the official place of work or from a bank account.

Date, signature with transcript.

Sample sponsorship letter in English

I, Sergeev Sergei (passport No..., date of issue: 3.09.15), take over liability regarding all trip financial expenditures of my daughter Ivanova Olga Ivanovna (passport No...) for the trip to the Republic of Lithuania during the period from 09.12.2019 till 09.24.2019.

Signature with transcript, date.

At the end of the sponsorship letter, it is advisable to indicate the sponsor’s contacts: phone number or e-mail.

The sponsorship letter is usually asked to include:

a photocopy of the sponsor's passport with basic information,

statement from the sponsor's bank card with account movements for 3 months

a certificate from the employer indicating the position, date of hire and salary (often for the last 3 months). The certificate must be issued on the organization’s letterhead, certified by a seal, and signed by the director and chief accountant.

if possible, other documents confirming that the person has enough money to pay for the trip.

Individual entrepreneurs must provide a certificate of registration of individual entrepreneurs (original and copy) and a registered tax return (original and copy) or a certificate of taxes paid (original).

Who can become a sponsor? Does the sponsor have to be a relative?

Preferred, but not required. Theoretically, absolutely anyone can become your sponsor, including your common-law spouse, your company or the host company - many Schengen countries do not prevent this. In fact, it is better if it is a family member with whom you can document your relationship by attaching a copy of your birth or marriage certificate to your sponsorship letter. This way you will reduce the possibility of visa refusal. It is better to clarify the question of whether the sponsor must be a relative of you at each specific consulate

If it turns out that the guarantor is not your relative, you can reduce the likelihood of a visa refusal by having the sponsorship letter certified by a notary. But this is not a mandatory action.

A sponsor can issue a sponsorship letter for several people: for example, if you are traveling with the whole family, a working father can issue sponsorship letters for his wife on maternity leave, a retired mother and a student child. Moreover, if all family members apply for a visa at the same time, you can include several people in one sponsorship letter.

Does the sponsor have to be a citizen of Belarus?

No, not necessarily. If the sponsor is not a citizen of Belarus, it is necessary to provide not only a copy of the passport, but also prove the legality of staying and working in Belarus (for example, provide a photocopy of a residence permit).

If a foreigner does not live in Belarus, but wants to cover the expenses of his guest, he must issue not a sponsorship letter, but an invitation, which will indicate what expenses the inviter will pay for the tourist.