An evening of riddles in the preparatory group. Entertainment "Evening of riddles" material (middle group) on the topic. Abstract. Evening of riddles in the senior group “Postman Pechkin is in a hurry to visit us”

The hall is colorfully decorated in the style of a Russian hut. The decoration uses household items and applied art: a table, benches, embroidered towels, a spinning wheel, and Russian folk toys.

The presenter (teacher) is dressed in Russian costume.

Progress of entertainment

The presenter enters the group of children and invites them into the hall. In the hall he invites them to sit on the benches and draws the children’s attention to the decoration of the hall.

Presenter. Guys, in the old days there was such a custom among the Russian people: when they finished field work, they harvested the crops, and put the bread in the bins - while away the autumn and winter evenings together. Such evenings were called gatherings.

During gatherings, they spent time doing what they loved: spinning, embroidering towels, turning spoons and bowls from wood.

And such evenings also became evenings of riddles and jokes; They had round dances and held competitions to see who could talk to whom. And today we gathered in this upper room for a gathering. I invite everyone, guys, to a round dance.

The Russian round dance “Near the river, near the bridge” is performed, arranged by I. Metlov.

Presenter. And now I’ll tell you riddles, and the answers are in the upper room.

1. Four brothers live under one roof. (Table)

2. She doesn’t eat herself, but feeds everyone. (Spoon)

“Dance with Spoons” is performed - individually for boys.

Presenter. You guys guessed my riddles and watched the dance with spoons, and now remember your riddles. But first, let's divide into two groups: some guess, and others guess.

Children ask familiar riddles:

1. One fire warms the whole world. (Sun)

2. Who changes clothes four times a year? (Earth)

3. Draws without hands, bites without teeth. (Freezing)

4. There is a mountain in the yard, and water in the hut. (Snow)

5. They have teeth, but don’t bite. (Rake)

6. Two bellies, four ears. (Pillow)

7. All furry, four legs, very mustachioed. (Cat)

Presenter. Guys, do you know where the riddles came from, how long and interesting life did they live on earth before meeting you?

Riddles were born a long time ago, in a time when people did not know how to read or write. They thought that the grass, and the trees, and all the animals - everyone understood human language. And in order to deceive nature and understand each other, people came up with a “secret” language. And from this secret speech, riddles with tricky and cunning words were born.

Listen to one clever and funny riddle:

In the forest - knock-knock,

In the hut, blunder, blunder,

In my hands - ding-ding,

On the floor - stomp stomp.

A balalaika tune sounds in the recording, the balalaika, attached to a suspended rope, “flies” around the hall - the effect of surprise.

A boy comes out with a balalaika in his hands and invites everyone into the circle. A round dance game is held “Like ours at the gate” (Russian folk song).

After the round dance game, all the children sit on benches, and a group of girls sits at the table and do handicrafts. One girl is busy spinning thread at the spinning wheel.

1st girl(imitates the movements of a spinner).

The beautiful maiden weaved loudly,

Weaved finely

Have fun whitewashing

Dried it in the sun,

Pulled by the ends,

I gave it to people.

2nd girl.

Needle, needle,

You are thin and prickly,

Don't prick my finger

Shay sundress.

Presenter.“Like the spinner, so is the shirt she wears.” Guys, what do you think these words are? Is this a riddle or words from a poem? (Children answer that this is a proverb)

The people came up with not only riddles, but also proverbs. There are many proverbs about bread, friendship, and hard work. Let's remember them. (Children's answers)

1. Finished the job - go for a walk safely.

2. And you can’t lift the fungus if you don’t bend over.

3. Don’t rush with your tongue, hurry with your actions.

4. You can’t catch a fish from a pond without difficulty.

5. Take care of your nose in severe frost.

6. The master's work is afraid.

7. Labor feeds a person, but laziness spoils him.

8. Read books, but don’t forget things to do.

9. To live without anything is only to smoke the sky.

10. Learning is light, and ignorance is darkness.

11. The day until the evening is boring if there is nothing to do.

12. A mind is good, but two are better.

13. For a good master, any task goes well, but for a lazy person, everything falls out of hand.

Presenter. You know a lot of proverbs. We've been sitting too long, I invite you to a round dance.

The Russian folk round dance “Like Ours at the Gate” (Russian folk song) is performed.

Presenter. How many of you guys know tongue twisters? Here, listen.

cuckoo cuckoo

I bought a hood.

cuckoo little cuckoo

He's funny in the hood.

The Russian people are very fond of tongue twisters. Young people organize competitions: who can talk to whom, who can speak faster and without mistakes.

A mini-competition is held with the children for the best performance of the tongue twister, and prizes are awarded.

Sasha was walking along the highway

And sucked the dryer,

And then I came home

Sat on the turkey.

Senya carries hay in the canopy,

Senya will sleep on the hay.

Presenter. We're having fun in our room today. And here we remembered the riddles, and the proverbs, and danced in circles, and held a tongue twister competition. But the time has come to say goodbye, and in parting I want to ask you two more riddles:

Friends of different heights

But they look alike

They all sit next to each other,

And just one toy. (Matryoshka)

Not a bush, but with needles,

Not a shirt, but sewn,

Not a person, but a storyteller. (Book)

Surprise moment: A matryoshka doll (girl) and a book (teacher) appear.


I know that in your garden, without a doubt,

There are good customs and hobbies:

Skilled at working, playing games,

Make riddles with ingenuity,

You know how to have fun!

Presenter. Guys, do you mind taking in our kindergarten this beautiful matryoshka?


I know firsthand, but for sure,

That you are firmly friends with the book.

I want, my friends, to stay with you,

The presenter gives the children a nesting doll and new books: “The sun is warm, the mother is good” (Russian folk proverbs and sayings), “Russian folk tales.”

The children return to the group.

GCD for familiarization with fiction and folklore.

Topic: Literary lounge “Evening of mysteries.”

Target: introduce children to the history of riddles;

develop logical thinking, memory, speech and creativity.

Tasks:consolidate with children the concept of “riddle”, ideas about the genre features of riddles; learn to comprehend riddles; develop the ability to listen to each other; develop the ability and desire to write riddles, interest in genres fiction, word creation.

Vocabulary work: riddle - a short literary work, genre of fiction, antiquity.

Material: illustrations depicting the life of people in the old days, a candle, a selection of riddles, envelopes with riddles.


Children with a teacher are in front of a screen on which pictures appear as the story progresses ( illustrations depicting the life of people in the old days) , slides.

1. Organization.

Educator:Guys, look what book I found in our closet. How bright and beautiful she is. Listen to what is printed in it. (Reading riddles). What I read to you now (Riddles). Right.

Although I’m still small, of course,
I racked my brains for a while,
And then she came - the answer.
It was good... (RIDDLE).

Educator:Children, what is a riddle?

Children: Mystery - this is a problem that needs to be solved. The subject of the riddle is not named, but its signs, actions and purpose are given, by which you need to find the answer.

Educator:Yes, you are right, a riddle is a problem that needs to be solved, and it is also a small-form literary work - a genre of fiction, describing objects or phenomena that contain a task or question. To guess a riddle means to find a solution to a problem, to answer a question, that is, to perform a rather complex mental operation.

Do you know how the mystery arose? Tell me? (children's answers) Oh, if you want, I’ll tell you the story of the riddle and even show you a little.

Teacher's story: A long time ago, people began to create riddles. To compose riddles and solve them, people needed to observe a lot of the world around them (objects and objects, various phenomena). The riddle developed people's powers of observation and taught them to think. In ancient times, people used the riddle as one of the techniques of the secret language to hide their thoughts, to protect them from “ evil spirits“your home, your family, your livestock, your tools. Hunters, cattle breeders, and farmers resorted to secret speech. They called tools and animals not with words you know, but with riddles, that is, with an intricate description that had to be deciphered (guessed). The content of the riddles reflected the life of a person, the reality surrounding him: plant and animal world, natural phenomena, objects of labor, everyday life, etc.

Without arms, without legs, leaning in all directions.

(Cradle) Slide

Twisted, tied up, dancing around the hut.

( Broom.) Slide

With the development of man, his life has changed, it has become richer and more diverse. The riddles have also changed; they tell about the achievements of human culture and his way of life.

If I see dust, I’ll grumble,

I'll growl and swallow.

(Vacuum cleaner) Slide

Musician, singer, storyteller,

And just a circle and a box.

(Record player) Slide

There are no wings, but it's a bird

It will fly and land on the moon.

(Rocket) Slide

Educator:Guys, what kind of riddles are there?

Children:There are different riddles. Some are short, one line, some are in the form of poetry. Folk and literary. About objects, about natural phenomena, about animals, about plants, about professions.

Educator:You're right. At the same time, in each riddle the object is not named, and you have to guess what it is about. To make it easy to guess, the riddle says what the object looks like, or it is called with such an apt word that you immediately understand what it is.

Soft, but not fluffy.

Green, but not grass.

Animals eat, but not berries (Moss)

Hey, bells, blue color -

With a tongue, but no ringing. (Bells)

Who has one leg

And even that one without a shoe. (Mushroom)

And also in riddles they compare the object with others. For example: Oval, but not egg. Brown, but not a potato. Rough, but not bark. It grows on the cedar, but not a needle. (Cone)

What is this? Right. How did you guess?

Physical exercise “Show me the answer”

Children, I will tell you a riddle, and you will show the answer with your movements:

1. In summer he wanders without a road

Near the pines and birches,

And in winter he sleeps in a den,

Hides your nose from the frost (bear).

2. Jump-jump, jump-jump,

Long ear - white side. (hare).

3. The tail is fluffy, the fur is bright,

And insidious and cunning.

The animals know everything in the forest

Bright red... (fox).

4. Moved by the flower

All four petals.

I wanted to rip it off -

He took off and flew away. (butterfly).

5. He tells everyone to dance

Will make you sing songs.

He makes everyone happy

Doesn't know how tired he is.

He has lived with us for centuries,

Friendly, noisy...( round dance)

Holding hands, we dance in a circle, stop and talk in a circle.

Educator:Children, tell me what time of year it is now?

Children: Autumn.

Educator:And, you know, in the autumn in the distant past there were “mystery evenings”, which were usually held after the completion of agricultural work, i.e., harvesting. In the evenings, whole families of people sat down, lit a candle, and the elders asked the younger ones various riddles: about people, clothes, houses, household items, tools, field work, natural phenomena. Such evenings were lessons folk wisdom. These lessons helped children and teenagers acquire knowledge while having fun and taught them to be observant.

So today we will spend such an evening with you - “Evening of Riddles” in our literary living room.

Children and their teacher go to the “round table” (the tables are arranged in a semicircle) and take their seats.

Each child has an envelope containing a riddle that he came up with at home with his parents.

Literary lounge “Evening of mysteries” (with a lit candle).

Educator:Dear children, today in our literary living room we will puzzle and solve the riddles that you came up with with your parents at home. And then, we will put your riddles in the album “Mysterious Teremok”, which we started filling out last week.

1. "Homework - riddles about animals."

Educator:Children, which of you wants to be the first to tell us your riddle?

Children take turns going to the teacher’s table and asking their riddle, and the rest guess it.

2. Compilation of the album “Mysterious Tower”.

Educator:I think now we can put your riddles in our album “Mysterious Tower”.

Lesson summary:Conversation – reasoning “What are the benefits of riddles”

Educator:Well done, you did a good job. What did we do today? Children, what is a riddle? What are the riddles? Children, what do you think is the use of riddles?

Children's answers.

Children, did you like coming up with riddles?

I have a proposal for you, let's continue to come up with riddles based on diagrams and pictures, and we will also put them in ouralbum “Mysterious Teremok”, which we will now have in our book corner and will be replenished with your help.

(Leisure activities for middle-aged children)

1. Develop imagination, speech and motor activity.

2. Learn to guess descriptive riddle through listing the characteristics of an object without naming it.

3. Activate children’s vocabulary by naming objects and indicating their characteristics.

4. Develop an interest in the environment, joint games, and overcome communication difficulties.

Educator:- Guys, today I invite you to go to fun trip in the fall, but this will not be an easy trip, but with riddles!

I'll tell you riddles, you give me the answer.

Listen carefully, think carefully.

Carousels, carousels, we got into the car and drove off!

(We imitate driving a car and move to the first stop.)

Attention! Stop "Ogorodnaya"

Guys, what grows in the garden? (Vegetables.)

That's puzzles we have to guess about the vegetables.

I am growing in the ground in a garden bed, red, long, sweet. (Carrot.)

What's that squeak? What's that crunch? What kind of bush is this?

How can there be no crunch if I... (Cabbage.)

He will make everyone around him cry, even though he is not a fighter, but. (Onion.)

Lies between the beds, green and sweet. (Cucumber.)

You won’t be able to make a vinaigrette for lunch,

If you don’t have such a vegetable in your kitchen. (Beet.)

This vegetable was once a golden carriage in a fairy tale.

Guess without a hint what his name is, guys? (Pumpkin.)

In the hot sun it has dried out and is tearing out of the pods. (Peas.)

A green striped ball filled with scarlet like heat,

Lying on the bed like a load, tell me what it is. (Watermelon.)

Well done! coped with riddles, now we can move on!

Carousels, carousels, you and I got on a horse and rode off!

(We perform jumps.)

Attention! Stop "Sadovaya"

Guys, what grows in the garden? (Fruits), what do they grow on? (on the trees)

The fruit looks like a tumbler and wears a yellow shirt.

Having broken the silence in the garden, she fell from the tree... (Pear.)

Round, ruddy, I grow on a branch.

Adults love me, children love me. (Apple.)

Yellow citrus fruit

It grows in sunny countries.

And it tastes sour.

What's his name? (Lemon.)

This fruit tastes good

And it looks like a light bulb. (Pear.)

There is a golden skin on the side, and under the skin there is sweet juice.

Each slice contains a sip for both son and daughter. (Orange.)

A golden crescent, as if filled with honey.

It is fragrant, soft, sweet, and very smooth to the touch. (Banana.)

Great, guys! All solved the riddles, you know the names of fruits well.

Carousels, carousels, we got on the train and went!

Attention! Stop "Lesnaya"

Guys, what grows in the forest? (Trees, mushrooms, berries.)

Who lives in the forest? (D some animals.)

Without caring about the weather,

He walks around in a white sundress,

And on one of the warm days

May gives her earrings. (Birch.)

In this smooth box

Bronze color

A small oak tree is hidden

Next summer. (Acorn.)

In winter and summer -

One color. (Spruce.)

Small and unsightly

And they turn modestly green,

But in the fall their leaves

And the berries turn red. (Rowan berries.)

It's not even a mystery

Let's say right away

If only someone would say -

There are acorns on it! (Oak.)

If they are found in the forest,

They will immediately remember the fox.

Red-haired sisters

They are called... (Chanterelles.)

White dots on red -

Poisonous mushroom, dangerous.

There's no point in talking here -

Don't pick... (Fly agaric.)

Strong, dense, very stately,

In a brown and smart hat.

This is the pride of all forests!

The real king of mushrooms! (Porcini.)

In a red hat under an aspen tree

A yellow leaf stuck to the hat...

Get into your cart quickly

You are an edible, delicious mushroom. (Boletus.)

Clubfoot and big,

He sleeps in a den in winter.

Loves pine cones, loves honey,

Well, who will name it? (Bear.)

Angry touchy-feely

Lives in the wilderness of the forest.

There are a lot of needles

And not just one thread. (Hedgehog.)

You and I recognized the animal

According to two such signs:

He's wearing a fur coat in the gray winter,

And in a red fur coat - in the summer. (Squirrel.)

Red-haired cheat,

Cunning and dexterous,

Got into the barn

I counted the chickens. (Fox.)

Who is cold in autumn

Walking around gloomy and hungry? (Wolf.)

A ball of fluff, a long ear,

Jumps deftly and loves carrots. (Hare.)

Hardworking animals

They are building a house in the middle of the river.

If anyone comes to visit,

Know that the entrance is from the river! (Beavers.)

He came out of the forest again,

Not a deer or a cow.

We had to meet

Meet this... (Moose.)

Here's our fourth stop "Seasons"

Guys, what time of year is it now? (Children's answers.)

Listen carefully puzzles

She came without paints and without a brush and repainted all the leaves. (Autumn.)

Autumn has come to visit us

And she brought with her...

What? Say it at random!

Well, of course... (Leaf fall.)

The wind will call the cloud,

A cloud is floating across the sky.

And on top of gardens and groves

It's drizzling cold... (Rain.)

It became gloomy outside the window,

The rain is asking to come to our house.

The house is dry, but outside

Appeared everywhere... (Puddles.)

Rain and slush, dirt and wind,

Autumn, you are responsible for everything!

The man is freezing, the man is freezing, the first white snow has fallen... (snow.)

Educator: Our journey has ended with riddles. You guys are all very good at guessing puzzles. Well done!


Novikovskaya O.A. Notes complex classes with children 4-5 years old. – Parity, 2008

Internet resources used.

Natalia Belousova
Leisure “Evening of mysteries” in preparatory group

Target: To consolidate children’s knowledge about changes in nature in autumn, the names of vegetables, fruits, berries, mushrooms.

Develop visual and tactile sensations.

Cultivate attention and perseverance.

Material. Wonderful bag with dummies of vegetables, Flower with riddles, pictures, coloring pages on an autumn theme.

Educator: Today, in our cozy group We will play an interesting game together with you, « Evening of mysteries» , dedicated to our beautiful Autumn. Dunno asks for help. He sent a letter with tasks to our kindergarten, which he was instructed to complete.

Educator: Well, can we help?

Children: Yes.

1st task: you need to complete the sentences, and to do this, remember all the signs of autumn. Ready?

Be careful.

We guys are each other's let's ask: What has come today? (autumn).

Autumn, autumn - bad weather. Puddles right next to... (threshold).

Puddles on the roads, take care of yours (legs).

Like a bird, a cloud across the sky (rushes).

Autumn, fall leaves, yellow leaves (flying).

It's been raining since morning -

Autumn is sad (it's time).

2nd task: Guess puzzles about natural phenomena in autumn.

1. Fall from branches

Gold coins (autumn leaves).

2. A bird flies across the blue sky.

Spread her wings -

Got the sunshine (cloud).

3. Large, fractional, frequent

And the whole earth got wet (rain).

4. It is unknown where he lives.

It swoops down and bends the trees.

You're a mischief maker, but you won't stop! (Wind)

5. Milk floated over the river,

Nothing was visible.

The milk has dissolved -

It became visible far away (Fog).

6. They fly without wings,

They run without legs

They sail without a sail (Clouds).

Educator: Well done! You know the signs of autumn well.

Who cleverly hid in the ground? This is red (carrot).

The ground was wet from the rains. Born today (beet).

He who ate without bread will experience much torment (onion).

Here's a green guy, he's called (cucumber).

Is there a traffic light in the garden? It's red (tomato).

Educator: You did a great job, you collected a large basket of harvest, well done!

Educator. Now, I suggest you play a little. The game is called "Find the answer" (Our wonderful bag contains vegetables; children find the answer by touch).


1. I don’t upset anyone,

Small, bitter,

And I make everyone cry (Onion).

2. For a curly tuft

I dragged the fox out of the hole.

To the touch - very smooth,

Tastes like sweet sugar (Carrot).

3. Luke's brother (Garlic).

4. What they dug from the ground,

They fried and cooked.

What we baked in the ashes

They ate and praised (Potatoes)

5. Like in our garden bed

Grew up puzzles -

Juicy and large,

They're so round.

In summer they turn green -

By autumn they turn red (Tomato).

6. Not a book, but with leaves (Cabbage).

Educator: Well done! And you successfully completed this task! Now, you need to count all the vegetables, listen carefully and count the vegetables.

Grandma came home from the market one day,

Granny home from the market brought:

Potatoes, Cabbage,

Turnip, Carrot,

Peas, Cucumber,

Beetroot, Beans

Parsley and dill.

Educator: Who is the most attentive, how many vegetables did grandma bring?

Children: children's answers.

Educator: Absolutely right, well done!

Educator. We visited the garden, and now I invite everyone to take their places. The last task we need to complete for Dunno is to collect a basket of vegetables and give it to him. There is plasticine on your tables, each of you makes the vegetable that you would like to give to Dunno, and I will help too, I will make a large basket, since we will get a big harvest.

Educator. What a great fellow you are, you completed all the tasks asked by Dunno. He gave you some treats, these are delicious, juicy, ripe apples.

Publications on the topic:

Leisure evening of riddles “What autumn brought us” in the middle group Leisure Evening of riddles “What autumn brought us” in the middle group Objectives: 1. Develop imagination, speech and motor activity. 2. Teach.

A summary of the leisure-entertainment “Evening of Riddles” on the theme “Spring-Red” for middle group No. 2 was prepared by teacher: Solovey Yu. A. Tasks:.

Leisure summary in the middle group “Evening of riddles” Goal: to continue teaching children how to solve riddles. Objectives: to clarify children’s ideas about riddles, to teach them how to solve descriptive riddles.

Mathematical quiz in the preparatory group “Barrel of Riddles” Goal: activation of cognitive activity of children. Educational objectives: 1. To develop skills in applying mathematical knowledge.

Entertainment for children of the preparatory group “Evening of Riddles” Goal: Develop logical thinking, ingenuity, and promote the formation of positive relationships. Carry out differentiated.

Goal: to consolidate children’s knowledge about winter natural phenomena; develop curiosity and interest in the environment; develop children's thinking, attention, speech.

Guess who

Gray-haired housewife?

Shakes the feather dusters -

Above the world of fluff! (Winter)

Many poems have been written and many songs composed about winter. No less mysteries have been invented about winter. Let me now ask you riddles, and you will guess them.

It flies - is silent, lies - is silent,

When he dies, he will roar like that. (Snow)

When everything is covered with gray snow

And the sun says goodbye to us early? (Winter)

Walking in the field, but not a horse,

It flies at will, not a bird. (Snowstorm)

Even though she herself is snow and ice,

And when he leaves, he sheds tears. (Winter)

Interesting riddles about winter were invented by our people. But winter has so many of them that I didn’t wish you all of them. Therefore, now guess the riddles that our favorite winter guest, Snegurochka, came up with for you. (The sheet with riddles can be taken from the envelope on which it is written: “To the guys from Snegurochka”)

He flies in a white flock

And it sparkles on the fly.

He melts like a cool star

On the palm and in the mouth. (Snow)

What grows upside down? (Icicle)

Without arms, without legs he jumps across the field,

He knocks under the window and asks to come into the hut. (Wind)

She ran and made noise,

She fell asleep and began to sparkle. (River)

A white flock of midges

The morning winds and spins,

They don't squeak or bite,

They immediately melt in the palm of your hand. (Snowflakes)

Jumps through the forest, then back and forth,

It howls, hums and shakes the trees. (Snowstorm)

Well done guys, you guessed the Snow Maiden's riddles. Which of you can name the winter months?

And now you have this task - to draw the answer.

The star spun

There's a little in the air

Sat down and melted

On my palm. (Snowflake)

Game “Where are the snowflakes?”

Children dance in a circle around cards laid out in a circle. The cards depict different states of water: waterfall, river, puddle, ice, snowfall, cloud, rain, steam, snowflake, drop...

While moving in a circle, the following words are spoken:

So summer has come.

The sun shone brighter.

It's getting hotter,

Where should we look for a snowflake?

With the last word everyone stops. Those in front of whom the required pictures are located must raise them and explain their choice. The movement continues with the words:

Finally winter has come:

Cold, blizzard, cold.

Go out for a walk.

Where should we look for a snowflake?

The required pictures are again selected and the choice is explained.

Search game “Footprints in the snow”

There is a lot of interesting things in the Kingdom of Winter. When snow falls to the ground, it is clean and smooth. And then animals and people begin to move through the snow and leave their tracks. Invites children to determine who left footprints in the snow. (Children are offered cards with traces of animals, birds and humans drawn on them).