Journal of primary fire extinguishing agents. Logbook for primary fire extinguishing equipment: sample, frequency of filling. Where does it begin?

The fire extinguisher logbook is important document, which is checked by the fire service during fire inspections in small and large organizations. Unfortunately, greatest demand This document appeared after the tragedy in Kemerovo on March 25, 2018. It’s very sad that the Russian “until the thunder strikes” worked here.


In most companies, a fire extinguisher is the main means of containing fires and fires. And they can happen unexpectedly, at any moment. And to document the readiness to fight fire, a log of fire extinguishers is compiled. The document is needed to organize information and be able to control the acquisition, reloading and other nuances that relate to the storage and operation of fire fighting equipment.

Who fills it out

The head of the organization and heads of company departments, if any, are directly responsible for the timely completion and maintenance of the journal. However, in practice, these employees already have many responsibilities that cannot be delayed.

So, almost any employee (with the appropriate education) can fill out the log and be responsible for fire safety in the organization. In this case, it is important for the manager to sign an order or instruction appointing such a person from among the employees of his organization, or he will have to fill out everything himself.

Journal elements

The document consists of a cover and separate sheets, which are called operational passports for each fire extinguisher. It is more convenient to place the magazine horizontally. It is usually printed on standard A4 sheets.

The name of the organization is indicated on the cover (at the top), in the middle is the name of the document itself. In the lower right part of the cover are the start date and end date of the magazine. Moreover, the latter is indicated during the last check or when a new one is started. From the very beginning of filling out a document, an end date is rarely set. It is therefore a document that may not have a specific end date on the date of inspection.

Important! After the cover, the magazine contains separate operational passports for fire extinguishers, which are listed on the organization’s balance sheet and are physically present in a specific unit.

A separate sheet of the log is represented by the same columns for all fire extinguishers, which should contain information about:

  • The manufacturer of the product. Here it is enough to indicate the name of the organization, but it is also welcome to indicate address information.
  • The number assigned to the fire extinguisher. Each of them is issued with its own operational passport. Even if the rest of the information in them is the same, they will differ precisely in the assigned number.
  • The date the fire extinguisher was put into operation.
  • Its serial number. This data can be obtained from the passport for each specific product. For example, MIG OP-4(3)-AVSE.
  • Installation location. Here it is enough to indicate the number or name of the room in which the fire extinguisher is actually kept.
  • Date of manufacture. This information is needed for timely replacement of content.
  • Type and brand of the product being described.
  • Brand and concentration of charged OTV. In most cases, this is Wexon.

There are separate lines for all these items, but they are not presented in table form. The tabular part is at the end of the operational passport. It includes:

  • When and what type of fire extinguisher maintenance was carried out. This may include inspection during commissioning, replacement of contents, etc.
  • Appearance and condition of equipment components.
  • Mass. The entire object is weighed, including the filler.
  • If the fire extinguisher is equipped with a pressure indicator, then the indicators on it.
  • If the equipment is mobile, then what condition is the chassis in? If fire extinguishers are stationary, the absence of fire extinguishers is indicated in this column.
  • What measures have been taken to eliminate possible deficiencies.
  • Full name, position and signature of the employee who is responsible in the organization for fire safety and maintaining equipment in working condition.

One line should reveal the essence of one technological maintenance. It may also contain information about recharging fire extinguishers. But for this purpose it is better to create a special document for testing and recharging fire extinguishers, and put only links from it in the logbook (in the column “Elimination of deficiencies”).

How many fire extinguishers do you need?

When initially equipping fire extinguishing equipment, the manager must take into account the standards that were developed specifically to reduce fire hazards in a particular organization. It is necessary to take into account the level of danger in a particular situation. Premises (all except commercial buildings) are divided into levels: A, B, C, D and E. D - the lowest fire hazard. A – accordingly, the highest.

The level of fire danger depends on:

  • Materials from which the structure is constructed (as well as insulated, etc.)
  • Building and floor plans.
  • The presence or absence of explosive substances (even temporary).

The number of fire extinguishers must be calculated based on the area of ​​the room or rooms used by the organization. In most cases, offices with no more than a dozen people need one standard model fire extinguisher. In this case, the fire extinguisher logbook will consist only of a cover and one passport of fire-fighting equipment.

Types of fire extinguishers

The design of the fire extinguisher is also of paramount importance. There are:

  • Air foam devices. They are filled with foam.
  • Aquatic. Their filler is carbon dioxide.
  • Gas fire extinguishers. They are filled at the factory with refrigerant.
  • Powder.
  • Mixed type.

Moreover, there are portable models, whose maximum weight is 20 kg, and there are mobile ones, with a powerful chassis. Their weight can reach 4 centners. According to regulations, the maximum distance that can separate a fire extinguisher and a probable source of fire is 20 meters. Accordingly, between two places of placement of funds fire safety– 40 meters. A diagram of placement standards with the type of equipment taken into account is placed in the first appendix to PPR No. 390.


Anyone who fills out a fire extinguisher logbook must undergo fire safety training. This can be done in a specialized institution or in the organization itself, if there is a fire safety instructor. This is called fire-technical minimum courses.

Before putting into operation, all fire extinguishers must be tested in accordance with paragraph 4.3.5 of SP 9.13130.2009.

Fire extinguishers should not interfere with the possible evacuation of people from the premises. They also shouldn't interfere technological processes happening at the enterprise. Their proximity to heating devices is unacceptable.

Primary fire extinguishing agents must always have their own passport. From the latter it is better to take information about the brand, type of fire extinguisher and other technical specifications and transfer it to the fire extinguisher logbook.

Is it necessary to have such a form?

Fire extinguisher logbook, according to existing legislation(specifically, paragraph 478 of the Fire Regulations adopted by Government Decree No. 390 of April 25, 2012), can be drawn up in a free (arbitrary) form. However, the laws clearly state the requirements that it must meet. The form available for download contains everything you need to comply with these requirements: details of the organization, timing of inspections of each fire extinguisher, etc.

Thus, despite the fact that the given form is not unified, its use will be optimal in any of the organizations, since it contains and describes all the fundamentally important points that inspectors from regulatory organizations pay attention to during inspections.

Fire extinguisher installation algorithm

After the responsible manager purchases a primary fire extinguishing agent in the form of a fire extinguisher, he must conduct an initial inspection of it, describe it in the fire extinguisher logbook, and then install it.

The initial examination includes:

  • Reading pressure gauge readings (if available).
  • External inspection for damage, chips and other defects.
  • Assessing the condition of the external coating of the cylinder.
  • Monitoring the legibility of text in the instructions supplied with the equipment.
  • Close visual inspection of the sprayer, nuts and other elements for damage.
  • Monitoring the mass of the cylinder filler (if possible).
  • Inspection of the integrity of the seal and the presence of a factory mark on the product.

It is important to keep in mind that the purchased fire extinguishing equipment must correspond to the area of ​​the enterprise premises, their specific operation, and volumes.


During its lifetime, each fire extinguisher must first undergo inspection for commissioning, then it undergoes three types of inspections:

  • Full. Usually carried out on the initiative of the manager, by a separate order.
  • Planned annual. External inspection, inspection of trips, check for possible leaks, remove products with low pressure in the cylinders or those that have reached their fifth service life. Sometimes, if necessary, selective autopsy is performed powder products(at least 3% of the total amount) for the condition of the filters, the composition of the waste fuel (dispersion, the presence of lumps and the ability to destroy them, moisture content, flowability). If the requirements regarding these parameters are not met, then the entire batch of fire extinguishers for this period is replaced throughout the entire enterprise.
  • Planned quarterly. They are relevant only for large manufacturing enterprises or organizations whose premises have a fire hazard class of A or B. There is nothing serious here: an external inspection, an inspection of the installation site.

Important point! The date of the last inspection is noted not only in the log, but also on the fire extinguisher itself.

To do this, tags are attached to them. If the equipment is carbon dioxide or powder, then, in addition to this information, the tag should contain the mass of the charge and the cylinder. Each equipment must be accompanied by an instruction manual. She will tell you which fire extinguisher needs to be checked. For example, the service life of OPAN-50M fire extinguishers is 10 years. But this does not mean that they do not need to be checked every year.


To ensure that the internal contents of the equipment are always in order and that the fire extinguisher logbook always contains correct information, fire extinguishers must be periodically recharged. There is even a separate document about this - a log of testing and recharging fire extinguishers.

The duration of this recharge will depend on the type of substance filling the device. For water fire extinguishers, the recharge rate is once every 1 year, as for foam ones. Even if water with specialized additives is used, this rule always applies.

Recharging firefighting equipment every year is quite a hassle. If the manager (or the person responsible for fire safety) is not satisfied with this situation, then it is necessary to purchase carbon dioxide, powder fire extinguishers or equipment with freon for the safety of your premises.

In these three cases, fire extinguishers will have to be recharged no more than once every 5 years. However, you should monitor their condition and make notes on checks in the fire extinguisher log book with the same frequency - once a year.

Fire occurs for many reasons. Basically this is careless handling of fire. Any fire can be quickly neutralized if there are fires on the premises of a building, factory, warehouse or open area. Even before firefighters arrive, they can help prevent the fire from spreading.

According to fire safety standards, they must include the following:

The responsible person must check and record the serviceability of all equipment. For any residential, industrial or office building there are fire safety rules.

They are necessary to check the installation and operation of fire extinguishing equipment. To record this information, the rules provide for maintaining a special journal.

Documentation rules

The report log on the maintenance of primary fire extinguishing equipment is a document that reflects the chronology of the operation of these devices.

The head of the enterprise appoints by order a person responsible for fire safety. This person agrees on the form and method of filling out the log in government agencies. Most often, this is a department of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. Together with the inspector, regulations for checking the journal are being developed. Those responsible for fire safety must undergo appropriate training at least once a year.

The magazine can be purchased at special technical book stores or printed. It must be prepared before filling it out. To do this, the pages are laced and numbered.

On the last sheet, a string is tied and secured with adhesive paper, on which the number of sheets, the position and surname of the person in charge is written, and the organization’s seal is affixed. If necessary, the magazine is printed at the regional office of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. All these measures ensure that sheets will not be torn out or replaced. The fire department must monitor the maintenance of the log.

Fire safety rules do not establish a criterion for making entries in the logbook for monitoring the condition of primary fire extinguishing equipment, so it is kept in any form. According to the standard filling, the serial numbers of the devices are first entered into the log.

The numbers themselves are applied with indelible paint. Then the name of the fire extinguishing agents, including the brand and date of manufacture. The third entry is made about the appearance, condition of joints, nodes and welds. If the device needs recharging, during the initial inspection the pressure data from the pressure gauge is recorded. The next column indicates the date the fire extinguisher was recharged. The mass of the device is recorded near the installation site. The last column contains the position, full name and contact telephone number of the person responsible and the inspector.

To start filling out the log, you first need to study the manufacturer’s passport of the device. It indicates the main technical characteristics - brand, type, model, production date, weight, type of filler. All other data will appear during subsequent checks.

Considering that there are no special rules for filling out the journal, columns can be swapped and also supplemented with new ones, if necessary. Write-offs of fire extinguishing agents due to expiration date or malfunction are also recorded in the primary fire extinguishing equipment logbook.

Journal entries must be kept accurately. If an error is made, the entry should start on a new line. Cross out the old one and sign the person filling it out. Corrections are certified by an inspector from the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

At the end of the magazine they write information about the manufacturer of fire extinguishing agents, the operating organization that installed them and the inspection authorities. According to fire safety regulations, the controlling party must have the appropriate license.

Storage methods

A logbook of primary fire extinguishing equipment is kept by the responsible person. The title page should contain the title of the journal and the accession number. After completion, you must make an appropriate entry and submit it to the archives. The shelf life should not be less than 40 years.

Correctly filling out the log will reduce the time of fire department inspections. The inspector must check that the journal numbers of the devices match the actual ones.. Malfunctions identified during the inspection are immediately eliminated, and a record of this is made in the log. All journal entries must be certified by the signatures of two people - the person responsible for operation and the inspector.

The logbook for monitoring the condition of primary fire extinguishing equipment is a means of monitoring the operation of primary fire extinguishing equipment. This is necessary so that during a fire all devices and materials are in place and help people fight the fire. If you pay it off on time, it can save not only property, but also human lives.

Logbook for monitoring the condition of primary fire extinguishing equipment.
Columns for filling out the Logbook for monitoring the condition of primary fire extinguishing equipment:

2. Name of primary fire extinguishing means
3. Assigned number
4. Location
5. Control date
6. Detected faults
7. Weight, kg of an empty working cylinder
8. Weight, kg charge
9. Weight, kg total
10. Signature of the responsible person

Instructions for the maintenance and use of fire extinguishing agents

The instructions are developed based on:
"Fire Safety Rules"
"Fire safety rules in companies, enterprises and organizations in the energy industry" GKD 34.03.303-99
Standard instructions on the maintenance and use of fire extinguishing agents GKD 343.000.003.003-2000
Factory data sheets and operating instructions.


1.1. This instruction establishes the basic requirements for the maintenance and use of fire extinguishing equipment in departments.
1.2. Knowledge of these instructions is mandatory for all workers working in electrical networks.
1.3. Responsibility for the timely and complete equipping of enterprises with fire extinguishing means, providing them Maintenance, the management of the enterprise is responsible for organizing training of employees on the rules of using primary fire extinguishing equipment.
1.4.Heads of departments, services and others structural divisions are responsible for the presence, technical condition and constant readiness of fire extinguishing means, the ability of personnel to use them.
1.5. Primary fire extinguishing means include fire extinguishers, fire equipment (boxes with sand, barrels of water, fire buckets, buckets, shovels, asbestos sheets, felt, felt) and fire tools (hooks, crowbars, axes, ladders).
1.5. Persons responsible for the availability and readiness of fire extinguishing equipment are required to organize an inspection of primary fire extinguishing equipment at least once a quarter, recording the inspection results in a journal (Appendix No. 1).
1.6. Malfunctions of fire extinguishing equipment identified during regular inspections must be eliminated in as soon as possible.
1.7. Faulty fire extinguishers (seal broken, insufficient amount of fire extinguishing agent or missing, absence or insufficient amount of working gas in the starting cylinder, damage to the safety valve, etc.) must be immediately removed from the protected premises, from equipment and installations and replaced with serviceable ones .
1.8. Primary fire extinguishing means must be placed in easily accessible places and should not interfere with the evacuation of people from the premises.
Access to areas where primary fire extinguishing equipment is located must be kept free at all times.
1.9. The use of fire equipment and other fire extinguishing means for economic, industrial and other needs not related to training members of the voluntary fire brigade, fire extinguishing and disaster relief is strictly prohibited.
1.10. Decommissioning and write-off of fire extinguishers, fire hoses and other fire extinguishing equipment that have become unusable and rejected during testing are carried out by a specially appointed commission
1.11. Remote substations are not provided with primary fire extinguishing means, except for sandboxes at transformers and oil switches.
1.12. Fire-fighting vehicles must have at least four carbon dioxide and powder fire extinguishers weighing at least 5 kg each.
1.8. Persons guilty of violating these instructions are liable in accordance with the established procedure.


2.1. To place primary fire extinguishing equipment in production, warehouse, auxiliary premises, buildings, structures, as well as on the territory of enterprises, as a rule, special fire shields (stands) must be installed.
Fire shields must be installed in visible and accessible places.
2.2. Fire panels (stands) must contain those primary fire extinguishing means that can be used in a given room, structure, or installation.
2.3. Fire shields (stands) and fire extinguishing means must be painted red and have a list of all means.
2.4. On fire panels it is necessary to indicate their serial numbers and the telephone number to call the fire department.
The serial number is indicated after the letter index "ПШ".
2.5. The fire shield can be covered with a special frame with a metal mesh. It is allowed to install fire panels in the form of wall cabinets with closing doors, which should visually identify the type of fire extinguishing equipment stored.
Fire shields must be sealed, open without much effort, and have fire extinguisher protection from direct sunlight.
2.6. Fire shields (stands) must be supervised to ensure that the equipment on it is in good condition, completed according to the inventory, timely painting and replacement after use of fire extinguishers


3.1. Sand should be used to extinguish fires and small fires of flammable liquids and limit their spread. Extinguishing with sand is done by throwing it on the burning surface, which achieves a mechanical effect on the flame and its partial insulation.
3.1.2. The sand must be constantly dry, without lumps or foreign impurities. In spring and autumn, sand must be mixed and lumps removed.
3.1.3.Sand should be stored in metal boxes with a capacity of 0.5; 1.0; 3.0 m3, equipped with a shovel or a large scoop. The design of the box should make it easy to remove sand and prevent precipitation from getting into it. To store sand, it is allowed to use metal barrels, shortened for ease of sand collection.


3.2.1. Extinguishing small fires with asbestos cloth, felt, felt should be done by throwing the cloth over the burning surface, isolating it from air access.
3.2.2. To extinguish fires, an asbestos sheet measuring at least 1x1m is used; in places where flammable and combustible liquids are used and stored, the size of the sheets can be increased (1.2x1.5m, 2x2m)
3.2.3. Asbestos sheets can also be used to protect valuable equipment or materials from fire during fires, to create a screen between the source of the fire and combustible material.
3.2.4. Asbestos sheets should be stored rolled up in a closed metal box. Before laying, felt and felt must be dried (to prevent rotting) and cleaned of dust and impregnated with a fire retardant compound.
3.2.5. Checking the condition and readiness of asbestos fabric, felt and felt must be done at least once every 6 months.


3.3.1. Fire axes, hooks and other fire-fighting tools are designed to open structures or pull away burning materials. This equipment is hung on fire shields.
The use of this equipment in substation premises is not required.


4.1. Operation and maintenance of fire extinguishers must be carried out in accordance with the manufacturer's passports.
4.2. Fire extinguishers approved for operation must have:
- registration (inventory) numbers according to the numbering system adopted at the facility;
- seals on manual start devices;
- tags and markings on the body, special red coloring according to state standards.
4.3. Fire extinguishers should be placed in easily accessible and visible places where they are not exposed to direct sunlight and direct exposure to heating and heating devices.
4.4. Manual fire extinguishers should be placed using the following methods:
- hanging on vertical structures at a height of no more than 1.5 m from the floor level to the lower end of the fire extinguisher and at a distance to the door sufficient for its full opening;
- installation in fire cabinets together with fire hydrants, in special cabinets or on fire shields and stands.
4.5. Fire extinguishers must be installed in such a way that the markings on the body can be read, as well as ease of operational use.
4.6. Fire extinguishers placed outdoors or outside heated rooms and not intended for operation at subzero temperatures must be removed during the cold period. In such cases, information about the new location should be placed on fire panels and stands.
4.7. Used fire extinguishers, as well as fire extinguishers with broken seals, must be immediately sent for recharging or inspection.
4.8. Fire extinguishers with faulty components, deep dents and corrosion on the body are removed from service.
4.9. Before installing fire extinguishers on site, it is necessary to:
- external inspection to determine the integrity of the case, the presence of tags and markings with the indicated date of the last re-inspection (recharge), pressure in the case (for injection), safety devices;
- determination of charge mass by weighing;
- checking the fastening of threaded connections: union nut, hose fitting, spray nozzle, socket, etc.;
- checking the hose and nozzle for clogging.
4.10. Periodically, fire extinguishers must be cleaned of dust and dirt.
4.11. When transporting, fire extinguisher cylinders must be installed in such a way that the body does not hit the body.

4.1.Manual chemical foam and chemical air-foam fire extinguishers.

4.1.1. Chemical foam (OKhP-10) and chemical air-foam (OKhVP-10) fire extinguishers are intended for extinguishing various burning fires. hard materials and flammable liquids. Their use for extinguishing burning cables and live wires, as well as alkaline materials, alcohol and acetone is strictly prohibited.
4.1.2. The charge of chemical foam fire extinguishers OHP-10 consists of an aqueous solution of alkali (sodium bicarbonate) and acid (sulfuric acid)
The charge of chemical air-foam fire extinguishers OKVP-10 consists of similar substances, but 500 cm3 of foaming agent is added to the alkaline part of OKVP-10 to increase the yield of foam and increase its effectiveness during extinguishing.
4.1.3. Structurally, OKHP-10 and OKVP-10 are the same, but their external difference is that a foam nozzle (small-sized foam generator) is installed on OKVP-10 to increase the rate of output foam.
4.1.4. To activate the OHP-10 fire extinguisher you must:
- remove the fire extinguisher from the mount or remove it from the cabinet and, using the side handle, bring it in a vertical position to the source of the fire;
- place the fire extinguisher on the floor and clean the spray nozzle (2) with a pin (hangs from the handle of the fire extinguisher), if it is not covered with a safety membrane;
- turn the start lever (3) 1800 from its original position;
- grab the side handle (11) with one hand and lift the fire extinguisher from the floor, then, holding the fire extinguisher by the bottom with the other hand, turn it upside down, while the acid part flows out of the glass and mixes with the solution of the alkaline part of the charge, as a result of a chemical reaction, carbon dioxide, which creates pressure in the fire extinguisher body, which releases the charge in the form of chemical foam .;
For better foam formation, at the initial moment of action of the fire extinguisher, it is recommended to shake its body 2-3 times, preventing it from turning over (to avoid the release of carbon dioxide and a drop in pressure in the body) - this will ensure better interaction between the acid and aqueous alkali solution.
4.1.5. If during operation of the fire extinguisher the spray nozzle (2) becomes clogged and it was not possible to clear it with a pin, it is necessary to place the fire extinguisher in a place that is safe for personnel, since until the pressure of the exhaust gas is completely reduced, the danger of the body rupturing or the neck breaking off the thread cannot be ruled out.
4.1.6. When extinguishing fires of solid substances with an OHP-10 fire extinguisher, it is necessary to direct the stream of foam emerging from the spray under the flame to the place of the most active combustion and, knocking out the fire, cover the surface of the burning substance with a continuous layer of foam.
4.1.7. When extinguishing fires of flammable liquids in small open containers, it is necessary to direct a stream of foam onto the wall of the container so that the foam, flowing down the wall, smoothly covers the burning surface. When a liquid spilled on the floor burns, extinguishing should begin from the edges, gradually covering the entire burning surface with foam.
4.1.8. The procedure for using OKVP-10 fire extinguishers when extinguishing a fire is similar to the actions with OKHP-10 fire extinguishers.
4.1.9. Fire extinguishers ОХП-10 and ОХП-10 are recharged annually. When receiving fire extinguishers after charging, you must ensure that they are sealed, have a tag indicating the date of charging and the signature of the person who performed the charging.
4.1.10. Before sending fire extinguishers for recharging, they must be discharged, i.e. remove (unscrew) the fittings, carefully remove the nylon glass with acid and drain it to a safe place,
4.1.11. Fire extinguishers should be removed from service if the housing is severely corroded, the trigger mechanism is faulty, or the thread of the housing cap or neck is torn off.
Placing patches or welding fistulas on the body of the fire extinguisher is not allowed. Such fire extinguishers must be taken out of service with the appropriate certificate drawn up.


4.2.1. Air-foam fire extinguishers (OVP-10) are designed to extinguish fires and ignitions of solids and flammable liquids.
It is prohibited to use these fire extinguishers to extinguish burning live electrical installations, as well as alkali metals.
4.2.2. Air-foam fire extinguishers are produced: manual OVP-10, mobile OVP-100 and permanently installed OVPU-250 (UVP-250)
4.2.3. As a fire extinguishing agent, fire extinguishers use an aqueous solution of a special foaming agent, which makes up 4-6% of the charge volume.
To supply foam, fire extinguishers are equipped with starting gas cylinders (carbon dioxide, air, nitrogen, etc.) with a capacity corresponding to its charge.
4.2.4. To operate the manual fire extinguisher OVP-10 you must:
- remove the fire extinguisher and bring it to the burning site;
- break the seal, remove the safety pin (12) and press the button (11), while the needle opens00 the cartridge with the working gas, under the influence of which pressure is created in the housing and the foaming agent solution is supplied through the siphon tube (19) and the hose to the foam generator (20 ) where, mixing with the sucked air, air-mechanical foam of medium expansion is formed;
- direct the foam towards the combustion source.
During operation, the fire extinguisher must be kept in a vertical position.
4.2.5. Fire extinguishers are recharged annually. The aqueous solution of the foaming agent is replaced, and the capacity of the starting cylinder is checked by weighing.
Cylinders with a lever locking device are checked once a year, and with a valve lock - once a quarter by weighing. If the gas leak from the starting cylinder is more than 5% of the charge mass, then the cylinder must be replaced or sent for recharging.
The gas mass of a charged launch cylinder is determined as the difference in the masses of the empty and charged cylinder (the mass values ​​are marked on the neck of the cylinder),
4.2.6. During periodic inspections, you should pay attention to the integrity of the hoses and the cleanliness of the foam generators.

4.3. Gas fire extinguishers.

4.3.1. Gas fire extinguishers use non-flammable gases (carbon dioxide) or halocarbon compounds (bromoethyl, freon) as a fire extinguishing agent.
Depending on the fire extinguishing agent used, fire extinguishers are called carbon dioxide, freon, bromichladone, carbon dioxide-bromoethyl.
4.3.2. Testing and inspection of gas fire extinguishers should be carried out in accordance with the manufacturer’s passports and current Rules design and safe operation of pressure vessels.

Carbon dioxide fire extinguishers

4.3.3. Carbon dioxide fire extinguishers (CO) are most widely used due to their universal use, compactness and extinguishing efficiency.
4.3.4. Carbon dioxide fire extinguishers are made manual (OU-2, OU-3, etc.) and mobile (OU-25.0U-80).
4.3.5. Carbon dioxide fire extinguishers differ in charge volume (2,5,25, etc.), as well as in the design of the locking device (valve or lever).
4.3.6. Carbon dioxide fire extinguishers are designed to extinguish fires various materials and substances, as well as electrical installations, cables and wires under voltage:
- with a lever-type locking and starting device up to 10 kV;
- with valve locking up to 380V.
4.3.7. The charge of carbon dioxide fire extinguishers is under high pressure, so the cylinders are equipped with safety membranes, and filling with carbon dioxide is allowed up to 75%.
4.3.8. To activate manual carbon dioxide fire extinguishers you must:
- using the handle, remove and bring the fire extinguisher to the burning site;
- direct the bell to the combustion source and open the shut-off and starting device (valve, lever).
Locking and starting device allows interruption


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65 gr./sq.m- bleached paper. Widely used in printing books, magazines, etc.

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The magazine is laced with a special lavsan thread threaded through the holes of the hole punch. Secure with a cardboard insert and a printable sticker.

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Sewing-adhesive bonding ? Sewing binding

(makes binding more durable)

Sewing binding During the manufacturing process, printed sheets are used that are folded, assembled with notebooks and stitched together with threads, which gives the block high strength. Next, this block is inserted into the binding cover. (One binding cover is used, consisting of 2.5 mm cardboard covered with paper vinyl). Then the block is connected to the lid using a flyleaf - a sheet of paper. A captal is glued to the upper and lower parts of the spine of the block for visual beauty and completeness of the product.

Emboss on the cover: ?

The name of the magazine is completely transferred by embossing to the cover; gold foil is mainly used (but silver, blue, and red are also available). You can emboss: the name of the organization, logo, any combination of letters, numbers and drawings.

The cost of embossing work is 80 rubles.

If you have uploaded your company logo, we can emboss it along with the magazine name

Number, lace, seal: ? According to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 16, 2003 N 225 “On work books” Receipt and expense book for accounting of work book forms and inserts in it And traffic record book work records and inserts in them must be numbered, laced, certified by the signature of the head of the organization, and also sealed with a wax seal or sealed.

More about softcover Softcover- one of the most inexpensive and quickly produced bindings.

The binding cover is made of thick paper with a density of 160 g/m2; at your request, the cover can be laminated.

After the cover is ready and the block is printed, they are fastened with a paper clip, and if there are more than 60 pages in the block, then the bonding is carried out using a hot-melt adhesive machine.

Soft binding, due to its ease of execution and affordable price, is the most popular and one of the most affordable types of binding.

Bonding method:



Cover color: white

Laminate the cover: ?
Lamination- This is the coating of printed products with film. Lamination will preserve the attractive appearance of printed products for a long time and reliably protect them from contamination and mechanical damage. We carry out single-sided and double-sided lamination up to A1 format using special devices - laminators. The main purpose of hot lamination is to protect the image from various external influences, which may include spilled coffee, all kinds of attempts to wrinkle, scrape, scratch the image, wet cleaning of premises, rain, snow. But experienced users also know about another valuable property of lamination: it can significantly improve image quality. When using glossy films, the image “appears” and the colors become more contrasting and richer. The "develop" effect gives inexpensive laminated paper the appearance of luxurious photo paper.

Any enterprise, be it an office or production room, must be equipped with primary fire extinguishing means (PSP). These include items and materials that will help localize or eliminate incipient fires: fire extinguishers, sand, shovels, asbestos blanket, felt felt, bucket and water, internal fire hydrant, etc. Such a fire-fighting arsenal should be available to employees at any time, and fire extinguishers are in working order. The presence of primary fire extinguishing equipment is checked by representatives of fire supervision. PSP accounting is kept in special journals, which will be discussed further.

What are PSP accounting journals?

Logs are needed to record fire extinguishing equipment and monitor their maintenance. The form of maintaining such documentation is arbitrary and is assigned to an employee of the organization by order of the head (Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 25, 2012 N 390 “On the fire safety regime” together with the “Rules of the fire safety regime in the Russian Federation”). The person responsible for the PSP accounting log must:

  • have the skills to maintain a housing record and fill it out;
  • know the rules of industrial safety;
  • take fire-technical minimum courses, which must be confirmed by a certificate of acquired knowledge.

Since in regulations There is no single form for filling out the fire safety records; the fire inspector does not have the right to collect penalties for recording minimum data on fire safety records, or to impose uniform requirements for filling out fire records for all enterprises. However, in order to avoid comments from the fire inspector in the future, it is better to agree in advance with the employees of the local fire inspectorate about the procedure for filling out the fire safety log book.

Rules for filling out PSP accounting logs

As mentioned earlier, there is no generally established form of the fire extinguisher, however, it must contain information about the technical characteristics of the equipment and PSP, columns for notes and notes on checking and recharging fire extinguishers, for the signature of the responsible person. The standard points in the Housing Code are:

  1. Serial number of the record.
  2. Name of PSP.
  3. Scope of application of PSP.
  4. PSP serial numbers and dates of their manufacture.
  5. Technical characteristics of PSP (weight, features appearance, presence of indicators, etc.).
  6. Dates of the last and subsequent recharge.
  7. Column for notes.
  8. Mark of the responsible person, his full name.

The PSP accounting log must be filled out carefully, using ink of the same color; mistakes and cross-outs are not allowed. If a mistake was made, it should be crossed out and the correct data written on a new line, and the signature of the responsible person should be next to the incorrect crossed out data.

It is important that the data on PSP coincide with those indicated in technical documentation to fire fighting equipment. Before you start filling out the accounting log, you need to fill it out correctly:

  1. Sew the pages together with cord or thread.
  2. Place the knot on the back of the magazine and cover it with a small square piece of paper.
  3. On the attached piece of paper, indicate the number of sheets in the magazine and the date of its creation.
  4. Certify the firmware with the signature of the manager and the seal of the company, which should be located on the glued square, while capturing part of the last sheet of the magazine.

How long should ZhU be stored?

Registration of PSP accounting journals must be carried out with the assignment of the original inventory number. The fully completed journal is handed over to the archives and a new journal is drawn up. The old one must be kept in the archive for 45 years.

As for faulty fire extinguishers, a certificate of their unsuitability should be issued in specialized institutions. Relevant entries are made in the journal based on the received report, and the fire extinguishing agent is written off and disposed of by authorized organizations.