Formaldehyde in furniture impact on humans. What is formaldehyde and why is it dangerous to humans. Who is most affected by the compound

Formaldehyde is one of the common toxic substances in the air of our apartments, offices, and houses. Its use is no longer limited to medical facilities (as a preservative in laboratories, mortuaries, etc.). Now this toxic compound is widely used in personal care products, furniture and building materials, and after all, formaldehyde is listed as a likely carcinogen that leads to cancer.

We spend most of our time indoors, so it's important to know how to reduce or eliminate exposure to hazardous substances like formaldehyde.

What is formaldehyde and why should you be concerned about it?

Formaldehyde is a toxic gas that is currently used in the manufacture of various products. Negatively affects the respiratory tract, skin, eyes, central nervous system. With prolonged exposure, formaldehyde has an allergenic, mutogenic and carcinogenic effect. With constant exposure to high concentrations of this substance, organ mutations can occur. Formaldehyde accumulates in the body and is difficult to eliminate. Scientific research formaldehyde has been proven to cause cancer in animals and can cause cancer in humans.

Where can formaldehyde be found:

pressed wood products (chipboard, fiberboard, etc.) used in the construction and manufacture of furniture;

hair care products;

food plastic bags;

cosmetics containing formaldehyde as a preservative;

nail polishes;
wrinkle-resistant fabrics;
insulating mounting foam;
in rooms where gas stoves without extractor hoods, kerosene heaters are used;
cigarette smoke;
air fresheners, furniture polish, stain removers and other household chemicals;
glue and more.

How to reduce/eliminate formaldehyde exposure:
- carefully approach the choice of furniture.
When choosing pressed wood furniture/materials, choose the safest ones: for example, those made with phenolic resins instead of formaldehyde resins.
The safest thing to do is to buy solid wood furniture. Often, such furniture is expensive, but there are options for saving: buying used quality furniture, making furniture with your own hands from good materials that are often at hand.
- ventilate the premises regularly.
- Maintain a cool room temperature. The higher the temperature and humidity inside the room, the more actively harmful formaldehyde is released from the things around us.
- minimize the use of aggressive household chemicals (if you have it in the house, store it in well-ventilated and isolated areas from the main living space), use natural products for cleaning, washing, washing (read the section of our blog about).
- . They are able to effectively clean toxic indoor air. The most effective plants against formaldehyde fumes are fern, chrysanthemum, chlorophytum, tulip, philodendron, palm trees, ivy.
Get an air purifier that can eliminate formaldehyde.

Also recommended:
wash new clothes, fabrics, curtains before use;
avoid buying wrinkle-resistant fabrics;
use the most natural cosmetics;
establish good ventilation indoors, especially when using gas stoves and heaters.

Formaldehyde (formalin) is a fairly toxic substance and, if ingested, causes serious poisoning. Previously, its use was limited to leather tanning, medicine and laboratory research, and the production of plastics, but now formalin can be found everywhere. Such a spread of a toxic substance could not but affect the increase in the statistics of poisoning.

Scope of formalin

Formaldehyde is a colorless toxic substance that has a sharp unpleasant odor and is highly soluble in water and alcohols. It is mainly used in the form of a 40% aqueous solution - formalin. Chemical properties substances cause its high danger to human life and health: ingestion of 2-6 tablespoons of the solution can be fatal.

Currently, the use of formaldehyde is limited to medicine and industry. The harmful solution is found in nail polish and keratin hair straighteners. A small amount of the substance (0.1-0.5%) is also acceptable in other cosmetics as an antiseptic and preservative, it can be contained in shampoos, mouthwashes, creams, antiseptic solutions and gels, deodorants.

Compositions with formaldehyde are used in everyday practice by doctors and students of medical universities, employees of laboratories for the manufacture of cosmetics, workers in factories for the manufacture of furniture and leather tanning. People may be systematically exposed to toxic fumes in everyday life, but a single inhalation of a small amount of formalin will not lead to dangerous consequences.

Is it possible to independently determine the presence of formalin in everyday products, how does the product smell? Formaldehyde has a pungent odor, but it is almost impossible to accurately identify the substance at home: you need to use laboratory equipment, chemicals and have the appropriate knowledge.

What does formaldehyde smell like? It is difficult to draw an analogy with other aromas, the smell of formaldehyde is very specific. The main active substance of the antiseptic "Formidron", which is sold in pharmacies, is just formalin. You need to smell the product carefully, directing the vapor towards you with a movement of your hand.

Sources of intoxication and the permissible norm

Toxic substances are divided into several hazard classes, which are determined by the properties of a particular agent. The properties of formalin make it possible to attribute it to the second hazard class, it is an explosive substance and has Negative influence on humans when ingested.

There are many sources of formalin intoxication. The highest concentration of the substance is concentrated in furniture (poor-quality production), urban smog, tobacco smoke (including from electronic cigarettes), car exhaust, near open fireplaces and gas stoves. Formalin poisoning can occur from inhaling the smell of new carpets, certain cosmetics and household chemicals, adhesives, fertilizers, and drugs. The maximum concentration of formaldehyde in the air is reached under conditions of high humidity and temperature.

According to sanitary standards, the maximum allowable concentration (MPC) of a substance is up to 0.2% in cosmetics and up to 0.1% in oral care products. The permissible percentage of formalin in pharmaceutical preparations is less than 0.5. Medicines containing more than 5% formaldehyde can also be used, but should not be applied to the face.

Laboratory studies have confirmed that the MPC complies with sanitary standards. An adverse dermatological reaction to shampoo and bath foam containing 0.1% formaldehyde occurred in just one out of 75,000 people taking part in the study.

The effect of formaldehyde on the body

The effect of formaldehyde on the human body is extremely negative - the substance causes severe intoxication, which is comparable to or hydrocyanic acid. The central nervous system, mucous membranes and respiratory organs are most affected.

Why is formaldehyde dangerous? Systematic exposure leads to severe poisoning and dangerous complications. Among the consequences of intoxication can be listed:

  • swelling of the larynx and lungs, which lead to difficulty breathing and even respiratory failure, which can be fatal;
  • hemorrhagic nephritis - an inflammatory process localized in the kidneys;
  • violation of the menstrual cycle and hormonal balance, which are common cause infertility in women;
  • anuria - a clinical symptom characterized by the absence of urine, in the most severe cases, the condition leads to coma.

In addition, the danger of formaldehyde is the fact that sensitivity to poison increases over time, which contributes to the development of complications with the systematic exposure to a toxic substance.

Symptoms and signs of poisoning

Formaldehyde poisoning is characterized by a number of signs, mainly from the nervous system, to which are added symptoms of indigestion and irritation of the respiratory system. Signs of chronic formaldehyde poisoning are as follows:

  • cough and difficulty breathing. asthma attacks;
  • burning of the mucous membranes, as well as in the pharynx, stomach and along the esophagus;
  • diarrhea and vomiting with an admixture of blood, thirst;
  • pallor of the skin;
  • weakness and fatigue;
  • insomnia and cramps at night;
  • impaired coordination of movements;
  • irritability, frequent mood swings;
  • severe headaches;
  • intense weight loss.

In people who regularly come into contact with formaldehyde, the symptoms are supplemented by allergic skin reactions, dermatitis, eczema, and brittle nails. The drug has a negative effect on reproductive function: women may experience menstrual disorders, men - lack of sexual desire.

The action of formaldehyde in high concentrations can cause toxic shock and coma. Even one tablespoon of the solution, deliberately or accidentally taken orally, in some cases is fatal.

Emergency care and further treatment

In case of acute poisoning, a person should be taken to fresh air, inhaled with a solution of water and ammonia, which eliminates excess formalin. Mucous membranes and skin should be washed with plenty of water. The skin is additionally washed with a 5% solution of ammonia. In the eyes (if the substance got on the face), drip a few drops of the following composition: add 8 drops of adrenaline and a couple of drops of novocaine (0.5% solution) to 10 ml of the finished solution.

How to neutralize formaldehyde? If the substance is ingested, rinse the stomach with an antidote orally. Formaldehyde antidote (antidote) - a solution of ammonium chloride or carbonate (3%).

Therapy of formaldehyde poisoning is determined by the symptoms, the route of entry of the toxic substance into the body and the characteristics of the clinical picture. The victim may be shown drugs that normalize cardiovascular activity, respiratory stimulants and sedatives.

Prevention of formaldehyde poisoning

It is impossible to completely protect yourself from formaldehyde, because. substance (in small doses) surrounds a person literally everywhere.

Regular airing of the premises, carrying out wet cleaning, maintaining the optimum temperature and humidity in the housing will help reduce the negative impact of the drug. You can start plants that neutralize toxic substances (including formaldehyde) in the air: ivy, ficus, fern, dracaena or chamedorea.


Progress contributes to an increase in harmful substances in environment. With the development of technology, a person uses many poisons, one of which is formaldehyde. In this article, I want to introduce you to formaldehyde, since in our time it has become widespread. You can learn more about the dangers of plastic, furniture made from chipboard. Much attention is paid to the presence of formaldehyde in plastic children's toys, because nowadays the manufacturer is trying to do everything possible to reduce the cost of production. Find out the main symptoms of formaldehyde vapor poisoning. In my work, I did an experiment that showed how formaldehyde affects a chicken egg. Discover plants that will help improve the ecological condition of the premises and much more.

harm to plastic

phenol-formaldehyde resin


1. Ogorodnikov S.K. "Formaldehyde" Leningrad 1984

2. Tyukavkina N.A., Baukov Yu.I. Bioorganic chemistry: Textbook-2nd ed., Moscow 1985.

3. Jesse Russell "Formaldehyde" publishing house: Book on Demand 2012

4. J. F. Walker, Formaldehyde, transl. from English, M., 1957;

5. Yufit S.S. Poisons are all around us. Challenge to humanity. - M .: Classics Style, 2002, 368s.

As you know, progress does not stand still. With the development of technology, people in production use more and more different chemical compounds. For the safe use of these items in the world, MPCs (maximum permissible concentrations) of certain chemical compounds that are harmful to humans have been established. The media have long been talking about the dangers of toys, utensils, finishing materials, in which harmful substances are found - such as formaldehyde, mercury, lead, etc. And often the concentration of these substances exceeds the permissible limits. In addition, the manufacturer often does not indicate the composition on household items, and if it is, it can be distorted. But many toys are intended for children, and we use many household items every day, without thinking that, for example, some kind of ballpoint pen can harm our body. I would like to tell you more about such a harmful chemical compound as formaldehyde.

Formaldehyde (E 240, from Latin formica - "ant"), formic aldehyde, is officially recognized as a carcinogen, as it has been proven that the use of formaldehyde is associated with an increased risk of developing cancer. It is a colorless gas with a pungent odor, highly soluble in water and alcohol. It is very toxic. Formaldehyde is heavier than air, and when heated, it easily polymerizes. This compound is a strong reducing agent. A 35-40% solution of formaldehyde is called formalin. Currently, formaldehyde is used in leading industries, such as the production of plastics, paints, resins, textiles, for disinfection and as a conservation.

Some time ago, there was a story on television that almost all furniture consisting of chipboard (chipboard) is a source of formaldehyde in our environment, since formaldehyde is used as an adhesive component in the manufacture of these boards. In addition, formaldehyde can be released from the finishing material made from compounds based on phenol-formaldehyde resins (various plastic products, such as blinds, wall and ceiling panels). The same resins are often used in the production of household items such as shower slippers, plastic jewelry and packaging.

Formaldehyde is widely used in everyday life and in the production of furniture, plastics, and medicine. Phenol-formaldehyde resin, used for the manufacture of chipboard and MDF in furniture factories, as well as toys from various kinds of plastics, has become especially widespread.
Formaldehyde is officially considered a carcinogen, that is, a substance that causes cancer. This was stated by the International Agency for Research on Cancer, part of the World Health Organization. Experts have proven the connection of formaldehyde with an increased risk of developing cancerous tumors of the nasopharynx. In addition, data from studies suggest that this substance can lead to leukemia.

Nowadays, plastic is very popular, both in everyday life and in other areas of life. Man himself, without attaching any importance to it, encounters it everywhere. Either food containers, plastic ballpoint pens, tableware, children's toys, etc. But if a healthy adult organism is more resistant to the harmful effects of chemicals, then child health easy to spoil without thinking about the quality of the toys children play with. To please the baby, the toy should be bright, soft, pleasant to the touch and make different sounds. The manufacturer tries to do everything so that when he comes to the store, the child wants to play with it. Most parents believe that cheap products have one drawback - they are very fragile and break quickly. But this is not so, they are also cheap because they are not safe. Meanwhile, the child is very inquisitive by nature and gets acquainted with the toy not only with his hands, but also with his mouth - biting and licking his pets.

I would also like to note another source of formaldehyde. These are sweet carbonated waters containing not sugar, but a sweetener - aspartame. Aspartame is a sweetener, sugar substitute (food additive E951), which breaks down in the human body into methanol and two proteinogenic amino acids: aspartic and phenylalanine. And methanol, in turn, is oxidized by liver enzymes to formaldehyde. Of course, formaldehyde is excreted from the body, but nothing on Earth passes without a trace. So formaldehyde has a detrimental effect on the body.

When inhaled, irritation of the mucous membrane of the eyes (lacrimation) and upper respiratory tract, spasm and edema of the larynx, cough, shortness of breath, bronchitis, pneumonia. Skin contact results in dermatitis, coagulative necrosis of the skin. When ingested, burns of the digestive tract, burning in the mouth, behind the sternum and in the epigastric region usually occur. All this can be accompanied by nausea and vomiting with blood. Damage to the liver and kidneys. Large concentrations of formaldehyde can lead to coma. In addition, damage to the heart muscle may occur, with hemolysis and leukopenia developing in the blood. It has been proven that people with professional risk formaldehyde poisoning is much more likely to get cancer, especially throat cancer.

It became interesting to me what in this case will become egg white when formalin is added to it. In my experience, I used a 37.5% solution of formaldehyde-formidron. The purpose of the experiment is to prove the negative effect of formidron on egg white. The essence of the method is to add a formaldehyde solution to the protein. As a result, formidron caused immediate protein coagulation, which indicates its negative effect. I want to demonstrate the results of the experiment with the following photographs. Photo number 1 - an ordinary chicken egg. Photo No. 2 - protein coagulation after the addition of formidron.

Photo 1

Photo 2

Progress cannot be stopped. But I would like to introduce you to plants that can improve the ecological situation in apartments, offices and other premises. So, the Scheffler plant is literally created for rooms in which they smoke a lot. It perfectly absorbs and neutralizes tar and nicotine. But "Dracaena" already directly eliminates the toxic vapors of formaldehyde, its wide elongated leaves allow you to absorb as many vapors as possible. "Ivy" and "Ficus Benjamin" are champions in air purification, they absorb many harmful substances such as benzene, formaldehyde and ammonia.

In conclusion, I would like to say that all this can be avoided, you just need to be attentive to what surrounds you. Take a couple of minutes and look at the composition. Pay attention to the smell of the object, the presence of a pungent odor should alert you. Do not be indifferent to your health and the health of your loved ones.

Bibliographic link

Zakharova A.V. INFLUENCE OF FORMALDEHYDE ON THE ORGANISM // International Student Scientific Bulletin. - 2014. - No. 3.;
URL: (date of access: 12/31/2019). We bring to your attention the journals published by the publishing house "Academy of Natural History"

Formaldehyde is a chemical substance with a strong odor that has a toxic effect on the human body.

Often, poisonous gas emits vapors that, with prolonged exposure, cause irreversible reactions in the work of the respiratory and central nervous systems.

Formaldehyde is toxic to the body

In this article, we will consider what is formaldehyde and what is its effect on the human body.

Formaldehyde: what is it

The process of obtaining formaldehyde occurs due to the oxidation of methanol at a temperature of several hundred degrees.

The technological process takes place with the help of a silver catalyst, as a result of which a highly soluble substance with high chemical activity is obtained.

What does formaldehyde smell like? Formaldehyde vapors have a pungent odor and a rather unpleasant odor, which in the shortest period of time causes irritation of the mucous membranes and can impair the sense of smell.

Formalin vs Formaldehyde: What's the Difference? Formalin is a derivative of formaldehyde and water in percentage, which goes on sale in a solution of 40%.

Formalin is formaldehyde at a lower concentration.

Where is formaldehyde used?

Due to a wide range of properties, formaldehyde is used in many areas of human life:

  • Medicine. The use of formaldehyde in pharmaceuticals is due to its antiseptic and tanning properties, so this solution is used for the manufacture of a number of medications, as well as for the storage of biological materials;
  • Technical industry. The formaldehyde-based solution is widely used in the woodworking, leather and cosmetic industries. IN chemical industry it is an indispensable component in the plastics production process;
  • Food industry. In food production, formaldehyde is a “preservative”, and its presence in a particular product is indicated by the presence of the E240 code on the packaging.

Also used as a preservative. This additive not only allows you to increase the shelf life of the product, but also affects the taste, as well as the aroma of the dish.

Where is formaldehyde found?

Formaldehyde is one of the most common toxic substances due to its wide use in various fields:

  • The use of formaldehyde in the chemical industry contributes to its high concentration in the environment of large industrial sites;
  • Harmful emissions into the atmosphere containing formaldehyde are typical for chemical plants, waste incineration plants, thermal power plants;
  • The harmfulness of phenol-formaldehyde resin, which is used for the production of furniture from chipboard and fiberboard, as well as being part of the finishing and building materials– laminate, decorative coating, varnishes, paints;
  • About how to choose safe materials for your home - see the video:

  • Toxic vapors are part of cigarette smoke and combustion products that are released as a result of the use of stoves and stoves;
  • The quality and cost of furniture directly depends on the amount of formaldehyde that is part of the raw material - the less it is in chipboard, the higher the cost of production;
  • A small amount of formaldehyde can be found in cosmetics - ointments, shampoos, creams.

What is dangerous formaldehyde for humans

Being one of the most toxic substances, formaldehyde has a negative effect on the human body. The main feature of this carcinogen is its solubility in water and alcohol, despite the fact that the substance itself is a gas.
Formaldehyde belongs to the second hazard class, which indicates a strong toxicity and adverse effects on human health:

  • causes allergic reactions of the skin and mucous membranes;
  • toxic vapors of formaldehyde impede the functions of the respiratory and nervous systems;
  • the carcinogenic effect of the gas is manifested in the occurrence of headaches, lethargy and drowsiness;
  • a harmful compound increases the risk of cancer;
  • It is used as a prophylactic against oncological diseases. Chaga mushroom helps to treat cancer, because. its systematic use inhibits the growth of malignant tumor cells.

  • prolonged inhalation of toxic fumes can lead to kidney or liver failure;
  • the harm of formaldehyde to humans can manifest itself in the appearance of cough, shortness of breath, visual impairment;
  • due to harmful effects on the central nervous system, depressive states and mental imbalance are possible.

You will learn more about the dangers of formaldehyde from the video:

How to remove formaldehyde from the body

Due to its high toxicity, a small amount of formaldehyde solution (about 50 ml) can be fatal. At the first signs of carcinogen poisoning, emergency care is necessary. If vapors of a toxic substance have entered the body, the victim must be provided with access to fresh air and use oxygen inhalation with a small amount of ammonia. The mucous membrane of the eye must be washed with a solution of sodium bicarbonate.

Can you drink formaldehyde? Absolutely not. If poison is ingested, it is urgent to rinse the stomach and give the victim milk and saline to drink.

Formaldehyde (synonyms: methanal, formic aldehyde, methylaldehyde; chemical formula CH2O) under normal conditions is a colorless gas with a pungent odor, highly soluble in water. Get this substance in industrial scale by oxidizing methanol. In the material of the article, we will discuss in more detail the sources of formaldehyde release, how long it takes to erode, the norms for the content of H2CO in the air, the effect of formaldehyde on the body, and the symptoms of carcinogen poisoning.

The bactericidal properties of this chemical compound have been known for quite a long time - the well-known formalin used in anatomy for the preservation of tissues and organs is the usual 40% aqueous solution of formic aldehyde. Tanning properties have made it an indispensable component of products for the leather and woodworking industries. In addition, it is used in the production of various cosmetics, as well as in Food Industry(as an additive under the code E240).

What are the main sources of formaldehyde emission in the apartment?

First, couples free formaldehydeare part of the products of combustion organic matter:

  • smog, car exhaust
  • tobacco smoke and even e-cigarette smoke
  • evaporation from the fireplace and gas stove

Secondly, formaldehyde evaporation comes from household materials:

  • Chipboard (from which most furniture is made)
  • plywood, MDF, OSB (used for home decoration and insulation)
  • laminate and other floor coverings, plinths, MDF doors and slopes

Thus, in everyday life it can be found everywhere. Even such seemingly harmless things at first glance as a sofa, bed, table, chairs and floor can serve as sources of formaldehyde release in the air in an apartment (house). It is very important to note that wooden furniture does not contain formaldehyde, but it is also much more expensive than those made from MDF and chipboard.

How long does it take for formaldehyde to erode from furniture chipboard and laminate?

On average, formaldehyde erodes from furniture and floor coverings in about 3 to 5 years.

When upholstered furniture its release can occur even after 10 years of operation.

Why is formaldehyde dangerous for health, symptoms of poisoning?

Toxicologists have proven that formaldehyde is harmful to human health. However, it should be understood that it is dangerous (toxic) only when it enters the body. While, upon contact with the skin, it causes only local irritation, which quickly passes. That is why you should not be afraid of this substance, for example, in shampoos - the shampoo is washed off with water and the small amount of aldehyde in it can only cause an allergic reaction in people (and even then, according to statistics, the frequency of such cases is only 1 out of 75,000).

Formaldehyde vapors are much more dangerous. After all, chronic formaldehyde poisoning causes the following symptoms:

  • allergies, persistent cough, eye, nose, throat and skin irritation, asthma attacks
  • sleep disturbance, mental agitation, trembling, weight loss
  • headaches, visual disturbances and coordination
  • chronic fatigue, drowsiness, lethargy, lethargy
  • sweating disorder, and regulation of body temperature

The first signs of acute formaldehyde poisoning: lacrimation, pain in the eyes, runny nose, cough, shortness of breath, suffocation, headache, incoordination, convulsions. When inhaled, its vapors may cause allergic skin reactions (up to eczema), in women, the menstrual cycle is disturbed.

As a rule, the consequences of formaldehyde poisoning go away on their own when its source is eliminated and do not require the help of a doctor. But, when inhaled in high concentrations, acute conjunctivitis, rhinitis, bronchitis, edema in the lungs and pharynx develop. Death can occur at an atmospheric concentration of this gas equal to 20 mg/m 3 within 30 minutes.

Can formaldehyde cause cancer?

The fact that formaldehyde is a human carcinogen (a substance that can cause cancer) has not been proven 100%. But, in some animal studies, it has been shown that it increases the risk of developing nasopharyngeal cancer, and can also lead to leukemia.

Therefore, it is listed as a potentially carcinogenic compound under the "probably carcinogenic to humans" section.

Anyway the impact of formaldehyde on the human body is extremely negative!

What are the standards for formaldehyde in the air?

We are more interested in the domestic side of the issue - is it possible to harm your health without leaving your apartment and not even knowing it? As it turns out, you can if your home constantly has an excessive level of formaldehyde in the air.

The first sign of excess formaldehyde vapor content in the air is a characteristic pungent odor. It may be familiar to you as a special "hospital" or "pharmacy" fragrance. For many, it is associated with new furniture - but in fact, formaldehyde fumes smell like that. Its smell is already felt at a concentration 25 times less than that allowed by sanitary standards. By the way, MPC (maximum permissible concentration) of formaldehyde in the air is 0.5 mg/m³, while the daily MPC is five times less - 0.01 mg/m³.

So when buying new furniture (laminate, plywood, finishing materials from OSB, MDF, chipboard, etc.), the smell is quite justified. It is much worse if it has not disappeared in a few days - now it's time to think! And if at the same time you began to lose strength, depression, your face turns pale - almost certainly methanal continues to evaporate from interior items (more precisely, from the resin that glues wood chips) while you continue to inhale it. Therefore, you need to protect yourself in advance!

Is there any protection against formaldehyde?

  • Firstly, it is advisable to buy products made from solid wood (although manufacturers often use harmful components in their manufacture), but if this is not possible, then you can ask the seller for documentation or do it yourself. According to this property, furniture is divided into three classes (class E1 - the aldehyde content is not higher than 10 mg per 100 g of dry wood board, while class E3 is 60 mg). Accordingly, the cost of production will be different - the less harmful component in the resin, the more expensive it is.
  • Secondly, you should not place objects made of chipboard and MDF near heat sources - near radiators, under direct sunlight, etc.
  • Before bringing furniture, laminate, plywood and other Decoration Materials, let them "weather" on the street.
  • In addition, the most common ventilation of the room is useful. Better yet, install an air purifier, this will help to partially neutralize the formaldehyde in the air.
  • We should also not forget that green plants in the house not only create comfort, but also purify the air.
  • Of course, you should stop smoking indoors, even if you use "electronic" cigarettes.

How can I do an analysis for the determination of formaldehyde in the air?

It is difficult to independently determine formaldehyde; this requires special laboratory equipment and chemical reagents.