Ingersoll (Ingersol) is the history of an American watch brand that creates quality models. Where to buy in Ukraine. INGERSOLL I watches where ingersoll watches are made

Ingersoll is a watchmaking company well known in America and other countries. This company offers to purchase watches in an affordable price category for all working segments of the population. Such price policy is in no way reflected in the quality of Ingersoll's products. Watches of this brand are in demand, as such a purchase is worth the money spent, brings a lot of benefits, joy and impresses with its quality.

Where to buy Ingersoll watches?

Our online store offers a large number of variety of Ingersoll watches. With us you can buy both mechanical and on watch Ingersoll(Ingersol) on a mechanical basis, but with automatic winding. Not only men, but also women will find suitable and interesting options for themselves.

Ingersoll is the choice of those who value precision, reliability and love to keep everything under control - especially time. Punctuality is the motto for such people and this watch brand will be a good helper for them.

Having existed for more than one century, Ingersoll still pleases with non-standard ideas and their interesting incarnations in real watch models. The creators of this watch brand are two brothers whose names are consonant with the name of the Ingersoll brand. Before the company appeared on the American watch market, an agreement was signed between the founding brothers and Henry Ford. From the moment of signing this contract, the great and bright future of the company begins, which was marked by the launch of an automated line for the production of Ingersoll brand watches.

The first watch made by the company was the Yankee, a metal watch based on brass platinum. The price of this watch was only one American dollar, which is how much they earned on average in one day.

Ingersoll made a new splash among fashionistas in 1914 when it launched a new line of watches exclusively for women called "Midget". The highlight of this line of watches was the presence of a kind of "lugs", which the developers placed near the numbers 6 and 12 in order to place a strap in them, which will hold the hour.

Ingersoll's greatest popularity was an order for a watch with a universal children's favorite, the hero of hundreds of cartoons - Mickey Mouse. After the watch was produced and went on sale, it was sold out in as soon as possible, after which the manufacturer himself became popular not only among adults, but also among children.

You can buy not only men's, but also female watches from Ingersoll, the quality of which will pleasantly surprise you. Modern models, produced by a well-known brand, are presented as classic models based on a mechanical basis, as well as models with complications. Taking care of its customers, Ingersoll manufactures watches exclusively from natural, natural materials. Anyone can choose a watch to their taste in the line, represented by more than fifty models. Steel cases and leather straps, excellent mechanisms - all this together makes Ingersoll watches truly durable.

Most of the range consists of watches for men. The most interesting and in great demand are the collections of Apache, Dakota, Bison, Richmond. The brand produces not only classic but also retro watches, as well as sports and military-style watches.

Women won't be able to resist seeing the line for women called Dreams, presented with many choices of stylish, elegant, bright and beautiful models for the women they love.

Ingersoll watches have more than a century of history, which began in America back in 1892. It was then that the brothers Charles and Robert Ingersoll produced the first one-dollar pocket watch, the so-called Yankees. They quickly gained popularity among ordinary users for their high quality and affordable price. This was made possible thanks to the automation of production and cooperation with Henry Ford. And in 1933, the company entered into an agreement with Walt Disney to release a collection depicting everyone's favorite Mickey Mouse.

At the moment, the company is one of the most recognizable in the world, and a wide range of both men's and women's watches Ingersoll, numbering more than 150 models, allows you to choose the most appropriate style and design.

Watch Features

Almost all Ingersoll wristwatches have a self-winding movement. This is a solid classic that does not lose its popularity and does not go out of fashion. It is suitable not only for businessmen, but also for travel lovers. The difference of the brand's accessories, which determines their incomparable quality, lies in the attention to detail, including:

  • a reliable and durable mechanism that provides an accurate move, which is made using precious stones;
  • a variety of straps made of rubber, leather or silicone. Also bracelets can be steel - braided or stretchable;
  • mineral tempered glass, resistant to scratches and mechanical damage;
  • moisture protection - most models are suitable for both normal shallow diving and deep-sea diving - depending on the degree of moisture resistance.
  • the luminous coating of the hands, which some models are equipped with, helps to navigate by the clock in the dark;
  • additional features- can be represented by a tachymeter, calendar and a second time zone.

When creating brand accessories, all parts undergo strict quality control, which ensures the reliability and durability of products.

You can buy Ingersoll watches on the official website of the online store website by choosing the copy you like in our catalog. Among the presented products, in addition to classic models, there are famous skeletons, where parts of the mechanism are fully or partially open, original copies with the image of Mickey Mouse, as well as women's watches in a more delicate design, including those with Swarovski crystals.

Ingersoll wristwatches are a kind of symbol of America. Throughout its existence, this brand has adhered to one rule - the creation of watches for the general public, whose quality should not be questioned by anyone, and the price should be accessible to everyone. Thus, today this company is considered one of the most recognizable in the world, and its range includes more than 150 models of automatic and mechanical watches and pocket watches.

History of the watch brand Ingersoll for over a hundred years. In 1880, two brothers - Robert and Charles Ingersoll - open a small company in New York, Robert H. Ingersoll & Brother, which at that time was engaged in the production of stamps and impressions. Orders for their products, which consisted mainly of cheap small items, they received through the mail catalog. But the ambitious plans of the Ingersoll brothers had completely different goals, and after 10 years of hard and tireless work, they, having concluded an agreement with the Waterbury Clock Company, receive their first major order for the sale of a batch of Jumbo watches, numbering one thousand pieces. This event, in fact, became the starting point, after which a small company at that time Ingersoll slowly but surely began to move towards the intended goal, as a result of which it turned into the largest American manufactory.

So, a year later, the Ingersoll brothers signed a new contract with the Waterbury Clock company for the production of small watch models, the dial of which would adorn the brand with their name. Sales results exceeded all expectations - 485 thousand units per year. Such unheard of success they managed to achieve thanks to the cooperation with the automobile magnate Henry Ford, who invested his money in automated production of watches. As a result of this, in 1896, the first "dollar watch" appeared. They got their name from the price of $ 1, which corresponded at that time to the average daily earnings of many Americans. Distinctive feature This model was that at first glance they were exactly like other cheap watches, but at the same time they were of excellent quality. Success was not long in coming, and after a couple of years it became simply stunning (sales of six million units and new orders).

These "dollar watches" became popular favorites, they were also called Yankee (just like the residents of New York and Connecticut). Many famous and important people of that time (Thomas Edison, Mahatma Gandhi) preferred to wear this model. Mark Twain, who wrote the famous book "Tom Sawyer and the Adventures of Huckleberry Finn", purchased them twice, and Theodore Roosevelt, sharing his impressions after traveling in Africa, said that he was called there only as "a man from a country where watches are produced" Ingersoll "".

In the next ten years, Ingersoll constantly expanded - in 1902, the first office for the sale of watches was opened in Chicago. And after 6 years, at that time already a corporation, Ingersoll has its offices in several cities of the world, including in Europe: Berlin, London, Oslo, Amsterdam, Stockholm, Copenhagen, Brussels, Montreal, Buenos Aires. This circumstance contributed to the purchase of additional factories for the production of watches under the brand Ingersoll- in 1908 and in 1914. Thus, the capital of the corporation increased by 4 times during this time. So, in 1901 it totaled 1 million dollars, and already in 1914 - 14 million dollars.

With the outbreak of World War I Ingersoll begins to produce a women's Midget model, in which special strap lugs were thought out at the level of numbers 12 and 6. In 1919, the brothers released a new “wartime” Radiolite model with luminescent hands and numbers. But the most famous year for the company Ingersoll The year is 1933, when she receives an order from the Walt Disney film studio for the release of watches with the image of Mickey Mouse, which immediately became popular among Americans. Corporation during World War II Ingersoll retooled for wartime needs, which leads to a significant decline in watch production both in America and in Europe.

After the end of the war, the company received its new name - United States Time Corp. It is bought by Norwegian investors, after which they build a modern factory and continue to work on the production of stylish and affordable watches for everyone. In 1989, it was acquired by the London company Zeon, which specializes in the international distribution of watches. famous brands(Playboy, Ted Baker, Fila, Porsche Design). She starts work on the expansion model range automatic and mechanical watches Ingersoll, making bracelets from genuine leather, and cases - from durable stainless steel with a special ion sputtering 3 - 5 microns thick. The watch dial is protected by a tempered mineral or sapphire crystal, and their water resistance reaches up to 100 meters. Some models are decorated with Swarovski crystals.

Despite all the difficulties, it is worth noting that Zeon managed to keep the original idea not only in the design of watches Ingersoll, corresponding to the spirit of that time, but also the main principle of the Ingersoll brothers - "watches of consistent quality at an affordable price."

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Ingersoll was founded in 1892 by brothers Robert and Charles Ingersoll in Waterbury, Connecticut. The Ingersol brothers set themselves the task of organizing the production of watches that are optimal in terms of quality, price and production volumes. Its implementation was made possible thanks to the auto magnate Henry Ford, who invested in their new assembly line. This is how the famous “one-dollar watch” appeared: with brass platinum, on which template parts were attached. They were accurate enough and at the same time cost one dollar - the average daily wage of a worker of that time. Thanks to this, Ingersoll soon became one of the most popular brands in the United States, and "folk" watches acquired another name - Yankee, as they called the inhabitants of New York and Connecticut. At the beginning of the 20th century, the Yankee became the de facto symbol of America throughout the world. Ingersoll made watches for the US Army. explorers and travelers, and even millionaires, did not hesitate to wear Yankee models because of their attractive design and reliability. However, the subsequent Great Depression bankrupted the H.R. Ingersoll & Brothers business.

It was then that the company was acquired by the largest watch manufacturer in Waterbury - Waterbury Clock Co., which retained the production technology of One-Dollar Watch.

In 1933, Ingersoll-Waterbury received its most famous commission. Under a contract with the Walt Disney film studio, she produced watches with the image of Mickey Mouse, which proved so popular that they overshadowed the fame of the Ingersoll brand itself. By the way, this story can be considered the first example of a license agreement. But then the second intervened. World War, and all Waterbury factories were converted to defense needs. Then the well-known story began.

After the war, Waterbury was renamed United States Time Corp. by investors in Norway. They built a new, state of the art factory that later became Timex. And Ingersoll, which continued to specialize in creating stylish and inexpensive mechanical watches, was left with virtually no investment and development opportunities. However, the very name of the brand by that time had already become a cult. Ingersoll watches, still reliable, affordable and beautiful, were worn by Mahatma Gandhi, Theodore Roosevelt and Thomas Edison, and a real symbol of America, along with the Thunderbird car and blue jeans, they were made by the idol of the 60s James Dean, who never parted with his chronograph Ingersoll until his death.

Regardless of how the fate of the Waterbury factory turned out, Ingersoll is a name worth a lot. It is enough to type the name of the brand in the search for the eBay catalog, and thousands of requests per month will appear in response.

A few years ago, the Ingersoll brand was acquired by the London group Zeon, which is engaged in the international distribution of watches. Its management decided to revive the brand's promising heritage, especially since modern production capabilities make it possible to maintain both production volumes and prices at the proper level in order to satisfy the needs of the widest segments of consumers around the world.

There is only one caveat: the design, quality and spirit of the brand itself must be absolutely authentic, so that the buyer does not doubt for a minute that he is facing a real Ingersoll, a watch that has been a symbol of America for 100 years. That's why new scheme production, developed by Zeon for Ingersoll, had to be fully consistent with the image of the brand.

The head office of the company, where all strategic decisions are made, is located in London. In its development, the company is primarily aimed not at the American, but at the European and Asian markets. Unlike many large corporations, Zeon strives to take into account the specifics of each market in which it operates. So, for example, with the start of distribution in Russia, special packages, POS-materials and instructions in Russian were released.

Design Bureau Ingersoll, Aebischer's award-winning R&D, industrial and technical design studio, is located in the German part of Switzerland. It is artists and engineers from Switzerland and Germany who develop the appearance of all Ingersoll collections, which today are more than 30. The main emphasis is on mechanical watches, classic and with complications. Thanks to the concern's factory in China, Zeon knows no problems with high-quality and affordable movements. Such a combination of modern solutions that make the most of the peculiarities of each country allows us to maintain an affordable price for mechanics and produce very modern watches, European in style and design.

Today, the brand represents mainly men's classic models (about 80% of the range), among which there are many automatic mechanics. However, she does not forget about the female audience. Ingersoll's latest novelty is the Dreams line of luxury women's watches, which combine the beauty of a perfectly crafted movement with contemporary design and jewelery chic. The cases are made of stainless steel, the mechanism is visible through the dial and the case back, the straps are made of genuine leather. Fashionable dynamic design and trendy colors (especially worth paying attention to models with white ceramic inserts) are set off by Swarovski crystals, which no girl can resist.

Also, Ingersoll does not forget about the glorious historical heritage of the brand. Although the time of the iconic One-Dollar Watch has already passed, the company still produces respectable pocket watches on a chain, including skeletons. Each pocket watch is accompanied by a stylish belt pouch made of high-quality leather. In over a century of history, Ingersoll has experienced many changes. Only the unique style of the brand, it seems, never left Waterbury. Whether it's Crow chronographs, full-calendar Forty Niners, open-balance Desperados, classic Yankees, or luxurious Ghandi skeletons, every new watch has the style of wide highways, open cars and Hollywood spotlights. Watches that a hundred years ago were good for presidents, movie stars and ordinary people, will not disappoint you today.

In our store you can buy the legendary Ingersoll watch Ingersol

The legend lives on!

Robert and Charlie Ingersoll Robert Ingersoll and Charles Ingersoll, the founders of America's oldest watch manufacturer, have confidently set many milestones in the development of pocket and wristwatches during their tireless life and work.

According to recent research, to offer the general public a watch that is affordable and yet High Quality succeeded after in 1892 with the help of Henry Ford (Henri Ford), by introducing automated production of pocket watches, and later wrist watches.

With a high quality standard, some watches, like others, and at relatively affordable prices for that time - 1 dollar (according to daily earnings), the so-called dollar-watch (DOLLAR-WATCH) appeared.

Dollar watches were very popular, so several million watches were produced. Theodor Roosevelt himself mentioned that when he hunted in Africa, he was called a man from a country where ingersalls are made.

The dollar watch, also called the YANKEE, was a resounding success. The Ingersoll brothers, along with improving the quality of products and increasing production, had to constantly look around, look ahead. This is how the smallest pocket watch POCKET watch was made. In 1919, the Ingersoll brothers produced the first night watch with luminous RADIOLITE numerals.

At the same time, Charles Ingersoll created, at the request of the army, a heavy-duty mechanical wrist watch with a tight metal watch bracelet. This became the baptism of the military watch. Later, these watches appeared in a small series for watch lovers.

Next to the most famous personalities, such as the world traveler on a sailboat Thomas Drake (Thomas Drake), Thomas A. Edison (Thomas A. Edison), T. Roosevelt (T. Roosevelt) or James Dean (James Dean), there has always been someone something committed to the INGERSOLL brand. For example, INGERSOLL watches are mentioned in historical books about Mahatma Gandhi.

Pilot Sir Alan Cobham used an INGERSOLL watch in 1928 on his flight over black continental Africa to record the exact time:

Since I could not be left without a watch on board, I used only INGERSOLL to record the time. They have always performed their functions as a trustworthy time meter for 7 months, in various climatic conditions, over a 23,000-mile journey.

INGERSOLL did not survive the Great Depression of the 1930s in America, but was soon reborn in the British Isles, where it still exists today.