Sculpt from polymer clay step by step. Modeling from polymer clay: master class for beginners. Video: master class for beginners

Girls strive to express their individuality, and what else can help with this if not bright, unusual, unique handmade accessories?

Modeling from polymer clay- an entertaining hobby for women who are drawn to beauty! This is a unique material from which you can create decorations, accessories and crafts for the interior, embodying the most incredible creative fantasies. Working with plastic is no more difficult than creating figures from plasticine, but the finished products are not afraid of moisture, do not wrinkle or break.

A little history of a fascinating hobby

Unlike traditional materials such as glass, wood, ceramics, leather, which have been used for centuries, plastic appeared relatively recently. It was first developed and released puppet master Fifi Rebbinder in 1930 in Germany. It was intended for modeling the heads and faces of dolls.

34 years later, Fifi sold the formula of his invention to the owner of a pencil factory, Eberhard Faber from Nuremberg. An enterprising businessman, having improved the composition, two years later organized mass production of polymer clay under the brand name “Fimo,” which is still popular today.

As a hobby, modeling with polymer clay appeared even later, but today it ranks high on the list. Plastic is used for sculpting souvenirs, decorative dishes, jewelry, decorative flowers and bouquets.

Where to start for a beginner sculpture

The hobby of modeling does not require large material costs. The only thing you will have to spend money on is plastic, otherwise you can get by with improvised means. To get started you will need:

  • polymer clay. You need to buy material in white, black and several pieces already tinted, depending on the color combination of the final product. You can also paint white clay yourself with oil paints to the desired shade;
  • stationery knife;
  • rolling pin for rolling out plastic. Typically, professionals use a pasta machine for these purposes, but it can be replaced with any metal or glass object that can perform the functions of a rolling pin. This could be a smooth glass, a narrow bottle without embossing on the surface, a can of hairspray;
  • work surface. A glass board, thick cardboard, or regular white A4 office paper is suitable for this. It is not recommended to use plastic surfaces, since the plasticizer included in the thermoplastic may react with it;
  • devices for forming the texture of the product. There can be any available materials with which you can create the required texture - toothpicks, fabric, corrugated paper, tree leaves, flower petals, etc.

Types and features of material

First of all, polymer clay for modeling is divided into self-hardening and baked. The difference is that in the first case, the plasticizers, which give the mass softness and plasticity, evaporate at room temperature, and in the second case it is necessary to place the finished product in “hot conditions”.

Polymer clay without baking

Self-hardening plastic– a modern material that hardens in air without additional heat treatment. To gain hardness and strength, small crafts only need a few hours, large ones – a few days.

This group includes light and heavy clays. Products made from heavy polymer clays are difficult to distinguish from pottery clays; they can be subjected to additional processing - sanded, painted, varnished. This type of plastic is ideal for large souvenirs, figurines, and decorative dishes. The disadvantage of heavy clay is shrinkage, so not all materials in this group are suitable for delicate work in which details are important.

The lightweight plastic looks like marshmallow mass; the main component of this material is cellulose. Working with light plastic is a real pleasure; it produces believable artificial flowers. The disadvantage of cellulose plastic is the fear of moisture; such works cannot be washed or wetted, so they are not suitable for costume jewelry.

Features and types of thermoplastics

Thermoplastics requires heating up to 110-130 degrees to evaporate plasticizers. To do this, use a regular home oven or electric oven. Thin products (for example, small flowers) are baked for 5-8 minutes; baking products 3-5 mm wide require about 20 minutes. It is convenient to boil small items, such as beads, in water.

Baked plastic comes in different types:

  • standard, sold in bars of the same color or in sets;
  • with fillers, imitating natural stones and metals;
  • with glitter and pearl;
  • colorless;
  • changing color after baking;
  • gel, used to join parts;
  • flexible, able to bend after processing.

It is not recommended to make products from thermoplastic with a width of more than 1 cm, since the material does not polymerize inside, and over time the product will become loose and may crumble. Therefore, large and volumetric figures It's better to make it hollow.

How to work with plastic correctly

The properties of the mass resemble plasticine, only it is more plastic and does not stick to your hands as much, but the finished products, hardening under the influence of temperature, are hard and durable. Ripe fruits and berries, delicious muffins and cakes, incredible flowers, favorite cartoon characters - the possibilities for creativity with plastic are unlimited!

To start working with plastic, you need to first knead it. It’s better to start with small pieces; don’t try to knead all the material at once. To make work easier, you can put the briquettes on the battery, or warm them in your hands.

You need to knead until the mass becomes soft, elastic and viscous. If the clay is too hard, crumbles and cannot be kneaded, this means that part of the plasticizer, which gives it plasticity, has evaporated. In order to restore the plasticity of clay, you need to add a little plastic softener or mix dried plastic with fresh material.

Different colors of polymer clay mix well with each other. Therefore, if you lack a certain color or need to get a certain shade, feel free to combine them with each other. It is better to work with thermoplastics while wearing gloves, as this will result in more accurate products without fingerprints. The working surface must be clean, free of dust and debris.

Master classes on modeling from polymer clay

Based on our step by step wizard-polymer clay modeling classes, you will quickly master all the subtleties of this handicraft and learn how to create designer jewelry and original gifts with your own hands.

Hand-made ceramic products are becoming increasingly popular every day. Even a beginner can make crafts from polymer clay. Original flowers, figurines, boxes, and accessories are made from this material. In our article you will find a lot useful information about this theme.

If you seriously decide to engage in this type of applied art, then first of all you should study the features of working with polymer clay, and also purchase all necessary materials. Today, DIY polymer clay crafts are very much appreciated. Depending on the degree of your skill, you can create real works of art from this material.

Beginning needlewomen need to purchase special tools and accessories for modeling crafts from polymer clay, in particular:

  • The material itself, as well as multi-colored paints. You can give ordinary white clay the desired color by adding paint.
  • A board for modeling. Surfaces made of organic glass, tiles or plastic are best suited.
  • Stationery knife with replaceable blades. With this tool you can cut out even the smallest details.
  • Rolling pin. You need to purchase a rolling pin made of acrylic to roll out polymer clay into layers of the required thickness.
  • A syringe or a so-called extruder. The set, as a rule, contains interchangeable nozzles, using which you can squeeze out oblong rollers of various shapes and thicknesses from polymer clay.
  • Molds for making individual craft elements. In common parlance, craftsmen call such molds cutters.
  • Stacks for applying designs to individual elements of clay crafts.
  • Blanks and dies for modeling a specific product.

After you have purchased everything necessary tools and the source material, you can start constructing crafts from polymer clay. Before we look at several detailed master classes, let's familiarize ourselves with some rules for working with this material:

  • Before starting to model crafts, thoroughly wash your hands and clean the work surface, since clay absorbs dirt very quickly.
  • While working, you need to put a scarf on your head; the clothes should not be fluffy, otherwise small hairs may stick to the clay.
  • Colored clay has a shorter shelf life than white clay, so try to use it right away.
  • If you open the package but haven't used all the clay, wrap the remaining piece in a damp cloth and seal the bag tightly.
  • To soften dried clay, you can use any hand cream.
  • To avoid debris and dirt sticking to pieces of clay, sprinkle the material with talcum powder before modeling the craft.

Craftsman's piggy bank: learning to model crafts from polymer clay

Today we will tell you how to make crafts from polymer clay for beginners. Beginners in this business should choose simple models, for example, flowers, and as you master the art, you can complicate the task and design more complex objects and accessories.

So, let's imagine that we need to design a craft from polymer clay for March 8th. The best gift for a representative of the fair half of humanity will be jewelry.

Necessary materials:

  • polymer clay of two colors;
  • toothpick or skewer;
  • latex gloves;
  • beads;
  • ear wires.

Clay roses: sophisticated sophistication

Perhaps roses are the most popular flowers made from polymer clay. Experienced needlewomen make masterpieces from this material that are visually difficult to distinguish from real flowers. We invite you to study a master class on modeling crafts from polymer clay for beginners.

Necessary materials:

  • modeling board;
  • pink or red polymer clay;
  • latex gloves;
  • stationery knife.

Step-by-step description of the creative process:

We make polymer material ourselves

Today you can find a wide range of polymer clay in specialized stores. Basically, it differs in manufacturer and some characteristics. In order to save money for modeling crafts from polymer clay consumables you can cook it yourself. So, we have already covered a master class on designing crafts, now let's try to make clay at home.


  • 1 tsp sifted flour;
  • baby oil;
  • 1 tsp edible corn starch;
  • white office glue - 1 tsp.


  1. Place glue in a glass bowl. It is best to give preference to a universal glue that is suitable for fixing various materials.
  2. Add sifted flour and table starch.
  3. Please note that all proportions are given in parts and they must be the same.
  4. Mix the above components until the mass becomes viscous.
  5. Add a few drops of unflavored baby oil and stir the mixture.
  6. Add oil in portions; the clay should not be sticky.
  7. To prepare colored polymer material, add the required amount of acrylic paint to the white mass.

Useful tips

Polymer clay - a relatively new and very popular material, which is very malleable and allows you to make unique products. We have already talked about what interesting flowers are made from polymer clay, and today I would like to talk about another very popular product: jewelry.

DIY polymer clay decorations. Sausages made of polymer clay

Sausages made of polymer clay- these are blanks for future jewelry, including beads, from which thin pieces are cut plates-drawings. "Sausages" also called "canes" or "kanes"(English) cane).

We offer you a master class on how to make a very beautiful black and white sausage, which can be used to create stylish and very original jewelry.

What you will need:

- White and black polymer clay

- Knife or metal plate with blade

- Ruler

- Extrusion press

Let's get started:

Take two identical pieces of white and black clay and roll them into two squares 8 by 8 centimeters thickness approximately 0.5 centimeters.

Place one layer on top of the other and then divide them into two equal parts. Do this procedure again. You should end up with something like this striped "sandwich".

Squeeze the resulting rectangle so that you get elongated round sausage.

Then twist the sausage with your palm to get spiral. Simply press the sausage onto the table with your palm and roll it in one direction. Do this very carefully so as not to damage the drawing.

If you cut the resulting product in half, there should be here's a drawing:

Place the sausage inside clay extrusion press and squeeze out a thin long sausage.

In cross section it will look like this:

Thinly slice the sausage drawing up a drawing:

As a result, you can use the drawing for a variety of original decorations:

The simplest sausages made from polymer clay master class (video lesson):

Polymer clay beads

Multi-colored beads, which can be used to make a wide variety of jewelry, can be made from multi-colored polymer clay. If you don’t know the specifics of their manufacture, it seems as if the design was applied to these products using paint, but only multi-colored clay was used.

See for yourself.

What you will need:

- Self-hardening polymer clay of 5 colors (in this case white, gray, green, brown and yellow, but any others are possible)

- Knife or metal ruler with blade

- Rolling pin and board for clay

- Rubber gloves to avoid leaving fingerprints

Let's get started:

In order to get a design in the form of a daisy, first you need to “make it” out of clay different colors. Take white clay and roll it into a sausage about 8 centimeters and diameter 4 centimeters.

Roll out a plate of gray clay about 2 millimeters.

Wrap the gray platinum about halfway around the white cylinder, cut off the excess knife or ruler.

Take green clay, roll it into a plate and also wrap the first piece on top of the gray layer. Trim the resulting sausage, remove excess from the sides.

Using a ruler, make cuts on the white part of the piece as shown in the picture. First in the middle, then two more cuts on the sides, so that between them there is approximately same distance.

Then insert the cut out rectangular pieces of the gray plate into the cuts.

Squeeze the resulting sausage, but not too hard, so that all the parts stick together and between them the air layer has disappeared. With your hands you can form the shape of the future petal. The photo shows a petal in the form truncated triangle. The entire sausage reached a length of approximately 30 centimeters.

The length of the sausage depends on how many petals you wish to receive. For example, for this flower the author of the master class is going to make 9 petals, so the length is 32 centimeters, that is 3.5 centimeters for one petal. Divide the sausage into 9 parts.

Let's start making the center of the chamomile. Take yellow clay and roll it out into a sausage length 5 centimeters and diameter 2 centimeters.

From brown clay, roll out a plate with a width of approximately 6 millimeters and completely wrap it around the yellow sausage.

You should get something like this chamomile:

Fill in the empty spaces between the petals pieces of green clay:

Wrap the chamomile completely in the rolled out green plate.

Squeeze chamomile sausage so as to release all the air between the parts.

Then you can start slicing. If you have some of the chamomile sausage left over, save it for future products. wrapped in film without air access. Cover the clay ball with daisies cut from the sausage, then smooth it out.

You can make several options beads:

Polymer clay decoration master class. Beads (video lesson):

Hairpins made of polymer clay

Very simple hairpins can be made using invisible and polymer clay. Here's one option:

What you will need:

- Polymer clay of the desired color

- Invisibility pin

- Glue

Let's get to work

Roll from a piece of clay small ball, and then crush it into a round disc with your fingers.

Pinch the edges to get petal. Make as many petals as you wish.

Connect all the petals together. If you have fire clay, bake the flower to harden the clay. Then you can stick it on a bobby pin with using a piece of thick fabric.

With this simple technique you can make a variety of bobby pins:

By the way, hairpins can be made using ready-made flowers and base accessories. You can take advantage of the master classes from the article Flowers made of polymer clay.

Here are some examples:

Polymer clay earrings

Very simple earrings can be made from clay, foil and wire. They are ideal for winter outfits.

What you will need:

- Self-hardening polymer clay (white and pearlescent)

- Knife

- Accessories for earrings (wire, rings, hooks)

- Foil

- Molds

- Sequins

- Needle nose pliers

Let's get to work

Roll out the clay to the desired thickness (approx. 3 millimeters). Divide the white piece into three parts. The fourth will be pearlescent color. From them you will cut mugs for details. Place foil on one sheet.

Using round molds with a diameter of approx. 5 millimeters cut circles from each sheet.

Cut the wire into lengths of approximately 7 centimeters. Place each circle on a wire. Do this very carefully so as not to make a hole in the circle in an unnecessary place.

Wrap the shiny circle again foil.

Roll some of the white circles in glitter.

Make as many details as you wish. The author of this master class used 13 parts for each earring. Allow the clay to dry and harden.

Wire tip on each piece bend it into a loop using needle nose pliers.

Shorten some parts wire.

Connect the parts in pairs different colors and different lengths(one part remains without a pair).

Connect the parts of one earring using wire ring.

Attach accessories for earrings.

Original earrings made of polymer clay (video tutorial):

Polymer clay pendant

What you will need:

- Self-hardening polymer clay (black)

- 2 sheets aluminum foil(golden and silver)

- Drop shape

- Cutting blade for working with clay

- Shiloh

- Pasta machine or rolling pin with a board for rolling out a thin layer

Let's get to work

Roll the foil into tight ball. This will be the central element of our pendant. This core will allow the product not to be too heavy. You can make the center out of clay, but if you wear such a pendant for a long time, it will remain on your neck. imprint from the chain.

Roll out using a pasta machine or by hand thin layer of clay and cut out an even circle. Wrap it around a ball of foil. Remove excess clay.

Once the ball is ready, pierce it pin for jewelry through.

Roll out a sheet of black clay to a thickness of approximately 3 millimeters, cover it with a very thin layer gold foil and squeeze out drop parts using a mold.

Then start attaching the drops one by one to round base future big shot. Don't worry if the thin layer of gold cracks, it will give a special stylish look to your product.

Cover with drops all over bump until the very end.

If you are using baked clay, bake the product at recommended temperature. Once it has cooled, attach the chain.

Modeling from polymer clay. Pendant (video lesson):

Polymer clay beads

We invite you to get acquainted with unusual technique creating jewelry using polymer clay, balls and wire using the following example of creating beads. You can make entire sets in the same way: beads, earrings, bracelets, pendants.

What you will need:

- Self-hardening translucent polymer clay (several shades)

- Small rubber balls

- Thin wire

- Scissors

- Accessories for jewelry (pin with loop, chain)

- Pasta machine or rolling pin with a board for rolling out a thin layer

- Pin

Let's get to work

1. Inflate rubber balloons desired size. You can make balls of different sizes, as shown in this master class, or the same ones. The number of balls will determine the size of the product.

2. Twist several segments wire as shown in the photo to make a loop.

3. Place a loop on the ball where it is tied knot.

4. Wrap the ball with wire to make it net.

5. You should end up with a covered ball wire mesh.

6. 7. Remove excess wire ends using scissors.

8. Roll out very thin sheet made of translucent polymer clay.

9. Completely wrap the clay sheet around the ball. wire mesh.

10. 11. Pop the ball inside with a pin and pull it out out through a small hole.

12. Press the clay inward to make a little dented sphere. Do this very carefully so as not to damage the thin layer of clay.

Let the clay harden thoroughly, and then use special paints to apply desired drawing.

Polymer clay video. Beads

Polymer clay bracelet

This original bracelet is made using an old glass dish with floral relief pattern. Perhaps there is something similar in your kitchen.

What you will need:

- Baked polymer clay (desired color)

- Metal forms for bracelet

- Glass saucer with relief

- Nail polish of different colors

- Satin wide ribbon

- Scissors

- Pasta machine or rolling pin with a board for rolling out a thin layer

- Glue

Let's get to work

1. Roll out the clay into a long strip approximately 0.5 centimeters. Use a saucer to draw a design. You can use any molds that you have in stock.

2. Using scissors or a clay blade, cut out an even rectangular strip width, which is slightly larger than the width of the metal bracelet mold.

3. Wrap clay around a metal mold.

4. Fold edges of clay inward. Then bake the product until the clay completely hardens.

5. If desired, you can paint the product nail polish. To hide the metal shape inside, you can glue satin ribbon.

DIY polymer clay. Bracelet (video tutorial)

Polymer clay ring

We offer you a master class on making very simple but original polymer clay rings in the shape of a bow.

What you will need:

- Polymer clay (desired color)

- Blade

- Pasta machine or rolling pin with a board for rolling out a thin layer

- Sequins

Let's get to work

Knead the clay in your hands so that it becomes more pliable, and roll out a plate with a thickness of approximately 0.5 centimeters.

Use a blade or knife to cut details for the bow: two rectangles (one wider, the other narrower). Fold the edges of the longer one inward, and wrap the other rectangle around the first piece.

You should end up with something like this bow:

Make it out of clay ring, then attach a bow to it. In order for the ring to fit you, you need to wrap it first around own finger and fit it to right size. Don't worry if there are fingerprints or imperfections on the ring. By using sequin this problem will be masked.

Cover the ring glitter and let it harden.

Polymer clay for beginners. Ring (video lesson):

Polymer clay rings photo

Polymer clay is one of the most popular materials for creativity. Did you know that you can make it yourself? Today's master class is an excellent option for those who are just trying their hand at making jewelry and other crafts from polymer clay and are afraid to spend a rather impressive amount on this material.

It also makes sense to make polymer clay yourself and for those who actively work with it and create many different things from it. Let's say if you make beads from polymer clay, there is no point in wasting factory clay on making beads - it makes more sense to use homemade raw materials.

As for quality, homemade polymer clay has all the same properties as factory clay. Another thing is that if you use low-quality ingredients for its production, you can get an imperfect consistency. So we do not advise you to take expired or downright bad components - the final result depends on this.

What do we need?

  • PVA glue – 250 g
  • corn (not potato!) starch – 250 g
  • Vaseline – 1 tbsp
  • lemon juice (be careful not to get any pulp, we need pure juice) – 2 tablespoons
  • hand cream (not too greasy and definitely without silicone in the composition) – 1 tbsp.
  • dyes

How to make polymer clay at home?

  1. IN plastic dishes(for heating in the microwave) mix glue, starch and Vaseline. Mix thoroughly until the lumps are completely dissolved.
  2. Add lemon juice and knead the “dough” with your hands.
  3. We put the bowl in the microwave (use maximum power) for exactly 30 seconds, then take it out, mix and put it in the microwave again for another 30 seconds.
  4. Take a flat plate, tray or plastic cutting board(in a word, any flat surface where it will be convenient for you to prepare polymer clay will do, even on a table) and spread hand cream over its surface. Now we take the bowl that we just took out from microwave oven, and remove the top frozen crust - throw it away, because we only need the mass that remains under it. We dump it on our flat surface with cream.
  5. We begin to knead the mass with our hands, as if we were preparing dough for pies. We help ourselves with a spatula if our future polymer clay sticks too much to the surface. After about 5 minutes of vigorous kneading, the mass will become pliable and plastic.
  6. Now we divide it into pieces - it is at this stage that coloring occurs. You can use gouache, food coloring or aniline fabric dyes. The main thing is to add the dye just a little at a time and constantly mix the mixture thoroughly so that the color turns out even. However, it is not at all necessary to paint polymer clay now - you can add color already finished product, when you blind it and bake it - then decide for yourself.
  7. The dough needs to be rolled out into a sausage and placed on some cloth so that it absorbs excess moisture from the finished mass. When the resulting material has cooled completely, wrap it in plastic film. Place all the sausages in Plastic container and keep it on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator.

You need to use homemade clay in the same way as factory clay. Take out the required amount of mass from the film, form the product and bake it (the time depends on the size of the craft), and then coat it with varnish.

, foamiran, genuine leather and even cut out from plastic bottles blanks. These materials can be used to make stunningly beautiful ones. But in Lately needlewomen increasingly began to use in their work such a plastic and interesting material for making flowers, as well as other crafts, such as clay. Ceramic floristry Every year it becomes more and more popular and in demand. Bouquets polymer clay flowers and other crafts from proven craftswomen they go viral among connoisseurs of this hand-made beauty. Plastic molding - one of the most exciting ways to spend time with children. Even a very small child will be happy to help you in your work, rolling out plastic with their palms or squeezing all kinds of sausages out of the extruder polymer clay for folding flowers.

According to experienced craftswomen, it is impossible to make two flowers from clay that would be absolutely similar to each other. Individual plastic flowers and whole bouquets self made will always be original and unique. Therefore, such crafts, created by the hands of craftswomen, are real works of applied art and are very highly valued by people. Clay flowers can effectively decorate a wall clock, vase, panel , furniture and other interior objects. A bouquet with clay roses or gladioli can be chosen as a win-win accent to the interior composition. Clay flower arrangement as decoration gift packaging looks no less impressive than decor in the form of flowers made of foam or kanzashi made of ribbons.

Fired clay is often used to make various women's accessories. - bracelets, beads, decorations for hairpins or headbands for hair , brooches, handbags. And self-hardening clay is perfect as a convenient material for sculpting flowers with petals of a given shape.

Today, handicraft masters are increasingly using to create handicrafts with their own hands. polymer clay, which is more flexible and easier to work with than natural clay. Made from polymer clay exquisite jewelry and beautiful boxes , decorated with flowers. And wedding bouquets in the shape of a ball made from clay flowers look simply amazing in the hands of the bride. Currently, the services of masters in ceramic floristry are becoming very popular for wedding events . Floral arrangements and wedding bouquets made of polymer clay are durable and perfectly preserved in their original form. long years.

Absolutely anyone can learn how to create flowers from polymer clay with their own hands! You can quickly and easily make the simplest clay flower the first time after watching a master class with photos of the modeling stages. Below you will find step-by-step master classes and video lessons for beginners.

But first, let's find out what tools you will need to sculpt and fold crafts in the form of flowers from polymer clay:

working surface.
It is convenient to work with clay on a high-quality plastic modeling board, on tiles, on plexiglass;

stationery or construction knife with replaceable blades.
With a knife you can cut out individual elements from plastic and divide it into parts;

acrylic rolling pin.
This transparent rolling pin is very convenient for rolling out polymer clay;

extruder in the form of a syringe with nozzles.
It is very convenient to squeeze out curly sausages of different thicknesses and shapes. It is very convenient to form compositions and individual flower elements from such sausages;

These are molds of different sizes. With their help, you can quickly cut out various flat shapes from clay rolled out with a rolling pin;

texture sheets and stamps.
For forming patterns and texture on the surface of artificial petals and leaves made of polymer clay. If, in addition to this, you give a realistic shape to the details of the craft, then the flower assembled from them will look like a real one;

With their help it is convenient to make some drawings on clay blanks. Stacks are also indispensable when sculpting small parts of crafts.

How to make polymer clay with your own hands at home:

It is not necessary to buy this popular material for making flowers in the store. Let's find out how you can easily and simply make polymer clay with your own hands at home.


baby oil;
1 hour flour;
1 hour universal white glue;
1 hour corn starch.


IN glass jar mix cornstarch, white glue and flour. Stir with a spoon until the consistency acquires the properties of clay;

Then you need to add 5-6 drops of baby oil so that the artificial clay is not very sticky;

All that remains is to give the homemade clay the desired color. To do this, add to a piece of clay acrylic paint and press in your palm so that the paint is evenly distributed;

Make pieces of clay of different colors to make a flower or any other craft.



Master class No. 1:


Master class No. 2:


Master class No. 3:


Master class No. 4:


Master class No. 5:


Master class No. 6:


Master class No. 7:


Master class No. 8: