Iris folding diagram templates. Iris folding is a fashionable needlework technique with unusual effects. Iris folding: step-by-step master class

The iris folding technique is the creation of a pattern using multi-colored strips of paper arranged in a spiral. The arrangement may be chaotic or have a certain sequence. It is also necessary to use diagrams and templates, we will talk about them below.

Preparing a template for iris folding

1) To make a template diagram, you need to select a geometric figure suitable for the intended design, in the form of a square, triangle, rectangle or polyhedron. For this drawing you need to take a square, the side of which is 14 cm. For convenience, use a checkered piece of paper. On each side of the square, set aside a step of 15 mm.

2) Connect the resulting points with straight lines.

3) The large square produces another slightly smaller square. Also put 15 mm on each side and connect the dots. In the new resulting square, set aside the step width again and so on until you get a very small square inside. Thus, a template diagram is prepared.

For iris folding, special paper is used, but if this is not available, regular colored paper, packaging paper, or old pages may be suitable. glossy magazine. Pictures made from corrugated or velvet paper will be more attractive. Depending on your imagination, you can use other materials, such as fabric.

The technique may seem complicated at first glance, but in reality it is not. You can understand how the process happens by watching a master class on Iris folding for children.

Iris folding: step-by-step master class

A spiral pattern will be created by folding paper strips in half so that they cover the shaped slot. The strips must have a certain width and be applied clockwise at a certain angle. Sometimes it is enough to use one or two colors of paper, but to get a more beautiful original design, it is better to use 5 or 6 colors. In this case, an example is a monochromatic duck model.

To complete the work you will need:

1) Drawing diagram. You can print the finished template from the Internet or draw it yourself. The numbers on the strips indicate the order in which they should be laid out.

2) Paper strips that will need to be folded in half. For a more even bend, you can first use a nail file in its place. To understand how wide to cut a strip, you need to measure it on the diagram and add 3 - 4 mm.

Then cut out all the strips at once or as you fold them.

3) Copy paper for transferring the drawing onto a sheet of cardboard. And scissors to make a shaped cut. Place the diagram on the wrong side of the cardboard.

4) Paper clips to secure the diagram to the base. Having cut out the design along the contour, you need to fold the front side of the base from the front side of the diagram.

5) Scotch tape to secure the strips to the base. When using a glue stick instead of tape, make sure that it is applied only to the outline, as the picture may stick to the diagram. Strips with numbers corresponding to the numbers on the diagram are applied and fixed with tape or glue. It is important that the fold line of the strips coincides with the lines on the diagram.

1) Fill the figured slot completely with strips. As a result, cover the remaining figure in the center of the pattern with a rectangle of paper of a different color.

2) Turn the work over and remove the diagram.

3) Finally, decorate the resulting picture with applique and decorative details.

This lesson presents the Iris folding technique for beginners; it will help develop aesthetic taste, cultivate accuracy and patience, and teach you to work according to a given plan.

Video on the topic of the article:


Iris folding is a relatively young technique that came to us from Holland. Translated, the name means rainbow folding. The technique is very exciting and simple - strips of paper are laid out at a certain angle using a template. Most often, iris folding is used to create postcards, design albums, and covers. Once you have mastered the basics of technology, you will be able to realize many ideas and ideas.


  • Cardboard
  • Colored paper
  • Ruler
  • Scissors
  • Sample
  • Transparent tape or glue stick

Heart using iris folding technique:

First, I want to draw your attention to the fact that we will need a template to work. In this case, here it is:

In general, it should be noted that there are a lot of different ready-made templates for this technique, which only remains to be printed. And it’s not difficult to make a template for iris folding yourself, but more on that in the next article.

So, print out the template, cut out the heart, attach it to the future card and cut out the heart in cardboard according to the template.

We place the cardboard on our template, wrong side out. It is best to fix both the template and the cardboard to make it more convenient to work.

Cut colored paper into strips. The width of the stripes should be 2.5 times the width of the template fragments. As a rule, the width of 1 fragment is 1 - 1.5 cm, but it is worth considering that when printing the template, the dimensions may change.

We measured the width of the fragment, I got 1.5 cm, so my stripes are 4 cm wide.

According to the template, we need 3 colors of paper. But if you wish, you can make the heart in one color. Fold the cut strips in half (lengthwise).

Let's start laying out the pattern:

Take the strip and apply it to the template so that the fold line is located along the first line of the template (1a). The strip may be long; the excess can be cut off.

Glue the strip with glue or secure with tape.

We continue to work according to the same principle, gluing the strips clockwise, strictly following the lines of the template and controlling the color.

We continue this way until we reach the middle; it can be sealed with any color.

This is what the finished work looks like from the reverse side (this part can be glued later)

And here is the front side of the postcard:

Further design, wishes, etc. are at your discretion.

As you can see, the iris folding technique is not complicated and is now often taught in schools. For young children, simpler templates are simply selected. And more experienced craftswomen experiment with the material, using candy wrappers, scrapbooking paper, satin ribbon or fabric instead of colored paper.

Title of work: “Bird in flowers”

This master class was planned for teachers of summer health camps.

Target: acquaintance with new artistic techniques, and testing of the Iris folding technique among pupils of summer health camps and participation in the municipal competition-exhibition “Summer Creativity”.

The main idea of ​​the proposed experience is not to popularize the proposed non-traditional artistic technique, but to attract the attention of teachers and children to the search path, which may lead to the use of innovative techniques.

Iris folding- an amazing artistic technique that allows you to create unusually bright and cheerful compositions with the effect of a three-dimensional image using paper and glue, used in the production of postcards, decorative panels, including large-format ones, in combination with other artistic techniques (appliqué, quilling, origami, artistic paper cutting).

The procedure for performing work using the Iris folding technique:

1 Necessary materials: colored paper, scissors, ruler, pencil, tape, diagram (Appendix 1), bird templates (Appendix 2), flowers, butterflies, leaves (photo 1)

2. Line colored paper into strips 4 cm wide

3. Fold each strip lengthwise so that the front (colored) side is on the outside. Sort stripes by color

4. Place the bird template face up on the back of the cardboard, trace and cut out

5. Place the cardboard back side up, place the diagram, face up, in the cut out place on the cardboard and secure with paper clips

6. Glue subsequent strips according to the sample diagram, strictly adhering to the sequence indicated on it, pre-written on the board (sample color sequence: yellow:1,2,3,4,5,20; pink color: 6,7,8,9,16,17,18,19; light green color: 10,11,12,13,14,15; green: 21). Be careful that the adhesive tape should only touch the cardboard or other strips.

7. After all the strips have been glued, cover the window remaining in the middle with holographic paper

8. Remove the diagram. Turn the work face up. If necessary, modify the composition with applique

9. The work is ready

Iris folding or "rainbow fold"– an unusual appliqué technique. The image is obtained by placing strips of colored paper on top of each other - at an angle in the form of a twisting spiral according to a template or diagram. It’s not at all difficult to master – use the examples from this section, they are suitable for beginners. Master classes from experienced craftsmen will help you make a fairy tale with your own hands. Original crafts using this technique will make a good gift.

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All sections | Iris folding. Master classes, diagrams and templates for children

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Iris folding. Master classes, diagrams and templates for children - Master class “Iris folding”

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Do you want to learn how to do it for real? original postcards, the creation of which does not require special knowledge in one form or another of creativity? In this case, the iris folding technique was invented especially for you!

What is iris folding?

The unusual technique was first noticed in the Netherlands, where craftsmen liked to create works from paper.

Literally, the name of the work is translated as “iris folding” - and indeed, works made in this way resemble the iris of the eye, especially if paper of the same color is used for the execution. Some craftswomen also notice that finished cards give the impression of weaving from paper strips.

In fact, everything is much simpler: the master prepares a diagram in advance, onto which paper ribbons are glued in the right order, creating the impression of a twisting spiral. A single-color sheet is glued on top, in which a window of a certain shape is cut out. Through this hole you can see the work you have done using the Iris folding technique.

Iris folding is often used as an auxiliary technique to create three-dimensional cards in the style of scrapbooking, decoupage, origami and even quilling.

This type of creativity is so simple that you can do it even with children! Rest assured: kids preschool age will be seriously interested in how to make original cards and colorful pictures with your own hands.

Most often, iris folding is used to decorate the following things: postcards, photo albums, paintings, panels, women's bags, pillowcases, furniture.

The list can be expanded endlessly - just show your imagination and use this style to decorate almost any flat surface.

Materials and tools

Traditionally, for the Iris folding technique, different types of paper are used: regular office paper, colored paper, thick paper, crepe paper, papyrus paper, and watercolor paper. Don’t forget also about regular and corrugated cardboard in different colors and densities.

IN Lately craftsmen began to use other materials both for the strips with which the pattern is laid out and for the base covering them on top.

For example, now a design can be made from fabric, lace, cardboard, plastic strips, and foil. Some even use dry leaves, trying to diversify appearance products.

The two main components of working in the iris folding technique are a diagram and a template. The diagram allows you to correctly arrange multi-colored lines in a spiral-shaped intertwining pattern. A template is needed to cut out a beautifully shaped window through which the work will be viewed.

Both of these things can be purchased in special art stores, found on the Internet and printed or drawn yourself - in this case, your work will receive a touch of originality and uniqueness.

In addition, choose an adhesive that is suitable for the selected materials: for example, regular PVA can glue paper, while silicate glue can help with fabric.

Scissors are also needed for cutting strips and cutting out window shapes from paper. Use any convenient model of scissors.

Some craftsmen also use curly scissors to make a carved patterned edge on the stripes.

How to draw a diagram?

It is better for beginning craftsmen to use drawings for iris folding, which are offered in various master classes, but there is nothing difficult in creating a diagram yourself. All you need: a couple sheets of paper required format, a ruler, a simple pencil and an eraser, just in case.

  • Select a template for the future drawing, draw or print it on 2 sheets of paper: you will need the first one as the basis for the diagram. From the second, the picture will need to be cut along the contour to cover the iris folding. In this master class, the drawing of a bunny from the cartoon “Smeshariki” is taken as a basis.

  • Draw the ears and paws with identical parallel lines in an order convenient for you - since these parts of the picture are very small in size, you simply won’t be able to lay out a spiral in them.
  • Frame the body with an equilateral figure, for example, a square, as in the figure.

  • On each side of the square from the left edge, put pieces of the same length - they are called a step. As a rule, 1 step is approximately 1-1.5 centimeters, but you can change the size at your discretion.
  • Connect the points of the segments with straight lines - you should get another square inscribed into the first one at an angle. Immediately number the resulting figures in the direction of “twisting” the future spiral - this will simplify the work.

  • Repeat the previous 2 steps until you have a diagram with a sufficient number of figures to fill.

You can choose any desired shape instead of a square: triangle, rhombus, polygons - they do not have to be equilateral. Over time, you will get the hang of quickly drawing beautiful, intricate iris folding patterns before making a card.

Master class: postcard using iris folding technique

If you have already prepared everything necessary materials and tools for the iris folding technique, try making a simple one yourself beautiful postcard in the shape of a heart.

To complete the work, you will need 2 sheets of cardboard of the same color, red colored paper in two shades, scissors, glue and a ruler.

  • Cut 2 large squares from cardboard sheets. On the back of one of them, draw the diagram shown in the photo - you can also print it on a printer, simplifying your task.

  • From another square, cut out a large heart without cutting the outlines.

  • Prepare the required number of colored paper strips so that one half of them is one shade, and the other half is another.

An important point: the strips should be slightly wider than the sectors on which you will apply them. For example, for a sector 1 centimeter wide, you need a tape 1.5 centimeters thick. This is necessary so that when laying out the strips slightly overlap each other at the back - this way you will not have any random gaps in the picture.

  • Attach the template and diagram with their right sides facing each other using paper clips. Guided by the drawing, begin to gradually lay out the colored stripes in the desired order, gluing them to the frame with glue.
  • You need to lay the strips as follows: cover the top and bottom sides of the pattern with one shade of red, and the sides with another. Other options: use different tones alternately on the same side or lay out ribbons in a checkerboard pattern.

  • When finished, trim off any edges that extend beyond the frame. The back of the work can be covered with a sheet of cardboard with a diagram, gluing it to the work with the drawing inward.

Your card using the Iris folding technique is ready! You don’t even have to sign it - such an original image of a heart on the cover will say everything for you. If the frame seems too simple to you, decorate it with additional elements using the quilling technique.

You can study the principle of operation in detail by watching the following video, which will tell you how to make a cute picture in the form of a turtle: