Business plan for publishing a glossy magazine. Creating a magazine editorial office - business plan Detailed business plan for a magazine example

* The calculations use average data for Russia


This project provides for the appearance and operation of the Business Ecology magazine in St. Petersburg during the first year. The goals of creating a journal are:

    promoting the development of socially responsible business in the city and region;

    consulting economic and legal assistance business in the field of environmental friendliness of projects;

    involving business representatives in active discussion of environmental issues and “environmentally responsible business”;

    providing the reader with an impartial assessment of the main trends in the development of environmentally oriented sectors of the economy;

    explaining the economic attractiveness of environmentally friendly solutions and approaches.

It is difficult to overestimate the relevance of environmental issues for society. The environmental problem is equally relevant for all countries, regardless of their degree of development and wealth. Environmental programs began to play an independent role in the activities of multilateral financial organizations. The magazine will be financed from the budget of one of the environmental organizations in Finland. Abroad they are well aware of the relevance of this issue not only for a single country, but also for the whole world, so the editorial office already has start-up capital. Since there are no similar projects in Russia, our publication is distinguished by the high quality of printing, materials and illustrations, and a magazine of this type is in demand by modern managers, the investment attractiveness of the project is obvious. The environmental friendliness of the business forms the basis of its modern image and commercial success, so he is also quite willing to join in the implementation of these projects. Currently, the position of socially responsible business is becoming more and more popular: by participating in improving the country’s environment, entrepreneurs can do much more for the healthy future of the country and its inhabitants. Among the authors of the magazine are the most famous Russian scientists, leading specialists and analysts in the field of economics and finance, law, natural sciences, and business executives. The audience is managers who strive for leadership and win, are ready to improve and replenish their own knowledge, who understand that today it is possible to conquer the market only by focusing on quality, that environmental friendliness of production is one of the main factors sustainable development business. PR specialists of enterprises who are interested in talking about the environmental responsibility of the enterprise. Also, the truth about the environmental cost of many enterprises creates a negative public opinion about this enterprise and its leaders, and often forces people to take specific measures. The magazine helps specialists engage in dialogue with the public and try to jointly develop a set of measures to improve the situation. The mission is to create a new business environment in Russia, fundamental to which are Social responsibility business, environmentally friendly production and solutions. There has never been such a publication in the city, or perhaps in the country. Unlike existing newspapers and magazines, “Ecology of Business” will not only cover problems of environmental friendliness of business, but also widely involve entrepreneurs themselves in speaking on its pages. For this purpose, it is expected to conclude contracts with several managers of small enterprises and entrepreneurs without forming a legal entity for the provision of information services editors. The attractiveness of the new publication will also be achieved by the distribution system, which provides for targeted delivery of the magazine during the first six months of the editorial office. Currently, the Founders of Business Ecology have a database of 25 thousand potential readers (managers of enterprises, ecologists, PR specialists of large factories). The composition of persons in the database is constantly monitored and supplemented. Thus, the initial circulation (without retail sales) will be about 20,000 copies. In this regard, to ensure the sustainable operation of the editorial office, initial 100% budget funding in the amount of two million rubles is expected. Bringing “Business Ecology” to the level of 75% budget financing It is planned to be fully implemented by the end of 2005.


Format: A4.
Circulation: 20,000 copies.
Paper: glossy.
Printing: full color
Volume: 35 pages + cover
Packing: cellophane or cardboard box.
Frequency: monthly.
Distribution: targeted distribution, distribution at exhibitions at special exhibition stands, later - retail sales. The attractiveness of the publication will be facilitated by the fact that, along with environmental information, the reader will find practical economic advice. Main headings:
"Clean" business"
Axioms of environmental management
World experience
Expert's view
Environmental investigation Legal field and others. It is planned to regularly conduct environmental ratings of enterprises. The level of environmental safety of enterprises’ activities will have to be assessed according to the following criteria:
- The level of environmental friendliness of activities (the impact of various company actions on the environment, the use of environmentally friendly safe materials and procedures within your business);
- Level of environmental management (the attitude of the company’s management to environmental safety issues and its willingness to comply with environmental safety rules and monitor the environment);
- The company’s openness to environmental issues and readiness for dialogue with organizations dealing with environmental safety issues (including non-governmental and government organizations). The bioeconomic direction of the magazine covers and analyzes environmental problems through the prism of interaction and mutually beneficial cooperation between ecology and economics. This includes publications promoting positive experiences in rational use environment, advocating for environmental justification economic projects, any economic activity. It is worth mentioning other forms of work such as: environmental analysis, environmental monitoring (systematic observation of natural objects), compiling dossiers on environmental issues. The publication will contain high-quality illustrations provided by a foreign environmental organization; we involve professional environmental journalists who have specially trained abroad in the project. The quality of printing and paper is the highest.

Market analysis

Monitoring of 423 printed publications and Internet sites in St. Petersburg showed that the city’s funds market mass media consists of industry publications, information and journalistic, advertising and entertainment. If we talk about industry magazines, the leaders here are publications devoted to medical problems (business plan medical center), construction and equipment markets. Media dedicated to environmental protection units. Environmental journalism appears in Russia with a very serious delay. Environmental publications are now appearing (and disappearing) at an unfathomable rate. Various newspapers, magazines, news agencies appear - all-Russian and regional, television and radio programs entirely devoted to environmental topics. They are often divided, as are the journalists writing on this topic. Many media outlets cannot withstand the competition, the heavy economic burden, do not find their readers and the necessary sponsors - having flashed on the horizon of environmental journalism, they soon go out, giving way to other daredevils, noble fighters for the environmental health of the planet. Environmental publications rarely appear in Soyuzpechat kiosks, and private press distributors do not stock them at all. This is explained by the small circulation of publications and the disinterest of traders in such “non-commercial” products. That is why such publications are so short-lived. One of the reasons is not enough good quality"green" publications are that they are sorely lacking professional journalists, advertisers, photographers, and designers. Due to the lack of professionally trained personnel, one has to engage in amateur activities: there are often cases when an environmental activist himself is at the same time the editor-in-chief of a newspaper, and a reporter, and an artist, and a layout designer. "Green" publications rarely manage to attract good professional journalists - work in this kind of media is for some reason considered unprestigious among many journalists. If we talk about style, then, probably, there is a lack of lively conversational language, ease of addressing the audience, and this is one of the reasons why many articles in the “green” press simply do not have the strength to read to the end.

Due to the complex presentation of information, often inaccessible to the understanding of the average person, “green” publications have developed their own, very limited audience, consisting mainly of environmental officials, scientists, teachers and the participants in the public environmental movement themselves.

Articles about environmental friendliness of business have begun to appear in the city's business media, but they are published irregularly.

The only environmental publication in St. Petersburg is “Ecology and Law,” a publication of the St. Petersburg Environmental Human Rights Center “Bellona”. It covers environmental issues, environmental legislation, news, but there is no information intended specifically for entrepreneurs. Of course, those managers who have already understood the importance of environmental responsibility can find in the magazine important information, but little is written specifically for them. Businesses today need to be educated and taught to be environmentally friendly.

Thus, our magazine has no competitors in the chosen market.

The market segment that is expected to occupy is more than 20 thousand potential buyers. (for the composition of the magazine's buyers, see the Summary) As shown marketing research, 80% of them are not satisfied with the state of the media market in terms of their interests. We do not exclude that our audience will be much wider due to coverage of neighboring regions.

There are objective problems in describing the number and structure of “Directors”, because the group is relatively small. In addition, keen interest in this problem has given rise to certain “opinions” and “judgments” that are not supported by facts. The concepts of “manager” and “wealthy/rich person” are often identified. There is an opinion about the homogeneity of information preferences and behavioral styles of Managers.

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Let's try to present the opinion of GORTIS specialists on this issue. The point of view is based on a comprehensive analysis of secondary information and the results of research conducted by specialists from MIC "GORTIS" in St. Petersburg since 1991.

About 80% of “directors” are men. Between 25 and 44 years old - 65%, over 45 years old - 20%, and under 25 years old - 15%. Have higher education- 80-85%% Managers.

The average level of well-being of the families of Executives is 4.5 times higher than the average for St. Petersburg. Each member of the Leader's family receives an average of about 8,000 rubles (a little less than $300). At the same time, almost half of the Managers have an income per family member per month of less than 5,000 rubles. No more than 25% of managers (7-8 thousand people) live in families with a wealth level of more than 1000 USD per month per family member. It should be noted that 20% of managers use public transport! Obviously, the myth about the identity of the concepts “manager” and “wealthy/rich person” is not confirmed.

Marketing strategy

Preparation period
Issue 2 signal numbers with an offer for advertisers. Distributed free of charge through the database. First signal number. 10,000 USD (edition + layout + circulation)

Carry out legal registration (founder, publisher, Chief Editor, distributor), create a primary database, issue the first signal (presentation) issue.

Printing of the pilot number: format 215x275 mm. volume 86 pages + cover. colorfulness: block and cover - 4+4. paper - block 115 g/m2 matte chalk, cover 200 g/m2 matte chalk. fastening - KBS. Cover finish: single-sided matte laminate. circulation - 1000 copies.

Cost of one copy. 2.20 USD (with a circulation of 50,000, the cost of one copy = 1.00 USD) Printing cost: 62,400 rubles.

Prepare a second signal (pilot) issue for release, taking into account the wishes of potential advertisers and readers. At the same time, it is necessary to recruit editorial staff, managers, advertising agents and find an editorial office.

Editorial estimate for the first month (one issue)
The salary of editorial staff is 40,000 rubles. Four people (chief editor, staff photographer, 2 staff correspondents) 10,000 rubles each.
Typesetting and layout – 30,000 rubles
Professional layout of 80 pages (40% advertising units) at the rate of 300 rubles per page - 24,000 rubles.
Typing and correcting text – 6,000 rubles.
Office rental. – 50,000 rubles Outskirts of St. Petersburg, not far from the metro station, approximate area 50 sq.m., MGTS telephone + internet, furniture. The approximate rental cost per month is 50,000 rubles.
Additional expenses – 34,000 rubles
the cost of developing and printing photographs is 15,000 rubles.
mobile connection– 5,000 rubles.
Internet – 3,000 rubles.
transportation costs (gasoline) – 6,000 rubles.
Consumables for work and office equipment (paper, printer cartridges, pens, folders, paper clips, etc.) – 5,000 rubles.

Total: editorial expenses per month amount to 154,000 rubles.

Ready ideas for your business

Office equipment (one-time investment) - 90,000 rubles, two computers - 60,000 rubles. black and white laser printer A 4 – 6,000 rubles. inkjet color photo printer A 4 – 9,000 rubles. scanner A 4 – 5,000 rubles. telephone-fax – 6,000 rubles. selection of CDs for work 50 pcs. (design, encyclopedias, etc.) – 4,000 rubles.

TOTAL for the editorial office: 306,400 rubles

Presentation. 5,000 USD

Second signal number. 10,000 USD (editorial + layout + circulation) Release the second signal (pilot) issue. Circulation – 1000 copies.

Advertising agents

Agent's salary: 500 USD per month + 10% of each transaction. 10 agents required. We conclude deals with advertisers for the quarter (September, October, November). From June to October 2005, the circulation will be distributed directly. In the future, distribution will be carried out both targeted and retail sales.

When forming the subscription price, we take into account that delivery of one copy through post offices in the first half of 2005 costs 3 rubles. 48 kopecks, in the second half of the year the cost of services is expected to increase to 3 rubles. 90 kopecks and its preservation throughout 2006. The editors intend to set a catalog price for subscription at the rate of 3 rubles. 54 kopecks per copy in 2005 and 3 rubles. 90 kopecks in 2006. Under such conditions, the subscription price for half a year in 2006 will be: catalog price - 38 rubles. 40 kopecks delivery cost - 3 rubles. 90 kopecks subscription price - 79 rub.

In retail sales, one copy will cost 83 rubles in 2006. In this case, the cost of Rospechat’s services will be one ruble.

It is assumed that the magazine itself will play the role of the main advertising agent. The advertising campaign in other media will begin in October 2005 simultaneously with the release of the first issue. A total of 100,000 rubles will be spent on advertising in October 2005.

The distribution method is direct delivery from the manufacturer to the reader. Later - through the roprint network.

Ready ideas for your business

Stimulation methods - image advertising before the magazine enters the market. It is necessary to explain to the target audience what social responsibility is, environmental friendliness of business, and that green business is the future. A series of short videos are planned on federal channels, as well as advertising in business publications of the city, direct mailing and participation in environmental exhibitions. The image of a quality publication will be maintained highest quality information, illustrations, printing and paper. Our publication is high quality in all respects.

To select advertising media, we will use research data from MIC "GORTIS". According to specialists from MIC "GORTIS", the media preferences of managers are very heterogeneous. On television, “directors” prefer to watch NTV and, to a lesser extent, ORT. News is usually watched starting at 21:00.

They read newspapers. The most read general information publications by senior managers are AiF, St. Petersburg Vedomosti, MK in St. Petersburg, Business Petersburg, Kommersant, Advertising Chance and Izvestia. It should be noted that none of these publications is read by more than 25% of the group. The bulk of the listed publications are read by 10-20%% of “directors”.

It should be noted that managers do not ignore free publications. They don't pass! Both “Center Plus” and “Extra Balt” can be quite successfully used to “transport” special information to individual managers.

Among the magazines, they definitely read “Expert”, “Money”, “Power”, “Itogi” and “Behind the wheel”. The most popular radio station managers are: “Europe Plus”, “Melody”, “Petrograd - Russian Chanson”, “Radio Baltika”.

Production plan

Typesetting and layout will be carried out on our own equipment, printing will be done in the state printing house. Printing paper will be provided by the same printing house at stable prices.

As calculations show, by the end of 2005 the editorial office will reach the following indicators: expenses - 2,129.828 thousand rubles; income - 504.0 thousand rubles; Thus, by the end of the project, the editors will increase financial stability and will ensure increased profitability of further production.

COSTS: 1. Equipment of workplaces; 2. Rental, operation and maintenance of the building; 3. Printing services; 4. Paper; 5. Delivery; 6. Remuneration; 7. Rent road transport; 8. Household needs; 9. Communication, subscription; 10. Advertising; 11. Total expenses; INCOME: 12. From advertising.

Organizational plan

The editor-in-chief of the journal is: ________________. He is a professional journalist with more than 6 years of experience; for the last 2 years he has worked as editor-in-chief of the newspaper Ecology and Law.

Invited to the positions of correspondents: ______________

Based on the results of the competition, the following were selected for the position of observers:___ __________________________________________

Ready ideas for your business

The following divisions are created within the editorial office: - management; - editorial and publishing center; - advertising agency; - secretariat; - creative Group.

The staffing table is given in the appendix. The salaries indicated in the table are set for 2005. For subsequent years, indexation corresponding to the level of inflation is provided. In addition to full-time employees, the editorial office intends to attract journalists and other specialists under contractual agreements. Twenty thousand rubles are allocated monthly for this.

Long-term development, risks, exit strategies
It is planned that “Ecology of Business” will become an information sponsor of many specialized exhibitions of products and services of environmentally oriented industries, taking place in St. Petersburg, the regions and abroad.

The magazine will develop not only by increasing circulation and volume, but also through applications. It is planned to release at least 2 applications. One of them is an independent rating of environmentally responsible enterprises. When implementing the project, the following are possible: crisis situations, in which the authors of the project intend to act accordingly. Possible crisis situations Ways to minimize losses Failure of the printing house

Dismissal of employees whose positions are provided in the singular The number of subscribers will not reach the number for which forecast calculations were made Financial indicators by the end of 2005 will be lower than calculated. A transition to another printing house is envisaged. This will require additional costs for transport, which will be compensated by reducing costs for other business needs and communications.

The editor-in-chief has a database that allows short time select a person for the vacant position. In the event of a request for payment in excess of the payment established by the staffing table, compensation will be made from advertising expenses

For the entire period of the project, workers will be hired under a contract, which will be renewed if the situation is favorable. The duration of the first contract is one year. The reduction in the number of employees will be carried out according to the forecast of the financial situation that has developed based on the actual number of sales.

The memorandum of association stipulates that the founders will make an additional contribution, allowing them to fully repay the lender in accordance with the loan repayment schedule.

The financial analysis

The financial prerequisite for success in implementing the project is the creation of start-up capital in the amount of two million rubles and production activity editors.

It is expected that from the sale of the circulation the editorial office will receive (Appendix 11): § in 2006 – 840.80 thousand rubles.

Total receipts from sales of circulation and advertising - 16,748.88 thousand rubles.

For the period from 2005 to 2006 the following expenses are assumed:
for equipment of workplaces – 469.1 thousand rubles;
for rent, maintenance and operation of the building - 910.8 thousand rubles);
for printing services – 2320.00 thousand rubles;
on paper – 2757.06 thousand rubles;
to pay for postal services for delivery of the magazine - 735.84 thousand rubles);
for wages – 2933.84 thousand rubles;
to pay for transport services – 273.60 thousand rubles;
for household needs, business trips – 172.8 thousand rubles;
for communication, subscription – 108.00 thousand rubles;
on advertising campaigns– 408.00 thousand rubles;
for loan servicing – 900.00 thousand rubles.
Total expenses will amount to 11989.04 thousand rubles.


Annex 1.
Calculation of costs for printing the edition "Ecology of Business" (for 1 month) 1. Production printed form 7,200 rub. x 2 rooms - 14,400 rub. 2. Printing 1,350 rub. x 2 numbers = 2,700 rub. 3. Paper 490 kg. x 14 rub. = 6,860 rub. TOTAL - 23,960 rub. \ month. Note: the calculation was made based on the cost of printing based on 16 pages of A3 format with a monthly circulation of 20,000 copies; The magazine is published once a month. Application. Advertising expenses "Business Ecology" 1. Creeping line 6000 RUR x 2 advertisements. campaigns x 2 TV channels = 24,000 rub. 2. Services of third-party advertising companies RUB 8,000. x 2 adverts campaign = 16,000 rub.

TOTAL - 40,000 rub.

Appendix 2.
Business Ecology expenses in 2005
Consolidated estimate for the implementation of work to finance the journal "Business Ecology" for 2005: No. Cost items Total price 1. Payroll 666000.0 Payment according to staffing (34800x12) 417600.0 Bonuses (34800x3) 104400.0 Fees (12000x12) 144000 .0 2. United social tax Payroll (35.8%) 238428.0 3. Material costs 837.4 including 1) payment for printing the circulation (23.400x12) 280800.0 2) payment for business trips (5.000x12) 60000.0 3) payment for stationery (1.500x12 ) 18000.0 4) software update and technical equipment 30,000.0 5) advertising costs (20,000x2) 100,000.0 6) subscription campaign costs (20,000x3) 60,000.0 7) Internet services (2,000x12) 24,000.0 8) cellular, paging and other communication services 35000.0 9) transport services 250000.0 10) operating expenses (3300x12) 39600.0 4. Overhead expenses 388000.0 1) Rent and payment utilities(24.000 x12) 288000.0 2) Tax deductions 100000.0 Total: 2189828.00
The Contractor has the right to redistribute up to 20% of funds from each cost item within the agreed price.

Appendix 3.
Staffing list of "Business Ecology" for 2005 (increase wages employees by 30%): Position Number of units Salary Amount 1. Editor 1 10,000 rub. 10,000 rub. 2. Executive secretary 1 7500 rub. 7500 rub. 3. Commercial director 1 8200 rub. 8200 rub. 4. Correspondent 3 4900 rub. 4900 rub. 5. Photojournalist 1 4900 rub. 4900 rub. 6. Layout operator 1 5000 rub. 5000 rub. 7. Driver 1 5500 rub. 5500 rub. Total for 1 month 9,46,800 rub.

A person should always receive information about the world around him. Internet, television, radio, newspapers and magazines. The business idea of ​​opening a magazine is good; it can bring you good income in the future. Develop your magazine business plan.

When drafting this document, you need to take into account many variables that affect your business. The magazine's business plan will play the role of a step-by-step guide, a guide.

The magazine's business plan plays a vital role in attracting capital. Whether it is investors or a bank loan, you need a business plan for the operation of the enterprise. Only after viewing it can you receive financial assistance from outside. I offer you a magazine business plan template.

General section

This part of the magazine business plan will describe your business in general. What do you plan to do, a brief mechanism for implementing the plan. The main sources of income and expenses are described. Write this section last, when the main figures of the financial section are ready.

Descriptions of the enterprise

This is a business plan for a magazine that will deal with advertising. The specific topic of the journal will not be specified. You need to determine the topic you want to work with. Pay attention to the size of the target audience, the ease of processing information, and the number of its flows.

I propose to open a magazine with 60 - 100 A4 printed pages. This is a magazine of 30–50 sheets, of which 50% is advertising, and the rest is content on the chosen topic. When registering, it is better to choose the type of advertising magazine, then you can place more advertisements. If you choose another form, then by law advertising can only occupy 40% of the total information.

Market analysis

The purpose of this part of the magazine business plan is to determine target audience and the number of competitors on this topic. You also need to, if possible, calculate the circulation of your competitors and places of sale.

Sales section

At this point in developing a business plan, you already know its topic. Engage in sales planning and advertising. The first two editions (pilot) will be free, this is done in order to attract the attention of readers and get a first positive impression. New product They will buy with caution, because there are many alternatives. Moreover, alternatives have been on the market for a long time and they are known by sight. You need to show your presence in the market in a similar way.

Production plan

Now let's move on to the most difficult section. You need to plan how many workers you will need and what equipment to purchase for them.

Finding premises will be a top priority. You need to find an office that will have several large rooms where employees can accommodate. You need to have several separate rooms for different sections of the magazine. Due to the nature of each section's operation, an appropriate environment is required. You will need a room of up to 100 square meters.

Recruitment will play the most important role. It doesn’t matter what quality the paper is if it has boring writing on it and is not useful to anyone. interesting text. You will need a chief editor who will be responsible for the information component. Two full-time correspondents, as well as an unlimited number of freelancers. A literary editor who will be responsible for all text submitted for printing. The proofreader may be a staff member or come only to check the final material. Two designers who will design all articles in the issue. Driver for transportation necessary documents and other things. The head of the sales department, who will manage all ongoing contracts, are often experienced people who already have their own circle of acquaintances and it will not be very difficult for them to promote the magazine in the media. Such a person can be hired, lured, or raised in your own editorial office; this requires either funds or time. Two pop sales managers who will bring clients and advertisers; their main income is interest from transactions.

Purchasing office equipment will not be cheap. Every employee needs to buy a computer. Designers need pretty powerful machines to handle designs and images. You will also need various office equipment and equipment. The office also needs to be equipped for ease of work. Don't skimp on this section. You can buy used equipment, young magazines do this, but this does not help them stay on the market. They don't survive in the market. It’s better not to spare money in the future; it will save your business.

The work was added to the site website: 2015-10-25

SSU named after N.G. Chernyshevsky
Business plan for creating a newspaper.


student of group 232

IFIZH Kalinina Olga
Saratov, 2010

Many people believe newspaper business very profitable. In order to publish a full-fledged newspaper with a circulation of about 10,000 copies, considerable skills in organization and management are required.

In 2008, the turnover of the newspaper market in Russia amounted to about $39 million. The projected growth in 2009 will be about 17%. As of March 1, 2009, 11,937 newspaper publications were registered in the Russian Federation.

Everyone reads newspapers. Most buy them for television programs, but most still buy them for information. As forecasts show, the market is still far from saturation, but today there is a clearly visible trend towards the consolidation of business units: large publications are absorbing small ones, competition is gradually growing.

The newspaper market is growing, and accordingly, it is still far from saturation. And this indicates that the newspaper business is quite promising - the main thing is investment and competent management.

A newspaper is a conveyor belt churning out news. The uniqueness of his work is that the workers of this plant are not constantly in the production workshop and never know what they will do today. But they know that the newspaper must be published, no matter what. Despite this uncertainty, the information conveyor, like any other production, certainly needs a professionally drawn up newspaper business plan.

Business plan for the newspaper “Hold On.”

The editorial office of the newspaper “Hold On” is located at:


St. Rakhova, 68

Index 215760

Tel. 53-04-70

Fax: 53-04-70
Rnewspaper editorial office occupiesThe 1st floor of this house is 200 m2., where there is access to a telephone line and the Internet. The edition is divided into five

functional areas: editor's office, workroom for

employees, a designer’s office and kitchen (not counting utility rooms and restrooms), and a conference room.The editorial office is located in the city center. The main advantage of the location is that it greatly simplifies the work of correspondents. Also, the main administrative institutions, whose activities are important for our newspaper, are located nearby.In the future, all the walls of the editorial office will be decorated with diplomas awarded to the newspaper and framed front pages. The atmosphere in the editorial office is busy and businesslike, everyone is in a hurry and running somewhere, there is a rumble and hubbub in the air, but this only spurs the employees on, pouring energy into them.

C spruce of this business plan - creation of a newspaper dedicated to problems

teenagers, planning their leisure time, psychological assistance and

support. Bringing the latest and most relevant information to your readers.

D To achieve this, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

1) Registration of a license for publishing activities;

2) Registration with the Ministry of Press of the Russian Federation;

3) It is necessary to conclude a contract with a good, conscientious printing house. It depends on her whether the newspaper will be published on time;

4) Create a newspaper website;

5) Issue of a periodical newspaper regional level;

6) Creating a profitable newspaper model;

7) Intensify the work of the subscription department;

8) Conduct an extensive PR campaignfor newspaper promotion;

9) Creation of an effective information base;

10) Providing information about the publication to the maximum number of potential buyers and subscribers;

11) Over time, the newspaper's circulation increases;

12) In the future, increase journalists' fees.
Nand the implementation of the business plan requires start-up capital in the amount of 1,500,000 million rubles.

We hope to win the market, target audience, advertisers, thus repaying the loan on time.As recognized our newspaper and growth The circulation will increase and the number of advertisers will increase, since the newspaper is new, our audience will gradually expand. As a result, the newspaper will begin to generate stable income.
Description of the activity

G“Hold On” newspaper is a 25-page color daily newspaper with a circulation of 15,000 copies at 25 rubles per issue. Printing is carried out in Saratov, by a printing house. The newspaper can be purchased at any newsstands cities and regions, as well as by subscription.

GThe newspaper is intended to cover the problems of the youth of Saratov, qualified psychological assistance to adolescents - the column is written by a psychologist at the center for social rehabilitation “We are together” - Ivanova E.S. A separate section is devoted to leisure planning - it tells about the location of various cultural and mass youth events. The “History of a Star” section, in which famous people will talk about their experiences growing up and the challenges they faced during that period of their lives. Rubric “Question - answer!” answers letters from readers, prints requested information. Editor's column. 15% of the newspaper is allocated to various types of advertising.
CThe newspaper's target audience is young people aged 15 to 20 years. IN

It is planned to distribute 80% of the circulation retail, the remaining 20% ​​by


Competition and competitive advantage.

ABOUTThe newspaper's main competitors are Time Out magazine and Cool magazines,

Cool Girl and Bravo. Nevertheless, these publications are informational

entertaining in nature, our publication is aimed at providing

help and support for teenagers.

Marketing strategy.

Mmarketing strategy is to advertise a newspaper in a magazine

COOL, advertising on TV channels and radio, as well as distribution of advertising flyers in the center for social rehabilitation of teenagers “We are together”, distribution of flyers to other support centers, youth labor exchange. Distributing brochures at youth policy committee meetings. It is planned to hold presentations twice a year to highlight what we have achieved.
PThe presentation of the first issue will take place in a cafe. The number of invited guests is 50 people. At the end of the event, a buffet is planned (approximate cost 25-30 thousand rubles).

Editorial staff and their salaries.
RThe editorial team is headed by editor-in-chief Olga Kalinina. A total of 16 people work on the pre-press, editorial and production of the magazine, including the advertising department, editor, journalists, proofreaders, marketing and distribution managers, subscription department and printing department.
The staffing schedule of the newspaper editorial office provides for the following positions and salaries:

Legal plan.
The editorial office is created in the form of a limited liability company. The founders are three individuals and two legal entities. One of the founders is public organization"Association of Entrepreneurs".

The activities of the editorial office are regulated current legislation Russian Federation, agreement of founders, charter, orders of the director.
Technical equipment of the editorial office.
Cost estimate for equipment of workplaces.



Price, thousand rubles









Computer tables






Office furniture sets

Air conditioners

































Blueprint machine










Telephone sets





Fax machine








Total for the project period


Risk assessment and insurance.
During the implementation of the project, the following crisis situations are possible, in which the authors of the project propose to act accordingly.

Production plan .
Monday Tuesday - collecting information, analyzing correspondence, writing material;

Wednesday - editing;

Thursday - seal;

Friday – the number goes on sale.
Planned profits and expenses.



1. paper 480 kg + 20 kg. For a possible marriage, i.e. 32 thousand rubles

2. printing house – 8 rubles per number – 120 thousand

3. distribution - 7 rubles per number - 105 thousand

4. service costs news agencies– 80 thousand rubles

5. – taxes and VAT

1.Rent - 45 thousand rubles

2. Office expenses – 17 thousand rubles
Sales income: the price of a newspaper is 25 rubles, so income 375 thousand rubles

1. Equipment of workplaces;

2. Rental, operation and maintenance of the building;

3. Printing services;

4. Paper;

5. Newspaper delivery;

6. Remuneration;

7. Car rental;

8. Household needs;

9. Communication, subscription;

11. Total expenses;


12. From the sale of circulation;

In foreign countries with developed market economy business plans have long taken their rightful place. Russia is only gaining experience in developing these plans, which are so necessary for obtaining financing, and for formulating its own business ideas, and for assessing the viability of its proposed facility.

There is increasing interest in the specifics of developing business plans

heads of organizations and enterprises of all forms of ownership,

entrepreneurs, banking and insurance structures. The business plan was included in

practice Russian entrepreneurship as a strategic tool

planning and required document for conducting business negotiations with

investors, creditors, and also as information for government

governing bodies.

So, if the goals and objectives set in this business plan are fulfilled according to the tables and calculations given above, then the newspaper will gain its readers, grow and develop, repay the loan and make a profit.

Attention! Free business plan, offered for download below, is an example. A business plan that best suits the conditions of your business must be created with the help of specialists.

If you have the idea of ​​starting your own magazine, then you will need a magazine business plan to serve as an example. When drawing up your business plan, you must be guided by the rules set out in this article and the proposed plan option.

In your business plan, you should reflect the specifics of the magazine and emphasize the advantages of this publication.

It is worth emphasizing the following points: the uniqueness of text and photographic materials, professional author's articles, the quality of printing, the successful experience of the creator company in other projects.

Let's consider the structure of a typical business plan for a glossy magazine. Download on our page sample business plan, so you can compare the theory below with a real-world example.


This section summarizes the main ideas of the plan. The resume must:

  • — indicate the mission of the publication;
  • — list the goals of creating the journal;
  • — justify the relevance of the chosen topic;
  • — identify the target audience;
  • - describe the attractiveness of the new publication;
  • — emphasize the uniqueness of the magazine;
  • — indicate the original circulation;
  • - give the main ones financial results;
  • — justify investment attractiveness;

2. Characteristics of the publication

In the characteristics section you must indicate:

  • — format and volume of the magazine;
  • — quality of paper and printing;
  • - type of packaging;
  • - circulation;
  • — frequency;
  • — method of distribution;
  • — main headings.

3. Market analysis

It is necessary to evaluate the market from the standpoint of its saturation with publications on similar topics. You also need to indicate the share of your products, the presence of effective demand for this magazine and the ability to compete in the print media market.

An analysis of the sales market and competition should justify the ability and desire of the market to purchase this magazine.

4. Marketing strategy

This section of the business plan is closely related to the assessment of the market and competition. Formulating a marketing strategy involves studying and analyzing data about ways to organize magazine sales, their profitability, ways to ensure sales growth and the magazine’s reputation among consumers, and advertising costs.

5. Production plan

IN this section a feasibility study (TES) is being carried out for the publication of a new magazine with the required circulation in specific deadlines. You must convince investors and potential partners that it is possible to achieve your goal. Also, the business plan for an advertising magazine should attract advertisers.

In the production plan, it is necessary to provide information on the following points:

  • — publishing house that will print the magazine;
  • production capacity, necessary for typing, layout, printing and the possibility of their increase;
  • — source and conditions of purchase of materials;
  • — reputation of suppliers, experience of working with them;
  • — subcontracting relationships;
  • — availability of necessary machines and mechanisms, place and possibility of their acquisition.

Good to know!

We respect your choice, but we want to remind you that the least risky, relatively easy and comfortable start of a business can be organized under the wing of successful company on franchising terms. We invite you to get acquainted with "Catalog of profitable franchises".

Why starting a business with a franchise is easier and more convenient can be found out from a selection of articles published in the section: "Articles about franchising"

6. Organizational plan

The organizational plan must contain organizational structure publishing houses, ways of interaction between individual departments, methods of their coordination and control.

It is also necessary to show connections with partners and founders.

When compiling an approximate staffing table It is advisable to reflect the responsibilities and profile of specialists, indicate the qualifications and work experience of the publishing house’s correspondents.

7. Financial analysis

It is necessary to draw up a plan for income and expenses, receipts and payments, a balance sheet plan for the year, carry out the financial analysis cash position, sustainability of the publishing house, sources and use of funds, determine the payback period.

For a deeper understanding of the above theory, you can download a sample business plan for the magazine from our website. After studying it, you can easily create a business plan for your own magazine.

Watch the video: “Business secrets: Dmitry Potapenko”

Despite the fact that there is more and more information on the Internet every year, printed publications do not lose their relevance. A publication such as a magazine attracts with its convenient format for reading, glossy pictures, and interesting interviews. Modern people find it convenient to read magazines while traveling and while waiting their turn, as well as during breakfast or lunch, in order to take a little break from daily affairs.

Statistics show that the share of paid publications on the Internet is increasing every year, which means that people are again willing to pay for information. Therefore, although there has been a decline in print sales since the 2000s, today demand is starting to grow. In addition, part of the population, especially those aged fifty and above, are not ready to change the reading format from paper to electronic.

Thus, a magazine publishing business can quickly become profitable and does not require serious investments. The barrier will be the choice of the target audience and, accordingly, the topic of the magazine, which should be distinguished by the novelty and relevance of the written articles (photo sessions, reviews, etc.)

The initial investment amount is 460 000 rubles.

Break-even point is reached On the second month of work.

Payback period 4 month.

Average net profit 410 000 rubles

2. Description of the business, product or service

3. Description of the sales market

The target audience of any magazine is focused on the topic of the publication.

So, for example, a magazine about fashion will be mainly interested in women and girls from 15 to 35 years old, and a magazine with culinary recipes will be of interest to women over 40 years old who are raising children and doing housework.

The business magazine's target audience will be women and men between 27 and 55 years old, in leadership positions, and interested in economic change. Most often, the income of such a target audience will be above average. These are business-oriented, purposeful people who often go on business trips.

In the journal regional level There will be articles with the participation of people with whom the target audience may be personally familiar. Therefore, reading the magazine will be doubly interesting.

In addition, the magazine can be used as an information platform for writing diplomas, coursework and essays, thus the target audience can also be students and teachers of economics and law universities.

The advantages and disadvantages of publishing a magazine are shown in the table:

Strengths of the project:

Weaknesses of the project:

  • Low costs;
  • Novelty of articles;
  • Expensive price of the magazine;
  • Lack of qualified writers
  • Increase in free Internet publications

Project capabilities:

Project threats:

  • Development of regional newspapers in other regions;
  • Paid subscription to the magazine on the Internet
  • Increasing the topics of articles, thereby increasing the target audience
  • High competition in the market;
  • Termination of the contract with one of the key authors;
  • Lack of solvency among the population

4. Sales and marketing

5. Production plan

6. Organizational structure

The calculation of the payroll for 24 months, taking into account the bonus part and insurance contributions, is presented in the financial model.

7. Financial plan

8. Risk factors

The main risk is a large number of publications on the market of various types, while the number of authors capable of creating unique and interesting content for content is small. At the same time, another risk associated with this fact is the accidental borrowing of someone else’s author’s content from the magazine’s materials. In order to minimize this risk, the editor-in-chief will additionally check articles for originality.

It is also important to pay attention to such risks as the lack of your own printing house. In this regard, it is important to select a reliable contractor to organize the publication of the printed version of the publication. There are two main risks regarding the online version of the magazine:

  • If the magazine is popular due to the large number of visits, the publication’s website may work slowly or not work at all. This risk can be solved by making a reserve for possible additional visits and leaving the opportunity to increase the site parameters (ping value, Web server response speed, in cases where a large number of write/read operations from the disk are performed on the resource - then the characteristics of the disks).
  • The possibility of a site being hacked by hackers or competitors, which may also result in the site’s operation being stopped and some or all of the information on it lost.