Extortionist from St. Petersburg police station. Dima from the shadows Judicial practice

Yesterday, Smolny officially confirmed the resignation of Dmitry Burenin from the post of chairman of the committee for the development of transport infrastructure. He did not work even a year as the chief road builder. At the same time, political scientists and market participants had long expected this resignation: the official had been systematically “squeezed out” from the committee over the past few months, which was often reflected in the public space. It remains a mystery who might fill the vacant position.

Dmitry Burenin left the post of head of the committee for the development of transport infrastructure voluntarily, writing a letter of resignation. The document has already been signed by the Governor of St. Petersburg Georgy Poltavchenko. As a source in Smolny told Kommersant, the decision to change the leadership in the department was long overdue; there was simply no formal reason for the dismissal of Mr. Burenin. First Deputy Chairman Anatoly Mishanov will perform his duties. It is worth noting that KRTI is one of the most wealthy committees in the St. Petersburg administration. Dmitry Burenin's successor will manage the 33.6 billion rubles provided for the committee in 2014 by the city budget.

"Some big ones personnel changes You shouldn't expect it in the committee. The further issue of appointing a chairman has not yet been resolved. Before the end of the year, we need to complete the main plans: complete the current road repairs and fight for the most complete use of the budget,” Vice-Governor Marat Oganesyan told Kommersant.

A source close to the government suggested that a new appointment to the committee should not be expected until the end of the year. Most likely, the situation that arose in the department after the dismissal of the previous head Boris Murashov, who, like Dmitry Burenin, left his post due to at will. After the dismissal of Mr. Murashov, for almost two months - until the end of 2012 - his duties were performed by First Deputy Chairman Vladimir Schmidt.

It was not possible to contact Mr. Burenin.

Dmitry Burenin's public career began in 2001, after he received the position of chairman of the Chamber of Control and Accounts (CAC). His appointment to the post was facilitated by influential acquaintances from Moscow - Viktor Cherkesov, who at that time held the post of presidential envoy to the Northwestern Federal District, as well as the head of the Accounts Chamber Sergei Stepashin. After a series of high-profile inspections of the PSC related to inappropriate spending of the city administration in the amount of about 2.3 billion rubles, in September 2004, Dmitry Burenin was appointed chairman of the committee financial control. According to Kommersant, at the suggestion of Mr. Stepashin, Dmitry Burenin became a member of the city government.

Some analysts note that Mr. Burenin’s problems with work at KRTI worsened immediately after the resignation of Sergei Stepashin from the post of head of the Accounts Chamber. There has long been talk on the sidelines of Smolny that the official does not get along with two vice-governors at once - Igor Divinsky and Marat Oganesyan. As a source familiar with the situation told Kommersant, in early autumn, Vice-Governor Marat Oganesyan wrote a letter to Governor Georgy Poltavchenko, where he pointed out obvious shortcomings on the part of the KRTI and asked the head of the city to assist in removing Dmitry Burenin from his position.

Around the same period, some contractors announced that they were not paid for the work done. Market participants complained that construction assets were being held up by the Smolny financial committee. According to some reports, with the help of such hardware games, Burenin’s opponents tried to create the appearance of low budget execution by KRTI.

Later, on the initiative of Marat Oganesyan, Smolny canceled several competitions announced by Dmitry Burenin’s team. In particular, the competition for the design of a metro line from the city to Pulkovo Airport worth 538.1 million rubles was cancelled. Following this, Smolny abandoned the design of a metro line to Kudrovo at a cost of 375.7 million rubles.

Political scientist Evgeny Negrov believes that the new head of the department will not be appointed from the structure previously headed by Dmitry Burenin.

"The public sphere of decision-making is not open to this kind of forecast. Most likely, it will be new person, not from KRTI. Within the framework of the powers that he received in Lately, including on significant infrastructure facilities financed from Moscow, Marat Oganesyan, most likely, this will be a person from his team,” said the political scientist.

Meanwhile, market players road construction positively evaluate the work of Dmitry Burenin as head of the KRTI, noting his desire to always work according to the rules and regulations.

“A tough, logical leader. He did not manage to complete the policy that he began in terms of changing approaches to communication between customers and contractors, in the system of conducting competitions, and changes made to the conditions of competition documentation,” says General Director of ABZ-Dorstroy Leonid Gindin.

"His desire to work within existing legislation put all market participants on the same line. Many contractors felt that they were equal to each other; he seemed to have no favorites. In general, his rules were clear to everyone,” one of Kommersant’s interlocutors shared.

Let us recall that on June 20, 2001, unexpectedly for many, the vice-rector of the Law Academy, Dmitry Burenin, who was hitherto unknown in St. Petersburg politics, became the head of the St. Petersburg Chamber of Control and Accounts. Just a few months later, many of the deputies who congratulated him then regretted their choice, and regretted it even more in Smolny. In fact, all the loudest scandals of the past year were associated with Dmitry Burenin and his audit activities.

Against the background of the turbulent last year and a half, the previous biography of Dmitry Burenin is shrouded in darkness. Previously, he was an absolutely non-public person; until the memorable June 20, his name was not known to the general public and was practically not mentioned in the press. Later, scandals related to the activities of the head of the PCB overshadowed his entire past.

Meanwhile, the details of the life of the “frantic controller” lead to very interesting thoughts. So, born in the city of Yeisk, Krasnodar Territory, Dmitry Burenin entered the Faculty of Economics Leningrad University, from which he graduated in 1988. In 1989-90 he worked at the Intersectoral State Association Energomash. According to his official biography, he worked his way up from an economist to the director of the foreign trade association Vneshenergomash. From 1991 to 1993 he was deputy general director holding company JV Newpole, which was engaged in the creation and management of banking systems.

And then, at the same time, the period of Dmitry Burenin’s independent business journey and his career advancement in the mayor’s office of St. Petersburg began. Moreover, as it turns out, the young official and the businessman had the most serious connections.

So in the early 90s, Dmitry Burenin co-founded Tandem JSC. His business partner was a certain Igor Shcherbakov, who in the same years acted as a co-founder of the Design-Style company, another founder of which was the famous St. Petersburg businessman Mikhail Mirilashvili. Subsequent business connections of Dmitry Burenin indirectly prove that he was familiar with Mirilashvili and his business partners. For example, on Tverskaya 8, where Tandem was registered, there were companies that were part of Mirilashvili’s sphere of commercial interests. And the same “Design-Style”, together with “Newpole”, where Burenin worked, co-founded a company called “Avtostil”.

The experience of foreign economic work was not in vain for Dmitry Burenin; he soon became the founder of International Business Concept SP-b LLP, the St. Petersburg representative office of the Russian-Luxembourg company. It was headed by his wife Burenina. A little later, another joint venture appeared - the Isabelle company, which was already managed by one wife of Dmitry Burenin, the company specialized in the trade of French perfumes.

As for the administrative career of Dmitry Alekseevich, from indirect signs one can understand that he could and probably had close contact with many authoritative businessmen and in particular Mirilashvili’s partner, Alexander Ebralidze. The fact is that, as is clear from the official biography of Dmitry Burenin, from 1993 to 1997 he was Deputy General Director of the Department of Food Trade and Services of the City Hall.

Among other things, the department where Burenin worked was in charge of all market trading. Moreover, Dmitry Burenin was a member of the commission to determine the share of state ownership in the property of the former collective farm markets, formed in January 1995. And it was in those days that Alexander Ebralidze gained fame as a businessman controlling the largest city markets and the nickname Alik Market was attached to him, which was completely inappropriate for the scale of his activities.

After this, it should not be surprising that in 1996 Dmitry Burenin was appointed head of the commission to restore order in city markets. True, he did not stay in this place for long and in 1997 he left the administration. As he himself says, during this year an attempt was made on his life, “but Burenin survived and continued to work.” Unfortunately more detailed information there is no information about this attempt. It is believed that he left because the commission itself was disbanded. However, according to rumors, Dmitry Burenin simply did not get along with the wife of the new governor Vladimir Yakovlev, who always influenced personnel policy in Smolny. This was indirectly confirmed by Burenin himself: when he was appointed head of the KSP, he was asked what kind of relationship he had with Smolny, and he replied that it was complicated. The suspended official, however, did not lose the guardianship of Alexander Ebralidze, in any case, this is evidenced by the fact that before his appointment as head of the KSP, Burenin worked in the structures controlled by this businessman.

Jump into controllers

Dmitry Burenin made his first attempt to return to power back in 1998, when he participated in the elections of deputies to the Legislative Assembly in the 48th district. Young Yabloko member Igor Artemyev won then, and Burenin scored only a little over 5 percent.

Having suffered a fiasco, Burenin returned to Ebralidze’s structures. He was appointed head of a certain JSC “Aquapark Confector”. The founders of this company were very remarkable: the “Center for Business and Humanitarian Cooperation” - the head structure in the business empire of Alexander Ebralidze, Constant Bank, to which at that time the businessman was directly related, and “Lenstroyzhilservis” - a company to which he was directly related very influential MP-builder Vladimir Golman. Dmitry Burenin does not talk about this business in his autobiography, perhaps he is embarrassed by the fact that the company he headed and was registered on Moika 59, where the famous “Talion Club” cherished by Ebralidze is located.

But the official biography says that before his appointment as head of the CSP, Dmitry Burenin was the vice-rector for economic issues of the St. Petersburg Academy of Law, which belongs to the same Center for Business and Humanitarian Cooperation.

Dmitry Burenin stayed there until the summer of 2001, when his candidacy unexpectedly appeared on the list of candidates for the post of head of the PCB. As they say, Dmitry Burenin was appointed to this post at the suggestion of the speaker of the city parliament, Sergei Tarasov. The latter’s close relationship with Alexander Ebralidze was repeatedly mentioned in the press. Burenin was also supported by deputy Stanislav Zybin, his immediate superior, the rector of the Law Academy.

From commercial to political orders

Apparently, the first scandal that he initiated as soon as he took office was also connected with Burenin’s previous connections. Giving an interview immediately after his appointment, Dmitry Burenin promised that he would conduct hard work and does not intend to continue the policy of his predecessor German Chaliapin, namely to create public scandals out of inspections carried out by the PCB.

“I won’t go to journalists with the results of the inspection,” he promised, “but first I will present them to the deputies or the prosecutor’s office.” Why report if you are not completely sure that you are right? – he said in his first interviews.

Already in November, Legislative Assembly deputies filed complaints against Burenin due to too close communication with the press. By this time, the campaign against the head of the Health Committee, Anatoly Kogan, was in full swing. The latter, as we already wrote (see “Medicine Wars on the Banks of the Neva”), was accused of the fact that, on his initiative, in March 2000, the Smolny Finance Committee purchased medicines in the amount of 9.342 million rubles under an offset scheme, paying off at this is a non-existent debt. According to the KSP version, insulin drugs were purchased at prices that were inflated by 2.6 times. The PCB came to the conclusion that the Health Committee “caused damage to the budget in the amount of at least 5 million rubles.” At the same time, Mr. Burenin revealed the details of this transaction and told the deputies that for this purpose, Vice-Governor Kagan “signed a deliberately false invoice”, and then an act of acceptance of the drugs that were in France at that time.

Later, Anatoly Kagan’s version of their first meeting with Burenin was leaked to the press. Allegedly, back in the spring of 2001 (Burenin was not yet the head of the KSP, but probably his patrons already had such plans), Kagan received a letter with a photograph of Burenin and an offer to meet. Surprised, the vice-governor agreed to the meeting. At the meeting, the latter was told that there was a whole folder with incriminating evidence on him, and there was direct sense in reaching an amicable agreement. In addition, it was said that the visitor had everything seized in the UBEP and the vice-governor would face a criminal case, regardless of how the audit of his committee ended. According to Kagan, Burenin demanded 250 thousand US dollars for the withdrawal of each of the points of “accusation” contained in the materials of the audit of the Health Committee of the Control and Accounts Chamber of St. Petersburg. Kagan allegedly kicked Burenin out, and a couple of months later the UBEP opened a criminal case on the fact of negligence of the head of the health care committee.

However, Dmitry Burenin himself categorically denies all this.

It would seem that the version is a little far-fetched. However, according to rumors, the famous insulin scandal, for which Kagan paid with the post of chairman of Komzdrav and received a criminal case, broke out due to very specific commercial interests.

As they say, since the beginning of the 90s, Dmitry Burenin has had a fairly close relationship with Alexander Afanasyev, chairman of the subcommittee on pharmaceutical activities and drug supply of the State Duma, who previously headed the Pharmakor company. Burenin allegedly collaborated with him during his work on the Trade Committee. Moreover, Alexander Afanasyev worked closely with Stanislav Zybin (according to rumors, it was he who financed election campaign deputy of the Legislative Assembly). According to information from pharmaceutical circles, Afanasyev had long been in a hostile relationship with Anatoly Kagan, who, even more actively than his predecessor Alexander Redko, tried to push the Central Pharmaceutical Base and Pharmakor out of the medicine supply market budgetary institutions St. Petersburg. No comments needed...

The insulin case was followed by well-known revelations of the Finance Committee and its chairman, a number of “gubernatorial” deputies of the Legislative Assembly, etc. Now there is already a strong opinion among the political elite that at some point Dmitry Burenin attracted the attention of the embassy and came under their care. Whether he came to them voluntarily, as under more reliable protection than a reputable business, or whether ex-FSB officers initially reminded Burenin of his past is not known for sure.

However, now in informal communication the head of the PCB does not deny his close contact with a certain Natalia, with whom he constantly consults. Some believe that her last name is Chaplin, however, these are just rumors. In any case, the coincidence of interests of the embassy leading the war with Smolny and the direction of Burenin’s audit attacks is all too obvious.

Sergei Tarasov, who promoted Burenin, quickly fell out of love with the head of the KSP and made a lot of efforts to remove Burenin from his post. The press believed that the speaker was carrying out the will of Smolny and the angry Alexander Ebralidze. However, nothing came of it. Perhaps this is due to the change in the positions of Sergei Tarasov himself. After all, if earlier he was called a close associate of the governor and a conductor of Smolny ideas, then recently he has openly demonstrated his departure from the governor. Already in July 2002, Tarasov allowed himself to publicly criticize the actions of the city executive power. In particular, he said that the governor, having not signed about half of the laws adopted by the city parliament, risks getting the deputies to go to court.

According to rumors, at the same time Sergei Tarasov began to actively seek ways of rapprochement with the presidential embassy; these searches could not but affect his attitude towards the activities of Mr. Burenin. In any case, to this day it has not been possible to remove the “auditor”.

The most difficult thing in the current situation, as we have

They also wrote to Alexander Ebralidze. The latter, according to rumors, is not very pleased with such initiative of the Speaker of the Legislative Assembly. He has no desire to quarrel with Smolny, however, he also doesn’t want to disagree with Tarasov. Moreover, in the last elections, Ebralidze, as they say, supported precisely the “gubernatorial” candidates.

After the elections, the situation only became more complicated, no matter what they say that Smolny failed to recruit the required majority of its deputies in the Legislative Assembly, it was the plenipotentiary mission that lost the elections. Planning to bring more than 20 of their deputies into the Legislative Assembly, Cherkesov’s assistants not only failed to complete this task, but also almost completely lost the “Nevsky Dialogue” faction they had organized on the eve of the elections. In the battle between Smolny and the embassy, ​​it seems that a critical moment has arrived, when the federal vertical has every chance of breaking, and all the major forces in the city seem to be aware of this.

Under these conditions, Dmitry Burenin’s position cannot be envied. He managed to ruin relations with the deputy corps, the city administration, and in general everyone with whom he could and acquired the status of an “unrecognized genius.” If earlier they listened to his words, reacted, were indignant, indignant, now they listen to him carefully and leave him without comment. And then there was his disastrous participation in the elections - Burenin was never able to compete with the head of BaltONEXIMbank, Yuri Rydnik, taking third place with 15 percent of the votes.

In one of the analytical programs, the famous St. Petersburg sociologist Dmitry Gavra, when asked why Burenin spoke so poorly, and whether the image of “Robin Hood” is not in demand among the population, answered that the image is in demand, but Mr. Burenin is not drawn to it. Considering everything we have said, we have to agree that Mr. Burenin did not make Commissar Cattani. Rumor has it that Burenin’s resignation is not far off, and he is unlikely to be able to return to his former partners...

To case No. 2-1212/2017



Yeisk City Court of the Krasnodar Territory composed of:

presiding Kovalenko A.A.

under secretary A.I. Kiseleva

Having considered in open court the case on the claim of Dmitry Alekseevich Burenin to Aleksey Alekseevich Burenin, the third party is Anastasia Dmitrievna Burenina, intermunicipal department for Yeisk and Shcherbinovsky districts of the Federal Service Administration state registration, cadastre and cartography for the Krasnodar Territory, on recognition of ownership of a share land plot and a residential building, -


The plaintiff filed a lawsuit to recognize his ownership of 8/100 shares of a residential building and 429/9600 shares of a land plot, according to the preliminary purchase and sale agreement dated 06/02/2014.

During the trial, the claims were clarified - the plaintiff asks to recognize his ownership of 8/100 shares in the right to a residential building with cadastral number No. with an area of ​​57.6 sq.m., 8/100 shares in the right to a residential building with cadastral number No. with an area of ​​143.4 sq.m., a residential building with cadastral number No. with an area of ​​154.7 sq.m. and 4290/96000 shares of land with cadastral number no.

Defendant – Burenin A.A. did not appear at the court hearing, was duly notified, the reasons for the failure to appear are unknown.

Third parties – Burenina A.D. did not appear at the court hearing, was duly notified, the reasons for the failure to appear are unknown; the representative of the intermunicipal department for the Yeisk and Shcherbinovsky districts of the Office of the Federal Service for State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography for the Krasnodar Territory did not appear at the court hearing, was duly notified, and requests that the case be considered in his absence.

Having heard the plaintiff's representative and studied the case materials, the court considers the claims to be satisfied on the following grounds.

Representative Burenin D.A. at the court hearing he insists on the claims and asks them to be satisfied in full, taking into account the clarifications made.

At the court hearing it was established that the owners of a residential building with cadastral number No. with a total area of ​​57.6 sq.m., a residential building with cadastral number No. with a total area of ​​154.7 sq.m., a residential building with cadastral number No. with an area of ​​143.4 sq.m. .m. by: Burenina A.D. –9/100 shares, 7/100 shares, 9/100 shares and Burenin A.A. – 8/100 shares (ld. 12-13,40-41,42,45,46-47,48-49).

The specified residential area is located on a land plot from the category of land - land of settlements, with the type of permitted use - operation of an individual residential building with an area of ​​960 sq.m. with cadastral number No. 83986/96000 shares of which belong to A.D. Burenina on the right of common shared ownership. (l.d. 8.28) and 42.9 sq.m. – Burenin A.A. (case sheet 16, 17).

06/02/2014 between Burenin A.A. and Burenin D.A. a preliminary purchase and sale agreement was concluded for 8/100 shares of a residential building and 429/96,000 shares of a land plot, the cost of which (shares) was determined by the parties in the amount of 500,000 rubles (case sheet 9-10) and transferred to the seller at the time of signing said preliminary agreement purchases and sales (case sheet 11).

At the same time, Burenina A.D. from his preemptive right the purchase of 8/100 shares in the right to a residential building and 429/96,000 shares of a land plot was refused (case file 52).


Recognize for Burenin Dmitry Alekseevich, DD.MM.YYYY year of birth, the right of common shared ownership of 8/100 shares of a residential building with cadastral number No. with a total area of ​​57.6 sq.m., a residential building with cadastral number No. with a total area of ​​154.7 sq.m., residential building with cadastral number No. with an area of ​​143.4 sq.m.

Recognize for Burenin Dmitry Alekseevich, DD.MM.YYYY year of birth, the right of common shared ownership of 4290/96000 shares of a land plot from the category of land - land of settlements, with the type of permitted use - operation of an individual residential building with an area of ​​960 sq.m. with cadastral number no.

A court decision that has entered into legal force is the basis for registering property rights in the intermunicipal department for the Yeisk and Shcherbinovsky districts of the Office of the Federal Service for State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography for the Krasnodar Territory.

The court decision can be appealed to the Krasnodar Regional Court by filing an appeal in the Yeisk City Court within a month.



Yeisk City Court ( Krasnodar region)

Other persons:

Burenin D.A.

Judges of the case:

Kovalenko Alexander Alexandrovich (judge)

Judicial practice on:

Recognition of the contract as not concluded

Arbitrage practice on the application of the norm of Art. 432 Civil Code of the Russian Federation

Under a purchase and sale agreement, real estate purchase and sale agreement

Judicial practice on the application of Art. 454 Civil Code of the Russian Federation

Preliminary agreement

Judicial practice on the application of Art. 429 Civil Code of the Russian Federation