Irchi Cossack market works or not. Makhachkala: prospects for the development of markets and market trade

Entrepreneurs expressed concern to business advocates about the upcoming transfer.

“We studied the General Plan of the city approved this year. At this place, where the market stands, according to the Plan, trading platforms are provided. Therefore, we believe that there is no reason to evict people who already work here,” Akhmed Ibragimov, the head of the office of the commissioner for the protection of the rights of entrepreneurs in Dagestan, reassured the entrepreneurs.

According to the owners of outlets, all talk about the transfer slows down their work and they "want to be heard."

“It seems that the market on Irchi Kazaka is a thorn in the eyes of our officials. Everyone is constantly trying to move it somewhere. All this hinders our work. We are in a stupor. Instead of developing their business, they are forced to close outlets. From uncertainty. We cannot purchase goods, fearing that we will soon have to leave our seats. We want to develop, but we can't,” entrepreneurs expressed their dissatisfaction with a representative of the Office of the Ombudsman for the Protection of Businessmen's Rights.

Entrepreneurs are also outraged by banners hung at the entrances to the market with information about the imminent transfer of the market.

Ahmed Ibragimov promised to contact the mayor's office and discuss "the legitimacy of placing these banners."

“Our position is firm: we are against the transfer. In general, the word "transfer" in this case is used incorrectly. We are told to leave with Irchi Kazak, but they do not give us anything in return. And they only offer to buy places in the new market for two million rubles,” Raziyat Rabadanova, chairman of the trade union committee of the market of Dagelektromash LLC, told a Novoe Delo correspondent.

According to her, the city authorities have been holding them in limbo for 3-4 years, and this hinders work.

“I had twelve outlets. For each of them I paid taxes, and at each point people worked for me and received a salary. But due to the uncertainty of the situation, she was forced to close eleven. Loans are needed to buy goods, and in the face of uncertainty with the market, I cannot take risks and borrow money, ”says Rabadanova.

She notes that responsible services are to blame for the mess around the market, not the market administration.

"Behind last years we were able to restore order within the market. Everything that is around is not our responsibility. Garbage is taken out by a special service, traffic police officers must monitor compliance with the rules for parking cars, street trading- police station. There used to be a parking lot on the side of Hamidov Avenue, but it was turned into a fair. However, no one notices this. We, entrepreneurs, turn out to be extreme,” says Rabadanova.

“Here the market is mostly retail. And shopping comes from low-income people who can't afford grocery shopping. Who will drive out of town after work and buy groceries for home, having spent more than two hours on the road? - asks businessman Magomed Murtuzaliev.

According to another businessman, the transfer of the market will affect the cost of goods. “I am now renting a double-decker container for 10,000 rubles. At the new place they offer already for 18 thousand. Of course, buyers will have to pay for this difference,” says Zagir Magomedgadzhiev.

In addition, entrepreneurs note that they invested their funds in this market. “We have invested our resources and efforts in this market. made a bed paving slabs at their own expense, carried out more work. Nobody will return these costs to us,” says Murtuzaliev.

There are currently 1862 registered individual entrepreneur. According to Israpil Magomedov, director of Rynok Dagelektromash LLC, he has not yet received any official document from the city administration about the upcoming transfer of the market. The land under the market is owned by him, in 2014 the Property Management Committee of Makhachkala extended Magomedov's permission for the right to organize the Dagelektromash retail market until April 25, 2019.

On July 3, 2015, the administration of Makhachkala issued a resolution “On invalidating the permit for the right to organize a retail market for OOO Management Company Rynok Dagelektromash” due to the fact that it was issued by an unauthorized person. According to the mayor's office, it was signed by the chairman of the city committee, when he was actually on vacation. Rynok Dagelektromash LLC filed an application with the Arbitration Court. On February 20, the court invalidated the decision of the mayor's office. But on July 7, a higher authority overturned this court decision. You have two months to appeal this decision.

Zaur Kurbanov, the commissioner for the protection of the rights of entrepreneurs in the Republic of Dagestan, told an ND correspondent that the transfer of the market from Irchi Kazak "is not logical either from an economic or social point of view."

“The market is the city's largest taxpayer, and those who work there make up the economically active population. They support families, and now, in the period economic crisis in the country, the transfer of such a large object of taxation does not bode well. We see this as a completely unjustified measure,” Kurbanov said.

According to Ruslan Magomedov, chairman of the republican trade union of workers of medium and small businesses, the transfer should be carried out not by force, but by peaceful means, through negotiations.

“People work for Irchi Kazak not from a good life. And there is no need to force them to move. The authorities need to create normal sanitary and living conditions, create transport logistics, and if there is trade in a new place, then people will go there themselves. And to take and close and set people against themselves is wrong,” he said.

Meanwhile, the administration of Makhachkala does not intend to deviate from the plans. As the ND correspondent was told in the mayor's office, the city administration creates all the necessary conditions so that entrepreneurs can carry out their activities within the framework of existing legislation. Two large trade and logistics centers of a new format are being built in the northern and southern suburbs, where all the necessary conditions will be created for entrepreneurs. New routes will be drawn to them, the construction of centers involves the presence of parking and even its own bus station in order to avoid the repetition of traffic jams.

“The number of markets in the capital will be reduced, since none of the existing markets meets the requirements of anti-terrorist security, there are no parking areas, and sanitary standards are not observed. Another reason why the markets will be reduced is the numerous traffic jams on the largest highways in Makhachkala, which literally immobilize the entire city, given that the markets are located on the largest and busiest streets.

As for the retail market of Rynok Dagelektromash LLC, a retail market, today there is a court decision that has entered into force," the mayor's office said.

Temporary closure clothing market Dagelektromash in Makhachkala on December 3 was due to the fact that the owners of retail outlets refused to donate money for the installation of fire detectors, the administration said. Users of social networks disagreed about the activities of the market, remembering a major fire on its territory in March last year.

The market on Irchi Kazak Street was closed on the morning of December 3, as entrepreneurs refused to donate 5,000 rubles each to install a temperature response unit. Its management stated that they had installed hydrants, but the entrepreneurs themselves are obliged to install fire blocks at 3,000 retail outlets.

"While all violations fire safety are not eliminated, the market cannot continue to work," the administration official said, quoted by Chernovik.

According to the publication, the law enforcement officers who arrived on the call did not reveal any violations in the actions of the directorate, "after which the entrepreneurs agreed to hand over 5 thousand rubles each, and the market management decided not to suspend activities."

Information about the temporary closure of Dagelektromash caused a heated discussion among social media users.

Discussion of the eligibility of fees for the installation of fire detectors from the owners of retail outlets has grown into a discussion about moving the market outside the city or even liquidating it.

“In general, there should be such markets outside the city, and whoever needs it will get there,” he said. irinaaskkhabova.

“I live nearby, I’m tired of this garbage [...] They put cars at random [...] I hope that this mess will be removed from here,” said a user under the nickname kumuksky.

"Not a market, but just horror! Build a civilized shopping center, let them work there," wrote saida197123.

She objected to the user under the nickname _nvz_1971: "When you need to buy something, you go to Irchi Kazak, so keep quiet. And there are traffic jams all over the city."

The user also spoke in defense of the market khalitovabariyat: "There are far from a hundred people. And so there is no work, everyone lives for survival."

The news about the closure of Dagelektromash was also discussed in

“I don’t know where we will be relocated. But will people go there from Makhachkala, if there are many clothing boutiques in the city itself. It turns out that we are losing our customers, - the seller of the market on the street shrugs. Irchi Cossack Marzhanat. She heard about the transfer of the markets of Makhachkala to the territory of Leninkent from "colleagues in the shop." The woman does not yet know how the resettlement will turn out for her, but since the authorities have decided, then so be it, she shrugs.

Actually, the authorities did not come to such a decision overnight. The problem of "removal" matured from year to year. The main reason is called the transport collapse. That is why it is planned to withdraw 17 markets outside the city. But merchants say that no less serious problem is the tax registration of all entrepreneurs. Some add that the land issue is not the last in this queue.

“The transfer of markets is an urgent problem associated with a transport collapse, unloading traffic jams in city ​​center, - comments the assistant to the Head of the city of Makhachkala Amirali Amirkhanov . - In fact, the transfer of two markets - Tsumadinsky and the market on the street. Irchi Kazak, where there are more than 5 thousand containers, is tantamount to the construction of two flyovers, which cost the republic several billion rubles. In addition, the transfer of markets will streamline the activities of the entrepreneurs themselves. Yes, even in big cities shopping centers located not in the center, but on the outskirts. In Moscow, Auchan, for example. The Makhachkala markets will also be transferred to the Red Market in Leninkent, because this is the outskirts of the city, and there is a federal highway. Perfect logistics. A 14-kilometer highway is planned there, connecting the Astrakhan highway with the federal Rostov-Baku. This track will just pass next to this shopping conglomerate that we are planning to build.

You look at this city: "Shanghai" really. Here it is necessary to create some micro-districts. In the near future or in the future, construction will begin outside the capital. And there we plan to create a conglomeration on 350 hectares, we are engaged in the selection of land.”

So, a certain amount of land allocates the city. But there are investors who are ready to invest in construction. The object, which will have more than 2,000 stationary standard stores, is planned to be commissioned by 2015. Of course, the mayor's office wondered how people would react to this. But dissatisfied were and will always be. Typically, this is a small percentage. And most of the traders are tenants. Landlords make a profit and sit somewhere else. But, one way or another, people understand that there is an alternative. Because if the markets are closed here, they will open on the outskirts. No one is going to disperse people, they simply will not issue permits for trade. Here is such an effective lever that the authorities will use as a last resort.

There is another fundamental point. the federal law(Federal Law of December 30, 2006 No. 271-FZ “On retail markets and on amendments to Labor Code RF), which will come into force in 2015. According to this law, it will be possible to trade from containers only in capital structures, but not in containers. So there is nothing illegal in the transfer of markets, Amirkhanov emphasizes. And the townspeople will breathe more freely. Hateful traffic jams around markets will be a thing of the past. And what will happen to the earth? “There will be a check of the lands on Irchi Kazak. If they really belong to the owner, no one is going to take them away. Let him do as he pleases"- explains Amirkhanov.

Markets will move, but not all. Some will stay where they are. Including the second grocery market, which is urgently needed. Well, a resident of Makhachkala will not go to Leninkent for a couple of kilograms of potatoes and a bunch of parsley. And yet, the assistant to the head of the city of Makhachkala stipulates, where the markets will be taken out, there will be no transport problems. The market will stand 100 meters from the highway. This year it is planned to prepare a project, to rebuild several hundred stores in October and to hand over some part. By the end of 2015, when the Red Market has already been commissioned, administrative steps will begin to close the marketplaces in the capital. And first of all, the market on Irchi Kazaka, around which traffic jams are created.

“In the newly rebuilt market, green cards will be issued to new owners so that everyone is firmly convinced that he is the owner of this place”, - emphasizes Amirkhanov.


According to acting city ​​leaders Magomed Suleymanov, "implementation this project will allow to remove traffic tension in the city, to build up to 2 thousand standard trade and production facilities with a total area of ​​120 thousand square meters. m, will create more than 10,000 registered jobs, and will provide more than 100 million rubles annually to the budgets of all levels.” There should be enough space for everyone who wants to "resettle", the administration believes. Since 30 hectares of land have been allocated for a new trade and production site on the basis of the Krasny Rynok trade and exhibition center in the village of Leninkent.

The directors of the markets-“settlers” still prefer not to voice their thoughts aloud. One of them expresses his position as follows: “They refer to traffic congestion. Most likely, this is not the issue. This is not the first time they have tried to evict us. Someone needs a territory for something, as it always happens with us. And each head of the city does it in his own way, but when Amirov left, the people's fear that they could be kicked out of their places at any moment also left. The new (mayor) seems to be keeping his promises so far. Hope dies last, they say. And others say, as soon as he began to hope, she had already died. It's not about whether the sellers agree. The thing is, not everyone knows about it. Like in a joke about Schwarzenegger. Schwarzenegger is on the bus. Behind him they ask: Do you get off at the next stop? - Yes, I'm going out. - Do people come out ahead of you? “Yes, they are coming out, but they don’t know about it yet.” You say that there will be a market in the direction of Leninkent, but I heard other information that a market is being built in the Karaman area. The earth is always interesting. What can I say, I may not agree, but who will listen to me? Even if the people understand that they will be evicted from there, who wants to go out into the street and scold the authorities? I think that people will reasonably approach this issue.” .

P.S.. I just want to exclaim - again Irchi Cossack! A few years ago, this market has already moved from the railway station to a new place - st. Irchi Cossack. This created additional traffic flow tension along the streets adjacent to the market. Practice has shown that it is impossible to create trading floors in the city center. And the new marketplace will allow, according to the authorities, to solve a number of problems, including improving the replenishment of the city budget with tax revenues. But, getting rid of one problem, you need to think about how not to bring on others. For example, will the transfer hit the "small" business? And by pricing policy? And about how to continue the route towards the new market. And will this not create additional traffic loads in the northern direction? The problem is complex, and therefore it must be addressed appropriately. So that the wolves are fed, and the sheep are safe.

Rynok Dagelektromash LLC ceases to exist. But this does not mean that the popularly known "Irchi market" will be closed - now a project is being developed for retail space that will comply with fire and sanitary standards. from all previous project proposals, among which to make an underground market, and above it a parking lot, it was decided to refuse.

In early April, the tenants of the Dagelektromash market (the market on Irchi Kazaka Street) received a notice from management stating that the market’s activity had become significantly more difficult due to pressure exerted by government and municipal authorities. “Employees are subject to large fines, orders are issued to eliminate identified violations, materials are being prepared to initiate a criminal case,” the document says. At the same time, it is clarified that it is impossible to eliminate all these violations without a complete reconstruction, since from the very beginning of the functioning of the market it did not meet the requirements of the law. In this regard, the notice notes, the management decided to suspend the market, and contracts with all tenants are terminated from May 5.

However, as Novoe Delo assured CEO market Israpil Magomedov, we are not talking about the complete closure of the market, he will continue to work.

“There are court decisions from 2009 and 2012, according to which the existing violations of fire safety requirements must be eliminated on the market. This means that all iron containers must be taken out, and this is tantamount to closing. But we cannot leave thousands of people without work, entrepreneurs have nowhere to go,” says the CEO.

According to him, he intends to terminate the existence of Rynok Dagelektromash LLC, to terminate contracts with tenants so that they can further conclude an agreement with a new enterprise, which will build a new market. While this procedure is going on, the owner land plot filed an application addressed to the Acting Head of Makhachkala Abusupyan Gasanov to give permission to develop a project for planning the territory at his own expense.

Recall that on March 31 last year, as a result of arson, the hangar, where the main trading areas were located, burned down. After that, the city authorities announced that the market on Irchi Kazaka Street would be restored. At the beginning of this year, the design solution for the new market, developed by Asadov's Moscow architectural bureau, was presented to the mayor's office. It was assumed that the territory of the market will occupy all 8 hectares, and a parking lot will be located above the market.

“But entrepreneurs spoke out against such a decision. Firstly, the construction would have taken five or six years, and secondly, the tenants did not want to have retail space on the ground floor. Therefore, it was decided to build a hangar on a part of the burnt place, ”said Magomedov.

On April 3, at a meeting in the administration of Makhachkala with the participation of representatives of the Dagelektromash market, a compromise was reached. The parties agreed to develop a new design solution that would allow the market to be partially restored so that the entrepreneurs affected by the fire could start work. new market must be covered in the form of a hangar in compliance with fire and sanitary standards. A month was allocated for the preparation of the design solution.

“The project has not yet been developed. As soon as we receive permission from the mayor's office, we will order it to specialists. Construction will be phased. The market will continue to function. We will first complete the construction of the hangar on the site of the burned area. After that, we will take out all the iron containers, remove the warehouses and arrange a redevelopment of the entire market,” Magomedov said.

According to entrepreneurs working in the market, they were given certain guarantees.

“To the question of transferring or closing the market, an unequivocal answer was given: the market will not be closed or transferred, and the burnt part of the market will be restored in compliance with all safety requirements and provided to the former owners of these outlets without charging additional payments and under the same conditions under which they worked before the fire. After the construction was completed, we were promised that all the victims of the fire would be released from rent for one year. If the obligations assumed by the leadership of the market and the city administration are violated, this can serve as an impetus for new mass protests and demonstrations, undermining the already negative authority of the leadership of the city administration and the market, which will once again deceive ordinary hard workers, ”said conditions of anonymity, one of the victims of the market.

It's no secret that today Dagestan occupies one of the leading positions in the country in terms of unemployment. There are, of course, many reasons for this, but in the practical absence of industry and a catastrophic decline in the development habitual for the inhabitants of the region Agriculture, perhaps the only condition for the survival of people was trade. But this area is now under attack and this is due, first of all, to the optimization and normalization of working and living conditions for entrepreneurs.

Whether we like it or not, the republic, if it wants to develop, will have to follow the example of other developed regions. Of course, first of all, we are talking about Makhachkala. The capital differs from many other Russian cities in the abundance of chaotic, often not meeting sanitary and hygienic standards, retail space, which people used to call markets. However, they have little in common with real markets. Over time, most of them turned into chaotic objects, became the cause of numerous violations on the roadway, unsanitary conditions and so on. Not to mention the fact that inside the malls themselves, to put it mildly, there is nowhere to turn around. In general, some inconvenience. The new republican authorities finally decided to follow the example of large metropolitan areas, in particular, Moscow. Plus, from January 1, 2014, amendments to Federal Law No. 271 come into force, according to which, the implementation entrepreneurial activity(trading) from so-called containers is prohibited. Any violation of this paragraph of the law involves a large fine for managers. trading floors. Given the state and infrastructure of today's markets in Makhachkala, it can be assumed that most entrepreneurs may be left without basic means of subsistence.

The policy of the new leadership of Dagestan to free the city from spontaneous markets is more than understandable, but the relocation of large shopping facilities within the capital itself, without their removal outside the city limits, is ultimately fraught with no less acute problem. After all, some buyers preferred not to go to the same Tsumadinsky market because of huge traffic jams and unsanitary conditions in the shopping complex. However, sooner or later, Makhachkala had to follow the path of such megacities as Moscow and others, where all large markets were taken out of the city. Moreover, we are talking about a much greater threat. At a meeting of the anti-terrorist committee of the Republic of Dagestan in the spring of this year, for the first time, the progress in implementing the measures of the Comprehensive Program for Ensuring the Security of the Population in Transport was discussed. At the same meeting, the head of Dagestan, Ramazan Abdulatipov, instructed the Ministry of Transport of the Republic of Dagestan, by July 1, 2013, together with the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Republic of Dagestan, the heads of urban districts, to take measures to ensure the security and anti-terrorist protection of the territories adjacent to the railway stations, bus stations and bus stations of the republic, in including freeing them from objects and structures that pose a threat to the life and health of citizens. However, the most extreme and this time were simple people, in particular, traders from the same "Tsumadinsky" market. First, in the form of alternative places to continue trading, they were offered impromptu markets, again within the city. This despite the fact that sooner or later they would again be driven from there into the unknown. Secondly, many did not even get this and actually remained on the street, that is, without the only opportunity to earn a living. In fact, they were deceived. It should be noted that in the Tsumadinsky market alone today there are about 1,400 outlets of units, and soon the question of their transfer will also arise. In addition, in the future it is planned to transfer all other city markets, such as the Vostochny market, to Irchi Kazak, and so on. The Yuzhny market on the territory of the former asphalt plant, where traders from the Tsumadinsky market were offered to move, does not have a long future. Firstly, and it is located within the capital, and secondly, this market is not even in the register of retail markets of the republic.

Thus, a quite logical question arises: what to do with all this army of potential unemployed, if the actions of the authorities to close the markets become more active? And the second question: where is the guarantee that they, even if they move to a new place, will not suffer large financial losses, since many of them have invested in old outlets considerable sums of money.
While studying these questions, we found out some details. Let's start with the fact that there are not so many places ready to accept entrepreneurs from city markets, more precisely, there are two of them. These are the more famous "Kuyadinskiy" and "Red" markets, located 5 km from the city along the federal highway towards Khasavyurt. These markets are not only the only ones of their kind, but also the most optimal, and also have a full package of permits. The Kuyadin market is today considered the largest food market in Russia, but it cannot physically cope with the flow of those who want to find a job. The "Red" market, although younger, is no less promising. We talked with a representative of the "Red" market and learned about the development plans. The market has been functioning for more than 4 years and during this time it was possible to build over 100 modern outlets in the form of two-story stores. For everyone who wishes to come here, the administration is ready to present not only a well-maintained trading place, but also land for the construction of typical 2-storey stores, which, if desired, can be registered in the property, that is, get greenery. Given that the area of ​​the market is more than 7 hectares, then, of course, there is the possibility of increasing retail space and the number of outlets. The resource potential of the market territory is estimated at 5,000 jobs (shops), there is an opportunity to attract 500 additional outlets. The activity of building stores not least depends on the demand for retail outlets, that is, the more people who want to come to the market, the faster the objects will be built. In addition, next year, 2014, it is planned to significantly modernize and open a complex on the model of the world-famous Baku market.

We also discussed this issue with specialists in the government of the republic. According to them, all conditions will be created for entrepreneurs at the Red Market in the near future: in particular, the problem of the city’s transport connection with the market will be solved: regular traffic will be established fixed-route taxis. And this will have a positive effect on passenger traffic.