Winter forest without tits. Scenario of entertainment for titmouse day “Bird Tree. News from the forest

Forest kids time



Summer morning


Swallow's nest

Under the roof of the house, the swallow made a cozy nest. The local sparrow decided to occupy it and flew in there.

The swallow raised a fuss and began to chase the sparrow. The sparrow spread its wings and screamed sharply. The poor thing flew away in fright. Sparrow calmed down.


In the spring, the guys found a turtle near the road. The sun woke her up from her sleep. She walked with difficulty along the path. The children were delighted with the find. They made a house for the turtle, put straws. The tortoise got used to both the soft bed and the new apartment.


Every morning black grouse flew to the forest clearing. The birds ate the seeds of the Christmas tree, alder. Magpies were feeding not far from the grove. One day the fox came from hunting. She smelled birds. The fox quickly crawled towards the prey. The magpies crackled on the top of the alder tree. Black grouse broke from feeding.

In the grove.

We walked along the path to the grove. There were many wild berries at the edge of the grove. Magpies flew up to the birch. The woodpecker tapped the aspen with its beak. Rooks importantly paced the arable land. Bees flew from porridge to cloves, from violets to chamomile.

Clouds hung over the horizon. They crawled across the sky like a furry beast. Cold and mist wafted from the swamp. My friend and I went to the river near the forest. The silence was broken by the rustle of tall grass. The woodpecker pecks a spruce cone with its beak and takes out the seeds with its tongue. The dog stands under a tree, looks at the hazel grouse and barks.


There is a zoo in the yard and in the teacher's house. A tame monkey lived in the zoo. The owner gave it to the Kyiv circus, and in return took a bear cub. Now the monkey performs in Kyiv. The bear cub lives in Taganrog. Animal lover is interested in filming. Everyone really likes the film about the friendship of a monkey, a shepherd dog and a magpie.


In the field, in the garden there were thawed patches. Streams run in the ravine. A small bird flies high above the field. This is a lark. On the collective farm, from the birches, the starling echoes him. The starling settled in his native birdhouse. Importantly, he walks in the garden along the garden.

In summer.

Collective farmers are walking down the road from the village. Near the grove they went along the path. In the clearing, we turned off the path and headed towards the river. A group of children sat in a haystack by the river. Quiet all around. Birch leaves rustle in a light breeze. A cheerful herd of little calves grazed on the green grass.

Learn the address of blueberries from shaggy and gloomy firs. Strawberries love to grow along forest edges, clearings, and hillocks. Mushrooms also have their addresses. Mushrooms grow in the fields, along forest roads, in vegetable gardens, Ryzhiks grow under pines, spruces, firs, larches. Honey mushrooms grow on stumps, on living trees.

Spruce forest is gloomy. It always smells of dampness. The prickly paws of fir trees scratch the face and hands. Good little forest beauties! Spruce is a very valuable tree. Paper is made from spruce wood. Spruce sings in the violin, in the piano. A lot of different furniture is made from spruce. In the dense spruce forest, birds take shelter in winter from cold and snowstorms.

Our forest

In the autumn forest, the wind roams freely. Nothing prevents him from swinging earrings from an alder tree. He picks up pollen. Pollen flies all over the forest. The sun illuminates bright and fluffy flowers. The forest smells like honey. Bees and bumblebees are buzzing. The first butterflies fly by. How elegant everything is!

Autumn is delayed. Unsteady swamps and rivers did not freeze for a long time. But the autumn rains are over. Frost bound the earth and water. Snow fell in flakes at night. Early snow fell on the branches of spruce and apple trees. Titmouse left her tiny footprint on the snowy tablecloth. Clean and white all around. Nature does not like garbage and dirt. It is difficult for her to endure the wounds inflicted by man. Burns from campfires do not heal for many years. Shards from bottles, cans pollute the forest. Take care of the forest!


All August I went to work through a rye field. The field is getting better every day. Yellow mustachioed ears poured. From the warm light breeze they swayed to the beat. It seemed to me that dense cast waves were moving across the field. Two birches grew at the very edge of the field. They seemed to have run away from the forest edge and basked in the sun. The trail ran alongside. Birch-sisters in a whisper met me in the early morning and saw me off in the evening. The Russian field and these two young birches remained in my memory for a long time.


End of summer. The brushes of mountain ash are getting heavy. I wandered through the forest for a long time and came to a clearing. There was a big pile of hay. I lay down in fragrant hay, breathed in the spicy smell of grass, looked at the clouds. Like lumps of clouds, white magpie sides flashed in the green of the mountain ash. Magpies swayed on flexible branches. Then I noticed that all the birds fly up to only one mountain ash.

I went up and tasted the berries from all the trees. Where the magpies sat, the berries were juicy and sweet. On other trees they were dry and bitter. That's the magpie! Words for reference: went out, towered, spicy, magpie, noticed.


Early autumn has come. The weather is warm. There was no rain, and in the morning the grass is covered with shiny droplets of water. Where did the water come from? Is this dew from the air? She actually appeared out of thin air. The nights became cold. The ground cooled overnight. There is always water vapor in the air. Touching cold objects or plants, water vapor turned into water droplets. Dew is good for plants. Dew is drunk by insects, birds, lizards. Dew forms in the morning.

A hedgehog runs through a forest clearing. In autumn, hedgehogs have little prey. Nimble lizards disappeared. Slippery snakes twisted into circles. The bugs are also hard to find.

In the autumn days, a troublesome hedgehog prepares a home for the winter. Night and day, he drags soft moss and fragrant leaves at the right time. Winter will come. A deep snowdrift will cover his hole. He is warm under the fluffy blanket.

Forest mysteries

Late autumn can no longer hold the heat. Cold wind penetrated far south. Meadows and fields are sad. Leaves flew from the trees. The entire forest is illuminated. We are approaching familiar territory. There in the clearing reigns a mighty oak. Yellow leaves stubbornly stick to the oak. They make quiet noises. Sometimes it seems like spring is in autumn attire. Everyone knows cranberries. Its bushes are covered with shiny leaves. They go green under the snow.

Reference words: shines through, stays on.

forest fire

It was autumn days. We drove through the forest. Suddenly it began to smell like burning. There was a crack. The age-old firs rustled. Burning coniferous branches crawled along a narrow strip. Our horse quickly rushed along the road. The carriage jumped. Here comes the squirrel. Moose ran. Birds of the forest flew by. The snake flashed. The top of the tree quickly lit up. Terrible fire in the forest.

Reference words: became terrible.


Mid November. It's a warm autumn. You can also go for mushrooms. Late flowers remained in the wasteland. They are amazingly beautiful. But on the threshold is already a blizzard winter. Many birds become human neighbors. The mass of crows begins to move even before the onset of cold weather. The gray crow is extremely cautious. The winter day comes with a search for food. A well-fed crow does not disregard an extra piece. She hides it in autumn leaves or under the snow.

Reference words: become attention.

wonderful birds

Autumn has come. The leaves in the forest turned yellow. The wind rips them off and carries them through the air. Gloomy clouds floated across the sky. It was bad for the poor duck.

One evening, a whole flock of large birds rose from behind the forest. They were white, with long, slender necks. The birds fluttered their wide wings. They flew from the cold meadows over the blue sea.

The duckling did not know the names of the birds and where they fly. He was seized with anxiety. He craned his neck and screamed. The duckling fell in love with these beautiful birds with all his heart.

Reference words: due to anxiety.

It was autumn

It was autumn in the taiga. Rustling leaves on the paths. Over the river she hung the last mists. Steep fog from the river crept up to the forest, hiding the ends of the clearings and the far edges of the clearing. The fog settled on the leaves and branches, compressed into cold drops. At first, red and burgundy spots were mixed with the green color of the taiga. It was the autumn gray hair of wild rosemary. Then pale yellow strokes of mountain ash appeared. At night, frost touched them, and the leaves fell, fell, fell ...

Guests of the forest

The hot summer has already begun to be forgotten. There comes a time of prolonged rains, the first powder and frosts. The autumn forest is cold. He shines through. Red rosehip berries are far visible through the branches. The sweet and juicy rowan berry, touched by frost, beckons. A flock of cheerful birds flies merrily from mountain ash to mountain ash. Bullfinches arrived from the northern forests. Appeared for the winter and tap dancers. They flew up to the alder tree and deftly began to eat the earrings. And here is the guest from the tundra. This is foam.

Reference words: forget, tap dancers.


The sun peeked out from behind the gray clouds. Under his gentle gaze, nature cheered up, smiled. Like golden coins, the last leaves glittered on the bare branches. The wind rips them off and drives them from birch to birch. The fields and forests washed by the autumn rain fell silent. Flexible bare branches of bushes and trees are waiting for a new artist. It is he who will dress them in a white fluffy outfit. It's winter's turn to paint its picture.


We approached the moss swamp. It is overgrown with sparse pine forest. The cranberries blushed like a necklace on the moss hummocks. With a noise, a flock of wild ducks rose. They flew low over the ground and disappeared behind the trees. We walked for a long time on soft moss. Evening came. The path led us to the lake. We stopped for the night. Uncle Ilya began to cook dinner.

Reference words: necklace, got up.


It happened in late autumn during the war. There were fights right in the shops of the plant. In the midst of the battle, a cat suddenly appeared. It was an ordinary gray tabby cat. He was covered in dust and soot. On what roofs, floors did the cat roam under enemy fire? The soldiers fed the cat. He lay down comfortably and purred softly. The soldiers remembered their home, their family. It became easier on the heart. The days didn't seem so long and heavy now. The cat was named Purr. Purr quickly got used to the fighters.

Reference words: all of a sudden, not like that.

Autumn walked through the taiga

It was autumn in the taiga. On the path, she rustled a leaf. On the river at dawn, autumn hung mists. Steep fog from the river reached the forest. He hid the end of the clearing, the edge of the clearing. Donkey fog on the leaves and branches of aspen, birch, spruce. Autumn gray hair appeared on rosemary. Yellow smears appeared on the mountain ash. Frost touched the trees at night. He also silvered the clearing. A herd of reindeer stopped at the edge. A mouse darted to the hole. The wind flew from the river and lay on the grass in a soft whisper.

Reference words: wild rosemary, in a whisper.


Autumn has come. The leaves on the trees turned yellow and turned brown. An angry wind whirled them through the air. It got very cold. Heavy clouds poured hail, snow, rain on the ground. Once in the evening a flock of wonderful birds appeared from behind the forest. They were white as snow. They had long and flexible necks. It turned out to be swans. The birds fluttered their magnificent wings. They flew from cold meadows to warmer climes. From beautiful swans couldn't take my eyes off it.

On a hike

We have reached a distant lake. The west wind was in charge. He flew from top to top of the pines. A pale sky was visible through their branches.

The writer Gaidar was with us on the campaign. We were moving slowly. The foot was drowning in green moss. With great difficulty we reached a wooded mound and fell to the damp earth. Gaidar examined the area. He called us. Huge elk footprints stood out on the ground. We followed the moose trail. He led to the spring.

In the morning

I left the tent early in the morning. The winter sun shone brightly on the veil of snow. Snow that had fallen at night covered a wide pasture. I took a few steps. I saw deer tracks in the snow. The animals approached the tent at night. The trace of the hare stretched out in a long loop. The first snow revealed the secrets of the nocturnal life of animals. We descended into the valley. On a bright background of snow we saw a bear. He noticed us and quickly sped away.

Reference words: tent, shroud, several.

Mikhail Mikhailovich Prishvin

A man walks through the winter forest. Snowdrifts all around. There are heavy snow caps on the trees. Trees stand straight. Strong spruce paws hold the snow. And the birches bent in an arc under the weight of the snow. They stand low. Only a hare can run there. The man tapped the birch with a stick. Snow has fallen from the top. Russian beauty straightened up. So Mikhail Mikhailovich Prishvin goes from birch to birch. The writer traveled a lot. In the Caucasus, his name is given to a mountain peak and a lake.

Reference words: traveled, appropriated.

nature in autumn

Autumn days are coming. Sad view of nature. The earth is covered with dry leaves. They are soft to plump in damp weather. On frosty days, the leaves are hard and brittle. Lonely gold coins hang on the aspen. The wind carries the leaves along the path to the edge of the forest. We are approaching the river. She straightened up and became wider. The water color disappeared from the cold. From the frost, the grass near the banks withered and sank to the bottom of the river. The silence is worth it. The bird voices were silent. Nature is waiting for the coming of winter.


The rainy autumn has come. The whole family is at home. Ilya looks at his mother. She sews with her head bowed. Mom is thin, silent, with gray radiant eyes. Mom comes home late. Preparing lunch. In the autumn evenings he reads a lot, helps Ilya to do his homework. Ilya closed his eyes. The room is almost dark. Only a small corner is lit with golden light. Mom sings softly. How much trouble and anxiety falls on the skinny shoulders of mom! Mom is always warm and happy.


The crunch of snow was heard in the silence of the forest. An elk came out into the field. Elk is a peaceful forest dweller. It lives in the Siberian taiga and in the forests near Moscow.

The forest giant has a long hook-nosed muzzle. He is heavy and overweight, and his legs are tall and slender. He is not afraid of swamps and snow. In winter, the moose eats twigs and aspen bark. In summer it feeds on marsh grasses. Sharp and wide horns, heavy hooves protect him from enemies.

Reference words: went out, lives, hook-nosed, not terrible, feeds, hooves.


With the first frost and snow, guests arrive from the north. A small white bird flies from the islands of the Arctic Ocean. This is foam. Only the tips of the wings and the strip along the tail are black. The chiffchaff loves to run along the road. She is looking for food there. Chiffchaff is also called snow plantain. The snowman is coming. He has a bright chest, in a black hat, with a black tail and wings. Amazingly beautiful bird! With pleasure he will eat a berry of viburnum and mountain ash. A flock of crossbills flew up to the spruce. This bird breeds chicks in winter.

Winter is coming soon

I like to wander through the forest in late autumn. Bushes and trees have long shed their leaves. They turned yellow from the autumn rains. Fallen leaves do not rustle underfoot. Sometimes birds fly from tree to tree. A hazel grouse whistles long and sadly in the spruce forest. The forest is gloomy. But soon it will be different. Everything will brighten, dressed in a snow dress. A chain of animal and bird tracks will be imprinted on a clean white tablecloth. They can tell a lot about a person.

Reference words: dressed, imprinted.


The entrance door swung open. The dog ran out into the street and froze. Snow fell. The first snow in his life. Silence all around. Fomka did not like the silence. He jogged down the path. His growl echoed through the frosty air. The snow crunched under the dog's paws. His footprints were imprinted on the fresh crust. He stepped from place to place and marveled at new footprints. Can dogs be surprised? I don't know. But on this snowy morning, I believed.

Reference words: be surprised.

News from the forest

Prickly snow fell. It rippled in the thick aspen forest. The blows of snow pellets on tree trunks merged into a mysterious rumble. Traces stretched from the edge of the forest to the village. Morning has come. Snow glittered on the spruce. A flock of sparrows hastened to the village. Capercaillie and he flew up to the road in search of food. Moose, roe deer rushed to the clearing. They ate the bark from the trees. Hares compacted the snow near brushwood. In winter, the animal world needs help.

First month of winter

Worth December. In December, then a clear sky, then heavy clouds will come running. Here is the blizzard. A fluffy white blanket lay on the ground. It reliably protects plants. Plantain and strawberries have green leaves under the snow. Under the protection of snow, mice and voles spend the winter. From aspen to aspen traces of animals run. Hares, elk, roe deer, wolf rest in the snow. It's good when it's snowy. December draws tricky patterns on the windows. In December, thaws also come.


The stepmother sent the girl to the forest for brushwood. Frost crackles. The wind howls. The girl stopped under a tall spruce. Suddenly there was noise and crackling. It flew over Morozko's spruce forest. He approached the girl. She told him who sent her to the forest. Morozko asked the girl to sew a shirt for him. She sewed it all night. Morozko looked at the shirt and praised the girl for her work. He gave her a sable fur coat, tied a patterned scarf, and led her out onto the road.

Encounter with a lynx

One Sunday my friends and I went skiing in the forest. We drove up to a spacious valley and surveyed the area. Here my friends stopped the car. We continued down the narrow path. The trail wound through a spruce forest. My friend noticed the tracks. These were the paw prints of a large cat. And here is the lynx itself. She lay on a thick bough. The animal was all in sight. It was dangerous to go further. We're back home.

Winter night

Night has fallen in the forest. Frost tapped on the trunks and branches of thick trees. A light silvery hoarfrost fell in flakes from the tops of the spruce. Bright winter stars glittered in the dark high sky. Here the frozen branch crunched and broke. The owl screamed. More often something hooted and laughed terribly. Light caresses ran across the diamond tablecloth of snow. Weasel is a small predatory animal from the family of martens. An owl flew quietly over the snowdrifts. Like a fabulous sentry, a big-headed gray owlet sat on a bare bough. In the darkness of the night, he hears and sees everything.

in winter

Winter covered the village with fluffy snow. There were soft gray days. A bird fell from the top of an old spruce. Silvery frost fell. He settled with white dust on a lilac bush. The oven crackled in the house. It smelled of smoke. Gusts of strong wind carried the smell of smoke to the river. A group of women went to the hole for water. Above a steep cliff there is an old gazebo. Her steps were gray with frost. We took shovels and cleared the path to the gazebo. The winter sun came out. Nature is alive.

Grow up, trees!

met New Year. They removed the toys from the Christmas tree and carried it outside. A trail of dry needles stretched along the smooth path. It was sad to watch it.

The winter has passed. The sun began to warm the earth. There were puddles on the street. There were Christmas trees in front of the house. It smelled of pine. The whole yard gathered to plant forest beauties. The adults dug holes. The children brought water. They planted trees. The trees stand on soft ground, like on a down pillow.

Grow up, trees!

The coming of winter

The weather was terrible. It was late autumn. The autumn wind carried torn wisps of clouds above the ground. Snow began to fall out of them. The forest was naked. There was a lone mountain ash in the clearing. She reached for the sky. Winter birds with bright plumage flew up to the mountain ash. Bullfinches and tits slowly, with a choice, began to peck at large berries. They tossed their heads, stretched their necks and swallowed with difficulty. The first traces appeared on the white tablecloth of snow. Winter came.

Pyotr Pavlovich Ershov

Our magic key opened the lock of the magic bookcase. We took the book "The Little Humpbacked Horse" off the shelf. This is our favorite story. Written by Pyotr Pavlovich Ershov. Ershov learned this tale from the storytellers, and then he invented something himself and told everything in verse. Ershov was born in the Siberian village of Bezrukovo, near Tobolsk. Then he lived in a remote Siberian town of Berezov. Ershov even saw the harsh Siberian nature as fabulous.

Pot of porridge

The girl went to the forest for berries and met an old woman there. The old woman gave her a magic pot. He cooked delicious, sweet porridge. One day the girl left home. Mother began to cook porridge. She forgot the magic words. And the pot cooked everything and cooked porridge.

Hot porridge flowed like a river down the street. The girl saw it. She ran into the house and spoke the magic words. The pot stopped cooking. Who was driving from the village, he was eating his way.

The porridge was very tasty!

On a hike

When you go camping, don't try to take everything with you. Much can be found in the forest. If you rub your leg or burn your hand, pluck a plantain leaf. Wash it well and apply it to the affected area. You're out of soap. How to be? Wash dirty hands with elderberry.

So that mosquitoes do not get bored in the forest, pick wormwood, hang it in a hut and spread it around the resting place. Mosquitoes don't like her smell.


It was a warm early morning. We went fishing. On the shore, I put a worm on the hook and cast the bait.

One fish grabbed a worm. And here on the hook - a beautiful wide silvery fish. She has red eyes, like chum eggs, a black-green back, pink fins. It turned out to be a roach. It takes patience and skill to catch a fish. I examined the fish and put it back into the river.

Live, fish, long!

smart ram

Once there was a problem. The sheep got hit by a car. There was a small fluffy lamb left.

Nadia began to take care of the orphan. She fed him milk, treated him to bread. The lamb especially liked cabbage.

Summer has come. Now it was already an adult ram. And what horns! They looked like two huge twisted bagels.

The ram followed the girl all the time, like a dog. He protected her even from the boys. Once Nadia went to the cinema, and the ram followed her. The girl entered the room. And the ram sat down at the door and waited for her.

A true friend!

farewell song

It rained in the evening. In the morning frost seized the wet grass. A cold wind settled in the forest. He wandered among the pines, flew from clearing to clearing. Age-old fir trees rustled sadly. I stood at the edge of the forest and listened to the farewell song of the forest. A crane cry fell from the sky. Why do cranes cry sadly? The birds made a circle over the Volga and flew south.

I remembered songs about cranes. They, like the autumn bird's cry, are not merry.

Sea ​​buckthorn

Sea buckthorn is placed on the long list of medicinal gifts of the forest. In the old days, war horses were fed with its leaves and young shoots. They were growing fast and doing well. Sea buckthorn blooms in April, May. Fruit ripens from late August to October. A lot of sea buckthorn is found in the Caucasus, Siberia, Altai. It grows well near the river, lake. Sea buckthorn is also planted in the desert. Try to plant sea buckthorn at home. Rows * with the house you will settle joy, vivacity, health.

in winter

The leaves on the trees turned yellow and turned brown. The wind spins them through the air. Heavy autumn clouds snow and hail fell on the ground. A raven sat on the hedge and croaked from the cold. Ice floes appeared on the surface of the pond.

Winter has come cold. The ice cracked with frost. The poor duckling floated on the water without rest. The polynya became smaller. The poor thing was exhausted, stretched out and froze to the ice. A farmer spotted the bird early in the morning. He took her home.

On an ice floe

In winter, the sea is frozen. The fishermen gathered on the ice to catch fish. The fisherman Andrey also went. With him was his son Volodya.

Caught a lot of fish. The fishermen decided to spend the night.

A strong wind picked up during the night. Waves flooded the ice. All around was only the sea. In the morning the fishermen spotted the plane. They started shouting and waving their hats. The ship soon arrived. The people were saved.

In the mountains

We pitched tents on a smooth ground and stopped for the night. The night passed quietly. It was early morning. I looked around the area. White snow. Here is an eagle floating above the mountainside. The wind whistles in his open wings. A silent shadow glides down the slope. Forest birds hide in the thick of branches. The eagle flies from clearing to clearing. Roe deer flee from him in horror. Like balls, hares jump into the bushes. Panic is everywhere. The king bird is flying. Words for reference: wide open, hiding, panic, king bird.

About tank heroes

The crew of Pavel Ivanovich Abramov was assigned to guard the crossing. They completed the task, but they themselves could not cross. They camouflaged the tank on the outskirts of the city, waited it out. And then a tank with a red star broke into the city, captured by the Nazis. The battle went on for almost a day. The soldiers crushed the enemy. The crew fought to the last shell. Enemies struck by such courage trembled. Residents of the city of Rivne remember the glorious tank heroes. A street and a school are named after them.

First winter day.

The first winter day has come. We went to the forest lakes. The day seemed to be dozing. Lonely snowflakes fell from the cloudy sky. We carefully breathed on the white fluff of winter. Snowflakes turned into pure drops of water. Like beads, they rolled down to the ground. The forest was light and solemn. We approached familiar places. Flocks of bullfinches sat on the mountain ash. She was covered in snow. But here comes the heavy snow. The forest became su gloomy and quiet. Winter has begun to take over the land.


All summer Thumbelina lived in the forest. She ate sweet flower honey and drank dew. From the grass, the baby wove herself a cradle. So the summer passed. Autumn has passed too. A long cold winter was approaching. All the birds have flown away. The flowers withered, turned yellow. Thumbelina was shivering from the cold. It is snowing. Each snowflake was to Thumbelina what a whole shovel of snow is to us. Thumbelina covered herself with a dry leaf. The sheet did not warm. Thumbelina decided to leave the forest. She began looking for a place to live for the winter.

The river has become

The river has become The boys ran to the river. The little boy jumped out onto the ice. He skidded across the ice. Other children followed the daredevil. Here they are in the middle of the river. There was a crack. Water came out. The children rushed to the shore like sparrows. The daredevils found themselves up to their necks in the water. They were screaming and calling for help. Men and women ran to the shore. The guys clung to the thin ice with their hands. He broke, crumbled. A worker with a long board crawled towards the guys. He saved them.

In the north

Few people live in the far north. Day after day you can go and not meet a person's habitation. There are no roads - everything is covered with snow. We have to carry people and goods on dogs. Dogs are true friends of man. The leader of my team was called Ushko. He had a thick coat, a sharp muzzle, erect ears and a bushy tail. Ushko often looked back as he ran, noticing which dog was lazy and ran badly. At the bus stop, he approached the dog and growled at her.

Winter has come

The weather has changed. By morning the whole neighborhood was shrouded in a thick, viscous fog. A sharp freezing wind blew. Frost crackled. And what a beauty it was when the sun rose! The trees and bushes in the garden were all showered with frost. The branches seemed to be covered with brilliant white flowers. Each branch seemed to radiate light. The weeping birch, swayed by the wind, seemed to come to life. Its long branches with fluffy fringes moved quietly. What a splendor it was! Large diamonds shimmered in the snow.


On the mountain ash that grew near the fence, no one knows where the squirrel appeared. Fluffing out her tail, she sat in a fork and looked at the bunches that swayed in the wind on thin branches. The squirrel ran along the trunk and hung on a branch, swayed - jumped over the fence. She held a bunch of rowan in her mouth. She quickly ran along the fence, and then hid behind a post, putting her fluffy, airy tail out. "Fan!" I remembered. So the hunters call the squirrel tail.

in winter

It was a wonderful view of winter nature. The rays of the sun showered the whole area with a cold brilliance. Traces of animals and birds are visible on the snow tablecloth. With their heavy heads bowed, the age-old firs froze. A nimble squirrel jumped from tree to tree. Huge caps of snow fell from the trees. The forest smelled of resin and pine needles. But then a plump cloud slowly covered the horizon. Snow began to fall in flakes. We drove up to the village. Dim lights flickered in the windows. The long winter twilight was fast approaching.

During the winter holidays

We lived with my mother in the country during the winter holidays. It was quiet there. Crows circled around us.

We feel sorry for them all. We started feeding them. For top dressing, the crows fell in love with their mother. They followed her all over the village. Mom comes out on the road. A car rushes along the road, the crows immediately raise a hubbub. They warn their mother of the danger.

The holidays are over. We left for Moscow.

We came back in the summer. The crows recognized us.


There were funny people. They decided to please Santa Claus with gifts. The little people got into the sleigh and rolled along the fabulous road. They meet sad musicians. The musicians broke their instruments. The little people gave them a pipe, a drum, an accordion. A sad snowman sits by the road. He only has a broom in his hand. Cheerful little men gave him a Christmas tree. All gifts were given by little men. And Santa Claus comes out of the forest. The little men got bored. And Santa Claus tells them: "I know your good deeds, and they are the best gift to me!"

Hedgehog and calf

The calf met the hedgehog. The hedgehog curled up into a ball and snorted. The stupid calf jumped up and licked the hedgehog. The needles pricked his tongue painfully. The calf roared and ran to the cow. He began to complain to his mother about the hedgehog. The cow raised her head, looked at her son, and again began to pluck the grass.

The hedgehog rolled to his hole. He told the hedgehog that he had defeated a terrible beast. The glory about the courage of the hedgehog went beyond the distant lake, beyond the dark forests.

Reference words: met, curled up, complain, raised, said hedgehog that.


During the winter holidays, Dima and his mother rested with his grandfather in the village. Winter was stormy. Dima went skiing and sledding with the guys. Once they made a big snowman. Once Dima observed a heavy snowfall. Large flakes of snow swirled smoothly in the air. They quickly covered the ground with a fluffy carpet.

Snowdrifts grew around the house.

Dima loved to visit the winter forest. The forest was light and solemn. For a long time he looked at the beautiful dress of firs and pines.

Snowstorm in the forest

Suddenly hissed, hissed through the forest. The ground ran. The forest hummed, it became dark in it, as in the evening. The wind came up. The trees swayed. Snowdrifts flew from the spruce paws. Snow began to fall and a blizzard began.

Titmouse subsided, huddled into a ball. And the wind tears it from the branch, ruffles the feathers and freezes the naked body under them. Well, the woodpecker let her into his spare hollow, otherwise the titmouse would have disappeared. The storm has passed. The sun came out, cheerful, bright!

On the hill

The guys built a snow slide in the yard. They watered her well. Kotka did not build a hill. He sat at home and looked out the window. The guys are gone.

Kotka put on his skates and ran to the hill.

It was slippery on the hill. The boy fell. Kotka decided to sprinkle the hill with sand. The guys came running and began to scold Kotka. He decided to correct his mistake. The boy began to drag clods of snow up the hill, pour water on it. Kotka even made steps. This makes it easier for the kids to climb the hill.

Friends of the forest

The children of our school guard the forest all year round. Before new year holiday are on duty on the roads. A hundred forest beauties were saved from death. In early spring, Russian birches are protected from lovers of birch sap. There are many young plantings in the forest. The seedlings took root, got stronger, grew up. It is joyful to look at them, moving from clearing to clearing. There are traces of birds and animals on a clean tablecloth of snow. Here a mouse ran to the mink. Silence in the forest. Our forest is beautiful! Take care of its beauty.


Without tits, the winter forest seems dead. Only a pine branch will creak and a snow cap will fall from the tree. But here comes a flock of tits. The forest is alive. Squeaking birds fly from branch to branch. They inspect every crack in the bark of the tree. What kind of tits are not in the flock! They loudly call to each other in the winter forest. In a fierce cold, tits fly up to the village. The guys pour seeds for them on the flies. Hungry tits can freeze.

Vegetables in winter

There is a crackling February frost outside. The whole earth sleeps under shaggy snow. The hostess treats us with cucumbers and radishes. Man has learned to build warm houses for plants. All year round he grows herbs, vegetables, fruits in them. We drive up to the greenhouse. There is no winter in the greenhouse. Smart machines water and feed plants. Drops of water glisten on green onions. Machines regulate light and heat. A rich harvest of vegetables is received by collective farmers in greenhouses.

Reference words: in them, grow, regulate.

winter lark

The January dawn slowly creeps along the street. Birds whistle in the air. It is a crested lark who has woken up, cleaned himself up and is running towards the road. With the first snow, he appears on a village street, on the outskirts of the city. All day he is in search of food. The lark flies little, but runs fast. In the cold, he jumps on one leg. The other leg is hidden under the feathers. He is warm at night. It lies in a hole, the lark hides its paws and beak in a thick feather.

Reference words: dawn, resounds, crested.

News from the forest

Prickly snow fell. It rippled in the thick aspen forest. The blows of snow pellets on tree trunks merged into a mysterious rumble. Traces stretched from the edge of the forest to the village. Dawn has come. Snow glittered on the spruce. A flock of sparrows hastened to the village. Capercaillie and he flew up to the road in search of food. Moose, roe deer rushed to the clearing. They ate bark from aspens and willows. Hares compacted the snow near brushwood. In winter, the animal world needs help.

Reference words: mysterious, brushwood, help.

apple lover

I walk down a narrow path into a clearing. A flock of thrushes appeared on the mountain ash. A hedgehog rustled under a snag. I love this area. Moose appear here in late autumn. Near the clearing was an abandoned garden. It is overgrown with weeds. The trees withered, degenerated. There were no hunters for sour and small fruits. But then I heard the crunch of apples. I spotted a moose. He walked from apple tree to apple tree. With a soft lip, the forest giant grabbed apples and ate them.

Reference words: here, abandoned, amateur.

white figurines

The trees were talking all night. Winter has come to the forest. Wonderful figures froze under the cold vault. They settled on the tops of fir trees, stumps, branches. A forest man in a fur hat and burka got out of the snowdrift. He looked around the whitened forest. The sun appeared. Tears dripped from the man's pine eyelashes. A group of fir-trees clung to an old Christmas tree. They look like rabbits. Here is a fabulous bear. The forest is full of magical animals, birds. But there are no traces of them on the white tablecloth of snow.

Forest Glade

The forest clearing is covered with snow. Near the bush sticks out an old stump. There are many cozy winter apartments here for forest dwellers. Small insects hid under the bark from the cold. The mustachioed beetle also settled down to winter here. A lizard lay down in a hole under the roots. A flock of tits flew over the clearing. She perched on a tree. Snow dust fell to the ground. A hare ran out into the clearing. The animal looked around and quickly jumped into the forest.


The days were short. But now the frost began to pass. The clarity of the blue sky faded.

A plump white cloud covered the horizon. Slowly, the snow began to fall in large chunks. There was snow all around me. The sky was snowing down. The air was filled with movement.

The long winter twilight was coming. I approached the village.


Tanya and Vitya lived in a forest lodge. In winter, Vitya hung a bird feeder from an old Christmas tree. One day, a red squirrel appeared near the feeder. She cautiously jumped onto the feeder. The animal began to take the mountain ash with its paws and deftly eat the berries.

The guys made a table for the squirrel. They put crusts of bread, dry mushrooms on her table. Sometimes children buried food in the snow. The squirrel has a good instinct. She raked the loose snow with her paws and took food. Every day the squirrel ran to the feeder.

snow patterns

A severe frost struck at night. It was a clear frosty morning. You woke up and looked at the window. It is all covered with a wonderful pattern. Here is the long thread. But a flower bloomed on the glass. How did these patterns come about? Water vapor from the air became water droplets. It got cold. These droplets settled on the ice field. Enough dust on the glass to cling to the first piece of ice. Ice cubes grow and grow. Here are the different drawings. They sparkled and shimmered in the sun.

At the edge

rose above winter forest Sun. The earth is covered with a clean white tablecloth and is resting. Along the edge of the clearing, a red fox comes hunting. Paw after paw traces curl behind him. Here the frozen branch crunched and broke. The fox listens to see if a mouse squeaks under a hummock in a winter mink. Here flew a flock of crossbills. She sat at the top of a spruce. Handsome grouse flew out of the deep fluffy snow. They sat down on a birch covered with lacy frost. Everything notices the old fox.

Reference words: handsome grouse.


The birthplace of bullfinches is the coniferous forests of the northern taiga. In October, they arrive for wintering in our area. Bullfinches stand out sharply against the background of the snow cover with their bright plumage. In winter, birds feed on alder and maple seeds. They are especially attracted to rowan berries. Birds fly slowly in cheerful flocks from mountain ash to mountain ash. On a tree branch, they look like red lanterns. In the spring, the bullfinches will be far away at home. Birds will build nests, hatch chicks. Again we will hear their sonorous whistle in the winter forest only at the beginning of winter.

The danger has passed

Fields, meadows, forests are dressed with a fluffy veil. A cautious mouse ran through the deep snow. Traces wind from mink to mink. Their chain led to the river. Sleepy fish swim lazily in the underwater world. It is difficult for them to breathe under the icy crust. The fish swim towards the hole. Crows fly from hole to hole. Fishermen know: if a crow is circling over the river, then trouble has come. People are making new holes. A stream of fresh air bursts under the ice. The fish is saved.

in winter

Winter covered the town with fluffy snow. There were soft gray days. A bird fell from the top of an old tree. Silvery frost fell. He settled with white dust on a lilac bush. Furnaces crackled in the house. It smelled of birch smoke. Gusts of strong wind carried the smell of smoke into the neighboring grove. A group of women went to the hole for water. Above a steep cliff there is an old gazebo. Her steps were gray with frost. In the morning, Tatyana Petrovna told Vera to take a shovel and clear the path to the gazebo.

Reindeer moss

In winter, on the top of Mount Chuval, herds of deer easily get moss out of the snow. They rip up the snow with their hooves, looking for reindeer moss. Moss is a beautiful soft moss. It's a shame to walk on it. The trace of a person remains in the reindeer moss on long years. There is a lot of reindeer moss on the mountainside. Among the reindeer moss we saw lingonberries. She seemed especially ripe and juicy in the gray bushes. We ate cranberries. Yagel was left to deer. We went to the hut. She stood on the banks of the Vishera River. Words for reference: reindeer moss, Vishera, remains.


A deer stepped out of the bushes. Nikita extended his hand to the deer. There was salt on the boy's palm. The stag looked at us. A slender doe followed the deer. And then a deer ran out. He licked Nikita's hand. Mom and dad got excited. But the salt beckoned. Soon the whole family was licking Nikita's hand. I looked around the area. Noisily, a bird flew from tree to tree. Ants crawled along the narrow path. Suddenly, another deer with short antlers appeared from the bushes. I fed him salt for a long time.

Winter evening

Short winter day. Blue dusk crawled out of the forest and hung over the snowdrifts. The snow creaked sharply underfoot. The stars appeared in the sky. The frost was getting stronger. Here is the forester's lodge. The blizzards covered large drifts of snow. The little gatehouse was barely visible. We fired up the stove. The fire burned brightly. We got warm.

Reference words: short, dusk, it has become.

Red Book

Rare animals are listed in the Red Book. They need protection. This group of animals includes bison, blue whale, polar bear, golden eagle. The blue whale is on the verge of extinction. In Russian waters, its fishing is prohibited. The polar bear is a large predatory animal. He lives in the Arctic. Today there is no more hunting for him. The golden eagle builds a nest on a high rock. He is amazingly handsome. These animals will live on the planet under human protection.

Reference words: in the Red Book, need, belong, is, fishing.

rare plants

Go into the forest, look around. Amazing plants grow in forests, bloom in May, June. Great luck to admire them in nature. Beautiful flowers are rare.

Cutting down the forest, collecting for bouquets leads to their death. In the lake, in the backwater, a water chestnut grows. It is listed in the Red Book and is under state protection. It is forbidden to tear it. It is joyful for a person to look at wonderful flowers. Save the places where they are.

Reference words: admire, meet, in the Red Book.


Each of us has a sweet and beloved side. And nature has its favorites. This is Baikal.

My friend and I walked along the shore of a glorious lake. The day was rare. Sun was shining.

The air rang. Baikal was clean and quiet. Far away in the sea, stones shimmered with colors. My friend was amazed by the beauty of the lake. Baikal is beautiful even in winter. The transparent ice cleaned by the winds seems thin. Through it you can see how the water lives and moves. Meanwhile, under the feet of strong ice. It can be over a meter thick.

Here is a miracle of nature!

Reference words: Baikal, of us, is shocked, cleaned, moving through it, thick.

In the taiga

Winter has descended into the taiga. The north wind has blown. Snow sparkled in the sun. The larches stood out brightly on the white tablecloth. At night, high in the sky, a wild goose called. He has strayed from his pack. The villagers gathered in the street. They peered into the woods on the horizon. Everyone was waiting for the deer to come. The deer is a very smart and kind animal. He feels an unfrozen key under deep snow and bypasses it. The deer easily jumps over the rubble.

Reference words: peered, unfrozen.

Strip (Fairy tale)

The tigress decided to bake a sweet cake. Flour and powdered sugar flew in all directions. A tiger cub was sitting at the table. The mother looked at him and was surprised. The tiger cub was white and without stripes. The animal ran to look for its lanes. The kid thought he had lost them.

On the street he met a zebra. The tiger cub froze in surprise. What a stripe she is! The tiger cub wept bitterly.

A zebra licked a tiger cub. A dark stripe appeared on the skin. She licked again and again. Stripes flashed one after another on the back. The animal was happy. It's flour and powdered sugar that changed the tiger's coat.

Frost helped

Metro was built in Moscow. The soft soil crept. Water ran in streams. Work has stopped. The refrigeration machine came underground. The underground swamp was frozen. The walls of the tunnel became solid. Water did not pass through the walls. So the frost helped build the subway. This method often helped builders in St. Petersburg. Now there is a wonderful metro in the city on the Neva.

Reference words: tunnel, yes.

Christmas tree

The children have been waiting for a fun holiday for a long time. The end of December has come. A fluffy Christmas tree was brought into the room. The house smelled of resin and freshness. They began to dress up the forest beauty. Firecrackers, flags and others appeared on the branches Christmas decorations. The golden gossamer sparkled. At the top of the Christmas tree, the boys fixed a star. Elka came to life. The room became noisy and cheerful. Words for reference: smell, noisy.

In the forest

It got very cold during the night. It was a clear frosty morning. Sparkles, shimmers in the rays of the sun snow. Wonderful snow figures lay down on stumps, branches, branches. A group of fir trees clung to an old Christmas tree. They looked like fluffy white animals. Along the edge of the clearing, a red fox is hunting. He listens to see if a mouse squeaked under a bump in a mink. A flock of crossbills sat on the top of the tree. Black grouse flew out of the deep snow. They sat down on a frost-covered birch.


It's cold outside. There was silence in the alleys of the park. Only the old lindens moaned and groaned. The snow crushed them. The lindens shook their frozen branches. They wanted to throw off the snow. A bullfinch perched on a tree. He exposed the red breast and belly. That's how brave he is! People slowed down and smiled. The first bullfinch invites the cold. Frost struck at night.


After the thaw, a sharp wind and cold crept up. The snow was covered with a hard crust. It is difficult for birds to get food. Many of them are starving at this time. The bird does not have enough strength to break through the ice sheet.

It is also difficult for partridges. They sleep in snowy underground burrows. The night was frosty. Partridges woke up in the morning. How to get out of the ice captivity? Sometimes they smash their heads on the ice into the blood.

In the winter cold

A cold, dim sun rises in the mist. Sleeping winter forest. All living things froze to death. Only sometimes the trees crackle from the frost.

I come to a forest clearing. Behind the clearing is a dense old spruce forest. Large cones hang on the trees. Under their weight, the pines bowed the ends of the branches. All around is quiet. In winter, birdsong is not heard. Many have flown south. Suddenly, as if a cheerful breeze rustled over the frozen forest. It was a flock of thrushes that swept over the clearing.

Final dictations in Russian in elementary school (Grade 4)

Forest kids time

The warm summer has come. Bluebells, forget-me-nots, wild roses bloom at the forest edge. White daisies stretch their delicate petals towards the sun.

Chicks fly out of cozy nests. The animals are growing up. Bear cubs are the oldest. They were born in a cold winter in a den. Now they obediently follow the strict mother. Red foxes play merrily near the hole. And who flickers in the pine branches? Yes, these are dexterous squirrels making their first high-altitude jumps. At dusk, spiny hedgehogs go hunting.

Do not offend forest kids. Come to the forest as true friends.


The sun came out from behind the forest. The forest glade cheered up. Dew drops played in every flower, in every blade of grass.

But then a cloud came up and covered the whole sky. Nature is sad. A column of dust flew towards the lake. Dry boughs fell from the trees from the harsh wind. The forest was muffled and menacingly noisy. Wet spots appeared on the ground. Streams flowed from the hills. Thunderclaps deafened the entire area.

But the storm passed quickly. And again the sun shines over the forest.


Hedgehogs live under our porch. In the evenings the whole family goes out for a walk. Adult hedgehogs dig the ground with small paws. They take out the roots and eat. Little hedgehogs at this time play, frolic.

One day a dog ran up to the old hedgehog. The hedgehog curled up into a ball and froze. The dog carefully rolled the hedgehog towards the pond. The hedgehog plopped into the water and swam. I drove the dog.

The following spring, one old hedgehog remained under the porch. Where did the rest go? They moved to another place. The old hedgehog didn't want to leave my house.

Summer morning

I am standing near a flowering clover field. Its multi-colored carpet shimmers, changes color. In the very distance, a golden border shines with a dazzling brilliance.

The lark flew up. The gray lump turned golden in the first rays of the sun. Bright sparks played in the dew drops on the flowers.

What wonderful sounds spread over the earth? It's the bees that have flown. They buzzed over a bowl of flowers. The grasshopper woke up. His squeaky music followed. Now the whole field is singing.

Everyone is happy on a warm summer morning. Happy for me too.


Our house was in a beautiful garden. Wonderful flowers grew in the flower bed. They were bells. They chirped merrily in the breeze. Daisies grew along the path. A shaggy bumblebee flew up to them and buzzed loudly.

The garden stretched far. Behind the garden was the forest. This forest was close to the river itself. A nightingale lived in thick bushes. Every evening he sang his wonderful song. People listened to the nightingale and smiled. There was a lot of warmth and joy in this song.

Swallow's nest

Under the roof of the house, the swallow made a cozy nest. The local sparrow decided to occupy it and flew in there. The swallow raised a fuss and began to chase the sparrow. The sparrow spread its wings and screamed sharply. The poor thing flew away in fright. Sparrow calmed down.

But what is it? Suddenly a whole flock of birds came running. Each bird had a piece of earth in its beak. They quickly began to close the holes in the nest.

The prisoner raised a cry. We brought a ladder and opened the hole. The sparrow flew out like an arrow. And the swallow returned to her house and sang loudly.

End of form

Sections: Primary School


  • the formation in children of love for nature, a sense of responsibility for "our smaller brothers";
  • moral education.


  1. To instill in children interest and love for their native land, respect for nature, accuracy.
  2. Expand the horizons of children.
  3. Learn about the life of animals and birds.
  4. Develop the small muscles of the fingers.
  5. Develop creativity and imagination.


  • paper napkins;
  • glue, cardboard;
  • watercolor paints;
  • bullfinch stencil;
  • bird cards;
  • a sample of the product of the application "Bullfinch";
  • exhibition of books, drawings.

Lesson plan:

  1. Organization of the beginning of the lesson. Creating a positive emotional state.
  2. Statement of the educational task.
  3. Assimilation of new material.
  4. Game minute.
  5. Consolidation.
  6. Independent work.
  7. Summary of the lesson.

During the classes

Teacher. Today we have an unusual lesson - a lesson excursion. We will make a trip to the winter forest. There are many forests in our country. Our republic is part of the forest zone. The forest occupies more than half of its territory. The forest is the dress of our land. Where there is a forest fresh air. The forest is a home for animals and birds.

Now let's fantasize a little. They closed their eyes. Let's imagine that we put on skis and went to the forest.

(The music of Tchaikovsky's "The Seasons" sounds.)

(A picture of a winter forest is on the screen.) Appendix 1. Slide 1.

Winter forest - it's like a fairy tale
And especially then
When hoarfrost white paint
Fluff it up a little.
The forest is solemn, calm,
Silence rings in my ears
Shroud of fluffy white
He is dutifully covered.
White snow - how wonderful it is!
Its brilliance is like blue.
And where the eye does not look,
Winter is everywhere.

Cold and hungry birds in winter
Feed the birds in winter!
Let from all over
They will flock to you, like home,
Stakes on the porch.
Their food is not rich,
A handful of grain is needed.
One handful - and not terrible
They will have winter.
Train the birds in the cold
To your window
So that without songs it was not necessary
We welcome spring.

So we visited the winter forest. It's time to go home.

They closed their eyes. (Music sounds.) They opened their eyes.

Did you like this walk in the winter forest?

What other wintering birds do you know? slide 22.

The world of birds is diverse, and each bird is special with its habits and coloring. But all birds are beautiful!

(Children sing "Sparrow's Song" music. Companion, lyrics by Sinyavsky.)

Teacher. Guys, we talked a lot about birds. Try to guess which bird it is.

Black-winged, red-breasted,
And in the winter he will find shelter:
He is not afraid of a cold -
With the first snow - right there. (Bullfinch.)

Today we will complete a picturesque mosaic of a bird - a bullfinch.

Mosaic (translated from French) is an image or pattern made from pieces of one or different materials.

What material do you think this mosaic is made of? Slide 7.

What colors can you find in the image of the bullfinch?

Instead of black - we use a white napkin and then color it.

  1. Take a napkin, tear it into a narrow strip and roll it into balls.
  2. Start sticking balls from the upper body.

How is it more convenient to stick on - one ball at a time or spreading a small area with glue, and then sticking balls on it?

We will work in pairs. Where will you start your work?

Summary of the lesson. Exhibition of the best works.

When you walk along spring forest, sometimes you can hear “trrr-trrr-trrr!” above your head, as if someone is knocking on an empty barrel. This is the woodpecker's spring song. Woodpeckers will find an old, rotten aspen in the forest. For two weeks they hollow out a deep hollow in turn. The bottom of the hollow is covered with sawdust - and the nest is ready.

If you approach the aspen and knock with a stick, the chicks will squeal loudly and will look out of the hollow. They still do not know how to fly, they crawl along the walls of the hollow. They will grow, scatter through the forest, will peel the spruce cones, peck the bark with a strong beak, look for caterpillars and beetles.

Sometimes a whole pile of peeled pine cones is piled under a tree. Next to it is a woodpecker's forge. The woodpecker puts a cone in a split branch, pecks out all the seeds, throws an empty cone down and flies after another.

The woodpecker is an arboreal bird. He hollows diseased trees and takes out pest beetles and their larvae with a long tongue. If there are many woodpeckers in the forest, then the trees will be strong and healthy.

Forest crows live in pairs. And they live for two hundred years or more. A pair of ravens flies over the taiga and carefully examines every clearing, every stream. If they notice the prey: the remains of a deer that was bitten by a bear, or a dead fish on the shore, they will immediately let other crows know. “Kruk-krruk-krruk”, the cry of a raven rushes over the taiga, it notifies other ravens that it has found prey.

Never confuse a gray crow with a forest crow. The gray crow has gray and black feathers, and the collar is all black. A crow flies closer to the village in winter, pecks at something in a landfill, and a raven never approaches human habitation, it is a wild bird of the forest.

All birds build nests, hatch chicks. Except the cuckoo. The cuckoo is waiting for some bird to fly away from the nest for food. Then the cuckoo will throw its egg into someone else's nest.

So the cuckoo chiffchaffs sat out. First of all, as he grew up, he threw the chicks out of the nest to the ground. And now - that's how big! The whole day the warblers carry caterpillars, larvae, beetles - and all the cuckoo is small, its beak opens and squeaks.

Without tits, the winter forest seems dead. Only a pine branch will creak and a snow cap will fall from the Christmas tree. But as soon as a flock of tits flies, the forest comes to life.

Titmouse with a squeak, with a kick, fly from branch to branch, from tree to tree - they examine every crack in the bark: is there a tree seed, is there a sleeping bug hiding somewhere. What kind of tits are not in a flock:

and blue tit, and Muscovy, and gneraders with striped tufts on their heads ...

Tits do not fly away for the winter to warm countries, like other birds, and call loudly to one another in the winter forest. And in the summer the whole forest rings with bird voices, and tits are not seen and not heard with their modest song. In a fierce cold, tits fly to the huts, and the guys pour sunflower seeds on the feeders for them, otherwise the hungry tits will freeze in the forest.

Capercaillie - a resident of forest thickets. This is a big forest rooster. In summer, when blueberries, lingonberries, blueberries ripen, the wood grouse feeds on berries. And on the banks of streams, capercaillie peck small pebbles so that in the stomach the pebbles, like millstones, grind the berries. In winter, the capercaillie feeds on pine needles. Millstones grind them. In the spring, when the snow melts in the forest, the wood grouses begin to talk - to sing their spring songs. The capercaillie walks on the ground like a turkey-cock, spreading its tail like a fan, and clicks with its beak, as if two sticks are knocking against each other. And the song ends, as if a knife is being sharpened on a bar. At the end of the song, the capercaillie stalls, which is why they called him the capercaillie.

Tatyana Kokovina
Scenario of entertainment for titmouse day "Bird Tree"

Target: initiation junior schoolchildren to the traditions and customs of the Russian people; the formation of love for nature, a sense of responsibility for "Our smaller brothers".

Once in Rus', our ancestors celebrated a wonderful, kind and wise holiday, which called for taking care of nature, taking care of birds in a difficult period for them. This holiday was called Sinichkin in the afternoon and it fell on November 12th. People even said: "Small titmouse bird, but knows his holiday ".

The folk customs of feeding are associated with this holiday. tits and other birds. It is in this day titmouse flew from the forests and huddled closer to houses, to people, while many other, more heat-loving birds flew to warmer climes. Tits same like the sparrows all year round with us. If in the warm season they live more in the forest, then with the onset of cold weather they fly closer to people, hoping for their help.

A fragment from the book of G. Snegirev is read out "Birds of our forests":

"…Without tits the winter forest seems dead. Only a pine branch will creak and a snow cap will fall from the Christmas tree. But how a flock will fly tits the forest will come to life. Tits with a squeak, with a piping fly from branch to branch, from tree to tree - inspect every path in the bark: is there a wooden seed, is there a sleeping bug hiding somewhere. There are just no tits in a flock: and blue tit, and Muscovy, and grenadiers with striped tufts on their heads.

Into the bitter cold tits fly to the huts, and the guys pour grain for them or put pieces of bread on the feeder, otherwise they are hungry tits will freeze in the forest ...».

How do you help birds survive a cold and difficult winter for them?

(children's answers)

Readers read poetry « bird tree» .

1.We have this custom: a little snow falls,

board house hang the bird on a knot.

Let's pour plenty of food, let the birds will peck.

The birds are happy because they know: they are waiting here!

Above the wooden house in the morning there is an incessant din.

How fun for the feathered, fluttering guests!

2. Poem by Z. Alexandrova « bird tree» .

At the silver path, as soon as the New Year comes,

On a high thin leg, the miracle Christmas tree rises.

This Christmas tree is not simple and it's not for kids.

Near the Christmas tree, flying, the birds whistle merrily.

There are woodpeckers and tits, bullfinches and sparrow,

Everyone wants to have fun near their Christmas tree.

Toys do not shine on her, and the star does not shine,

But on the other hand, we hung bird feeders there.

Are arriving avian flocks to our Christmas tree in the winter garden.

And in the garden, without stopping, the bells ring.


1. Why was the bullfinch given a snowy name? (Bullfinches come to us with the first snow, and in the spring they fly north to their native lands.)

2. Why does crossbill build nests in winter? (In winter, there are plenty of spruce seeds for nestlings, but not in spring.)

3. What tree does the woodpecker water? (Birch with its juice.)

4. Which migratory flock promises snow? (A flock of migratory geese. Expect snowfall in 1-2 days.)

5. Who has never taken a step? (Sparrow.)

Promotion "Let's feed birds» .

We weigh the feeders with the children and pour the food.

Readers read poetry.

1. Feed the birds in winter,

Throw a handful of crumbs

And let them scurry sometimes

Stakes at the windows.

Throw in a handful of grain.

They don't need much.

And the winter is not so terrible

Will be for the winged.

Do not let them at a fierce hour

Dying from disease

And spring will give you

Their festive song.

2. Poem by Alexander Yashin "Feed the Birds".

Feed the birds in winter.

Let from all over

They will flock to you, like home,

Stakes on the porch.

Their food is not rich.

Need a handful of grain

One handful -

And not scary

They will have winter.

How many of them die - do not count,

It's hard to see.

But in our heart there is

And the birds are warm.

Is it possible to forget:

Could fly away

And stayed for the winter

Along with people.

Train the birds in the cold

To your window

So that without songs it was not necessary

We welcome spring.