How to open your own clinic. How to open a medical center from scratch. Pros and cons of such institutions

Russian “free” medicine is getting worse every year - this is an indisputable fact. That is why there is an acute shortage of quality medical services at an adequate price on the market. The obvious insufficiency of medical centers is visible to the naked eye even in megacities, not to mention ordinary medium-sized cities. Therefore, opening your own medical office is a great idea that is guaranteed to bring you good profits. In this article you will learn about where to start opening a medical center, what is needed for this and how much you can earn by providing services to the population.

Studying the market

The first thing you should do is study the market and find out how in demand your services will be. It should be understood that medical centers are subject to increased demands both from regulatory authorities and from potential clients.

A medical center can bring you good profit and fame

We recommend that you first create a clinic not of a general profile, but of a narrow thematic one. You need to choose the most suitable job profile, find personnel, select equipment. Then, as you work, you will understand what services are popular in your city/area and can develop further.

To study the market, you will need to analyze several factors:

  1. Are there medical centers in your city that provide paid services. How many similar centers operate in your area, what services they provide, what price level they offer to the population.
  2. What services are popular in your city? This information can be obtained at the nearest clinic, simply by looking at the queues and talking with the reception staff.
  3. How effective medical Center can cure an existing disease.
  4. What is the average cost of the services you plan to provide?

Based on such an analysis, you can draw up quality business plan and determine the feasibility of opening your own center. Also based on these studies will be built marketing plan, equipment procurement plan, personnel selection, etc., so never ignore the market research process.

Premises and opening options

Where is the best place to open a private medical clinic to get the maximum flow of clients? Optimal choice— city center, elite microdistrict, microdistrict with new buildings. You should not focus on old residential areas - they are home to many retirees and young people who are not your target audience.

To open a clinic, you will need a fairly large room. It will need to accommodate several treatment rooms, a resident's room, a treatment room, a staff room, several bathrooms, offices for administrative staff, etc. The room must have water supply, heating, sewerage, electricity (some devices require 380 volts). It will be necessary to make high-quality repairs to the premises and purchase appropriate equipment.

Note: The purchase of equipment is the largest expense item. To choose it correctly, you need to determine the class of the medical institution and the scope of its activities.

A medical center requires high-quality equipment

There are three classes of clinics:

  1. Elite.
  2. Average.
  3. Economy

A healthy lifestyle is one of the main social trends today: we try to eat high-quality food, play sports, and undergo medical examinations in a timely manner. Given the low quality of public medicine, private clinics are becoming increasingly in demand, and this circumstance greatly influences the medical services market. Let's look at how to open a medical center from scratch, while avoiding risks and not making mistakes.

How to open a clinic

In order to become the owner of a medical center, it is not necessary to have the appropriate education and be a doctor. Any legal entity or individual. Therefore, the first step is to register an enterprise (for example, LLC), to help choose organizational form qualified specialists can.

The direction can be called promising: as part of the optimization program, the number of public hospitals is being reduced, while queues in the remaining ones are increasing. The quality of free medicine and the condition of buildings and wards also often leave much to be desired, so citizens turn to commercial establishments. But the cost of service in such organizations is average or high - that is, it is designed for a wealthy client. Therefore, it makes sense to launch such a business in cities with a population of 500 thousand or more people and in “million-plus” cities, and in small towns it is better to start with highly specialized offices. In large cities there is more competition, but so is the level of income and, accordingly, demand.

Before opening a medical center, decide on the direction - what services will be provided there. Of course, it's worth assessing which competitors are nearby and what they offer. But even if there are other private hospitals in your city, you can likely carve out a niche for yourself. According to Ernst & Young, the market for private medical services in Russia continues to grow steadily, despite the economic downturn since 2015. However, patients began to choose clinics more carefully based on the price/quality ratio of services.

Types of private clinics

  1. A medical center is an organization that provides many different types assistance, diagnosis, prevention, treatment. There may be a hospital with several rooms, therapists and specialists of a narrow profile. Typically, such institutions use their own diagnostic equipment and “guide” the patient from beginning to end - diagnosis, treatment and subsequent support, as well as issuing all necessary certificates. You will need a large space, a sufficient number of qualified doctors, equipment, etc.
  2. The diagnostic center is a popular business, as even clients with limited funds turn to private institutions for the necessary urgent tests and diagnostic procedures. Required modern equipment and highly qualified personnel.
  3. The children's clinic is a popular alternative to overcrowded municipal clinics. Responsive doctors and a pleasant interior will appeal to both young patients and parents, who will provide advertising by starting word of mouth.
  4. A specialized clinic is also a popular and trusted destination. Many high-quality services can only be obtained in such institutions - dental, cosmetology, etc.
  5. Treatment room - can only operate on the territory of an existing hospital. In addition to medical care and testing rooms, there are also representatives of alternative medicine: acupuncture, homeopathy, etc.

Pros and cons of such institutions:





Medical complex

Theoretically, all residents of the city can be clients

Large costs at all stages – both initial and regular

Diagnostic complex

Diagnostics are almost never free, so there is less competition with public medicine

High costs for equipment and personnel

Children Hospital

People take their children's health more seriously than their own.

Specifics of working with young children (higher responsibility, parental factor).

Institution of a narrow profile

It is easier to concentrate on the target audience, inspires customer trust

Sometimes you have to

refer clients to

subcontractors or


Treatment room

Low costs, few employees, quick payback

You can only work at an operating hospital.



Before you open your clinic, you need to rent or buy premises. By law, only certain types of commercial medical centers can be located in residential buildings: with no more than 100 visits per day. Laboratories, MRI equipment, infectious diseases departments, drug treatment clinics, etc. cannot be placed.

If you are planning to open a small cosmetology clinic in a high-rise building, you will definitely have to make a separate entrance.

In any case, when choosing a location, check that the conditions comply with the requirements of SanPiN, since the license required to conduct business in the medical field is issued for a specific address.

Location plays a role: a sign at a busy intersection will be noticed a large number of passers-by and people driving by, which will increase recognition - this is ideal for a medical center with low or average prices. A premium-level establishment requires a different approach: it makes sense to locate it in a more secluded, picturesque location with convenient access roads and parking.

What do you need to open a private clinic?

Availability of a license issued by the Ministry of Health - required condition for work in the field of human health. Licenses are issued by the executive bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation (regional ministries, city health departments).

To obtain a permit, you must provide:

  • notarized copies of the organization’s constituent documents;
  • -copies of documents confirming the availability of own or rented premises that meet the requirements of SanPiN;
  • copies of documents confirming the availability and registration of equipment and tools needed for the activity;
  • a copy of the sanitary and epidemiological report;
  • copies of documents that confirm that the management (chief physician), employees and personnel who maintain medical equipment have professional education, qualifications and work experience;
  • if the equipment is serviced by third-party specialists, attach a copy of the contract;
  • receipt of payment of state duty (RUB 7,500);
  • a statement indicating all types of activities.
  • The license is issued for an indefinite period and applies exclusively to the types of services specified in the application. If a license has been obtained for the maintenance and treatment of the reproductive system, it is impossible to open a children's clinic. In addition, you can only practice at the address indicated in the permit document.

Personnel decides everything

Qualified and friendly staff are the basis for the success of the enterprise, and professional level workers is a key issue.

The founder or director may be a manager and not have a doctor’s education, which the chief physician, all specialists and junior medical staff must have. The work experience of doctors must be at least 3 years, the qualifications of doctors are confirmed by category.

If the salary in the new institution is higher than in a state hospital, you will be able to attract high-level specialists, but it will still be difficult to “lure” well-known and sought-after doctors. This should be done at the initial stage - when a business plan is being developed future organization. It is not necessary to hire an accountant on staff - you can outsource the company.

The search for employees can be carried out in three directions:

  • on thematic websites and recruiting agencies;
  • through friends;
  • agree on cooperation with key figures - future chief physician, heads of departments - and entrust them with the selection of personnel: they have an extensive circle of acquaintances in the medical corporation, they know the criteria for assessing the professionalism of a physician.


It is impossible to develop without advertising, but the promotion of medical services is limited by law. According to the Law “On Advertising”, each advertising message should warn about the presence of contraindications and the need to seek professional advice (what is written in small print on posters or quickly stated at the end of the video).

You cannot mention specific cases of cure, show grateful patients, refer to the results of studies required by law, or assume that viewers have disorders or illnesses.

Investments in business

The size of the initial capital depends on the scale of the enterprise. The main expense is equipment. Modern high-tech equipment is expensive: for example, the price of diagnostic equipment from a number of European and Japanese manufacturers can reach several hundred thousand dollars.

It is difficult to calculate the cost of repairs: the complexity of communication, the level of equipment and finishing of the facade and premises, the presence of elevators, whether VIP rooms are provided, and underground parking are all important. To estimate the size of these investments, you need to understand who the target audience is: if you expect that a significant part of the patients will be from the Forbes list, this is one format, if you are aimed at serving clients with small and medium incomes, this is a completely different format.

You also need to take into account the number and qualifications of employees, which determines monthly salary costs.

As you can see, it is difficult to set an upper limit on starting capital.

Therefore, let’s consider how much you will have to invest minimally in a small business, for example, a small but functional dentist’s office.

To get started you will need:

  • purchase of a unit (dental chair and equipment) – from 1 million rubles;
  • working “little things” and consumables - instruments, disinfection cabinets, etc., as well as furniture for the reception area and stationery - another 1 million rubles;
  • rental of premises. The cost depends on the location, quality of finishing and square footage. For a room of 40 m2 ± in the central area of ​​a large city that does not require repairs, the monthly payment will be on average 50 thousand + “utilities” 25 thousand;
  • license – 7500 rubles;
  • salaries for employees: doctor (or several), administrator (100,000).
  • advertising – from 30,000 (costs of signage, website creation).
Thus, a small business will require at least 2,212 thousand rubles at the start. It is possible to purchase a franchise - you can launch a branch of an already promoted medical brand for 3 million rubles.

Before opening a private clinic, consider the possible risks:

  • competition. Before starting, carefully analyze the work of other similar organizations, do not rely on those areas in which your competitors are stronger;
  • location problems. Be sure to pay attention to the compliance of the hospital premises with SanPiN standards;
  • long payback period. The costs of opening a treatment center are significant, and it will take time to attract clients - so expect that you will start making a profit no earlier than in 2-3 years.

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Opening a private clinic makes it possible to realize entrepreneurial potential by offering clients comfortable medical care. Starting a Healthcare Business requires knowledge, time and persistence. Where to begin? To open your own clinic, you don’t have to have specialized education. But it is useful to study at the department of healthcare organization at a university. Medicine is a specific field; the activities of healthcare institutions are strictly regulated by the state, and it is easier to understand it by taking special courses.
At the first stage, select a direction:

  • A highly specialized medical center requires less investment, pays off faster. Popular areas: dentistry, gynecology, urology, cosmetology.
  • A multidisciplinary clinic has greater coverage and is more stable in the market.
  • A diagnostic center or laboratory makes profit through the direct provision of services and cooperation with other medical institutions.
  • The consulting center provides the services of highly qualified specialists and makes profit on their names.

Before opening a private clinic in Russia, get official status. You must select the form of activity (individual entrepreneur or legal entity), OKVED codes, tax regime, register with the tax service and government funds. To open an individual entrepreneur and work in medicine, you must have a specialized education. There is no such requirement for LLC founders.

What do you need to open a clinic?

The premises must comply with SanPiN. The standards indicate how many square meters a particular room should have, what finishing can be used, requirements for the placement of equipment, water supply, sewerage, ventilation, lighting, and microclimate. They are formulated in SanPiN, SanPiN 2956a-83, SanPiN, SanPiN 2.1.3. 1375-03.
If you are planning to open a children's clinic, you will have to take care of the appropriate design, the presence of a mother and child room, and a play area.
The second point is location. Availability of parking and stops public transport, the absence of competitors in the area are important criteria. Consider traffic. A large enterprise, shopping or business center nearby will be a plus.

Obtaining licenses is the longest stage of opening a medical clinic.. The difficulty is that the license is “tied” to a specific address. Each service to be provided requires a separate license. It is also required if you will be issuing sick leave.
To obtain a license, you must meet the requirements of Roszdravnadzor for premises, equipment, and personnel (you must have certificates). The procedure takes from two months to a year. Obtaining licenses is preceded by obtaining a fire inspection permit and a sanitary-epidemiological conclusion.

The main requirement for personnel is the presence of diplomas, valid certificates, medical categories, academic degrees, as well as work and internship experience. Often clients do not go to the hospital, but to a specific doctor Therefore, maximum attention must be paid to personnel selection.
In addition to doctors, you will need service staff. If the clinic is large, you need your own technician who will monitor the equipment. Breakdowns and repairs in specialized centers last for weeks, which threatens financial losses.

Purchasing equipment is the most expensive stage of starting a business.. A diagnostic apparatus for a laboratory, for example, costs from $10,000, an x-ray - from $150,000. The set of equipment depends on the specialization. It is clear that it is better to use equipment from trusted manufacturers, ideally, equipment that your specialists know. This gives you the opportunity to save money on training.
It is a widespread practice to buy used equipment. The quality of services does not suffer, because it depends more on the qualifications of the doctor. Bank installment plans and leasing help reduce initial investments in equipment.

Information system
To store management and financial statements, maintaining a client database is required functional software. It helps to debug the work of all departments, control the business, actively work with clients and promptly interact with staff.

A solution that allows you to combine all areas of work in one place is offered by the service. This software for maintaining a client base, processing applications, accounting Supplies and tracking equipment maintenance schedules.
The system is adapted for medical institutions, helps manage personnel and fully control business processes. You automate the work of the registry, patient reception, warehouse, management, financial Accounting, work to attract clients, freeing up time for the development of new directions.

What kind of medical center to open, where to start and how to organize its work correctly - let’s try to understand this material.

The quality of medical services within budget financing Not everyone is satisfied, so many turn to paid clinics for medical help. Thus, in 2015, according to a survey by the Romir research holding, among city residents commercial services 38% of respondents took advantage. The most popular areas were dentistry, therapy, gynecology, urology, ophthalmology, and gastroenterology. The area of ​​diagnostics (ultrasound, ECG, X-ray, MRI) and laboratory research is gaining momentum.

Taking into account statistics in your region, you can accurately determine which private clinic to open and predict the demand for its services. This is the starting point in realizing your plan.

What can a private medical center offer?

  • Consultations and treatment from specialists;
  • Diagnostics;
  • Collection of biomaterial and laboratory tests;
  • Conducting operations;
  • Perinatal services and obstetrics;
  • First aid (emergency room);
  • Hospital stay;
  • Physiotherapy;
  • Massage;
  • Calling a doctor to your home;
  • Ambulance, etc.

When choosing the direction of a new clinic, many stop at narrow specialization– it is less expensive in terms of selecting and paying for premises, hiring staff and purchasing equipment. But multidisciplinary clinics with a network of branches that provide diverse services have greater profits. Another popular option is a consultation center, where consultations are conducted by sought-after and highly qualified doctors, and there is a minimum range of diagnostic services.

You also need to decide on the age category of your future patients: will it be a clinic for adults, for children or a mixed type.

What do you need to get started?

To open your own clinic, you need to select a form of activity (individual entrepreneur, LLC) and register with the tax authority. At the same time, you indicate OKVED codes and determine the tax regime. Opening an individual entrepreneur is easier and faster, but at the same time you must have a specialized medical education. There is no such requirement for LLC founders.

A private medical clinic should be located in the right place, with the least concentration of competitors and maximum traffic. But most importantly, the premises must comply with the requirements of SanPiNov:

  • have a suitable area and dimensions. The standards indicate how many square meters a specific room, bed or medical installation must have, and what height of the premises is allowed. For example, for an operating room - 36 sq.m., for a doctor’s office with equipment - 18 sq.m., for an individual delivery room - 24-30 sq.m. etc.;
  • Equipment placement requirements must be met. For example, an X-ray machine cannot be used in residential buildings, but only in an extension to them or in a basement with a separate entrance;
  • Requirements for room decoration, lighting, microclimate, sewerage, water supply, etc. must be met.

More detailed information You can learn how to open a medical center in compliance with the standards from these documents:

  • SanPiN;
  • SanPiN 2956a-83;
  • SanPiN

Purchase of equipment. This is the most expensive part at the starting stage (along with investments in the building). The choice of equipment depends on the specialization of your clinic. But here too you can optimize costs. For example, if you plan to offer laboratory testing, this does not mean that you must have your own laboratory. You can enter into partnership agreements with specialized and already equipped laboratories and only collect biomaterial on the clinic premises.

It is impossible to open a medical center from scratch without experienced and qualified personnel. Firstly, this is required by licensing conditions, and secondly, clients will not go to dubious specialists who do not inspire confidence. It is advisable to attract doctors of the highest categories, with academic degrees, serious experience and an impeccable reputation.

You can open a medical center and start accepting patients only after obtaining a license. For every type medical activities a separate license is issued. The issuance of these documents is carried out by Roszdravnadzor and its regional divisions. But applying to the licensing authority is preceded by obtaining permission to fire safety and sanitary-epidemiological conclusion.

If you have already completed these procedures, you will need to provide a package of documents to obtain a license:

  • Copies of constituent documents certified by a notary;
  • Copies of the lease or purchase agreement for the premises;
  • Copies of documents for equipment and employees (certificates for equipment, diplomas, work and medical records of personnel);
  • Sanitary and epidemiological conclusion of Rospotrebnadzor;
  • List of documents;
  • Receipt for payment of state duty.

In fact, the administrative part takes a long period. Many owners medical business claim that to open a private clinic, it took them at least a year to obtain all permits and licenses.

How to organize effective work of the clinic?

Opening a medical center is just the initial stage. You need to stay afloat in a highly competitive environment, which is commercial medicine. This cannot be achieved without well-established work in all areas of the clinic, talented and experienced doctors, modern technologies and constant development.

Set up effective interaction everyone structural divisions, specialized software allows you to fully control your business and actively work with clients. The First BIT company is actively developing the direction for complex automation of medicine on the 1C platform and offers products for multidisciplinary centers, specialized clinics and medical offices. The BIT.Medical Center Management program allows you to automate the main areas of work in the clinic:

  • Registration/Administrator

    Quickly make an appointment in accordance with the doctors’ work schedule. If you have a network of branches, registration is carried out at any of them. All information about services, their costs and appointment times is always before the administrator’s eyes, so he quickly navigates and provides the client with the necessary information. The registrar also fills out a personal medical record in in electronic format, standard contract for the provision of services according to a given model, makes payments to clients.

  • Medical appointment

    The doctor conducts an appointment without filling out paperwork - all information is entered into an electronic card using ready-made template, which is customized to the needs of a specific medical institution. Standardization greatly simplifies the doctor’s work and systematizes the presentation of information. At the same time, the non-therapeutic part of the appointment is reduced, the specialist studies the patient and his problem more carefully. Electronic document management eliminates the loss of valuable information, makes it possible to collect it in one card - all diagnostic data, laboratory tests, procedures, etc. flow here.

  • Warehouse accounting

    Automation of warehouse accounting simplifies control over medicines and consumables. You always know how much was spent, on what services, what is left and when the expiration dates of the drugs expire. You can set consumption standards for each service. Automated accounting simplifies inventory and allows you to plan purchases.

  • Financial Accounting

    Programs for automation of medicine allow you to control and analyze financial indicators work of your center. It reflects income and expenses, the movement of money around the clinic, settlements with employees and insurance companies. This data is always up-to-date and allows you to see the dynamics of development, generate reports for the required period, evaluate the profitability of services and the efficiency of employees.

  • Customer loyalty

    To increase customer loyalty, medical centers are developing a club system, holding promotions, offering favorable conditions for comprehensive services or repeat visits, etc. With the help of medical automation solutions, these programs can be conveniently created and taken into account. In addition, it is possible to set up newsletters and alerts by e-mail or mobile phone for your client base.

Medical information systems from First BIT take into account the real needs of business and the organization of internal processes. In this case, it is possible to develop unique projects turnkey projects that will fully meet your objectives and the characteristics of your institution. This offer is valid for highly specialized private clinics and centers with branches of various profiles.

If you are planning to open a medical clinic and implement automation in a short time, an express program with installation on several workstations is suitable for you. There are also standard and design options.

The starting stage of a business requires large financial costs, but you have the opportunity to reduce costs to get acquainted with information systems and use cloud versions of First BIT products.

Automation of work will become Starting point in the development of your medical center, in building efficient work and comprehensive analysis of business processes.