Survive at any cost: what to do if you find yourself on the high seas after a shipwreck. What to do and how to behave if you find yourself under interrogation If you find yourself in

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Most of us love seaside resorts and visit one of the large salt water bodies at least once a year. However, we must not forget that the water element is as attractive as it is capricious.

Us in website I began to wonder how a person should behave when he finds himself on the high seas. It turns out that there are several rules that are not at all difficult to remember.

Calm the panic

It is not surprising that a person who finds himself in open water experiences wild fear for his life. However, panic will definitely not help you, but it’s great will cloud your mind and disrupt the necessary breathing rhythm. Therefore, the first thing to do is try to calm down.

Choose the right swimming style

In this situation, sooner or later you will have to move in the water. How long your strength will last depends on how correctly you choose your swimming style. Remember this rule:

  • In calm weather it is better to swim on your back. This will give you the opportunity to relax as much as possible and breathe evenly.
  • If there are waves splashing around you, it is better to swim on your stomach. For example, breaststroke. Take a breath of air, then lower your head into the water and exhale. If you don't have to keep your head above the surface of the water all the time, you'll save more energy.

Find something that stays afloat

If you find yourself on the high seas as a result of a shipwreck or plane splashdown, there are likely to be many objects around you that perfectly afloat. It's good if it happens boat or raft, with which ships are equipped.

Take care of clothes

Remember that direct sunlight can be extremely dangerous. Therefore, do not take off your clothes that will protect from the sun.

If you find yourself in the water half naked, try to find something you can hide from the sun's rays. Ideally, build a canopy for the shade.

Decide what to eat

It's good if there is on your raft soldering kit. However, even without it it is not at all necessary to die of hunger.

  • If you have rations, distribute them among small daily portions. This way the reserves will last for a long time, and you will not have problems with digestion.
  • If there is no ration, you can build a fishing rod from lace and, for example, a piece tin can (for the hook) and try to catch fish. If you are deprived of such devices, try reaching with your hands seaweed. Fish can get stuck in them.
  • Try to fish even if you have supplies. After all, fish contains some liquid.
  • Do not eat rotten food, no matter how hungry you are.

Continuously extract liquid

During such forced navigation water is much more valuable than food. After all, you move little and do not expend energy. And here liquid is constantly consumed. Remember that drink sea ​​water it is forbidden.

  • Condensate. You will need box, two containers, waterproof material and weights. Pour sea water into one container. Place the other one in a box nearby. Secure one piece of waterproof material, such as polyethylene, over both, and place a weight over the empty container. Soon the bowl will be filled with fresh water.
  • Rainwater. Try to always have a couple of empty rainwater containers on hand.

It's right to save yourself

It is no wonder that in such a situation you will want to step on the solid ground. However, all your rescue measures must be carefully thought out. Remember a few rules:

  • If you don't know where you are, don't row. Rely on the current. It has a better chance of carrying you to dry land.
  • Don't jump into the water if you see a ship in the distance. Don't try to catch up with him. It is better to give a signal using a mirror or a piece of a tin can.
  • Do not attempt to signal with fire, so as not to endanger their temporary shelter in the form of a raft.
  • If you were lucky enough to save a few flares, don't shoot them into the void, and use it when at least some ship appears in the distance.
  • If, among other inventory, you find signal powder, dissolve it in water when you see a plane or ship. Then it will form around you a bright spot that is easy to notice from the air and from afar.

Don't stop hoping

Despair is your most dangerous enemy. Don't give up hope of salvation. There are many cases of people being found on the high seas months after they disappeared.

We all love action-packed films in which the heroes end up in extreme conditions and try to survive at any cost. Programs about survival in the wild have become especially popular, where various survivalists, including the famous Bear Grylls, show people how to behave correctly if you find yourself alone in a strange environment. We perceive these programs as shows, but few people think that they themselves can find themselves in exactly the same situation in life, so knowledge about survival cannot be superfluous.

So, what should you do if you find yourself alone on the high seas after, for example, a shipwreck?

Do not panic

First of all, when you get into the water or a life raft, stop panicking. This is not only a useless feeling, but also physically dangerous. During a panic attack, a person stops breathing normally, oxygenating the blood, which causes dizziness. If you are able to think, then you are alive, and no amount of hysteria will help here. It’s better to assess the situation around you and analyze the most important measures to save your life.

Move correctly

At such moments, it is very important to choose the right style of behavior on the water so as not to drown and not waste your last strength fighting the elements.

Just remember two rules: if the sea is calm, then you should swim slowly on your back, using as little energy as possible. It’s better to fight the waves by floating on your stomach with the help of aggressive style. One way or another, you will be covered by waves, so choose the moment when you need to take a breath and then dive under the water. You'll expend less energy if you don't constantly try to keep your head above water.

Find something to grab onto

If you find yourself in the water after a ship or plane crash, then in any case there should be some debris or things left on the surface that can support your weight. Take advantage of this immediately. It is often easy to use a rescue raft or lifeboat. Besides, jokes about how your ex was a log can greatly lighten the mood in such a situation.

Use clothes as protection

If trouble happens in the summer, then remember that on the open sea nothing will protect you from the scorching rays of the sun, which only intensify when reflected from the surface of the water. Do not take off your clothes, try to construct something as a headband that can be occasionally moistened with water. Ideally, you can try to build some kind of shelter in a boat or raft.

Start thinking about getting food

As a rule, life rafts have a small supply of dry rations, designed to last for several days on the open sea. With skillful distribution, it can last even for a couple of weeks. But if there is no ration, this does not mean that you can give up.

Don't forget that the sea is a source of food and there are plenty of fish all around. You just need to figure out how to catch her. Try to build some kind of fishing rod using items of clothing and fish even if you have food. Beware of poisoning; under no circumstances eat anything that can cause vomiting; in such conditions, dehydration is death.

Start extracting water

You can’t drink sea water, even a child understands this. Accordingly, you need to come up with a way in which you will extract the valuable liquid. In general, there are two ways: to build a device for extracting water from condensate and collecting rainwater.

Condensation can be collected using simple device. Try to find two containers that are different in size. Place one inside the other. Pour sea water into the larger one, then cover the structure with polyethylene and place a weight on top directly opposite the smaller container. Water will accumulate on the polyethylene and flow into a small container.

Don't rush after ships

The stupidest thing you can do is to abandon your boat or raft and try to swim to a ship on the horizon. You may not be noticed this way, but you will find yourself in a sensitive situation.

In general, you need to follow several rules:

If you don't know your location, don't try to paddle in any direction, as you'll only waste your energy. Let the current do its work.

Do not light a signal fire on a raft or in a boat, as this may deprive yourself of your only refuge.

Life jackets and rafts are always equipped with flares. Use them sparingly and for sure. Do not fire rockets into the air one after another, only if you are sure that there is some kind of ship on the horizon and it will definitely see the signal.

Among the survival equipment there is also signal powder. It is necessary in order to dissolve it in water when you see a ship or plane on the horizon. A huge spot of color will notify rescuers that a person is in trouble.

One of the most complex issues: what to do if it’s already too late, there’s nothing left, there’s a hopeless situation, and everything is bad? When everything is in order, and one resource has fallen off, it is very painful and scary, but not hopeless, you can somehow survive it, receiving help and support from different sides. But sometimes things get bad on all fronts at the same time. And now you don’t even know what to advise. When there is no money, no health, no prospects, no support, no housing, and for any decision eight points out of ten necessary are missing.

I suddenly came to a lecture here quite by accident. I wanted to listen to a completely different performance, but I was late. I decided to go in, hoping that there would be a party there after the event. and there the hall has already been vacated, and the next event is underway. A man who at one time found himself completely at the bottom and on the street shares his experience.

It was terribly interesting to listen to this lecture. It’s a pity that he didn’t write a book (I would have bought it, maybe he’ll write it again). But I’ll try to retell what I remembered from his lecture.

Of course, it would be very cool if people began to act BEFORE the rock bottom came. This is almost a rhetorical remark, because we all know that people tend to ignore such problems until the last minute. And most of these situations probably would not have become exactly like this if the person had not previously ignored several dozen “bells”. Well, there are misfortunes in life, but in most cases, in order to find yourself at the bottom, you must first make a number of mistakes, or act somewhere without foresight, carelessly, or short-sightedly. And of course it’s easy for everyone to make smart speeches after a fire.

But, nevertheless, this was not an idle remark. There are many intermediate stages between “everything is fine and there are no problems” and “everything around is a complete problem.” And in many of these stages, there are many things that can be done to prevent the situation from reaching its worst state. Even when everything is “half bad” you can still save a lot.

And also: sometimes everything in life turns out so well that quite a lot of time passes between “almost bad” and the point when everything collapses. For a variety of reasons, everything hangs over the abyss, sometimes for a year, sometimes for two. And then it falls safely into this abyss. (Because no one moved during these years.) But during this time everything could have been carefully moved away from the abyss.

And also - this sounds absurd, but some people manage to fall into this black hole more than once in their lives. And this is not because they are fools, but because they do not have some skill - they are not accustomed to analyzing situations and making plans for the future. They do not know how to calculate situations many moves ahead. And they are not accustomed to the fact that this can be of great benefit. Therefore, thinking about “what to do in advance” can still be beneficial.

The main rule: don’t think that this only happens to others. Any people can suddenly find themselves without money, without health, without prospects and with big problems in their necks. Anything can happen - you can get sick, go bankrupt, make mistakes. We are all human, and this happens even to the smartest, most successful and “correct”. This understanding is needed for this reason: some people are so sure that such anger can happen to them that they do not notice when it has almost happened. It’s a paradox, but even standing a centimeter from the abyss, they convince themselves that “this is not it.” It is not clear what they are counting on. This is not a matter of any logic or inference. It’s just that people don’t point blank see a simple thing - that this can happen even to them, and in fact, it almost happened.

Healing from this block is half the battle. If you assume that this could happen to you, you can sometimes think about how far you are from this. Ideally, it would be good to think about this when everything is generally good. Of course, no one wants this. But it would be nice. What will happen if my husband passes away tomorrow? What will happen if tomorrow my husband loses his job and does not find a new one within six months? What happens if I lose my job? What if I get sick and go to the hospital for a month? What about a year? What if my country goes bankrupt and the banks close tomorrow? If there's a sudden riot in our streets tonight Civil War, and in the next week you won’t be able to leave the house for groceries? What if there's a tornado, a flood, a fire? Broken leg, wheelchair, loss of vision, hearing, arms, legs? Of course, you can’t insure yourself against everything in the world, and constantly preparing for a million disasters, 99% of which none will happen, is very stupid. But in the process of such reflection, you can stumble upon a number of “bugs” that might be worth eliminating.

Let me give you a simple example: the question is: what will happen if I lose my job tomorrow? Suppose the answer is this: if I get fired tomorrow, then most likely they won’t be able to throw me out on the street right tomorrow. My contract states that the dismissal period is 3 months. Those. I am still guaranteed 3 salaries, then (if I am in a country where there is a social system) I will receive so many euros from next month. This is so many hundreds or thousands less than my salary. How much money do I currently have to live on, and how much of my current expenses is on a long-term contract? I now have contracts that last more than 3 months for the following services: gym, internet, mobile phone, swimming, such and such a club, such and such a loan. And I also have current expenses: apartment, electricity, gas, telephone, insurance, car... After calculating all this, you can easily see which expenses will quickly drive you into the red. And which ones you can’t get rid of faster than in three months.

What follows from this? If a person has thought such a thought at least once, he will remember it when he is fired. He will remember that the first thing he needs to do is run and terminate half of the contracts, so that it doesn’t turn out later that the salary has already stopped being paid, and the contract still needs to be paid for another six months (and sometimes two years). You can also review some contracts and try to replace, for example, two-year contracts with three-month ones. Or, as an option, this person suggests - if a contract is much more profitable when it is concluded for two years, it would be nice to have somewhere at the time of concluding the contract the required amount for the next two years. This, of course, is an option for the completely paranoid. But he's not that stupid. For this guy himself (after he survived the terrible thing) everything is arranged as follows: He has a foreseeable number of long-term contracts - for example, a gym, a telephone, a website, and something else. In the worst case scenario, after terminating the contract, you will have to pay for another 2 years, the website - for a year, the phone - for three months. And he has envelopes somewhere that say “money for a gym for the next 2 years” and “money for a website for the next year.” Maybe he doesn’t have envelopes lying around, but some amount has been put aside. On an account, on a card, on a savings book, or in a bank box. But he has this amount, if tomorrow he goes to terminate all the contracts, he will still have enough to pay them to the bottom, and they will not drown him. Ideally, you should have this amount somewhere - or not have such obligations. Everything else is a risk. Again, if you think about it this way, many will choose to take risks. But maybe they will open five times fewer such risky positions, out of caution.

Secondly, it would be good to periodically ask ourselves how far we are from this abyss. If objectively it turns out that it’s far away, you can continue to sleep peacefully. If you have long had the feeling that your health is going downhill, your strength is running out, your money is getting worse and worse, your job is all bad, etc. - then it might be worth thinking about. How to lay some tar somewhere before everything collapses. Sometimes people really don’t want to admit that the abyss is nearby. Because you won’t be able to simply “lay down a straw” with a little effort. But you need, for example, to admit to yourself that “I am on the verge of burnout (or already in a state of burnout) and I need to quit my job right now.” Who wants to give in to such a conclusion? It’s easier to amuse yourself with the thought that “maybe it will somehow fix itself.” But it would be good to catch the moment when it is already clear that it will not be repaired.

Third: the sooner the better - but in principle this rule is valid at any stage - look at who you surround yourself with and with whom you are dealing. This guy had a situation where everything was very bad, and only a couple of thousand euros were needed to solve the worst problems. We know that for some people these are such unnoticed pennies that they are not even worth talking about. And for others, at certain moments in life - it’s simply not clear where to take it - from the word “absolutely”. At that time he had more than 100 people who were listed as friends or acquaintances. These were people who regularly called, visited, and with whom he worked. And he went around to everyone, asking for money, and everyone unanimously refused. Justifying this with anything: I myself feel bad now,” etc. He figured that if each of them gave him 20 euros, the problems would be solved. And when everything had already passed, this person somehow got out, later underwent psychotherapy, the psychotherapist said: “Listen, what kind of friends do you have? Still, look who you're hanging out with! And think why! With your sociability, you can be friends with anyone, with different people, why did you surround yourself with just like that?!” This was an interesting question. A hundred friends - and not one of them is ready to give you twenty? But he had enough sociability to attract a hundred people. Why them? Now he has much fewer friends and acquaintances, but these are completely different people.

This does not mean that you need to choose friends based on this parameter: will they give me money if I have problems. But in general, it’s bad if you look around and realize that all your friends are losers living below the poverty line, or idiots who don’t even know how they live. Or they don’t really consider you even close to a friend.

And also about the people around you. We need to take a good look at those who take a lot of effort or make a huge hole in the budget. “Seeing what kind of damage a person is doing” does not necessarily mean that you need to immediately kick him out and throw him off your neck. But it would be good to understand and realize how much it costs. And it would be nice to have a “plan B” for him too. Some people cannot be “thrown off your neck” - for example, a disabled person who is cared for by infirm parents or family members. And there are those who are still not weak, but sit on their necks for some “good reason”. Here you have to look - is it really weighty? How long will this last? Forever? Haven’t you passed all the deadlines for which you were originally going to take on this responsibility 20 times? Isn’t it time to talk to the person about this situation too? Ask how he sees it - what is he going to do if suddenly your resources run out? Etc. You can also dig up a lot of interesting things here. And it’s a joy to get rid of some expense items. And think that “before we should have taken a closer look at this and solved this problem differently!”

And if it has already come, or is coming.

First, you need to look at what makes the biggest hole in your budget. This is not just about finances, although they usually play a major role. What takes all your nerves, all your health, all your time? What can you get rid of from this? And there is no need to say “you can’t get rid of this.” Ok, we can say that, for example, you cannot get rid of a seriously ill child, and you cannot get rid of the responsibility to care for him. But even this responsibility can often be shared with someone if the person suddenly becomes completely unable to do it himself. which means there was a solution! Maybe sometimes it’s worth resorting to such decisions before another person turns out to be completely infirm?

And most importantly, you can still get rid of a huge percentage of responsibilities. And it's much less dramatic than we think. How many things, expenses, subscriptions, habits can you easily give up without the world collapsing? But we need to ask ourselves exactly what takes up the most resources, and how much it is needed. It may turn out that the main expense item is too important. But that will be the next point. If so, then we need to get rid of at least the second, third and tenth items of large expenses. Some holes need to be closed, bigger ones, and faster.

The second important issue is dependencies. Here you need to be honest and admit to yourself - do I have some kind of addiction? More often than not, they are the ones who send us into the abyss. But this does not only mean drug addiction, alcoholism and gambling addiction. There are a lot of options. A workaholic is just as scary. Mania for saving the entire account - too. There are people in whom everyone at home is already starving, and they go to save someone, and bring some strangers (even unfortunate ones) the last money and food. Some people have a hobby of going to bars every day and paying for everyone. And they are very afraid that if they stop doing this, they will no longer be loved. Someone in another form pays for someone. Someone has an expensive hobby (there are very expensive hobbies). Someone relieves stress by shopping - this can drive the family into unrealistic debt.

Addictions are a separate sad story. But it all starts with the fact that you need to admit to yourself that it exists. And admit that this is a disease. (When people understand that this is a disease, and not a bad character trait, they can go to get treatment for it.) So - if this is found, you need to run for treatment, run to all sorts of groups. to psychologists, etc., to find ways to quickly plug this hole.

The third question is that you need to quickly figure out what is most important, what cannot be lost. Most often this is housing! Even in states where there is a social system, social assistance cannot be obtained if a person does not have an address. If you lose your home, it is very difficult to get somewhere again to get a new address and registration. Therefore, here we urgently need to think: either how not to lose our current housing, or how to find another, cheaper, accessible one. In addition to housing, there are other things without which it would be really bad. Although it sounds arrogant, one of the most important things today is a smartphone and access to the Internet! Even many of the simplest jobs and part-time jobs cannot be found (and done) if you don’t have a phone and the ability to check regularly email and look at some website.

And what else? Think! Computer? Medical insurance! Someone has a tool that is the key to making money. Sometimes it’s a musical instrument - with which you can go to play concerts, or, as a last resort, stand on the side of the road and play, collecting money in a cap. For some it is a camera. Someone has a printing press, a printer, a plotter, a website, a sewing machine. We need to figure out what things cannot be lost under any circumstances, and direct all our efforts to saving this particular resource.

The second thing is to quickly figure out what you can get for free from your current needs. Berlin is an ideal city in this regard, but in many other cities in different countries in the world you can get a lot for free. For example food and clothes. In general, you need to quickly decide about many things that you can avoid buying for a very long time. One of the items will probably be clothes - most have enough to survive a couple of seasons. What else? Shoes? Bags? Jewelry? Perfume? Detergents? Do an audit - what else will you find in stock? What do you have enough of and don’t need something new? These things need to be listed and consciously stopped buying. It turns out that people reflexively continue to spend a lot of money on many things that they are simply accustomed to buying, although there is no need for them.

In general, plugging holes is the most important thing when you fall to the bottom. Remove all expense items. Get rid of all long-term contracts as quickly as possible. Even if something is theoretically necessary, cancel the contract first. You will always have time to conclude a new one. Or maybe it will end, and then suddenly it turns out that life is normal without it. But we need to reduce current expenses quickly.

In general, if money runs out, it is usually due to the fact that income has fallen off. If the matter is only that the company went bankrupt or was fired from a job, look, starting with any one. According to the principle “first find any way to earn current expenses or the maximum part of them, then you can try to look for a better job.” If income has fallen off for other reasons, you need to look there. What's happened? If your health is compromised, try to objectively assess how much is needed to restore your health. If the doctors say “two years,” it’s best not to try to convince yourself that you’ll somehow manage it in two months. Involve everyone and think about what we will do now, what can be done if this is really for two years? If this is another person with whom something happened and who has become an expense for you, also think about who to share these expenses with, run around, ask who will help (money, time, effort, deed).

In general, it is recommended to make a plan: write down what absolutely needs to be saved. What is there for this? What is missing for this? What makes it impossible, what gets in the way, what consumes all resources. And rummage around, scour, somewhere to screw, pull, turn, in order to make ends meet.

If ends meet can no longer be made. What then? That's all. Accounts are closed. No money left. At all. There is no work. It is impossible to go to work because you are not healthy (for example). There are a lot of problems with which it is not clear what to do. Here you no longer have to choose between more or less pleasant or acceptable options. Everything needs to be considered. What will happen if you really end up on the street or die tomorrow? Where will your pet, your child, your belongings that you still have go? For example, this same man who was leading a seminar, when he reached the very bottom - don’t laugh - he found himself on the street with a dozen of his own horses! Those that no one really needed (he bought those that were already sick and old, so that they could simply live out their lives in peace). And where should they go? There is nothing to feed him, he is on the street himself to sell them or give them a home. You also need the Internet, a telephone, something. This is terrible, but you also need to have a plan for this eventuality in life. May this never happen! But when the problems are already very big, you need to be interested in such solutions. Interview friends (honestly). Who will let you live with them? Who will register? (In some countries, registering someone as your host is not a very serious matter, but it would help that person get social assistance or a pension.) Who will adopt the cat? What about the child? And then, when all this has been thought through, you must, of course, make a plan on how to get out of everything. At least for some living wage. In most countries there are all sorts of consultations for such cases - you need to run to them. In many countries, “private bankruptcy” can be declared for bankrupt businessmen, but this is also only possible if the person is not yet completely at the bottom, and there is some chance that he will somehow pay off his debts. Eat social organizations who help you find a cheap apartment, room, hostel, apply for assistance, pension, disability. You need to run to them if you have such problems.

Actually, what was all this said for!

Many people think that all the measures listed above should be taken when accounts are closed, a warrant has been received demanding to vacate the apartment, electricity and gas have been turned off for non-payment. All bills have not been paid for three months, the executor came several times, took furniture and equipment out of the house, or did not get into the house and left another bill for 300 euros for his arrival. And so on. No.

All this must be done when a woman writes to me: “It seems my husband is breaking up with me, I have no profession, no job, and I have a three-year-old child in my arms.” Then you need to do and think about all this.
Or when the first thought flashed: if I get sick now, this whole company that is on me, my whole business and all family life will collapse." Or when the thought “it’s scary, because everything is on me!” arose in general!
Or when we toy with the idea of ​​opening new business. Now there is still a loan, savings, work. Have we thought about what will happen when the loan runs out, the business goes bankrupt, and there is no work? This same guy, by the way, was an excellent student and opened a business, worked until he burned out, and did not want to admit to himself that the business had gone bankrupt. For a long time he thought that this was just a bad phase, and now he would fix everything. And then the wife left, and it turned out that a lot was on her. And then he burned out and everything collapsed. So - in my mind I should have asked questions earlier - what will happen. what if the wife leaves? Well, or she won’t even leave - what if she gets sick? I’m already barely breathing here - and God forbid she falls asleep and all her part of the work hangs on me - will I survive this at all?

He advises going through all these scenarios in your head as soon as the question “I don’t know what to do now” arises. It doesn’t matter what the question is about: about personal life, about work, about moving to another country or to another city, building a house, a dacha, dividing property, about anything. You have to ask yourself: how likely is it that I will completely fail and be left with nothing at all? How safe am I from this? How far am I from this? How ready am I for this? What if this and that also fall off?

In fact, listening to him, I thought that many people needed to ask themselves these questions when they first wrote to me (in person or in a Q&A) something like “I don’t know where to go.” Then, after a couple of years, many of these people already write: “Help me with advice - what to think of, how to get up when everything is lost?!”

It's a pity that this comrade didn't write a book. Maybe he’ll write again.
I also thought that maybe it would be useful to show such biographies to young people. So that they at least admit the idea that such a scenario also happens. Which can overtake anyone. Maybe someone would have slammed on some brakes a little earlier.

The main causes of forest fires:

– his negligence when using fire in the forest during work and rest. Most fires occur in picnic areas, picking mushrooms and berries, during hunting, from a thrown burning match, or an unextinguished cigarette. When the hunter shoots, the wad ejected from the gun begins to smolder, setting fire to the dry grass. You can often see how littered the forest is with bottles and broken glass. In sunny weather, these fragments focus the sun's rays like incendiary lenses. A fire in the forest that is not completely extinguished causes subsequent great disasters.

Recent weeks show that their surge is observed on weekends, when people en masse head out to relax in nature.

Depending on which parts of the forest the fire spreads, forest fires are usually divided into ground fires (up to 90% in number), crown fires and underground fires (soil fires). In turn, ground and crown fires can be stable and fugitive.

In forest areas, ground fires most often occur, burning the forest floor, undergrowth and undergrowth, grass and shrub cover, dead wood, tree rhizomes, etc. During the dry period, when there is wind, crown fires pose a danger, in which the fire also spreads through the crowns of trees, mainly coniferous trees. The speed of a ground fire is from 0.1 to 3 m/min, a top fire is up to 100 m/min in the direction of the wind.

Peat and plant roots pose a threat of underground fires spreading in different directions. The ability of peat to spontaneously ignite and burn without access to air and even under water poses a great danger. Above burning peat bogs, the formation of “columnar vortices” of hot ash and burning peat dust is possible, which, with strong winds, are transported over long distances and cause new fires.



During the fire danger period in the forest it is strictly prohibited:

· make fires, use barbecues, and other cooking equipment;

· smoke, throw away burning matches, cigarette butts, shake out hot ash from smoking pipes;

· shoot weapons, use pyrotechnic products;

· leave cleaning material oiled or soaked in gasoline, kerosene and other flammable substances in the forest;

Refill fuel tanks of running engines internal combustion, take out for work equipment with a faulty engine power supply system, as well as smoke or use open fire near vehicles being refueled;

· leave bottles, glass fragments, and other garbage in a sunlit forest clearing;

· burn grass and stubble in fields.

Persons guilty of violating the rules fire safety, depending on the nature of the violations and their consequences, bear disciplinary, administrative or criminal liability.


If you find sources of fire, immediately notify the fire service by calling 01 (by mobile phone number 112)!

If the fire is grassroots and local, you can try to extinguish the flame yourself: you can try to knock it down by covering it with deciduous branches, pouring water on it, throwing it with wet soil, or trampling it with your feet. Peat fires are extinguished by digging up burning peat and pouring water on it.

When extinguishing a fire, act carefully, do not go far from roads and clearings, do not lose sight of other participants, maintain visual and audio contact with them.

When extinguishing a peat fire, keep in mind that deep craters can form in the combustion zone, so you should move carefully, having first checked the depth of the burnt layer.

If you do not have the ability to localize and extinguish the fire on your own:

· immediately warn everyone nearby to leave the danger zone;

· organize people to go out onto the road or clearing, wide clearing, to the bank of a river or reservoir, into a field;

· leave the danger zone quickly, perpendicular to the direction of fire movement;

· if it is impossible to escape from the fire, enter the pond or cover yourself with wet clothes;

· being on open space or a clearing, breathe, bending down to the ground - there the air is less smoky;

· cover your mouth and nose with a cotton-gauze bandage or cloth;

· after leaving the fire zone, report its location, size and nature to the fire service, local administration, and forestry.

· In the event of a fire approaching buildings directly and the threat of a massive fire in a populated area, the population is urgently evacuated, primarily children, the elderly, and the disabled.

If there is a possibility of fire approaching your community, prepare for possible evacuation:

· place documents and valuables in a safe, accessible place;

Prepare for a possible emergency departure vehicles;

· put on cotton or woolen clothes, have with you: gloves, a scarf to cover your face, goggles or other eye protection;

Prepare a supply of food and drinking water;

· closely monitor information messages on television and radio, public address systems, and keep in touch with your friends in other areas of your area.