Notes on sculpting "Golden Khokhloma". Khokhloma. Khokhloma painting for children Preparatory modeling on the theme of Khokhloma patterns" alt="" width="568" height="257 src=">

Compiled by:

Teacher MBOU DOD

"The House for arts and crafts for children

Yashkinsky municipal district"

Yashkino 2009

Lesson outline

"Golden Khokhloma"

"Artistic painting"

Subject:Khokhloma painting.

Target: To familiarize students with Khokhloma painting.


· develop painting skills on a flat product;

· cultivate a love for folk art, respect for folk craftsmanship;

· develop accuracy, abstract and spatial thinking.

Type of lesson: combined lesson.

Methods and forms of implementation: visual, verbal and practical methods.

Equipment for the lesson:

1.For the teacher: gouache, sheet of paper, brushes, water jar, palette, rag.

2.For students: gouache, sheet of paper, brushes, water jar, palette, rag, paper silhouette of a tray.

Illustrative series:

A set of Khokhloma dishes, illustrations of original products, tables “The sequence of Khokhloma painting”.

Progress of the lesson:

1.Organizational part.

Cheerful Russian folk music sounds, children enter the office and settle down in their places. Checking readiness for class, marking absences.

2. Subject message.

- Hello guys! Today I will start our lesson with this poem:

In the village of Semyonovo

In the Russian region,

There were huts

When I was there...

And the birds sang there,

The earth fed.

And yellow rye

Caressed the fields.

The forests were born there

Rowan, flowers.

And people lived there

Cherishing dreams.

To make life more beautiful

For residents of technical

They wrote on the bowls

Pattern for fun.

Wrote patterns

Their hands, souls.

Prayed in cathedrals

So that there is no sushi.

And in these patterns

Rowan vines.

The Councils reigned

Forests and mowing.

There he performed the muse

Russian people with a brush.

And he created a fairy tale,

Delicately inscribed fruit.

There the fairy tale was woven

In buckets and at home.

This is how it was born

We have Khokhloma.

So, as you understand, the theme of our lesson is “Golden Khokhloma”, artistic painting.

3. Motivation and goal setting.

What should you learn in class? (History and distinctive features Khokhloma painting).

What should you learn in class? (Must learn the basic techniques of Khokhloma painting).

Where can we apply knowledge? (In class, at home, we can introduce Khokhloma painting).

4. Learning new material

- Khokhloma painting is wood painting. They painted mainly wooden dishes, which had been made in Rus' since ancient times. The dishes were varied in shape and size; they were sharpened on machines or hollowed out of wood.

Painted dishes brought joy and beauty to poor peasant life. Khokhloma is an ancient village where Khokhloma painting originated and developed. Khokhloma paintings are dominated by plant motifs; sometimes there are images of birds. Golden herbs, leaves, raspberries and strawberries.

The colors of Khokhloma painting are mainly black and red with gold, which gives the products a festive and solemn flavor. In addition, green, yellow and brown colors are used to make the painting even more bright and elegant. They painted all the objects - spoons, teapots, vases, bowls, ladles, brothers, dishes, plates, etc. (I demonstrate a set of dishes, illustrations, photographs of products).

In the process of explanation, the teacher clearly demonstrates the sequence of performing Khokhloma painting.

Now we will analyze in detail the elements and technology of Khokhloma painting. All elements of the herbal ornament are made immediately with a brush, without preliminary drawing with a pencil. The brush must be held at its very base and placed vertically to the plane of the sheet.

Khokhloma painting comes in two types: top lettering and background lettering. Horse writing is grass painting, painting “like a leaf.” The background letter is kudrina, painting “to match the background”. We will schedule the receipt of the riding letter.

In Khokhloma painting, “grass” is an ornament made with separate rhythmically arranged strokes. Herbal elements are “grasses”, “sedges”, “blades of grass”, “droplets”, “tendrils”, “curls”, “bush”.

“Sedges” are the simplest element. It is performed by lightly moving the tip of the brush from top to bottom.

“Blanks of grass” are strokes with a slight smooth thickening.

“Whiskers” - depicted as a continuous line of equal thickness, twisted into a spiral.

“Curls” - will be performed in the same way as “antennae”, only with light pressure in the middle of the element.

“Bush” is the most complex element, since it consists of several symmetrically located simpler elements: “sedges”, “blades of grass”, “droplets”, “antennae”, “curls”.

The main stem of the grass design is called "criul". It consists of “curls” that alternately twist up and down. Berries can complement the herbal painting. For lingonberries, currants and rowan berries, use a signet-poke, twisted from thick fabric, felt or other materials.

Now, you have to practice, master the elements of Khokhloma painting and draw up a sketch for subsequent painting of silhouettes of paper trays.

5. Practical work.

Students begin a series of exercises to master the elements of Khokhloma painting. Then they make a small sketch for a paper tray.

After mastering several types and elements of Khokhloma painting and thinking through a small sketch, children begin to paint paper silhouettes of trays. In progress independent work The teacher provides individual assistance.

1. Applying the main elements with a pencil.

2. Painting of large elements.

3. Painting of small elements.

4. Addition of “antennae”, “curls”, berries.

Guys, let's have a quick exhibition of our trays.

- Well done boys! Everyone made wonderful trays, and now let’s all play and whistle some melody together.

6. Monitoring and evaluation stage.

Approximate questions and answers:

· Name the main colors of Khokhloma painting. (Gold, black, red, rarely green and brown).

· What are the names of the elements of the grass ornament? (“Grass”, “sedges”, “blades of grass”, “droplets”, “tendrils”, “curls”, “bush”. ).

· What did you learn during the lesson? (We learned how to perform the basic details - strokes of a grass ornament).

· How do you evaluate your work in class?

Our lesson has come to an end. Goodbye.


· http://www. hohloma. org/article_info.

Khokhloma - old Russian folk craft, born in the 17th century in the Nizhny Novgorod district. An old legend tells: once upon a time there lived a man in the Nizhny Novgorod forests, on the banks of a quiet river. We don’t know who he is or where he came from. The man carved wooden cups and spoons and painted them so that they seemed to be made of pure gold. The king found out about this and became angry: “Why don’t I have such a master in my palace?! Give it to me! Immediately!" He tapped his staff, stamped his foot, and sent soldiers to take the craftsman to the palace. The soldiers set off to carry out the royal order, but no matter how much they searched, they could not find the master’s miracle. He went to God knows where, but first he taught local peasants how to make gold utensils. In every hut cups and spoons sparkled with gold.

The village of Khokhloma, Koverninsky district, Nizhny Novgorod region, is considered the birthplace of Khokhloma.

Products for Khokhloma painting, most often dishes and furniture, are made of wood. But before painting on them, the surface is coated with a primer and shiny oil using a special technology. Then this shiny surface is tinned - aluminum powder is rubbed into it with a soft cloth, from which it becomes silvery and very smooth, and after varnishing - golden. The dishes are painted “Khokhloma” with oil paints. Traditional elements of Khokhloma are red juicy rowan and strawberries, flowers and branches. Birds, fish and animals are also often found.

Red, black, gold and green are the colors of Khokhloma. To liven up the pattern, a little white is allowed.

Painting can be “top” - a design is applied to a silver blank in red and black; and “under the background” - first the outline of the ornament is outlined, and then the background is filled with black paint, while the pattern itself is not painted, but remains silver. When we varnish, the silver coating will turn golden and look as if it was made of gold :)

Let's practice horse Khokhloma painting? To do this, you need to print a sheet with the pattern or utensils you like. And there - pick up a brush and paints and go!

Grass - a pattern of large and small blades of grass. Pattern elements: sedges, blades of grass, droplets, tendrils, curls and bushes.

Herbal ornament.

Leaf pattern - stems and leaves.

The berry pattern includes the following ornaments: lingonberry, gooseberry, currant, strawberry, rowan, raspberry.

The “gingerbread” ornament is usually painted inside a cup or dish; it is a geometric figure (square or rhombus) decorated with grass, berries, and flowers.

In painting "under the background" the element "curl" is more often used. Curl painting is a rich, lush pattern with round, intricate curls reminiscent of curls. It is not the patterns themselves that are drawn, but the dark background. And the resulting pattern is supplemented with small colored elements (postscripts). This process is much more labor-intensive than horse painting.

Painted items are coated with a special varnish 4-5 times (with intermediate drying after each layer) and finally hardened for 3-4 hours in an oven at a temperature of +150 +160 °C until a golden-colored oil-varnish film is formed. This is how the famous “golden Khokhloma” is obtained.

Anna Kholina

The presentation was compiled for children of the middle group, for use in classes modeling on familiarization with Khokhloma painting.

On this class, the presentation helped to visually introduce preschoolers to the ancient Russian folk craft, which is decorative painting wooden utensils and furniture, etc. The presentation slides show photographs with examples of utensils painted under Khokhloma. Adapted information is also presented in the form of a history of occurrence Khokhloma painting,literary word (excerpt of poem), and illustrations of types of painting and stages of preparing dishes for painting. The colorful illustrations on the slides simply fascinated the children.

The children really liked it, we learned the poem and reinforced the material occupation on artistic and aesthetic development - sculpting. The children made a plate using a disk and a spoon with Khokhloma pattern. The children happily took the crafts home and were impressed by classes shared with parents! Also, we created a mini-museum in the group, where there was collected: spoons, dishes, crafts for children and parents. And one mother is a needlewoman, she even baked gingerbread cookies with Khokhloma painting!

Publications on the topic:

Lesson summary "Golden Khokhloma" Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution Kindergarten combined type No. 43 “Spring” Summary directly.

Behind last years Interest in using works of folk arts and crafts in working with children has noticeably increased.

Abstract of the NOD “Golden Khokhloma” Abstract of the educational activity "Golden Khokhloma" Educational tasks: to generalize and consolidate children's knowledge about traditional Russian crafts of Khokhloma. Introduce.

The work uses elements of a grass pattern - curls, a leaf pattern - grass ornament, and a berry pattern. Khokhloma colors - Red, black.

OD with older children “Golden Khokhloma” Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten combined type No. 5 municipality Uspensky.

Goal: Continue to expand ideas about the Khokhloma folk craft using unconventional techniques visual arts, How.

Project “Sorceress-dandy, golden Khokhloma” Relevance The preschool period of a child’s life is the time of formation of a person’s moral and spiritual qualities. And will these qualities be formed?

PROJECT TOPIC: “Golden Khokhloma” Type of project: informational and creative Sections: Communication, Knowledge, Socialization, Artistic creativity.

Asel Kudyarova

Target: Continue to expand ideas about folk crafts « Khokhloma»

using non-traditional techniques of fine art, such as plasticineography.


Reinforce knowledge about elements Khokhloma painting;

To cultivate a love for Russian decorative art;

Develop the ability to see beauty in the created image;

Introduce unconventional technology « plasticineography» ;

Develop fine motor skills.

Methods and techniques:

Conversation, questions on the topic, showing illustrations.

Materials required for work:

Products Khokhloma painting, plates cut out of black cardboard, pieces of red and yellow plasticine, hand napkin, stack, rolling board plasticine;

I believe that it is very important to instill in children a love for folk art. I really like products with Khokhloma painting. Previously, various educational conversations were held with the children about Khokhloma products. The children also looked at products and albums of decorative and applied arts, especially about Khokhloma.

I decided to do something interesting with the students. And I decided to depict Khokhloma pattern on a plate, cut out of black cardboard, using plasticine red and yellow. And that's what we got.

The children really enjoyed creating a drawing using the " plasticineography"Everyone was in a good mood after the lesson.

Publications on the topic:

Artistic and aesthetic development. Summary of direct educational activities “Golden Khokhloma” Goal: to develop children's interest in folk arts and crafts; artistic creativity in decorative painting. Tasks:.

Lesson summary “Golden Khokhloma” (senior group) Goal: To familiarize children with different types folk arts and crafts (Khokhloma). Objectives: Educational: continue to introduce.

"Golden Khokhloma" Abstract of GCD in the educational field "Artistic Creativity" Topic: “Golden Khokhloma” Program content: Educational area “Cognition”: to consolidate and expand children’s knowledge about folk art.

Synopsis of the NOOD “Wonderful miracle, wondrous wonder - golden Khokhloma” Abstract of the NOOD “Wonderful miracle, wondrous wonder - golden Khokhloma” Compiled by M. A. Muravyova. Types of children's activities: educational - research.

Summary of OD with children of senior preschool age “Golden Khokhloma” Summary of OD with older children preschool age within project activities on the topic: “Golden Khokhloma” Goal: Continue to educate.

Lesson summary for the preparatory group “Golden Khokhloma” Program content: To introduce children to Khokhlama painting, its history, to make it clear what painting is used for. Teach children to see and highlight.

Lesson notes for the senior group “Golden Khokhloma”“Golden Khokhloma” Program content: -Introduce painting on Khokhloma products; -Learn to highlight the elements of the Khokhloma pattern (leaf, berry,...