Checking Internet speed: overview of methods. How to check Internet speed (Speedtest, Internetometer from Yandex) Accurate Internet speed test online

If your Internet pages take a long time to load or YouTube videos slow down, you should first check the speed of your Internet connection. How to check the Internet speed on Windows 7 or Windows 10 will be discussed below.

Note! Certain processes may affect the accuracy of the results. Before testing, you should turn off video, music, downloading files, etc.

Windows Standard Tools

First of all, you need to know what speed your provider provides to you. To view, you can use standard system tools.

Advice! If you have an agreement with a provider nearby, you can check the speed of your Internet connection.

  1. On the toolbar, click the PMC on the Internet connection icon.
  2. Open Network and Internet Settings.
  3. Next, go to the “Network and Sharing Center”.
  4. By clicking on the “Ethernet” icon, see the connection speed.

Internet speed test

Now let's move on to online services that give us the opportunity to see the speed of the Internet connection in a few clicks.

Yandex Internetometer

This is a popular service from Yandex, which is used by most users.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated. All actions occur automatically.

This service is popular all over the world, and not just in Russia. It quite accurately determines the maximum download speed limit and indicates the ping.

It is worth noting that the results are quite accurate. No wonder the service has gained popularity all over the world.


Website with a huge amount opportunities. Starting from checking IP and Ports, ending with checking passwords for vulnerabilities. The most functional site from all of RUNet.

Additionally, the site will show your location, browser, IP and provider.

The service is designed for German users, but this does not prevent us from using it.

Once finished, you will be able to view your speed, ping and location.

Speed ​​test is The best way checking the speed and quality of your Internet connection. Have you noticed that your files are loading at a slower speed? Do you feel like the websites you visit are loading too slowly? Check your Internet connection settings. With our tester you can now measure:

  • latency testing (ping, latency) – checks the average time of sending data packets to different servers simultaneously. Most testers only measure the sending time of small packets of data (less than 500 bytes), but in fact browsers and web applications typically transfer and download large packets of data, so our tester also tests the sending time of large packets (around 2-5 kilobytes). Result: the lower the ping, the better, i.e. allows you to use the Internet more comfortably. This parameter is especially important in online games.
  • download testing - download speed is checked, which is measured as the total amount of downloaded data over a certain period of time (about 10 seconds) and is expressed in units of Mbit/s Testing is carried out for different places at the same time, since using only one server is not reflects actual bandwidth connections. the site tries to show measurement results that are speed measurements beyond border routers. The download speed is important parameter, which determines the quality when watching movies on the Internet and the speed of downloading files.
  • Sending testing (upload) – the speed of data sending is checked, just as in the case of download testing, the parameter is important, for example, when sending data to the server and email messages with especially big investments, for example, photographs.

Latest Speed ​​Test News

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To check the speed of your Internet connection as accurately as possible, we recommend that you stop downloading files, online radio and YouTube while the speed test is in progress. For 100% reliability, repeat the speedtest by pressing the button again.

Questions and answers

Your IP:

Run test

What are Ping, Jitter, Upload and Download?

By uploading and downloading a file, the service allows you to accurately determine the real Internet connection speed of your provider. The measurement results will show:

  1. Download speed – speed of receiving data from the Internet.
  2. Upload speed – speed of data upload to the Internet.
  3. Ping (PING) – time of transmitting information to the server and back.
  4. IP address is the unique address of your computer on the network.

What factors affect connection speed?

The connection speed directly depends on the type of connection you use. Today the most popular types of connection are:

  • ADSL (Dedicated Line) – This data transmission technology uses a telephone line. This technology separates the frequencies over which data is transmitted from those over which voice is transmitted. Due to this, the telephone line is free, even with an active connection.
  • FTTB ( fiber optic cable) – the basis is an optical cable, which is supplied to the switch in the subscriber’s building, and then a twisted pair cable is extended from it. Today this is the most popular connection method.
  • 3G/4G ( Mobile Internet) – this type of connection is used in mobile networks mobile operators. USB modems are used to connect laptops and computers, and 3G/4G routers are used to organize the network.

As a rule, there are usually no problems with a cable connection, which cannot be said about the wireless connection method. The more devices connected to the router at the same time, the greater the likelihood of speed reduction. We advise you to always change the factory password WiFi networks offered by the manufacturer, to a more reliable one.

In addition to equipment, speed can also be affected by software, which significantly uses your traffic.

If the speed is low and differs by more than 10% from the declared one, we recommend taking another measurement or using similar ones. online services and applications, such as speedtest or Yandex internet meter. If the result remains unchanged, we recommend contacting your provider to find out the reasons.

How to improve connection speed on your computer and phone?

Depending on the type of Internet connection used, recommendations for increasing it will differ. But there are also basic things for any kind of connection.

The first and fastest way is to reboot the router (router). Then measure your Internet speed again - our speed test is free, so you can do this endlessly.

If the reason for the slow Internet was the independent reconfiguration of the router configuration, there is only one way out - reset the settings to factory settings. A little later we will publish a detailed article on how to do this.

Also common cause slow Internet is the use of various VPN (VPN) services (especially free ones). Very often they reduce the speed to 5 MB/sec. You can easily check this, just turn off the VPN and see the results. If the indicators correspond to the tariff, then you need to change the VPN.

If website pages open slowly, then first of all you need to optimize the speed of your browser. Most often, you just need to avoid opening too many tabs (more than 10 tabs is already too much for older devices). We recommend clearing your browser history regularly. And of course, you need to remove unused plugins and extensions.

On a phone and laptop with a Wi-Fi connection

On laptops and phones, a WiFi connection is mainly used, so first of all we go to the router settings and select the 802.11ac standard; if this is not available, then select 802.11n. Ideally, this should be done based on the characteristics of the wifi module of your device, but in 90% of cases this advice will work for you.

On a computer with a cable connection

On computers with the Windows operating system, the default Internet usage limit is 80%. Therefore, you can safely remove this restriction using the gpedit.msc utility. In Windows 10, you can simply find it through the search, and in Windows 7, open the Run program (Win + R) and paste the name of the utility. In the window that opens, go to the “Limit reserved bandwidth” tab and there in the “Bandwidth limit” field set the value “0”.

What is the optimal speed for games, videos, skype?

Many people wonder how to determine the required minimum Internet speed. The answer is simple - it all depends on what purposes you plan to use it for.

If the Internet for you is just to sit in in social networks– then you won’t need more than 3 Mbit/s.

Can't imagine life without watching videos online? Less than 20 Mbit/sec is not even worth considering - you’ll just waste time and nerves!

Love to play Online Games? In this case, speed is not so important. Much quality is more important communication, namely a small Ping (preferably up to 10 ms) and no packet loss.

The best providers in Russia for 2020

If you are not satisfied with the quality and cost of services, we have made for you a selection of the best wired and wireless providers in Ukraine:

Latest measurements in Russia

With our speed test you can compare your speed with the average in your city. The table shows data for those cities where there were more than 1000 inspections.

City Incoming, Mbit/sec Outgoing, Mbit/sec

Saint Petersburg



Nizhny Novgorod
















Today, many services offer Internet speed testing. It's no secret that high speed Internet connection is the key to comfortable and high-quality online activities. However, which tester is better to use and which speed test is the most reliable? This question worries many users who control their connection. In this article we will analyze for testing the Internet channels that are distinguished by the greatest reliability and, most importantly, are free.

Checking the Internet connection speed on a computer or smartphone allows you to understand the functionality of the device. Next, we will consider the three most popular, reliable, functional, convenient services in Russian, which will allow you to control the speed of the Internet services provided. For example: Rostelecom, buyfly or any other global provider from both a mobile and a personal computer.

First, let's look at the table of functionality of each service:

Now we will take a closer look at each of the services for checking the quality of Internet services. In this case, it is necessary to focus on the fact that when testing we must not forget about converting megabits to megabytes. Because 1 byte is 8, not 10 bits. This point should be taken into account!

TOP 1: Service

Description: is one of the current ways to measure Internet performance. With millions of requests daily, it remains the leading network performance testing service. According to the developers, their goal is to build the best and fast internet Worldwide. Proven technologies are specifically designed for accurate and unbiased testing, allowing users around the world to evaluate and troubleshoot Internet connection speeds.

Flaws: The main disadvantage of the service is that checking the connection speed for mobile devices in this service is quite difficult. To get started, you will need to download the official application to your smartphone.

TOP 2: Speed ​​test from

Description: Yandex Internetometer is one of the leading Russian services for checking network connections. Capable of showing data about both traffic and browser.

Flaws: There is no possibility to change the server for checking, as well as the data and ping of the provider.

TOP 3: Speed ​​check on

Description: Allows you to similarly perform a qualitative check of the channel status and a check of functionality. Also, with one click of the mouse, it checks the throughput of the connection line.

Flaws: The disadvantages of the service include the lack of additional technical information provided.


Which of the presented speed tests to use is up to you. All have their advantages and disadvantages. Everyone must determine their needs and preferences. However, we are absolutely sure that the resources presented will help to accurately determine the quality of the Internet signal, which plays an important role in the comfort of working and surfing websites.


I think that not everyone is not always happy with the speed of their Internet. Yes, when files load quickly, online videos load without jerks or delays, pages open very quickly - there is nothing to worry about. But in case of problems, the first thing they recommend doing is checking your Internet speed. It is possible that you simply do not have a high-speed connection to access the service.

How to check Internet speed on a Windows computer

Moreover, it is important to note that despite the fact that many providers write quite high numbers when connecting: 100 Mbit/s, 50 Mbit/s - in fact, real speed will be less (almost always the contract specifies the pretext Up to 50Mbit/s, so you won’t be able to undermine them). We’ll talk about the ways in which this can be checked further.

Built-in tools

Do it quickly enough. I’ll show you using Windows 7 as an example (in Windows 8, 10 this is done in a similar way).

Note! Whatever figure Windows shows, the real figure may differ by an order of magnitude! It shows, for example, 72.2 Mbit/s, but the actual speed does not rise above 4 MB/s when downloading in various downloader programs.

Online services

To determine exactly what the actual speed of your Internet connection is, it is better to use special sites that can perform such a test (more on them later in the article).

One of the most popular tests.

As for, it’s very popular service to measure the speed of your Internet connection (according to many independent ratings). It couldn't be easier to use. First you need to follow the link above, and then click on the “Begin Test” button.

Next, in about a minute, this online service will provide you with verification data. For example, in my case the value was about 40 Mbit/s (not bad, close to the real tariff figures). True, the ping figure is somewhat confusing (2 ms is a very low ping, practically the same as on a local network).

Note! Ping is a very important characteristic of an Internet connection. If you have a high ping, you can forget about online games, since everything will slow down and you simply won’t have time to press the buttons. Ping depends on many parameters: the remoteness of the server (the PC to which your computer sends packets), the load on your Internet channel, etc. If you are interested in the topic of ping, I recommend that you read this article:


A very interesting service for testing connections. How does he captivate? Probably several things: ease of checking (press just one button), real numbers, the process takes place in real time and you can clearly see how the speedometer shows the speed of downloading and uploading a file.

The results are more modest than in the previous service. Here it is also important to take into account the location of the server itself with which the connection is being made for testing. Because in the previous service the server was Russian, but in this one it is not. However, this is also quite interesting information.

Many people, especially in our country, associate everything German with precision, quality, and reliability. Actually, their service confirms this. To test, just follow the link above and click one button “Speed ​​test start”.

A good service where it is easy and simple to select a server to check, and then start testing. This is what captivates many users.

By the way, great way check internet speed, in my opinion, these are various popular torrents. Take a file from the top of any tracker (which is distributed by several hundred people) and download it. True, the uTorrent program (and similar ones) show download speed in MB/s (instead of Mbit/s, which is indicated by all providers when connecting) - but this is not scary. Without going into theory, the file download speed, for example 3 MB/s* multiplied by ~8, is sufficient. As a result, we get approximately ~24 Mbit/s. This is the real meaning.

* - it is important to wait until the program reaches the maximum score. Usually within 1-2 minutes when downloading a file from the top rating of a popular tracker.

That's all, good luck everyone!