Savings book for newlyweds. Poems for a wedding passbook. DIY savings book for newlyweds. Step-by-step master class. Option for the lazy

But you can't live without them,
We decided to start
Give you a savings book.

Put it in your savings account
First of all, for the children,
As soon as it appears, buy it
They wear shirts and pants.

To Sberbank of Russia
At a high interest rate.

We consider it very important
Have a three-story house.
You can build one like this -
We'll put a bill on the brick.

So that they don’t stand still,
So that you can drive around the world,
I wish I could buy you a car,
The first payment is just for the tire.

Hunting, fishing, chips and beer,

It's bad without it
All this is so necessary

After ironing and cooking,
After washing and cleaning,
Relax your body and soul
The spa is a nice thing!
Such unloadings are very necessary,
My wife's stash was put here.

We gave a savings book,
So that you live comfortably.

Remember us more often
Who saved you from poverty! =)

Another option:

But you can't live without them
We decided to start
Give you a savings book.

Don't waste your money in vain,
Buy furniture wisely.
So that there is hello in the house
We put the money in an envelope.

For a cow, for a pig,
For a goat and a chicken,
And on other creatures
We gave you money too.

Put it in a savings account
What children should have -
For diapers, for pants
And for other needs.

For you, Lena, for outfits
For candies, for lipsticks.

Igor! For love cupids
And on the women's side
Don't look for money in the envelope.
Instead of money - screw you.
To dances and movies
And for other fun
We also provided
They didn't spare you any money.

For Cuban cigars
For good wine
Even though they put it in an envelope -
It's a pity for the money anyway.

If a rainy day comes,
So don't torture yourself,
We give you the last envelope -
It's for this case.

Another text option:

To your new savings account
We put money on the kids.
Waiting for a baby
Spend money on diapers
For washing powder
For toys and a potty.

Build to the envy of everyone
You have a luxurious house with a swimming pool.
No money left? - We give you
Enough for the doorway!

So that they don’t stand in one place,
So that they come to visit us,
I wish you could change your car.

Going to restaurants,
For decent wine
At least they put it in an envelope,
There won't be enough of them anyway.

Change sofas once a year
To Bali or Canary Islands
We'll add some money to you
So that there is enough for a return!

We gave a savings book,
And we have no doubts -
Our humble participation
Will save your budget.

Searches on the Internet showed that the texts for internal pages are not very diverse; many have the following options (unfortunately, the author could not be found):

But you can't live without them,
We decided to start
Give you a savings book.

Put it in your savings account
First of all, for the children,
As soon as it appears, buy it
They wear shirts and pants.

Iron coins ring loudly,
They promise huge profits.
You put this copper cent into the account
To Sberbank of Russia
At a high interest rate.

We consider it very important
Have a three-story house.
You can build one like this -
We'll put a bill on the brick.

So that they don’t stand still,
So that you can drive around the world,
I wish I could buy you a car,
The first payment is just for the tire.

Hunting, fishing, chips and beer,
Garage and billiards so that life doesn’t pass you by
It's bad without it
All this is so necessary
They put a stash here for my husband.

After ironing and cooking,
After washing and cleaning,
Relax your body and soul
The spa is a nice thing!
Such unloadings are very necessary,
My wife's stash was put here.

We gave a savings book,
So that you live comfortably.
Top up regularly and spend wisely!
Remember us more often
Who saved you from poverty! =)

Another option:

Although your happiness is not in money,
But you can't live without them
We decided to start
Give you a savings book.

Don't waste your money in vain,
Buy furniture wisely.
So that there is hello in the house
We put the money in an envelope.

For a cow, for a pig,
For a goat and a chicken,
And on other creatures
We gave you money too.

Put it in a savings account
What children should have -
For diapers, for pants
And for other needs.

For you, Lena, for outfits
For candies, for lipsticks.

Igor! For love cupids
And on the women's side
Don't look for money in the envelope.
Instead of money - screw you.
To dances and movies
And for other fun
We also provided
They didn't spare you any money.

For Cuban cigars
For good wine
Even though they put it in an envelope -
It's a pity for the money anyway.

If a rainy day comes,
So don't torture yourself,
We give you the last envelope -
It's for this case.

Another text option:

To your new savings account
We put money on the kids.
Waiting for a baby
Spend money on diapers
For washing powder
For toys and a potty.

Build to the envy of everyone
You have a luxurious house with a swimming pool.
No money left? - We give you
Enough for the doorway!

So that they don’t stand in one place,
So that they come to visit us,
I wish you could change your car.
The first payment is just for the tire.

Going to restaurants,
For decent wine
At least they put it in an envelope,
There won't be enough of them anyway.

Change sofas once a year
To Bali or Canary Islands
We'll add some money to you
So that there is enough for a return!

We gave a savings book,
And we have no doubts -
Our humble participation
Will save your budget.

Tradition of giving to newlyweds as a wedding gift household appliances and other household items are gradually becoming a thing of the past. Today, an increasing number of guests invited to a wedding are inclined to believe that the best gift for the bride and groom is money that a young family can put in a piggy bank for some global projects or spend in the near future on - in a word, dispose of at your own discretion. Wedding fashion, instead of the usual white envelopes, offers money from a glass jar to.

A souvenir passbook for newlyweds is another original idea for a monetary gift. In essence, this is a colorful exclusive postcard or template where the guest can place his monetary gift, and, if the size is sufficient (for example, A4 format), also wishes with congratulations, an autograph, and photographs. A gift made using the scrapbooking technique looks very beautiful. Even beginning handicraft masters can master the basics of this art.

Savings book: we do it ourselves

Tools and materials

  • folder – folder for the cover;
  • scrap paper or other decorative paper;
  • cover fabric of your choice;
  • padding polyester;
  • scissors (curly ones are also possible);
  • PVA glue and heat gun;
  • plastic napkins;
  • large envelopes;
  • pictures from magazines or the Internet;
  • material for decoration (lace, ribbons, stamps, etc.);
  • thick cardboard;
  • double sided tape.

Step-by-step instruction

A serious version of a passbook

We figured out how to make a savings book for newlyweds with our own hands, and now there’s an option for serious people. If you don’t have time for such creativity, a passbook can have the practical nature of a regular bank card. You won’t find the usual savings books in a real bank today; you can print the cover from the Internet and arrange it in the form of a postcard, where you can attach a card, and it’s quite possible to open a savings account in the name of the newlyweds. From the first day, interest will accrue on it, and if such a gift is used wisely, its benefits are obvious.

Looking for wedding gifts? The simplest, most necessary and standard option is money, but coming to a celebration with a white envelope is not a festive idea at all. A great opportunity is a comic savings book for newlyweds. With your own hands you can make very interesting, unusual, original commemorative multi-envelopes for banknotes.

Unusual gift idea

Actually giving paper envelope, even with very good content, is too banal and not solemn. And although there are now many gift options with bright prints, the best gift would be a comic passbook for newlyweds. Making it with your own hands is not only easy, but also interesting. Each product will always be exclusive, addressed to a specific couple. Such a gift can be made either in the form of a folder, where there is an envelope for banknotes inside, or as an album with several pages, each of which plays on the theme of money and, of course, there is a place where to put them.

Scrapbooking technology

A do-it-yourself savings book for newlyweds can be made very bright, unusual and original. The meaning of the method indicated in the title is to design the product according to the principles of a photo album, which is decorated with magazine clippings and applications made from decorative types of paper and cardboard. Bows, flowers, beads, hearts, and buttons can also be used. The selected text for page headings and content is also important. MK "Do it yourself savings book for newlyweds" will help you understand all the nuances of the work.

Necessary materials, tools, workpieces

You will have to find the following to make an original passbook for newlyweds with your own hands:

  • Poems and titles.
  • Pictures and photographs.
  • Cardboard.
  • Fabric and padding polyester to add volume to the cover.
  • Paper for scrapbooking or any other decorative paper.
  • Pencil.
  • Ruler.
  • Scissors.
  • Glue or heat gun.
  • Curly hole punches for decorating the edges of the sheet and cutting out applique elements, such as hearts or flowers.
  • Napkins with beautiful design(optional).
  • Regular or voluminous stickers.
  • Flowers made of fabric or paper.
  • Satin ribbons.
  • Other decor (beads, seed beads, buttons, sequins, bows, yarn, stripes).

As you can see, the list is large. In fact, the amount of materials, especially decor, depends on the design style, your preferences and the taste of the newlyweds. The product can be made only from paper, and it will look very stylish and impressive. The choice is always yours.

DIY savings book for newlyweds step by step

The general sequence of work will be as follows:

  1. Making a cover from scratch or based on a purchased blank (folder).
  2. Making a frame for pages with binding.
  3. Determining the thematic content of each sheet.
  4. Selection of clippings, photographs, decor and text.
  5. Printing of poems and images on a printer.
  6. Selecting options for placing banknotes (envelope, corner, clip, clasp, pocket).
  7. Pasting elements onto pages.
  8. Making gift fasteners (with a button, ribbon ties, Velcro, or without them at all).

All is ready. Now all that remains is to put the money in its place - and you can go to the celebration. You have made a great gift.

Design style

So that you can get the same beautiful passbook for newlyweds with your own hands (photo finished product see above), it is worth doing all the pages and cover uniformly. Determine for yourself the basic principles that you will be guided by in your work. Think about which theme will suit your couple best:

  • Comical.
  • Romantic.
  • Business.

Choose the last option for those who don’t understand jokes at all or don’t like them. If this is your case, stick to the following rule: do not use text or images that have double meanings or words that may offend your newlyweds. For example, do not write phrases like “loot for mistresses” and the like. If the young people are adequate, cheerful with a sense of humor, they will understand everything and laugh with you.

Ideas for poetic content

In order for you to get an original and funny savings book for newlyweds with your own hands, the text should be both humorous and with an idea at the same time. Approximate themes and inscriptions on the pages could be as follows:

1. Draw up a sheet with images of a stroller, crib, toys and print out the following text:

Put it in a savings account

We are, of course, for the kids.

As soon as they appear, buy them

They wear shirts and pants.

2. The second or any other, for example the last, page can be designed like this:

We gave a savings book,

So that you live comfortably.

Remember us more often

Who saved you from poverty?

Post your photos here or those of the newlyweds.

3. Provide space for the following lines:

After ironing and cooking,

After washing and cleaning,

Relax your body and soul

It's just a nice thing at the club!

Such unloadings are very necessary.

My wife's stash was put here.

4. Paste a picture of a suitcase with money and write this:

Iron coins ring loudly,

They promise huge profits.

You will put this copper cent

To Sberbank of Russia at a high interest rate.

5. Find pictures of fashionable clothes and accessories. Label the page with the following inscription:

We don't regret paperwork

Alexandra on shirts,

And for Natasha's outfits

We are very happy to put it.

Naturally, enter the names of your newlyweds so that the quatrain rhymes. If you have a talent for creating poetry, come up with any variants of desires for which you can put money in your comic savings book, for example, for a car (for now, an advance payment for a tire), for a large house (and now for a brick or a nail). In a word, cool inscriptions can be created both in the form of poetry and regular text. It’s easy to hit the bull’s eye with just one successful phrase.

Which pictures to choose?

Now you have a rough idea of ​​how to make a savings book for newlyweds with your own hands. If you have doubts about the selection of images, you can proceed in several ways:

  • Find ready-made pictures on the Internet (cartoon or realistic) and print the blanks, and then cut out individual elements.
  • Draw yourself on paper, cardboard or directly on the pages.
  • Use stickers and blanks from art kits.
  • Make photo collages in a graphics editor and print the sheets.
  • Select relevant clippings from magazines and newspapers.

It is better to combine different options, but you should not use too many details. The main thing should remain the text and the place where the bills are placed. Everything else will serve as the background. It is also appropriate to focus on photographs of the newlyweds themselves, if you use them.

Which foundation should you choose?

The easiest way is to buy a ring binder or a greeting address and decorate the blank. In this case, you are limited to the standard A4 landscape sheet format vertical arrangement. Typically, stationery and souvenir printing blanks are produced this way.

The second option is to make the base out of cardboard. Here you are free to choose any size and even shape of the blank, for example in the shape of a heart. You will have to work harder, but you can create a completely exclusive item.

If you are going to make a lot of pages, you will need to choose a method for attaching them: glued binding or eyelets. The second method makes it easy to connect pages of complex shapes, and you can decorate each one individually before joining it into a common structure, which is much more convenient.

How to make pockets for money?

The most important thing is to arrange the bills beautifully. To do this, you can make envelopes on the pages according to the format of the bill or for one folded in half. There is an option - to make a small pocket or strap that will hold a banknote folded four times. The choice of options and sizes depends on the page format and how much space you are willing to allocate on the sheet for money.

DIY savings book for newlyweds: master class

So, let's consider the option when you create everything from scratch. The sequence of work will be as follows:

  1. Cut out two identical cover pieces from cardboard.
  2. Make the same ones from padding polyester if you want the crust to be voluminous and soft.
  3. Make two elements of fabric with allowances for gluing.
  4. Glue the padding polyester onto the cardboard.
  5. Decorate the top with fabric.
  6. Fold the seam allowances over to the reverse side and glue them.
  7. To prevent the folded edges from being visible, glue a sheet of decorative paper or cardboard on top.
  8. If the passbook is on rings, make holes in your blanks, install eyelets in them, and put the sheets on the rings.
  9. The second option is regular binding. For it, a strip is made as wide as the thickness of your passbook with allowances of 1.5-2 cm on the vertical sides and glued between two large blanks. This method is suitable for rectangular or square-shaped pages, but a complex configuration such as a heart is better done on rings.
  10. Prepare the pages, glue them together using additional blanks the height of the page and a width of 1.5-2 cm. On these paper strips, you must first draw a groove 2-4 mm wide in the middle, along the long side, with a knitting needle or a non-writing pen. The corners of the strip are cut at an angle of 45 degrees.
  11. Make the binding by attaching to the blank obtained in the previous step a strip of bow with hem allowances, two strips of braid on the narrow sides and a cardboard piece equal to the size of the end of your book, taking into account the allowances. Just the allowances are coated with glue and glued to the covers.
  12. When the structure is completely assembled, you can start decorating the pages. To do this, glue all the necessary parts and decorations layer by layer.
  13. Sew two satin ribbons to the cover.
  14. Place bills in pockets.
  15. Close your passbook and tie a nice bow.

Work is done. If you decide to use a purchased blank, start immediately with decoration. Cut out one whole piece from cardboard and padding polyester, respectively. By the way, you can also make a blank from one element yourself if your product consists of a small number of pages.

So, quite simply, although not quickly, you can make a savings book for newlyweds with your own hands. Choose a design style, suitable verses and start creative process creating an original gift.

How to give money for a wedding in an original way

Wedding passbook No. 1

Most often, money is given as a gift for a wedding. But I don’t just want to give the young people an N-th amount, but do it with humor, in an original way, so that everyone remembers and laughs.

Wedding passbook No. 2

Wedding book from Alla Kozak. The principle of working on it is the same. Album version only. The verses are repeated, but so that you don’t get confused, I repeat them (note that there is a slight difference).

Although your happiness is not in money -
But you can't live without them!
We decided to start
Give you a savings book!

Line up to the envy of a friend
You are a gorgeous shack!
No money left? We give it to you!
Enough for the doorway!

Don't waste your money in vain,
Buy bread and butter!
So that there is lunch in the house,
We put the money in an envelope.

So that they don’t stand still,
They often came to visit
I wish I could buy you a car!
This contribution is just for the tire!

Change sofas once a year
To the Canaries and Cannes.
We will add some money to you -
So that there is enough for a return!

We don't regret paperwork
For the groom - so on the shirts.
And for the bride's outfits
We are very happy to put it.

After ironing and cooking,
After washing and cleaning,
Relax your body and soul
It's just a nice thing at the club!
This is a great way to relieve the wife!
We'll put some money here.

Well, what about other Cupids?
And to the women on the side,
We didn't deposit any money.
Instead of money - screw you!

And don't be afraid of booties,
And don't be afraid of diapers!
Give us boys,
Give us girls!
This money is for a crib,
May the child sleep sweetly!

Wedding passbook No. 3

You can “swing” even more. I did it myself once, it’s a pity, but the photos didn’t turn out well.
I took a folder for files and put all my wishes there one by one. And between congratulations, right in the empty files I put a diaper, a towel, a cap, rompers, baby socks, etc. - this is all for future children, as well as a comb and scissors “for the mustache” - this is for my husband, a mirror and a bunch of culinary seasonings - for the wife.

In short - a bunch of all sorts of nonsense - the main thing is that the thing is flat!
A huge “tome” has come out!!!
So don't be afraid of going big!
Choose the congratulation that suits you based on the collected items.
Your imagination will help you! After all, any line can be removed or redone.

We are giving you a diaper so that your daughter Alenka will appear soon!
And here’s a dummy for you, so that your son can be second.
And also a vest for the third child.
We are also giving you a balloon so that the fourth boy, Alik, will be born.
Here's a rattle so that Andryushka is fifth.
Here are some more pants for your son, scarves for your daughter.
We give you booties so that more children will be born.
There are so many gifts! So now it’s “Bitter”!

Congratulations on your Wedding Day,
And I want to give you:
CARROTS - so you can sleep comfortably!
BOW - so that there is no separation!
MUG - so that they love each other!
SOAP - to make the house clean, cozy and cute!
OPEN OPEN - for the first Alenka!
RATTLE - for Andryushka,
KERCHINS - for twins Irinka and Marinka,
SWIM - for Slavochka,
TOYS - for Nastya,
DIMERS - for twins Mishka and Grishka,
PANTS - for the fifth son,
SOCKS - for the last daughter.

We wish you Alenka - a blue-eyed girl.
For Alenka's brother - the boy Ignatik.
And while catching up with my brother, let my little sister, Raya, grow.
They will hang out with Zina, Galya, Valya and Marina,
Nadya, Olya, Kolya and, of course, Tolya.
And you surprise us with Vitya, kind Yura, curly Mitya,
And the guys will go fasting (oh, these little devils!)
Petya, Vasya and Valery, Gena, Alexey, Evgeniy.
Let it be smaller - there will be Masha, and then Natasha will go,
Zoya, Polya and Stepan and the youngest - Ivan.
Raise these kids, and then raise whoever you want!
We also wish the young couple
Live until the golden wedding
And so that great-grandson Borka
He shouted “Bitter!” at the wedding.

Here are some diapers for you so that Alenka will be born soon!
Here are some pictures for you so that the boys don’t linger - Dimka!
Here are some booties for you so that your babies will be born sooner.
Here's a dummy for you, let your son go first.
Here's a vest for you to make Alenka laugh in the house.
Here's a broom for you so you don't have to ask your parents for money.
We will give you a vase, so make peace right away!

We give you a nail so that you will not be apart.
We give you pictures so that Dimka doesn’t linger!
We’ll give you a piece of paper so you don’t have to run to Mashki.
We give you soap so that you can have a nice life.
Here's some soap to keep your house clean.
I give you a washcloth to get you off to a good start.
We give you a blanket to protect you from troubles.

A wedding is one of the most happy days in the lives of both women and men. Have you received an invitation to a wedding, but don’t know what to give? After all, you want to please the young people and not get into trouble by giving, for example, a second microwave oven or a kettle, or something else. Of course, you can give money, and they themselves will buy what they want. But giving money to a simple envelope It’s very banal, you’ll agree. Therefore, we invite you to make an extraordinary gift with your own hands. After all, as has long been known, gifts made with your own hands are priceless. Such a truly “priceless” gift is a savings book for newlyweds.

What is a savings book for newlyweds?

A do-it-yourself savings book for newlyweds is a small album in which wishes and instructions are written for the young couple.

Most often they are written with a humorous slant. In such an album, young people will find not only wishes, but also cash to achieve them. For example, the text of a savings book for newlyweds could be like this:

Although your happiness is not in money,

But you cannot live without them.

We decided to start

Give you a savings book.

In addition to wishes, each page has a pocket for money. Making such an original gift is not as difficult as it might seem. By following the instructions below, absolutely everyone can cope with this task.

Master class: passbook for newlyweds

Before you begin, carefully consider the design of your book. If you determine the topic in advance, it will be easier to select material.

To create a passbook in this master class we will use simple material as a basis, which can easily be found in any stationery storefolder.You will also need the following materials: scrap paper different colors, glue, double-sided tape, scissors, colored cardboard, fabric and padding polyester for binding, cuttings from printed publications corresponding to the wedding theme, satin ribbons and various decorative elements for decoration. The photo below shows all the stages of work.

First you need to make the cover of the book, so let's take the prepared binder. If it does not meet the required dimensions, it can be cut off. Next, you need to glue double-sided tape on the inside and outside. After this, we put the padding polyester on the outside of the binder, and stretch the fabric over it. The easiest way is to use already quilted fabric. We bend the edges to the inside, cut off the excess, and pin off the corners. We use cardboard to decorate the inside of the cover beautifully. From it we cut out two rectangles slightly smaller than the size of the folder. Glue them to the inside of the folder using hot glue. The cover design is almost finished, all that remains is to think about the title.

The name of your creation can be either a simple printed picture of a savings book or a beautifully designed inscription “savings deposit/book”.

In the presented MK this is an inscription, for the design of which three circles of different diameters made of colored cardboard are used. First, glue the largest circle to the fabric, on it the middle one, and on the middle one - the smallest circle with the name of the album.

We decorate everything with existing decorative elements.

The cover design is completely completed. Now let's move on to the pages. We will make them from cardboard. To do this, cut out rectangles slightly smaller in size compared to the cover. We cover the cut out pages on both sides with scrap paper using double-sided tape. We make holes on one side with a hole punch. This is needed to connect the page to the cover..

After connecting the pages, the fun begins. Now you need to decorate each page in accordance with the theme you have planned. This is where all the magazine clippings collected in advance will come in handy. Among other things, on each page, do not forget to indicate for what purposes the money should be spent, and, of course, glue a pocket for them.

Also, for each page it is necessary to select poems for the savings book for the newlyweds. In addition, you can paste a blank sheet on the last page if you plan to sign the gift yourself.

That's all, the original gift is ready. You can safely go to the wedding. Such a gift will undoubtedly attract the attention of both newlyweds and guests.

Video on the topic of the article

Now many people give newlyweds not a gift for their wedding, but money that they can spend on what is more necessary for them. Opponents of this approach believe that after a young couple spends their money, they will have nothing left to remember the people who shared with them the joy of the most important day in their lives.

By making a special wedding savings book, you will present money in an original way, and the savings book itself will remain as a keepsake for the newlyweds. In the publication, we looked at what a savings book for newlyweds could be.

Passbook using scrapbooking technique - an original wedding gift

A specially made passbook for newlyweds will allow you to give them money at their wedding in an original and memorable way. It is an excellent alternative to envelopes and gift boxes.

The heroes of the occasion will receive a beautiful and practical item as a gift, in which, if desired, they can store family savings or treasure them in memory of the wedding. A savings book for a young couple is made using the scrapbooking technique.

Scrapbooking is a rather ancient form of handicraft art, which is now experiencing a new round of popularity. The name of the handicraft consists of two English words, which are translated into Russian as clippings and books.

Literally translated as a scrap book. The main idea of ​​this type of needlework is to preserve photographs and other memorable things for a family or an individual for a long time, allowing them to be passed on to their heirs.

Today, scrapbooking is used to create albums dedicated to various events: an anniversary, the birth of a baby, a tourist trip to a certain country and, of course, a wedding.

The album is decorated with photographs, postcards, clippings from printed publications, and various decorative elements, but in compliance with the main rule: on each sheet of the album a complete thought is presented in a photo collage.

A wedding passbook is made in the form of a small album, the pages of which are dedicated to the items of the family budget. A pocket is securely attached to each page, into which the guest will then place the bill, and its purpose is indicated in poetic lines, often in a humorous form.

The page is decorated with pictures from magazines, photographs and postcards, the image of which indicates the purpose of using the funds.

The chosen style of decorating the passbook is supported by harmoniously selected lace, original buttons, artificial flowers and other elements. To prevent the savings book from opening and the bills falling out, they make a clasp from ribbons, or tie it beautifully with a ribbon.

What passbook can be used to congratulate the bride and groom?

Savings book for newlyweds comparatively new idea for making a gift with your own hands. The presentation of such an original gift will pleasantly please the heroes of the occasion, and looking at it will give many positive emotions. It is important that the process of making a present is quite an exciting activity.

Now it's fashionable to organize. At such a celebration of the birth of a new family, the decoration of the banquet hall, photo zone, as well as the design of invitations, bonbonnieres, pillows for rings and other wedding attributes support the theme of the celebration. The newlyweds will be very pleased to receive as a gift a passbook made in the theme they have chosen for their wedding.

There are several options for creating a wedding savings book:

  1. Passbook sheets are secured with special rings, which are sold in specialized branches of stores that sell scrapbooking materials for handicrafts.
  2. An A5 format folder is used.
  3. The sheets are collected together using a spring. Many printing studios provide this service.
  4. A folder is made with ties, and beautifully decorated envelopes are placed inside.

All options have the right to exist. The most presentational are the first two. But, since in a small town or village it will be problematic to purchase rings intended for attaching albums, we settled on the second option. It is more affordable, and with a creative approach, you will get beautiful results.

Step-by-step instructions for creating a passbook with your own hands

We suggest using a paper folder with a ring-shaped binder inside as the cover of your wedding passbook. Decorate the cover with beautiful wallpaper with a three-dimensional pattern selected to match the wedding theme. When going to a celebration without a stated theme and main color of the holiday, you can give free rein to your imagination. You will need:

  1. A5 format folder.
  2. Thick cardboard, no smaller than A5 format. You need as many sheets as there will be in the passbook and 2 more sheets for the cover.
  3. Thin cardboard A5 – 6 sheets.
  4. A piece of wallpaper that allows you to wrap a folder.
  5. Colored paper or special scrap paper.
  6. Openwork napkins are round in shape and small in size.
  7. Ordinary hole punch.
  8. PVA glue, hot glue.
  9. Double-sided tape.
  10. Satin ribbon 2-3 cm wide - 40 cm.
  11. Scissors.
  12. Lighter.

If you have the opportunity, purchase curly scissors and a hole punch, as well as special stamps for scrapbooking, which will allow you to interestingly decorate the pages of your gift.

Decorating the cover

Let's start making the passbook cover:

  1. We place an unfolded folder on a piece of wallpaper and outline its outline, and then add a 2 cm wide allowance on all sides.
  2. Cut out the part with allowances.
  3. Apply double-sided tape around the perimeter of the outside and inside of the folder.
  4. On the outside, carefully glue the wallpaper with tape.
  5. We bend the edges inward and trim off the excess at the corners. Glue the folded edges to the tape placed on the inside of the cover.
  6. Cut the ribbon in half. We glue them with hot glue to the inside of the cover in the form of ties. Carefully burn the free ends of the ribbons with a lighter.
  7. We decorate the inside of the cover with thick cardboard. To do this, cut out a sheet of cardboard whose perimeter is 5 mm smaller than the size of the folder. We glue it with hot glue.

The cover is ready. Now you need to decorate it at your own discretion, but be sure to indicate its purpose. We suggest using a napkin with openwork edges and multi-colored thin cardboard. In the middle of the napkin you will need to glue a circle of cardboard on which to print the following text on the printer: Passbook. Lifetime contribution. Wedding date and then enter the date.

First, select the size and type of font, and the placement of words in lines so that the text fits on a circle the right size. Then it is printed on a sheet and a circle is cut out. On the cover, glue a circle of cardboard with a diameter 2 cm larger than the napkin, a napkin on it, and on top a circle of cardboard with text, using PVA glue. The cover is decorated with artificial flowers, sequins, rhinestones, etc.

Album pages

First you need to decide how many pages you will need. Each page is dedicated to individual expenses of the family budget and will have a pocket for inserting banknotes. Therefore, the number of pages directly depends on the expected amount of the monetary gift.

The pages are made of thick cardboard. The pages should be slightly smaller than the cover. The cardboard is covered with scrap paper or colored paper. A hole punch is used to make holes to allow the page to be inserted into the binder. Pockets for bills are made from thin cardboard, which are glued to each page.

Print out poetic lines indicating the purpose of the bill, but with wide line spacing, so that you can then cut them out in separate strips.

Prepare magazine clippings indicating the purpose of the donated money, as well as the decorative elements you want to use: buttons, flowers, lace, sequins, etc.

The more varied decor and special tools you have, the more interesting you can decorate the page.

First you need to create a collage of clippings and decorating elements, and then place it harmoniously on the page along with the pocket and poems. Start gluing only after you like the result.

Options for congratulations in verse for a savings book

To focus attention on the purpose of banknotes placed in pockets, you can use the following poetic lines:

Although your happiness is not in money,
But you can't live without them,
We decided to start
Give you a savings book.

Put it in a savings account
First of all, for the children,
As soon as they appear, buy them
They wear shirts and pants.

We consider it very important
Have a three-story house.
You can build one like this -
We'll put a bill on the brick.

So that they don’t stand still,
So that you can drive around the world,
I wish I could buy you a car,
The first payment is just for the tire.

Hunting, fishing, chips and beer,
Garage and billiards so that life doesn’t pass you by.
It's bad without it
All this is so necessary
They put a stash here for my husband.

After ironing and cooking,
After washing and cleaning,
Relax your body and soul
The spa is a nice thing!
Such unloadings are very necessary,
My wife's stash was put here.

We gave a savings book,
So that you live comfortably.
Top up regularly

And spend wisely!
Remember more often those
Who saved you from poverty!

It is not necessary to use the entire poem. Select the fragments that you will need to design the passbook pages.

Templates for interesting options for wedding passbooks

Modern weddings often have a given theme or a highlighted main color of the celebration.

When preparing a savings book as a wedding gift, it is advisable to take into account the theme and color palette of the event. You can get ideas for creative design of a passbook by looking through the options for finished products.

You should also review existing scrapbooking templates. They can be printed on a color printer and used when registering a passbook. The following types of templates will be useful to you:

  • covers;
  • page backgrounds;
  • frames;
  • patterns;
  • pictures.

By showing your imagination, you can make an original passbook, which the heroes of the occasion will be happy to keep for the rest of their lives as a keepsake of their wedding.

Bottom line

Before you start making, you need to decide on the theme of the celebration and its main color, and also take a few interesting ideas on the design of passbooks and template options.

When the long-awaited time of preparation for Christmas comes in the life of a loving couple, their family and friends are faced with the question of the most original gift. IN last years Perhaps the most popular gift was an envelope with money. After all, what could be more useful than money?

But if you don't want to be banal, but at the same time you don't know how to give money for a wedding original, then we will tell you the ideal option - a savings book for newlyweds!

General information

A wedding passbook is a creative, unforgettable gift that will last a long time and will stand out among ordinary gift envelopes. It can be humorous, romantic, bright, thematic. You can write several poems, congratulations, paste pictures or photographs into it. And of course there will be pockets for money!

Three ways to get a passbook for a wedding

1 way - buy.

There are special stores and online pages where you can buy a ready-made savings book. In such a gift you just need to enter the names of the newlyweds and the wedding date.

2nd way - order.

Order a savings book of your choice from scrapbooking experts and simply invest money there.

Method 3 - in our opinion the best option This MAKE A PASSBOOK WITH YOUR OWN HANDS.

How to do it yourself

For this we will need: a) imagination, b) tools, c) a little time. We will give you a short master class on creating a wedding savings book.

First, let's collect all the necessary supplies:

  • 1) Very thick cardboard or a small A5 folder. This will be the cover of the book and should be hard enough to support all the decorative embellishments and protect the inner pages from dents.
  • 2) Thick cardboard for inner pages. A4 size cardboard cut into halves will do. You can customize the page size to suit your needs. The color will also suit your taste. It is preferable to choose light shades. Under no circumstances use regular thin paper, as it may get wet from the glue and will not look very nice.
  • 3) Paper for scrapbooking. This is a special paper with drawings, patterns, beautiful inscriptions. With this paper you will decorate the inner pages of the passbook. It is sold in specialized scrapbooking stores. And if there is no such store nearby, you can download ready-made templates from the Internet and print them.

Let's start creating. Here's how to make a passbook step by step. To get started, look through the options for ready-made passbooks and choose the one that suits the newlyweds in style and theme. In accordance with the chosen sample, purchase all the necessary decorations in the colors you need and prepare pictures. They must be carefully cut out.

Start making the cover and pages. If the cover is solid like a book, then take sheet A 4 and bend it exactly in half. Cover the inside with paper and let dry. Do the same with the inner pages. Fold the A4 sheet in half and fasten it together with glue or a large stapler.

You can also use a regular hole punch. Cut the cover and interior pages in half and stack. Use a hole punch to make holes and thread ribbons or decorative strings through the holes.

Now you can start decorating the book. Glue pictures and appropriate captions on each page. Glue a special pocket under the picture where you can later put the money. To do this, cut out a rectangle or any other shape from paper, coat three sides of the pocket with glue and glue it to the page. The pages may also have decorative ribbons, bows, half-beads, rhinestones, and so on.

To decorate the cover, you can take a fabric and wrap it around the cover from the front side. It is better to secure the edges of the fabric with hot glue. If you want the front side of the cover to be slightly convex, you can put a little padding polyester or a thin layer of paralon under the fabric. You can also decorate the cover with scrapbooking paper, flowers, and decorations. You can paste a photo of the newlyweds on the title page. Also on the front side there should be the inscription “Savings Book” and the wedding date.

The savings book for the wedding is ready!

Poems for a wedding

Now let's look at several options for inscriptions, poems and congratulations that may be inside!

This book is for a long memory,

So that on clear, bright days,

We were remembered with love,

And they read these poems.

A family was born today

And two destinies intertwined into one!

And so that you can live comfortably, we give money to your treasury!

You love each other!

And that's great!

Let this little money

It will serve for happiness!

So that you buy a car,

We gave you a ruble!

We wish you happiness, success, goodness!

May you always have money in your treasury!

We wish in your marriage,

Always be happy!

May love and understanding guide you through the years!

We'll give you money for fashionable new things!

We wish this couple to be beautiful and happy!

Money in dollars or euros?

Choose for yourself!

Well, it’s better if the dollar is with the euro,

We were in pairs!


Table of contents can be like this: for happiness, for a new house, for a new car, for a cool car, for a honeymoon, for a vacation at sea, for stylish new clothes, for decoration for the wife, for fishing for the husband, for diapers, undershirts, for a crib, for a stroller, for the dacha by the sea, for a vacation in hot countries, for a cottage, for cool gadgets, for a new bike, for little joys, for a wedding anniversary and so on.

You can also come up with poems yourself or simply write wishes from the bottom of your heart.

By the way, a gift in the form of a savings book Suitable for special occasions such as anniversaries, wedding anniversaries or the birth of a baby!

Views: 2,458


A) A wedding is an expensive affair, we have known this for a long time
And therefore, with love, we present you with a savings book.

B) Although your happiness is not in money, you cannot live without it.
To begin with, we decided to give you a savings book.


A) So that the kind white stork brings you a child as soon as possible,
We donate what is in the envelope for pacifiers and diapers.

B) They put it in the savings book first of all for the kids.
As soon as they appear, buy them shirts and pants.

C) This money is for a crib so that the child can sleep sweetly!


A) We consider it very important to have a cozy home.
How can we help you now? Let's put a banknote on the brick!

B) Build a luxurious shack to the envy of your friend,
No money left? - We give it to you, enough for the doorway!

C) Don’t waste your money, buy furniture wisely,
So that it lasts for hundreds of years and never wears out.

D) For the kitchen we will put a table stand,
So that there is enough for a ladle.

D) There is a kitchen, there is an apartment.
There’s just nothing to sit down to relax and enjoy,
Sitting on a chair is not good!
The first deposit is on your chair!
We'll bet:
Once the feast subsides,
You will furnish the apartment!


You need to have transport to see the whole country.
You will accept our third contribution, keep the key fob for your car keys!


We don’t spare a piece of paper for Denis’s shirt,
And we are very happy to give Maria outfits!
And we’ll find a reason to wear it - we’ll come for the anniversary!


So that they can relax at the seaside and fly to Paris at least once,
You also need to put it down, how can you live without it?!

A) Housework is not easy, but there is Saturday for rest,
There is a stash here for Masha: for salons, makeup...
So that you can always be beautiful and only give joy to your husband!

B) After ironing and cooking, after washing and cleaning,
Relaxing your body and soul in a club is simply a nice thing!
Such unloading is very necessary, my wife’s stash was put here!

A) So that he doesn’t make eyes at girls, and only gives affection to his wife,
There is no stash for Denis, but there is only a fig here in an envelope!

B) Hunting, fishing, chips and beer,
Garage and billiards so that life doesn’t pass you by.
Without this it’s bad, all this is so necessary!
They put a stash here for my husband!

B) Well, Kolya is off to parties, stripteases, etc.
We didn’t put in any money, instead of money, screw you.


A) Have we forgotten anything? Although...maybe not, -
Let there be money in the budget for other expenses!

B) Iron coins ring loudly, as if they promise huge profits,
You put this copper cent in Sberbank of Russia at a high interest rate!

B) This ruble is for a rainy day.
We know the amount is small,
But, congratulating you on your Wedding Day,
We would like to tell you:
Know that if the day is hard,
Besides this ruble
There are reliable friends!

10. OTHER:

A) Let everything work out on the first try, easily and beautifully, as you want,
And may the contents of these pages only enrich your family!

B) We gave the savings book, and we have no doubts, -
Our modest participation will save your budget!

C) We gave you a savings book so that you can live comfortably,
Remember us often, who saved you from poverty!

Put it first
We have money for the kids,
To buy undershirts,
Rompers and diapers!

To make it convenient and comfortable
Drive everywhere carefree
I'd like to buy you a car.
Better in cash, not on credit!
Well, we will help with this,
We'll give you money in an envelope!

It is very important after the wedding,
Build a three-story house!
On a brick and on a nail
We'll find the money for sure!

To dress fashionably
What did you have to show off in?
We give money for shopping,
Have a blast with all your heart!

There is never too much money
Young people know this!
And therefore keep
Save this money!
When the difficult time comes,
And you have a stash!!!