Bobritsky Gennady Alekseevich prioskole. Welton Bank leaves the market "clean" due to competition and supervision. "Prioskolye" went mushrooming

Evgeny Savchenko. Photo

The governor of the Belgorod region, Evgeny Savchenko, who has been irreplaceable for 25 years, allowed his son-in-law and “purse” Gennady Bobritsky to buy 80 leased land plots at 10 thousand rubles per hundred square meters. The owner of the Prioskolie company then earned at least 500 million rubles by reselling them at 150-200 thousand rubles per hundred square meters, reports.

First capture attempt

Located 15 kilometers from Belgorod, the village of Nizhny Olshanets is located on the picturesque bank of the Belgorod reservoir. Many years ago, local residents planted a pine forest there in memory of the battles of the last war. It was forbidden by law to build anything in those places, since the lands belonged to the category of agricultural land.

However, in September 2012, the then head of the Belgorod region, Andrey Savchenko, who denied his relationship with the governor (it is common on the net that this is the governor’s nephew, the son of the official’s brother Alexander Stepanovich Savchenko), transferred a plot with a forest of 39 hectares from agricultural land to populated land. points, according to a report published by the Belgorod headquarters of the Anti-Corruption Fund. “Then the pine forest was saved. Forest defenders appealed to the regional prosecutor's office. She filed a lawsuit with the Supreme Court, which recognized the administration's order as illegal,” says an activist of the anti-corruption organization.

Official deception

For a couple of years, local authorities thought. In March 2015, district officials organized public hearings, where they began to talk about all the benefits that would fall on local residents if the land changes status. There will supposedly be a car service center, a car wash, a sports complex and a private kindergarten. “Despite the fact that the residents of the village did not agree - they held rallies against deforestation, officials in the same year again legalized the construction. The municipal council of the Belgorod region included the land in the boundaries of the settlement. The plots were again given over to residential development. The construction of cottages and cutting down pine trees continued, but no services and kindergartens were built, ”says the Belgorod headquarters of the Anti-Corruption Fund, noting that now the total market value of the plots is more than 550 million rubles.

The FBK also indicates that as a result of the construction of cottages and fences, access to the Belgorod reservoir was also blocked, which is absolutely illegal.

Simple tricks for a friend

As activists of the anti-corruption organization found out, behind such actions of officials were the interests of a friend of the Belgorod governor Yevgeny Savchenko, the founder and owner of the country's largest poultry meat producer Prioskolie Gennady Bobritsky, now also the manager of Steen West LLC.

Back in April 2013, Steen West LLC leases this land from the administration and pays a little more than a million for it. In September, by order of the new head of the district, Yuri Galdun, this land is divided into 80 plots and, under a lease agreement, is given to another company, Avangard LLC. “And a month after the auction, which is a direct violation of the land code, the plots are completely sold to Avangard for 10 thousand rubles per hundred square meters. Valuable land worth millions is being sold literally for a penny,” says a Belgorod FBK activist.

At the head of Avangard is Boris Dedenev, who was previously the general director of "". “There is also the signature of the governor under the document on the transfer of lands. All these sales contracts were signed on behalf of the administration. In relation to her, a prosecutor's check was even carried out on this occasion. She did not bring any results. And now Zinaida is working in the Department of Land Relations of Stary Oskol, ”the fighters against corruption found out.

Thus, the governor's friend's company bought the land for 10 thousand rubles per hundred square meters, and now it is selling it for 150-200 thousand rubles. “These crooks not only cut down the forest, but also pocketed a profit of more than 500 million rubles. But this money should have gone to the budget, and not to Bobritsky's pocket, ”the FBK is sure. They promise to apply to the prosecutor's office and the TFR on the facts of illegal logging and illegal transfer of land.

Earlier, the Ruspres agency reported on donations to the electoral account of Yevgeny Savchenko from the structures of the president of the Schalke 04 football club, Clemens Tennis. The petition website contains an appeal to President Vladimir Putin with a request to dismiss Yevgeny Savchenko. " Criminals feel impunity - entrepreneurs are kidnapped, tortured, extorted money. Law enforcement agencies. This is because, through his son-in-law Gennady Bobritsky, the governor is a partner of Belgorod crime in the person of Vladimir Tebekin (Watching the Belgorod Region, nickname - Sailor) and other regional organized crime groups. Jointly own the market in Stary Oskol and other enterprises“, it says.

31 Belgorod region

CEO of LLC Management Company"Prioskolie"

Member Public Council at the Federal Tax Service of Russia for the Belgorod Region

Bobritsky Gennady Alekseevich, CEO OOO Management Company Prioskolie

Graduated in 1985 Faculty of Economics Belgorod Cooperative Institute.

From 1986 to 2000, he went from director of the Belgorod Rural Consumer Society to Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Belgorod Region - Head of the Department of Investments, Resource Provision, Trade and foreign economic activity.

Since February 2004 - General Director of CJSC Prioskolie.

Since November 2009 – General Director of Prioskolie Management Company LLC.

G. A. Bobritsky, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Prioskolie Group of Companies, was awarded the highest departmental award of the Russian Ministry of Agriculture - the Gold Medal for his personal contribution to the development of the country's agro-industrial complex.

In the course of the implementation of the All-Russian project "Professional Team of the Country" he was awarded the Diploma of the Laureate of the 1st degree at the federal level and was included among the best in the database of the country's personnel elite.

There are rumors that the governor - "heavyweight" Savchenko, who has been sitting in the chair of the head of the Belgorod region for 25 years, may not even retire, but repeat the winding prison path of the ex-governors Khoroshavin, Belykh and Gaiser, because over these quarter of a century with the help of Savchenko the local criminal element has plowed up the Belgorod province so much that the investigators will have to search for a long time both the very beginning and the ends.

But if the ship begins to sink, then they are the first to flee from it ... Who? That's right, those who are especially keenly aware of the danger. The son-in-law of Yevgeny Savchenko, the infamous businessman Gennady Bobritsky, was the first to run.

He got rid of the Altai Broiler for days, losing it to the founder of the Cherkizovo company, Igor Babaev. But Bobritsky has a lot of "furniture", will he have time to sell, hide, bury all the property - both movable and immovable - on the entire list? And then they can take it away. And let it go in stages. But for the time being, not only son-in-law Bobrytsky is still nimble next to the governor Savchenko. Reporter reports this The Moscow Post .

The people in the Belgorod region also do not sleep. And he doesn't even sleep. A petition has been created online, people are asking V. Putin to dismiss Yevgeny Savchenko. The petition was created by a resident of Belgorod Alexander Dyupin.

“Dear Vladimir Vladimirovich, we ask you to dismiss Governor Yevgeny Savchenko. Our region is rich in talented, hard-working people. We could easily solve the state task of import substitution of agricultural products. However, the governor and his entourage take away and ruin successful farms. Wrote about it general newspaper .

State subsidies to support the agro-industrial complex are distributed among inefficient farms, which owned by Savchenko's relatives . Under the guise of fighting epidemics, it is forbidden to breed pigs, which destroys the long-term traditions of the region. Instead, residents are forced to buy meat of unknown origin at three times the price in supermarkets. Alcohol, food, water in stores are sold only by those suppliers who agreed with Savchenko (comments to the article:). Law enforcement agencies of the Belgorod region are inactive . Through his son-in-law, Gennady Bobritsky, the governor is a partner in regional organized crime groups. This was reported by the portal ».

We ask you to send Savchenko to resign, ”the end of the quote from the appeal. That's it, short and angry. Apparently, the governor got everyone!

Will the FSB general be replaced?

For several days now, the media have been circulating information that the presumptuous Savchenko may be replaced by an FSB general. Indeed, who else can uproot what has grown into the Belgorod land? The media have been writing for several years in a row about the Belgorod "octopus", which arose with the connivance of Mr. Savchenko. Our edition also did not remain aloof from this topic. But this is not even an octopus, in size, but some kind of Kraken!

Evgeny Savchenko has been in charge of the Belgorod region since 1993

It is clear that in the near future there will be a cleansing of the region. Dozens of politicians, deputies, entrepreneurs will be included in the list for this purge. And more employees law enforcement, which for years "pickled" statements from Belgorod farmers. In this regard, the case of the farmer Valery Vakulenko, who was "partitioned" and robbed by the former deputy governor Vladimir Zotov, is indicative. This was discussed in detail Arguments and Facts ". According to rumors, he is included in the narrow circle of Savchenko.

A few years ago, it was Zotov who approached the farmer Vakulenko with a proposal to sell 8 farms for 1 million rubles. But the farmer invested years of his life and tens of millions of rubles in this building. Vakulenko refused. And just 24 hours later, a criminal case was initiated against him for non-payment of taxes. Vakulenko went to jail. He spent almost a year in captivity. He was released, but he could not restore his business.

Vladimir Zotov today is a very rich man. But how much farms ruined former deputy Savchenko? How many farmers did he put on the bunk? This is to be clarified by the new authorities of the Belgorod region.

The story of the destruction of the Energomash plant is also awaiting its investigation. A few years ago, this successful enterprise was part of a group of companies owned by entrepreneur Alexander Stepanov. Then, according to the businessman, he was cleverly set up, and Stepanov also ended up in jail because of unsettled obligations to Sberbank. It was reported " News Agency ».

And immediately 49% of the Energomash (Belgorod) - BZEM plant became the property of the Belgorod urban district, and another 2% ended up with a certain Industry LLC. Over time, it turned out that this LLC belongs to a well-known lady, the wife of Vladimir Tebenin, whom some consider an "authoritative" businessman. Famously irritated Stepanov's business! Prior to Stepanov's imprisonment (2012 was on the calendar), the plant operated with a profit of 1 billion rubles a year. But already in 2014, the company went bankrupt. Both Vakulenko and Stepanov turned to Governor Savchenko. Alas…

Moreover, it turned out that one of the owners of Energomash's assets was Savchenko's son-in-law, Gennady Bobritsky, husband of Tatyana Evgenievna Savchenko.

Gennady Bobritsky until recently was Yevgeny Savchenko's deputy, but now he is not only a big businessman, but also the son-in-law of the governor

It is strange that Savchenko, even after such egregious facts of "taking away" business from entrepreneurs, still remains in the chair of the governor of the Belgorod region.

"Chicken protector"

There was a time when Savchenko seemed to care about people. He even had a nickname - "Chicken Protector", since Savchenko personally asked Vladimir Putin to reduce the quotas for the import of poultry meat because of the cordon. Or did he already have his own goals? One way or another, but local activists of the All-Russian Popular Front (ONF) tell the story of the sale of three largest state-owned enterprises of the agro-industrial complex at once - Prioskolie-Agro Semena OJSC, Belogorye Milk OJSC and Rovensky Broiler OJSC. These were the most "appetizing" assets that were in state ownership.

JSC Rovensky Broiler was sold for 304 million rubles

But private investors got all these three enterprises, as they say, on the cheap. And every time the customer of the auction was invariably government agency social protection population "State Property Fund of the Belgorod Region". Experts drew attention to the fact that the auction itself took place with strange pauses. For example, the bidding announcement for the Prioskolye-Agro Semena seed plant was written with intentional errors. Apparently, these mistakes were necessary so that the "strangers" would not reach trading platform. Initially, the asset was valued at 134 million rubles. But they sold it, having focused, for 67 million rubles.

JSC "Moloko Belogorye" was put up for auction for 297.8 million rubles. Sold for 300.7 million rubles. Experts believe that when estimating the plant, net profit indicators were deliberately underestimated. This may indicate a deliberate underestimation of its estimated value. A similar picture was with Rovensky Broiler OJSC: it was valued at 301 million rubles, and sold for 304 million rubles. Expensive equipment from Germany was installed at the plant. And loans were extended for 500 million rubles for a period of two years and for 1.086 billion rubles for 8 years. And as soon as decisions on loans were received, the plant immediately went under the hammer to a private person. You don't even have to give a last name, so everything is clear.

Materials on exotic auctions were transferred to the Belgorod Regional Prosecutor's Office. But what decision can prosecutors make? Indeed, in these auctions, the personal interest of Savchenko's son-in-law, Bobrytsky, sticks out.

Nevertheless, it is surprising that the State Property Fund of the Belgorod Region so easily agreed to sell profitable state enterprises at a reduced cost. The budget of the Belgorod region suffered multi-million dollar losses.

The governor would have been puzzled, but he seemed to be not against it. Or maybe he himself is in business, and even together with his son-in-law?

14 companies of Olga Savchenko

Critics blame the governor and the business of his daughter Olga Savchenko. In 2004, Olga Evgenievna created the Interlingua language center, which specializes in teaching English. And Belgorod State University immediately began to send its employees to study only in the center of Savchenko's daughter. Further, in November 2005, Olga Savchenko became a co-founder of the Crete company. This company has a "daughter" - the company "South Pole".

It was the company with this name that acted as an investor and developer of the City-Mall Belgorodsky shopping and entertainment complex. Further, in 2010, Olga Savchenko created the NB-Retail company. And opened several boutiques in Belgorod fashion clothes. Today Olga Savchenko manages three companies, and is the founder of 11 other companies. I wonder if she even sleeps? Or does he give all his time to work in 14 companies?

Governor Yevgeny Savchenko with his daughter Olga

Yevgeny Savchenko has a lot of relatives. And everything is in business! Lots of cousins ​​and nieces. And all their husbands are “native people” for Savchenko. This circle includes the deputy of the regional Duma Valery Skrug, and the secretary of the Security Council of the Belgorod region Sergey Litvinov. And many others, even if it is the seventh water on jelly.

Well-known Belgorod Vladimir Kucherenko claims that the result of Savchenko's being in power was the formation of a group of large owners from among relatives through the bankruptcy of enterprises and the creation of new ones in their place, but with different owners. It was under Savchenko that many high-ranking officials left the civil service. And they became big businessmen.

Here is his son-in-law, at one time the Deputy Chairman of the Administration of the Belgorod Region, Gennady Bobritsky, became the owner and chairman of the board of directors of the country's largest poultry holding, the Prioskolie Group of Companies. Bobritsky's business grew due to the fact that he bought a bankrupt poultry farm. It's a good thing, but they just say that he did it at the state expense, under loans and guarantees from the regional budget.

The company "Altai Broiler" Gennady Bobritsky sold the group of companies "Cherkizovo"

Over time, Bobrytsy created a whole network of Prioskolie. Today it includes Prioskolie-Voronezh, Prioskolie-Samara, Prioskolie-Ural, Prioskolie-Siberia and other companies. But would he have coped with this difficult task without the support of Mr. Savchenko?

Life in the village of Dubove

An interesting investigation was recently posted by the Center for Anti-Corruption Research and Initiatives of Transparency International Russia. This was reported portal .

This is how the mansions look in the elite village of Dubove, where Governor Savchenko built two solid houses

This investigation was devoted to the private life of governors in the Central Federal District. Journalists were interested in where exactly the leaders of the regions live. And who lives next door to them. Evgeniy Savchenko had the most interesting neighbors.

Both Savchenko's solid houses are located in the elite village of Dubove. Savchenko's nearest neighbors are Pavel Kondrashov. From 1997 to 2005 he was the prosecutor of the Belgorod region. His career ended quite unexpectedly. In October 2005, Prosecutor General Vladimir Ustinov (already former) offered to transfer Kondrashov to the Tver region. However, Kondrashov sent a request to leave him in the Belgorod region, and in case of refusal to accept his resignation. Thus, at the age of 44, Kondrashov retired. Ustinov's decision to transfer Kondrashov to the Tver region was associated with a conflict between the Belgorod authorities and Inteko CJSC, which was controlled by Yuri Luzhkov's wife, Elena Baturina. The fact is that Kondrashov left all official requests from Moscow unanswered.

A certain Aleksey Tokar lives next to Savchenko. In the 1990s he was an FSB officer. His son, Aleksey Alekseevich Tokar, is a police lieutenant colonel, head of the economic security and anti-corruption department in the city of Gubkin. The Tokar family owns 14 organizations that provide private security services: they have more than 140 government contracts worth 130 million rubles. The family has more than 30 different state and municipal structures as customers. In general, Turner and Turner are unlikely to be left without bread and butter.

The rector of Belgorodsky lives next to the governor. state university whose employees regularly attend courses in English daughter of the governor, Olga Savchenko.

Villa Governor Savchenko in Gurzuf

Journalists also found out that Governor Savchenko has a huge villa in Gurzuf. And Savchenko got this property before 2014, that is, when Crimea was still "not ours." There is also a good "piece" of land. It seems that friends and colleagues of the governor also own luxury real estate in Crimea.

In general, the new leaders of the Belgorod region will not even have to go on the wanted list: all of Savchenko's inner circle lives next to him in the elite village of Dubove. It remains to wait for the news that the governor of the Belgorod region Evgeny Savchenko, who has made a big personal feeder out of the region, is finally leaving. And it's better to go straight to the investigator's office.

1. LLC "DOBRYNYA-PRODUKT" (PSRN: 1093123013213) (CLOSED)

Share 5,000.00 (50.00%)
Belgorod region, Belgorod, Nikolai Chumichov street, 124 -,-
TIN: 3123202235 KPP: 312301001 PSRN: 1093123013213 Date of registration: 09/25/2009

Revenue for 2012: 841486.00 thousand rubles, net profit (loss): 530.00 thousand

2. LLC "BUSINESS CENTER" (PSRN: 1133123024979)

Share 10,000.00 (100.00%)
Belgorod region, Belgorod, B. Khmelnitsky avenue, house 111, office 130/1
TIN: 3123336221 KPP: 312301001 PSRN: 1133123024979 Registration date: 12/23/2013

Revenue for 2018: 20043.00 thousand rubles, net profit (loss): 3373.00 thousand

3. CJSC "CRD" (Primary State Registration Number: 1073127001078) (CLOSED)

Share 247,000.00

4. LLC "EBS SNAB" (PSRN: 1063123146844) (CLOSED)

Share 10,000.00
Belgorod region, Belgorod, Shchorsa street, 8 - ,-
TIN: 3123140645 KPP: 312301001 PSRN: 1063123146844 Registration date: 07/21/2006
chairman liquidation commission SUKHAREV ALEXANDER ALEKSANDROVICH


Share 3,000,000.00 (100.00%)


Share 10,000.00 (100.00%)


7. LLC "DOBRYNYA-PRODUKT" (PSRN: 1053107050501) (CLOSED)

Share 5,000.00 (50.00%)

8. OOO TC "PROSTOR" (Primary State Registration Number: 1053107056551)

Share 4,000.00
Belgorod region, Belgorod, Sadovaya street, 30 - ,-
TIN: 3123120046 KPP: 312301001 PSRN: 1053107056551 Date of registration: 05/19/2005
68.20.2 Renting and management of own or leased non-residential immovable property
Revenue for 2018: 0.00 thousand rubles, net profit (loss): -9.00 thousand

9. LLC "LESNYE DALY" (PSRN: 1043107042417) (CLOSED)

Share 10,000.00
Belgorod region, Belgorod, B. Khmelnitsky avenue, 20/22,-
TIN: 3123112831 KPP: 312301001 PSRN: 1043107042417 Registration date: 11/26/2004
Revenue for 2012: 0.00 thousand rubles, net profit (loss): 0.00 thousand rubles

10. LLC "BELTRANS" (PSRN: 1053107064680) (CLOSED)

Share 2,000.00

TIN: 3123121635 KPP: 312301001 PSRN: 1053107064680 Date of registration: 06/23/2005

11. LLC "INTERSERVICE" (PSRN: 1123123019172) (CLOSED)

Share 10,000.00 (100.00%)
Belgorod region, Belgorod, Belgorodsky avenue, house 87, office 1
TIN: 3123310512 KPP: 312301001 PSRN: 1123123019172 Date of registration: 09.10.2012

82.99 Other business support service activities n.e.c.
Revenue for 2016: 118490.00 thousand rubles, net profit (loss): 20215.00 thousand


Share 50,960,000.00 (31.85%)
Voronezh region, Ramonsky district, Solnechny, Parkovaya street, 3, office 10
TIN: 3662135478 KPP: 362501001 PSRN: 1083668025638 Registration date: 07/01/2008
93.2 Recreational and recreational activities
Revenue for 2018: 35850.00 thousand rubles, net profit (loss): -197512.00 thousand

13. LLC "DOBRYNYA-PRODUKT" (PSRN: 1123123012980) (CLOSED)

Share 5,000.00 (50.00%)
Belgorod region, Belgorod, Nikolai Chumichov street, house 124
TIN: 3123304678 KPP: 312301001 PSRN: 1123123012980 Date of registration: 06/28/2012
Revenue for 2014: 1680245.00 thousand rubles, net profit (loss): 1397.00 thousand

14. LLC "BIOVETZASCHITA" (PSRN: 1113120001268)

Share 5,000.00 (50.00%)
Belgorod region, Shebekinsky district, Rzhevka, Pervomaiskaya street, 39 a
TIN: 3120098385 KPP: 312001001 PSRN: 1113120001268 Date of registration: 07.10.2011
20.2 Manufacture of pesticides and other agrochemical products
Revenue for 2018: 52651.00 thousand rubles, net profit (loss): 7379.00 thousand rubles


Share 900.00
Belgorod region, Prokhorovsky district, Prokhorovka village, Chkalova street, 19
TIN: 3115003444 KPP: 311501001 PSRN: 1023101122395 Date of registration: 12/30/2002


Share 10,000.00 (100.00%)
Belgorod region, Belgorod, B. Khmelnitsky avenue, 20/22 - ,-
TIN: 3123096139 KPP: 312301001 PSRN: 1033107020759 Registration date: 08/07/2003
Revenue for 2015: 24910.00 thousand rubles, net profit (loss): 1547.00 thousand

17. OOO "AGROTSENTR" (PSRN: 1033103502300) (CLOSED)

Share 7,600.00
Belgorod region, Krasnoyaruzhsky district, Krasnaya Yaruga, Centralnaya street, 73 - ,-
TIN: 3113100178 KPP: 311301001 PSRN: 1033103502300 Date of registration: 11/06/2003

18. LLC "AVTOINVEST" (PSRN: 1033107016062) (CLOSED)

Share 4,000.00 (40.00%)
Belgorod region, Belgorod, B. Khmelnitsky avenue, 20/22 - ,-
TIN: 3123094283 KPP: 312301001 PSRN: 1033107016062 Date of registration: 06/19/2003

19. CJSC "AVTOCONTINENT" (PSRN: 1033107021683) (CLOSED)

Share 16,800.00

20. LLC "SAMIT" (PSRN: 1033103502321) (CLOSED)

Share 5,000.00
Belgorod region, Krasnoyaruzhsky district, Krasnaya Yaruga, Centralnaya street, 58 - ,-
TIN: 3113100192 KPP: 311301001 PSRN: 1033103502321 Date of registration: 11/10/2003

21. LLC "ALLIANCE" (PSRN: 1023101648910) (CLOSED)

Share 40,000.00 (100.00%)
Belgorod region, Belgorod, Belgorodsky avenue, 87 - ,-
TIN: 3123085088 KPP: 312301001 PSRN: 1023101648910 Registration date: 10/16/2002
68.20.2 Renting and management of own or leased non-residential immovable property
Revenue for 2016: 46737.00 thousand rubles, net profit (loss): -3740.00 thousand

22. LLC "NOVAYA ERA" (PSRN: 1053107119757)

Share 3,330.00 (33.30%)
Belgorod region, Belgorod, Kharkovskiy lane, house 36g room 3, office 6
TIN: 3123124178 KPP: 312301001 PSRN: 1053107119757 Date of registration: 08/25/2005
68.20 Renting and management of own or leased immovable property
Revenue for 2018: 2968.00 thousand rubles, net profit (loss): -571.00 thousand

23. LLC "BELENERGOATOM" (Primary State Registration Number: 1153123000172)

Share 6,000.00 (60.00%)

TIN: 3123358105 KPP: 312301001 PSRN: 1153123000172 Date of registration: 01/14/2015

68.20 Renting and management of own or leased immovable property
Revenue for 2018: 166117.00 thousand rubles, net profit (loss): 82509.00 thousand

24. OOO UK "PRIOSKOLE" (Primary State Registration Number: 1093130001766)

Share 75,000.00 (75.00%)
Belgorod region, Belgorodsky district, Dubove settlement, md. Prigorodny, Pridorozhnaya st., microdistrict "birch" 3
TIN: 3102205355 KPP: 310201001 PSRN: 1093130001766 Registration date: 10/26/2009
70.22 Advice on matters commercial activities and management

25. LLC "AKHTERSHTEVEN" (Primary State Registration Number: 1063123134326)

Share 6,000.00 (0.60)
Belgorod region, Belgorod, Communal street, house 18, office 213
TIN: 3123135356 KPP: 312301001 PSRN: 1063123134326 Date of registration: 04/18/2006
68.2 Lease and management of own or leased immovable property
Revenue for 2018: 4238.00 thousand rubles, net profit (loss): 479.00 thousand

26. LABAZ LLC (Primary State Registration Number: 1023102153084)

Share 10,000.00 (0.01%)
Belgorod region, Valuysky district, Valuyki, Surzhikov street, 88
TIN: 3126010235 KPP: 312601001 PSRN: 1023102153084 Registration date: 07/30/2002
10.91.1 Manufacture of prepared feeds (mixed and unmixed), other than alfalfa meal and pellets, for farmed animals
Revenue for 2018: 8775502.00 thousand rubles, net profit (loss): 60902.00 thousand rubles

27. OOO AGROHOLDING "AVIDA" (Primary State Registration Number: 1023102371610)

Share 482 178.75 (20.00%)

28. LLC "BELENERGOMASH-BZEM" (PSRN: 1133123000801)

Share 60,000.00 (60.00%)
Belgorod region, Belgorod, Volchanskaya street, house 165
TIN: 3123315768 KPP: 312301001 PSRN: 1133123000801 Date of registration: 01/15/2013
24.20 Manufacture of steel pipes, hollow sections and fittings
Revenue for 2018: 13115338.00 thousand rubles, net profit (loss): 1717841.00 thousand


Share 2,700,000.00 (60.00%)

68.20 Renting and management of own or leased immovable property

30. CJSC AGROSOYUZ "AVIDA" (Primary State Registration Number: 1053102503398)

Share 50,000.00
TIN: 3119006421 KPP: 311901001 PSRN: 1053102503398 Date of registration: 08/23/2005
01.11 Growing of cereals (except rice), leguminous crops and oilseeds
Revenue for 2018: 829811.00 thousand rubles, net profit (loss): 85478.00 thousand

31. CJSC "MOLOKO BELOGORIA" (Primary State Registration Number: 1053109264878)

Share 1,500,000.00
Belgorod region, Chernyansky district, from Kochegura,
TIN: 3128051847 KPP: 311901001 PSRN: 1053109264878 Registration date: 09/12/2005
01.41 Breeding of dairy cattle, production of raw milk
Revenue for 2018: 1184935.00 thousand rubles, net profit (loss): 77830.00 thousand

32. RSST FUND (PSRN: 1133100000791)

Belgorod region, Belgorod, Glory Avenue, 21a
TIN: 3123232310 KPP: 312301001 PSRN: 1133100000791 Date of registration: 05/15/2013
director of the fund SAVIN VALENTIN OLEGOVICCH
64.9 Other financial services activities other than insurance and pension services

33. CJSC "PPR RUS" (OGRN: 1074619000389)

Share 7,600.00
Kursk region, Oboyansky district, n Rudavsky, Centralnaya street, 21
TIN: 4616007466 KPP: 461601001 PSRN: 1074619000389 Date of registration: 12/21/2007
01.47 Breeding of poultry
Revenue for 2017: 0.00 thousand rubles, net profit (loss): 0.00 thousand

34. LLC "Dubrava" (OGRN: 1113130000940)

Share 10,000.00 (100.00%)
Belgorod region, Belgorodsky district, Dubove settlement, roadside street 3
TIN: 3102207320 KPP: 310201001 PSRN: 1113130000940 Date of registration: 06/02/2011
68.1 Purchase and sale of own real estate
Revenue for 2018: 0.00 thousand rubles, net profit (loss): -412.00 thousand


Share 10,000.00 (100.00%)


Revenue for 2018: 0.00 thousand rubles, net profit (loss): 0.00 thousand

36. OOO "SPETSALYANS" (Primary State Registration Number: 1143123017828)

Share 5,000.00 (50.00%)
Belgorod region, Belgorod, Dzgoeva street, 4 a
TIN: 3123353530 KPP: 312301001 PSRN: 1143123017828 Date of registration: 09.10.2014
68.10 Purchase and sale of own real estate
Revenue for 2017: 0.00 thousand rubles, net profit (loss): -127.00 thousand
70.22 Business and management advice
Revenue for 2018: 111995.00 thousand rubles, net profit (loss): 308272.00 thousand

2. STIN WEST LLC (Primary State Registration Number: 1053107041371)

Belgorod region, Belgorod, B. Khmelnitsky avenue, house 111, office 14
TIN: 3123117639 KPP: 312301001 PSRN: 1053107041371 Date of registration: 03/25/2005
68.3 Real estate transactions on a fee or contract basis
Revenue for 2018: 1001.00 thousand rubles, net profit (loss): 774.00 thousand

3. OOO "COMPANY "BVS" (Primary State Registration Number: 1073667039731)

Belgorod region, Belgorod, B. Khmelnitsky avenue, house 111
TIN: 3665064722 KPP: 312301001 PSRN: 1073667039731 Date of registration: 08/01/2007
68.20 Renting and management of own or leased immovable property
Revenue for 2018: 248760.00 thousand rubles, net profit (loss): -33468.00 thousand


Belgorod region, Belgorod, Koroleva street, 7 a, -
TIN: 3123096763 KPP: 312301001 PSRN: 1033107022134 Registration date: 08/27/2003

5. LLC "KOMINVEST" (OGRN: 1063123144468)

Belgorod region, Belgorod, B. Khmelnitsky avenue, house 111, office 130
TIN: 3123139840 KPP: 312301001 PSRN: 1063123144468 Date of registration: 07/04/2006
68.20.2 Renting and management of own or leased non-residential immovable property
Revenue for 2018: 49434.00 thousand rubles, net profit (loss): 13402.00 thousand

6. OOO "PROFBUSINESSENTR" (Primary State Registration Number: 1063123154423)

Belgorod region, Belgorod, B. Khmelnitsky avenue, house 111, office 14a
TIN: 3123146260 KPP: 312301001 PSRN: 1063123154423 Registration date: 11/15/2006
70.22 Business and management advice
Revenue for 2018: 4068.00 thousand rubles, net profit (loss): 45.00 thousand

7. LLC "TRUSTCOM" (OGRN: 1113123006567)

Belgorod region, Belgorod, B. Khmelnitsky avenue, house 111, office 12a
TIN: 3123281090 KPP: 312301001 PSRN: 1113123006567 Registration date: 05/13/2011
64.99.1 Investments in securities
Revenue for 2018: 0.00 thousand rubles, net profit (loss): 0.00 thousand

8. LLC "PROFIL-INVEST" (PSRN: 1023101648745) (CLOSED)

Belgorod region, Belgorod, B. Khmelnitsky avenue, 20/22 - ,-
TIN: 3123074706 KPP: 312301001 PSRN: 1023101648745 Date of registration: 10/16/2002
68.20.2 Renting and management of own or leased non-residential immovable property
Revenue for 2018: 25193.00 thousand rubles, net profit (loss): -1337.00 thousand


Large-scale production of amino acids will be launched in the Belgorod region

Investments are calculated in the amount of 5.8 billion rubles. The L-threonine production project will be the first in Russia.

The enterprise will be built on the site of the Shebekino Premix Plant No. 1. Yesterday, on May 11, the project was discussed at the regional council for innovation and technological development.


L-threonine is used to balance the amino acid composition of livestock and poultry feed. It appears as a result of the process of microbiological synthesis. The main production of L-threonine is located in China and some European countries. About 230 thousand tons of the product are produced annually in the world. L-threonine is not produced in Russia. In 2017, about 20 thousand tons of the substance were imported into the country.


"Prioskolye" went mushrooming

Gennady Bobritsky, the founder and owner of the largest poultry meat producer in the country, Prioskolie, decided to start growing champignons. The businessman is going to build a complex with a capacity of 12 thousand tons of mushrooms per year in the Belgorod region, investments in which may exceed 2.5 billion rubles. The implementation of the project will depend on the support of the authorities.

In mid-February, Belogorya Champignons LLC was established in the Belgorod Region, the main activity of which is the production of mushrooms and truffles, follows from data of the Unified State Register of Legal Entities. The company is 85% owned by Feed Segment LLC, which, in turn, is controlled by Gennady Bobritsky, the owner of the largest poultry meat producer in the country, Prioskolie (13% in real terms, as of 2015).

Corruption scandals have shaken the rating of the governor of the Belgorod region Yevgeny Savchenko?

Governor of the Belgorod Region Yevgeny Savchenko worsened his position (-2) in the group of leaders of the heads of regions. These are the results of the rating prepared by the Civil Society Development Fund (ForGO). This bad sign even for such a "political heavyweight" as Yevgeny Savchenko, who has been in charge of the region for almost a quarter of a century. It is likely that the deterioration in positions is an echo of corruption scandals that have been shaking the region for many years. About the secret and the obvious It must be admitted that scandals regularly accompanied the brilliant career of Evgeny Savchenko. In the late 1980s, while in a high position in the party hierarchy, Savchenko was noticed in the speculative redistribution of Volga cars, which were intended for privileged categories of citizens. Then more than 50 cars were sold illegally.

Broiler for Savchenko

Belgorod region under Evgeny Stepanovich Savchenko long years was a sort of island of stability, political correctness and popular, albeit not luxurious, prosperity. Unlike the central regions, there were no abandoned agricultural lands, poultry farms tirelessly produced chickens, and pasta was made in Shebekino. And, of course, metallurgy. But this is not about her, but about agriculture.

Prioskolie will build a poultry complex in Altai.

Yesterday in Barnaul, Governor of the Altai Territory Alexander Karlin met with a delegation from the Belgorod Region headed by Deputy Chairman of the Regional Government Stanislav Aleinik. Gennady Bobritsky, General Director of Prioskolie CJSC, arrived in Altai as part of the delegation. Yesterday he told Kommersant that the company is negotiating the possibility of building a poultry complex with a capacity of 50 thousand tons of broiler meat per year.

“We assess the Altai Territory as a very promising territory for the construction of poultry complexes and the production of poultry meat, in particular broiler chicken meat. There are serious prerequisites for this: the presence of a developed forage base, feed production capacities and a sales market,” said Mr. Bobritsky. After the meeting, the guests visited a number of areas where the complex could be located, in particular Biysk.

The main owner of Prioskolye, Gennady Bobritsky, can build a pig farm in the Voronezh region, subject to the provision of an interest-free loan

The main owner of the Belgorod poultry holding CJSC Prioskolie announced its readiness to invest about 7 billion rubles in the construction of a large pig farm in the Voronezh region. A prerequisite However, the businessman puts the full subsidization of the interest rate on the loan under the project, Kommersant reports.

According to Gennady Bobritsky, the possibility of building a pig farm with a capacity of 30-36 thousand tons per year in the Voronezh region is currently being considered. He estimated the volume of investments in the project at 7 billion rubles. At the same time, the businessman declares that he will start implementing the project only with the support of the regional authorities. According to Mr. Bobritsky, now subsidies from the federal budget cover only half of the interest rate on the loan, and it is necessary that the regional government agree to compensate for the other part. As Gennady Bobritsky explained to Kommersant, this condition is mandatory, since now, in his opinion, is not the most favorable time for investing in pig farming. Thus, the market is actually overheated, and pork prices are not inclined to increase. Mr. Bobritsky also noted that in case of reaching agreements with the authorities, it is important for him to receive documentary confirmation of their intentions.
link: php/novostu/258-prioskolie

The owner of the agricultural holding "Prioskolie" Gennady Bobritsky will invest in the reconstruction of the Belgorod airport

Belgorod. 03/11/2011. Business Information Agency (ABIREG.RU) - “The airport is the face of the city and the region, by the end of 2012, I think we will put the Belgorod airport in order. Moreover, our businessmen - in particular, Gennady Bobritsky - promised to organize a pool of local investors who will invest their significant share in the construction of this extremely important facility, ”the Governor of the Belgorod Region Evgeny Savchenko made such a statement, speaking with an annual report to the deputies of the regional Duma, the correspondent said. "Abirega", who was present at the event.

Gennady Bobritsky bought a blocking stake in OAO Belgorod Khladokombinat

Gennady Bobritsky, the main owner of the poultry holding CJSC Prioskolie, acquired a 26.67% stake in JSC Belgorod Khladokombinat, the largest ice cream producer in the Central Black Earth Region (the main brand is Bodraya Cow). According to the businessman, he is interested in the plant's warehouses for storing poultry, as well as the possibility of using the logistics developments of the enterprise, which transports ice cream in refrigerators to more than 40 regions of Russia. Analysts believe that the asset may be attractive to Mr. Bobritsky as a separate business.

The message that from September 1, Gennady Bobritsky became the owner of 26.67% of the shares of Belgorod Khladokombinat, appeared in the issuer's official statement. Mr. Bobritsky himself yesterday confirmed the purchase of a blocking stake in the enterprise. “We plan to use part of the plant's warehouses for poultry storage,” explained Gennady Bobritsky. - In addition, the cold storage facility has well-established logistics: it supplies ice cream in refrigerators of 20 tons throughout Russia (the plant has 46 cities, including Nalchik, Novosibirsk, Magadan. - "Kommersant"). We also plan to use such a distribution resource for our own purposes.” The seller of the package, Mr. Bobritsky did not disclose, according to Kommersant, we are talking about Belgorod OOO Adra.
link: newspred.php?id=910&ii=10&n=3& page=6

Sberbank will try Altai Bacon. Gennady Bobritsky will receive 2.5 billion rubles for the project

The Siberian bank of Sberbank of Russia will open a credit line in the amount of 2.5 billion rubles. for a period of nine years under the project "Altai bacon" Belgorod businessman Gennady Bobritsky. For him, Altai Bacon will become the second large pig farm after Alekseevsky Bacon, in which the businessman sold his stake last year. Analysts believe that the businessman will have no problems with the implementation of the project, since regional authorities are interested in launching Altai Bacon.
link: staraya

Gennady Bobritsky will finance Yevgeny Khamin's Group of Companies for a stake in Grad

Gennady Bobritsky, the owner of the Prioskolie poultry holding, may lend to Yevgeny Khamin's group of companies under a 30% stake in Profi-S CJSC, the main asset of which is the Grad city park. As a source familiar with the situation told Kommersant Chernozemie, the parties are already close to concluding a deal.

The fact that the deputy of the Voronezh Regional Duma Yevgeny Khamin intends to attract an investor for the implementation of new projects became known in mid-April 2011, when the department of the Federal Antimonopoly Service for the Voronezh Region approved a deal to purchase a Cypriot Jonelo Limited 30% stake with voting rights in authorized capital CJSC Profi-S (Voronezh) and 30% of the shares of LLC Planeta Entertainment (Voronezh Region, Ramonsky District). Both companies are part of the Hamina Group of Companies: in CJSC he owns 100% of the shares, 100% of the shares in the LLC are registered with one of the top managers of the group, Lyubov Ivannikova.

The owner of "Prioskolye" Gennady Bobritsky is eyeing the shares of the Voronezh City Park "Grad"

Business Information Agency (ABIREG.RU) - Gennady Bobritsky, the owner of the Prioskolie poultry holding, is negotiating with the Evgeny Khamin Group of Companies to acquire a 30% stake in Profi-S CJSC, the legal entity of the Voronezh city park Grad, Kommersant reports.

According to the publication, we are also talking about the acquisition of a 30% stake in Planet Entertainment LLC, the operator of the entertainment segment of the city park. Recall that in April it became known about the plans of businessman Yevgeny Khamin to attract an investor to implement his new projects. Then the Department of the Federal Antimonopoly Service (UFAS) for the Voronezh Region approved the transaction for the purchase of Jonelo Limited (Nicosia, Cyprus) of a 30% stake with voting rights in the authorized capital of Profi-S CJSC and a 30% stake in Planet Entertainment LLC. Both organizations are part of the Evgeny Khamin Group of Companies. The main activity of Jonelo Limited is "attraction of borrowed financial resources for the acquisition of assets, shares or shares of enterprises in order to make a profit." Analysts then assumed that the sale of shares was carried out in order to attract investors.

Gennady Bobritsky broke up with TonniesFleisch

As it became known to Kommersant, Gennady Bobritsky, the owner of the Prioskolie poultry holding, sold a 50% stake in Alekseevsky Bacon CJSC to the Agroimport group. Together with the owner of the other 50% - the German TonniesFleisch - Agroimport intends to double the capacity of Alekseevsky Bacon and implement a similar project in the Voronezh region. Market participants note that for a meat importer, the purchase Russian enterprise looks illogical.
link: 1566662

The owner of Prioskolye Gennady Bobritsky is ready to invest 7 billion rubles in the construction of a pig farm near Voronezh

Gennady Bobritsky, the main owner of Prioskolie CJSC, told the Kommersant newspaper that he is considering the possibility of building a pig farm with a capacity of 30-36 thousand tons per year in the Voronezh region. The volume of investments, according to him, can be about 7 billion rubles.

However, Bobritsky stressed that he would start implementing the project only with the support of the regional authorities. “Today, subsidies from the federal budget cover only half of the interest rate on a loan. It is necessary that the regional government agree to compensate for the other part and sign an appropriate agreement,” the businessman specified.

Gennady Bobritsky: "Import is our main competitor"

The main event of February in the region was an emergency situation at the largest agricultural enterprise - Altai Broiler. Recall that 86 employees of the poultry complex fell ill with an intestinal infection, poisoning, according to the main version, in the service canteen. Almost 400 workers had to be isolated from production. To understand the situation on the spot, Gennady Bobritsky, general director and main owner of the Prioskolie company, flew to Barnaul. In an interview, he spoke not only about the measures taken, but also about the plans of the agricultural holding for the future.

Gennady Bobritsky draws up a residence permit in the "Grad"

Gennady Bobritsky wanted more